?-X Tree-/ ' (/T /X: Taryet!) '

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iviici-term exam

A,uswer all questio.ns .., -

Capabilities of 3D CAD systern in term of reducing product developmerrt time (4

Explain briefly bow a QFD study helps in the setting up ofperforrumce taryet!)
;-)"-; {f4*-l'ag)
17i..,-i,5r :_)
': ourrrn"the necess-4ry support documeni txe lor FMEA siudy- ,"'fi.
- -j.qL Jt^ jd'"rii:'r af1tti'-L'7., d''

Explain the important of setting ut Tree- rq,r,,7.

,, l.9bjective
\ ' {/t Discuss 3 factor that determine the success of concept evaluation using Pugh
method (6marks)
-1{Wowmodular architecture support concuffency in prod.uct developrnent? (5
7. )(x)(
X 'bi..i \{ini:rize t:\e. use of scret'.'r:se
*"support*d-.esrgn-f dFassem

snap fii
i:xplain the configuration design in rneqhanical engineering

\l p: spectttcafion
Discuss S.design requirements that must be outline in a production design

3 z-.-1i3, . t'


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Test 1
19th August 2008

ins de;ign, and

design and mechanical engirieering ^.;*#)
t) Discuss the dilference betwee" ]"1::T'"1
provide one exarnple for each situation'

statemenr shourd be stated ih
a forrn Jf constraint statement- Give'the
with the 'objective'
.constraint' with respect to the PDS' ;J discuss ii Jif"t"ttce (5 marks)

can be used for the irnplementation
3) Two kind of project planning approaches (cPM)'
engineering based a"rijn projegl,
.,u*"ty Gantt cqun and criticat Path Method'iprp::#
of \-rlvr
CPM ur in Lrtv l,rvJvvs 6'*lng -'
tn"'!ioJ""i by comparing this CPM
the advantages or
Disiuss tire "---^-^-" _ _ __IJllgrt*)
to ttre Gantt Chart-

shoes' I comi home from work
I do not know about you, but I hate cleaning

as pitti"g some wleds up^ I

pnow that [ '

then do some gardening ;;;k, such much

should change my shoe o"1orr't g"t
tlr" iy"!: iut sometimes it seems too
drrry shoes that-I need for work the
ffouble. The result x ttut-t "ni up witi will
following days- Now, v,hat
I want ts some roi oToutomatic 'machine'thIt
makz *i 'f i" gardening activities'
look good after
' Q morks)
(a) A needs analysis for the design'
least up to the 4s levet) for the design "*i'o
(b) rrr" r"n-rigni oulective TreJ(at marl<s)
( 0 marl<s)
(c) The House of Quality for the design case- (0 marhs)

for'the design
(d) Tti-e complete function analysis diagram
Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering

w Fac-ulty of Engineering and Built Erwironment

Univ ers it i Keb angs aan Mal ays i a

KJ6033 Mechanical Engineering Design

Test 2 (7 October 2008)

1. Explain three advantages of using a 3D solid rnodeling over a 2D modeling. (6 marks)

2. Modular product architectue is favowable compared to the integral a.rchitectwe when

designing a product for ease of maintenance. Explain why? (4 marks)

3. FMEA has been widely used in the aerospace, automotive and electonic industries. How
do you anticipate failures in FMEA for the following cases:

i. Existing product. (3 marks)

ii. New design. (3 marks)

4. As a design engineer, you are assigned to improve assembly efficiency of an engineering

component. In delivering the above task, outline two of your strategies and reason for
th-f SeleCtion.l6rn'arks)
5. In designing an electrical vacuum cleaner, what are the human factors requirements that
should be taken into consideration and explain why? (8 marks)
6. Prototypes are developed during the design and developmelt process for purposes of
validating the design. Describe the different types of prototypes and its pugpose, using the
design and development of a.car.as. a gasg example. (10 marks)

Dr. Dzuraidah Abd Wahab

Course Lecturer
I ' what is a multi- dit'iplinary team and why is it n99eslgry in a concurrent engineering
environment? (afiarks)

,/Explain the function of a Morphological Chart. What are the capabilities required in
producing a good MorpholQiEal-chfiT1+ marks)

4- What is life cycle design and how does life cycle design contributes towards a good
design. (4 marks)

p/@o"tline two advantages of the f,nctional modelling method as a means to map

'i,! .: customer needs to functional description of a product. (4 marks)
\ 6. Explain how focus groups are used in information gatheri ng- (4marks)

$ z' Describe briefly how QFD helps in setting performance rargers during.the
design stage. (4 marks)
-@outline the objectives of the configuration Design. (4 rnarks) ,* =- €
Ii What .@
what is a modular design? Give an example- (4;m 2,t, ( €rr'-l o,
,'fl' What are the diffbr.ntG;of p.olgty-pe that can be generated throughout the
engineering design process. Differeifrit" lir.r. prororypes.
tZ -rrr.*
Il' Explain the purpose of the Objective tree and describe briefly how it is apjlp! in a
design process. (8 marks)


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I- \\,h1,is probl,,111dc-finiriori nL-cessary
in a design process? (2 nrarks)
pr'bla-', /eFi*'.iti-' is +Le wrosf c.,^.rqp"; i4 -'tt^€ l":ia,
. ' -llr-e p*[\e-'^ is vrot p/bp".rlp Lt;^"], tLen q-li supseqzre-f ,f6-n
Pv.ve to 5e f o', rr{aa.XL"t . -rus.is *r:" i,a pv--Jnc* espaaia-[t3
wl,e^e cor.r-s ;Je"-$!e {i.-re-
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2- Exprai' tn. p,,.ior. of de'eropi'g a Morprrorogicar
(2 crrart? rnarks)
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5- 4 'X , L1-' -(
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3- Basc'J on or-ri..1o'''' \\'hrt cons{itutes-tlrc success'of

PuSh Coricept o"sigrr e'aluation ,si'g the
Selection Technique-g3 nla.ks;
Tluts '--eth"..{ ea--la*'arruc-ff v.el<-t,v€, -to 6\ n"fuuar\a,
-c,o-.. ?qvvs .
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i! a rneans to map
tlrree advantages of usi'g lunctional |t{ot"'n*
5- ourline oTa product- (3'marks)"
customer needs to f,,nJtio,,at descliption

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3cribe horv you u,ould gather inlornration tor a nerv product developnrent.(4

++ra f,-11o-t.'\,,1-).
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.S- Irt QFD, ideittiff ing th6 rela.tiorrships betneerr engineeringr-equi..r.,"I,,

>- is necessary.
E.rplain u,hy? Illustrate r^,iilil'iffiple. (5 marks")
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T'K:LT all
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9' Otrtline.the objective of Paranretric Design. Nanre three design roots cornnronly used
in Parameiric Design-(5 marks)
-n"e ui'f,/'o'v1'1e-lv-t'c .o), e-siA "'t. ; s' -se-tt-i<n
. cbdec-Si.rg
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l0- Discus-s 5 desi_cn. requirements that ntust be outlined in a Product Design

- Specitlcation- (l0 marks)
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...\'' | :

100751- State three characteristics of good design?

. Total life cycle time

. Regulatory and social issues-

2-How does CAD help in design actual prototype?

. Improver visualization creative
' . Reduce product development cycle time-
. Mini-i"e cost on physical prototype-
. ' Transfcirm-electronicaily to CAM mashing

3- How do yo.u gather information?

. Questionnaire.
. Focus

_I*ryg:9q3rs',lTljlltry_"raT9" in garametric desi gn?

. Failure.mood and effect analysis. :

Desigrr.for reliability
. Robust design-

5- Wlry QFD is necessary in QFD process?

' Transform customer needs in to engineering characteristic ofproduct out service.

6- Why RP is important in product development?

' once design has been optimized, design, evaluation phase begins.
. It requires the cross selection data of the product.
7- Why do you use focused group iir gathering inl'ormation?

8- Discuss five important point requirements you need to out Iine your PDS?
. Functional requirements.
. Requirements. ;

. Price.
-.^ cycle trme.
o Llle
. Human factors.
. Physicalrequirements.

.9- How does focused grogp work?

10- How do you gather information in product development?

We require information on the market customer need in order for us to design the

. Using focus groups

. Custom6r complaints

rllrllttllrlrrrrlrlrrllrrrtrrltrrirrtttttllrrrtrf rttttttttltrrttr
1- Why it is. necessary to have knowledge a bout biomechanical and mechanical order to
hurnan factor?

, . The study of biomechanics (the mechanics of the human body)
. Related to the use of body dimensions to design the operation and use of products
. E-g- human force generation data (from anthropometric data) required to push on
the handle of a lawn mower.

. Related to.the.study on loads, stresses and fatigue; temperature, vision.(light
intensity, light contrast), noise level
. Load - stress - fatigue

. Guiding attention, minimizing thinking required for product's operatibn so that
th.inking capacity can focus on the actual task :

--c- Avo-rd'-innodueing rnneeess=aTt--eh-ange-ia-opera-tion=or --uSe-eg. op-posfte

. movements of controls

2- Explain the significant of the engineer design?

. The process of devising a system, component or processtto meet desired needs to
meet a stated objective.

3- How dose sensitivity analysis work?

. The boundaries on the design variables define the solutions to the models.
. Effect changes on the boundaries have on the objective function of the model.

4- How the CAD reduce the cost?

. CAD/CAM methodologies that help reduce product and process c.lesign costs and
irrcrease productivity


5- Necessary steps in robust design outline the steps?

. Determine what the variation problem is-

. Ideniify what might cause it.
. Determine how to measure its impact.
. Determine what might be done about it-

' 6-FMEA comparison A to B (washing machine) between sensitivity, assurance,


. Simplifidd process flow for concept development

Decomposition of problems

Apply acquired information and suitable

- -Techniquesto geRerate-c6neepUideas-

Assemble concept/ideas

Eval u ate concept/ideas

Select concept

7- Phases of a robust process (rnaybe)

. Construction of the model
. Measurement of the performance variation as the noise varie
. Selection of the most robust configuration
8 . What are the Phases of a concept design development?

. Concept generation
. Concept evaluation
. Concept selection

I r rt I r r a r I r r I r! I I I r r t r r I tl I r tx rt t tt I I I x I I t rr ttl rll I I I I ir r rr r I t I I r f a r I I

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