Line Follower Robot Line Follower Robot: A Project Report Submitted To
Line Follower Robot Line Follower Robot: A Project Report Submitted To
Line Follower Robot Line Follower Robot: A Project Report Submitted To
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I have always considered it a privilege to have had the opportunity of pursuing my M. Tech. at JIIT. The
time I have spent here has been very fruitful, and I have found the interaction with the exceptionally
distinguished faculty and the smart set of colleagues extremely enriching. I would like to acknowledge
all the people who have directly or indirectly helped me during the course of my M. Tech., I wish to
mention some of the people who have influenced me most during my project.
First and foremost, I wish to thank Mr. Atul Srivastava, my project advisor, for his valuable support and
guidance, and for having been a constant source of inspiration for this work. I really admire Mr. Atul
Srivastava’s dedication to his work; I have learned a lot from his approach of doing work.
I also thank Professor A. B. Bhattacharya for his advice and recommendations. I thank Mr. Shamim
Akhter for their support and encouragement during my project.
During the course of my M. Tech. project I have had the opportunity to work closely with my fellow
students. They have always encouraged and helped me in my project.
Finally, I wish to thank all the faculty members for their support.
Date 05-05-2008
This is to certify that the project report entitled “TITLE OF PROJECT WORK”
submitted by NAME OF STUDENT to the Name Of the college……………..,
Kerala in partial fulfillment for the award of Degree of Bachelor of Technology in
……………. Engineering is a bonafide record of the project work carried out by
him under my supervision during the year 2009-2010.
Prof. ………………………..
Professor and Head
Department of……………………Engineering
(Project Guide)
NameOf college…………………………………
KEYWORDS: DI Diesel Engine, Spiral Manifold, Helical Manifold, Helical-Spiral
Combined Manifold, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD).
Title Page
ABSTRACT..................................................................................................................... ii
LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................................... iii
LIST OF FIGURES ...................................................................................................... iv
ABBREVIATIONS......................................................................................................... v
NOMENCLATURE ...................................................................................................... vi
1.1 Flow Through Inlet Manifold ........................................................................... 3
1.2 Simulation Using Computational Fluid Dynamics ........................................... 5
2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 8
2.2 Diesel Engine Flow Modeling ........................................................................... 9
2.2.1 Effect on Engine Configurations........................................................................ 9
2.3 Diesel Combustion Model ............................................................................... 25
REFERENCE................................................................................................................ 50
LIST OF PUBLICATIONS.......................................................................................... 55
List of Tables
4.6 Spiral Manifold with Different Flow Entry Angles (20 O, 32.5O and 45O)............. 96
4.7 Helical Manifold (Helical Angles 30O, 35O, 40O, 45O and 50O) .......................... 97
ATDC After Top Dead Center
BDC Bottom Dead Center
BTDC Before Top Dead Center
CA Crank Angle
CAD Computer Aided Design
CCS Combined Charging System
CFD Computational Fluid Dynamics
CO Carbon Monoxide
CTC Characteristic–Time Combustion
DI Direct Injection
DME Dimethyl Ether
DNS Direct Numerical Simulations
EGR Exhaust Gas Re- Circulation
FIE Fuel Injection Equipments
HC Hydrocarbon
HWA Hot Wire Anemometer
IC Internal Combustion
Fuel economy demands and pollution threats have posed serious challenges to the design
and development of new generation diesel engines. The performances of the diesel engines
are enhanced by proper design of inlet and exhaust manifolds. In this, inlet manifold is
mainly responsible for inducting appropriate amount of air into the cylinder. It should be
the endeavor of the designer to see that maximum volumetric efficiency is obtained. At the
same time, the design should be in such a way that it creates larger turbulence and swirl.
Direct Injection (DI) diesel engine with new intake system, turbocharger and after
treatment arrangement to meet latest emission regulations and fuel economy is found to be
very attractive for automotive applications.
Simulation of IC engine using CFD is comparatively quite difficult since it involves
……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……..
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Anderson, J.D. (1995) Computational Fluid Dynamics. McGraw Hill, Singapore 1995.
Arcoumanis, C., A.F. Bicen, and J.H. Whitelaw (1993) Measurments in a Motored Four
Stroke Reciprocating Model Engine. Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol.104.
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Combustion in a Transparent 1.9 Litre Direct Injection Diesel Engine. Proc. Instn. Mech.
Engrs., Vol. 208.
Arcoumanis, C., Z. Hu, and J.H. Whitelaw (1993) Steady Flow Characterization of
Tumble-Generating Four – Valve Cylinder Heads. Proc.Instn. Mech. Engrs. Vol 207.
Babu, S.S., P.I. Haneef, P.A. Lakshminarayanan, P. Deshpande, N. Bhalla, P. Sagar,
and J. Sekar (2005) Two Methods for Improving Torque of a Diesel Engine in the Low
Speed Range. SAE Paper No. 2005-26-001.
Balajimopoulos, A, D.N. Assani, D.L. Floweers, S.M. Aceves, and P. Hessel (2005) A
Fully Coupled Computational Fluid Dynamics and Multi-Zone Model with Detailed
Chemical Kinetics for the Simulation of Premixed Charge Compression Ignition. IMechE.
J. Engine Research, Vol. 6, No. 5.
Barths, H., C. Hasse, and N. Peters (2000) Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of
Non-Premixed Combustion in Direct Injection Diesel Engines. Proceedings of the IMechE
Volume 1, Journal of Engine Research.
Baulch, D.L., D.D. Drysdall, D.G. Horne, and A.C. Lloyd (1973) Evaluated Kinetic
Data for High Temperature Reactions. Butterworth.
Beard, O. C and M. Miche (2003) Improved Modeling of DI Diesel Engines Using Sub
Grid Description of Spray and Combustion. SAE Paper No. 2003-01-0008.
Annexure 10
1. Paul,B and V. Ganesan (2008) Effect of spiral manifold configuration on incylinder
air motion and turbulence in DI Diesel engine. Journal of Engineering
Application of Computational Fluid Mechanics. (Communicated).
1. Paul, B and V. Ganesan (2005) Study of air motion inside the cylinder of a DI
diesel engine with spiral intake port. 14th International Conference of Indian
Society of Mechanical Engineers in the Knowledge Age, New Delhi, December
2. Paul, B and V. Ganesan (2006) Effect of manifold configuration in turbulence
inside the cylinder of a direct injection diesel Engine by CFD Simulation. Third
BSME-ASME International Conference on Thermal Engineering, Dhaka,
Bangladesh, December 2006.
4 Paul, B and V. Ganesan (2007) Effect of spiral manifold configuration on swirl
and emissions in a DI diesel engine - A CFD study. Third International
Conference on Thermal Engineering. Jordan, May 2007.
5 Paul, B and V. Ganesan (2007) Effect of helical-spiral combined manifold
configuration on swirl and emissions in a DI diesel engine A CFD study.
International Conference on Computer Aided Engineering, IIT Madras, India,
December 2007.
1. Paul, B and V. Ganesan (2005) CFD Analysis of the effect of port configurations
on air motion inside the cylinder of a DI diesel engine. 19th National Conference
on IC Engine Combustion, The Combustion Institute, Chidambaram, India,
December 2005.
See Annexure 11