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Adaptive Skins and Micro Climates

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Plea2004 - The 21 Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture. Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 19 - 22 September 2004

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Adaptive Skins and Microclimates

Simos Yannas
Environment & Energy Studies Programme
Architectural Association Graduate School
34-36 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3ES, UK

ABSTRACT: The paper reports on a project that served as a key learning tool for this year’s post-
graduate teaching programme. Starting with fieldwork and design proposals for sites in London,
student teams proceeded with the design and construction of a small structure that was erected in
April 2004 on the island of Santorini in Greece.

Conference Topic: education and technology transfer; comfort and well-being in urban spaces
Keywords: urban microclimates, outdoor comfort, adaptive skins, environmental software

1. INTRODUCTION experienced by sitting, standing or moving around the

spaces affected. But they also affect temperature, soil
The Architectural Association Graduate School’s moisture, and plant growth, and these in turn
Environment & Energy Studies Programme (AA EE) contribute to the differentiation and characterization of
explores the application of sustainable environmental the microclimate. The longer the exposure of an area
design at the level of the city and the individual the more marked may be the resulting microclimatic
building. An ongoing topic of investigation is the differentiation from an area not similarly exposed.
relationship between built form and environmental How can we compile a microclimatic profile of an
performance. A number of recent projects have area or site without having to embark on long-term
focused on aspects of mixed-use development as measurements ? How much influence can we exert
part of a zero carbon emission strategy for urban on the environmental variables characterizing a
environments. Field studies undertaken in the context microclimate ? What means can we use to
of these projects and reported in other papers, accomplish such modifications ? What are relevant
[1][2][3][4], have revealed that the microclimatic applications? Sunshine duration and intensity, wind
attributes of the urban tissue vary widely within any direction and velocity and the other environmental
given segment of a city. As a result the urban tissue parameters all vary over time, both within the daily
accommodates distinct microclimatic niches of cycle and seasonally, but also from year to year.
unknown and unpredictable variability. Such What adaptive mechanisms can we employ to
variability may be the outcome of built density and respond to this dynamic ? how can these
urban geometry. Both these factors affect solar microclimatic tools become self-updating in their
exposure and air flow within the fabric of the city, and environmental behaviour ?
either of these climatic parameters can have a strong These questions provided the starting point for a
effect on the microclimate of a site. Microclimatic learning process that combined theoretical, empirical
variability can be also the result of anthropogenic and analytic studies as inputs to design proposals
sources inside, as well as outside, buildings. A that were meant to be informed by environmental
resulting problem for urban design, affecting both considerations from the outset. The lessons learnt
building design and that of open spaces, is that and the design proposals developed in the course of
generalised models are of limited use in helping to this process are briefly discussed in the following
characterise and assess local conditions so as to sections of the paper.
inform design. On the other hand, a promising
inference is that a process of ecological regeneration 2. ADAPTIVE SKINS & MICROCLIMATES
could be initiated by local interventions aimed at
creating pockets of improved microclimate which can 2.1 Context
contribute to reversing the negative effects of urban The Adaptive Skins & Microclimates project was
climate change. This is a corollary of the observation introduced in October 2003 as a vehicle for applying
that distinct microclimates can coexist in close the theoretical concepts and analytic tools presented
proximity within the urban environment without one by the taught courses of the AA EE Masters
negating the other. Programme. The first stage of the project involved
The most significant microclimatic variations are observations and measurements indoors and in open
commonly created by differences in sun and wind spaces around Central London. The objective at this
patterns. Such differences have an immediate effect stage was to investigate the mechanisms underlying
on the sensation of thermal comfort or discomfort different microclimates in the urban environment. The
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variability and cloudiness of London weather and the

strong effect that wind patterns have on outdoor
thermal comfort were early observations by the
eighteen Masters students taking part in the project.
These observations led to design briefs that ranged
from explorations of adaptive clothing to proposals for
urban pavilions and the creation of dynamic
landscapes for pedestrians in the city.
Short-term readings of environmental parameters
were undertaken in selected locations around London
as part of diagnostic investigations and outdoor
thermal comfort studies. Computer software that was
introduced by the taught course for use on this project
included: Meteonorm v5.0 for generating weather
data [5]; Ecotect v5.2 software for 3-D studies of solar
access, shading and daylighting and for analysis of
weather data [6]; TAS for dynamic thermal simulation
[7]; CFX-5 for air flow simulation [8]; and ENVI-met for
outdoor microclimate simulation [9].

2.2 Adaptive Topographies

Following study of long-term weather data for
Central London and short-term observations of
sunshine, temperature and wind patterns on several
central sites, one of the project teams focused on the
concept of an adaptive topography that would vary in Figure 1: Views of parts of site on south side of Tate
shape, in response to daily and seasonal variations of Modern Gallery showing proposed landform, parasol
environmental parameters, with the aim of providing and activity layers.
better conditions for outdoor activity [10]. Proposals
for the south side of the Tate Modern Gallery in south
London, Fig. 1, evolved following measurements
around the site, Fig. 2, and simulations of
microclimatic conditions using the Envi-met and
Ecotect software, Fig. 3. Parts of the site have good
solar access which is a very valuable commodity in a
high latitude urban environment of variable sunshine
availability. In London wind patterns are both variable
and mostly disruptive. As air temperatures are rarely
extreme in the city centre, protection from, or
exposure to, wind, rain and sun are the deciding
factors for outdoor activities. The thrust of the
proposals shown in Figs. 1 and 3 is the creation of a
dynamic landscape of variable topographic features
and surface properties. The team conceived this Figure 2: Positions of measurements of air
adaptive topography as consisting of three temperature, relative humidity and wind velocity as
complementary layers. The landform layer of recorded by GPS around the Tate Modern site in
south London.

Figure 3: Landform adaptive strategies for typical April daytime conditions on Tate Modern site, London.
Diagrams from left to right: wind (and sunshine) data translated into zones of wind protection and solar access
illustrated on landform plan and section; the change in the altitudes of grid points is shown on the hexagonal
grid (far right) and site section (bottom).
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stabilised soil sits on an hexagonal grid that regulates 2.3 Urban Shelters
upward or downward movement. Sections of points Observations of microclimatic effects around
on the grid are moved upward to provide a wind London squares, bus stops and other open spaces,
shadow, whilst others may rise to improve solar Fig. 5, led two of the teams to designs for small
access, thus dividing the site into areas of wind and pavilion-like shelters [12] [13] for use by passers-by or
sun shadow or exposure. Microclimatic simulations bus passengers. These were conceived as being
were performed for a range of typical London weather composed of movable elements to provide the
conditions to identify the range of movements and adaptive mechanisms, Fig. 6.
responses required from the landform layer. Figure 3
illustrates one of these instances. A parasol layer set
some 6.0m above the landform is designed to
provide selective rain protection or solar control as
the case may be, Fig. 1 (top right). Various activity
layers can then be inserted into the site combining
architectural elements and outdoor furniture with
complementary climatic properties, Fig. 1 (top left).
Complementary options were explored by a
second team with proposals for outdoor elements and
furniture for streets and parks, Fig. 4 [11].

Figure 5: Wind patterns around Bedford Square, in

central London based on simulations and

Figure 6: Proposals for an “urban living room” to be

sited outside the AA School on the pavement of
Bedford Square, London.
2.4 Going Underground
The stations and passenger areas of the London
Underground system provide some striking lessons
for students of environmental design. In the first
instance, the sheltering provided by the surrounding
earth has a stabilising influence on tunnel and
platform temperatures. However, high daily heat
gains from train motion and passenger body heat
(average of some three million passenger journeys
per day) result in platform temperatures that are well
above the undisturbed ground temperature at tunnel
depths (normally around 10oC in London). This can be
seen from the spot readings of air temperatures taken
Figure 4: Proposals for producing warming or by one of the project teams three times a day at
cooling sensations by conduction; (photo bottom) various points of a London Underground station, Fig.
demonstration of variant using refilled plastic water 7. Note that although the outdoor air temperature
bottles. near the station varied in the range of 10-15oC, the air
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Air Temperatures, 1 November 2003

C 30.0
20.0 9.00
platform escalators concourse entrance outside

Figure 7: Spot measurements in different parts of a

London Underground station. Figure 9: Proposals for an internal skin to increase
heat storage and heat dissipation (top) and concept
temperature on the underground platform remained for earth-sheltered urban buildings (above).
stable in the vicinity of 28oC. Clearly, this is too high
for passengers coming from the outside with winter earth-sheltering with access to daylighting, natural
outdoor clothing. Uncomfortably high temperatures ventilation and a garden roof landscape as part of a
persist for much of the year on most London greener urban architecture, Fig. 9 (bottom).
Underground platforms.
2.5 Folds and clothing
Measurements taken at very short time intervals Adjustments to clothing are generally the most
on the same platform a month later revealed very direct and immediate mechanism of adaptive thermal
considerable instantaneous fluctuations of 4.0-5.0K in comfort on a daily as well as seasonal basis. Colour,
the air temperature, followed by much smaller type of fabric, tightness and layering are common
fluctuations of 1.0-1.5K in surface temperature, Fig. 8. clothing factors or mechanisms over which individuals
The measurements show extremely rapid rises in air have a choice that can influence their sensation of
temperature occurring within less than 60 seconds as thermal comfort. Measurements undertaken by one of
trains approached followed by similarly rapid drop in the project teams suggested that folding may
temperature with train departure. The project team represent an additional or alternative such
developed proposals for an adjustable internal lining mechanism, Fig. 10. Folds can influence the thermal
of the tunnels to provide a variable amount of resistance and exposure of clothing thus increasing or
additional thermal capacity and heat dissipation, Fig. decreasing heat loss rate.
9 (top) [13]. The corollary of this stage of the study The folding or unfolding of a fabric can act as the
was that by controlling the free heat gains adaptive mechanism. Having identified variations in
comfortable temperatures could be achieved naturally the rates of heat loss of different parts of the human
all year round by earth-sheltering. The team body, as well as the variations produced by different
proceeded to explore this lesson further by combining
C 23 platform measurements






11:09:03 11:12:35 11:16:07 11:19:39 11:23:11 11:26:43 11:30:15 11:33:47 11:37:19 11:40:51 11:44:23 11:47:55 11:51:27 11:54:59 11:58:31 12:02:03 12:05:35 12:09:0

surface temperature air temperature

Figure 8: Surface and air temperature readings taken on train platform at short intervals over the course of
one hour showing fluctuations caused by arrival and departure of trains and passengers.
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body shapes, the team embarked on an extensive from the north side cantilever blocks low level north
investigation of the environmental characteristics of winds and blowing dust that can be quite disruptive
different types of folds and their potential association around the Aegean if left uncontrolled. The fabric can
with different parts of the body, Fig. 11 [15]. be soaked with water, providing evaporative cooling
underneath. The structure can be fitted with thin film
photovoltaics, providing power for computers and
other devices used by archaeologists in the field.

Figure 10: Folds

Figure 11: Testing folds

Figure 12: Axonometric view from south-west (top)

and eastern elevation (above).

In a hands-on follow-up to the theme of Adaptive

Skins, the entire Masters group collaborated on the
design and construction of a prototypical shelter for
use by archaeologists carrying out work in sunny
summer conditions, Figs. 12-14. The structure is
made of timber, hemp rope and cotton sailcloth. Its
components were constructed by the group at the AA
School’s Hooke Park and Chings Yard workshops.
This work was undertaken as a contribution to one of
this year’s study trips that took the group to the island
of Santorini in Greece. The components were
transported as hand luggage and assembled in less
than a day in April 2004 on a site provided by the
municipality of the town of Oia on the northern corner
of the island. The form of the roof is derived from Figure 13: The bioclimatic shelter as erected on
solar geometry. The fabric cover is set to obscure Santorini in April 2004 being shown to locals and visiting
segments of the sunpath so as to prevent direct solar students from two other universities.
radiation from reaching the work area during
summertime in geographic latitudes below 40N. The
structure is open to air movement and diffuse
illumination from the northern half of the skydome. 4 LESSONS AND CONCLUSIONS
The saddle shape of the tensile fabric works like
an inverted wing; strong winds tend to push the In our teaching programme each year is some sort of
structure into the ground. The mesh skirt hanging experiment. What the teaching programme will cover,
how and when this will be presented and how and
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Figure 14: Images showing aspects of the process of design and construction of the bioclimatic shelter

where it will be used are important questions. Recent [3] Yannas, S. (2003). Towards Environmentally-
architectural graduates have good skills in the use of Responsive Architecture. Proc. PLEA 2003 Santiago
graphics software and three-dimensional modelling de Chile.
and simulation. However, the skills required for [4] Chatzidimitriou, A. and S. Yannas (2004).
numerical simulation, and in particular the ability to Microclimatic Studies of Urban Open Spaces in
interpret results, understand the processes underlying Northern Greece. Proc. PLEA 2004, Eindhoven.
such results and identify the physical entities or [5] Meteotest (2003). Meteonorm v5.0 Global
operations that should follow are not available from Meteorological Database for Solar Energy and
previous experience and can take a while to develop. Applied Climatology. Meteotest, Bern.
Although thermal and lighting simulation software has [6] Square One (2003). Ecotect v.5.2
become much easier to use for the architect there are [7] EDSL (2003). A-Tas v8.5. Environmental Design
still some usability issues and important limitations Solutions Limited.
persist especially with respect to airflow simulation, [8] Ansys (2003). CFX-5 Computational Fluid
integration of lighting and thermal analysis, comfort Dynamics Software.
studies and urban microclimate analysis. Our project [9] Bruse, M. (2003). ENVI-met v3.0. University of
teams’ choice to focus on outdoor urban spaces from Bochum.
their first project of the year presented a serious [10] Kalamatianou, F.-L. (2004). Adaptive Topograhy;
challenge. This was in addition to the perennial Martinez-Cañavate Souviron, C. and K. Pratt (2004)
problem that architectural students bring upon Adaptive Green. Adaptive Skins Project, Environment
themselves by aiming to produce meaningful design & Energy Studies Programme Architectural
proposals using just acquired knowledge and tools Association Graduate School (AA EE), London.
that are known to require years of incubation and [11] Gallou, I., M. Mas, Y. Tobe (2004). Pneu-skin.
practice. Yet unless the knowledge and tools are put Adaptive Skins Project, AA EE London.
to test straight away in a design or real life [12] Brunelli, G., B. Kreitmayer, J. Zou (2004). Urban
environment, they may never be used. And this Living Rooms. Adaptive Skins Project, AA EE
remains one of our ongoing challenges in London.
environmental design education and practice. [13] Davis, K.A., R. Ernest, M. Mehrotra (2004). Bus
Shelters. Adaptive Skins Project, AA EE London.
REFERENCES [14] Estrada Zubia, C., L. Filippopoulou, M.
Marcondes (2004). Going Underground. Adaptive
[1] Yannas, S. (2001). Towards More Sustainable Skins Project, AA EE London.
Cities. Solar Energy, Vol.70, no. 3 pp281-294. [15] Kaye, I., A. Maladkar, A. Smith (2004). Folds.
Elsevier Science Ltd. Adaptive Skins Project, AA EE London.
[2] Corbella, O.D., V.N. Corner and S. Yannas (2001).
Outdoor Spaces and Urban Design. Proc. PLEA 2001
Florianopolis, pp655-659.

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