Aircraft Operation Manual B767-200
Aircraft Operation Manual B767-200
Aircraft Operation Manual B767-200
The 767 family is a complete family of airplanes providing maximum market versatility. The twin-
aisle twinjet- is the most widely used airplane across the Atlantic, and is available in
four models:
• the 767-200ER (extended range), with seating for 224 passengers in two classes or
181 passengers in a three-class configuration and range of up to 6,615 nautical
• the 767 -300ER, with seating for 269 in two classes and 218 in three classes and a
range capability of 6,115 nautical miles;
• and the 767-300 Freighter with 16,034 cubic feet of cargo volume and a range of
3,270 nautical miles.
• The newest member of the 767 family is the 767-400ER. The 767-400ER has seating
for 304 passengers in two classes, or 245 passengers in a three-class configuration with a
range of up to 5,645 nautical miles. Deliveries of the 767-400ER began in August 2000. The
767-400ER went into service in September 2000 with Continental Airlines and October
2000 with Delta Air Lines.
The Boeing 757 and 767 were the first, and still are, the only airplanes to share a common type
rating. The common type rating is due, in part, to airplane systems that are designed such that a
common set of flight crew operating procedures can be used. Airlines that operate both
the Boeing 757 and 767 have greater flexibility in assigning flight crews and adapting to changing
markets. They also benefit from similar maintenance procedures, manuals and inspection
requirements and reduced spares inventories. More than 26 airlines around the world operate both
757s and 767s.
Tail height
767-200/-300/-400ER/-300 Freighter
Pratt & Whitney PW4000
767-300/-300 Freighter
Rolls Royce RB211-524
767-200/-300/-400ER/-300 Freighter
General Electric CF6-80C2B
Maximum range
767-200ER 6,650 Nm
767 -300ER 6,150 Nm
767-300 Freighter 3,270 Nm
767-400ER 5,625 Nm
Cargo capacity
Manufacturer General Electric
Model CF6-80C2B7F
Thrust 62,100 lb (28,169 kg)
Aircraft: Airbus A310/300
Boeing B767-200 / 300
Introduction 1982
Production: Out of Production
Eng. Length: 154.4 in.
Bypass Ratio: 4.7
Fan Diameter 86.4 in.
Pres. Ratio: 29.0
The success of the CF6 commercial engine program firmly established GE as a major manufacturer
of commercial jetliner engines. Capitalizing on the high bypass technology derived from the TF39
engine, the CF6 offered markedly quieter operation as well as significant performance and
maintenance advantages over earlier engines.
The CF6-6, CF6-50, and later the CF6-80A were produced in large numbers, a majority of which
are still in service today. GE Aircraft Engines is committed to supporting these earlier engines some
of which were produced close to 30 years ago. In fact, GE Aircraft Engines is committed to
supplying the resources necessary to bring cost effective solutions to our customers. New
technology and materials are being infused into this mature engine line to insure that these CF6
engine models continue to meet the needs of our customers for years to come.
Airspeed Indicator
Mach Window
Airspeed Bugs
It has both rotating analog airspeed digits and rotating analog Mach number digits. The Mach
number window does not become active until .400 Mach.
Also incorporated into the gauge are airspeed reference bugs and an autopilot set airspeed bug.
The airspeed bugs are moveable using mouse click areas near the right edge of the gauge. They
have a "memory" so that every time the panel is loaded they will be in their last assigned
position. Additionally, when moving an airspeed bug and bumping into another airspeed bug
they will all move along together. The autopilot airspeed bug is set using the AFDS IAS/MACH
display window.
DH Bug
DH Bug Knob
Baro Knob
The altimeter setting is shown in both Millibars and Inches of Hg. The altimeter setting is
adjusted by clicking on the left or right side of the BARO knob. Both MB and HG readouts will
respond to the BARO knob movement.
The orange altimeter bug is a selectable Decision Height (DH) bug. Clicking over the left or
right side of the DH Bug knob will cause the DH Bug to rotate around the altimeter.
Additionally, there is a DH window in the EADI just above the digital Radio Altitude readout.
The digital DH readout responds to movement of the altimeter DH bug and indicates the same
value. When the aircraft reaches the radio height indicated in the DH window the radio altitude
readout will change to orange and the GPWS system will call out "Minimums, Minimums".
There are two radio altimeters. The digital readout located in the upper right corner of the EADI
and the tape radio altimeter. The tape radio altimeter only reads out to 1,400ft. The digital
readout displays altitude up to 2,500 feet above the ground.
Vertical Speed
A Vertical Speed indicator is available and is calibrated to show assent or decent in thousands
The EADI combines many functions into one instrument. Basic flight guidance is provided by
an artificial horizon for pitch and roll control. At the bottom of the EADI is a slip indicator for
yaw control. Description of the other functions of the EADI is provided in the Navigation
Systems section of this manual.
The two throttles may be operated together or when dragged with the mouse, independently.
Reverse thrust is available.
Flaps are operated by clicking on the gauge. A plus sign shown will lower the flaps and a minus
sign will raise them.
Looking at the picture at left you will see outlined the mouse click areas. Box "1" is where you
click for gear down. Box "2" is where you click for gear up. Box "3 is something new called the
OFF position. Once the gear have retracted and you are climbing out the procedure is to put the
gear handle in the OFF position. This cuts power to the hydraulic systems feeding the landing
gear assembly. So clicking on "3" will bring the handle down to OFF (as shown). Box "4" is
normally an override switch but we are using it as a test switch. Pressing it will test all the
landing gear indicator lights.
A note about the Tail Skid light. Even though it illuminates during the test, it is non operational.
This light only illuminates if the tail skid is out of position and the warning is suppressed during
normal operations.
Just click and drag the spoiler handle to extend or retract the spoilers.
A significant feature of the RMI is the ability to select the Nav source for each course needle.
Clicking over each knob will change position to indicate the Nav source and the corresponding
needle will point accordingly. VOR 1 is the dashed arrow, VOR 2 is the outlined arrow.
VOR1, VOR2 and ADF are the allowable Nav sources. However, since there is only one ADF
possible in FS2000 both pointers will point to the same ADF. DME 1 and DME 2 correspond to
Nav 1 and Nav 2 information.
AFDS Status
Indicates the status of the autopilot. If the autopilot is engaged the green CMD annunciator will
show. If the autopilot is not engaged but the flight director is in use a green FD would show. If
the AFDS is in FD mode then the flight director bars will command your flight based on
autopilot inputs. Therefore, the pilot can manually fly the aircraft and still have complete control
of the flight director through the autopilot.
Ground Speed DH Alt
Speed Deviation Scale Radar Alt
AutoThrottle Mode
N1 Runway Closure
Lateral Modes
The lateral mode selected on the autopilot is annunciated in the lower right corner of the EADI.
The upper position (white) shows the armed mode. For example, if in heading hold (HDG
HOLD) mode and the localizer (LOC) is selected to capture the white LOC and the green HDG
HOLD would show. When the aircraft intercepts the localizer the white LOC will disappear and
a green LOC will appear in place of HDG HOLD. This indicates the autopilot is now tracking
the localizer.
The ROLL OUT annunciator is associated with the autoland capability of the aircraft. When in a
CAT II or CAT III situation and using the autoland's Land 2 or Land 3 function (explained later)
a ROLL OUT annunciation will be seen which indicates the aircraft is ready to (white) or is
performing (green) the runway rollout procedure. Because of space constraints the ROLL OUT
annunciator appears as R OUT.
Vertical Modes
The vertical mode selected on the autopilot is annunciated in the lower left corner of the EADI.
The upper position (white) shows the armed mode. For example, if in altitude hold (ALT
HOLD) mode and the approach mode (APP) is engaged there would be a white G/S annunciator
to indicate arming for glideslope capture on top of the green ALT HOLD annunciator. Then
upon glideslope intercept the white G/S will disappear and the green G/S will appear in place of
the ALT HOLD annunciator. This indicates the autopilot is now tracking the glideslope path.
The FLARE annunciator is associated with the autoland capability of the aircraft. When in a
CAT II or CAT III situation and using the autoland's Land 2 or Land 3 function, the FLARE
annunciation which indicates the aircraft is ready to (white) or is performing (green) the FLARE
maneuver, will illuminate. Additionally the autothrottle will annunciate IDLE during the flare.
Radar Altitude
A digital radar altitude displays actual height above the ground up to 2,500 feet. Between 500
and 2,500 feet the display is calibrated at 50 foot increments. Below 500 feet the calibration
becomes 10 feet. There is a DH window that is adjusted using the altimeter DH bug adjustment.
When the radio altitude is below the selected DH the digits turn orange.
Commonly known as the fast/slow gauge, this display will show how far off the aircraft is from
the autopilot selected airspeed. If too fast the pointer goes to the F side. If too slow the pointer
moves toward the S side. It is calibrated at +/- 10 kias.
When in the Approach mode and below 200ft AGL, a small runway symbol will appear in the
EADI and will gradually rise up into the pitch bar as you close in on the ground. This is a nice
backup in low visibility to give you yet another indication that ground contact is coming. This
symbol we have here is not 100% accurate for the 767 but it does the job.
When tuned to a VOR there will be a course deviation scale. The Glideslope scale is only
present when a valid ILS is tuned in.
Flight Director
The flight director only requires to be turned on/off with the FD switch on the AFDS panel.
When turned on a horizontal and vertical pink bar will appear on the face of the EADI.
The flight director uses a double cue with 2 bars. The basic idea is to adjust aircraft pitch and roll
so that the pink Pitch Bar (horizontal line) and pink Roll Bar (vertical line) are always centered.
Pitch towards the bars to center them.
(See Figure 1)
The default mode of the EHSI is the ROSE mode. When the Source Select knob is on "R" the
ROSE mode is displayed.
1) NAV 1 Source: This shows NAV1 information for the frequency and course selected on
the NAV1 autopilot panel. The symbol on top is the symbol of the RMI style pointer in
the EHSI. The next line is the name of the nav source. The third line is the DME range
to the Nav source.
2) NAV 2 Source: This shows NAV2 information for the frequency selected on the NAV2
radio panel. The same information is provided as explained for NAV1.
3) ADF Source: This shows ADF information for the frequency selected on the ADF radio
panel. Only the name of the ADF is provided. The Course deviation indication (CDI) is
shown in pink and is tied to Nav1 only.
The top left corner has as wind speed/direction indication. In figure 6, the wind is shown as 047
degrees at 16 knots.
Arc Mode
(See Figure 2)
The ARC mode is selected by moving the knob to the "C" position as shown. The ARC mode
displays the same exact information as the Rose mode. The only difference is in the way the
information is displayed. The CDI can used in the EADI as a backup.
Off Mode
Turn the EHSI off by selecting the "L" position on the selector knob. This way the EHSI is not
taking up resources for those that use some sort of external FMC such as NavDash 2.5 or
ADF Source
Source ID Source ID
Figure 1
NAV 2 Pointer
Heading Bug
Wind Speed & Direction
NAV 1 Pointer
ADF Source
Course Line
Source ID Source ID
Figure 2
Nav 1 Receiver
Just to the left of the autopilot is the Navigation receiver for Nav1. Input for frequency and
course for Nav1 is on this unit. The mouse click areas are left and right of each knob. When
inputting a Nav frequency it does not become active right away. It is activated by clicking the
center of the NAV frequency knob. This method allows an active frequency and to also select a
standby. To determine which frequency is active look at the EHSI display for the VOR/ILS
Clicking on the ID switch enables the "ident" feature which allows the pilot to listen to the morse
code identification of the selected frequency.
There are four separate radios that are selected using the switches on the left side of the radio.
The COM, NAV and ADF radios have both "active" and "standby" frequency windows. The
active frequency is determined by clicking on the transfer switch (TFR). Standby and active
frequencies can be changed at anytime. The active frequency window will become highlighted.
Each knob has mouse click areas to the left and right of the knob for the changing of frequencies.
The ADF radio also has a click area in the center of the knobs.
There are three autopilot systems designated as channels L, C and R. To engage the autopilot
select any 1 of the 3 autopilots by clicking the corresponding CMD button. To disengage the
autopilot just click the "DISENGAGE" bar one time and then a second time to cancel the
warning. Multiple autopilot operation is possible in APP mode only and provides an autoland
Autothrottle Modes
This mode is used primarily for takeoff or climb and is not tied to the airspeed value. It will set
the power to the max available N1 setting. In this panel it is a pre-programmed value. The
airspeed in the IAS/MACH window will not be maintained by the autothrottle in this mode.
To adjust the airspeed value use the mouse clicks next to the knob. Power will be adjusted and
the airspeed will be maintained by the autothrottle in SPD, FL CH or VNAV modes.
Selection of IAS or MACH is done by clicking the SEL button.
In addition to an altitude hold function there are three methods to change altitude with this
autopilot: VNAV, FL CH and VERT SPD. When a new altitude is selected the aircraft
"remembers" the last assigned altitude and will only start to climb/descend when a vertical
change mode is selected.
The VNAV button will cause climbs and descents at a fixed rate while maintaining the selected
IAS/MACH. It will also maintain the selected altitude in the ALT window. If the VNAV is
maintaining a pre-selected altitude and a new altitude is set, the autopilot will not initiate a
climb/descent until the ALT button is pressed. VNAV overrides the ALT HLD mode when
VNAV is in use. When in VNAV mode and selecting a new altitude, the ALT select knob must
be clicked to initiate the vertical movement. Additionally when arriving at the selected altitude
the aircraft remains in VNAV mode instead of changing to ALT HLD. VNAV will override
Flight level change mode is used for airspeed dependant climbs or descents. For climbs the
AFDS pitch control maintains pitch for selected airspeed and the autothrottle maintains climb
thrust. For descents the power is reduced to flight idle while the AFDS adjusts pitch to maintain
If vertical speed is not being used the VERT SPD display will be blank. The VERT SPD window
only becomes active when the V/S mode is engaged by pressing the V/S button. When flying at
the altitude selected in the ALT window the V/S mode will not engage. To change altitudes
using vertical speed select a new altitude in the ALT window. Then press the V/S button at
which time 0000 will appear to indicate the plane is in level flight and is ready to start a
climb/descent. Adjust the desired rate using the mouse click area on the control wheel.
Altitude Hold
The altitude set in the ALT window is an "armed" altitude. When reaching this altitude using FL
CH or V/S mode the aircraft will level off and enter the altitude hold mode (ALT HLD). VNAV
does not use ALT HLD since it manages this function itself.
The altitude displayed in the ALT window is changed using the mouse clicks on either side of
the knob. Once the altitude in this window is set the aircraft will not change modes or start any
vertical movement until vertical mode is selected. If a new altitude selected and no other modes
are selected the aircraft will remain in ALT HLD mode.
The aircraft can be leveled at any time by pressing the HOLD button at which time the HOLD
bar will light up and ALT HLD will annunciate on the EADI. In this case the aircraft will level
off at the current aircraft altitude regardless of what is displayed in the ALT window. A
climb/descent can be continued by selecting another vertical mode.
Heading Modes
The AFDS has 2 separate heading hold modes: Heading Hold (HDG HLD) and Heading Select
(HDG SEL). Additionally there is a bank limiter that functions to limit the bank in a turn to 5,
10, 15, 20, and 25 degrees.
The heading in this window is selected using mouse click. The heading displayed in the HDG
window is the heading the autopilot will roll to and maintain in HDG SEL mode.
This mode is engaged by pressing on the HOLD button. The autopilot will maintain whatever
heading the aircraft is currently on regardless of the heading selected in the HDG window. This
mode allows selection of any heading in the HDG window without the aircraft following the
The degrees of bank that the autopilot will command is set by changing the "bank limit When
the little black tick mark is pointed at AUTO the bank limit is calculated based on airspeed and
altitude. To select 25 press on the mouse click area over "25". To move the tick back toward
AUTO press on the mouse click area over "5". The default setting is AUTO.
Lateral navigation is normally associated with an FMC (just like VNAV). But since the FS2000
B767 does not have an FMC the LNAV mode is set to function as a VOR tracking mode.
Engaging LNAV will cause the autopilot to intercept and track the currently selected Nav 1 VOR
Selection of BCRS will cause the autopilot to track a localizer backcourse approach. A white
B/CRS means it is 'armed' for backcourse interception and that HDG SEL mode is active. Upon
intercept the B/CRS would move down and turn green to indicate it is the active mode.
Selection of LOC will cause the autopilot to track the localizer only. It will not pick up the
glideslope even if available. This mode is used to fly a localizer only approach or to intercept
the localizer when you have not yet been cleared for the full ILS approach. The EADI example
shows the LOC mode in green which means it is the active lateral mode and the autopilot is
tracking the localizer course.
The approach mode is used for flying an ILS approach. Selection of APP arms the LOC and G/S
capture. Until the localizer and glideslope are captured the ALT HLD and HDG HLD modes are
still active. This is considered a 'Category 1' approach without any autoland capability because
only one autopilot is engaged.
Once the APP mode is engaged using a single autopilot operation, the only methods to disengage
it are:
Autoland MODE
The 767 is capable of a complete autoland through the use of multiple autopilot operations. With
the selection of two or more autopilots for an approach (in APP mode) the autoland capability is
armed. There are two types of autoland situations: LAND 2 and LAND 3.
The autoland sequence begins upon issuance of the approach clearance. At some point above
1,500 ft AGL the APP mode must be selected by the pilot. At this time if an autoland is desired
then the selection of additional autopilot channels also be done. Once two or more autopilots are
selected the autoland capability is armed. There will be no notification of autoland status until
1,500ft AGL.
At 1,500ft radio height the AFDS does a system test to determine if all of the criteria are met for
an autoland to occur. Once the computer is satisfied, it will provide notification in the
AUTOLAND STATUS window. If the criteria are not met for an autoland there will be a red
"NO AUTOLAND" notification and a regular Category 1 approach will continue.
At approximately 80 KIAS in the rollout the autopilot will automatically disengage and the
plane must be controlled manually.
Once a LAND 2 or LAND 3 indication is present in the AUTOLAND STATUS window, the
only way to cancel the autoland function is via a go around (Ctrl-Shift-R) or disengaging the
© Holger Ludwig, EuCom Airlines & Terry Yingling Seite 22 von 53
This situation is created through the selection of 2 autopilots when in APP mode prior to 1,500ft
AGL. This will result in a successful autoland and rollout. This mode is called LAND 2 because
there are only two autopilots operating thus creating a decreased level of redundancy over three
This situation is created through the selection of all three autopilots when in APP mode prior to
1,500ft AGL. This will also result in a successful autoland and rollout. This mode gives the
greatest level of redundancy and safety when performing a Cat III approach.
Pressing TEST 1 will cause LAND 3 and NO AUTOLAND to appear in the upper and lower
windows. Pressing TEST 2 will cause LAND 2 and NO AUTOLAND to appear in the upper
and lower windows.
Resets pilot’s annunciators.
Engine Indicators
There are three versions of engine gauges. The first one is for aircraft with General Electric
engines installed. GE engines measure power using N1 and thus do not have an EPR gauge.
The second type available is for aircraft with P&W and the third is when Rolls Royce engines
are installed. These engines measure power using primarily EPR with N1 as a backup.
There is a power lever index located on each set of engine gauges. On the GE engine gauges
there is a small yellow pointer with a green V attached to it. On the P&W engine gauges this
pointer is located on the EPR readout. This pointer indicates the position of the power levers and
should correspond to the value shown on the gauge for power output except when making power
changes. This gives an indication of roughly where the power setting will be when adjusting the
The VIB gauges display measured vibration for the engines.
Some of the engine indications are driven by an engine alternator (electrical source) and will not
start to indicate until this power source is available which occurs at around 15% N2. So the
"blank" values are not mistakes, they are normal system indications.
EPR reference numbers on top of the EPR gauge reflect the maximum EPR value for that phase
of flight based on altitude and temperature.
The centralized warning system (CAS) gives the pilot information about problems, incorrect
settings, or just advisories about the status of the aircraft and it's systems. The CAS is
completely tied to the expanded overhead panel systems and annunciates the condition of the
systems on the overhead.
WARNINGS: These are items that require immediate action. Most involve some type of fire,
smoke or catastrophic failure. The warnings are displayed in RED on the EICAS and can only
be cleared by correcting the problem denoted. The following warnings are implemented in this
version of the CAS:
PARKING BRAKES Parking brakes are on and takeoff thrust has been applied.
SPOILERS Spoilers are not in the proper position for takeoff.
FLAPS Flaps are not in the proper position for phase of flight.
GEAR NOT DOWN If the gear is not selected down for landing.
OVERSPEED Flying too fast. Above Vmo.
CABIN ALTITUDE If above 10,000ft and there is no bleed air source to pressurize the
AUTOPILOT DISC Autopilot disconnected.
CAUTIONS: Items that require a timely response. Most involve some mis-configuration of a
system. The cautions are displayed in amber and can be cleared using the CANCEL button. The
following cautions are implemented in this version of the CAS:
L FWD FUEL PUMP Forward fuel pump pressure is low or switched off.
R FWD FUEL PUMP Forward fuel pump pressure is low or switched off.
L AFT FUEL PUMP Aft fuel pump pressure is low or switched off.
R AFT FUEL PUMP Aft fuel pump pressure is low or switched off.
CTR L FUEL PUMP Center fuel pump pressure is low. Inhibited when center pump
switch is off.
CONFIG Fuel imbalance or center pumps are off with more than 1,200 lbs
fuel in center tank
BATTERY OFF Battery switch is off.
MAIN BAT DISCH Main battery is discharging
STANDBY BUS OFF Standby bus is switched off
APU EGT XXX Displays the APU turbine temperature when the APU is running
APU GEN OFF APU generator switch is off with the APU available.
L GEN OFF Generator is switched off with the engine running.
R GEN OFF Generator is switched off with the engine running
APU BLEED VAL APU bleed valve/switch disagree.
L ENG BLD OFF Engine bleed is switched off with engine running
R ENG BLD OFF Engine bleed is switched off with engine running
L ENG OIL PRES Engine oil pressure is low.
R ENG OIL PRES Engine oil pressure is low.
AUTOBRAKES Autobrakes are disarmed.
AUTOTHROT DISC Autothrottle disconnected.
PARKING BRAKE Parking brake on.
L PACK OFF Pack is switched off.
R PACK OFF Pack is switched off
L RECIR FAN Recirculation fan is switched off.
R RECIR FAN Recirculation fan is switched off
L YAW DAMPER Yaw damper switched off.
R YAW DAMPER Yaw damper switched off.
AUTO COORD OFF The switch controls auto coordination for FS98.
L PACK INOP Air conditioning pack is inoperative.
R PACK INOP Air conditioning pack is inoperative.
TRIM AIR OFF Trim air switch is off.
When a message is displayed on the EICAS it can be cancelled (except warnings) by pressing the
CANCEL button. This clears the messages from the EICAS. To see these messages again press
RECALL and all cancelled messages are displayed again.
Sometimes there are more messages than can be displayed on the EICAS screen. In this case
"RECALL PAGE 1" will be displayed. This means there are more messages on another page.
To call up more pages on the EICAS press RECALL to scroll through them.
Another major change in this panel is the removal of the standby instruments from the main page
to make room for the more useful gauges. The standby instruments are still available and are
selectable by pressing the "STBY INST" toggle button. The standby instruments will pop up on
top of these new center panel instruments. The reason for the departure
from the old version is that standby instruments are basically useless in FS98 and are not
required to be looked at all the time. However, in this panel with the electrical system simulated
it may become necessary in flight to reference the standby instruments if you set up the electrical
system incorrectly. More on that in the overhead system explanation.
Certain warnings are annunciated on the center panel. Some in conjunction with EICAS
messages. The GPWS is controlled from this panel as well.
This system provides aural warnings in the event of the following conditions: Excessive descent
rate, excessive terrain closure rate, altitude loss after takeoff or go-around, and unsafe terrain
clearance when not landing. Additionally, the GPWS will make altitude callouts during landing.
Control of the GPWS system involves two mouse click areas. Pressing over the PULL UP
annunciator will "test" the system. A good test is shown by all of the GPWS annunciators
lighting up and an aural "GLIDESLOPE WHOOP WHOOP PULL UP" sounding.
The GPWS system my be inhibited by pressing on the G/S portion of the "G/S INHIBIT"
button. This will effectively turn of the GPWS system completely.
This is a summary of the warning annunciators and when they are activated.
OIL PRESSURE annunciators are located below the standby engine instrument. They will
illuminate anytime the engine oil pressure is low. There is also an EICAS message as well.
The engine instruments are contained on the EICAS screens. However in case of failure
(electrical or otherwise) of these screens the standby engine gauge can display critical engine
Operation of the autobrake is by mouse click left or right of the knob. The following settings are
RTO is used for takeoff. In the event of a rejected takeoff full application of the brakes will take
place until the pilot disarms the system or the autobrake automatically disarms.
DISARM occurs automatically when the plane slows below a certain speed depending on the
situation. Anytime the autobrake is disarmed you will get an EICAS message. Also when the
autobrake is automatically or manually disengaged after landing or RTO the AUTO BRAKE
warning annunciator will illuminate.
1 2 3 4 MAX: The autobrake is armed for engagement after landing. 1 is the lowest setting and
will result in the least amount of automatic braking. MAX is the highest setting and results in
maximum automatic application of braking after landing.
In all cases the autobrake is disengaged automatically after speed reduction is accomplished,
manually via brake application by the pilot, or manually by switching the switch to OFF.
The standby instruments (Airspeed, Altitude and Vertical Speed) are in a separate window that is
displayed by using the STBY INST button located on the panel below the EICAS screens or by
the SHFT-3 keyboard combination.
The elapsed timer (ET) knob when set to the HOLD (HLD) position
means the elapsed timer is not running. The elapsed timer can be used to
keep track of total flight time or other long term timing needs. Use the mouse click to put the ET
knob to RUN which starts the elapsed timer. The secondhand does not move during operation of
the ET function and the time displayed in the ET/CHR window will be hours:minutes. To reset
the ET just click over the “RESET” and the ET knob will momentarily move to RESET and then
spring back to HLD. This knob is spring loaded to HLD. If at anytime it is necessary to
temporarily hold the elapsed timer and then restart it without resetting, just go back and forth
between RUN and HLD without resetting the ET displayed. The elapsed timer is not affected by
changes in the GMT or the use of the chronometer.
The chronometer is nothing more than a stopwatch. Click the CHR button to start the
chronometer timing. The second hand operates to show seconds and the ET/CHR window
shows minutes. To stop the timing press the CHR button again. Once the chronometer is
stopped it cannot be restarted...the next click of the CHR button will reset the chronometer. Use
of the chronometer is independent of the ET display. The ET runs in the background while the
chronometer is running and will be displayed again once the CHR is reset
The overhead is called up by pressing either Shift-4 or using the button labeled "LT OVRD" on
the visible portion of the overhead.
A feature of this panel is the ability to start with a completely "cold" aircraft. This means that all
of the systems and buttons are in the off position. All of the switch positions will be
remembered by the panel for the next time the simulator is started.
The heart of this aircraft's systems is the electrical system. If this panel is not set up properly
then you will have all kinds of trouble with your instrumentation because all aircraft components
are dependent on electrical power being available. There are 3 main power sources for this
aircraft: battery power, external power, and APU generator power. EICAS messages are
generated for all aspects of the electrical system.
Battery Power
The batteries are selected ON using the pushbutton under the guarded switch labeled BAT.
Turning on the battery along with STBY POWER will power the overhead panel indications.
There are a limited number of systems available with battery power only.
The STBY POWER switch controls power to the standby electrical bus. On the actual airplane
the standby buses power very essential services. The normal position is AUTO which means the
aircraft controls what power source flows to this bus. In the BAT position the battery powers
these buses and it is then possible to drain the battery dead.
Click on the mounting screw at the top, right of the EXT PWR on the AC Bus subpanel will
toggle the external power on-off. EXT PWR AVAIL light will illuminate when external power
is on.
APU Power
The APU is an essential component of the aircraft’s electrical system. Not only will it power the
aircraft with sufficient power to run all systems it will provide the bleed air required to start the
engines. Without the APU you cannot start the plane <g. In real life you can hook up an
external air source for starting but we did not simulate that here. So you have to start the APU
for every flight if you don't want to fly a glider.
Starting the APU is straight forward. The BAT switch must be ON or the APU will not start.
Then click the mouse click area around the START part of the knob to initiate the start
sequence. The switch is spring loaded to the ON position so will quickly move back to ON. The
FAULT light will illuminate momentarily to indicate that the APU start sequence has begun.
There is an APU sound associated with the APU start up and eventual running. The RUN light
illuminates to indicate availability of APU power for electrical and pneumatic systems.
The APU GEN switch controls the application of APU power to the electrical system. The OFF
light illuminates if the switch is in the OFF position with the APU running or when the switch is
ON with the APU shut down. Pushing in the APU GEN switch will illuminate the flow bar and
extinguish the OFF light if APU power is available.
There are two BUS OFF lights on the electric panel. These correspond to the left and right AC
buses. These buses are not powered on BAT power only...they need a generated source of
power. The most important bus on the 767 is the L AC BUS which powers the Captains
instruments. The airplane does all that it can to protect power to that bus. There are isolation
BUS TIE switches that control the flow of power to and from these buses. Most of the time they
are controlled automatically since the BUS TIE switch is normally left in AUTO. If the L AC
BUS is not powered there will be problems with the main panel.
Each engine has its own electrical generator that will provide power when it's engine N2 is at the
idle value. The left and right generators have three states; OFF, Online OFF and ON. With the
GEN button in the OFF position only the OFF light shows. This means that the generator
breaker is open and power is not applied to the airplane from this generator. In Online OFF the
GEN button pushed in but the engine is shut down or below the idle value. In Online Off both
the OFF and ON lights show. When the GEN button pushed in so only the ON light shows the
generator breaker is closed and power is provided from this generator to the electrical system.
Fuel Panel
Complete fuel management is possible with the fuel panel, provided FS98 is set up to allow it.
In FS98 go to the FUEL page and check "Manual fuel control" active. This allow actions with
the fuel panel to properly affect the transfer of fuel.
Here is the fuel panel with all lights ON. PRESS lights in the AFT and FWD pump switches
indicate that the fuel pump pressure is low and will come on when the switch is off or if the tank
is out of fuel.
The center fuel pumps PRESS lights only illuminate when the pump switches are on and the
center tank is out of gas. There is no warning for when the center pumps are selected OFF.
There are three tanks on the 767. The two main wing tanks and the center tank. The main wing
tanks are each equipped with two fuel pumps: FWD and AFT. When only the L PUMPS, R
PUMPS, AFT and FWD are on, the fuel panel is configured for fuel to be fed to the engines from
the wing tanks only. No fuel will be pumped from the center tank because those pumps are
OFF. If the FUEL CONFIG light is on at this setting it indicates that there is greater than 1200
pounds of fuel in the center tanks with the pumps off. If the LEFT C PUMPS AND RIGHT C
PUMPS are then turned ON then there will be fuel fed to the engines from the center tank only.
The center fuel pumps on this aircraft have a higher output than the main fuel pumps and will
override the output of the main tank pumps. In this case the FUEL CONFIG light will be
extinguished because the center pumps are on and there is more than 1200 pounds in the center
The FUEL CONFIG light will illuminate for a fuel unbalance of 2000 pounds between the left
and right tanks or for low fuel quantity (less than 2200 pounds) in either main tank.
Important note: To start the crossfeed operation the crossfeed valve MUST first be opened
before shutting down the fuel pumps. And to finish the crossfeed operation the fuel pumps
MUST be turned ON before closing the crossfeed valve. Otherwise there is a risk of an engine
Fuel quantity is indicated for the Left, Center and Right fuel tanks. Additionally, there is a total
fuel quantity indication as well as a fuel temperature indication.
This gauge will determine if FS98 is set for metric or US systems and display the units
Start Panel
The main components of the engine start panel are the two start knobs. They each have five
labeled positions....however only three of them active: OFF: Ignition system is OFF. AUTO:
Ignition system is in automatic mode. This mode is the normal flight mode and will
automatically handle the igniter functions if needed. GND: For starting the engine. The knob is
magnetically held in place until 50% N2 at which time it will release to the AUTO position.
Above the starter switches are two VALVE lights and another selector knob. The VALVE light
comes on to indicate movement of the starter valve. This normally occurs during initial rotation
and also again around 50% N2. The selector knob labeled 1, BOTH, 2 has no function.
The fuel control switches are located under the throttle levers. Each must be set to run for engine
Battery – ON
Standby Power – AUTO
L Bus Tie – AUTO
R Bus Tie – AUTO
APU Gen Sw – ON
APU Valve – Press ON
FWD/AFT Fuel L Pumps – ON
FWD/AFT Fuel R Pumps – ON
L ENG Start – GND
L Fuel Control – RUN
R ENG Start – GND
R Fuel Control – RUN
APU Bleed Valve – Press OFF
L ENG BLD – Press ON
R ENG BLD – Press ON
C ISLN – Press ON
L ISLN – Press ON
R ISLN – Press ON
YAW Damper – ON
The most important aspect to the pneumatic system is it's involvement in engine starting. The
engines on the 767 require an air source to drive the start. The source of this air can be from an
external source, the APU or the other engines bleed air. External air hookup is not simulated so
APU and engine bleed air are the only
two sources available in the simulator. Without an air source available and set up properly the
engines will not start.
The status of the pneumatic system is completely annunciated on the EICAS panel.
Cold Startup
This assumes the aircraft is completely shut down. After powering up the aircraft from the
electric panel, start the APU. Once the APU is running, bleed air is available for use on the
aircraft via the APU bleed pushbutton. The VALVE light comes on to indicate availability of
APU bleed air with the pushbutton off. Pressing the APU bleed pushbutton opens the APU
bleed valve.
Isolation Valves
Operation of the isolation valves is important to starting the aircraft and continued operation of
the pneumatic system on the ground and in flight. The following procedure assumes the APU is
Set APU bleed valve open (pushbutton in). If you push the APU pushbutton with the APU off
the VALVE warning light will illuminate. At this point there is no DUCT PRESS (pressure).
This is because the C ISLN valve is closed (pushbutton open).
Press the C ISLN valve pushbutton in. The flow bar will illuminate. However, there still is no
DUCT PRESS because the L and R ISLN valves are still closed.
Press the R ISLN valve pushbutton in and note that there is now pressure in the right duct as
shown by the DUCT PRESS gauge.
Important to note is that without DUCT PRESS the engines will not start. So setting up the
isolation valves is important. Note that the aircraft can not fly around with the ISLN valves open
all the time. There is an important reason why not. After starting the engines and before takeoff
the L and R ISLN valves are normally closed (pushbutton out) for takeoff and flight. The most
important reason for this is to protect the operating engine in case of engine failure. The pilot
would not want the only operating engine to now have 2 times the bleed draw upon failure of the
opposite engine. This could cause even more trouble.
If desired, after the start of one engine the entire pneumatic system can be operated from that
engines bleed source. In this case the APU pushbutton would be pressed OFF (pushbutton out)
after engine start. The appropriate L ENG or R ENG pushbutton would be pushed in after which
the opposite side R ISLN or L ISLN pushbutton would be pushed in to complete the process.
Notice that the C ISLN valve remains open even with the APU bleed valve closed (pushbutton
out). In the actual aircraft there are some services that run off the C ISLN duct and require the
ISLN valve to be open during flight to get engine bleed air back to those areas.
This is a non-operational system. It will affect the EICAS warning and some sounds. The
RECIRC fans generate a fan noise when ON.
L and R PACK switches are air conditioning switches. A PACK is an air cycle machine that
conditions the air for entry into the aircraft cabin. If the PACK is off then there is no air to the
cabin even though there might be air available as indicated by DUCT PRESS. There will be an
INOP warning since there is no air source available.
TRIM AIR is found on some aircraft and is another air source used by the air conditioning
system. It has an EICAS warning.
The RECIRC FANS generate EICAS messages when not operating or are switched off. The
recirc fans generate a fan noise when operating. The recirc fans will not operate on battery
power only.
Passenger Signs
The three positions are OFF, AUTO and ON. OFF is obvious. AUTO mode will turn the signs
ON and give a "ding". The AUTO mode is basically another ON mode. The ON mode is
The engine and wing anti-icing switches serve no real purpose other than to simulate these
systems. They do have valve lights though. These lights will come on to indicate malfunctions
or valve transit. In our case they just simulate valve transit so momentarily flash any time you
select the switches on or off.
The "L" yaw damper switch controls the operation of the yaw damper. The "R" yaw damper
switch controls the AUTO COORDINATION option of FS98. With the switch off (inop) the
auto coordination feature is turned off. With the switch on the auto coordination feature is
on. There is an appropriate EICAS message when these switches are turned off.
This portion of the overhead contains mostly light switches and non-functioning switches.
Position/Interior Lights
Toggle expanded Overhead ON/OFF
Strobes/Pitot Heat
Landing Lights
Note: The charts in this section are based on the real aircraft. The performance of Flight
Sim aircraft are dependant on their AIR file and, as such, flight performance may be
different than the following charts.
TEMP TAS 310 300 290 280 270 260 250 240 230 220
300 1.17 1.16 1.15 1.14 1.13 1.13 1.12 1.11 1.10 1.10
-44 °C 466 40.5 41.3 41.9 42.6 43.2 43.8 44.4 45.0 45.6 46.2
290 1.15 1.14 1.13 1.12 1.12 1.11 1.10 1.10 1.09 1.08
-42 °C 459 40.1 40.9 41.5 42.2 42.8 43.4 44.0 44.6 45.2 45.8
280 1.14 1.13 1.12 1.11 1.10 1.10 1.09 1.08 1.08 1.07
-40 °C 452 39.6 40.4 41.0 41.6 42.3 42.9 43.5 44.1 44.7 45.3
270 1.12 1.11 1.11 1.10 1.09 1.08 1.08 1.07 1.06 1.06
-38 °C 445 39.2 39.8 40.4 41.1 41.7 42.3 42.9 43.6 44.2 44.8
260 1.11 1.10 1.09 1.09 1.08 1.07 1.07 1.06 1.05 1.05
-36 °C 438 38.7 39.3 39.9 40.5 41.2 41.8 42.5 43.2 43.8 44.5
250 1.10 1.09 1.08 1.08 1.07 1.06 1.06 1.05 1.05 1.04
-34 °C 431 38.2 38.7 39.4 40.0 40.6 41.4 42.0 42.6 43.4 43.8
200 1.05 1.05 1.04 1.04 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.02 1.02 1.01
-24 °C 399 35.2 35.8 36.4 37.0 37.5 38.0 38.5 39.0 39.5 40.0
150 1.03 1.03 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.00
-14 °C 371 32.3 32.7 33.1 33.6 34.0 34.4 34.9 35.4 35.7 35.9
100 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.99 0.99 0.99
-4 °C 345 28.4 28.7 29.0 29.4 29.8 30.1 30.5 30.7 31.1 31.5
TAS (knots) is for standard temperature. Add 1 knot/°C above standard.
Fuel consumption (1000 pounds/hour) = (TAS for actual temperature) / (NAM / 1000 pounds)
FLT EPR When operating in gray region, determine and set max cruise EPR is
LEVEL NAM / 1000 LBS less than listed value.
TEMP TAS 310 300 290 280 270 260 250 240 230 220
430 224 1.46 1.42 1.37
-57 °C 459 51.8 54.5 57.3
420 232 1.51 1.45 1.41 1.37 1.33
-57 °C 459 47.5 50.1 52.5 55.0 57.4
410 237 1.48 1.44 1.40 1.36 1.32 1.29
-57 °C 459 46.1 48.4 50.7 53.0 55.1 57.1
400 242 1.47 1.43 1.39 1.35 1.32 1.29 1.26
-57 °C 459 44.9 47.0 49.1 51.1 53.1 54.9 56.6
390 248 1.50 1.45 1.41 1.38 1.34 1.31 1.28 1.26 1.24
-57 °C 459 41.7 43.7 45.6 47.5 49.4 51.2 52.9 54.5 56.0
380 254 1.47 1.43 1.40 1.36 1.33 1.30 1.28 1.26 1.24 1.22
-57 °C 459 40.8 42.6 44.3 46.1 47.8 49.4 50.9 52.4 53.8 55.1
370 260 1.41 1.38 1.35 1.32 1.29 1.27 1.25 1.22 1.20 1.20
-57 °C 459 41.5 43.2 44.8 46.3 47.8 49.1 50.5 51.7 52.9 53.9
360 266 1.36 1.33 1.30 1.28 1.26 1.24 1.23 1.21 1.20 1.19
-57 °C 459 42.1 43.5 44.9 46.2 47.4 48.6 49.8 50.8 51.7 52.7
350 272 1.32 1.29 1.27 1.25 1.24 1.22 1.21 1.19 1.18 1.17
-54 °C 461 42.2 43.5 44.6 45.8 46.8 47.9 48.8 49.7 50.5 51.4
340 278 1.28 1.26 1.25 1.23 1.21 1.20 1.19 1.18 1.17 1.15
-52 °C 463 42.1 43.2 44.2 45.2 46.1 46.9 47.7 48.5 49.3 50.1
330 284 1.25 1.24 1.22 1.21 1.20 1.19 1.18 1.17 1.16 1.15
-50 °C 465 41.8 42.7 43.5 44.4 45.1 45.8 46.6 47.3 48.0 48.7
320 291 1.23 1.22 1.20 1.19 1.18 1.17 1.17 1.16 1.15 1.14
-48 °C 467 41.2 42.0 42.7 43.4 44.1 44.7 45.4 46.0 46.7 47.3
310 297 1.21 1.20 1.19 1.18 1.17 1.16 1.15 1.15 1.14 1.13
-46 °C 469 40.5 41.1 41.7 42.4 43.0 43.6 44.1 44.7 45.4 46.0
300 304 1.19 1.18 1.17 1.17 1.16 1.15 1.14 1.14 1.13 1.12
-44 °C 471 39.6 40.2 40.7 41.3 41.8 42.4 42.9 43.5 44.1 44.6
TAS (knots) is for standard temperature. Add 1 knot/°C above standard.
Fuel consumption (1000 pounds/hour) = (TAS for actual temperature) / (NAM / 1000 pounds)
MACH When operating in gray regions, determine and set max cruise EPR is less
FLT TAS than listed value.
TEMP 310 300 290 280 270 260 250 240 230 220 210
1.46 1.42 1.38 1.34
430 .798 .800 .801 .802
-57 °C 458 459 459 460
5.20 54.5 57.1 59.8
1.51 1.45 1.41 1.37 1.33 1.30
420 .796 .798 .800 .801 .800 .800
-57 °C 456 458 459 459 460 459
47.6 50.2 52.5 54.9 57.3 59.2
1.48 1.44 1.40 1.36 1.33 1.29 1.26
410 .797 .799 .800 .801 .802 .800 .797
-57 °C 457 458 459 459 460 459 457
46.3 48.5 50.7 52.8 55.0 57.1 59.2
1.53 1.46 1.43 1.39 1.35 1.32 1.29 1.26 1.23
400 .795 .798 .799 .800 .801 .801 .800 .797 .791
-57 °C 456 457 458 459 460 460 459 457 454
42.8 45.0 46.9 49.0 51.1 53.0 54.9 56.9 58.9
1.49 1.45 1.41 1.38 1.34 1.31 1.28 1.26 1.23 1.21
390 .796 .798 .800 .801 .802 .801 .800 .796 .791 .784
-57 °C 457 458 459 459 460 459 459 457 454 450
41.9 43.8 45.6 47.5 49.3 51.0 52.9 54.8 56.7 58.3
1.47 1.43 1.40 1.36 1.33 1.30 1.28 1.25 1.23 1.21 1.19
380 .797 .799 .800 .801 .802 .801 .799 .796 .791 .784 .776
-57 °C 547 458 459 459 460 459 458 .456 453 450 445
40.9 42.6 44.3 46.0 47.7 49.3 50.9 52.7 54.4 56.0 57.4
1.41 1.38 1.35 1.32 1.29 1.27 1.24 1.22 1.20 1.19 1.17
370 .799 .800 .801 .802 .801 .799 .795 .790 .784 .776 .766
-57 °C 458 459 459 460 459 458 456 453 449 445 439
41.5 43.1 44.6 46.2 47.7 49.2 50.8 52.4 53.7 55.2 56.7
1.36 1.33 1.31 1.28 1.26 1.24 1.22 1.20 1.18 1.17 1.15
360 .801 .802 .801 .800 .798 .794 .789 .783 .775 .766 .755
-56 °C 459 460 460 459 458 455 453 449 445 439 433
42.0 43.4 44.8 46.1 47.6 49.0 50.5 51.8 53.2 54.6 56.0
TAS (knots) is for standard temperature. Add 1 knot/°C above standard.
Total fuel flow is based on holding in a race track pattern with flaps and gear retracted.
Reduce fuel flow values by 5% for holding in straight and level flight.
FLAPS...................................................... UP
SPOILER HANDLE................................ DOWN
LANDING LIGHTS................................ OFF
APU............................................. AS REQUIRED
Taxi 322,000
Takeoff 320,000
Landing 272,000
Maximum Zero Fuel 250,000
Minimum In-flight 168,000*
* Does not include usable fuel
During an approach and landing at weights greater than the structural design landing weight with
normal landing flaps, avoid bank angles greater than 30°.
The maximum operating limit speed (VMO pointer/overspeed warning) shall not be deliberately
exceeded in any regime of flight.
PRESS ALT (FT) SL 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 27,500 30,000 35,000 42,000
VMO (KIAS) 360 360 360 360 360 360 331 295 245
(.86M) (.86M) (.86M) (.86M)
The maximum speed at which application of full available aileron, rudder, or elevator will not
overstress the airplane.
FLAP POSITION 1 5 15 20 25 30
VFE (KIAS) 240 220 210 195 190 162
Minimum V1 is the minimum speed on the ground at which the takeoff can be continued,
utilizing aerodynamic controls alone, when the critical engine suddenly becomes inoperative
with the remaining engine at takeoff thrust.