Poisson's Ratio Values For Different Materials

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Poisson's ratio values for different materials

Influences of selected glass component additions on Poisson's ratio of a specific base

material poisson's ratio
rubber ~ 0.50
gold 0.42
saturated clay 0.40-0.50
magnesium 0.35
titanium 0.34
copper 0.33
aluminium-alloy 0.33
clay 0.30-0.45
stainless steel 0.30-0.31
steel 0.27-0.30
cast iron 0.21-0.26
sand 0.20-0.45
concrete 0.20
glass 0.18-0.3
foam 0.10 to 0.40
cork ~ 0.00

Poisson`s ratio

An elastic constant that is a measure of the compressibility of material perpendicular to applied

stress, or the ratio of latitudinal to longitudinal strain. This elastic constant is named for Simeon
Poisson (1781 to 1840), a French mathematician. Poisson's ratio can be expressed in terms of
properties that can be measured in the field, including velocities of P-waves and S-waves as shown

Note that if VS = 0, then Poisson's ratio equals 1/2, indicating either a fluid, because shear waves do
not pass through fluids, or a material that maintains constant volume regardless of stress, also known
as an ideal incompressible material. VS approaching zero is characteristic of a gas reservoir.
Poisson's ratio for carbonate rocks is ~ 0.3, for sandstones ~0.2, and above 0.3 for shale. The
Poisson's ratio of coal is ~ 0.4.

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