Trickle Bed Reactor
Trickle Bed Reactor
Trickle Bed Reactor
is not exhaustive, all the recent experimental and tension (σ), gas solubility (C*), and Henry’s constant (H)
theoretical research on TBRs operated at elevated are the most sensitive to pressure. In the pressure
pressure is summarized. range relevant to TBR operation, i.e., subcritical and
The primary focus is on the developments realized above atmospheric conditions, it is anticipated that
during the past decade, mostly by the research groups pressure mainly modifies the gas-phase properties,
of the University of Twente in The Netherlands, of the whereas the liquid remains sensitive only to tempera-
Chemical Reaction Engineering Laboratory at Wash- ture. Without loss of generalization, we will illustrate
ington University, St. Louis, MO, and of Nancy in in what follows how hydrogen properties evolve with
France. The experimental conditions, the parameters pressure; gases other than H2 should, in principle,
measured in high-pressure TBRs, and with other rel- qualitatively follow similar trends. Figure 1 shows the
evant studies regarding high-pressure TBRs are sum- variation of properties of H2 in the pressure range [1-20
marized in Table 3. The following topics, in which MPa] and a temperature around 410 K (L’Air Liquide,
advances have been made, will be discussed: (1) pres- 1976; Sebastian et al., 1981; Reid et al., 1987). Estima-
sure effect on physicochemical properties; (2) phenom- tion of these properties as a function of pressure is
enological analysis of two-phase flow; (3) flow regime discussed in Reid et al. (1987) where a number of
transition; (4) single-phase pressure drop; (5) two-phase appropriate correlations are recommended. Apart from
pressure drop; (6) liquid holdup; (7) gas-liquid inter- FG, DG, C*, and H, the remaining properties are practi-
facial area and mass-transfer; (8) catalyst wetting cally independent of pressure. Gas density increases
efficiency; (9) catalyst dilution with inert fines in almost proportionally to pressure (curve 1). It can also
laboratory-scale high-pressure TBRs; (10) liquid-limited be varied by using gases of different molecular weight.
and gas-limited reactions in high-pressure TBRs; (11) The effect of increasing pressure is to reduce the gas-
evaluation of TBR models. side molecular diffusivity. Whether this decrease is
It is hoped that this paper will stimulate additional sharp or not depends on the value of the reduced
research on high-pressure trickle-bed reactors, which mixture temperature Tmix,r of the gas phase (Reid et al.,
is needed to further advance our understanding of this 1987), DP ≡ Pn. For Tmix,r around 2.5, which is the case
reactor type, and that such research will ultimately in our example for H2 (curve 3), the diffusivity is
result in more advanced fundamentally based TBR inversely proportional to pressure (n ) 0). For Tmix,r <
models. Professor Froment and his co-workers have 2.5, n is less than 0, whereas n is slightly positive for
advocated for many decades the fundamental approach Tmix,r > 2.5 (Reid et al., 1987). The decrease in the mole
in the description of catalytic kinetics and have suc- fraction of H2 dissolved/mole fraction of H2 in the vapor
ceeded in demonstrating the advantages of such an phase with pressure (curve 5) implies that the solute
approach. A number of the catalytic chemistries that (i.e., hydrogen) solubility in the liquid also increases as
they studied have to be conducted in trickle-beds, such the solute mole fraction in the vapor phase increases.
as hydrodesulfurization (Froment et al., 1994; Vanrys- Curve 6 (mole fraction of H2 dissolved in tetralin/H2
selberghe and Froment, 1996), and, hence, it is neces- partial pressure vs pressure) illustrates that the solubil-
sary to bring the TBR models to the same level that ity of the solute increases almost linearly as the solute
the kinetic description of the catalytic processes occur- partial pressure increases. In summary, we can state
ring in them has achieved. We hope that this paper that among the gas-phase properties which are likely
will provide a motivation for such an endeavor. to be most affected by pressure are gas density and
diffusivity, gas solubility in the liquid, and Henry’s
1. Pressure Effect on the Fluids constant.
Physicochemical Properties
2. Analysis of Two-Phase Flow Phenomena in
Pressure affects the physicochemical properties of High-Pressure TBRs
gases and liquids and through this influences the fluid
dynamics and transport in fixed-bed reactors. Density In an attempt to interpret the effect of pressure, or
(F), molecular diffusivity (D), dynamic viscosity (µ), gas density, on the hydrodynamics of trickle beds, two
thermal conductivity (κ), heat capacity (Cp), surface types of models have been advanced. In model I,
3294 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 36, No. 8, 1997
Table 2. Articles on Trickle-Bed Reactors That Contain Reviews of Some Aspects of Trickle-Bed Operation
ref title
Østergaard (1968) Gas-Liquid-Particle Operations in Chemical Reaction Engineering
Satterfield (1975) Trickle-Bed Reactors
Schwartz et al. (1976) A New Tracer Method for Determination of Solid-Liquid Contacting Efficiency in
Trickle-Bed Reactors
Van de Vusse and Wesselingh (1976) Multiphase Reactors
Weekman (1976) Hydroprocessing Reaction Engineering
Charpentier (1976) Recent Progress in Two-Phase Gas-Liquid Mass Transfer in Packed Beds
Goto et al. (1977) Trickle-Bed Oxidation Reactors
Dwivedi and Upadhyay (1977) Particle-Fluid Mass Transfer in Fixed and Fluidized Beds
Dudukovic (1977) Catalyst Effectiveness Factor and Contacting Efficiency in Trickle-Bed Reactors
Hofmann (1977) Hydrodynamics, Transport Phenomena, and Mathematical Models in Trickle-Bed Reactors
Hofmann (1978) Multiphase Catalytic Packed-Bed Reactors
Gianetto et al. (1978) Hydrodynamics and Solid-Liquid Contacting Effectiveness in Trickle-Bed Reactors
Satterfield et al. (1978) Liquid-Solid Mass Transfer in Packed Bed with Downward Cocurrent Gas-Liquid Flow
Specchia et al. (1978) Solid-Liquid Mass Transfer in Cocurrent Two-Phase Flow through Packed Beds
Charpentier (1978) Gas-Liquid Reactors
Dudukovic and Mills (1978) Catalyst Effectiveness Factors in Trickle-Bed Reactors
Baker (1978) Determination of the Extent of Catalyst Utilization in a Trickle-Flow Reactor
Dirkx (1979a,b) De Trickle-Bed Reactor
Charpentier (1979) Hydrodynamics of Two-Phase Flow Through Porous Media
Shah (1979) Gas-Liquid-Solid Reactor Design
Van Landeghem (1980) Multiphase Reactors: Mass Transfer and Modeling
Baldi (1981a) Design and Scale-up of Trickle-Bed Reactors. Solid-Liquid Contacting Effectiveness
Baldi (1981b) Heat Transfer in Gas-Liquid-Solid Reactors
Baldi (1981c) Hydrodynamics of Multiphase Reactors
Koros (1981) Scale-up Considerations for Mixed Phase Catalytic Reactors
Turek and Lange (1981) Mass Transfer in Trickle-Bed Reactors at Low Reynolds Number
Morsi et al. (1981) Hydrodynamics and Gas-Liquid-Solid Interfacial Parameters of Cocurrent Downward
Two-Phase Flow in Trickle-Bed Reactors
Charpentier (1982) What’s New in Absorption with Chemical Reaction
Morsi et al. (1982) Hydrodynamics and Interfacial Areas in Downward Cocurrent Gas-Liquid Flow
through Fixed Beds. Influence of the Nature of the Liquid
Tan and Smith (1982) A Dynamic Method for Liquid-Particle Mass Transfer in Trickle Beds
Herskowitz and Smith (1983) Trickle-Bed Reactors: A Review
Ramachandran and Chaudhari (1983) Three-Phase Catalytic Reactors
Crine and L’Homme (1983) Recent Trends in the Modelling of Catalytic Trickle-Bed Reactors
Germain (1983) Industrial Applications of Three-Phase Catalytic Fixed Bed Reactors
Hofmann (1983) Fluid Dynamics, Mass Transfer and Chemical Reaction in Multiphase Catalytic Fixed
Bed Reactors
Tarhan (1983) Catalytic Reactor Design
Mills and Dudukovic (1984) A Comparison of Current Models for Isothermal Trickle-Bed Reactors. Application of a
Model Reaction System
Gupta (1985) Handbook of Fluids in Motion
Rao and Drinkenburg (1985) Solid-Liquid Mass Transfer in Packed Beds with Cocurrent Gas-Liquid Downflow
Hanika and Stanek (1986) Operation and Design of Trickle-Bed Reactors
Dudukovic and Mills (1986) Contacting and Hydrodynamics in Trickle-Bed Reactors
Charpentier (1986) Mass Transfer in Fixed Bed Reactors
Gianetto and Berruti (1986) Modelling of Trickle-Bed Reactors
Ramachandran et al. (1987) Recent Advances in the Analysis and Design of Trickle-Bed Reactors
Ng and Chu (1987) Trickle-Bed Reactors
Lemcoff et al. (1988) Effectiveness Factor of Partially Wetted Catalyst Particles: Evaluation and Application
to the Modeling of Trickle Bed Reactors
Zhukova et al. (1990) Modeling and Design of Industrial Reactors with a Stationary Bed of Catalyst and
Two-Phase Gas-Liquid FlowsA Review
Levec and Lakota (1992) Liquid-Solid Mass Transfer in Packed Beds with Cocurrent Downward Two-Phase Flow
Wild et al. (1992) Heat and Mass Transfer in Gas-Liquid-Solid Fixed Bed Reactors
Gianetto and Specchia (1992) Trickle-Bed Reactors: State of Art and Perspectives
Martinez et al. (1994) Three-Phase Fixed Bed Catalytic Reactors: Application to Hydrotreatment Processes
Saroha and Nigam Trickle-Bed Reactors
changes in parameters such as liquid holdup, wetting forces acting on liquid flow. The driving forces consist
efficiency, and gas-liquid interfacial area have been of the pressure gradient (∆P/Z), the gas-liquid inter-
highlighted using bed-scale force considerations (Al- facial drag force (τLGa), and the gravitational force (FLg).
Dahhan and Dudukovic, 1994, 1995; Wammes and A simple overall force balance on the gas phase shows
Westerterp, 1991; Wammes et al., 1991b) . In model that the pressure gradient is proportional to the gas-
II, pore-scale force considerations have been used (Lara- liquid interfacial drag; consequently, the dimensionless
chi et al., 1992; Lara-Marquez et al., 1992; Cassanello pressure gradient ∆P/FLgZ solely determines whether
et al., 1996). These models can be briefly described as liquid flow will be gravity-driven or not. The pressure
follows: gradient depends, besides the bed characteristics, on the
Model I. The effect of high pressure and gas flow velocities of both phases and on the physicochemical
rate on the energy dissipation is the central idea based properties of the flowing fluids. As indicated in the
on which model I is formulated. It can be used to analysis presented above, regarding the fluids physico-
explain the changes brought by pressure in liquid chemical properties, mainly gas density is influenced
holdup, wetting efficiency, and gas-liquid interfacial by pressure. Thus, for given gas and liquid velocities,
area. The energy dissipation is due to the resisting a higher gas density produces a higher interfacial drag
frictional forces at the packing surface and the driving force or equivalently a higher pressure gradient. The
Table 3. Studies of the High-Pressure Cocurrent Downflow and Upflow Gas-Liquid Packed-Bed Reactors
investigators liquid/gas bed properties pressure (MPa) flow rates parameter
Abbott et al. (1967)V C4H10 packing diameter (mm): 1.16 2.41-3.79 not given βnc
N2 column diameter/height (mm): not given
Saada (1975)v H2O packing diameter (mm) 1.36 UL: 0.001-0.4 ∆P/Z; βe
N2 GB: 0.514; 0.974; 2.0640 UG: 0.004-1.8
column diameter/height (mm): 45.2/400
Kohler and Richarz (1984, 1985)V H 2O packing diameter (mm) 1 ReL: 0.1-8 βt; β3; βc
{organic solution GB: 1.5 ReG: 0-10
H2 Al2O3 sphere and cylinder: 1.5; 3
{N2 column diameter/height (mm): 30/800
Hasseni et al. (1987)V C6H12 packing diameter (mm) 0.1-10.1 L: 0.7-17 ∆P/Z; trickle-to-pulse flow
H2O GB: 1.3; 2; 3 G: ≈0-11 transition UGtrans(UL,FG)
gas oil column diameter/height (mm): 23/1000
Ellman et al. (1990)V Hasseni and Larachi high-pressure data + ca. 4000 atmospheric data ∆P/Z; βnc
Ruecker and Agkerman (1987)V biphenyl not given 5.2 (295 °C) QL: 0.6 mL/s ηCE
H 2, N 2 QG: <10 std mL/s
van Gelder and Westerterp (1990)v CH3OH packing diameter (mm) 0.2-1.2 UL: 0.02 × 10-3-0.15 × 10-3 β t; D z
H2 glass cylinder: 3.8 × 4.8 UG: 0-0.0145
column diameter/height (mm): 65/500
Oyevaar et al. (1989)v H2O + DEA packing size (mm) 0.15-1.3 U L: 0 kLa; a; βe
CO2 + N2 glass cylinder: 3.8 × 4.8 UG: 0.01-0.09
column diameter/height (mm): 85.5/630
Wammes et al. (1990, 1991)V EtOH packing diameter (mm) 0.2-7.5 L: up to 7 ∆P/Z; βnc; βs; a; trickle-to-pulse
H2O GB: 3 G: up to 3 & pulse-to-dispersed bubble
H2O + 40% ETG Al2O3 cylinder: 3.2 × 3.2 flow UGrans(UL,FG)
H2O + 2 mol/L DEA column diameter/height (mm): 51/530-2620
H2O + 1.5 mol/L DEA + 40% ETG
{ He
{ N2 + CO2
Ring and Missen (1991)V heavy oil + DBT packing diameter (mm) Lt; La; Li; Lmc; ηCE
H2 HDM catalyst: 2.17 10 (330-370 °C) L: 0.092-0.557
column diameter/height (mm): 25/510 G: 53 × 10-5-32 × 10-4
Tsamatsoulis and Papayannakos sulfur-containing HVGO packing size (mm) 5 (350-400 °C) L: 0.08-0.8 Le; La; Li; Dz
(1994, 1995), Papayannakos et al.{ sulfur-free HVGO silicate sand: 0.315-0.4 G: 0.003
(1992), Thanos et al. (1996)V,v ceramic extrudate: 1.1; 2.5
SiC: 0.25-2.38
glass cylinder: 2 × 4
column diameter/height (mm): 25/500
Goto and Smith (1974)V H2O + HCOOH packing diameter (mm) 4.0 (212-240 °C) QL: 0.45-1.80 mL/s X
air 82.5% CuO and 16.5% ZnO: 0.541, 2.91 QG: <4 std mL/s
column diameter/height (mm): 25/300
Levec and Smith (1976)V H2O + C3HCOOH packing diameter (mm) 6.7, 7.25 (252-286 °C) QL: 0.38-1.32 mL/s X
air Fe2O3: 0.541, 2.38 QG: <5.9 std mL/s
column diameter/height (mm): 25/175
Al-Dahhan et al. (1994, 1995, 1996), H 2O packing diameter (mm) 0.31-5 L: 0.42-5 ∆P/Z; Lnc; Le; ηCE; X
Wu et al. (1996), H2O + H2O2 silica shell: 1.52 G: 0.0033-4.03
Khadilkar et al. (1996)V,v C6H14 Al2O3 + 0.5% Pd cylinder: 1.57 × 4.3
C6H14 + R-methylstyrene Al2O3 + 2.5% Pd cylinder: 1.3 × 5.6
{ H2 GB: 1.14 silicon carbide: 0.2
He trilobe: Al2O3 + 23% CuCr: 1.3 × 5.6
{ N2 column diameter/height (mm): 22/500
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 36, No. 8, 1997 3295
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Al2O3 sphere: 2
N2 + CO2
pressures of gases of different molecular weights are set dispersed bubble flow. The pulsing flow regime may be
to result in equal densities, they bring about identical approached either from the gas-continuous trickle flow
effects on the fluid dynamics as shown in Figure 5a-c or from the liquid-continuous coalesced bubble flow
(Al-Dahhan and Dudukovic, 1994; Wammes et al., regime. Such a pulsing regime is observed for moderate
1991b, Larachi et al., 1991a, 1994). liquid flow rates and moderate to high gas flow rates
Model II. In model II (Larachi et al., 1992; Lara- and can be depicted as a macroscopic combination of
Marquez et al., 1992; Cassanello et al., 1996) it has been dispersed bubble flow occurring in the liquid-rich slugs
suggested that beyond a critical value of superficial gas and trickle flow in the gas-rich slugs, both propagating
velocity (≈1-2 cm/s) pressure (or gas density) intensifies along the bed. At still higher gas flow rates, a mist or
the gas shear over the trickling liquid films. Below this spray flow is eventually observed for which the gas
critical velocity, pressure (or gas density) effects are becomes again the continuous phase and in which the
marginal so that a pressurized TBR behaves as if liquid is entrained as droplets. The above high interac-
operated at 1 atm or close to it. This operation below tion flow patterns apply for coalescing liquids, while for
critical superficial gas velocity encompasses cases 1, 2, coalescence-inhibiting (or foaming) liquids, two more
and 4 of the above-discussed model I. Above UG ) 1-2 flow regimes are encountered, namely, the foaming flow
cm/s the high-pressure momentum transfer through the and the foaming-pulsing flow (Charpentier and Favier,
gas-liquid interface becomes large enough to entrain 1975).
the gas into the liquid. As a result the gas disperses in In order to properly design TBRs based on laboratory
the liquid, forming tiny bubbles. The size of these data, it is important to predict in which flow regime the
minuscule bubbles is dictated by competition between reactor is operating for a given set of conditions. It is
the liquid viscous shear stress, which tends to deform also important to know if pressure effects can be well
and break the bubbles apart, and the force induced by accounted for in order to predict whether the same flow
interfacial tension, which tends to stabilize them. The regime will be preserved once scaleup or scaledown is
bubbles thus formed are assumed to flow without slip performed. In the literature, a number of studies have
with the liquid (i.e., form a pseudohomogeneous mixture been devoted to this task for which Table 2 may be
with the liquid) and lead with increased gas density to consulted. Many flow regime charts and attempts at
enhanced gas-liquid interfacial area and gas-side and modeling flow regime transitions have been proposed
liquid-side mass-transfer coefficients. Proliferation of thus far. Table 4 summarizes all the empirical correla-
such small bubbles with increased gas density contrib- tions and theoretical models that have been either based
utes to reduced liquid holdup and to increased ∆P/Z. or tested on high-pressure transition data. This table
∆P/Z also increases with gas density, as the bed tortu- includes the two empirical correlations (Wammes et al.,
ous passages render the gas flow more dissipative at 1990a; Larachi et al., 1993a) and the three phenomeno-
higher momentum flow rates; the additional frictional logical/semitheoretical models; the predictions of all of
interface contributed by bubbles is another factor that these have been tested using high pressure transition
increases ∆P/Z. The situation depicted here for UG > data (Dudukovic et al., 1991; Holub et al., 1992, 1993;
1-2 cm/s corresponds to case 5 of model I. Dimenstein et al., 1984; Dimenstein and Ng, 1986; Ng,
1986; Ng and Chu, 1987; Sundaresan, 1987; Grosser et
al., 1988; Dankworth et al., 1990a,b; Dankworth and
3. Flow Regime Transitions at High Pressure Sundaresan, 1992). A thorough evaluation of available
models and empirical correlations for the prediction of
Although a number of flow regimes can be identified trickle-to-pulse flow transition boundaries with pressure
in trickle-beds, there is a consensus to classify them all was made by Wild et al. (1991), Larachi (1991), and
into two broad regimes, namely, a low interaction Larachi et al. (1993a). These studies concluded that the
regime (LIR; trickle flow regime) and a high interaction use of available phenomenological and semitheoretical
regime (HIR, pulse, spray, bubble, and dispersed bubble models for prediction of transitions at high pressure still
flow regimes) (Charpentier and Favier, 1975; Midoux leads to very large errors, and no single approach can
et al., 1976). The LIR is observed at low gas and liquid be recommended.
flow rates and is characterized by a weak gas-liquid The knowledge of several transitions which delineate
interfacial activity and a gravity-driven liquid flow. the above-depicted flow regimes is indispensable in the
Gas-liquid interaction in the trickle flow regime would design and scaleup of trickle-beds. Although the effect
increase at high gas and liquid flow rates and at of fluid flow rates, liquid physical properties, and
elevated pressure (i.e., close to the transition to the HIR packing properties on the flow regime transitions has
regimes). The liquid, which may be foaming or not, been thoroughly documented in the literature over the
trickles down the packing in the form of droplets, films, past 30 years (see Table 2), scarcity of measurements
and rivulets, while the continuous gas phase occupies and prediction tools for transition boundaries at el-
the remaining porous space and flows separately. The evated pressures is noticeable. Table 3 illustrates that
HIR is characterized by a moderate to intense gas- only three types of transitions have been studied as a
liquid shear due to moderate to high flow rate of one or function of pressure (or gas density). One was the
both of the fluids. As a result, various flow patterns trickle-to-pulse flow transition for nonfoaming gas-
arise depending on the gas-to-liquid holdup ratio and liquid systems (Hasseni et al., 1987; Wild et al., 1991;
liquid tendency to foam. Low gas flow rates, and Wammes et al., 1990a,b, 1991b; Wammes and Wester-
sufficiently high liquid flow rates, lead to the bubble flow terp, 1991; Larachi et al., 1993a), the other was the
regime with a continuous liquid phase which contains pulsing-to-dispersed bubble flow for nonfoaming liquids
small spherical bubbles. At medium gas flow rates but (Wammes et al., 1990a), and the third was the foaming-
with still high liquid flow rates, the liquid phase to-foaming-pulsing transition for foaming liquids (Lara-
remains continuous but the bubbles coalesce and the chi, 1991). Moreover, only models or correlations con-
gas flows in the form of elongated bubbles (Charpentier cerned with trickle-to-pulse flow transition at high
et al., 1972). This flow regime is referred to as the pressure were tested.
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 36, No. 8, 1997 3299
Table 4. Correlations for Prediction of Trickle-to-Pulse Flow Regime Transition in High-Pressure Trickle-Bed Reactors
author flow configuration P (MPa) approach
Wammes et al. (1990a) trickle bed 0.2-2.0 empirical
βe,trans )
c) { 0.27 water/N2
0.32 water + 40% ETG/N2
tested on Talmor diagram (1977) versus for water/N2 system
UL 1
WeGL +
Larachi et al. (1993a) trickle bed 0.1-7.0 empirical
LλψΦ G
G λ
σw µL
1/3 2/3
FG FL Fw 1
λ) ψ) Φ) (2)
Fa Fw σL µw FL FG
4.76 + 0.5
Holub et al. (1992, 1993) trickle bed tested on data of semiempirical
Wammes et al. (1990a)
e1 (3)
2.8 < GaL < 6.3 × 105; 1 < ΨL < 55; 1.2 < L < 12 kg/m2‚s; 0.004 < G < 2.2 kg/m2‚s
Ng (1986) trickle bed tested on data of phenomenological
Hasseni et al. (1987) and
Wammes et al. (1990a)
1 d 4 σL 1 8σL
F V 21-
2 G G ( ( ) ) ) 4d
d′ p
- FLgdp;
dp,max )
+ UL
+ L
)- gFLL - FL(z) +
∂ Lµ*L
( )
∂t ∂z ∂z ∂z
+ UG
+ G
- gFGG - FG(z) +
∂ Gµ*G
( )
∂t ∂z ∂z ∂z
FG(z) ) -
[ AµG(1 - )21.8
dp {G}
2 2.8
BFG(1 - )1.8
dp{G}1.8 | |]
UG - UL (UG - UL)
From the experimental studies of the three types of (c) At high pressures (or gas densities > 2.3 kg/m3)
flow regime boundaries at elevated pressure, the fol- and high gas flow rates, the trickle-to-pulse flow transi-
lowing current understanding emerges: tion at a given liquid (respectively gas) superficial
(a) For any range of gas density, when the pressures velocity shifts toward higher gas (respectively liquid)
of gases of different molecular weights are set to have superficial velocities, thus making the trickle flow
the same densities, the trickle-to-pulse flow transition operating region wider at elevated pressure. This
occurs at the same gas and liquid superficial velocities. enlargement of the trickle flow operating region at high
Thus, if a reactor is to operate at 40 MPa pure hydrogen, pressure holds true even if, instead of drawing super-
its trickle-to-pulse flow transition boundary can be ficial velocity UG versus UL boundaries, mass superficial
simulated by a 1.6 MPa argon pressure for the same velocity G versus L boundaries are plotted (Figure 3)
temperature, with the densities of argon at 1.6 MPa and (Hasseni et al., 1987; Wild et al., 1991).
hydrogen at 40 MPa being equal. Also the liquid holdup (d) At any pressure level the transition from trickling
and the pressure drop keep the same values (Wammes to pulsing regime occurs at smaller fluid throughputs
et al., 1991b; Al-Dahhan and Dudukovic, 1994). for viscous liquids than for less viscous liquids (Figure
(b) Irrespective of the gas used, no effect of the gas 3b) (Wild et al., 1991).
density on the trickle-to-pulse flow boundary is observed (e) At liquid velocities corresponding to the dispersed
as long as gas density lies below 2.3 kg/m3 as shown in bubble flow regime, with increasing pressure, increased
Figure 3a. Hydrogen-pressurized TBRs at a few mega- gas velocities are necessary to bring pulse flow.
pascals can thus be simulated by air or nitrogen at (f) Foaming liquids behave similarly to nonfoaming
pressures close to atmospheric. liquids in the LIR regardless of pressure. When a liquid
3300 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 36, No. 8, 1997
f ) A(XGξ1)j + B(XGξ1)k where ξ1 )
(1 + 3.17ReL1.65WeL1.2)0.1
low interaction regime
f ) C(XGξ2)m + D(XGξ2)n where ξ2 )
0.001 + ReL1.5
∆P dp 1 - FGUGdp
( )
) 155 (7)
Z 1 2 G µG(1 - )
2 G G
Larachi et al. (1991a) trickle bed 0.2-8.1 empirical
(XG(ReLWeL)1/4)3/2 [
31.3 +
xXG(ReLWeL)1/4 ] (8)
(XG(ReLWeL)1/4)3/2 [
45.6 +
xXG(ReLWeL)1/4 ] (9)
( )[ ]
∆P E1ReL E2ReL2
ΨL ) +1) +
FLgZ L (1 - )GaL (1 - )2GaL
( )[ ]
∆P E1ReG E2ReG2
ΨG ) +1) +
FGgZ - L (1 - )GaG (1 - )2GaG
ΨL ) 1 + (Ψ - 1) (10)
a E and E are Ergun constants that characterize the bed and are determined from single-phase flow measurements. The third equation
1 2
is first solved for liquid holdup, and then the first or the second equation is solved for pressure drop.
FLUL2, it was found (Larachi et al., 1990, 1991a, 1994; away. Liquid holdup also affects the catalyst wetting
Wild et al., 1991) that the gas momentum rate can be efficiency, which, in turn, affects the reaction selectivity
used as a similarity criterion to evaluate pressure drops depending on whether the reaction takes place solely
at high-pressure operation from atmospheric pressure on the wetted catalyst area or on dry and wetted
drop experiments. Thus, if the flow regime is controlled catalyst areas alike. Table 3 presents the experimental
by inertia and the liquid mass flux is the same, conditions explored by the various investigators, whereas
the correlations and models devoted to liquid holdup are
[FGUG2 ) G2/FG]1 atm ) [FGUG2 ) G2/FG]P>1 atm listed in Table 6. Figures 2b and 6 present some of the
experimental data for liquid holdup at high-pressure
then operation. The phenomenological analysis of Al-Dahhan
and Dudukovic (1994), presented in section 2, describes
[∆P/Z]1 atm ) [∆P/Z]P>1 atm well the effect of pressure and gas flow rates on liquid
holdup. Systems with gases of different molecular
This is demonstrated by Figure 4d, in which a plot of weights that are maintained at the same densities, by
pressure gradient to gas inertia ratio as a function of adjusting the reactor pressure, render the same liquid
gas momentum rate is able to merge all pressure holdup and pressure drop at the same liquid mass flux
gradient lines at four different gas densities (Figure 4c) as illustrated in Figure 5b. Hence, increasing gas
and a unique line describes pressure drop irrespective density via molecular weight by using different gases
of gas density. (helium, nitrogen, argon, carbon dioxide) at constant
pressure duplicates the trends due to pressure (Al-
6. Liquid Holdup Dahhan and Dudukovic, 1994; Wammes et al., 1991b,
Larachi et al., 1991a, 1994). The static liquid holdup
Liquid holdup plays an important role in TBR hydro- measured by the stop-flow technique was found not to
dynamics and mass and heat transfer. In highly be affected by the reactor pressure and gas flow rate
exothermic reactions, knowledge of holdup is essential (Al-Dahhan, 1993; Al-Dahhan and Dudukovic, 1994;
for avoiding hot spots and for preventing reactor run- Wammes, 1990; Wammes et al., 1991a).
3302 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 36, No. 8, 1997
Figure 4. Effect of gas density on the two-phase pressure Figure 5. Effect of gas density on pressure drop (a) and liquid
gradient: (a) pressure gradient-to-liquid gravitational force ratio holdup (b) in trickle-bed reactors after Al-Dahhan and Dudukovic
as a function of superficial gas velocity; (b) pressure gradient-to- (1994). System: hexane/nitrogen and helium. Particles: 1.14 mm
liquid gravitational force ratio as a function of gas mass flux; (c) glass beads. Reactor diameter: 2.2 cm (c) after Larachi et al. (1994)
pressure drop-to-gas inertia force ratio as a function of gas mass for trickle-bed and upflow reactors. For cocurrent downflow
flux; (d) pressure drop-to-gas inertia force ratio as a function of (TBR): system, polypropylene carbonate (PC)/nitrogen and helium;
gas momentum flow rate. System: ethylene glycol/nitrogen. L ) particles, 1.4 mm glass beads; reactor diameter, 2.3 cm. For
13.2 kg/m2‚s. Particles: 2 mm glass beads. Reactor diameter: 2.3 cocurrent upflow: system, water/nitrogen and helium; particles,
cm (after Larachi, 1991). 3.4 mm polypropylene extrudates; reactor diameter, 2.3 cm. Lines
Liquid holdup at high pressure was first reported by represent the trends.
Abbott et al. (1979), who measured liquefied butane technique, Kohler and Richarz (1984, 1985) measured
holdup under nitrogen pressure in the range 2.4-3.8 capillary (static) and total liquid holdups up to 1 MPa.
MPa. Larkins-type correlations (Larkins et al., 1961), Water, nonviscous coalescing organic solutions, nitro-
involving the Lockhart-Martinelli dimensionless num- gen, and hydrogen were the test fluids used within the
ber (Lockhart and Martinelli, 1949) successfully de- operating range restricted to the trickle flow regime up
scribed their data. Later, by means of a tracer injection to the transition to pulsing. Under zero gas flow and
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 36, No. 8, 1997 3303
Table 6. Correlations and Models for Prediction of Liquid Holdup in High-Pressure Trickle- and Flooded-Bed Reactors
author flow configuration P (MPa) approach
Abbott et al. (1967) trickle bed 2.41-3.79 empirical
( ) ReL d
βe ) c
() ( ) ()
dp 0.38
c 0.48
) if ReG < 0.44ReL2
d 0.25 Dc
() ( ) ()
dp 0.38
c 0.32
) if ReG > 0.44ReL2 (12)
d 0.07 Dc
( )( ) ( )( ) FL2gdp3
0.65 0.53
avdp -0.42
FLULdp FGUGdp -0.31
βnc ) 0.71 (13)
µL2 µL µG
( )
UG 0.125
βe ) 0.354 + 0.143UL0.405 - 0.206 (15)
( )( ) FL2gdp3
c d
βnc ) 16.3
µL µL2
c) { 0.36 if Re < 11
0.55 if Re > 15
d) {
-0.39 if Re < 11
-0.42 if Re > 15
( )( ( FL2gdp3
)) ( )
0.55 0.65
βnc ) 3.8 1+
µL µL2 FLgZ
log(1 - βe) ) - (18)
Jdf - UG
βe ) 1 + (19)
log(1 - βe) ) - (20)
3304 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 36, No. 8, 1997
Table 6 (Continued)
author flow configuration P (MPa) approach
( )[ ]
∆P E1ReL E2ReL2
ΨL ) +1) +
FLgZ L (1 - )GaL (1 - )2GaL
( )[ ]
∆P E1ReG E2ReG2
ΨG ) +1) +
FGgZ - L (1 - )GaG (1 - )2GaG
ΨL ) 1 + (Ψ - 1) (21)
Tsamatsoulis and Papayannakos (1994) trickle bed 5.0 empirical
av [
) 10 XGReL-1/2WeL ( )]
3/2 0.7
high interaction
av [
) 1550 XGReL-1/2WeL
1-( )]
avdK -5 0.7
transition regime
av [
) 21.3 XGReL-1/2WeL ( )]
-2 0.5
{ () ( ( ))( )}
µG 1/6 We βe
L 1 1
a ) a° 1 + 4.9 × 104 1 + 2.5 1- - (25)
µL ReL βe° βe βe°
Table 8. Correlations and Models for Prediction of Liquid-Side Gas-Liquid Volumetric Mass-Transfer Coefficient in
High-Pressure Trickle-Bed Reactors
author flow configuration P (MPa) approach
Wild et al. (1992) trickle bed atmospheric empirical
low interaction
) 2.8 × 10-4 XG1/4ReL1/5WeL1/5ScL1/2
1- ( )] 1/4 3.4
high interaction
) 0.45 XG1/2ReL4/5WeL1/5ScL1/2
1- ( )] 1/4 1.3
transition regime
) 0.091 XG1/4ReL1/5WeL1/5ScL3/10
1- ( )] 1/4 3.8
Cassanello et al. (1996) trickle bed 0.3-3.2 phenomenological
Table 9. Correlations and Models for Prediction of Liquid-Solid Contacting Efficiency in High-Pressure Trickle-Bed
author flow configuration P (MPa) approach
Ruecker and Agkerman (1987) trickle bed 5.2 empirical
ηCE ) 1 + 0.14πLV - 1.17πLV (28)
Ring and Missen (1991) trickle bed 10 empirical
ηCE ) 1 - exp(-644UL0.964) based on diffusivity ratio
[ ]
∆P 1/9
ηCE ) 1.104(Re)1/3 (30)
invaded by tiny bubbles whose size results from a Missen (1991) and Ruecker and Akgerman (1987)
balance between viscosity and surface tension forces. measured the contacting efficiency at 10 and 5.2 MPa,
It is the formation of such small bubbles that enhances they did not investigate the effect of high pressure.
the interfacial area and the volumetric mass-transfer Table 9 lists the wetting efficiency correlations devel-
coefficient. A simple model was then derived in which oped for the high pressure/temperature laboratory-scale
the interfacial area at high pressure is split into two trickle-beds. Al-Dahhan and Dudukovic (1995) have
contributions, that of liquid spreading on the solids and studied the catalyst wetting efficiency at high-pressure
that due to transported gas bubbles which give rise to operation via a tracer technique (see Table 3). In their
the pressure dependence of the gas-liquid mass- work, a phenomenological analysis was developed to
transfer. This model is given in Tables 7 and 8. relate the wetting efficiency with operating conditions
According to the phenomenological analysis for the such as reactor pressure and gas and liquid flow rate
effects of pressure proposed by Al-Dahhan and Dudu- which resulted in the five limiting cases as shown in
kovic (1994, 1995), the liquid film thickness at a fixed Figure 2c. For a fixed liquid mass velocity, at high
liquid mass velocity decreases with pressure and gas pressure and high gas flow rates, wetting efficiency
velocity where the shear stress on the gas-liquid improves noticeably whereas pressure drop increases
interface increases. This results in an improved spread- significantly and liquid holdup decreases considerably.
ing of the liquid film over the external packing area, As liquid flow rate increases, contacting efficiency
making them more wet and at the same time increasing improves further due to an increase in both pressure
the gas-liquid interfacial area. drop and liquid holdup. The effect of gas flow rate on
the wetting efficiency, pressure drop, and liquid holdup
is more pronounced at elevated pressure (see Figure
8. Catalyst Wetting Efficiency 2a-c). The improvement in wetting efficiency with
increased gas flow rate is due to the improved spreading
External catalyst wetting efficiency is an important of the liquid holdup over the external packing area. This
design and scale-up parameter in determining the is supported by the finding of Larachi et al. (1992) where
degree of catalyst utilization in trickle-bed reactors (the the gas-liquid interfacial area increases at high pres-
internal contacting is usually equal to unity due to sure and high gas flow rate operation. Al-Dahhan and
capillary effects). The available predictions of wetting Dudukovic (1995) developed a correlation for wetting
efficiency rest on data collected at atmospheric pressure efficiency for high-pressure operation given by eq 30 of
(Shulman et al., 1955; Onda et al., 1967; Krauze and Table 9. This correlation is also in good agreement with
Serwinski, 1971; Puranik and Vogelpohl, 1974; Mills the atmospheric data collected previously and provides
and Dudukovic, 1981; El-Hisnawi, 1981; El-Hisnawi et the means for assessing liquid-catalyst contacting at
al., 1981; Lazzaronni et al., 1988). Although Ring and high operating pressures.
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 36, No. 8, 1997 3307
9. Catalyst Dilution with Inert Fines in
Laboratory-Scale TBRs
Since laboratory-scale reactors need to match the
space velocity of commercial units, the actual velocities
in them are much lower, which leads to incomplete
catalyst wetting. Moreover, the same catalyst sizes,
types, and shapes employed in the commercial reactors
are used in the small-diameter laboratory units where
the criterion Dc/dp > 20, desirable for avoiding wall
effects, usually cannot be met. Such conditions can
cause liquid maldistribution and insufficient use of the
catalyst bed for liquid-limited reactions by reducing
liquid-solid contacting efficiency (Al-Dahhan and Dudu-
kovic, 1995; Wu et al., 1996a; Sie, 1991; Van Klinken
and Van Dongen, 1980; Gierman, 1988). As a remedy
to the above problems, dilution of the laboratory beds
with fines (small, inert, and nonporous particles of about
0.1 catalyst diameter) has been recommended and
utilized for decades to overcome the shortcomings of
laboratory-scale reactors and/or to provide better tem-
perature uniformity in the reactor particularly for
highly exothermic reactions. In this technique, the
hydrodynamics is largely dictated by the packing of
fines, whereas the catalytic phenomena are governed
by the catalyst particle of the same shape, size, and form
as used in the commercial reactors. It is noteworthy
that the utility of the dilution techniques would be
negated if the packing method of mixing the bed of
catalyst and fines failed to produce reproducible results.
Al-Dahhan et al. (1995) developed a reproducible pro-
cedure for packing small-diameter packed beds with a
mixture of fines and catalyst which relies on filling the
original bed voids with fines; the step-by-step procedure
is reported in Al-Dahhan et al. (1995) and Al-Dahhan
and Dudukovic (1996). Al-Dahhan and Dudukovic
(1996) also measured the liquid-catalyst contacting
efficiency in a diluted bed, with fines and compared it
to that obtained in a nondiluted bed, both beds being
operated under high pressure at the same set of liquid
mass velocity. They reported that fines improve cata-
lyst wetting efficiency, which in a diluted bed is strongly
related to both pressure drop and liquid holdup as
shown in Figure 9a-c. Thus, in a diluted bed, while
wetting efficiency improves at high pressure and high
gas flow rates, pressure drop increases and liquid
holdup decreases.
Figure 10. Comparison between trickle-bed and upflow perfor- Figure 11. Effect of inert fines on the performance of trickle-bed
mance at actual gas velocity ) 4.4 cm/s. X: conversion. tsp: space and upflow reactors at actual gas velocity ) 4.4 cm/s. X: conversion.
time (s) (3600/LHSV). (a) Gas-limited reaction; (b) liquid-limited tsp: space time (s) (3600/LHSV). (a) Gas-limited reaction; (b) liquid-
reaction. System: hydrogenation of R-methylstyrene (in hexane limited reaction. System: hydrogenation of R-methylstyrene (in
solvent) to cumene over 2.5% alumina-supported palladium cata- hexane solvent) to cumene over 2.5% alumina-supported palladium
lyst extrudates. Particle size: 0.13 × 0.56 cm. Reactor diameter: catalyst extrudates. Particle size: 0.13 × 0.56 cm. Fines: 0.2 mm
2.2 cm (after Wu et al., 1996a). silicon carbide. Reactor diameter: 2.2 cm (after Wu et al., 1996a).
efficiency in TBR is insignificant. As liquid mass of conversion with liquid reactant feed concentration
velocity is increased (i.e., space time is decreased), the (typical of zero-order behavior) was observed. The effect
performance of TBR approaches that of FBR due to the of gas velocity on the reactor performance for both
increase in the wetting efficiency of TBR toward com- modes of operation (i.e., TBR and FBR) at all the feed
plete wetting. Figure 10 illustrates the performance concentrations tested was found to be insignificant in
comparison of TBR and FBR without inert fines. The the range of hydrogen velocities (3.8-14.4 cm/s) and
conversions are higher in both TBR (downflow) and FBR reactor pressures (30-300 psig) studied (Wu et al.,
(upflow) reactors operated under liquid-limited reaction 1996a; Khadilkar et al., 1996).
than those obtained in these reactors operated under In beds diluted with fines, it was found that both
gas-limited reactions. The effects of reactor pressure, trickle bed and upflow perform identically under both
liquid reactant feed concentration, and gas velocity on gas- and liquid-limited conditions as shown in Figure
the performance of these reactors for both gas- and 11, corroborating the fact that the fluid dynamics and
liquid-limited conditions that explain such observations kinetics can be decoupled by using fines. This implies
are discussed in detail by Wu et al. (1996a). However, that the performance of the diluted bed is not dependent
the performance of both downflow and upflow improves on the reactant limitation and flow mode used. This
with the reactor pressure due to an increase in the gas conclusion is important in establishing the use of fines
solubility which helps the rate of transport to the wetted in laboratory-scale reactors as an effective and viable
catalyst (in both modes) and improves the driving force scale-up tool possibly to be preferred to upflow reactors.
for gas to catalyst mass-transfer to the inactively wetted Indeed, in the later case, complete wetting occurs at the
catalyst in the downflow mode. At low feed concentra- expense of increased liquid holdup, which in return can
tion of the liquid reactant (R-methylstyrene (CBi) ) 3.1% alter the relative extent of homogeneous and heteroge-
v/v) and high pressure (>100 psig), the reaction becomes neous reactions occurring in more complex systems and
liquid reactant limited, where no further enhancement should therefore be avoided. In contrast, in the bed
is observed when pressure is increased from 100 to 200 packed with fines, wetting is increased without a
psig (where the ratio DeBCBi/b(DeAC*A) drops from 1.5 significant increase in liquid holdup. Wu et al.’s (1996a)
at 100 psig to 0.8 at 200 psig). This means that any study also demonstrated that the advantage of upflow
further increase in the reactor pressure, and hence or downflow depends on whether liquid or gas reactant
liquid phase hydrogen concentration, will have a mini- is rate-limiting and that a single criterion proposed for
mal effect since hydrogen is not the limiting reactant identifying the limiting reactant can explain most of the
anymore (i.e., the effect of pressure diminishes when data reported in the literature on these two modes of
liquid limitation is approached). Moreover, when liquid operation.
limitation is observed, there is no effect of liquid
reactant feed concentration (CBi) on its conversion in 11. Evaluation of TBR Models
either mode of operation. This is a result of the liquid
reactant transport or intrinsic rate limitation which Most of the reported investigations in the literature
shows up as a first-order dependence, making conver- have suggested a plug flow model for the liquid phase
sion independent of feed concentration. At high initial modified by consideration of some other factors such as
liquid reactant feed concentration (CBi ) 7.8% v/v) and external liquid holdup, external contacting, catalyst
low pressure (30 psig) (relatively close to the atmo- effectiveness, etc. Wu et al. (1996b) have evaluated the
spheric pressure), the hydrogenation of R-methylstyrene current plug flow models (Dudukovic, 1977; Henry and
becomes gas limited and is known to exhibit a zeroth- Gilbert, 1973; Mears, 1974) for first-order reactions in
order behavior with respect to R-methylstyrene and first high-pressure TBRs using the isothermal decomposition
order with respect to hydrogen (Beaudry et al., 1986; of hydrogen peroxide on a Cu-Cr catalyst as shown in
Wu et al., 1996a,b). Hence, an inverse proportionality Figure 12. Comparison of model predictions and ex-
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 36, No. 8, 1997 3309
conditions, confirming the fact that the fluid dynamics Ka ) Kapitza dimensionless number,
and kinetics can be decoupled by using fines. The
performance predictions of the current trickle-bed reac- σL3FL
tor models for the investigations presented in the review
are satisfactory for both gas- and liquid-limited reac- µL4g
It is evident that atmospheric data and models or kLa ) volumetric liquid-side mass-transfer coefficient, s-1
correlations cannot, in general, be extrapolated to L ) liquid mass flux, kg/m2‚s
operation at elevated pressures particularly conditions LHSV ) liquid hourly space velocity (superficial velocity/
of high gas flow rate and high gas molecular weight. bed length), 1/s
P ) pressure, MPa
This can only be accomplished in some special cases
Q ) volumetric flow rate, mL/s
mentioned in this paper. Re ) Reynolds number, FUdp/µ
It is noteworthy to mention that it is valuable to
compare the high-pressure laboratory data and the Re ) Reynolds number (modified),
correlations prediction with large-scale trickle-bed reac- FUdp
tor data to demonstrate the applicability of the high-
pressure findings and correlations and models for µ(1 - )
scaleup or scaledown. Unfortunately, this is not in-
cluded in this paper due to the unavailability of the S ) selectivity
high-pressure large-scale industrial trickle-bed reactor Sc ) Schmidt number, µ/FD
data for the parameters discussed in this paper. T ) temperature, K
t ) time, s
Clearly, a lot of work remains to be done in providing
tsp ) space time (3600/LHSV), s
a fundamentally based description of the effect of
U ) superficial velocity, m/s
pressure on the parameters of importance in TBR V ) interstitial velocity, m/s
operation, design, and scaleup or scaledown. WeL ) liquid Weber number,
Nomenclature FLUL2dp
a ) gas-liquid interfacial area, m2/m3 σL
av ) bed-specific surface area, m2/m3
C* ) gas solubility X ) conversion
C*A ) concentration of gaseous reactant in the liquid phase, XG ) modified Lockhart-Martinelli ratio,
CBi ) concentration of liquid reactant in liquid, mol/m3 UGxFG
Cp ) heat capacity at constant pressure, kcal/kg/K
D ) molecular diffusivity, m2/s or cm2/s ULxFL
DeA ) effective diffusivity of gaseous reactant in the
catalyst, m2/s Z ) bed length, cm
DeB ) effective diffusivity of liquid reactant in the catalyst,
m2/s Greek Letters
Dc ) column diameter, m Rt ) bed-to-wall heat transfer coefficient, W/m2‚K
Dz ) axial dispersion coefficient, m2/s β ) liquid saturation
dK ) Krischer-Kast hydraulic diameter, m ∆P/Z ) pressure drop
) bed porosity
3 L ) liquid holdup
x 163
9π(1 - )2
Φ ) density correction in Charpentier diagram, see eq 2
ηCE ) wetting efficiency
κ ) thermal conductivity, J/m‚s‚K
λ ) dimensionless parameter in eq 2,
dp ) particle diameter, m
E1, E2 ) Ergun constants, eq 21
f ) two-phase flow friction factor,
µ ) dynamic viscosity, Pa‚s
2FGUG2 πLV ) vapor-to-feed molar ratio
F ) density, kg/m3
Fi ) volume-averaged forces exerted on phase i by the other σ ) surface tension, N/m
phases, N/m3 τLG ) gas-liquid interfacial shear stress, Pa
Fr ) Froude number, U2/gdp ψ ) dimensionless parameter in eq 2,
G ) gas mass flux, kg/m2‚s 1/3 2/3
g ) gravitational acceleration, m/s2
σw µL Fw
Ga ) Galileo number, σL µw FL
dp3F2g3 Subscripts
AL ) gaseous reactant dissolved in liquid
µ2(1 - )3 a ) active liquid holdup, or air
e ) external liquid holdup
H ) Henry’s constant G ) gas
Jdf ) drift flux, m/s GL ) two-phase
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Vergel, H. C. A. Gas-Liquid Catalytic Fixed Bed Reactors. Accepted April 24, 1997X
Experimental and Theoretical Comparison of the Performances
of the Reactor for Different Flow Directions (Les Réacteurs IE9700829
Catalytiques à Lit Fixe avec EÄ coulement de Gaz et de Liquide.
Comparaison sur le Plan Théorique et Expérimental de la
Performance du Réacteur dans Différents Sens d’E Ä coulement).
X Abstract published in Advance ACS Abstracts, July 1,
Ph.D. Dissertation, Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine,
Nancy, France, 1993. 1997.