History of Israel
History of Israel
History of Israel
Sometime thereafter:
! Approximately 2000 BCE: Avram moves from modern day Iraq to modern day
! Approximately 1312 BCE: Joshua leads the 12 tribes of Israel into the land of
! Approximately 1000 BCE: David’s army conquers Jerusalem from the Jebusites
! 701 BCE: The Assyrians capture the northern kingdom of Israel, lay siege to
Jerusalem, and eventually sign a peace treaty with King Hezekiah of Judah
! 586 BCE: The Babylonians destroy the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem and exile all
Jews from the land
! 516 BCE: The Babylonians are conquered by the Persians. Persian King Cyrus
allows Jews to return to the Holy Land. The second temple is built
! 333 BCE: Alexander the Great conquers Judea
! 161 BCE: Hasmoneans under the leadership of the Maccabees overthrown Antiochus
IV to establish an independent kingdom
! 63 BCE: Pompey conquers Jerusalem and makes Judea a Roman province
! 40 BCE: Herod takes control of Judea and renovates the Temple adding retaining
walls including what is known today as Hakotel (The Western Wall)
! 70 CE: The Second Temple is destroyed and the Jewish Rebellion is destroyed by
Vespasian and his son Titus
! 73: Masada, the last stronghold of the Jewish Rebellion is conquered
! 135: The Bar Kochba Revolt is suppressed and Jews are scattered throughout the
! 135-1881: Jews continue to live in the modern State of Israel in small scattered
! 1881: After pogroms in Russia, the First Aliyah begins as the first strong wave of
immigration to the Ottoman controlled territory
! 1895: Alfred Dreyfus falsely convicted of treason
! 1896: Theodor Herzl publishes The Jewish State
! 1897: First Zionist Congress held in Basel declared the necessity for a Jewish State
and started modern Zionism.
! 15 & 16 May, 1916: Sykes-Picot Agreement
! British and French governments sign agreement dividing Middle East between the
two of them after WWI
! 2 November, 1917: Balfour Declaration – British see a Jewish homeland in Palestine
! “His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a
National Home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to
facilitate the achievement of this object…”
! 24 April, 1920: Britain assigned mandatory power over Palestine by the League of
! 23 August, 1923: Arab attack on the Jewish community in Hebron
! 1937: British Peel Commission suggests Palestine be divided into a Jewish State
consisting of the coastal strip from Mount Carmel to Be’er Tuvia, the Jezreel Valley
and the Galilee; an Arab state consisting of Judea, Samaria, and the Negev; and a
British and International region from Jaffa to Jerusalem
! The British Government accepted the Commission’s recommendation but never
implemented them. The Jews disagreed about whether to accept it or not, and the
Arabs rejected the recommendations entirely. The recommendation was
eventually shelved.
! 17 May, 1939: British White Paper limiting Jewish immigration to Palestine
! This White Paper cut-off immigration from Nazi states to Palestine effective
condemning Jews living under Nazi rule
! 1939-1945: Jews in Palestine are recruited to fight for the British against the Nazis in
Europe forming the Palestine Brigade
! The Palestine Brigade gave many people training for the future Haganah or Israeli
Defense Force
! 2 December, 1945: Arab League Boycott begins
! 29 November, 1947: Palestine partitioned into two states by the U.N.
! The proposed Jewish state was to consist of the Negev Desert, the coastal plain
reaching from Tel Aviv to Haifa, and the Upper Finger of the Galilee including
the Kineret (Sea of Galilee)
! The proposed Arab state was to consist of the Gaza Strip, Judea and Samaria, and
the Lower Finger of the Galilee
! Jerusalem was to remain an international City according to the U.N. partition plan