Ethical Problems of HIS
Ethical Problems of HIS
Ethical Problems of HIS
Opinion Paper
● definition of information system objec- a) Just as the entire institution, its informa- A third key is the common conviction
tives, tion system must be designed and built that all have a common obligation that
● selection of relevant information to according to the idea that “the patient transcends their respective professional
reach those objectives, and the quality of his/her care are the ambitions, to build a patient centered
● consensus about their signification, center”. That they are ordered around institution in which the quality of care,
● selection of indicators to be computed, the process of diagnosis, prognosis, respect toward the people, and consideration
● possible biases about their interpretation, therapy and follow-up of individual for the demands and wishes of the patients
● rigidity of the information system, which patients. That is the back bone of the are the permanent, simultaneous concerns
prevents users from making it larger and information system. All of the rest – of every actor. (Patients are so often required
richer. medical research, management informa- by the professionals to adapt themselves to
tion – must be derived from it. the imposed rules of the institution without
Each of these items may ignite a struggle b) The demand for confidentiality, which is debate.) Obviously, these collective concerns
for power. Consequently, this very often of course very strong, is just one of the of the institution as a whole have a significant
leads to a denial of the necessary multi- numerous ethical problems of a health impact on the design of the information
professional approach. care information system. system.
International experiences show the Some specific tools which may be helpful
possible consequences of an unfairly in fulfilling the recommendations are:
designed, “violent” and unethical information ● audits,
system: If an information system is based
on an incomplete and twisted model of the
3. How can the True Ethics ● centers of guidance for good information
institution, it may not be accepted or of Information in Hospitals ● issuing ethical charts,
recognized by a significant part of the
personnel. and other Health Care ● committees for infoethics to solve
concrete cases,
● They resent, and are frustrated by, Organizations be Ensured? ● organized forums on the net,
the inequality between “info-rich” and ● models anticipating future problems.
“info-poor”. The following recommendations concern
● They lose faith in the information both levels of infoethics. The reason is,
system. infoethics research is only part of the general
● The quality of entered information
quality research of an institution, which is
itself the result of an ethical demand.
4. Conclusion
● They feel increasingly unconcerned and The first key to quality is the shared In conclusion, in communally managed
lose their creativity. conviction that a collective information organizations, the location of information
● Finally, the failure of the system system is primarily a tool for social coherency (in the scientific meaning of the word) is of
becomes obvious. within the institution. considerable importance.
The second key is true democratic debate An information system is essentially
Meanwhile, managers are fed biased infor- among all concerned actors. Such debate is valuable through the relationships it creates:
mation and release a “wooden discourse” democratic both by the transparency of its information is the symbol, the key and the
about the institution, in other words, a content, as well as by the confident way in condition of human interaction. Symbol,
simplified description very far from the which it is conducted. It implies multi- since information facilitates exchange in a
complex reality. professional brain storming and thinking to useful manner, key and condition, since the
define, accept, and implement objectives community wants to explore new represen-
collectively. Also implied are common tations and answer new questions.
semantics, the timing of the specific aims On the contrary, however, information
2.2 Specific Ethical Problems Facing which are to be fulfilled successively, the may be a nuisance if it represents a vector
Health Care Information Systems rights and duties to access treatment of the will of domination, and becomes a
results, and the rules of interpretation. Such screen against transparency.
In such systems, people are the information a final agreement could not be obtained An ideal (efficient and open) health
content, especially fragile and underprivileged without mutual respect between the actors: information system should contribute to
people. According to John Rawls’ “Theory to be seen as people, professionals, and the germination of intelligence, in a context
of Justice”, the rights due to any human competent. Also, such an agreement could of liberty.
must be expanded when underprivileged not be obtained without frank and fair
people are at stake. The consequences of discussions. Indeed, nothing reliable can be
this statement for health care information achieved without a sufficient level of “a
systems seem to be the following: priori” mutual confidence.