Ethos, Pathos, Logos

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Name: Mr.

Persuasive Thesis Statement: Riding you bike to school is better than driving your car.
1. I have driven a car for 9 years, and rode a bike for 23 years.
2. I have researched the effects of car pollution on the environment.
3. I have worked for 10 years, both driving to work and riding my bicycle there.

1. Riding your bike makes you happy, and everyone wants to be happy.
2. Riding your bike gets you in shape, which improves your figure and self-esteem.
3. Driving in your car is comfortable and convenient, but it costs more money and
pollutes the earth, things that harm you and future generations.

1. Riding your bike is better for you b/c it is exercise. Exercise makes you happy and
2. Riding your bike is better for the environment.
3. Riding your bike is better for innovation.

Fact: Shown by deductive reasoning:

1. Exercise makes you happy (releases endorphins).
2. Riding your bike is exercise.
3. Riding your bike makes you happy.

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