S> “Bakit kaya High blood After 8 hrs. of 1. Defined and stated Provides basis for After 8 hrs of
madalas mahilo si pressure or effective nursing that the limits of understanding effective nursing
mother ko”, as hypertension interventions,the desired BP.Explained elevations of BP, interventions, the
verbalize by the means high daughter will hypertension and its and clarifies daughter was able
daughter. pressure in the verbalize effect on heart,blood misconceptions. to verbalize
arteries. understanding of vessels, kidney, and understanding the
O> weak in the disease brain. disease process
appearance Arteries are process and and various
>loss of body vessels that treatment regimen. 2. Assisted These risk factors treatment regimen.
sensations on L body carries blood from inidentifying modifiable have been shown
part the heart to all the risk factors like diet much contribution
>impaired mobility tissues and such as:HIGH IN to hypertension.
in moving about organs in the SODIUM,SATURATE
>poor skin turgor body. D FATS AND
>initial v/s: CHOLESTEROL.
T: 37.2 A blood pressure
CR: 82 bpm of 140/90mmhg or
RR: 18bpm above is 3.Reinforced the Lack of
BP: 140/90mmhg considered high. importance of adhering cooperation is
to treatment regimen common reason
An elevation of and keeping follow-up for failure of anti-
systolic and/or check-up appointments hypertensive
diastolic blood therapy.
increases the risk 4.Suggested frequent Decreases
of heart position changes and peripheral venous
disease,kidney leg exercise when lying pooling that may
disease,hardening down. be potentiated by
of the arteries vasodilator and
(atherosclerosis), prolong sitiing or
eye damage and standing.
brain damage
(stroke). 5.Encouraged to Caffeine is a
deacrese or eliminate cardiac stimulants
caffeine intake like in and may adversely
tea, coffee, soda, and affect cardiac
chocolates. function.
O>Weak in
>Loss of body
sensation on L body
>Impaired ability in
moving about
>Poor skin turgor
>Initial v/s
T: 37.2
C.R: 84 bpm
R.R: 18 bpm
B.P 140/90 mmHg