SWOT of Discovery Channel and National Geographic (India)
SWOT of Discovery Channel and National Geographic (India)
SWOT of Discovery Channel and National Geographic (India)
Strenght Weakness
(core competency)
Opportunity Threat
The above graph is the SWOT analysis of National Geographic channel, since it was launched 10 years after the
Discovery channel so it lost its battle in the experience zone, also the number of documentaries shot by NGC is
quite less as compared to Discovery. But yes NGC is competing with Discovery and have some quality programs
which attract viewers to see this channel.
Discovery has set up its brand image in the world, so it would very difficult for NGC to surpass that unless they
have an exclusive value proposition.
SWOT History
(core competency)
Since the are of operation is too large for
Animal Planet & HD World
Discovery so there might be a chance of failure
Discovery, the name says it all. First one in the industry and was launched in 1985. Since there was no
competition, so it was easy for the channel to understand the environment. Discovery has number if programs,
including animal planet channel and launch of HD world. It is taking all possible measures to compete and
survive in the industry by meeting the demands of the viewers.
Discovery channel has a huge database, research work and extensive coverage worldwide. It was first to come in
India as well and adopted to local language (Hindi) for some programs. Though it’s a market leader but still it is
actively changing to the environment.
Strenght Weakness
SWOT History
(core competency)
Make things more intresting saturation level, people would find boring
History Channel, well a kind of monopoly as of now and we don’t think that anyone else would be broadcasting
a similar kind of channel in the near future. As we all know that History has been interesting but on the other
hand boring as well. But History channel has made it interesting to some extent. Its documentary like “The
Hitler” was a roaring success which helped it to stand in the market.