DCR 33

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Maharashtra Regional & Town

Planning Act, 1966
• Modification under section 37(2)
of the said Act.
• Modification to Regulation 33(9) of
DCR for Gr. Mumbai.

Urban Development Department
Mantralaya, Mumbai 400 032
Dated 2nd March, 2009


No.TPB 4307/2346/CR-106/2008/UD-11:

Whereas the Development Control Regulations for Greater Mumbai,

1991 (hereinafter referred to as “the said Regulations”) have been
sanctioned by Government in Urban Development Department under
section 31(1) of the Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966
(hereinafter referred to as “the said Act”) vide Notification No. DCR
1090/UD-II (RDP) dated 20/2/1991, to come into force with effect from

And whereas, Regulation 33(9) of the said Regulations deals with the
repairs & reconstruction of cessed buildings & Urban Renewal Scheme to
be developed by MHADA & Municipal Corporation of Gr. Mumbai, which
underwent modification (hereinafter referred to as “the said modified
Regulation”) vide Urban Development Departments Notification No. TPB-
4391/1658/CR-188/91/UD-11 dated 25/1/1999 after following the
procedure laid down under section 37 of the said Act.

And whereas, Govt. in Housing Department has declared the

“Housing Policy” (hereinafter referred to as “the said policy”).

And whereas, the said policy declared incentivizing redevelopment of

old and dilapidated buildings through cluster approach in Urban Renewal
Scheme. It was also proposed to encourage development project through
joint ventures in which MHADA along with the tenants, landlords and
private developers, if necessary will come together for undertaking
redevelopment of cluster.

And whereas, Govt. decided to prepare a new set of regulation No.

33(9) by replacing the existing regulation No. 33(9) (hereinafter referred to
as “the said proposed modification”).

And whereas, in view of the facts and circumstances mentioned

above and in exercise of the powers contained in sub-section (1AA) of
section 37 of the said Act, Government had issued the notice of even no.
dated 30/6/08 (hereinafter referred to as “the said Notice”) regarding the
said proposed modification, for inviting suggestions/objections from any
person with respect to the said modification. Thereafter, vide notice of even

No. dated 1/8/2008 the period for inviting suggestions/objections was

extended for further period of 30 days from the date of the revised notice.

And whereas, the said notice was published in the Government

Gazette (ordinary) dated 17/7/08 & 14/8/08 and in the news paper
namely Free Press Journal (English) dated 9/7/2008 & 4/8/2008.

And whereas, as per the said notice Government had appointed

Deputy Director of Town Planning Gr. Mumbai as an officer under section
162 of the said act (hereinafter referred to as “the said officer”) to scrutinize
any suggestions/objections received and to grant hearing to the persons
submitting suggestions/objections including say of the Municipal
Corporation of Gr. Mumbai (hereinafter referred to as “the said
Corporation”) and to submit his report to the Government regarding the
said modification.

And whereas, the said officer has submitted his report vide letter No.
DDTP/Br. Mumbai/DCR 33(9)/3618 dated 3/10/08 to the Government
(hereinafter referred to as “the said report”). He has recommended to
sanction suggestions/objections received from the general public.

And whereas, after consulting Director of Town Planning,

Maharashtra State, Government is of opinion that the said modification
should be sanctioned with some changes.

Now therefore, in exercise of the powers vested under section 37(2) of

the said Act, Government hereby sanction the said modification with
certain changes as mentioned below:-


A) Regulation 33(9) of the said regulation is deleted and replaced as per

the Schedule attached herewith.
B) Fixes the date on which the said modification is published in the
official gazette, as the date on which modification shall come into
C) Directs the said Corporation that, in the schedule of Modification
sanctioning the said Regulations, after the last entry, the schedule
referred to as (A) above shall be added.

By order and in the name of the Governor of Maharashtra.

(Abhiraj Girkar)
Under Secretary to Government


Accompaniment to Government in Urban Development Department’s Notice

No. TPB 4307/2346/CR-106/2008/UD-11 dated 2nd March, 2009.

33(9): Reconstruction or redevelopment of cessed buildings/ Urban

Renewal Schemes on extensive area.

For reconstruction or redevelopment of cessed buildings / Urban

Renewal Schemes in Island City, undertaken by (a) the Maharashtra
Housing & Area Development Authority or Municipal Corporation of Gr.
Mumbai either departmentally or through any suitable agency or (b)
MHADA/MCGM jointly with land owners and/or Co-op. Housing Societies
of tenants / occupiers of buildings or Developer or Co-op. Housing Society
of hutment dwellers therein, (c) Independently by land owners and/or Co-
op. Housing Societies of tenants / occupiers of buildings or developer, the
FSI shall be 4.00 or the FSI required for rehabilitation of existing tenants /
occupiers plus incentive FSI as given in Appendix-III-A, whichever is more.


Regulations for reconstruction or redevelopment of cessed buildings

/ Urban Renewal Schemes.

1.1. “Urban Renewal Scheme” means any scheme in the Island City of the
Mumbai having a minimum area of 4000 sq. mtrs. bounded by
existing distinguishing physical boundaries such as roads, nallas,
railway lines etc. and which consists of a mix of structure of different
characteristics such as –

i) Cess buildings of ‘A’, ‘B’ & ‘C’ categories in Island City, which
attracts the provisions of MHADA Act, 1976.
ii) Buildings erected before 30/9/1969 and acquired by MHADA
under MHADA Act, 1976.
iii) All buildings belonging to the Government, semi Government and
MCGM including institutional buildings, office buildings, tenanted
municipal buildings and buildings constructed by MHADA, that are
constructed prior to 30.9.1969 and having built up area upto 2000
sq.mt. However prior permission of concerned department shall be
obtained before granting development permission.
iv) Other buildings erected before 30.9.1969 which are, by reason of
dis-repair or have structural / sanitary defects, unfit for human
habitation or are by reasons of their bad configuration or the
narrowness of streets, dangerous or injurious to the health of the
inhabitant of the area as may be certified by the officer designated
v) Provided that building erected after 30/9/09 which fullfils the
above conditions shall be considered with prior approval of State
vi) Slum areas declared as slums under section 4 of Maharashtra
Slum Areas Act, 1971 or slums on Public lands prior to 1.1.1995 or
such other reference date notified by the Government, provided

that in the mix of structures of different characteristics, the

percentage of slum area and area under the buildings constructed
after 30.09.1969 if any included in the Urban Renewal Scheme
shall not exceed 25% (i.e. ¼) of the total plot area.
vii) Any land belonging to the Government, semi Government, MCGM
and MHADA (either vacant or built upon) which have been given on
lease or have the tenure of Occupant Class II which falls within the
proposed Urban Renewal Scheme shall be made available for the
project subject to payment of premium at the rate of 25% of the
Ready Reckoner rate of that year.

Explanation: If some areas are previously developed/ are in the process of

development, under the different provisions of the DCR, such areas can be
included in cluster for the purpose of calculation of area of cluster.
However, such area along with slum area and area under buildings
constructed after 30/9/1969, as per Regulation 1.1 (vi) above, shall not
exceed 25% of total plot area. FSI admissible for such areas shall be
admissible as per the relevant provisions of DCR under which the areas are
developed/under development. However, it shall be necessary to obtain
consent of owner/owners of such areas to become part of the cluster.

2. Eligibility for Urban Renewal Scheme :

a. Buildings :

i. No new tenancy created after 13/6/96 shall be considered.

Further unauthorized construction made in buildings shall not
be considered while computation of existing FSI. A certified
inspection extract of the Corporation for the year 1995-96 or
Courts’ order proving the existence of tenements prior to 13.6.96
shall be considered adequate evidence to establish number of
tenements. However, the Govt. may issue comprehensive
guidelines for determination of eligibility of occupiers and tenants
ii. The list of occupants and area occupied by each of them in
municipal buildings shall be certified by MCGM. The list of
occupants and area occupied by each of them in other buildings,
excluding slums and irrevocable written consent as specified in
3(a) shall be certified by Mumbai Buildings Repair &
Reconstruction Board.
iii. Mezzanine floors constructed prior to 13.06.1996 and regularized
subsequently will be eligible for rehab and incentive FSI.

b. For slum Areas :

i. All the inhabitants of existing structures whose names and

structures are included in the Assembly Election roll of
1/1/1995 or such other reference date notified by the
Government or a date prior thereto and who are staying there at.

ii. A structure shall mean all the dwelling areas of all persons who
are enumerated as living in one numbered house in the electoral
roll of the latest date, upto 1st January 1995 and regardless of
the number of persons, or location of rooms or access.

iii. The eligibility of the participants will be certified by the

Competent Authorities as notified under the Maharashtra Slum
Areas (Improvement, Clearance and Redevelopment) Act, 1971.

3. a) Redevelopment or Reconstruction under Urban Renewal Scheme

may be permitted in pursuance of an irrevocable written consent by not
less than 70 percent of the eligible tenants/occupiers of each plot
involved in the Urban Renewal Scheme or as provided in MHADA Act,
1976. If MHADA / MCGM undertakes development directly then
consent of 70% tenants/occupiers for reconstruction or redevelopment
is not required.

b) All the eligible occupants / tenants of the building shall be

rehabilitated in the redeveloped building.

4. Each occupant/tenant shall be rehabilitated and given the carpet area

occupied by him for residential purpose in the old building subject to
the minimum fixed carpet area of 27.88 sq.mt. (300 sq. ft.) and
maximum area equivalent to the area occupied in the old building. In
case of non-residential occupier, the area to be given in the
reconstructed building will be equivalent to the area occupied in the old

Provided that, for the carpet area for the residential purpose exceeding
70 sq.mt. the cost of construction shall be paid by the tenant/occupant
to the developer. The Cost of construction shall be fixed by Govt. from
time to time. However, the carpet area exceeding 70 sq.mt. shall be
considered for rehab FSI but shall not be considered for incentive FSI.

The slum dwellers shall be eligible for the area admissible as per DCR

5. The FSI for rehabilitation of the existing tenants/occupiers in a

redevelopment / reconstructed building, owners share,
Corporation/MHADA’s share and incentive FSI shall be as under:-

a. The total permissible FSI shall be on gross plot area excluding

reservations/designations, but including the built up area under

Provided that in all the projects undertaken jointly with the land
owners and/or Co-op. HSG Societies of tenants/occupiers of the
buildings or Developer or Co-op. Housing Society of hutment
dwellers therein where the rehab FSI exceeds 2.50, MHADA/MCGM
shall get 5% of built up area for FSI 4.00 free of cost. This additional
area shall be included in rehabilitation area and incentive to the
extent of 50% shall be available for this area.

b. The FSI for Urban Renewal Schemes in CRZ area shall be governed
by the MOEF notifications issued from time to time.

c. The incentive FSI admissible against the FSI required for rehab shall
be as under :

i) Where the total area of amalgamated plots is between 4000-

8000 sq.mt. then the incentive FSI admissible will be 55%.
ii) Where the total area of amalgamated plots is between 8001-
12000 sq.mt. then the incentive FSI admissible will be 65%.
iii) Where the total area of amalgamated plot is above 12001-
16000 sq.mt. then the incentive FSI admissible will be 70%.
iv) Where the total area of amalgamated plot is above 16001 –
20000 sq.mt. then the incentive FSI admissible will be 75%.
v) Where the total area of amalgamated plot is more than 20000
sq.mt. then the incentive FSI admissible will be 80%.

If any new area is added and if there is change in the slab prescribed
above, the incentive FSI for the additional area in the changed slab
shall be determined as per the area falling the next slab. However,
augmentation of area of cluster is not allowed after completion of

d) In the proposal of maximum 4.00 FSI the permissible

maximum FSI over and above “rehab + incentive” as per (c) above
shall be shared in terms of built up area between MCGM/MHADA (in
proportionate to their plot areas) and private developer in Joint
Venture in the ratio of 1:0:5.

Provided that the area equivalent to the market value of area

admissible as per the prescribed percentage of built up area and the
share of built up area admissible under 5(a) and 5(d) respectively can
be made available within the same municipal ward of MCGM.

e) In the urban renewal scheme for those structures containing

other than as mentioned in 1.1 above, for the land component area
beneath such structure, the FSI shall be admissible as per rule No.
32 and for remaining plot of land area the FSI shall be admissible as
per 5(a) to (c) above.

With the prior approval of the High Power Committee, occupant of

tolerated structures encroaching over roads in nearby vicinity should
be allowed to be included in the scheme and its built up area shall be
included in rehab area, provided the structure is permanently

6. From the entire FSI available under clause 5, entire rehab and
MHADA’s share shall be allowed to be utilized on plot/plots under
redevelopment scheme. In case of part of incentive FSI, is not proposed
to be utilized on the same plot, the benefit of transferable development
rights to be used in suburbs or extended suburbs as per D.C.
Regulation No.34 appendix VII, shall be given.

Even if the scheme partly includes slum, the TDR generated it will be
considered at par with reservation TDR.

7. Construction or reconstruction of slums/buildings falling under

reservations contemplated in development shall be permitted as under

a. Redevelopment/reconstruction in any zone shall be allowed to be
taken in site without going through the process of change of zone.
However, for the industrial user, the existing segregating distance
shall be maintained from the existing industrial unit.
b. Any land under non-buildable reservations, admeasuring only upto
500 sq.mt. may be cleared by shifting the existing tenants from that
c. If the area under non buildable reservation in such area is more
than 500 sq.mt. minimum 50% of the area under reservation shall
be developed for same purpose and handed over to MCGM, subject
to minimum of 500 sq.mt. and remaining land shall be allowed for
development. The said provision is subject to Hon’ble High Court’s
order in writ Petition No. 1152/2002 (City Space V/s. Govt. of
d. All the reservations in the Development shall be rearranged if
necessary with same area and same width of access road or as
required under DCR, whichever is more.
e. For the reservation of parking lot on land, built up area equivalent
to zonal permissible FSI for area under reservation in that plot shall
be made available free of cost for the Corporation or for any other
Appropriate Authority. Built up area to be handed over shall be free
of FSI.
f. For other buildable reservations on land, built up area equal to 60%
of zonal permissible FSI under reservation or existing built up area
of the amenity whichever is more in that plot shall be made available
free of cost for the Corporation or for any other Appropriate
Authority. Built up area to be handed over shall be free of FSI.

8. 30% of the incentive FSI can be used for non-residential purposes

otherwise permissible in the DCR.

9. An amount of Rs.5000/- per sq.mt. shall be paid by the

owner/developer/society as additional development cess for the built
up area over and above the normally permissible FSI, for the
rehabilitation and free sale components. This amount shall be paid to
the Corporation in accordance with the time schedule for such payment
as may be laid down by the Commissioner, MCGM provided that the
payment of installments shall not go beyond the completion of
construction. This amount shall be kept in separate account and shall
be used for Scheme to be prepared for the improvement of off-site
infrastructure around the cluster. The above development cess shall be
enhanced @ 10.00% every three years.

10. For smooth implementation of the redevelopment scheme undertaken

by owners and/or Co-operative Housing Society of the

tenants/occupiers, the temporary transit camps may be permitted on

the same land or land situated elsewhere belonging to the same
owner/developer with the concessions permissible under SRA project
under Regulation 33(10) of these regulations. Such transit camps
should be demolished within one month from the date of occupation
certificate granted by the Corporation for the
reconstructed/rehabilitation building.

11. Non conforming activities – All activities which are existing shall be
allowed to be reaccommodated regardless of the non conforming nature
of the activities except those which are hazardous and highly polluting
and except in cases where the alternative accommodation have already
been provided elsewhere by the Municipal Corporation.

12. Relaxation in Building and other requirements.

In case of tenement of 27.88 sq.mt. area for rehabilitation/additional

tenement to be given to Repairs Board/Mumbai Board/MCGM
following components are included.

12.1 The calculation of FSI for all purposes shall be on gross area i.e.
without deducting any percentage for recreation open space. This
shall not affect the requirement of physical open space keeping aside
the said recreational open space on site as per the prevailing D.C.

12.2 The provisions in DCR 38(22) relating to balcony will apply to the
scheme with the following modifications. There shall be no
restrictions on zone and balcony shall not reduce marginal open
space to less than 3.00 metres. However, at ground level minimum
4.5 mt. clear margin shall be maintained. For calculation of area of
27.88 sq.mt. the area of the enclosed balcony shall be included.

12.3 Areas of common passages not exceeding 2.00 mt. in width, provided
in rehabilitation component and Repair Board/M.C.G.M. component
to give access shall not be counted towards FSI.

12.4 Front and marginal open spaces, for a building having height upto
24.0 mt. in the rehab component or composite building, shall be 4.5
mt. for these buildings.

12.5 Notwithstanding the provisions in DC Regulation 29 (Table 10) where

the location of the plot abuts DP Road having width of 18.3 mt. and
above, the front marginal open space shall not be insisted upon
beyond 4.5 mt. provided, it is not an express highway of road wider
than 52 mt.

12.6 Where the location of the plots abuts a trained nallah, the marginal
open space along the nallah shall not be insisted upon beyond 4.5
mt. from the edge of the trained nallah. Or as per requirement of
SWD department of MCGM, whichever is greater.

12.7 The distance between any two rehabilitated buildings shall not be
less than 6.00 mt.

12.8 If the height of building is more than 24 mt., 6 mt. wide marginal
open space or as per the requirement of CFO whichever is greater
shall be considered.

12.9 A composite building shall contain at least 50 percent of the built up

area as rehabilitation component.

12.10 Wherever more than the minimum front and marginal spaces have
been provided, such additional area provided may be considered as
part of the amenity open space in the project comprising both
rehabilitation and free sale components, and without charging any
premium, in relaxation of the stipulations in D.C. Regulation No.23,
wherever necessary.

12.11 Pathways and means of access- The ratio between the length of the
pathway and the width thereof shall be as follows.

Length Width
Upto 20 metres 1.5 metres
21 to 30 metres 2.0 metres
31 to 40 metres 2.5 metres
41 to 50 metres 3.0 metres

12.12 Between the dimensions prescribed for the pathway and marginal
distances, the larger of the two shall prevail. The pathway shall act
as access wherever necessary. The building shall be permitted to
touch pathways.

12.13 The means of access shall be normally governed by provisions of DC

Regulation No.22. However, in the project wherever the design of the
buildings up to 24 mtr. height in the same land requires relaxation,
it may be given. High rise building shall be permitted only on access
having width of 9 mtrs.

12.14 Even if the recreational open space is reduced to make the project
viable, a minimum of at least 10 percent of plot area shall be
provided as recreational open space. In addition to this 10 percent of
plot area shall be earmarked for amenity space which can be
adjusted against the DP reservation if any.

12.15 Premium shall not be charged for exclusion of staircase and lift well
etc. as covered under the provisions of DC Regulation 35(2) (c).

12.16 In order to make the urban renewal scheme viable, the Municipal
Commissioner shall be competent to sanction any relaxation in
marginal open spaces except front marginal open spaces and parking
requirement wherever necessary due to bonafide hardship, for
reasons to be recorded in writing which shall not affect general and
fire safety requirements.

12.17All relaxation outlined hereinabove shall be given in the rehabilitation

component and also to the composite buildings in the Project
Premium shall not be charged for all or any of the relaxations given
hereinabove or for any other mentioned in DC Regulation 35(2)(c).

12.18 The parking in the scheme shall be provided as per modified DCR 36
or one car park per tenement of sale component, whichever is higher.

13. The approving/sanctioning authority for the building plans under the
scheme will be Municipal Commissioner as per the MMC Act & MRTP
Act, even if the scheme partly consists of declared slums/slums on
Municipal lands prior to 1.1.1995 or such other reference date
notified by the Government.

14. Religious structures existing prior to redevelopment if allowed in

accordance with the guidelines issued by government from time to
time as part of redevelopment, shall not exceed the area that existed
prior to redevelopment.

15. Restriction on transfer of tenements shall be governed by provision of

Rent Control Act till Co-op. Society is formed and after that the same
shall be governed by the provision of Maharashtra Co-op. Society’s
Act. However, tenements constructed for slum rehabilitation shall
not be transferred for the period of 10 years.

16. A Corpus fund is to be created by the Developer which will take care
of the maintenance of the building for a period of 10 years, to be
decided by the High Power Committee under clause 18.

17. Those schemes for which approval has been given under DCR 33(7)
and for which work has not yet started, can be considered for
approval under DCR 33(9) provided they satisfy all the conditions for
approval under DCR 33(9).

18. A High Power Committee (HPC) will be constituted which will approve
the schemes with the previous sanction of the Govt. under DCR
33(9). On approval by this High Power Committee, the proposal will
be submitted to MCGM for approval of plans. The Govt. will have the
powers for any relaxations/modifications in the rules. Separate
guidelines will be issued for the HPC.

(Abhiraj Girkar)
Under Secretary to Government

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