Cad - Cam - Eto - MRP2
Cad - Cam - Eto - MRP2
Cad - Cam - Eto - MRP2
Computer-aided design is one of the many tools used by engineers and designers
and is used in many ways depending on the profession of the user and the type of
software in question.
CAD is one part of the whole Digital Product Development (DPD) activity within the
Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) process, and as such is used together with
other tools, which are either integrated modules or stand-alone products, such as:
Computer-aided engineering (CAE) and Finite element analysis (FEA)
Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) including instructions to Computer
Numerical Control (CNC) machines
Photo realistic rendering
Document management and revision control using Product Data Management
CAD is also used for the accurate creation of photo simulations that are often
required in the preparation of Environmental Impact Reports, in which computer-
aided designs of intended buildings are superimposed into photographs of existing
environments to represent what that locale will be like were the proposed facilities
allowed to be built. Potential blockage of view corridors and shadow studies are
also frequently analyzed through the use of CAD.
Computer-aided manufacturing