Social and Cross-Cultural Skills
Social and Cross-Cultural Skills
Social and Cross-Cultural Skills
Working appropriately and EXAMPLE: In order to make students EXAMPLE: Students survey students EXAMPLE: Working with an
productively with others from a target language culture feel in their international partnership international community center,
more welcome in the school, students school and their own classmates students organize a community
Leveraging the collective learn to use appropriate gestures and about their favorite sports or leisure garden project and a special event to
intelligence of groups oral expressions for greetings, leave- time activities. Students compare and encourage nutrition and healthy eating
when appropriate takings, and common classroom contrast the gathered data in order to habits in the whole community.
interactions, and incorporate them understand the perspectives Students investigate eating habits
Bridging cultural differences into their daily routines. represented by the participating from the cultures represented by the
and using differing (Interpersonal) students. (Interpretive, Interpersonal) local immigrant community and crops
perspectives to increase that grow well in both the target and
innovation and the quality of local climate. Based on their
work research, students prepare a series of
videos that can be used for
presentations to teach children about
healthy meals. (Interpretive,
Interpersonal, Presentational)