Mae3309 All Tests

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1. A barometer is used to measure the height of a building.

If the barometric readings at the top and at the bottom of the building are 730 and 755 mrn Hg, respectively, determine the height of the building. The density of air and mercuryare 1.18 kg/m' and 13,000 kg/m', respectively.



:= q3.0~7 KRt

'Pboll."" = 13, QOu ~ (q.l" I) ~ .. ( .7 SS I"'" 111'" !(P. ( N >c.~ 1. )

\fl'\ '; . ~(.. I 0 0 0 rJ ~ I4J

=- 9 b .2~S- KP4



3.' %8





:: .O\lCo '"

~ ::. '). 7 5". If 0 VI1


2. Consider the manometer shown where the specific weight of fluid A is 10 kN/m3 and the specific weight of fluid B is 8 kl-l/m". The local atmospheric pressure is 90 kPa. Determine the absolute pressure of PI.





~1~ + (f~h)s Pz. + (~'1 h) A

~ = P ,d"" + \_f ~ L, ); + C f ~ 1, )4

'P2 =


FluidB 8 kN/m3

l f'1 \ - 'r, - ~ K'N/~~

l f'l-) A-':' 'fA- =. l 0 ~AJ/ Wi)

~ :: Cfa ~P4. + ~ (./S") + 10(.05)

P \ -=.. Cf /.1 K. P4.

Fluid A 10 kN/m3

30 em


3. For the balloon shown with the rope and basket having a mass of30 kg and 2 passengers, each with a mass of 60 kg, determine the maximum amount of load in Newtons it can carry. Assume the density of air is 1.20 kg/rrr'.

VolvW\( :: V:: i 1f'r:~
.-- l») ~
- It :::. .1T (to)
~ b
- 523.Sf. ~
- ~ - f~V
( I . 20 ") ''1 ( 'j. 81 ) ( 5"z ?,. 5 c:, ) "'? ; K-t
- -
- ~(.z..
- bI1b3.~'f "1-""" - bl' 3 AI
- -
$<.c.. "t. Wq,ti~t wi4-h p.Qsselt~t4'"S - (30 -+ L'ZO)~ (q.~/)o/~2. + eUt.' V

-=- 14 1 (. :; /II + ( y- ) ( q . ~}) ( >1...,.)t. 'I

__ tJ t+I

141 ( . s + k %0 . s

2~S'2. N



L:= fa - w .:: bib 3 - Z 3 s : =-

3 & II N


4. Consider a room that is initially at the outdoor temperature of 20°C. The room contains a 100- W lightbulb, a 110- W TV set, a 200- W refrigerator, and a 1000- W iron. Assume no heat transfer through the walls. Determine the rate of increase of the energy content of the room when all of the electric devices are on.

W :::. ~F




14 {O LA}

- Lights
Electricity -TV
- Refrig
- Iron
.... 1
No-k: W=- J N.~
- ..
~ ~ o



ICOII.4f~~ + lloT" + 2.00 r + l 000 .

Y"(.;- I n'""l


5. The windmill shown slows the air and causes it to fill a larger channel as it passes through the blades. Consider a circular windmill with a 7 -m-diameter rotor in a l Om/sec wind on a day when the atmospheric pressure is 100 kPa and the temperature is 20°C. The wind speed behind the windmill is measured at 9 m/sec. Determine a) the diameter of the wind channel downstream of the rotor, and b) the power produced by the windmill, presuming that the air is incompressiQle.

Flow channel


. 2 ~l Kf" (z. 'r~)'/<. \<'\ toj(. (100') KPA.



""~ ::. IO~~


'L '2_

rrD} ~ c, IT D'l. v..

_ I - z..

4- " '+

1)i = w,ry" =- 7 f\'


D7- =- 7. 3~ It\.t

- _"


Q - W = 4H- + &. k:. E + 6. PE


.. ..

W z, 'rv\ b tE =-

.. "2.." 2-

1i'V\1.[V - V_ '"}

'2.. l 1..1



1. One lb mass ofwater fills a 2.3615 fe piston-cylinder device at a temperature of 400°F. The device is then cooled at constant pressure until the temperature is 30Q°F. Determine a) the final pressure of the water in psia, b the quality of the water, and c) the final volume in ft',


: 450 500 550 600 700 800


400 F

FroVV\ Ta.ble A - 4E 41- \J.i::; I. ~ b ~ 'I HIli).. <

1- l-lf'orYl TQ b(e.. A-bE
• •
qt 4oo"F 0, V\ol '2.31../5.£t
P .=: . (!..on "5 t 4'1"
2 00 pSI 4 -= D

--r;4~ - ~ '0 I · YJ F

/' 300· F

• So·

~Mr>t(.5S~ l \'4\.1\&

5 l Vl(!JL.. \ \ q v I J w ~1-.e.rl ~ ~SS€"i-la. H,. ,~c.ovYlp~"5S ~ b(e

., ..

'\l: :: V. =- o. 0 l"ltfs-+t ~b

. 'Z. of 3<:>0· F \' ""

Y-z. =- (,Ih,,}(.o 1"1'-15) t:

i Saturated water-Temperature table I.

Specific volume, . ft3/lbm

Sat. Sat. Sat
Temp., press., liquid, vapor,
rOF Psat psia v, Vg
~400 247.26 0.01864 1.8639
. 410 276.69 0.01878 1.6706
420 308.76 0.01894 1.5006
430 343.64 0.01910 1.3505
• 440 381.49 0.01926 1.2178 u Btu/Ibm


P ;;:; 200 psia (3S1.S0°F)

2.2882 1114.1 1198.8 1.5460 2.3615 1123.5 1210.9 1.5602 2.5488 1146.7 1241.0 1.5943 2.7247 1168.2 1269.0 1.6243 2.8939 1188.9 1296.0 1.6516 3.0586 1209.1 1322.3 1.6771 3.3796 1249.0 1374.1 1.7238 3.6934 1288.9 1425.6 1.7664

Ii. One pound mass of water fills a 2.3615 ft3 piston-cylinder device at a temperature of 400°F. The device is then cooled at constant pressure until the temperature is 300°F. Determine a) the final pressure of the water in psia, b) the quality of the water, and c) the final volume in ft3.

p psw:

Critical point





[ i,CifJl(,

i !




L8{. 2.z~ I b"




2. A piston-cylinder device contains 5.5 L of saturated liquid water at a constant pressure of 200 kPa. The water is stirred by a paddle wheel, resulting in 500 kJ of work, while a current of 9 amps flows for 35 minutes through a resistor placed in the water. Heat is lost during the process in the amount of 200 kJ/kg. If one-half of the liquid is evaporated during the constant pressure process, determine the voltage of the source.

Q -WI" + \l\{1:_ + W'S~ . - 6U
' ...
Q -+ W~. + w.: A H
I .. ~
h, -Wpw
F~(" 'P, ::. 2Qc) {(PI\ = 1i h -
fz .. :
- Sot./..7 ~
- -~.

Saturated water-Pressure table

Internal energy, Enthalpy,
kJ/kg kJ/kg
Sat. Sat.
Evap., vapor, liquid, Evap.,
Ufg ug hf hfg
2037.7 2524.5 487.01 2213.1
2024.6 2529.1 504.71 2201.6
2012.7 2533.2 520.71 2191.0
2001.8 2536.8 535.35 2181.2
1991.6 2540.1 548.86 2172.0 Specific volume,
Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat.
Press., temp., liquid, vapor, liquid,
P kPa Tsat °C vf Vg uf 175

-~ 200 225 250 275

116.04 0.001057 120.21 0.001061 123.97 0.001064 127.41 0.001067 130.58 0.001070

1.0037 0.88578 0.79329 0.71873 0.65732

486.82 504.50 520.47 535.08 548.57

hl,.::: 5oc.J.l' -t 0.5 (Z.ZOL~)

- YV\ CZOO) + V I ~i: + SOo

~7_ - h,

S . {e ( \ too . ~ )

v = 330. 3 VDI~


2. A mass of 0.3 kg of saturated refrigerant 134a is contained in a pistoncylinder device at 200 kPa. Initially, 68% of the mass is in the liquid phase. Heat is then transferred to the refrigerant at constant pressure until the cylinder contains f@-turated va12or. Determine a) the volume occupied by the refrigerant initially, b) the work done during the process, and c) the total amount of heat that is transferred.


10 .o« c

~~"ct -:::- ZOb, 0 'S k!~ v' ~ ': 0 ' 0'1 '1 'i, b 7 f\1 "/~ Vt~ ':: ~ 44, 4- C:, r r /~

v+- ;: ,0007533 MI!~ X - 0.32

'\f\ - "'l -


. OOU15~) + ,32 C. 0'19 'ifb7 - ,<9oo7S'3~} =- ,032.5 ~/~

3 'is . '-I- 'S +. '32 (Z 0 6. 0 5 J = ( 04 . ~ 6 t r /~

I", ,1-I~ l ">
0,.) VO tuwto(_ Vt - .~(.D3~5) - Q.ooq7~ .....,
- -
< 0.3 (.OQ'1<tt,7) '3
- - 6.0:S 'M
- -
b) Wig .... S?d~ - ~oo (.o~ - . 00 Q(75) - 4-.0'4L 1< tj
- - c) Q - W,,':. .bU
Q :: hU + vJb =- .6.H -. . s ( ? 4-tf. 4 b - lo4,3~)
- 42.0 'S l::S-
- . ,

3. Oxygen (02) gas at 80 kPa and l O'C enters an adiabatic diffuser steadily with a velocity of 300 mlsec and leaves at 100 kPa and 44DC. Determine a) the exit velocity of the oxygen and b) the ratio of the inlet to exit area ratio.


~-w h2. - h I ( ('2. ~
+ :z Vz - v, )
0 - q,ee; -r.)
-i- f ( ~ z. - VJ1-) lu + 44 " •
~~~ - ~7 c - 30~ K
- - -
Cp - a .'1l'8 ~j;;;
- ~ 0 K. o =. D.'1IS£! (44-/0) ~"K.

-+ 1. (\{ 2. _ ~ oo'l. ) _L





Ideal-gas specific heatsl


(a) At 300 K '


kJ/kg· K i

• .. Iolo-Al P (
b, 'tV\, - Mt. ~
- - - -
-- ~T 1f
_i Al V, - .1 A1.. V
VI v; 2-
~ A,Yt - ?'2- A z- V-z,
RT{ R .r,
A, . P. (T J v; - l~O (3E) ~ - 0.6'1
- "'2- ( _ - -
,___ - 'PI -r;.. V, ~u 311" ?oa
A 2.. ..

3. Steam at 5 MPa and 400°C enter a a nozzle steadily: at 80 m/sec, and leaves at 3 1\1Pa and 250°C. The inlet area of the nozzle is 70 ern", and heat is being lost at a rate of 120 kJ/sec. Determinea) the mass flow rate, and b) the exit velocity of the steam.


~ I Stea!9 I~ P2=3 MPa

L-------I T~ = 250°C

Tsq+ =Zb~ ,'i4C < ~ .$V per h<2>{t e ~

FroWVt TA~ A-b

\f, -::: . 0 {"7 ~ 4 ~ /~

PI=5MPa T =400°C


VI = 80 m/sec

A = 70 em"



~ ( h l + ~ 2. ) q:: M ( '" ~ -+ v'1. 2. )

~ ,

- / '2.0 t"J.:::: .: q. b a'J;( z eo SE.. S" - 3 I 'J' .7') + !.. (v ... 2._ 110)1

~ ~ "2 {COO J

\/7.:: ~ <t ~ • ~ h1/~

11 .
~' ..
~ 4. Steam enters an adiabatic turbine at 15 MPa and 500°C and leaves at 15 MPa with a quality of 80 %. Neglecting the changes in kinetic and potential energies, determine the mass flow rate required for a power output of 6 MW.

Saturated water-Pressure table (Concluded)
Specific volume, Enthalpy,
m3/kg kJ/kg
Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. !
Press., temp., liquid, vapor, Evap., vapor,
PkPa Tsat °C vf Vg hfg hg
. 13,000 330.85 0.001566 0.012781 1531.4 1131.3 2662.7
14,000 336.67 0.001610 0.011487 1'571.0 1067.0 2637.9
---4 15,000 342.16 0.001657 0.010341 1610.3 1000.5 2610.8
i .1"6,000 347.36 0.001710 0.009312 , 1649.9 931.1 2581.0
17,000 352.29 0.001770 0.008374 i 1690.3 857:4 2547.7
!. p = 15 MPa


:s =0.80



I 1 !





~ i

1 I

p = 15 MPa


T = 500°C



I=COM TQbl<.. 14 - 5

q-f- lS',OOO

S 00 .c_

KP4.. Superheated water (Concluded)
T v u h
°C m3/kg kJ/kg kJ/kg
P = 15.0 MPa (342.16°C)
Sat. 0.010341 2455.7 2610:8 i
350 0.011481 2520.9 2693.1
t{~ 400 0.015671 2740.6 2975.7
450 0.018477 2880.8 31"57.9
kt 500 0.020828 2998.4 3310.8
'5~0 0.022945 3106.2 34"50.4
600 0.024921 3209.3 3583.1
6~O 0.026804 3310.1 3712.1 T _l ::: 3<fZ./(:c. <::


S teRm ISS up{U"- "'u-f-~

froM T ~ b~ J4 ~ b h l:: =5:S f u . '?$ At +k~ ex 11 f-vurYl A~:;

V\ - J b 10 . ~ \:'f h l 000 . 5 tk~

.\ ~.t\ t: "

~ 1.. ;:. Ibl().3 + Q . Ys (, 000 . S ') '{,4-10·1 ~~
- '<1
... ..

Q w .., ~H
_.. b 000 KJ::-: vt1 (Z4ItJ.1 J~~
0 - -~-3/0.~ \~
.. 6.~1 l<1~
VVl ....
- , .

4. An adiabatic gas turbine expands airat 1000 kPa and 500°C to 100 kPa and 150°C. Air enters the turbine through a 0.25-m2 opening with an average velocity of 40 m/sec, and exhausts through a 1.2-m2 opening. Determine a) the mass flow rate of air through the turbine, and b) the power produced by the turbine. Use c for air through the turbine to be 1.006 kJ/kg OK.



t 2.

~ ( h I + VI ): ~ (h2. + ~ ) + Wowt

'2.. 2-

~.~ - t>1r(h, - h; ') + i ( \\'--1(' ) J

= ~ [ Cp(T) -~) + {(V,1.._ V'l.'l. ~.

1 Iv1Pa 500°C 40 m/s

100 kPa 150°C

V, :

1<1"; - . Z 'i? {71 s ) - o . 22 {<1 "'" %~
- -
'P, 1000
A/V, ... Q . 2 s- t'L1"L ( 'ft:;) } y~ - 45.065 K.,h-4.
- -
VI O.2Z{Q ~)/~ V11 -

U1..-= R~
'Wct..t -
- -


I . 2 J 4 M ~c:.,


t.fS.Ob<i:[ I .oob (500- IrQ) + .s: (401.. - vt J]



v s, 0 fa) ( /. 2 I Y) ::

J • Z.

I ~
~ , ,

5. An adiabatic throttling device is used to drop the pressure of refrigerant 134a from a saturated liquid condition at 1000 kPa to a saturated liquid-vapor state at 100 kPa. Determine the quality of the refrigerant as it leaves the device.

Fr70Wl A - ('Z. 4-{- l 00 0 I(.P4-

T,_f = 39. 3 7"~

PI = 1000 kPa Sat. Liquid


h, --

A+ reo lP ..

P2 = 100 kPa Sat. Liq-vapor

II. 2& t:r/~ ~{7.f6 k:::r~

h.f + "K ~.f~

- 17.l~ + '((ZI7.llJ

5. An adiabatic throttling device is used in a refrigeration system in order to reduce the pressure of R -134a from the condenser level at a saturated liquid condition to a liquid-vapor state. The R-134a enters the device at 65°C and leaves at -10°C. Determine the quality of refrigerant at the exit of the device.

1. The surface temperature of a spherical ball (surface area of ·,011 m') is maintained at 80°C, It is suspended in the middle of a room at 25°C, The convective heat transfer coefficient h = 18 W Im2oC, and the emmisivity of the surface is 0.75, Determine the total rate of heat transfer from the ball.

______________________ c ._ •• _ .. _ •• _. . ._. •• _ •. __ . ._. ._ .. • ._._ •••• ._. •• • ._._. • ._. ••• . ~.----~.-----.----"----.-.--------------- ••• -- •• . . • __

1_ _ .. ..QCoI1,,:=: .~ A AT .. . '.,0 := 25 c ..


f~ ID

i I


~ ~ ~ ~ !

I i


JO.~'7 W

3,51 W




10. ~q + 3 ~-:;1


i 2. Consider a 40-cm-wide wall that transfers steady heat in only the x-direction. The


I inside temperature T, - 20°C, while the outside temperature is maintained at To = O'C.

I The thermal conductivity of the materials are k. = 0.03 Wlm "C, Is = 0.72 W/m "C and

I., k3 = 'dO .25 whim °lCO'Wre/sP~cctiveldY'h The25coWnvi e~ticve heat tr~nslfer Ncoeffil citentds. int.sidefrand

.~ outsi e are i = mOan 0 = m 0 ,respectIve y. eg ec ra ia IOn om

g_l tb.e sUIf~~~~_fll1d __ fQ[_the._3_Q __ em.high _ portion.of.the __ wall; .. __ ._._ .. __ .. . . . . __ . . . __


~ a) Draw the heat resistance network for the system,


,,- ....-- b)· Determine the steady heat transferthroughthe wall



4- 0.12. VI-1

1>,1;) c,<S-
CD !Oem
1 To
CD 20 em
insulation z

A = d .t o C· 40) c: O. ()'-J "'-l 2.-

"""\ ~ Ii\.t 2.

A3 =- O. 2<J ( .40 J ~ 0.0

'K. - I
~ -
- -
"" h.A,
'R, - L, -
- - -
k, A ~
'"Rz.. ::: Lz. -
~A~ ~ - L3
~Q - I
h~ A, 10 W/,.,.'C ( • 1'2.') fI1 z, . 0 2. 11"'"\

'Z.- =: • 03 WIv.,,·c (.1'2..)11,

. 10 t'\o't

0C:-/ 5.55 / v«

.to ~


O·~:S3 -\- 5~SS + 2 .o't~"· d.333 o~
+ - ~.7bS Vv
I . -Tu 20 - 0
- '2.1.%z. W
~~~ ...... ::::
~.7b5 3. A .083-in-diameter wire at 90°F is covered with a 0.02-in-thick plastic insulation (k = 0.075 BTU/hr ft OF). The covered wire is exposed to an ambient

~ temperature of 50°F. The combined surface convective heat transfer coefficient

n is 5 BTU/hr ft20F. Determine a) the heat lost to the environment per unit length


*' of wire, and b) if the heat rate increases or decreases as a consequence of the

.~ --------------- --------- --- -- --------------- ----- -- ------- -------- --- ----- - --

~ ---- -- -ins ula fio:n:-:--- ------------- ----- ------------ ------------------------ --------------------------- ------------ - ----

I·· .---



Y7 - .o~s . I 'n sv I Q+[Oh
- . 0'1-15 I Vl •
- -
\f: :: .04,s- -+ .02 - .06/5 ,'"
'2. -
k-= \{"7.. - i; . ObiS
- - O.;S9:S
- -
Y't . Q'-lls .-.

90 - So



''&~'f + b.z"

b, ~ - k - . 07S" . ,
- - o . I f5 C \('(tl~ ( f'L2J(US
- - 1'1 •
h -
5 IV\(!~ ,Ob,r- .tC 6 ./~ ~ ~ r la 5+l<: "'" S v C:{i, ~ '"
I"" .
"'-h Il , kaei- ,\_q~
1V\~s.( M


i_ __ .





4. Consider a sphere of diameter 5 cm made of silver (k = 429 W/m °C, p = 10,500 kg/m", c = 0.235 kJ/kg °C), initially at O°C, exposed to ambip

ent air at 33°C with a convective heat transfer coefficient h = 12 W/m2°C.

Determine a) the Biot number, and b) the time for the temperature of the . sphere to reach 25°C.

le V ·1)
- -
- - __, -
As -
~. - h Lc -
- -
"... k. 6.::


6 :: . oooS'lS3<t. S

T- T06 T· - T~


_ b~ e



.0S _

~ -

'2 (.QO~33)_



~ C). 10



lu/SQO~ (.23S")_5_! (.oO'is~~)~GOOD2I

M' ~o( \i::c:f

- ....

5. An 8-cm-diameter orange is initially at 200e when a cold front causes the environmental temperature to drop to - 5°C. The convective heat transfer coefficient h = 11.42 W/m20C. Use the properties of water for the spherical orange, where k = 0.571 Wlm °C and a = 0.136 x l O" mvsec. Determine the surface temperature of the orange after it has been exposed for 4 hours.


;;_.:[J _


rj_ _._--




......................... h·1f:

1S. z: . --~

1\ k.

1l.42 (.04) .571


·rr =

(./3b)IU-f.. (4') 3bOO (.0,", )'1..



( . 22"

T(~,1:) - T(14 2-
e{~}t) - - At _~I'T S ,'"" ('\ J
- - e
T_,\ - T~ -
T(('~/t) - (- s ) _(\.4,)1..(1.22Y) . (1.432)
- - 1.2"l~b e "$1"",
- -
20 - t : ;) 1.4='S2-
T(~.;) 'tJ - - 3. '2 g 'c
) I ,


I 1. Air at 25°C and 1 atm is flowing over a flat plate 12 meters long with a velocity


~ of 6 mlsec. The temperature of the plate's surface is 115°C. For one side of the

I plate that is 4 meters wide determine a) the Reynold's number at the end of the

I plate, b) the value of the N usselt number, c) the average convective heat transfer

I coefficient for the entire plate, and d) the amount of heat transfer from the plate.


.~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~





~ ~ ~

~ ~ ')








'~d- ~ Z5 + (IS" 7ot>c F;(D WI rr.a bC.e._ A~22.
- -
2 W/I¥/ 'c
VL 6 (1'2) k-= D2Z& I
f2eL .... s- M~
- ,..- L 9qs- X /0
- - <-oS )J '=
1/ \' '1Q5'i--(O
Co V(" - .. -, r 77
~L 3t 0o~ X/o
~ _ (0",,1 ('3. (, 0 '1 )( (Ul )' 1;- ~ hL

\4 % (f 1 c. -, I 77 ")



(5055'_81 ') (,OL~8'J) _

Nt.-L It..



~ 52) t.t3~ IN ~. ~2 (If K uJ

,I "
I 2. Electronic components are housed in a box 30 CIn high, 30 ern wide and 4 m long. Air blows over the box perpendicular to the length at 22°C and 6 m/sec. The surface temperature of the box is not to exceed 78°C. Determine the total power rating of the electronic devices that can be housed in the box.

Z 2 ,f. 7 is _ S-O I;)


30 em

V D~

6 m/sec

30 em

( OC)) II t

fvO VV\ I~ ~4_ A - z. z_


k ':::- .. 07735' w/ftl-t "le-

'£: '2-/

)) '::. I, '1 q8 X (0 lVIl'P-L

? c '=: ~ '7 z.:Zt5




r A I .. 0 2'1~:;- ( 2_ 17. 2. 3')

~tVvD .:::.

'< ?> \)

\ q,?,? W/M'l_J(_

~'« CCjA_~

~322_. 2~ W

3. Water at a temperature of 20°C and an average velocity of 4 m/sec enters and flows through an 8 em diameter pipe that is 10m long. The water leaves the pipe at 70°C. The inner surfaces of the pipe are smooth, and the flow is steady. Use the Colburn equation to determine a) the convective heat transfer coefficient, and b) the heat rate that is received by the water over the 10 meter length. Use the average bulk temperature for the properties of the water.

lb:= ~O + 7u ~ 4;;'(


FroM 'T,a 6~ If -(:r a+ 4<5 "c

--- ..---

Water -r: -= 20°C --11---* ...

4 m/sec

.o -::: q 90.1 !9t

\ VI1~

~ ::= 6,637 W~\~~

C!p -= 4 ( 80 ~. k ,0( L = 10m


/ = 0 . <;9(, X(<J t:1it 9.<_

or '10. f ~ (4) ~ (,0 fr) "1 wt ~

WI? Sec o , <; 5jb X 10- <; ~

J "'I

Pt- =- 3/11

Q-dburV\ b<jUqfIO''j 1'3,bl

.25 X .R' . Vs

A/q - ~ 023 ffko Pr 3 ~ .023 (r::3/; ~97) (3/11)

- 137 Cf

h D



h -

WI 'Z Ih--] · .. C

::: ('1'<1 I lev sM.-




t q.C}£ ~ (Lf.f?)O,) T (50 jllC =:. '/. f6 '/. (0 IN

5q_ ~ .:> c. ::- Lf I 6 0 K w

b ) Q =: ~ c, «C. -1;-) c N~: F(UW\ ~ \~,ba

N -::. 15 (0

u. ~

4. Oil at 10°C flows in a 40-cm-inside diameter pipe at an average velocity of 0.5 mlsec. A 300-m-Iong section of the pipe passes through icy water of a lake that is O°C. Assume the pipe surface is maintained at O°C and neglect the resistance of the pipe material. Use the properties of the oil at 10°C which are p = 894 kg/nr', k = 0.146 W/moC, J...Lb = 2.325 kg/m sec, v =2591 x 10-6 m2/sec, C = 1.838 kJ/kg °C, and Pr = 28750, and determine the following.


a) Reynold's number for the flow, Re,

b) Entrance distance for fully developed flow,

c) The Nusselt number, Nu,

d) Mass flow rate, m,

e) Exit temperature of the oil after leaving the lake, Te,

f) The log mean temperature differe~ce, ~ TIn'

g) The rate of heat los from the oil, Q. '

6) L( = c os: ~D -Pr D - i 0 S' (77. 2) (Z:8 75"'0) (,y) .-

Ue ~ e ( 0 e I ~ f J..::. uJ

\~\3~) N_ = ~ - IS(' ( l?e;D )1'3 (I;t/\':=

k I·


wok; /,:0 3. '6 I</- 144 «< .-h-z, .... A-1"i .+ 0 L

d) W\::: fAL V"1

Al t I IVC)ieS •

::_ q , ~ It.( • C

NL\ k '1\ Jil

~ -----~ ..-

~ ~~

2 4, 8 g (-t I tfb ) Tt (3 0 D) 5b ./7 ( t. ~ 33) ( (006)


4. Oil at 10°C flows in a 40-cm-inside diameter pipe at an average velocity of 0.5 mlsec. A 300-m-Iong section of the pipe passes through icy water of a lake that is O°C. Assume the pipe surface is maintained at O°C and neglect the resistance of the pipe material. Use the properties of the oil at 10°C which are p = 894 kg/nr', k = 0.146 W/moC, J.!b = 2.325 kg/m sec, v =2591 x 10.6 mvsec, C = 1.838 kJ/kg DC, and Pr = 28750, and determine the following.


a) Reynold's number for the flow, Re,

b) Entrance distance for fully developed flow,

c) The Nusselt number, Nu,

d) Mass flow rate, ill,

e) Exit temperature of the oil after leaving the lake, Te,

f) The log mean temperature difference, ~ TIn'

g) The rate of heat los from the oil, Q .

.- ~ _ 4f,(,7Y
<f) .-:- (,: - (e 10
s; h[ T, -: J ~[ o _ 'l, ~ 7'1 ]

Is"""(.l o ~ 10
- ctt837 c
'" h A.6~~ k N~ (11 ~) L .6 79-.,
1-') Q _- ~
- -
.. 14-k, (~<I- 'f(g)1T (300) (cr, f3i)
- 3-3) b 76 hJ
33Lb)s kw 5. A 40- W resistance heater 60 em long is placed along the center of a cylinder that has a diameter D = 2 em. The ends are insulated and the surface emissivity E = 0.1. The average surface temperature of the cylinder is maintained at 10QoC while the room temperature is at a constant 20°C. Assume that radiation from the environment is also at 20°C. For steady state operation, determine a) the Rayleigh number, b) the Nusselt number from Table 14-1 , c) the amount of heat transferred by free convection, and d) the amount transferred by radiation.

T - 100+ 20 - 6o(_

O..t~ 2- ~

F(Q~ ~b~ A --z z,



b ::. .02 n.,




G. J h == 6 . Ob <I (. 02'8 J ') • O"'l-

25.68 vJ

b ') Q~ ::

(;; If'DL a-(1.sY_ T 1)



0·' 1r(.o'2.).~ (5.'7X{;J/j }(37>Y_ -Z'fi'f) 2.5'b nj



~'~ '_____'_'~_~C'~'~_' __ ~_C_"~'~C~""'~~'.n"c.", ••. _.' __ '_,. __ ._' __ '_._'_.'_'_. '._'; .• _ _~ •• __ • . ~ __ ~~~ •. _ _'._._. • •• _ •• __ • __ •• ,-,.-. •• '_, •••.••• _" , __ ·_,. • ~~ __ "._c._~,~_ • .,, __ ,_cc,_, ._,." ' ,. __ • ~ T • ~~~~ _ •••.. _._ •••. _ •••.• _ •• f

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