Group 03-Theory ENG TB03
Group 03-Theory ENG TB03
Group 03-Theory ENG TB03
1. Introduction
However the field of information systems ethics has primarily focused on normative ethics
and the development of codes of conducts and rules perhaps influenced by the underlying
philosophies of information systems. Approaches to information systems ethics have
concentrated on utilitarian philosophies in which equations are balanced to show costs and
benefits, or deontological approaches which produce rules Reactions to this trend have
included addressing fairness in postmodern ethics and Habermasain discourse ethics
A third approach to ethics besides the utilitarian and deontological approaches, virtue ethics
has been receiving increasing attention in the fields of management and business ethics (,
but has received less attention in information systems. Virtue ethics involves addressing the
person and their character within a community context rather than limiting considerations to
the organisational context in which the person conforms to rules. Moral behaviour is learnt
through practice within a community ; motivation is considered important; virtue ethics can
generate specifications for right action which can generate moral rules or principles .
The application of virtue ethics has widespread implications for IS practices and research
which have until recently received little attention. Agent-based approaches, such as virtue
ethics, support the evaluation of ethical decisions from within a professional role . As such
virtue ethics provides an alternative approach which may better suit the changing
environment of information ethics.
A classic IS normative model is PAPA, which stands for Privacy, Accuracy, Property and
Accessibility, first suggested by Mason in 1986. This has been a useful acronym, but has
tended to focus information ethics research on a narrow set of issues, primarily concerning
The change in environment has also led to a rise in experiential; computing in which
everyday activity is permeated with information systems and technology. Paradoxically, this
gives individuals both more control through their own accounts and information sources,
and less control as both organisations and individuals can view Internet activity globally.
Organisations increasing rely on data warehouses for obtaining business intelligence to
support decision making ,a trend that has recently expanded to social data sources and other
information feeds, so-called ‘big data’ .
Additionally, the rise of social computing has extended the ethical environment, providing
both new opportunities for individuals to manage their digital presence and new risks
concerning privacy and fraud. Social computing also has the potential to generate conflict
between individuals and organisations, raising legal and ethical issues
Such an evolving information ethics environment has led to the use of network analysis
techniques) and examining the spread of information across large networks Information
systems can influence millions of people very quickly. This raises new.
Mason identified four such areas, which can be summarized by the acronym PAPA:
Privacy, Accuracy, Property, and Accessibility.
The threads Mason refers to now extend globally across the Internet. Privacy becomes
difficult to maintain because of the accessibility of data to anyone. The safeguard obtained
by fragmentation of data is no longer viable. For example, the sematic web thrives on
connection and integration across organisations and individuals and hence provides new
threats to privacy. Organisations’ power to protect data privacy is reduced by the internet.
Our shopping habits, surfing activities and even day-to-day travel are visible on the internet
and sought after by individuals and organisations such as Google and Facebook whose
business model depends on collating information about individuals which would have
previously been seen as confidential. State officials continue to compromise
organisationally-held data by leaving it in cars, cafes and postal sorting offices, but the
Internet offers global compromise. Organisational and government attempts at
anonymisation are easily compromised .
Universitas Mercubuana Ethics In Information System & ERP
4 Big Task 3 (English)
Mason (1986) cited mistakes in a bank and weather service information systems that were
detrimental for individuals where responsibility for accuracy could be located in the
organisation. Inaccuracy is an even bigger problem than in 1986 because there may be a
multiplicity of sources. Anyone can place information on the web whose accuracy may be
difficult to establish. Sites such as Wikipedia depend on a democratisation of accuracy.
Data is then accepted as accurate if most people agree that it is. But they may all be wrong.
Crowdsourcing does not guarantee accurate information and verification may be difficult,
Furthermore data accuracy should not necessarily be regarded as an objective fact, it may be
more an agreed interpretation or model of the world, influenced by the objectives and
politics of the stakeholders. Pursuing a spurious and uncritical data accuracy may reduce
moral complexity and erase meaning. Agreeing of what constitutes accurate data in a given
context will require communication and negotiation. Since information systems are models
of the world, as interpreted by stakeholders and developers, there may not be a
straightforward relation between the data and the phenomena it represents. Important
information may be subject to uncertainty and its interpretation dependant on stakeholder
values, and require alternative analytical approaches.
A founding principle of the Internet was that access and content would be free; Tim
Berners-Lee did not seek intellectual property rights. Hence different business models must
be developed which do not depend on defining information as intellectual property. In the
current information ethics environment, where there are many routes to any given
information, and information can easily be copied and boundaries are permeable, it is
difficult to establish information as property. Indeed, it is also debatable whether
information can be characterised as property .
The pervasive Internet culture that all information should be freely available at no cost
creates problems for those who seek to earn an income from the generation and sale of
information, whether in the private or public sector. Information in the public sector is
difficult to price; and copyright is difficult to maintain. The British poet Wendy Cope said
“My poems are all over the internet. I've managed to get them removed from one or two
sites that were major offenders, but there are dozens, if not hundreds of sites displaying
poems without permission.”.
Mason (1986) defines the prerequisites of access as intellectual skills, technology access
and information access.
Access concerns the relationship between the individual and the institution. For example,
interpretations of the digital divide often concern political goals and national issues rather
than individual skills and capabilities Indeed, technological changes should cause
researchers to be more concerned with national issues and strategies and the political forces
which impact on individual capabilities to access information.
A more dominant issue, which may equally affect access, is that of information overload;
too much information may be as bad as too little. Indeed, Parrish highlights the problem of
too much access to shared information, New skills of selectivity, discernment and
evaluation are required. With increasing expectations of data transparency, particularly in
the public sector, the problem becomes more one of access to meaning than to raw data.
Consequently the both matters must be taken care a from the angle of all organizations
above—people who benefit and people who lose control of information because of the
brand new device. people who stand to gain electricity from the system will often solution
this question with responses consisting of “extended efficiency,” “decreased cycle-times,”
or “extra user-pleasant structures.” however, folks that stand to lose power may additionally
have a totally exceptional view of the meant effects of a machine .this one is in reality the
hardest to answer, but in many ways, it is the maximum critical question. viable solutions
may include both outcomes whether it's far flexibility for more reaction to business
adjustments and which creates concerned relationships between executives and line
managers concerning the proportion of information and the misuse of information , even it
goes to theft of statistics.
Just to keep away from or to secure guard the ERP affords a code of conduct to use the facts
gadget in a proper manner this corporate Code of Ethics may be regarded as the main device
to institutionalise ethics inside companies through the ERP. This states the rights,
responsibilities and duties of the employer in the direction of all its employees and
stakeholders. It essentially consists of behaviour concepts and rules of conduct raising the
choice-making processes and orientating company activity. The Code of Ethics expresses
the "perfect expert settlement" among the organisation and its employess, which places into
exercise, via principles and rules of conduct, the ethical standards for balancing
stakeholders' expectations and pastimes. for this reason the Code of Ethics is both a
governance tool for the business enterprise's relations with its stakeholders and a strategic
management device because it offers guidance for choice-making.
7 Ethics In Information System & ERP
Universitas Mercubuana
Big Task 3 (English)
The code represents the corporation's constitutional constitution, a "constitution of ethical
rights and responsibilities" that defines the duties of each player within the corporation,
mentioning the moral concepts and regulations of conduct thru which the principles are
positioned into exercise, guiding character behaviour;
A very good Code of Ethicsin business enterprise is usually characterised via the presence
of implementation mechanisms and its techniques associated with it. these consist of sports
that the organization desires to installation (or revise) so one can aid the diffusion and
know-how of the code, to foster the sharing of values and policies of behaviour, and to
reveal the effective implementation of the code and manage its periodic review.
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10 Big Task 3 (English)
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