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System Catalogue

The extraordinary versatility of view
cameras expands the seemingly rigid
boundaries of photography, providing the
photographer with entirely new degrees
of creative freedom.

The film and lens planes on adjustable

camera platforms from Sinar can easily
be shifted for very convenient perspective
corrections and even for modifications.
By working with the camera’s features, the
photographer can skillfully use its swings and
tilts to define the planes of sharpness and
unsharpness in such a way as to convey
precisely the desired pictorial expression to
the viewer.
We are well into the era of digital
networking. Large photographic
businesses recognized the advantages
of digital imaging (from original exposure
to printed page). The flexibility of the
Sinar System makes it easy, for instance,
to attach a digital back to a Sinar p2,
creating a perfect professional digital
camera, one that matured from its infancy
long ago and that is in full active use in a
great many locations.

The Otto Mail Order House, largest

enterprise of its kind in the world, utilizes
the many advantages of digital
photography with the Sinar System.
Embarking in the Sinar System reveals The Sinar f line is the most cost- The Sinar p line, worldwide symbol for
that Sinar strives to produce the world’s effective entry into the Sinar System. superb professional cameras, is unsur-
best professional cameras, and Sinar For professionals concerned about passed in versatility, precision, rug-
stands firmly behind its clients with an weight, volume and budget, virtually gedness and adjustment capabilities.
outstanding customer service. nothing is more appropriate than the The “p” stands for “perfection”.
Sinar f.
The Sinar Workshops are a good
example of that service. These experi-
ences of one or more days with the
wonders of large format photography
are designed to demonstrate how its
enormous capabilities can be utilized
to optimal advantage. Participants from
around the world expand their know-
how in the Sinar Workshops. Because
hardly any photographer wants to
struggle with abstract theories, the
Sinar Workshops are organized into
small coherent groups to practice the
efficient execution of sample assign-

Sinar offers even more opportunities

to become proficient with large format
photography, such as Sinar-Info, issued
several times a year to cover current
topics. A major secret tip among pho-
tographers all over the world is the
new series of books entitled “Creative The Sinar x is a cost-efficient alterna- Sinar also offers a digital imaging sys-
Large Format” published by Sinar tive to the Sinar p2, performing all the tem for demanding studio photography
Edition. Its volumes on major subjects, functions with equal perfection, but that integrates seamlessly into its
like Basics, Architecture and Natural deliberately dispensing with some of proven Sinar view camera system and
Landscapes describe how high-impact the amenities and upgrade possibili- that can also be attached to medium
photographs are made that stand out ties. format cameras: the Sinarback.
in today’s avalanche of pictures.

CH- 8245 Feuerthalen/Switzerland
Telephone + 41 / 52 647 07 07 Printed in Switzerland
Fax + 41 / 52 647 06 06 Modifications and availability reserved
E-mail sinar@sinar.ch 751.00/05.77.008 e – 01.0902
Website www.sinarcameras.com  2000 SINAR AG, Switzerland

Transforming Ideas into Images

The professional photographer’s affordable, and their compo-

job is becoming ever more de- nents are, of course, fully sys-
manding. His client expects inno- tem-compatible.
vative interpretations of ideas.
Not only must these interpreta-
tions reflect prevailing trends,
• In conjunction with its digital
imaging backs, Sinar offers a
they must also conform to an es- range of Adapters (see the
tablished budget. And they must Sinar digital catalogue entitled
meet high expectations of quality. “Digital Performance”). These
No two assignments are alike. adapters and adapter kits make
The need for flexibility already it possible to use the most pop-
begins with the choice of the imaging medi- composition of the outfit, they can be used ular professional digital backs and the
um. Depending on the nature of the as- for the greatest variety of assignments. Sinarback on Sinar Cameras and on the
signment, the client may require images on Thus Sinar always equips the photogra- most important medium format cameras.
rollfilm, sheet film, and increasingly on dig- pher with the ideal tools for transforming
ital storage media.
Photography is writing with light and trans-
ideas into images quickly and perfectly. • For professional digital photography in
the studio, we recommend the compact
forming ideas into images. The art consists The Modular System Sinarcams, which provide an efficient way
of the skilled manipulation of light and of working:
shadows, the judicious application of sharp- The Sinar system was designed in such a The Sinarcam 2 for the Sinarback digital
ness and unsharpness and the creative way that the various camera models and back can be used on its own as a compact
choice of perspectives. Time constraints accessories can be combined in numerous studio camera and it can also be used
and technical limitations are the only re- configurations. This enables the photogra- in conjunction with Sinar p2 and Sinar x
strictions on creativity and they sometimes pher to assemble exactly the right camera view cameras.The Sinarcam 1 for the Leaf
become obstacles in the path to perfect outfit that is optimally tailored to the as- Volare and the Sinarcam 3 for the Leaf
photographs. signment at hand. Cantare digital back can also be used on
The evolution of 50 years of studio work, their own as compact studio cameras, or
backed by innovative research and devel- Basic models of Sinar cameras: they can be used in combination with a
opment has shaped today’s Sinar System. Sinar p2 camera.
The introduction of extremely versatile
system components eliminated technical
• The first choice in the range of purely
mechanical cameras is the Sinar p2. Up-to-date Accessories
barriers in a revolutionary way and step-by- Thanks to its refined design, settings and
step opened new freedoms for creativity. focusing with the Sinar p2 can be accom- The convenience of the modular system is
plished faster than with any other camera. the fact that practically every individual
The Sinar Quality Chain Not only does this save precious time, it component of the Sinar System can be
also provides significant gains in precision. used with every Sinar camera model. The
Every chain is only as strong as its weak- This model too, can be adapted for use as line of accessories is constantly being ex-
est link. That motivates Sinar to pay special a digital camera. panded with new items, which can, of
attention to the optimal compatibility of in- course, also be used with older Sinar cam-
dividual components with each other and
to the uncompromised quality of each and
The Sinar x camera is available as a
affordable variation of the Sinar p2
eras. For example, the versatile Sinar Roll-
film Holder Zoom 2 with adjustable format
every system element. that features the same robust construction masks, or the Expolux Shutter System.
This guarantees the photographer that and ease of use of the highly precise ad- Exposure metering probes permit quick de-
wonderfully reassuring confidence in the justment capabilities, but which deliberate- termination of the correct exposure and
reliability of his camera. Individual camera ly omits certain other features. they supply data for optimal contrast in the
and accessory components are designed original for printing. The modern proprie-
to work smoothly with each other and with-
out any impairment to handling. All cam-
•lentThe Sinar f1 and f2 cameras are excel-
as entry cameras for large format pho-
tary Sinar digital back, the Sinarback, in its
various variations and with its ample range
eras in the Sinar line of products are of tography and as ideal cameras for outdoor of accessories, can also be adapted with
equally high quality and, depending on the photography. They are lightweight and ease at any time.

1- 1


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The Sinar p2
SINAR p2 4x5″/10x12.5 cm Consists of:
491.76 411.41 Rail Clamp 2
422.21 Basic Rail 12″/30 cm
429.21 2 Rail Caps
Adjustment ranges: 431.51 Front Standard p2
433.26 Carrier Frame 4x5″/10x12.5 cm
433.51 Bearer p2
vertical: ↑ 4 cm, ↓ 4 cm
454.11 Multipurpose Bellows 4x5″/10x12.5 cm
horizontal: ← 3 cm, → 5 cm
462.16 Metering Back 4x5″/10x12.5 cm
Coarse tilt: ± 45°
531.41 Lensboard Holder
Fine tilt: ± 19°
Swivel: ± 50°
Weight: 5.9 kg (13 lb).
Fine focus: 5 cm
Bellows extension with
Multipurpose bellows: 4 cm to 45 cm
SINAR p2 4x5″/10x12.5 cm


SINAR p2 5x7″/13x18 cm 454.11


Adjustment ranges: 462.16

Vertical adjustment 531.41
Rear standard: ↑ 5 cm, ↓ 2 cm
Front standard: ↑ 4 cm, ↓ 4 cm
Horizontal adjustments 429.21
Rear standard: ← 5 cm, → 4 cm
Front standard: ← 3 cm, → 5 cm
Coarse tilt 422.21 429.21
Rear standard: ± 30° 411.41
Front standard: ± 50°
Fine tilt: ± 19°
Swivel: ± 50°
Fine focus: 5 cm
Bellows extension
with tapered bellows: 4 cm to 45 cm
Weight: 6,8 kg (15 lb) Sinar p2:
The easiest sharpness compensation,
made possible by asymmetrical swing/tilt axes
SINAR p2 8x10″/20x25 cm
In terms of technical capabilities, the Even with double sharpness compensa-
491.78 Sinar p2 camera represents the leading tion, the camera always remains in the
edge of today's camera technology. It correct position (free of sway), there is
Adjustment ranges: gives the photographer purposeful ad- no need for tilting anything out of the way
justment capabilities that are based on or for any readjustments.
Vertical adjustment well thought out and very precise mech-
Rear standard: ↑ 5 cm, ↓ 0 cm anisms. That precision and the sturdi- 1. An image point is focused on the hori-
Front standard: ↑ 4 cm, ↓ 4 cm ness is particu- zontal (H) or the vertical (V) swing/tilt
Horizontal adjustments larly important axis.
Rear standard: ← 6 cm, → 2 cm when a digital
Front standard: ← 3 cm, → 5 cm back is being
2. Now focusing is performed on the
Coarse tilt used. With the other axis, i.e. over the entire image
Rear standard: ± 20° asymmetrical area, using the fine drive knob, and
Front standard: ± 50° swing/tilt axes, presto: it is done! If necessary, the in-
Fine tilt: ± 19° sharpness com- clination obtained in this manner with
Swivel: ± 50° pensation can H the swing/tilt axis can be transferred to
Fine focus: 5 cm be accomplished the front standard in order to retain the
Bellows extension swiftly and with same perspective.
with tapered bellows: 5 cm to 71 cm great accuracy.
Weight: 8,2 kg (18 lb)


1- 5

The Sinar x
SINAR x 4x5″/10x12.5 cm Consists of:
491.66 411.21 Rail Clamp 1
422.21 Basic Rail 12″/30 cm
429.21 2 Rail Caps
431.71 Front Standard x
433.76 Rear Standard x 4x5″/10x12.5 cm
454.11 Multiporpose Bellows 4x5″/10x12.5cm
461.36 Holder/Focusing Back
4x5″/10x12.5 cm
531.41 Lensboard Holder

Weight: 5.8 kg (13 lb).

Adjustment ranges: SINAR x 4x5″/10x12.5 cm

vertical: ↑ 4 cm, ↓ 4 cm 454.11
horizontal: ← 3 cm, → 5 cm
Coarse tilt: ± 40° 431.71
Fine tilt: ± 19°
Swivel: ± 50°
Fine focus: 5 cm
461.36 531.41
Bellows extension with
Multipurpose bellows: 4 cm to 45 cm

433.76 422.21 429.21


The Sinar x: A cost-efficient high-end view camera

For studio photography in the 4 x 5″ for- gone on the Sinar x camera. Modern di-
mat, the Sinar x camera is a cost-effi- gital backs with area CCD arrays, such
cient alternative to the outstanding Sinar as the Sinarback or the Leaf Volare, for
p2 camera, performing all the functions instance, as well as digital camera scan-
with equal perfection, but deliberately ners, can also be used without any prob-
dispensing with some of the operating lems on a Sinar x camera.
amenities. The asymmetrical swing/tilt capability for
The TTL Metering Back, for instance, is fast, optimal and accurate setting of the
not included in the basic outfit, but it re- plane of sharpness is, of course, an inte-
mains an option that can be added later. gral feature of the Sinar x camera. As in
As in the Sinar p2 camera, all fine drives every Sinar camera, finish and work-
are self-locking, so that a separate lock- manship are perfect to the last detail, en-
ing device is unnecessary, significantly suring outstanding durability and value
enhancing focusing accuracy. All that is retention. The Sinar x camera provides
needed is a slightly stronger turning mo- the large format photographer with the
tion than that required for adjusting the best features at a favorable price: it is the
Sinar p2 camera. perfect entry camera and it can be ex-
The feature of adapting formats larger panded at will within the Sinar modular
than 4 x 5″ was also intentionally fore- system.



The Sinar f2
SINAR f2 4x5″/10x12.5 cm Consists of:
491.96 411.21 Rail Clamp 1
422.21 Basic Rail 12″/30 cm
429.21 2 Rail Caps
431.61 Front Standard f2
433.66 Rear Standard f2 4x5″/10x12.5 cm
454.11 Multipurpose Bellows 4x5″/10x12.5 cm
461.36 Holder/Focusing Back 4x5″/10x12.5 cm
531.41 Lensboard Holder

Weight: 3.6 kg (8 lb)

SINAR f2 4x5″/10x12.5 cm


Adjustment ranges: 531.41

Vertical adjustment: ↑↓ 11 cm
Horizontal adjustments 431.61
Rear standard: ← 4 cm, → 2 cm
Front standard: ← 5 cm, → 3 cm
Coarse tilt: ± 40°
Swivel: ± 50°
433.66 429.21
Fine focus: 4 cm 422.21
Bellows extension with
Multipurpose bellows: 4 cm to 45 cm 411.21

Sinar f2: Expansion is possible at any time

A special characteristic of the Sinar f2 is The front standard can be used as an in-
its light weight, which makes it an ideal termediate standard after an expansion.
large format camera for assignments Its rear standard is not equipped to ac-
that require travel. Because of its attrac- commodate the metering probe. Both,
tive price, it also enables young photog- the front and the rear standard feature
raphers to embark on the Sinar System. fine focusing knobs for precise sharp-
If the camera is later converted into a ness control. In addition, the Sinar f2 can
Sinar p2, the components of the Sinar f2 be equipped with a metering back as an
can continue to be used as practical accessory that makes it possible to use
accessories within the Sinar Modular a metering probe at the film plane. This
System. system of compatible components al-
The Sinar f2 is the most basic version. lows a gradual expansion of the camera
Nevertheless, with its angle scale dial outfit, beginning with the most basic f2,
and its depth of field scale, it already progressing all the way to a p2.
possesses the most important features
for simple camera adjustments.

Digital Photography

The Digital Image

The change from chemical to digital imag-
ing in professional photography took place
• Digital backs with a camera scanner:
These scanners have three tightly aligned
• The Sinarcam 2 with the Sinarback Digi-
tal Back can be used as a compact studio
quicker than originally imagined: The im- CCD arrays for the basic colors red, green camera and it can also be used in con-
age is recorded with a digital storage medi- and blue, so that only one scanning pass junction with the Sinar p2 (Sinar x) view
um and fed directly into a computer for fur- is required per exposure. Scanning takes a cameras. These combinations produce
ther manipulation. Even though digital few minutes, therefore only continuous light high-quality color photographs of static
imaging technology is unlikely to replace can be used, such as halogen light, cali- subjects (4-shot) and also of dynamic sub-
film for very high resolution photography brated fluorescent light with daylight color jects (1-shot).
completely, today it is established in practi- balance or HMI light.
cally all segments of photography, including
still life photography, catalog- and fashion For professional imaging, the following
• The Sinarcam 1 with the Leaf Volare or
the Leaf DCB-LV digital back can also be
photography. Even with moving subjects computer requirements apply: Apple Mac- used as a compact studio camera and it
there are no limitations anymore. intosh Power PC with OS 8.5 or higher, at can also be used in combination with the
least 256 MB RAM, graphic card with at Sinar p2 camera system. Static subjects
Basically, there are two different kinds of least 4 MB VRAM (true color rendition), can be photographed in high-quality color
digital backs that can be used on a Sinar hard disk drive with at least 1 GB available and dynamic subjects can be captured in
camera: storage space, 17″ or larger monitor, CD black-and-white. Upon request, also for
drive, output devices for filing and data Leaf 1-shot digital backs, the Sinarcam 3 is
• Digital backs with a CCD sensor array:
Because of the short exposure times, ba-
exchange, such as a CD writer, Iomega Jaz
or Iomega Zip interchangeable discs, Digi-
available (same as the Sinarcam 1 but with-
out the filter wheel).
sically all the usual light sources can be tal Versatile Discs (DVD), etc. If electronic
used (flash or continuous lighting). The rel- image manipulation is also to be performed For the compact versions of Sinar Digital
atively small CCD chip requires lenses with on the same computer, a faster processor is Cameras, there is a special line of Sinaron
short focal lengths that must also have very recommended, along with a 20″ (or larger) Digital lenses designed for uncomplicated,
high resolution. The Sinar product range monitor and greater memory capacity. efficient studio photography. The basic lens
now includes the special Sinaron Digital in that line is the 35 – 80 mm ƒ/2.8 Sinaron
lenses that are capable of transferring the For the very best results with both imaging Digital Zoom Lens. In addition, lenses from
complete image information to the high techniques, the highest demands are also Leica, Nikon, Olympus, Hasselblad and
pixel density of the CCD chip. Exposure pa- placed on the camera and on the lenses. Mamiya can also be used, thus creating the
rameters and color filtering are controlled The cameras we recommend are the broadest selection of lenses for a digital
in different ways, depending on the type of Sinar p2 as well as the Sinar x, which are camera system. For professional Sinar Digi-
digital back that is being used (one- or well suited for this purpose, because of tal Cameras, Sinar offers the line of
multi-shot). For example, the Sinarcam 2 is their precise adjustment capabilities and Sinaron Digital Lenses in DB Auto Aperture
used with the Sinarback (1- and 4-shot), their sturdiness. Mounts.
whereas the Sinarcam 1 is used with the
Leaf Volare (3-shot). But there are also di- The compact studio cameras from Sinar
gital backs with which one of the versions are excellent choices for highly efficient
of the Sinar Expolux shutter is used. work in regular studio photography:

Today, the Sinarback digital back on the Sinarcam 2 and the Digital photography not only produces detailed image informa-
Sinar p2 are the ultimate professional working tools in the tion that can be utilized immediately, it also permits direct and
digital photography studio. exact controls of mumerous parameters right on the monitor.

Digital Photography

Everything from the same source

Sinarcam 2 Individual
Digital Camera Sinarback Camera Adapter

Capturing Software
Sinar CaptureShop™

Professional Medium Format Adjustable

Sinar p2 Camera Cameras Standards
Digital Lenses in DB


Bellows Lens Hood Carrier Frame

Digital imaging techniques are becoming tographer with the greatest possible free- the ideal tool, regardless of whether con-
ever more important in photography. In cer- dom in the choice of the right camera for tinuous illumination or flash light is being
tain categories, professional photographs the respective photographic task. used. The Sinarcams can be used as com-
made digitally have already surpassed With the Sinarcams and the Expolux shut- puter-controlled cameras on the Sinar p2
those made with chemical film. The know- ter system, Sinar offers a solution for prac- view camera and they can also be used on
how and the skill of the photographer con- tically all applications in the field of view their own as compact solutions. With its
tinue to be as indispensable as they were cameras. Even with scanner camera appli- fully automatic shutter- and aperture con-
before. Optical and physical imaging re- cations, for example, the Expolux shutter is trols, the Sinarcam lets the photographer
quirements remain unchanged. As before, work where he can best devote himself to
it is important for the photographer to se- the composition and the exposure of the
lect the camera that is most appropriate for Computer requirements photograph: behind the camera, at the
the respective task. Today Sinar offers a for professional screen. Furthermore, it permits the use of
digital imaging system for demanding stu- digital imaging: a wide range of 35 mm, medium- and view
dio photography that integrates seamless- camera lenses. This also makes it possible
ly into its proven Sinar view camera system Apple Macintosh Power PC with OS 8.5 to use digital photography in extreme wide-
and that can also be attached to medium or higher, at least 256 MB RAM, graphic angle situations.
format cameras: the Sinarback. card with at least 4 MB VRAM (true col- The relatively small CCD area sensors
Upgrading and the continued use of exist- or rendition), hard disc with at least 1 GB used in digital photography require espe-
ing, well-proven accessories for the Sinar of available storage space, 17″ or larger cially high precision in focusing the image
system are also safeguarded in digital pho- video monitor, CD drive, output devices in order to achieve optimal sharpness.
tography. This open system constitutes an for filing and data exchange, such as a Sinar cameras are well equipped for these
ideal foundation for the future as well. For CD writer, Iomega Jaz or Iomega Zip in- requirements, at the same time offering the
chemical or for digital imaging media, Sinar terchangeable discs, Digital Versatile greatest ease of operation. In the field of
offers precisely the right adaptations for its Discs (DVD), etc. If electronic image digital photography too, Sinar remains
view cameras. In addition, the Sinarback manipulation is also to be performed on faithful to its policy of providing the highest
can easily and quickly be attached to a the same computer, a faster processor quality and efficiency, at the same time en-
medium format camera. Thanks to the live- is recommended, along with a 20″ (or abling you to obtain everything from the
video focusing image, it is also readily pos- larger) video monitor and greater mem- same trusted source.
sible to adapt the Sinarback to a Sinar x or ory capacity.
a Sinar f camera. This provides the pho-

Digital Photography

Digital Photography

Sinarcam 2 / Sinarback
The universal, high-resolution Sinarback Medium Format
Digital Back developed by Sinar enables all
Sinar view cameras as well as a variety of Fuji GX 680
medium format cameras to be efficiently in- Bronica SQ/ETR Medium Format
Mamiya RZ/645 Lenses
tegrated into a demanding digital workflow. Rollei 6008
The Sinarback requires no filter wheel, yet Contax 645
every pixel contains full color information at Sinarcam 2
a color depth of 14 Bit. The Sinarback can
be used as a 4-shot camera for static sub- Frame Shift Lens Boards for
4×5″ Hasselblad and
jects and as a 1-shot camera for dynamic Mamiya 645
subjects. Thanks to fiber optics technology,
even picture sequences of at least one
image per second are possible. The active Lens Boards for:
and regulated cooling of the CCD chip mini- Sinaron Digital, Olympus
mizes electronic threshold noise, thus pro- Nikon, Leica-R
viding improved detail rendition, even in Tripod
Adapter 2
shadow areas.

The Sinar CaptureShop™ imaging soft-

ware especially developed for the Sinar- Sinaron Digital
Lens EF
back is user-friendly and has clear operat-
ing elements based on Photoshop. The Bellows
settings of all the parameters for the expo- Camera Sinar Lens Hood
Autoaperture Shutter
sure and for image data export as well as Adapter
the operation of the Sinarcam 2 (aperture,
shutter speed) can conveniently be made Sinar f2
with the mouse.
The latest version of the software and of
the operating instructions as well as tips &
tricks can be found and downloaded from
our website www.captureshop.com. Sinaron
Lens DB
Easy adaptation to Carrier Frame
professional cameras Wide Sinarcam 2

• The Sinarback with Sinarcam 2 on a

Sinar p2 is the perfect adjustable digital
camera for professionals. The sturdy
Sinar p2 with its many sophisticated focus-
ing aids is recognized as a leading camera Sinar p2 (digital)
system in modern digital studios. It facili-
tates work, both with complex focusing in
tabletop projects, as well as in the secure Pan Tilt Head
choice of croppings with packshots: with
the Sinar p2 everything is under smooth
control. compact digital studio camera: the Sinar- veniences that will not be available, such
But only with the Sinarcam 2 does the cam 2 Compact – a perfect camera for as the live color video focusing image for
Sinar p2 achieve its full potential. Live color packshots, catalog productions and for any instance, and the lens will have to be
video focusing image, vibration-free elec- application that requires the highest image stopped down slightly while focusing in
tronic shutter functions and automatic quality without camera movements. The bright ambient light for exposures in the
aperture control are but a few of its many pixel-accurate, live color video focusing im- 4-shot mode.
features. The latter also permits the use of age is also preserved. Lens adapter boards
proven high-resolving power, apochromatic-
ally corrected Sinaron Digital lenses in DB
are available, so that a great variety of
lenses can be used, like Sinaron Digital,
• By means of adapter kits, the Sinarback
can also be used on medium format
auto-aperture mounts. Leica R, Nikon, Olympus, Hasselblad and cameras with removable film magazines,
For applications that generate very large Mamiya 645. The Sinarcam 2 Compact is a for instance on Hasselblad, Mamiya RZ 67
amounts of data (posters, reproductions of high-performance camera for mass high- and 645, Fuji GX 680, Rolleiflex 6008, Zen-
artworks, etc.), the photographer can avail quality productions. za Bronica SQ and ETR as well as Contax
himself of the Macroscan option. 645 AF cameras. Here too, the live color
• Mounting the Sinarback directly on a video focusing image is a standard feature.
• With only a few hand moves, the view
camera version can be converted into a
Sinar f2 camera creates a cost-efficient
digital view camera. There are a few con-

Digital Photography

Digital Photography

Sinarcam 1

Shift Lens Boards for

– Hasselblad
– Mamiya 645

Sinarcam 1

Lens Boards for:

- Sinaron - Nikon
- Olympus - Leica-R

Leaf Volare Digital Back

with Adapter for Sinarcam

Lens DB Bellows Lens Hood

Tripod adapter

Aperture Control

Sinar p2

Pan Tilt Head

Sinarcam: The uncompromised Digital Camera

The Sinarcam 1 combines a digital adapter great variety of manufacturers. In addition single hand motion, without having to de-
for the Sinar view camera system and a to the special Sinaron Digital lenses in DB tach the digital back. The optional Color
complete, compact digital studio camera in mounts (with the Sinar p2 view camera), Shop software expansion is already incor-
a single versatile unit. The focusing image the Compact version of the camera can al- porated in the imaging software and it can
can be viewed on the computer monitor as so be used with lenses from Nikon, Olym- be activated by means of a hardware key
a high-resolution live-video image of any pus, Leica R, Hasselblad and Mamiya 645. (dongle). This software makes professional
desired size. In combination with the Hasselblad and Mamiya lenses used for this quality color separations possible with all
Leaf Volare digital back, the Sinarcam 1 purpose are mounted on a special shift the corrections that are necessary for that
becomes a high-grade digital studio cam- board that provides the compact version of purpose (color, scaling, unsharp masking).
era for all kinds of still life images with the Sinarcam with the capability of per-
flash, continuous-, or mixed illumination. spective correction.
Its universal adaptability features the pos- The Leaf Volare Digital Back produces
sibility of quickly and easily converting the images with a resolution of 3,072 × 2,048 Additional information about the
compact camera into a professional cam- pixels at a color depth of 14 Bit per color Sinar Digital Program is featured in
era (by attaching it to a Sinar p2 Camera). (16,384 gray tones). Thanks to the HV- a separate digital catalogue entitled
The adaptation principle of the Sinarcam Twist, the image format can be changed “Sinar Digital Performance”.
permits the attachment of lenses from a from a vertical to a horizontal format with a

System Components

Each Item fits another

Sinar professional cameras of the latest ing a digital back, such as the Sinarback, and 18″), which can be attached to either
generation are fully compatible with most Leaf Volare, etc. That makes a single Sinar end of the Basic Rail in any combination. A
of their older predecessor models. Our ob- camera suitable for use with all film sizes Sinar camera grows with every assign-
jective is to remain true to the policy of sys- from 4.5 x 6 cm (Rollfilm Holder Zoom 2) all ment, no part becomes superfluous. And
tem conformity that we have already been the way to 8 x 10″/20 x 25 cm without any there is another important feature: unlike
practicing for more than 50 years. The in- restrictions. Whether rollfilm or sheet film, other base rails that extend telescopically,
vestment made by a photographer is to a choice the photographer must make the Sinar Basic Rails preserves the stabil-
retain its value. This consistency is unique based on the nature of the assignment and ity of the camera.
to Sinar cameras. The multiple applications the application of the photographs, maxi-
of individual system components signifi- mum advantage can be taken of a techni- Focusing Aids to suit
cantly increase their utility to the user. cal large format camera: manipulating per-
Another characteristic Sinar feature! spective, either to correct it or to make it
the task
Two examples: the Multipurpose Bellows is more dynamic; sharpness compensation, Depending entirely on personal prefer-
useful not only as a camera bellows but selective focus, etc. ences and on the nature of the assign-
also as a lens hood. The Wide Angle Bel- ments, a variety of focusing aids is available
lows fits the binocular magnifier exactly to Practical accessories for for evaluating the image on the focusing
serve as a light hood, and so forth. The screen. Sinar offers several practical solu-
system components can always be used in
long bellows extensions tions. The basic binocular magnifier and
new combinations. That is what makes a Very often long focal lengths or close-up the binocular reflex magnifier show the im-
Sinar camera highly adaptable to a very photographs require long extensions. Such age magnified by a factor of 2. The binocu-
large variety of photographic tasks. extensions cannot be achieved without lar reflex magnifier produces a right-side-
accessories. But with a Sinar camera, this up image. Either the Multipurpose Bellows
Quick and easy is easy. Many parts, such as the Rail or the Wide Angle Bellows can be used as
Clamp, can be used universally. Thus the a light hood bellows with the simple binocu-
format change extension is quick and easy to set up in lar magnifier. Therefore the acquisition of a
The Format Changing Set, which consists conjunction with a Multipurpose Standard. new bellows is not necessarily essential.
of a metering back, a carrier frame and a A practical accessory is the additional base The Sinar 4x Magnifier is very suitable for
bellows, a Sinar p2 camera can be con- plate. judging sharpness on the focusing screen,
verted to various different film formats. Fast The existing Basic Rail, however, can also and it can also be used to evaluate original
and with equal precision all the way to the be lengthened at will: extensions are avail- artwork or reflection copy.
“king size” 8 x 10″/20 x 25 cm or for attach- able in lengths of 15, 30 and 45 cm (6″, 12″

System Components

Rail Units
BASIC RAIL 12″/30 cm As many extensions as desired can be at-
422.21 tached to either side (black end) of a ba-
sic rail, but it cannot be used as a rail ex-
tension itself. The 12″/30 cm Basic rail is
supplied with every Sinar camera.


For lengthening the optical bench by
6″/15 cm, 12″/30 cm or 18″/45 cm, respec-
RAIL EXTENSION 12″/30 cm tively. As many extensions as desired can
be attached to the red end.
• With the Special Rail Cap 428.31,
these rail extensions can also be used as
basic rails.

RAIL CAP End caps for Basic Rail 30 cm (12″)

429.21 422.21 and for the long Basic Rail 90 cm
(36″) 425.21, as well as for the red ends
of rail extensions. Prevents unblocked
standards from sliding off the rails.

SPECIAL RAIL CAP Prevents unblocked standards from slid-

428.31 ing off the rail when rail extension 423.21
or 424.21 is being used as a basic rail.

On all Sinar cameras and components

(except for film holders), the format des-
ignation 4 x 5″/10 x 12.5 cm includes the
9 x 12cm (31/2 x 43/4″) film size, and the
8 x 10″/20 x 25 cm designation includes
the 18 x 24 cm (7 x 91/2″) film size.

System Components

FRONT STANDARD p2 Lens standard for the Sinar p2 with shift
431.51 mechanisms and asymmetrical swing and
tilt capabilities. Equipped with self-locking
fine adjustment drives and designed for
ergonomic operation.
• Special Front Standard p2 431.52 is
recommended when the 8x10″/20x25 cm
format is used frequently.

SPECIAL FRONT STANDARD p2 Lens standard for the Sinar p2 8x10″/

431.52M 20x25 cm with shift mechanisms and
asymmetrical swing and tilt capabilities.
Equipped with self-locking fine adjustment
drives and designed for ergonomic opera-
tion. Zero settings tailored specifically to
the 8x10″/20x25 cm format.
• This lens standard also permits greater
vertical shifts than Lens Standard p2
431.51. Special Bearer p2 433.52 is re-
commended for use in conjunction with
this format.

BEARER p2 Lower portion of the rear standard of the

433.51 Sinar p2, with shift mechanisms, asym-
metrical swing and tilt capabilities and a
depth of field scale. Equipped with self-
locking fine adjustment drives and de-
signed for ergonomic operation. Depend-
ing on the format being used, Carrier
Frames 4x5″/10x12.5 cm, 5x7″/13x18 cm
or 8x10″/20x25 cm (433.26/.27/.58), or
correspondent digital adapters (see sepa-
rate print “Digital Performance”) can be
mounted on this bearer.
• The use of this bearer (in conjunction
with the appropriate carrier frame) in
place of a regular Sinar f2 Rear Standard,
can significantly increase the ease of op-
erating a Sinar f2 Camera because of the
asymmetrical swing and tilt capabilities.
• Special Bearer p2 433.52 is recom-
mended when the 8x10″/20x25 cm format
is used frequently.
SPECIAL BEARER p2 Reinforced lower portion of the rear stan-
433.52 dard of the Sinar p2 with shift mechanisms,
asymmetrical swing and tilt capabilities,
greater shifting displacements and a depth
of field scale for the 8x10″/20x25 cm format.
• Can also be used with 4x5″/10x12.5 cm
and 5x7″/13x18 cm formats.

CARRIER FRAME Upper portion of the rear standard of the

4x5″/10x12.5 cm Sinar p2 and the Sinar e 4x5″/10x12.5 cm.
433.26 Fits on Bearer p2 433.51, Special Bearer
p2 433.52, Bearer e 433.11 and Special
Bearer e 433.12.
• Also available for the larger formats of
Sinar p2 and Sinar e Cameras:
for 5x7″/13x18 cm 433.27,
for 8x10″/20x25 cm 433.58

System Components

FRONT STANDARD x Lens standard of the Sinar x with shift

431.71 mechanisms and asymmetrical swing and
tilt capabilities.
Equipped with self-locking fine adjustment
drives and designed for ergonomic

REAR STANDARD x Rear standard of the Sinar x with shift

4x5″/10x12.5 cm mechanisms, asymmetrical swing and tilt
433.76 capabilities and a depth of field scale.
Equipped with self-locking fine adjustment
drives and designed for ergonomic opera-
• The use of this rear standard in place
of the regular Sinar f2 Rear Standard can
significantly increase the ease of operat-
ing a Sinar f2 Camera because of the
asymmetrical swing and tilt capabilities.
The original Sinar f2 Rear Standard can
continue to be used as an auxiliary stan-
• This rear standard accepts Holder/
Focusing Back 4x5″/10x12.5 cm 461.36.

MULTIPURPOSE STANDARD This is the most frequently used standard

4x5″/10x12.5 cm for supporting a professional bellows lens
437.61 hood. It also serves as an intermediate
support for long bellows extensions, or as
an object stage and a holder for the Sinar
Color Control Filter System and for Sinar
mirrors, etc.
Has shift, swing and tilt capabilities.

MULTIPURPOSE STANDARD Intermediate standard for long bellows ex-

5x7″/13x18 cm tensions with the 8x10″/20x25 cm format.
437.62 Multipurpose standard for a professional
bellows lens hood for formats larger than
4x5″/10x12.5 cm.
Equipped with shift, swing and tilt mech-


System Components
METERING BACK 4x5″/10x12.5 cm This metering back is used with Carrier
462.16 Frame 4x5″/10x12.5 cm 433.26 of the
Sinar p2 and with the rear standards of
the Sinar x 433.76, the Sinar f2 and f1
(433.66 and 433.66.001, respectively). It
consists of Metering Holder Frame
4x5″/10x12.5 cm 462.96, Focusing Frame
2 461.56 and Focusing Screen 536.66.
• Fresnel Lens 461.76 is recommended
for focusing, especially with smaller for-
mats of the Set of Formats 534.16.
• The probe housing of the metering
holder frame accommodates any of the
metering probes (Sinar Expolux Booster,
Sinar Booster 1, Sinar FCM-Booster,
Sinarsix-Digital, Profi-select TTL).
This metering back permits accurate
metering of subject points without causing
the image to become unsharp, as it would
when a light meter cassette is inserted.

METERING BACK 5x7″/13x18 cm This metering back is used with Carrier

462.17 Frame 5x7″/13x18 cm 433.27 of the
Sinar p2 and with Rear Standard 433.67
of the Sinar f2.
It is supplied with Focusing Screen
• Fresnel Lens 535.17 is recommended.
• Equipped with a hydraulic damping
mechanism that prevents the movable
rear cover from closing abruptly when a
film holder is removed, thus avoiding
potential damage to the focusing screen.

Its other properties are equal to those of

Metering Back 4x5″/10x12.5 cm 462.16
described above.

METERING BACK 8x10″/20x25 cm This metering back is used with Carrier

462.58 Frame 8x10″/20x25 cm 433.58 of the
Sinar p2 and with Rear Standard 433.68
of the Sinar f2.
It is supplied with Focusing Screen
• Fresnel Lens 535.58 is recommended.

Its other properties are equal to those of

Metering Back 5x7″/13x18 cm 462.17
described earlier.

HOLDER/FOCUSING BACK Holder and focusing screen without probe

4x5″/10x12.5 cm housing. Fits Carrier Frame 4x5″/
461.36 10x12.5 cm 433.26 of the Sinar p2 and
Rear Standard 433.76 of the Sinar x and
433.66 of the Sinar f2.
Consists of Holder Frame (without probe
housing) 4x5″/10x12.5 cm 461.46 and
Focusing Frame 2 461.56 with Focusing
Screen 536.66.
• Fresnel Lens 461.76 is recommended
for focusing, especially with smaller for-
mats of Set of Masks 534.16.
• The use of an exposure metering
probe (Sinar Booster 1 or Sinar Expolux
Booster) requires Metering Back
4x5″/10x12.5 cm 462.16.

System Components

Focusing Aids
FRESNEL LENS Brightens the image on the focusing
4x5″/10x12.5 cm screen, making it considerably easier to
461.76 view that image, especially with short fo-
cal length lenses. Format masks from Set
of Masks 534.16 can be inserted in the
fresnel lens holder without having to re-
move the fresnel lens.
Easy to snap into Metering Back 4x5″/
10x12.5 cm 462.16 or into Holder/Focus-
ing Back 4x5″/10x12.5 cm 461.36.

FRESNEL LENS Features similar to those of the of Fresnel

5x7″/13x18 cm Lens 4x5″/10x12.5 cm 461.76.
535.17 The 535.17 (dimensions: 128x170 mm)
fits in Metering Back 5x7″/13x18 cm
FRESNEL LENS 462.17 and in any 5x7″/13x18 cm Sinar
8x10″/20x25 cm Holder/Focusing Back.
The 535.58 (dimensions: 216x265 mm)
fits in Metering Back 8x10″/20x25 cm

SET OF MASKS Transparent yellow masks for outlining the

534.16 image format on a focusing screen when
several formats are being used. Fits in
Fresnel Lens Frame 461.76.
Includes masks for 6x6, 6x7, 6x9 and
10x12.5 cm formats.

MAGNIFIER 4x Aspherical color-corrected focusing mag-

531.11.001 nifier with 4x magnification.
Viewing area: 45 mm (13/4″) ∅.
Individual viewing sharpness can be ad-
justed with a focusing ring.
• Can be used for checking the image
on a focusing screen and also for viewing
color transparencies or reflection prints.

System Components
BINOCULAR MAGNIFIER Can be attached to any Sinar bellows
471.21 with a 4x5″/10x12.5 cm frame for viewing
the image on the focusing screen. With
the magnifier swung in, the image on the
screen is magnified 2x. In order to avoid
false measurements, Binocular Light
Hood 531.51 is required for shielding the
focusing screen from extraneous light
during TTL exposure metering.
• Joint Rod 472.51 is recommended for
attaching the bellows.

BINOCULAR REFLEX MAGNIFIER Permits viewing of a right-side-up image

4x5″/10x12.5 cm on the focusing screen with a choice of
531.12 normal size or 2x magnification. The mir-
ror is adjustable for best possible viewing
of the image on the focusing screen. This
is particularly important when it is being
used in conjunction with a fresnel lens.
Requires the use of Binocular Light Hood
For farsighted persons, a Pair of Loupes
with 4.25 Diopters 531.12.001 is available.

BINOCULAR LIGHT HOOD For viewing the image on a focusing

531.51 screen with Binocular Magnifier 471.21 or
Binocular Reflex Magnifier 531.12 without
the interference of extraneous light. Has a
flap to prevent stray light from affecting
the accuracy of TTL exposure measure-

PAIR OF LOUPES 4.25 Diopters For insertion into Binocular Magnifier

531.12.001 471.21 or Binocular Reflex Magnifier
531.12 as eyesight correction for far-
sighted persons.
Special tools and instructions for installa-
tion are included.

System Components

MULTIPURPOSE BELLOWS Camera bellows for the 4x5″/10x12.5 cm
4x5″/10x12.5 cm Sinar f1, f2, x, p2 and e. Used with multi-
454.11 purpose standards for increasing the bel-
lows extension for all formats and as a
light hood for viewing the image on the
focusing screen and also as a lens hood.
The snap fit on its frame permits easy at-
tachment to Filter Holders 1 or 2 (547.11
or 547.21 respectively).
Maximum extension is 45 cm (18″).

TAPERED BELLOWS For extensions up to 50 cm (20″) with the

5x7″/13x18 cm 5x7″/13x18 cm format. For longer exten-
452.17 sions, an aditional Multipurpose Standard
437.61 and a Multipurpose
Bellows 454.11 are needed.
Also serves as a light hood for viewing
the image on a 5x7″/13x18 cm focusing

TAPERED BELLOWS For extensions up to 65 cm (25²) with the

8x10″/20x25 cm 8x10″/20x25 cm format. Fits on Carrier
452.58 Frame 433.58 and on 8x10″/20x25 cm
Metering Back 462.58.
For a further extension from 65 to 90 cm
(25 to 35″), an additional Multipurpose
Standard 437.61 and a Multipurpose
Bellows 454.11 are needed.

SPECIAL BELLOWS For bellows extensions beyond 90 cm

8x10″/20x25 cm to 5x7″/13x18 cm (36″) with the 8x10″/20x25 cm format.
453.58 A 5x7″/13x18 cm Multipurpose Standard
and a 5x7″/13x18 cm Tapered Bellows are
required as intermediate bellows support.
Additional bellows extensions are possible
by adding more multipurpose standards
and multipurpose bellows.



On all Sinar cameras and components

(except for film holders), the format des-
ignation 4 x 5″/10 x 12.5 cm includes the
9 x 12cm (31/2 x 43/4″) film size, and the
8 x 10″/20 x 25 cm designation includes
the 18 x 24 cm (7 x 91/2″) film size.

System Components
WIDE ANGLE BELLOWS 1 For short bellows extensions with the
4x5″/10x12.5 cm 4x5″/10x12.5 cm format. For use with fo-
455.36 cal lengths from 75 to 135 mm focused at
infinity. Good camera adjustment capabili-
ty is retained in spite of the short exten-
• Also serves as a hood while viewing
an image on the focusing screen, for
example with Binocular Magnifier 471.21
and Binocular Light Hood 531.51.

WIDE ANGLE BELLOWS 2 This wide angle bellows is required for

4x5″/10x12.5 cm 4x5″/10x12.5 cm format photography in
455.46 conjunction with extreme wide angle lens-
es (65 mm or shorter), for extreme cam-
era adjustments and for digital photogra-
phy with CCD array chips.

WIDE ANGLE BELLOWS For very short bellows extensions with the
5x7″/13x18 cm 5x7″/13x18 cm format and focal lengths
455.27 from 90 to 165 mm focused at infinity. Per-
mits good camera adjustments in spite of
the short extension.
• Can also be used as a focusing screen
viewing hood, for instance with Binocular
Magnifier 471.21 and Binocular Light
Hood 531.51.

WIDE ANGLE BELLOWS For very short bellows extensions with the
8x10″/20x15 cm 8x10″/20x25 cm format and focal lengths
455.58 from 120 to 240 mm focused at infinity.
Fits on Carrier Frame 433.58 and on Me-
tering Back 8x10″/20x25 cm 462.58. Per-
mits good camera adjustments in spite of
the short extension.
• Can also be used as a focusing screen
viewing hood with the 8x10″/20x25 cm
format, for instance with Binocular Magni-
fier 471.21 and Binocular Light Hood

System Components

Bellows Lens Hood

MULTIPURPOSE BELLOWS Standard camera bellows for the Sinar f1,
4x5″/10x12.5 cm f2, x, p2, and e 4x5″/10x12.5 cm. Also
454.11 serves as a bellows lens hood. The snap
fit on its frame permits easy attachment
to Filter Holder 1 or 2 (547.11 or 547.21,

MULTIPURPOSE STANDARD Multipurpose standard for the professional

4x5″/10x12.5 cm lens hood. Equipped with shift, swing and
437.61 tilt movements.

JOINTED ROD Forms an adjustable bellows lens hood

472.51 when used in combination with Multipur-
pose Bellows 454.11 (or with any Sinar
bellows with 4x5″/10x12.5 cm frames) and
two Bellows Holders 473.31. The Jointed
Rod is equipped with two ball joints that
can be locked in position. Extends to ap-
proximately 12″/30 cm.
• Can also be used for supporting a
wide angle or multipurpose bellows as a
focusing screen viewing hood.

ROD, SHORT, 41/4″/11cm In combination with Multipurpose Bellows

472.61 454.11 (or with any Sinar bellows with
ROD, MEDIUM, 61/4″/16 cm 4x5″/10x12.5 cm frames) and two Bellows
Holders 473.31, these rods form a basic
472.71 bellows lens hood which, however, per-
ROD, LONG, 10″/25 cm mits no camera adjustments.
472.81 • These rods are also used for support-
ing Swivelling Linear Polarizing Filter
• The use of Jointed Rod 472.51 is
recommended when camera adjustments
have to be made.

BELLOWS HOLDER Used for attaching a bellows or Bellows

473.31 Hood Mask 1 or 2 (533.11 or 533.21,
respectively) to the camera. Requires the
use of one of the rods 472.61, 472.71 or
472.81, or Jointed Rod 472.51.

3 - 10
System Components

BELLOWS HOOD MASK 1 Bellows Hood Mask 1 can be used as a

533.11 lens hood for wide angle lenses or as a
mask holder for special effects.
Fits on all Sinar 4x5″/10x12.5 cm stan-
dards and on Bellows Holder 473.31.
Consists of two hinged and two sliding

BELLOWS HOOD MASK 2 With four roller blinds with positioning

533.21 scales controlled by separate fine adjust-
ment drives, for precise vignetting control.
Recommended for product shots, difficult
backlit situations and multiple exposures.
Fits on all Sinar 4x5″/10x12.5 cm stan-
dards, Bellows Holder 473.31, and on
Filter Holder 1 547.11 or Filter Holder 2
Can be slipped on and rotated.

On all Sinar cameras and components

(except for film holders), the format des-
ignation 4 x 5″/10 x 12.5 cm includes the
9 x 12cm (31/2 x 43/4″) film size, and the
8 x 10″/20 x 25 cm designation includes
the 18 x 24 cm (7 x 91/2″) film size.

Bellows Lens Hoods

When a lens is used without a hood, stray been made on the camera – a multipur- The necessary additional room at the
light from outside the subject area can pose bellows can be attached to the lens front of the optical bench can be ob-
cause a noticeable reduction in contrast. standard with a simple rod and two bellows tained by attaching one of the three dif-
A bellows lens hood, therefore, is not a holders. ferent rail extensions. Bellows Hood
luxury in professional photography, it is a Masks 1 and 2 make it possible to con-
requisite. But a bellows lens hood does When the camera has been adjusted, the trol the limitation of the light path even in
its job only when it is properly adapted simple rod is replaced by a jointed rod. The difficult situations. Bellows Hood Mask 2
to the angle of view of the lens being most universal arrangement – especially also serves as a flexible viewfinder. Its
used, and here the Sinar System offers when a filter holder is being used – is the adjustable blades permit the simulation
several solutions. use of one or more multipurpose stan- of various picture proportions and focal
The main part of the bellows lens hood dards, with which a bellows lens hood can lengths.
is the multipurpose bellows. In the most be set up very accurately and with excel-
basic case – when no adjustments have lent stability.

3 - 11
System Components

Format Changing

FORMAT CHANGING SET For fast and easy conversion of a Sinar p2

4x5″/10x12.5 cm 5x7″/13x18 cm or a Sinar p2 8x10″/
497.26 20x25 cm to the 4x5″/13x18 cm film
Consists of:
433.26 Carrier Frame 4x5″/10x12.5 cm
454.11 Multipurpose Bellows
462.16 Metering Back 4x5″/10x12.5 cm

FORMAT CHANGING SET For fast and easy conversion of a Sinar p2

5x7″/13x18 cm 4x5″/10x12.5 cm or a Sinar p2 8x10″/
497.27 20x25 cm to the 5x7″/13x18 cm film
Consists of:
433.27 Carrier Frame 5 x 7″/13x18 cm
452.17 Tapered Bellows 5 x 7″/13x18 cm
462.17 Metering Back 5 x 7″/13x18 cm

FORMAT CHANGING SET For fast and easy conversion of a Sinar p2

8x10″/20x25 cm 4x5″/10x12.5 cm or a Sinar p2 5x7″/
497.58 13x18 cm to the 8x10″/20x25 cm film
Consists of:
433.58 Carrier Frame 8x10″/20x25 cm
452.58 Tapered Bellows 8x10″/20x25 cm
462.58 Metering Back 8x10″/20x25 cm

FORMAT REDUCTION ADAPTER Reduces the picture format from 5x7″/

From: 5x7″/13x18 cm 13x18 cm to 4x5″/10x12.5 cm without
To: 4x5″/10x12.5 cm changing the carrier frame or the rear
553.27 standard.
Requires the addition of Metering Back
4x5″/10x12.5 cm 462.16, or Holder/Focus-
ing Back 4x5″/10x12.5 cm 461.36.
• The swing and tilt axes do not lie in
the film plane, and wide angle camera
adjustments are limited.

FORMAT REDUCTION ADAPTER Use this format reduction adapter when

From: 8x10 /20x25 cm you wish to make an inexpensive test
To: 4x5 /10x12.5 cm shot on 4x5″/10x12.5 cm film instead of
553.58 the more costly 8x10″/20x25 cm film,
without having to refocus and without
having to change the carrier frame or the
rear standard.
Requires the addition of Metering Back
4x5″/10x12.5 cm 462.16, or Holder/Focus-
ing Back 4x5″/10x12.5 cm 461.36.
• The swing and tilt axes lie in the film
plane, and wide angle camera adjust-
ments are not restricted.

3 - 12
System Components

Camera Supports
RAIL CLAMP 1 For the attachment of Sinar cameras to
411.21 the Sinar Pan Tilt Head 516.41 or directly
to the tripod. For greater stability with
long bellows extensions, Clamping
Adapter 411.21.010 is used for mounting
these Rail Clamps on Base Plate 2
418.31. Fitted with a 3/8″ tripod socket.
• Can be converted to a 1/4″-tripod socket
with Reducing Bushing 3/8″- 1/4″ 519.61.

RAIL CLAMP 2 For the attachment of Sinar cameras to

411.41 the Sinar Pan Tilt Head 516.41 or directly
to the tripod. For greater stability with
long bellows extensions, Clamping
Adapter 411.21.010 is used for mounting
these Rail Clamps on Base Plate 2
418.31. Fitted with a 3/8″ tripod socket.
• Can be converted to a 1/4″-tripod socket
with Reducing Bushing 3/8″– 1/4″ 519.61.
• Rail Clamp 2 has a 360° tensioning
mechanism that ensures that the camera
retains its horizontal position when the
clamp is tightened.

CLAMPING ADAPTER For mounting a Rail Clamp 1 or 2 on the

411.21.010 Base Plate 2 418.31.
• Can also be used for quick attachment
of Rail Clamp 1 411.21 or Rail Clamp 2
411.41 to Sinar Pan Tilt Head 516.41 by
means of Quick Release Adapter 519.51.

QUICK RELEASE ADAPTER For quick mounting of a rail clamp with

519.51 clamping adapter or of a Base Plate 2 to
Sinar Pan Tilt Head 516.41.
Includes a 3/8″ bolt.

BASE PLATE 2 The camera is mounted on the Base Plate

418.31 by means of two Rail Clamps 411.21 or
411.41, each equipped with a Clamping
Adapter 411.21.010.
The Base Plate is attached to the Sinar
Pan Tilt Head by means of a Rapid
Clamping Adapter 591.51.

REDUCING BUSHING 3/8″ – 1/4″ For the conversion of the standard 3/8″
519.61 tripod socket thread from 3/8″ to 1/4″.
For use with: Pan Tilt Head 516.41, Rail
Clamp 1 411.21, and Rail Clamp 2 411.41.

PAN TILT HEAD Compact and stable Sinar Pan Tilt Head
516.41 with a sturdy tensioning lever that can be
positioned conveniently. Fitted with two
positioning studs for fast and easy mount-
ing of a rail clamp. Comes with a dual
camera bolt 1/4″ and 3/8″.
• The head can be smoothly rotated
360° horizontally for precise settings.

3 - 13
System Components

Other Accessories

SINAR ACCESSORY CASE Designed for the safe transportation of a

475.66 Sinar f2 4x5″/10x12.5 cm camera with an
attached Sinar/Autoaperture behind-the-
lens shutter or for use as a case for
435 x 340 x 280 mm (17 x 13 x 11″).
Weight when empty:
approximately 4.5 kg (10 lb).

SINAR CASE Accommodates a

475.26 – Sinar p2 4x5″/10x12.5 cm or a
Sinar x 4x5″/10x12.5 cm basic outfit or a
– Sinar f2 4x5″/ 10x12.5 cm basic or
expert outfit, or a
– Sinar f1.
This case can also be used for safe
storage of lenses, Sinar format adapters,
Sinar exposure meters, etc.
525 x 455 x 305 mm (21 x 18 x 12″).
Weight (empty):
approximately 8 kg (17 lb 11 oz).

SINAR EXPERT CASE The walls of this case are made of tem-
475.42 perature-resistant high-density polyethy-
lene to protect the camera during rough
transportation (like air baggage handling
or off-road travel).To ensure the safety of
the camera and its accessories during
transportation, the case is lined with an
appropriate foam material that is custom-
tailored to its contents.
The case is equipped with a full-length
hinge, two rugged latches, loops for a
padlock, three folding handles and four
removable rollers.
It can hold the basic or the expert outfit
of a:
– Sinar p2 4x5″/10x12.5 cm or
Sinar p2 5x7″/13x18 cm or
Sinar p2 8x10″/20x25 cm or
– Sinar f2 5x7″/13x18 cm or
Sinar f2 8x10″/20x25 cm.
Additional accessories, like Sinar shutters,
exposure meters, film holders, etc. can
also be accommodated.
640 x 500 x 380 mm (26 x 20 x 15″).
Weight (empty):
approximately 11.5 kg (25 lb 6 oz).

DUST COVER For the protection of camera set-ups

571.52 indoors or outdoors.

3 - 14
System Components

Long, longer, longest ... On all Sinar cameras and components

(except for film holders), the format des-
The long bellows extensions needed sions of various lengths (see page 3-2). ignation 4 x 5″/10 x 12.5 cm includes the
when lenses with extremely long focal When a certain length is reached, addi- 9 x 12cm (31/2 x 43/4″) film size, and the
lengths are used or when photographs tional support by means of extra rail 8 x 10″/20 x 25 cm designation includes
are made in the macro range place par- clamps is recommended. A set-up with the 18 x 24 cm (7 x 91/2″) film size.
ticularly severe demands on the stability two rail clamps can then be supported by
of the set-up. Fortunately the modular two pan tilt heads on two tripods, result-
Sinar Component System provides prac- ing in excellent stability. Even greater sta-
tical solutions for every imaginable situa- bility is achieved by mounting two rail
tion. clamps at a time on one common base
The backbone for long bellows extensions plate and then using pan tilt heads to
is the optical bench, which can be mount each base plate on a tripod.
lengthened at will by adding rail exten-

SEMI REFLECTING MIRROR Sinar 50% semi reflecting mirror in a

5x5″/12x12 cm protective case.
539.11 Helps to solve illumination problems in
close-up photography. Serves to project a
scene on a backdropfor front projection
photography. Also useful for implementing
many new ideas for special effects pho-
Mirror size: 5x5″/12x12 cm.
Fits on all Sinar 4x5″/10x12.5 cm stan-

HASSELBLAD CAMERA ADAPTER Adapter board for attaching Hasselblad

556.64 cameras to Sinar 4x5″/10x12.5 cm rear
• Suited for lenses with focal lengths of
90 mm and more.

Basics and Applications

Creative Large Format, Volume 1
More about the practical use of the Sinar fessionals, who can find many a useful
camera and its versatile accessories can tip in it to further refine their skills.
be found in the first volume of the book The volume on basics will be supple-
series “Creative Large Format”. This mented by a series of additional vol-
competent book about fundamentals umes, each one devoted to a particular
thoroughly informs you about the premis- subject. Already published:
es of modern large format techniques,
Volume 2, Architectural Photography
the various camera adjustment possibil-
Volume 3, Natural Landscapes
ities, sharpness distribution, perspective
Volume 4, People Photography
correction and much more. Not only is
Volume 5, Advertising Photography
this book excellent for newcomers to the
world of large format photography, it is Additional information about the Sinar
also a valuable reference volume for pro- Book Program can be found on page 8-2.

3 - 15

Sharp Eyes for Large Format Photography

The lens is a primary link in the quality

chain that begins with the initial conception
•thatSinaron-S Lenses: Standard lenses
feature an enlarged image circle with
lengths of 65, 75 and 90 mm have a maxi-
mum aperture of f/4.5. They produce a very
and ends with the printed page. Sinar sup- an angle of view of 72°, which allows bright focusing image with uniform illumi-
plies lenses under its own trademark greater freedom for camera adjustments nation all the way into the corners.
Sinaron that are designed specifically for than conventional normal focal lengths that
its camera system and manufactured by
the Rodenstock Precision Optics Works.
have an angle of view of only 53°. • Sinaron-WE Lenses: These eight-ele-
ment lenses with extremely short focal
These lenses are subjected to strict in-
spection controls at Sinar and then mount-
Sinaron-SE Lenses: This design repre-
state of the art technology, incorpor-
lengths have a picture angle of 110° at f/16
and they are available in DB Auto Aperture
ed with exacting care on lens boards, either ating significant improvements over earlier Mounts and also with a recessed plate and
with between-the-lens shutters, or with comparable lens types in terms of image a Copal between-the-lens shutter. As is the
automatic aperture control for the DB ver- quality, especially in the close-up range. case with Sinaron-SE lenses, their apoc-
sion of behind-the-lens shutters. Stray light within the lens amounts to less hromatic correction ensures the highest
In lenses for 35 mm and for medium format than one percent, producing better contrast imaging quality across the entire image cir-
photography, aperture is often regarded as in the images. The angle of view subtend- cle. Sinaron-WE lenses are available with
a primary criterion, but in lenses for large ed by its image circle was increased to 75°. focal lengths of 45 and 55 mm, with a max-
format photography it is more the image Color correction was improved still further imum aperture of f/4.5.
circle on the focusing screen and the angle by the use of ED glass types.
subtended by that image circle that mat- • Apo-Sinaron Lenses: When objects
ters. The larger that circle, the greater the
freedom for camera adjustments. This be-
• Sinaron-W Lenses: Professional lenses
with an especially large image circle or
are to be reproduced in actual size, the
Apo-Sinaron lenses are recommended for
comes a decisive factor especially for the angle of view of 100°. The six-element de- the best performance. Apo-Sinaron lenses
larger camera formats. The Sinar assort- signs with focal lengths of 90, 115, 155 and are available with focal lengths of 240, 300,
ment of lenses includes the following types 200 mm have a maximum aperture of f/6.8, 360, 480 and 600 mm, all with a maximum
of lenses: and the eight-element designs with focal aperture of f/9.

Sinaron-S Sinaron-SE Sinaron-W


•es:Macro-Sinaron Lens-
The primary concern
with Copal between-the-
lens shutters: The shut-
in close-up photography is ter and the aperture
not the image circle or an- have to be opened man-
gle of view, but image ually for focusing. Just
quality.The 180 mm Macro- before the exposure is
Sinaron lens is optimally made, the shutter and
corrected for reproduction the aperture have to be
ratios ranging from 2:1 to closed again by hand,
1:5. the shutter has to be
Sinaron lenses are available in various versions and focal lengths. Auto Aper- cocked and the shutter
• Sinaron Digital Lens- ture (DB) is the standard mount for all Sinaron lenses.
es: Digital photography
speed has to be set.
Now everything is ready
with CCD area sensors requires special manual aperture settings for f-stops smaller for the actual exposure to be made. For
lenses that are designed for optimal per- than f/45. Existing lenses can be fitted with checking the focus between exposures, the
formance, in terms of focal lengths and res- Auto Aperture Mount DBM by means of the shutter and the aperture have to be opened
olution, with the small image format with a appropriate conversion kit. and closed manually.
diagonal in the range of 35 to 55 mm. In
order not to restrict camera adjustment
capabilities, these lenses are mounted on
• Auto Aperture Mount Special DBS:
Preserves complete wide angle camera ad-
The procedure is different with lenses in
(DB) auto-aperture mounts. Thanks to the
the back of the lens standard, inside of the justment capabilities, especially with the automatic aperture and film holder features
camera bellows. Expolux Shutter. Precludes any danger of of Sinar behind-the-lens shutters (also see
vignetting by the shutter with 155 and 200 Chapter 5) the intermediate shutter manip-
Lenses supplied by Sinar are available mm Sinaron-W lenses and with 165 and ulations are eliminated. The working aper-
in four different mounts. Auto Aperture 210 mm Super Angulon lenses. Existing ture and the shutter speed are set at the
Mounts DB, DBM and DBS offer the great- lenses can be fitted with Auto Aperture beginning and the camera does the rest.
est ease of operation because of automatic Mount DBS at the Sinar factory. The photographer is free to devote his full
aperture control, while Copal between-the- attention to the subject.
lens shutters are cost-efficient entry solu-
tions on which all settings are manual.
• Copal between-the-lens Shutter: Of
course, Sinaron lenses can also be fitted The quality chain – from camera to lens, fil-
with Copal between-the-lens shutters. It ters, stray light protection, film holders, all
• Auto Aperture Mount DB: Most conve-
nient to operate, with automatic aperture
should be remembered, however, that
every shutter functions within certain indi-
the way to the film itself – is only as strong
as its proverbial weakest link. Sinar has al-
control up to f/128 with the Sinar Expolux vidual tolerances, which can manifest ways strived to eradicate the weakest
Shutter, and up to f/45 with the Sinar Auto themselves as exposure variations in criti- spots. Not only were all Sinar products rig-
Aperture Shutter. Existing lenses can be cal photographic situations when lenses orously reviewed to that effect, but stricter
fitted with Auto Aperture Mount DB by are changed. One also has to do without demands were also placed on suppliers of
means of the appropriate conversion kit. the operating convenience provided by components. In recent years, advances in
Auto Aperture Mount DB is the standard Sinar behind-the-lens shutters. computerized lens design using new types
mount for all Sinaron lenses. of optical glass and in multiple coating
Full concentration on the photograph: techniques have led to significant improve-
• Auto Aperture Mount DBM: In addition
to its automatic function, this mount has
The following procedure has to be ob-
served when working with lenses equipped
ments in the quality of lenses.

Sinaron-WE APO-Sinaron Macro-Sinaron

SINARON LENSES IN Lenses fitted with Auto Aperture Mounts
AUTO APERTURE MOUNTS (DB) (DB) with automatic aperture control. The
ON LENS BOARDS aperture is controlled automatically by
446.85. ... behind-the-lens shutters Sinar Expolux
522.21.001, Sinar Auto Aperture 521.31
and Sinar Digital 522.11.
This does away with time-consuming
manual settings.

AUTO APERTURE MOUNT (DB) For do-it-yourself fitting of an existing lens

CONVERSION KIT with Auto Aperture Mount DB. Supplied
ON LENS BOARD complete with assembly instructions.
446.75. ... • When ordering, please provide accu-
rate information about the brand, type,
focal length and mount of the lens that is
to be converted.

SINARON LENSES IN Same as 446.85. ..., but with added man-

AUTO APERTURE MOUNTS ual override (especially with apertures
WITH MANUAL OVERRIDE (DBM) smaller than f/45 with the mechanical be-
ON LENS BOARDS hind-the-lens shutter Sinar Auto Aperture
446.86. ... Shutter 521.31).
• Not necessary for Sinar Expolux
Shutter 522.21.001, because this shutter
automatically sets apertures all the way
down to f/128 (depending on the particu-
lar lens being used).

AUTO APERTURE MOUNT WITH For do-it-yourself fitting of an existing lens

MANUAL OVERRIDE (DBM) CON- with an Auto Aperture Mount with Manual
VERSION KIT ON LENS BOARD Override DBM that also works for aper-
446.76. ... tures smaller than f/45 with the mechan-
ical behind-the-lens shutter Sinar Auto
Aperture Shutter 521.31.
Supplied complete with assembly instruc-
• Not necessary for Sinar Expolux
Shutter 522.21.001, because this shutter
automatically sets apertures all the way
down to f/128 (depending on the particu-
lar lens being used).
• When ordering, please provide accu-
rate information about the brand, type,
focal length and mount of the lens that is
to be converted.

SINARON LENSES IN SPECIAL Lenses fitted with Special Auto Aperture

AUTO APERTURE MOUNTS (DBS) (DBS) Mounts and Conversion Kit for
ON LENS BOARDS existing lenses, respectively.
446.81. ... Permits the use of Sinar Expolux Shutter
as a between-the-lens shutter. Prevents
vignetting of large image circles with short
focal lengths.
The two parts of the DBS board are joined
446.71. ... by a hinge. The lens standard with the
shutter is placed between the two parts.
Shortest exposure time: 1/8 sec. (except
for 210 mm f/8 Super Angulon: 1/500 sec.)
This Special Auto Aperture Mount (DBS)
is suitable for the following lenses:
200 mm f/6.8 Sinaron-W
155 mm f/6.8 Sinaron-W
165 mm f/8 Super Angulon
210 mm f/8 Super Angulon Technical details and order numbers
• Conversions and calibrations to be per-
formed at the Sinar factory in Switzerland.
for Sinaron lenses are listed in the
tables on pages 4-5 to 4-7.

SINARON LENSES IN COPAL Sinaron Lenses in Copal between-the-lens
SHUTTERS ON LENS BOARDS shutters. These lenses can also be used
441.83. ... with a Sinar behind-the-lens shutter
(see page 5-5).
• Subsequent conversion to an Auto
Aperture Mount (DB) or (DBM) is possible
at any time.

LENS BOARD READY With appropriate opening and tube for

TO MOUNT LENS mounting assorted lenses, for use with
441.50. ... between-the-lens shutters.
• When ordering a lens board, please
provide accurate information about the
type, focal length and mount of the lens
to be mounted.

APO-SINARON 9/600 mm
SINARON-W 6.8/200 mm
SINARON-SE 6.8/360 mm
SINARON-SE 5.6/300 mm
SINARON-S 6.8/360 mm
SINARON-S 5.6/300 mm
MACRO-SINARON 5.6/180 mm (1:1)
APO-SINARON 9/480 mm
SINARON-W 6.8/155 mm
SINARON-SE 5.6/240 mm
SINARON-S 5.6/240 mm
APO-SINARON 9/360 mm
SINARON-SE 5.6/210 mm
MACRO-SINARON 5.6/180 mm (1:5)
SINARON-S 5.6/210 mm
SINARON-W 6.8/115 mm
SINARON-SE 5.6/180 mm
APO-SINARON 9/300 mm
8 x 10″/
20 x 25 cm SINARON-S 5.6/180 mm
SINARON-W 4.5/90 mm
SINARON-SE 5.6/150 mm
18 x 24 cm SINARON-W 6.8/90 mm
SINARON-S 5.6/150 mm
APO-SINARON 9/240 mm
SINARON-SE 5.6/135 mm
SINARON-S 5.6/135 mm
5 x 7″ SINARON-W 4.5/75 mm
13 x 18 cm SINARON-W 4.5/65 mm
SINARON-WE 4.5/55 mm
4 x 5″/10 x 12,5 cm
SINARON-WE 4.5/45 mm

9 x 12 cm

6 x 9 cm Image circles for Sinaron

lenses set at f/22 in compar-
ison with conventional film for-
mats. Maximum shift ranges
can be measured on this chart.
(Scale of this chart: 1:2).

Sinar Lenses for Large Format Photography
1) Fitted Conver- Shift range in mm for horizontal format
Order 6) with: sion Kit: (for vertical format reverse the numbers)
Number Focal Angle Circle Shutter ● = DB ● = DB Mount ∅
(last 3 Length of View in mm Smallest Size ■ = DBM ■ = DBM Filter Thread front/rear 6 x 9 cm 4 x 5″ 13 x 18 cm 8 x 10″
Lens Type digits) in mm at f/22 at f/22 Aperture (Copal) ▲= DBS ▲= DBS (mm) (mm) ↔ ↕ ↔ ↕ ↔ ↕ ↔ ↕ Remarks
Sinaron-S 558 135 72° 200 64 0 ● ● 40.5 x 0.5 42 / 40.5 52 62 28 32 – – – –
1:5.6 560 150 72° 214 64 1 ● ● 49 x 0.75 51 / 42 59 70 36 41 2 3 – –
562 180 72° 262 64 1 ● ● 58 x 0.75 60 / 51 84 95 62 68 30 38
564 210 72° 301 64 1 ● ● 67 x 0.75 70 / 60 104 116 83 90 52 63 – –
566 240 72° 350 45 3 ● ● 77 x 0.75 80 / 70 129 141 108 116 79 92 23 28
568 300 72° 425 64 3 ■ ■ 86 x 1 90 / 80 167 180 147 156 118 134 67 77
1:6.8 570 360 64° 435 64 3 ■ ■ 105 x 1 110 / 80 172 185 152 161 123 139 72 83

Sinaron-SE 658 135 75° 208 64 0 ● ● 49 x 0.75 51 / 48 56 66 32 37 – – – –

1:5.6 660 150 75° 231 64 0 ● ● 49 x 0.75 51 / 51 68 79 45 50 12 16 – –
662 180 75° 276 64 1 ● ● 67 x 0.75 70 / 60 91 103 69 76 38 47 – –
664 210 75° 316 64 1 ● ● 72 x 0.75 75 / 65 112 124 91 98 60 72 2 3
666 240 75° 372 45 3 ● ● 86 x 1 90 / 80 140 153 120 128 90 104 36 43
668 300 75° 448 64 3 ■ ■ 100 x 1 105 / 80 178 192 159 168 130 146 79 91
1:6.8 670 360 68° 468 64 3 ■ ■ 112 x 1.5 117 / 80 188 202 169 178 140 157 90 102

Sinaron-W 514 65 105° 170 45 0 ● ● 58 x 0.75 60 / 51 36 45 10 12 – – – – 2), 3)


1:4.5 516 75 105° 195 45 0 ● ● 67 x 0.75 70 / 60 49 59 25 29 – – – – 2)
518 90 105° 236 45 1 ● ● 82 x 0.75 85 / 70 71 81 48 54 16 20 – – 2)

1:6.8 538 90 102° 221 45 0 ● ● 67 x 0.75 70 / 60 63 73 40 45 7 9 – –

540 115 104° 291 45 1 ● ● 82 x 0.75 85 / 70 99 111 77 85 47 57 – –
544 155 102° 382 45 1 ▲ ▲ 105 x 1 110 / 90 145 158 125 133 95 110 42 50
546 200 102° 495 64 3 ▲ ▲ 135 x 1 140 / 115 200 212 178 188 154 171 105 118

Sinaron–WE 502 45 110° 131 32 0 ● 7) – 67 x 0.75 60 / 60 15 20 – – – – – –

at ƒ/16
1:4.5 504 55 110° 163 45 0 ● 7) – 67 x 0.75 70 / 60 32 40 5 7 – – – –

Apo-Sinaron 618 240 48° 212 90 1 ■ ■ 49 x 0.75 51 / 37.5 58 68 35 39 1 2 – –

1:9 620 300 48° 264 90 1 ■ ■ 49 x 0.75 51 / 37.5 85 96 63 70 32 40 – –
622 360 48° 318 90 3 ■ ■ 58 x 0.75 60 / 58 113 125 92 99 61 73 3 4
626 480 46° 396 90 3 ■ ■ 67 x 0.75 70 / 60 152 165 132 141 103 118 50 59 8)
628 600 46° 496 90 – 9) – 9) – 9) 95 x 1 105 / 90 202 216 183 193 155 172 106 119 4)

Macro-Sinaron-SE 590 180 70° 1:5 5) 302 64 1 ● ● 67 x 0.75 70 / 54 104 116 83 90 52 63 – –

1:5.6 60° 1:1 415 161 174 142 150 113 128 61 70
1) Complete order number for a lens in a Copal between-the-lens shutter: 441.83. + these last 3 digits. 2) Maximum aperture is ƒ/5.6 when used with Sinar Auto Aperture behind-the-lens Shutter 521.31.
Complete order number for a lens in Auto Aperture Mount (DB = ●): 446.85. + these last 3 digits. 3) In Auto Aperture Mount (DB), this lens can only be focused at ∞ when used with Wide Angle Bellows 2.
Complete order number for a lens in Auto Aperture Mount (DBM = ■): 446.86. + these last 3 digits. 4) With manually set aperture.
Complete order number for a lens in Special Auto Aperture Mount (DBS = ▲): 446.81. + these last 3 digits. 5) Image circle for reproduction ratios 1:5 and 1:1.
Complete order number for a conversion kit for Auto Aperture Mount (DB = ●): 446.75. + these last 3 digits. 6) Shutter speeds, size 0: 1/500 – 1 sec; size 1: 1/400 – 1 sec; size 3: 1/125 – 1 sec.
Complete order number for a conversion kit for Auto Aperture Mount (DBM = ■): 446.76. + these last 3 digits. 7) Identical to Sinaron Digital Lens (See page 4-5). Center Filters can not be used.
Complete order number for a conversion kit for Special Auto Aperture Mount (DBS=▲): 446.71. + the last 3 digits. 8) The largest possible aperture in DB Auto Aperture Mounts is ƒ/11.
9) The aperture is set manually.

Sinaron Digital Lenses

SINARON DIGITAL LENSES IN Sinaron Digital Lenses with Auto Aperture
AUTO APERTURE (DB) MOUNTS Mounts (446.85.119 –164) were designed
ON LENS BOARDS for use with digital single-chip CCD
446.85.119 – 164 backs. Resolving power and selection of
focal lengths are tailored specifically to
the small size of the CCD array. In order
to reduce stray light and to maintain the
best possible camera adjustment capabili-
ties, these lenses are mounted inside the

Sinaron Digital Lenses in DB 1

For use with the Sinarcam 2, the Aperture Control Sinarcam 1 and also with Sinar Expolux shutters on Sinar view cameras.

Angle of Image Shift Range Aperture Scale of Reproduction

Compar- View Circle 3 Range
able Focal (in Sinar
Length 3 Stopped down 2 f-Stops Auto Aper- Opti- Recommended Maximum
Lens Type Order Nr. with 4 × 5″ (at 1: ∞) ture Mount) mum Range Range

Sinaron Digital 4.5/35 mm DB 446.85.119 120 mm 85° 67 mm 12 mm 4.5 – 32 1:30 from 1:5 1: ∞
Sinaron Digital 4.5/45 mm DB 446.85.123 150 mm 82° 80 mm 22 mm 4.5 – 32 1:30 from 1:5 1: ∞
Sinaron Digital 4.5/55 mm DB 446.85.125 210 mm 83° 101 mm 33 mm 4.5 – 32 1:30 from 1:5 1: ∞
Sinaron Digital 4/80 mm DB 446.85.128 300 mm 58° 92 mm 28 mm 4 – 32 1:10 1:2 – 1:15 1: 30
Sinaron Digital 5.6/90 mm DB 446.85.129 300 mm 76° 140 mm 53 mm 5.6 – 45 1:20 from 1:5 1: ∞
Sinaron Digital 4/105 mm DB 446.85.130 360 mm 54° 107 mm 36 mm 4 – 32 1:6 1:2 – 1:15 1: 30
Sinaron Digital 5.6/135 mm DB 446.85.133 480 mm 58° 150 mm 56 mm 5.6 – 64 1:10 from 1:5 1: ∞
Sinaron Digital 4.8/180 mm DB 2 446.85.136 600 mm 50° 168 mm 67 mm 4.8 – 32 1:6 1:2 – 1:10 1: 30
Sinaron Digital Macro 400 mm 46° 122 mm 44 mm 5.6 – 45 1:5 1:5 – 2:1 1:5
5.6/120 mm DB 204 mm 85 mm 1:1
305 mm 137 mm 2:1
Sinaron Digital HR 4.0/60 mm DB 4 446.85.164 210 mm 60° 70 mm 15 mm 4 – 32 1:30 from 1:10 1: ∞
1 Not suitable for use with external filter wheels (vignetting).
2 In order to attain reproduction ratios greater than 1:2 with the 180 mm lens, the Sinar e Digital Camera has to be used with Rail Clamp e 411.51.
3 Valid for all professional digital backs with chip sizes of 24 × 36 mm or 30 × 30 mm. Adjustment ranges with Sinarback 22 will be up to 6 mm larger.
4 Special lens with very high resolving power.

contrast transfer in % contrast transfer in %

relative radius of image circle relative radius of image circle

Conventional Lens Sinaron Digital Lens

The MTF (modulation transfer function) curve shows the contrast This curve shows the contrast of an 80 mm Sinaron Digital lens
transfer (in dependence of the image circle radius) of a 300 mm (equivalent to 300 mm in 4x5″) at 10, 20 and 40 line pairs/mm.
conventional view camera lens at (top to bottom) 5, 10 and 20 line Note that the digital lens performs better at 40 lp/mm than the
pairs/mm. conventional leans does at 20 lp/mm.
Thanks to the better contrast and resolution Sinaron Digital lens-
es are best suited for digital photography.


SINARON DIGITAL LENSES Fast, contrasty and apochromatically cor-

WITH FOCUSING MOUNTS (EF) rected Sinaron Digital lenses optimized
ON LENS BOARDS for digital imaging in focusing mounts for
445.83.103 – 113 practical application on the compact ver-
sions of all Sinarcams.

Sinaron Digital Lenses in EF*

For use on the compact versions of all Sinarcams
Lens Typ Order Focusing Image Aperture Scale of Reproduction Filter ∅
Number Range Circle Range Optimum Recomm. Max.
at f/11 Range Range

Sinaron Digital 4,5/45 mm EF 445.83.103 0.4 m – ∞ 125 mm 4.5 – 32 1:30 from 1:5 ∞
1:∞ 67 mm
Sinaron Digital 5,6/90 mm EF 445.83.109 1.3 m – ∞ 140 mm 5.6 – 45 1:30 from 1:5 ∞
1:∞ 67 mm
Sinaron Digital 5,6/135 mm EF 445.83.113 2.7 m – ∞ 150 mm 5.6 – 64 1:30 from 1:5 ∞
1:∞ 49 mm
Sinaron Digital Zoom 2.8/35 - 80 mm ** 445.81.060 0.6 m – ∞ 43 mm 2,8 – 22 – from 1:15 1 1: ∞ 1 62 mm
– from 1:5 2 1: ∞ 2

* EF = Focusing Mount. ** The respective lens board 556.63.011 has to be ordered separately. 1 at 35 mm, 2 at 80 mm

LENS ADAPTER BOARDS When the Sinarcam is used in its com-

FOR THE SINARCAM COMPACT pact version, adapter boards permit the
556.63.010 – 556.64.061 use of other lenses in addition to the
Sinar Digital Lenses, such as Hasselblad,
Mamiya, Nikon, Olympus and Leica. digital man
• Lens boards with automatic spring-
loaded aperture control (auto) automati-
cally stop the lens down to the preselect-
ed working aperture when the live focus-
ing image is turned off, thus enhancing
the ease of operating the Sinarcam Com-
pact even further.
• A special shifting board that permits
perspective correction is available for digital auto
Hasselblad- and Mamiya 645 lenses.

Lens Adapter Boards

For lenses by Description Order Number
Sinar Sinaron Bayonet Board, digital man 556.63.010
Sinaron Bayonet Board, digital auto 556.63.011
Nikon Nikon Bayonet Board, digital auto 556.63.021 shift
Leica Leica R Bayonet Board, digital man 556.64.030
Hasselblad Hasselblad Shift Board, digital man 556.64.051
Mamiya Mamiya 645 Shift Board, digital man 556.64.061

(Center Filter) Concentrically graduated neutral density
440.99.214 – 244 filters whose density diminishes from the
center towards the transparent edge. Re-
commended for use when short-focal-
length Sinaron-W lenses are used with
critical subjects (for instance with large
uniformly colored area like a blue sky).

Lens Thread Center Filter Filter thread Application

M 58 x 0.75 440.99.236 M 77 x 0.75 Sinaron-WE 4.5/45 mm
(first serie)
Sinaron-W 4.5/65 mm
Sinaron-W 6.8/75 mm
M 67 x 0.75 440.99.214 M 86 x 1 Sinaron-WE 4.5/45 mm
Sinaron-WE 4.5/55 mm
Sinaron-W 4.5/75 mm
Sinaron-W 6.8/90 mm
M 82 x 0.75 440.99.218 M 112 x 1.5 Sinaron-W 4.5/90 mm
Sinaron-W 6.8/115 mm
M 105 x 1 440.99.244 M 127 x 1 Sinaron-W 6.8/155 mm

CODE SINARON DB/DBM Code Plates for automatic recognition of

440.91. ... / 440.92. ... Sinaron lenses with Aperture Mounts
(DB/DBM) when used with a Sinar Expo-
OTHER THAN SINARON LENSES Order numbers for Code Plates for
440.90.999 Sinaron lenses (DB/DBM):
440.91./440.92. plus the last three digits
of the order number for the lens
(see table on page 4-5).
• When ordering Code Plates for lenses
other than Sinaron lenses, please provide
accurate information about the type and
the focal length of the lens.

LINHOF LENS BOARD ADAPTER For using lenses mounted on Linhof lens
441.91 boards on a Sinar camera (from Linhof
Technika IV and V, Master Technika and
Super Technika cameras).
Cannot be combined with Sinar behind-
the-lens shutters.

LENS BOARD HOLDER To prevent the lens board from dropping

531.41 out when the latch is released accidental-
ly. For attaching to the frame of the lens

Shutters / Exposure Metering

Sinar Shutter Systems

Correct exposure is another essential link holder. They also have to be cocked before All Sinar exposure meters are designed for
in the photographic quality chain. In keep- each exposure. The fact that each shutter selective measurement at the film plane,
ing with its standard of highest quality, has certain individual tolerances can lead which results in the following practical ad-
Sinar offers several metering systems, all to differences in exposure times when vantages:
of which are based on selective metering
at the film plane, thus assuring accurate
lenses are changed. • The photographer performs exposure
metering from behind the camera, looking
exposure measurement. Behind-the-lens-shutters are available in in the direction of the subject. This enables
the following three variations: him to concentrate completely on the pho-
Shutters supplied by Sinar can be classi- tograph and its composition.
fied in two basic types; behind-the-lens and
between-the-lens shutters.
• The Sinar Expolux Shutter is a vibra-
tion-free, microprocessor-controlled rotating
• It is no longer necessary to calculate ex-
posure compensation to accommodate fil-
blade shutter that can be operated from the ter factors or bellows extensions.
Behind-the-lens shutters: Electronic
Expolux) or mechanical (Sinar Auto
position of the photographer by means of a
3Com-Palm IIIx or V pocket computer. The
• The photographer meters important de-
tails of the subject and also takes into ac-
Aperture) shutters that are attached behind coded lens is recognized automatically. The count contrast characteristics of the film, or
the lens between the lens standard and the aperture (from f/4 to f/128) and the shutter – and this is particularly important – the re-
bellows. Behind-the-lens shutters feature speed (from 1/500 to 2 seconds and T) can quirements of the printer.
the best reproducibility of exposure times easily be set with a stylus directly on the
for every photograph, independent of the touch screen of the pocket computer. An Sinar offers the following products for per-
lens being used. These shutters also pro- automatic cable serves to verify whether fect exposure metering:
vide the photographer with outstanding there is a film holder in the camera, and the
convenience in operating the camera: he or
she can control shutter speeds and aper-
shutter will open or close automatically. Ex-
posure metering at the film plane can also
• Sinar Booster 1: Is a metering probe for
continuous light and for flash that works
ture accurately and quickly without having be performed with the Sinar Booster 1 and with Minolta Flashmeters III, IV, V and
to move from the position behind the cam- with a Minolta exposure meter. Autometer IVF. It can be used with all film
era. formats.
• Sinar Auto Aperture Shutter: A mech-
• Between-the-lens shutters: These
are mechanical units that are integrated
anical behind-the-lens shutter with auto-
matic cocking, exposure time scale visible
Bron FCM Metering Probe: Has the
features as the Sinar Booster 1, but
into the lens mount. Most between-the-lens from both sides (1/60 to 8 sec and B), and designed to work with Broncolor’s flash ex-
shutters have to be set from the front of the aperture control (f/4 to f/45). Can be used posure meter.
camera, and they have to be closed before with lenses in Auto Aperture Mounts (For
the dark slide is removed from a film details see on page 5-4).

Shutters / Exposure Metering

Sinar Expolux Shutter

EXPOLUX SHUTTER XT Its microprocessor-controlled rotary blades
522.21.008 ensure an even exposure, also in fast
shutter speeds. The shutter is operated
by means of a Palm IIIx or V pocket com-
puter from 3Com and the Sinar Palm-
Expolux Controller 522.21.038. The range
of parameters controlled by the software
makes it possible to tailor the shutter
specifically to the task at hand. The range
of shutter speeds extends from 1/500 to
2 seconds and T in 1/3 aperture stops.
The range of apertures that can be con-
trolled automatically ranges from f/4 to
f/128, depending on the lens in the Auto
Aperture Mount.
• The power supply and the communica-
tion link with the Palm Computer take
place by means of the Expolux RS-232
Power Supply Unit 522.21.046.
• A behind-the-lens filter holder 100 mm
(4″) 547.41 is included.

PALM EXPOLUX CONTROLLER The Sinar Expolux XT shutter 522.21.008

522.21.038 is controlled and operated by means of
the PalmExpolux software, which is loaded
on a Palm IIIx or V pocket computer from

• Lenses equipped with Expolux coding

tablets are recognized automatically, so
that the shutter always “knows” exactly
which lens is being used.
• Apertures (from f/4 to f/128) and shut-
ter speeds (from 1/500 to 2 seconds and T)
can easily be set directly on the touch
screen of the pocket computer by means
of a stylus. For better evaluation of the
depth of field, the aperture can also be
stopped down to the working aperture.
• An automatic cable serves to detect
whether there is a film holder in the cam-
era. The shutter closes automatically
when a film holder is inserted into the
camera and it remains closed until the
film holder is removed.
• Exposure metering at the film plane
can also be performed with the Sinar
Booster 1 and with a Minolta exposure
• In order to keep the photographer‘s
hands free for making the settings on the
camera, the Pocket computer can be
placed in a special holder that comes
with the PalmExpolux Controller Kit and
that can be attached to the Basic Rail.

Shutters / Exposure Metering
In order to operate the Sinar Expolux
Shutter, the following items are required
in addition to the PalmExpolux Controller,
and they are to be ordered separately:
522.21.008 Expolux XT Shutter
522.21.046 Expolux RS-232 Power Supply
522.21.021 Expolux Control Cable, long
522.21.032 Expolux Release/Automatic
551.32.034 Expolux Release Cable, long
– 3Com Palm IIIx or Palm V
– 3Com Data Cable
(see the operating instructions
for the PalmExpolux)
– Windows Computer for the
initial installation

The product package includes the follow-

ing items:
– PalmExpolux Software (diskette)
– PalmExpolux Holder
– Operating instructions

EXPOLUX BOOSTER Metering probe with a silicon photo diode

525.21 for selective exposure measurement at
the film plane for electronic flash, continu-
ous illumination or mixed light. The power
supply and the interpretation of measured
values take place exclusively by means of
the Expolux Monitor 522.21.003, which
has been discontinued in the meantime.

Can be used with 4x5″/10x12.5 cm to

8x10″/20x25 cm Metering Backs
462.16/.17/.58 or 4x5″/10x12.5 cm
Light Meter Cassette 525.16 and 5x7″/
13x18 cm Light Meter Cassette 525.17.
Length of cable: 1.15 m (46″).

EXPOLUX POWER SUPPLY RS 232 Power supply with an RS-232 Interface

522.21.046 for operating the Expolux XT Shutter
522.21.008. The long Expolux Control
Cable 522.21.021 is required for establish-
ing the connection with the Expolux shut-
ter. Mains voltage range 100 – 240 V AC,
50 – 60 Hz, self-adjusting. Mains power
cable is included.

Shutters / Exposure Metering

Sinar Auto Aperture Shutter

SINAR AUTO APERTURE Mechanical behind-the-lens shutter with
SHUTTER spring-loaded aperture control. The Sinar
521.31 Auto Aperture Shutter enables you to
concentrate more on the photograph and
less on camera operating technique.
• You operate the shutter from behind
the camera, where you belong. No longer
do you have to kneel before your camera
in order to check whether the aperture is
stopped down, the shutter closed or even
• The shutter is always fully open until
just before the exposure is made, for max-
imum brightness of the focusing screen.
• When you insert the film holder into the
camera, the shutter automatically closes.
That makes the time lost because of acci-
dentally exposed films a thing of the past.
• When the shutter is released, the
unique Sinar spring-loaded aperture con-
trol (DB) automatically closes the aperture
down to the preselected value and the
shutter is automatically re-cocked.
• Shutter speed range: 1/60 to 8 seconds
and B.
• Aperture stop settings range from f/4
to f/45 (smaller apertures can be set with
lenses in DBM aperture mounts. Also see Sinaron lenses with Copal between-the-
chapter 4 about this feature). lens shutters equipped with a tube on
• A filter holder that can take up to three
100 mm filters is supplied with the shutter.
the lens plane can also be used with a
Sinar Auto Aperture behind-the-lens
• In order for lenses to be used with the
Sinar Auto Aperture Shutter, they have to
shutter. However, the aperture has to be
set manually on the shutter (see Order
be mounted in DB aperture mounts. Pho- No.441.83. ... on page 4-4).
tographers can easily update existing lens-
es with between-the-lens-shutters them-
selves by using Sinar DB Conversion Kits.
• The Sinar Auto Aperture Shutter is
supplied with an appropriate filter holder,
release cable 521.61, automatic cable
521.51, bayonet piece 521.91 and syn-
chro cable adapter with standard plug

Y-SYNCHRO CABLE Connects the exposure meter with the

521.51.010 shutter and with the electronic flash unit.
Permits flash synchronization during ex-
posure metering and during exposure
without having to change connections.
Length: 1 m (40″).

COUPLING PIECE FOR 521.51 Two Automatic Cables 521.51 can be

521.81 joined with this Coupling Piece for use
with long camera bellows extensions.

SYNCHRO LEAD ADAPTER For connecting conventional flash syn-

522.11.005 chronization cables or remote releases to
Sinar Auto Aperture Shutter 521.31 or to
Sinar Digital Shutter 522.11.

Shutters / Exposure Metering

Exposure Metering
a brief introduction

1. Know the • Extension factors for the ex-

posure time that normally
process! 1:64 Transparency Tone Range
arise from the use of filters,
Have you ever wondered why 1:16 Printing Tone Range bellows extensions, etc. are
your transparencies look great taken into account automati-
on a lightbox, but you are disap- cally.
pointed when you see them re-
produced in print? -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3
• Important parts of the image
can be measured precisely.
• A simple reason is the con-
trast range. A transparency
• The photographer determines
the tonal values, unaffected by
can reproduce details from the the often varying sizes of the
brightest highlights to the Shadow Highlight image areas with different
darkest shadows, a range detail in print
brightness values.
of more than six aperture
• Staying within acceptable tol-
erances of tonal values in the
Shadow Highlight
• As soon as the very same pic-
ture is reproduced with print-
detail in transparency
contrast ranges is a basic pre-
requisite for good picture re-
ing inks on paper, this range is production;
reduced to only four aperture Examine the contrast range of your transparencies. Now look
stops. at the “window”: all this visual information has to be com- 3. Communication
• Somewhere between the orig-
inal exposure and the printed
pressed, so that it can be reproduced in a printed reproduc-
Without good communication
tion. If you do not have control over this process, you will
image there is a lithographer never be able to tell exactly how your work will look when it between you the photographer
who decides what part of this is finally reproduced in print. and the lithographer, the latter
visual information must be has no reference points for the
sacrificed. This is really so – there is Remember that the contrast range be- interpretation of your pictures:
somebody else who passes judgment on
your work!
tween these two areas must not exceed
four aperture stops!
• Which details must be preserved and
which can be left out?
We would like to describe a few simple
steps that will help you to understand the
The most precise method of exposure
measurement is through the lens exposure
• What areas must be considered with
special care for color rendition?
production process so that you can antici-
pate what your pictures will look like in
metering using a metering probe at the film
plane. That means that any point can be
• Where is the midtone value?

print. measured and that the contrast range can Simply by identifying the measured points
be controlled. on a Polaroid print or on a transparency,
2. Exposure Metering The practical advantages of exposure mea- this information can easily be passed along
surement at the film plane are the following: to the lithographer. Some of the pertinent
To control the reproduction process means
to measure the contrast range of your pic-

The photographer performs the metering
behind the camera, while he or she has
information that can be communicated in
this manner is the following:
tures. the subject in view, so that he or she can • Midtone value, darkest shadow area with
• In order to reproduce a subject as accu- devote full attention to the camera and to detail and brightest highlight with detail;
rately as possible, all the important in-
formation, from shadow detail
picture composition. • Areas that can be saturated
black or totally white (i.e.
to the brightest highlight with 2 1
which do not have to have de-
+2 /3 brightest highlight -1 /3 darkest shadow
detail, should be contained with detail with detail tail rendition).
within a contrast range of four
measured aperture stops. information
• Areas that require special at-
tention for color rendition
• For the most accurate expo-
sure measurements with large
(such as skin tones or impor-
tant saturated color areas).
format cameras, an exposure
meter should be used that -11/3
• Determination of the effective
light value of specific points,
measures the light at the film for reference. Single out a
plane. point, for instance, that has
information 1 stop above the midtone val-
The most important elements in point +11/3 ue (+1), or that is a 1/3 stop be-
exposure measurement are the 0
information low that value (–1/3).
following: point
• The midtone (e.g. with the Ko-
dak Q-18 Neutral Gray Card). -1
Communication has to be nur-
tured by all those who are in-
• The darkest area in which you
want to hold detail.
0 midtone value +11/3 match skin tone value
volved in the reproduction
process: the photographer, the
• The brightest area in which
you want to hold detail.
information point client, the lithographer and the

Shutters / Exposure Metering

SINAR BOOSTER 1 Equipped with a silicon photo diode, the
525.11 Sinar Booster 1 light metering probe is
designed for use with Minolta Flash-
meter III, IV and V, as well as the Auto-
meter IV F exposure metering devices.
Selective exposure metering at the film
plane is universally possible with flash-,
continuous- and mixed lighting.
Thanks to its long metering probe, the
Sinar Booster 1 can be used with metering
backs 4x5″/10x12.5 cm 462.16, 5x7″/
13x18 cm 462.17, and 8x10″/20x25 cm
462.58 or with Light Meter Cassettes
4x5″/10x12.5 cm 525.16 and 5x7″/
13x18 cm 525.17.

SINAR PROBE FCM Same features as Sinar Booster 1, but

525.12 compatible with the technology of
Broncolor’s exposure meter FCM.

The metering backs in which these

exposure metering probes can be
used are listed in Section 3,
“System Components”, page 3-5.

LIGHT METER CASSETTE Accepts the metering probes of all expo-

4x5″/10x12.5 cm sure meters equipped with such probes.
525.16 Fits all professional cameras with interna-
tionally standardized 4x5″/10x12.5 cm

LIGHT METER CASSETTE Accepts the metering probes of all expo-

5x7″/13x18 cm sure meters equipped with such probes.
525.17 Fits all professional cameras with interna-
tionally standardized 5x7″/13x18 cm

HOLDER PLATE Holder Plate for attaching Minolta Flash-

FOR MINOLTA FLASHMETERS meters III, IV or V (when Sinar Booster 1
525.16.005 is being used) on Light Meter Cassettes
4x5″/10x12.5 cm 525.16 and 5x7″/
13x18 cm 525.17.

HOLDER PLATE Holder Plate for attaching exposure

FOR LIGHTMETER meters such as Minolta Flashmeters III,
462.96.006 IV, V or Autometer IVF (when Sinar
Booster 1 is being used) to a carrier
frame, to a metering back, or to a holder

Film Holders

Precision that pays for itself

Every Sinar camera accepts basically all The Sinar Adhesive The Sinar Zoom
film holders that conform to international Sheet Film Holder Rollfilm Holder
standards and that are used on so-called
international camera backs. Because they Sinar offers an improved version of the Large format cameras are not at all re-
accommodate two sheet films, double conventional sheet film holder for the stricted to the use of sheet films. Sinar has
sheet film holders are the most frequently 5 x 7″/13 x 18 cm and 8 x 10″/20 x 25 cm for- developed a rollfilm holder with an ex-
used holders for the 9 x 12 cm, 4 x 5″/ mats. The sheet film is not inserted into the tremely precise film channel and a pres-
10 x 12.5 cm, 5 x 7″/13 x 18 cm, 18 x 24 cm holder: it is laid down against a reference sure plate for optimum film flatness. It dis-
and 8 x 10″/20 x 25 cm formats. edge on a permanently self-adhesive sur- tinguishes itself because it is so easy and
face. This eliminates uneven film surfaces, so safe to handle. An outstanding advant-
The Sinar Precision to which the larger sheet film formats are age of the Sinar Zoom Rollfilm Holder is
especially susceptible. the quick selection of image formats of
Sheet Film Holder 4.5 x 6, 6 x 6, 6 x 7, 6 x 9 and 6 x 12 cm. To
For the most exacting demands and for In addition to sheet film holders and rollfilm change the format, masks are shifted in-
photographs with meticulously defined holders, virtually every large format cam- ternally and the film advance is adjusted
planes of sharpness, Sinar designed its era outfit should also include an instant film accordingly. Therefore, no film is wasted
own metal film holder with a full-size holder. To that end, Sinar offers Polaroid when the format is changed, and it can be
pressure plate and a patented film ten- Sheet Film Holder Model 545 for 4 x 5”/ changed at any time.
sioning system that ensures the best 10 x 12.5 cm. Instant pictures are very use- The use of the Sinar Zoom Rollfilm Holder
possible film flatness. This also elimi ful in professional photography for check- has one other interesting benefit: by chang-
nates any movements of the film during ing exposures and lighting or for particu- ing the picture format, which can be done
the exposure. The advantages of this film larly urgent assignments. at any time, it is also possible to change the
holder are particularly valuable usable angle of view of the lens
for photographs with multiple that is being used. This reduces
exposures or selective sharp- The Sinar Zoom Rollfilm Holder: the number of lenses that need
ness. The Sinar Sheet Film Angle of View for different Formats to be taken along, and the pho-
Holder is designed for single tographer is able to adapt the
sheets of film, which greatly Resulting Angle of View in Degrees by Format: format to the most desirable
Lens, Focal
simplifies film loading. It also Length cropping of his subject without
permits the imprinting of a 4.5 x 6 6x6 6x7 6x9 6 x 12 4 x 5″ having to change his camera po-
photographer’s copyright on 75 mm 49° 55° 62° 70° 80° 92° sition. Films in the rollfilm holder
the border of a photograph by 90 mm 43° 48° 54° 60° 70° 82° can be replaced very quickly, be-
means of a strip of litho film 150 mm 26° 29° 33° 38° 46° 54° cause pre-loaded rollfilm cart-
that can be inserted in special 180 mm 22° 24° 28° 32° 40° 48° rige inserts can be taken along,
slots along the edge of a film 240 mm 16° 18° 21° 25° 30° 36° making that task quite easy.
holder’s frame. Photographs can 300 mm 13° 15° 17° 19° 23° 27° Sinar guarantees the best
360 mm 11° 12° 14° 16° 20° 24°
also be numbered from 0 to 9 shar pness performance with
480 mm 8° 9° 11° 13° 15° 18°
by means of a built-in numbering 600 mm 6° 8° 9° 10° 12° 14° Sinar Sheet Film Holders and
dial. Sinar Zoom Rollfilm Holders.

Film Holders
SINAR SHEET FILM HOLDER Precision single sheet film holder with a
4x5″/10x12.5 cm new loading system for one sheet of
566.36 4x5″/10x12.5 cm film.
A two-stage pressure plate holds the film
firmly in place so that it cannot shift with-
in the holder.
An external signal indicates whether the
holder is loaded and whether the film has
already been exposed. A safety button
permits the dark slide to be removed from
a loaded holder only when that holder
has been inserted in the camera. This
prevents unintentional exposures.
• There is a provision for imprinting a
copyright notice and a two-digit number
on the edge of the film.

LOADING TRAY FOR 566.36 Loading guide for even easier insertion of
566.36.001 sheet film into Sinar precision Sheet Film
Holder 566.36.

Quality over All

A quality chain is only as strong as its
weakest link. Sinar has set itself the
task of steadily eliminating the weakest
elements of that chain. That was the
reason for Sinar to develop its own pre-
cision sheet film holder, which keeps
the film in a remarkably flatter position
than familiar double sheet film holders Cross-section of a Sinar precision Sheet Film Holder.
do. Maximum deviation of the film plane
from the ideal image plane amounts to
an exceedingly small ± 0.03 mm (1/800″).
In conventional sheet film holders, this
deviation can amount to 0.3 mm (1/80″)
and more, regardless of the film type
being used.
The comparison photographs on the
right (magnified 20×) show a test pho-
tograph with the film surface in the op-
timum plane and another with the film
surface displaced 0.3 mm (1/80″) from
the optimum image plane (both at full
aperture). Test photograph with the film plane in Film displaced only 0.3mm (1/80″) from
the optimum position. the optimum image plane (at full aperture).

SINAR ADHESIVE SHEET Sheet film is kept very flat by means of

FILM HOLDER 13x18 cm an adhesive layer, which also keeps it
566.37 from shifting or curling out when the cam-
era is tilted downwards. That makes unex-
pected areas of unsharpness a thing of
the past. Excellent film flatness makes
this holder an important tool, especially
for photographs with multiple exposures.
The holder can be reloaded several hun-
dred times. Replacement adhesive sheets
are available.

SINAR ADHESIVE SHEET Sheet film holder for single sheets of

FILM HOLDER 8x10″/20x25 cm 8x10″/20x25 cm film. Its features are the
566.38 same as those of 566.37, above.

Film Holders
DOUBLE SHEET FILM HOLDER These sheet film holders are made of
4x5″/10x12.5 cm tough unbreakable molded material and
566.56 they accommodate two sheets of film.
They fit on all cameras with interna-
DOUBLE SHEET FILM HOLDER tionally standardized backs.
9x12 cm
• The grips on the dark slides are white
on one side and black on the other. By
inserting the dark slide reversed after a
photograph has been exposed, this makes
13x18 cm
it easy to tell which holders still have an
566.47 unexposed film available.
8x10″/20x25 cm

SINAR ROLLFILM HOLDER The Sinar Zoom 2 Rollfilm Holder is in-

ZOOM 2 serted into the camera just like a stan-
567.32 dard film holder. It is designed for 120- or
220-size rollfilm and it fits all 4x5″/
10x12.5 cm cameras with an interna-
tionally standardized back. The number of
exposures depends on the format that has
been selected, which can be changed
from 4.5x6 cm to 6x12 cm at any time –
without overlapping images. The design of
the holder assures an absolutely flat film
plane. Supplied with Vario Mask 534.12
and Universal Mask 534.22.
• You need only this single rollfilm holder
and a view camera to cover all current
rollfilm picture formats.
• There may be some limitations to the
use of these rollfilm holders with certain
cameras other than Sinar cameras
(Graflock grooves). Our representatives
will be pleased to advise you.

VARIO MASK For masking the format in a Sinar Zoom

534.12 Rollfilm Holder. Adjustable from 4.5x6 cm
to 6x12 cm.

4,5 x 6 cm 6 x 6 cm 6 x 7 cm 6 x 9 cm 6 x 12 cm

One for All

For certain assignments it makes good cessary to remove the back of the camera utilization of the film. Other advantages
sense to use rollfilm. If the advantages of before an exposure is made. Film flatness of rollfilm are the wide variety of film
a large format camera are still wanted, is also markedly better than it is in con- types available in that form and its
then a rollfilm holder is the ideal solution. ventional rollfilm holders. The picture for- space-saving configuration, which is es-
As a result of the special design of the mat can be changed at any time, even in pecially convenient for travelling.
Sinar Rollfilm Holder, it is no longer ne- the middle of the film. This permits the best

Film Holders
SINAR ROLLFILM HOLDER Sinar 6x9 cm and 6x7 cm Rollfilm Holders
6x9 cm are inserted into the camera just like nor-
567.45 mal sheet film holders and they fit all
4x5″/10x12.5 cm cameras with interna-
SINAR ROLLFILM HOLDER tionally standardized backs. They are
6x7 cm designed for 120- and 220-size rollfilms,
567.54 for 8 and 16 or 10 and 20 exposures,
respectively. The design of these rollfilm
holders assures excellent film flatness.
Supplied with Mask 534.25 for the 6x9 cm
format, or Mask 534.29 for the 6x7 cm
format, respectively.

FILM CARTRIDGE For use in Sinar rollfilm holders. Individual

567.92 cartridge for preloading. Permits quick
film change in rollfilm holders.

POLAROID Film Holder for 4x5″/10x12.5 cm instant

SHEET FILM HOLDER P 545 i sheet films.

HASSELBLAD Permits the adaptation of the film maga-

FILM MAGAZINE ADAPTER zine of a Hasselblad camera to a Sinar
556.64.010 camera. This adapter, which is equipped
with a coupling device for the film maga-
zine, can be mounted on the Sinar carrier
frame in place of the focusing screen
frame. The corresponding format mask,
which is to be mounted on the focusing
screen together with a fresnel lens
carrier, is included with the adapter.

MAMIYA Permits the adaptation of the film maga-

FILM MAGAZINE ADAPTER zine (6x7, 6x8, also powered) of a
556.64.020 Mamiya RB camera to a Sinar camera.
For additional information see Hasselblad
Film Magazine Adapter.

Color Control Filters

Using Filters – the right way!

Filters are an exceedingly impor-

tant topic in creative and very
• Filters for Special Effects:
Used primarily in advertising
precisely executed photography, and in portrait photography for
primarily when our subjective achieving a particular pictorial
perception of something is to be effect. The most commonly used
changed, or when a particular effect needs rendition of a photograph. They are avail- special effect filters are soft-focus filters of
to be created. able in the colors yellow (Y), magenta (M), various strengths whose flare characteris-
Whereas our eyes always perceive colors cyan (C), blue (B), green (G) and red (R), tics produce a measured amount of pleas-
as “correct”, even under the most diverse and in color densities of 0.025, 0.05, 0.1, ing unsharpness. Another type is the star
kinds of illumination, film often reacts quite 0.15, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5. filter, which imparts a four-, six- or eight-
differently. Film is balanced for a specific point star to every highlight in the picture.
color temperature, and when it is used with • Conversion Filters: For changing the
a light source that has a different color bal-
ance, the results will show a greater or
color quality of a light source to match the
quality of the light for which a color film is
•or Polarizing Screens: Used for softening
eliminating reflections on non-metallic
smaller color cast. Filters provide us with balanced, or for rendering a scene in surfaces under certain conditions. Another
the opportunity of softening, eliminating or warmer (redder) colors or colder (bluer) application is a darker reproduction of a
intensifying that color cast. Filters can also colors. Blue filters bear the numbers 80 and blue sky in a color photograph.
be used to achieve certain pictorial effects 82, orange filters are numbered 81 and 85.
or to influence the overall mood of an Depending on their conversion strength, Sinar filters are made of high grade CR-39
image. they are identified with an additional letter plastic material, the same material that is
Sinar offers a complete selection of Color (A = weak through D and EF = strong). used for eyeglasses and for other optical
Control Filters that were developed in ac- elements. Sinar Color Control Filters are
cordance with precise sensitometric prin-
ciples and produced in fine density steps
• Contrast Filters: Are used in black-
and-white photography for altering the ren-
supplied in two sizes: 100 x 100 mm (4 x 4″),
1 mm thick and 125 x 125 mm (5 x 5″), 3 mm
with tight tolerances. Filters too, are sub- dition of tonal values. Colors can be re- thick. Their designations correspond to
jected to rigid quality control at Sinar. It is produced in equivalent tonal values or in those of Kodak Wratten filters. With the ex-
a firm belief at Sinar that filters have to be tonal values that differentiate better when tensive Sinar Adapter System, they can be
as precise optically as the lens itself. Other- there are several colors with similar tonal used on virtually any large or medium for-
wise what good is a superb lens when its values in a scene. The basic rule is that the mat camera.
high performance is impaired by a low- color of the filter is reproduced lighter and 100 x 100 mm (4 x 4″) filters can be used in
quality filter? its complementary color is reproduced front of the lens and also behind the lens.
darker. It is more advantageous to place them be-
• Neutral Density (ND) Filters: Gray fil- hind the lens, because this significantly re-
ters that serve to reduce light intensity
without changing other light character-
• Graduated Filters: Are used for altering
the color or the density of a portion of the
duces the loss of contrast that is caused by
stray light. That is why Sinar offers special
istics. They are used when slower shutter photograph. Graduated neutral density fil- Filter Holder 547.41, which is designed to
speeds or greater apertures are wanted. ters are available in three different density support up to three filters behind the lens.
Available in densities of 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.6 gradients: 0 – 0.3, 0 – 0.6 and 0 – 0.9. Gradu- When a combination of several filters is
and 0.9. A neutral gray density of 0.3 re- ated color filters are available with gradient used – especially behind the lens – focus-
duces the light intensity by one stop. densities of 0 – 0.6 in the colors yellow, ing should be performed with the filters in
blue, chocolate, sepia, tobacco, violet, place.
• Color Compensating (CC) Filters:
These filters are used for correcting a col-
coral pink, copper/yellow (sunset), blue/
pink (twilight) and pink. Graduated neutral
It is strongly recommended to use probes
for film plane metering to accurately meas-
or cast that is inherent either to the film of density filters also serve to reduce exces- ure the light when filters are used.
to its processing, or for changing the color sive contrast in a photograph.

Color Control Filters
FILTER HOLDER 1/125 mm (5″) Filter Holder 1 supports a single 125 mm
547.11 (5″) filter.
Several filter holders can be stacked and
rotated in relation to each other. The back
of the holder is designed as an attach-
ment frame that will fit in every Sinar
4x5″/10x12.5 cm standard.
Multipurpose Bellows 4x5″/10x12.5 cm
454.11 can be attached directly to Filter
Holder 1/125 mm to serve as a lens hood.
Adapter rings can also be attached to
Filter Holder 1/125 mm. This makes the
Sinar 125 mm Filter System excellent for
use on any view camera, regardless of

FILTER HOLDER 2/125 mm (5″) Filter Holder 2/125 mm (5″) supports two
547.21 125 mm (5″) filters or one Linear Polariz-
ing Filter 547.91.750.
Its other features are the same as those
of Filter Holder 1/125 mm (5″) above.

FILTER HOLDER 100 mm (4″) Filter Holder for use with Sinar Expolux or
FOR BTL SHUTTER Sinar Auto Aperture behind-the-lens shut-
547.41 ter. Easy to attach to the shutter without
tools. Positions filters between the film
plane and the lens, so that they are pro-
tected from stray light and reflections.
Supports up to three 100 mm (4″) filters.

FILTER HOLDER 100 mm (4″) This Filter Holder 100 mm (4″) supports
WITH TUBE up to three 100 mm (4″) filters at a time.
547.51 One or more lens hood tubes can be at-
tached to its front. Supplied with three
25 mm (1″) tubes.
• By means of adapter rings, this Filter
Holder can be attached to nearly all
lenses on 35 mm and medium format
cameras and to many lenses on profes-
sional cameras as well (see Adapter
Rings 547.81. ...).

ADAPTER RINGS 100 mm (4″) These Adapter Rings permit the attach-
and 125 mm (5″) ment of Sinar Filter Holder 100 mm (4″)
547.81. ... 547.51 and Sinar Filter Holder 125 mm
(5″) 547.11 or 547.21 to practically all
lenses with filter threads and filter bayo-
nets, respectively.
For sizes and order numbers, please see
the table on page 7-6 entitled “Adapter

CAP FOR ADAPTER RING Protective cap that can be placed on a

547.81.002 lens with an adapter ring (for the 100 mm
filter system) in place.
Diameter: 96 mm (3 3/4″).

Color Control Filters
FILTER BOX 100x100 mm (4x4″) Made of wood, for the storage of 10 Sinar
547.62.001 Color Control Filters 100 mm (4″).
Filters are not included.
• Graduated filters require 100x125 mm
(4x5″) Filter Box 547.62.002.
FILTER BOX 100x125 mm (4x5″) Made of wood, for the storage of 10 Sinar
547.62.002 Color Control Filters and Graduated
Filters 100 mm (4″).
547.62.001 547.62.002
Filters are not included.

FILTER CASE 125 mm (5″) The following accessories can be stored

547.71 in this Filter Case:
– 1 Filter Holder 1/125 mm (5″) 547.11
coupled to
– 1 Filter Holder 2/125 mm, plus
– 30 Filters 125 mm (5″), plus
– 6 Adapter Rings, plus
– 4 Graduated Filters, plus
– 1 Cleaning Set.

WALLET FOR FILTERS 100 mm The following filters can be stored in this
(4″) wallet:
547.72 – 4 Graduated Filters 100x125 mm (4x5″)
– 18 Filters 100 mm (4″).

FILTER CLEANING SET Sinar Color Control Filters should only be

547.79 cleaned with this special solution.
Other solutions may cause their surfaces
to become dull.
Consists of:
– 1 bottle of cleaning fluid
– 1 cleaning cloth.

SWIVELING Rotating and swiveling linear polarizing fil-

LINEAR POLARIZING FILTER ter with a diameter of 110 mm (41/2″). Can
546.31 be mounted on one of the Rods of 11 cm
(41/2″), 16 cm (61/4″) and 25 cm (10″)
length (see page 3-14).
• Does not require any further filter

GRADUATED FILTERS Concentrically graduated neutral density

(Center Filter) filters whose density diminishes from the
440.99.214 – 244 center towards the transparent edge. Re-
commended for use with short-focal-
length Sinaron-W lenses.
For more information see page 4-8.

Color Control Filters
CC FILTERS 125 mm (5″)
Color Correction Filters
547.91.103 – 650
Color Compensating Filters for Sinar
Abbreviated Order Number Order Number Compensation in
Color Control Filter System 125 mm (5″). Designation Density / Color (100 mm /4″) (125 mm /5″) f-stops (approx.)
Available in the colors cyan, magenta,
yellow, red, green and blue in the dens- CC025C 0.025 Cyan 547.92.103 547.91.103 0
ities 0.025, 0.05, 0.10. 0.15, 0.20. 0.40 CC05C 0.05 Cyan 547.92.105 547.91.105 + 1/3
and 0.50. CC10C 0.10 Cyan 547.92.110 547.91.110 + 1/3
For order numbers see table on the right. CC15C 0.15 Cyan 547.92.115 547.91.115 + 1/3
CC20C 0.20 Cyan 547.92.120 547.91.120 + 1/3
CC30C 0.30 Cyan 547.92.130 547.91.130 + 2/3
CC40C 0.40 Cyan 547.92.140 547.91.140 + 2/3
CC FILTERS 100 mm (4″) CC50C 0.50 Cyan 547.92.150 547.91.150 +1
547.92.103 – 650
CC025M 0.025 Magenta 547.92.203 547.91.203 0
Color Compensating Filters for Sinar CC05M 0.05 Magenta 547.92.205* 547.91.205 + 1/3
Color Control Filter System 100 mm (4″). CC10M 0.10 Magenta 547.92.210* 547.91.210 + 1/3
Other features are the same as those of CC15M 0.15 Magenta 547.92.215 547.91.215 + 1/3
CC Filters 125 mm (5″). CC20M 0.20 Magenta 547.92.220* 547.91.220 + 1/3
CC30M 0.30 Magenta 547.92.230* 547.91.230 + 2/3
CC40M 0.40 Magenta 547.92.240* 547.91.240 + 2/3
CC50M 0.50 Magenta 547.92.250 547.91.250 + 2/3

CC025Y 0.025 Yellow 547.92.303 547.91.303 0

CC05Y 0.05 Yellow 547.92.305 547.91.305 0
CC10Y 0.10 Yellow 547.92.310 547.91.310 + 1/3
CC15V 0.15 Yellow 547.92.315 547.91.315 + 1/3
CC20Y 0.20 Yellow 547.92.320 547.91.320 + 1/3
CC30Y 0.30 Yellow 547.92.330 547.91.330 + 1/3
CC40Y 0.40 Yellow 547.92.340 547.91.340 + 1/3
Filter 125 Filter 100 CC50Y 0.50 Yellow 547.92.350 547.91.350 + 2/3

CC025R 0.025 Red 547.92.403 547.91.403 0

ND FILTERS 125 mm (5″) CC05R 0.05 Red 547.92.405 547.91.405 + 1/3
547.91.010 – 090 CC10R 0.10 Red 547.92.410 547.91.410 + 1/3
CC15R o.15 Red 547.92.415 547.91.415 + 1/3
Neutral gray filters for the Sinar Color CC20R 0.20 Red 547.92.420 547.91.420 + 1/3
Control Filter System 125 mm (5″). CC30R 0.30 Red 547.92.430 547.91.430 + 2/3
Available in the densities 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, CC40R 0.40 Red 547.92.440 547.91.440 + 2/3
0.6 and 0.9. CC50R 0.50 Red 547.92.450 547.91.450 +1
For order numbers see table on page 7-5.
CC025G 0.025 Green 547.92.503 547.91.503 0
CC05G 0.05 Green 547.92.505* 547.91.505 + 1/3
CC10G 0.10 Green 547.92.510* 547.91.510 + 1/3
ND FILTERS 100 mm (4″) CC15G 0.15 Green 547.92.515 547.91.515 + 1/3
547.92.010 – 090 CC20G 0.20 Green 547.92.520* 547.91.520 + 1/3
CC30G 0.30 Green 547.92.530* 547.91.530 + 2/3
Neutral gray filters for the Sinar Color CC40G 0.40 Green 547.92.540* 547.91.540 + 2/3
Control Filter System 100 mm (4″). CC50G 0.50 Green 547.92.550 547.91.550 +1
Other characteristics are the same as
CC025B 0.025 Blue 547.92.603 547.91.603 0
those of ND Filters 125 mm (5″) above.
CC05B 0.05 Blue 547.92.605 547.91.605 + 1/3
CC10B 0.10 Blue 547.92.610 547.91.610 + 1/3
CC15B 0.15 Blue 547.92.615 547.91.615 + 1/3
CC20B 0.20 Blue 547.92.620 547.91.620 + 2/3
CTC FILTERS 125 mm (5″) 547.91.630
CC30B 0.30 Blue 547.92.630 + 2/3
547.91.801 – 853 CC40B 0.40 Blue 547.92.640 547.91.640 +1
CC50B 0.50 Blue 547.92.650 547.91.650 + 11/3
Blue and orange conversion filters for
the Sinar Color Control Filter System * = Color Meter Filter Kit
125 mm (5″).
For available types and Order Numbers,
please see the table on page 7-5.
Example: CC Filters for Fluorescent Illumination
CTC FILTERS 100 mm (4″) Type of Fluorescent Lamp Daylight Color Film Tungsten Color Film
547.92.801 – 853
Daylight 40Y + 40M 30Y + 40M + 85B (CTC)
Blue and orange conversion filters for White 30M + 20C 50Y + 60M
the Sinar Color Control Filter System Warm White 40M + 40C 40Y + 50M
100 mm (4″). Warm White Deluxe 30M + 60C 10Y + 10M
Other characteristics are the same as Cool White 30M 50R + 10R
those of CTC Filters 125 mm (5″). Cool White Deluxe 10M + 20C 40Y + 20M

Color Control Filters
SE FILTERS 125 mm (5″)
Neutral Density Filters
547.91.750 – 758
Abbreviated Order Number Order Number Exposure Compensa-
Designation Density / Color (100 mm/4″) (125 mm/5″) tion in f-stops (approx.) Special effects filters for the Sinar Color
Control Filter System 125 mm (5″).
1ND 0.1 neutral 547.92.010 547.91.010 + 1/3 See the “Special Effects Filters” table on
2ND 0.2 neutral 547.92.020 547.91.020 + 2/3 page 7-6 for types and order numbers.
3ND 0.3 neutral 547.92.030 547.91.030 +1
6ND 0.6 neutral 547.92.060 547.91.060 +2
9ND 0.9 neutral 547.92.090 547.91.090 +3
SE FILTERS 100 mm (4″)
547.91.750 – 758
Special effects filters for the Sinar Color
Color Temperature Correction Filters Control Filter System 100 mm (4″).
See the “Special Effects Filters” table on
page 7-6 for types and order numbers.
Correction in MIRED**,
Abbreviated Order Number Order Number Exposure Compensa-
Designation Color (100 mm /4″) (125 mm /5″) tion in f-stops (approx.)

80A 80A Blue 547.92.801 547.91.801 – 131 +2

80B 80B Blue 547.92.802* 547.91.802 – 112 + 12/3
80C 80C Blue 547.92.803* 547.91.803 – 81 +1 FILTER KIT 100 mm (4″)
80D 80D Blue 547.92.804* 547.91.804 – 56 + 1/3 598.92
82 82 Blue 547.92.820* 547.91.820 – 10 + 1/3
82A 82A Blue 547.92.821* 547.91.821 – 21 + 1/3 Color Meter Filter Kit 100 mm (4″) in-
82B 82B Blue 547.92.822* 547.91.822 – 32 + 2/3 cludes 10 Color Compensating Filters,
82C 82C Blue 547.92.823* 547.91.823 – 45 + 2/3 15 Conversion Filters and the Filter
Cleaning Set.
81 81 Orange 547.92.810* 547.91.810 + 9 + 1/3 The 25 filters are stored in two protec-
81A 81A Orange 547.92.811* 547.91.811 + 18 + 1/3 tive filter files.
81B 81B Orange 547.92.812* 547.91.812 + 27 + 1/3
Please see the “Color Meter Filter Kit”
81C 81C Orange 547.92.813* 547.91.813 + 35 + 1/3
81D 81D Orange 547.92.814* 547.91.814 + 42 + 2/3 table for a full list of contents.
81EF 81EF Orange 547.92.815* 547.91.815 + 52 + 2/3
85 85 Orange 547.92.850* 547.91.850 + 112 + 2/3
85B 85B Orange 547.92.852 547.91.852 + 131 + 2/3
85C 85C Orange 547.92.853* 547.91.853 + 81 + 1/3
BW FILTERS 125 mm (5″)
* = Color Meter Filter Kit
** = See page 7-7 for the table for the determination of the correct conversion filter. 547.91.703 – 735
Black-and-white contrast filters for the
Sinar Color Control Filter System
125 mm (5″). For colors and order num-
Color Meter Filter Kit bers see table “B/W Contrast Filters”.

Components: 100 mm, Order Number 598.92

Container Filter Wallet 547.72 (2x)
BW FILTERS 100 mm (4″)
547.92.703 – 735
Filter Cleaning Set Filter Cleaning Set 547.79
Black-and-white contrast filters for the
10 Color Correction Filters 2 Colors (Magenta, Green) in 5 Densities (0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4)
Sinar Color Control Filter System
15 Conversion Filters Blue (80B, 80C, 80D, 82, 82A, 82B, 82C) 100 mm (4″). For colors and order num-
Orange (81, 81A, 81B, 81C, 81D, 81EF, 85, 85C) bers see table below.

Black-and-White Contrast Filters

Designation Color Order No (100 mm/4″) Order No (125 mm/5″) Applications

8Y 8 Yellow 547.92.703 547.91.703 Sky, clouds, vegetation green

25R 25 Red 547.92.704 547.91.704 Reduces haze, absorbs blue in infrared photography
(color separation filter)
58G 58 Green 547.92.705 547.91.705 Darkens magenta and red (color separation filter)
47B 47B Dark Blue 547.92.706 547.91.706 Lightens blue (color separation filter)
1A 1A Skylight 547.92.710 547.91.710 Avoids blue shadows, absorbs ultraviolet
2B 2B Ultraviolet 547.92.715 547.91.715 Absorbs ultraviolet under 390 nm
16O 16 Orange 547.92.720 547.91.720 Contrast filter, darker rendition of the sky
38LB 38 Light Blue 547.92.725 547.91.725 Improved rendition of yellow and orange
11YG 11 Yellow-Green 547.92.730 547.91.730 Better tonal values in artificial light (portrait,vegetation)

Color Control Filters

Special Effect Filters

Designation Density Order No (100 mm/4″) Order No (125 mm/5″) Applications

LP 0.4 546.31.000 * 547.91.750 ** Rotating and swiveling linear polarization filter,

eliminates reflections; + 11/3
1SF – 547.92.751 547.91.751 Soft focus filter
03D – 547.92.756 547.91.756 Diffusion filter, mild soft focus
06D – 547.92.757 547.91.757 Diffusion filter, medium soft focus
1D – 547.92.752 547.91.752 Diffusion filter, strong soft focus
1F – 547.92.753 547.91.753 Fog filter
44S – 547.92.758 547.91.758 4-point star filter (4 mm / 5/32″ thick)
46S – 547.92.754 547.91.754 6-point star filter (4 mm / 5/32″ thick)
48S – 547.92.755 547.91.755 8-point star filter (6 mm / 7/32″ thick)

* = See description on page 7-3

** = effective filter diameter: 110 mm (43/8″)

Adapter Rings
For Thread Ord. No (100 mm/4″) Ord. No (125 mm/5″) Remarks

M40.5 x 0.5 547.81.050 547.81.035 ◆ On older lenses it is best to

M49 x 0.75 547.81.051 547.81.036 ◆ measure the inner diameter of
M52 x 0.75 547.81.052 547.81.037 ◆ the mount at the front element
M55 x 0.75 547.81.060 547.81.044 ◆ with a ruler and add 1 mm.
M58 x 0.75 547.81.053 547.81.038 ◆ Example: ∅ 66 mm → Adapter
M62 x 0.75 547.81.054 547.81.047 ◆ Ring M67 x 0.75).
M67 x 0.75 547.81.055 547.81.039 ◆
M72 x 0.75 547.81.061 547.81.045 ◆ ◆ Can also be used with the
M77 x 0.75 547.81.056 547.81.040 ◆ Filter System 100 mm (4″).
M82 x 0.75 547.81.057 547.81.041 ◆
M85 x 0.75 547.81.062 547.81.046 ◆
M86 x 1 547.81.058 547.81.042 ◆
M95 x 1 – 547.81.043 ◆
M100 x 1 – 547.81.019
M105 x 1 – 547.81.020
M110 x 1 – 547.81.021
M112 x 1.5 – 547.81.024
M120 x 1 – 547.81.022
M127 x 1 – 547.81.023
40.2 mm ∅ 547.81.579 – Slip-on adapter rings for attaching
60.2 mm ∅ 547.81.587 – filters to the back of a lens.
80.2 mm ∅ 547.81.595 – ∅ 42, 60 and 80 mm resp.

Hasselblad 50 547.81.069 – For Hasselblad ∅ 50 bayonet ring

Hasselblad 60 547.81.070 – For Hasselblad ∅ 60 bayonet ring
Hasselbald 70 547.81.072 – For Hasselblad ∅ 70 bayonet ring
Rollei 547.81.071 – For Rollei 70 mm filter thread.

GRADUATED FILTERS 125 mm (5″) Graduated Filters

547.91.900 – 999
Abbreviated Order Number Order Number
Graduated Filters for the Sinar Color Designation Density (100 mm/4″) (125 mm/5″) Color
Control Filter System 125 mm (5″).
Y.G. 0 – 0.6 547.92.903 547.91.903 Yellow
Please see the “Graduated Filters” table B.G. 0 – 0.6 547.92.906 547.91.906 Blue
for available colors and order numbers. Ch.G. 0 – 0.6 547.92.910 547.91.910 Chocolate
S.G. 0 – 0.6 547.92.911 547.91.911 Sepia
T.G. 0 – 0.6 547.92.912 547.91.912 Tabacco
GRADUATED FILTERS 100 mm (4″) V.G. 0 – 0.6 547.92.913 547.91.913 Violet
C.G. 0 – 0.6 547.92.914 547.91.914 Choral
547.92.900 – 999
Sunset 0 – 0.6 547.92.915 547.91.915 Sunset
Graduated Filters for the Sinar Color Twilight 0 – 0.6 547.92.916 547.91.916 Twilight
Control Filter System 100 mm (4″). P.G. 0 – 0.6 547.92.917 547.91.917 Pink
Please see the “Graduated Filters” table 3NDG 0 – 0.3 547.92.930 547.91.930 Neutral Grey
6NDG 0 – 0.6 547.92.960 547.91.960 Neutral Grey
for available colors and order numbers. 9NDG 0 – 0.9 547.92.990 547.91.990 Neutral Grey

Color Control Filters

Table for the determination of

the correct conversion filter
Place a ruler from the left column (T1:
color temperature of the light source) to
the right column (T2: color sensitization
of the film). The required conversion fil-
ter can then be read where the ruler's
edge crosses the center column. More
information on this subject can be found
in the book “Creative Large Format, Vol-
ume1: Basics and Applications ”.
(See page 8-2 of this catalog).


Sinar Workshops

We consider our Imaging Edu- Professional

cation Center in Switzerland as Digital Photog-
an international platform for the raphy
dissemination and exchange of
knowledge among photogra- Workshops on digital photogra-
phers with an exciting variety of phy are also on our regular
specialties. It gives us as mem- workshop program. In a one-day
bers of the workshop team the course, we provide the basis for
opportunity to convey skills and an individual assessment of its
experience in the field of large applicability to professionals
format photography with thor- from all phases of image and
ough competence. media production. Quality and
economics of digital imaging are
Special Work- analyzed in relation to chemical
photography. Practical demon-
shops strations in the studio provide
In this category we offer work- the basis for an evaluation of the
shops conducted by renowned possibilities of electronic pho-
photographers describing their tography.
respective specialties, such as
food photography, multiple expo- Because proper handling of
sures, masking techniques, and large format equipment cannot
so forth. In order to keep the selection of The other course is designed for profes- be learned by theory alone, our workshops
topics interesting and up-to-date, we are sionals with considerable experience, who emphasize the hands-on approach, using
constantly adding new applications of pho- are interested in, for instance, mastering modern, well-equipped studios. By forming
tography to our list of workshop subjects. the control of contrast, or who wish to ac- small working groups, we make sure that
Even though the emphasis is on creative quire a solid command of mixed sources of everyone has ample opportunities to han-
aspects of photography, these workshops illumination, the close-up range and mul- dle the equipment. Everything you learn in
are also designed to transmit specific the- tiple exposures. these workshops is of practical value, even
oretical and practical know-how, if you do not use a Sinar cam-
thus creating stimulating new era. We place great value on
perspectives. thorough course literature, be-
cause it helps you to reproduce
Workshops 1 and 2 the photographic demonstra-
tions after the course and it also
Of course Sinar also offers work- helps to apply the newly ac-
shops on camera technique it- quired skills to your own work.
self, because we are convinced
that mastering the large format You are most welcome to our
camera is an extremely impor- workshops, regardless whether
tant prerequisite for making out- you are a professional or an am-
standing high-quality pho- ateur, an individual or part of a
tographs. One of the courses is group. Upon request, we can or-
dedicated to the fundamentals of ganize courses at special rates
large format photography, mak- for school groups.
ing it suitable also for beginners Please contact us. We will be
in large format photography, in- pleased to send you our current
cluding those who wish to have course listings.
a non-committal hands-on look
at a potential future working tool. The Workshop Team


Sinar Books
Introduced by the Swiss publishing house Kodak Photo Book Prize. Volume 1 on Ba- tive chapters of that volume when general
PHOTOGRAPHIE in co-operation with sics and Applications constitutes the foun- camera setting techniques are involved.
Sinar, the series of books entitled “Creative dation for the entire series and should be All titles are available in English, German
Large Format” distinguishes itself by its on the reference shelf of every photo- and French. Volume 1 is also available in
high professional caliber. graphic studio. Spanish, Japanese, Chinese and Korean.
The volumes published so far have already Subsequent volumes on specific subjects Additional language versions are in prepa-
been awarded various prizes, including the refer to numbered sections of the respec- ration.

BASICS AND APPLICATIONS Everything you need to know about the

Creative Large Format, Volume 1 prerequisites and the technical founda-
05.0202 tions of modern large format technique.
The use of sharpness compensation and
perspective correction in practical applica-
tions. A competent reference handbook
for beginners and for professionals.
112 pages with more than 200 illustra-
tions. Size: 22 x 28 cm (9 x 11″).

ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHY This book conveys the essential know-

Creative Large Format, Volume 2 how for necessary camera adjustments,
05.0302 choice of camera position and focal
length, picture composition, as well as
advance planning of architectural photo-
graphs. A portfolio section backs up
theory with numerous large-format prac-
tical examples with detailed explanations.
88 pages with more than 70 illustrations.
Size: 22 x 28 cm (9 x 11″).

NATURAL LANDSCAPES Even today, only large format photography

Creative Large Format, Volume 3 can reproduce the details, structures,
05.0402 colors and moods of natural landscapes
without losses. The competent sections
on technique and creativity is beautifully
supplemented by numerous elegantly
presented pictorial examples by accom-
plished large format photographers.
88 pages with more than 70 illustrations.
Size: 28 x 22 cm (11 x 9″).

PEOPLE PHOTOGRAPHY People photography is trendy. With the

Creative Large Format, Volume 4 help of examples and sketches all aspects
05.0502 of people photography are explained
going from camera size, through lighting
up to copyrights. First-class portfolios with
pictures of internationally renowned pho-
tographers stimulate your creativity.

96 pages with more than 100 illustrations.

Size: 22 x 28 cm (9 x 11″).

ADVERTISING PHOTOGRAPHY In today’s tidal flood of images, the aim of ADVERTISING PHOTOGRAPHY 5

Creative Large Format, Volume 5 advertising photography is to attract at-


05.0602 tention to itself. This book demonstrates

how dramatic effects can be achieved with
the adjustable view camera. Internationally
successful advertising photographers ex-
plain how they create their campaigns.
88 pages with more than 100 illustrations.
Size: 22 x 28 cm (9 x 11″). U r s Ti l l m a n n s


Sinar Boutique
07.0400 Gilden Pen

07.0300 Silvered Pen 07.2021 Sinar Poloshirt M

07.2031 Sinar Poloshirt L
07.2041 Sinar Poloshirt XL
07.1500 Black Pen

07.0910 RGB Pen

07.0600 Swiss Army Knife

07.2500 Sinar Overall

07.0601 Mini pocket knife

07.0602 SwissCard
pocket knife

07.2100 Sinar City Bag

07.0603 Cyber Tool

07.2700 Pin Sinar gold 18K

07.2720 Pin Sinar Label 07.3200 Sinar plastic bag

07.2750 Earring gold 18K

07.3800 Sinar Lighter 08.1202 Documentation


07.0200 Sinar Cork-screw

07.3900 Sinar Conference

07.3500 Sinar Umbrella

07.1200 Sinar Mouse Pad

07.1300 Sinar Sticker



Sinar can be found on the internet under www.sinarcameras.com. mance software, Sinar offers you, the user, the
Our website features product information as well as information opportunity of obtaining the desired information
about cultural matters, additional training, and online shopping. It right from the source.
has the following interesting categories:
Cameras: Here you can find relevant information about
News: Here you can find the very latest information current models of Sinar cameras and about the
about the Sinar company and its products. extensive range of accessories in the Sinar build-
ing block system.
Seminar: This category uses the format of a short seminar
to present all the advantages of the Sinar view Digital: If you are looking for specific information about
camera system. Sinar digital products, this is the right place:
Digital cameras, digital backs, digital accessories
Calendar: Every year Sinar produces its own calendar, as well as camera configurations are described
which has become a collector‘s item. Photo- in this category.
graphs used in the current calendar and instruc-
tions for submitting pictures for the next calendar Workshops: Would you like to learn the secrets of large format
are shown in this category photography? Do you have the need for acquiring
expertise in digital imaging? If so, this is precisely
Books: The “Creative Large Format” series of books pub- the right place! Information about specialized
lished by the PHOTOGRAPHIE publishing house workshops for all needs – this chapter lists current
in cooperation with Sinar distinguishes itself by dates and conditions of participation.
its refined professionality. This category describes
the individual books in this series and it furnishes Gallery: The Sinar Gallery presents a selection of out-
information for ordering the books directly via the standing images that have graciously been made
internet. available by talented Sinar photographers from
around the world.
Distributors: Our representatives in your country, carefully se-
lected by Sinar, have specialists on staff who can Feedback: This is a forum that offers you the opportunity of
expertly counsel you in your own language. This sharing some of your experiences in using our
category lists the local Sinar agencies in your products.
Shop: Our era of modern communication makes it
Support: This category is intended for professional support delightfully convenient to order products via the
of Sinar specialists on site. A password is required internet. The Sinar Shop continuously offers well-
for accessing this category. maintained and fully functional camera acces-
sories and occasionally even complete cameras
CaptureShop: Sinar CaptureShop™ is the software for the from our stock of demonstration equipment. The
“Sinarback”, the proprietary Sinar digital back. selection is constantly being updated. We en-
Because it has great versatility and high-perfor- courage you to check it out sometime!


Sinar Agencies
Optica Cosentino S.A.C.I. Zhivas Co. Ltd. Eiri Oy
Avda. Presidente Roque Sáenz Peña 738 36, Dondoukov Blvd. Teollisuuskatu 29
AR-1035 Buenos Aires BG-1000 Sofia P.O. Box 73
Tel.: (+54)11 4 328 91 20 Tel.: (+359)2-981 78 23 FI-00510 Helsinki
Fax: (+54)11 4 328 91 23 Fax: (+359)2-981 78 23 Tel.: (+358)9-229 19 41
E-mail: info@cosentino.to E-mail: zhivko@mail.techno-link.com Fax: (+358)9-22 91 93 11
Website: www.cosentino.to E-mail: osmo.kiiskinen@eiri.fi
Website: www.eiri.fi

AMPLIS Foto Inc.
Baltronics Pty. Ltd.
22 Telson Road
3 Northcliff Street, Suite B FRANCE
CA-Markham, Ontario L3R 1E5
AU-Millsons Point, NSW 2061 Photo Service July
Tel.: (+1)905-477 4111
Tel.: (+61)2-99 59 52 00 73, rue Albert Dhalenne
Fax: (+1)905-477 2502
Fax: (+61)2-99 22 78 77 B.P. 109
E-mail: amplis@planeteer.com
E-mail: baltronics@bigpond.com FR-93403 Saint-Ouen Cedex
Tel.: (+33)1-40 11 24 36
Fax: (+33)1-40 11 82 57
AUSTRIA CHILE E-mail: info@photo-service-july.fr
Slach Bildtechnik Servicios Fotográficos Ltda.
Vertriebsges. mbH & Co. KG Perez Valenzuela 1503
Kolpingstrasse 21 CL-Santiago
Postfach 61 Tel.: (+56)2-235 78 70 GERMANY
AT-1232 Wien Fax: (+56)2-235 90 41 PSL Photosysteme GmbH
Tel.: (+43)1-61 04 40 Kurt-Fischer-Strasse 25
Fax: (+43)1-610 44 50 Postfach 1531
E-mail: info@slach.at DE-22905 Ahrensburg
COLOMBIA Tel.: (+49)41-02 46 40
Sofocol Ltda. Fax: (+49)41-02 4 45 67
Calle 45 No. 8 - 32 E-mail: psl.photosysteme@t-online.de
Apartado Postal Website: www.pslphotosysteme.de
Image Masters Centre
CO-Bogotá 2
P.O.Box 40056
Tel.: (+57)1-338 49 55
Fax: (+57)1-338 23 84
Tel.: (+973)24 33 48
Fax: (+973)25 04 05 GREAT BRITAIN
E-mail: ally@greenmail.net Silicon Imaging Ltd.
CROATIA 45 Millharbour
Ilijic D.O.O. GB-London E14 9TR
BELGIUM Gor. Prekrizje 23 Tel.: (+44)20-7538 1010
EMDAY Graphic SA HR-41000 Zagreb Fax: (+44)20-7537 1675
Avenue Coghen 77 Tel.: (+385)1-467 34 95 E-mail:
BE-1180 Bruxelles Fax: (+385)1-467 34 95 mark.middlebrook@silicon-imaging.co.uk
Tel.: (+32)2-348 49 80 E-mail: ilijic@ibm.net
Fax: (+32)2-348 49 99 Website: www.lavsa.com/ilijic
E-mail: marc.depauw@village.uunet.be
The Studio Workshop
CZECH REPUBLIC / SLOVAKIA 20/22 Brunswick Centre
Profifoto s.r.o. Bernard Street
Paul Hotz S.A.
Veverkova 28 GB-London WC1N 1AE
Rue de la Gare 3
CZ-17000 Praha 7 Tel.: (+44)20-7278 7633
Tel.: (+420)2-33 37 29 85 Fax: (+44)20-7278 7340
BE-1040 Bruxelles
Fax: (+420)2-33 37 03 04 E-mail: office@tsw-lon.demon.co.uk
Tel.: (+32)2-734 34 01
E-mail: profifoto@anet.cz
Fax: (+32)2-733 35 84
Website: www.profifoto.cz
E-mail: arul@hotz.be
Website: www.hotz.be
DENMARK Interfoto
BRAZIL Hother Import ApS P.O.Box 52 891
Importécnica S.A. Palaegade 5 N. Erythrea
Rua Baronesa de Porto Carreiro 352 DK-1261 Copenhagen K GR-146 01 Athens
BR-01133-010 São Paulo Tel.: (+45)33 93 13 97 Tel.: (+30)1-752 58 10
Tel.: (+55)11-36 62 42 91 Fax: (+45)33 93 13 96 Fax: (+30)1-752 58 10
Fax: (+55)11-36 67 11 61 E-mail: hother@ibm.net E-mail: interfot@otenet.gr
E-mail: importec@wm.com.br Website: www.ejulhother.dk Website: www.interfoto.gr

Schmidt Photo Mafer S.r.l. Lars Farnes A/S
9/F, North Somerset House Via G.B. Brocchi, 22 Pottemakerveien 8
Taikoo Place, 979 King's Road IT-20131 Milano Postbox 34, Kalbakken
HK-Quarry Bay Tel.: (+39)02-70 63 87 26 NO-0901 Oslo 9
Tel.: (+852)25 07 03 33 Fax: (+39)02-236 79 77 Tel.: (+47)22 16 29 30
Fax: (+852)29 68 06 82 E-mail: mafer@maferfoto.it Fax: (+47)22 16 47 39
E-mail: jackiechan@shk.schmidtgroup.com Website: www.maferfoto.it E-mail: farnes.as@online.no
Website: www.shk.schmidtgroup.com

HUNGARY Nihon Siber Hegner K.K. Photocentre LLC
Artfoto (Flair Mode Kft.) Siber Hegner Mita Building Off Wadi bin Arabee Habib Street,
Moszkva tér 10 3-4-19 Mita, Minato-Ku Wadi Al-Kabir
HU-1024 Budapest JP-Tokyo 108 P.O. Box 115
Tel.: (+36)1-316 02 67 Tel.: (+81)3-54 41 45 66 OM-Ruwi 112
Fax: (+36)1-316 02 67 Fax: (+81)3-54 41 45 24 Tel.: (+968)771 47 52
E-mail: info@artfoto.hu E-mail: alex.russell@siberhegner.com Fax: (+968)771 12 54
Website: www.datanet.hu/artfoto

INDIA Gulbenk Corporation Island Multi-Industrial
Foto Fantasie Jal el Dib Highway 421 Sales Corp.
3 Shirish Duplexes P.O. Box 11-3111 108 Gamboa St., Legaspi Village
Prabhat Rd., Lane no.11, Erandwana LB-Beirut Makati CP0 Box 3346
IN-Pune 411 004 Tel.: (+961)4-41 42 38 PH-Makati, Metro Manila
Tel.: (+91)212-37 30 11 Fax: (+961)4-71 78 00 Tel.: (+63)2-818 17 88
Fax: (+91)212-37 37 38 Fax: (+63)2-810 55 23
E-mail: fotofantasie@vsnl.com E-mail: islandm@i-next.net
King's Photo
158-2-6, Kompleks Maluri
Jalan Jejaka, Taman Maluri
Primacolor Dicam s.c.
MY-55100 Kuala Lumpur
44 CD Hasyim Ashari Profesjonalny Sprzet Fotograficzny
Tel.: (+60)3-9200 34 19
ID-Jakarta 10140 ul. Burakowska 5/7
Fax: (+60)3-9200 36 71
Tel.: (+62)21-634 31 27 PL-01-066 Warszawa
E-mail: contacts@kingsphoto.com.my
Fax: (+62)21-634 22 71 Tel.: (+48)22-838 87 33 od.
Website: www.kingsphoto.com
E-mail: pci@jakarta.wasantara.net.id (+48)22 636 12 73
Fax: (+48)22-838 87 33
E-mail: arygier@polbox.com
IRAN Comercial Suizo
Aphomar Co. Ltd. Mexicana S.A. de C.V.
127, South Sohrevardi Ave. Av. Revolucion 1884 - 102 C.P. PORTUGAL
P.O. Box 11365/1167 Apdo. Postal 20-197 Imporfoto Lda.
IR-Tehran MX-01000 Mexico, D.F. Rua do Açúcar, 42
Tel.: (+98)21-875 21 62 Tel.: (+52)5-550 28 59 PT-1900 Lisboa
Fax: (+98)21-873 91 09 Fax: (+52)5-550 41 68 Tel.: (+351)21-862 13 00
E-mail: aphomar@tavana.net E-mail: aleyva@starnet.net.mx Fax: (+351)21-868 73 59
E-mail: infor@imporfoto.pt
Website: www.imporfoto.pt

DML Photal fototechnische
Data Micrographics Ltd. Handelsonderneming ROMANIA
Portobello Harbour Edisonstraat 31 Focus Trading 94 srl
IE-Dublin 8 Postbus 61 Sos. Stefan cel Mare, 15
Tel.: (+353)1-478 18 88 NL-6600 AB Wijchen Sc. C Ap.25 Sector 2
Fax: (+353)1-478 18 50 Tel.: (+31)24-642 03 34 RO-72132 Bucuresti
E-mail: dml@indigo.ie Fax: (+31)24-642 14 53 Tel.: (+401) 679 75 83
E-mail: info@photal.nl Fax: (+401) 230 01 07
Website: www.photal.nl E-mail: focus94@fx.ro

Hadar Photo Supply
36-38 Achad Haam St. APIX ul. B. Potchtovaya 18/20
P.O.Box 1686 4-6 Dundonald Street Korps. 3, Kv. 91
IL-Tel-Aviv 61016 NZ-Newton, Auckland RU-Moscow 107 082
Tel.: (+972)3-560 39 47 Tel.: (+64)9 307 31 77 Tel.: (+7)095-265 39 89
Fax: (+972)3-560 39 05 Fax: (+64) 9 307 31 12 Fax: (+7)095-265 39 89
E-mail: hadarpht@netvision.net.il E-mail: alistair@apix.co.nz E-mail: loginov@caravan.ru

Murad Photo Imaging Lunar International Co., Ltd.
Khurais Road, Al Nahda Office 244, Sec. 2
P.O. Box 8482 Keelung Road
SA-Riyadh 11482 TW-Taipei
Tel.: (+966)1-231 09 76 Tel.: (+886) -22-736 42 31
Fax: (+966)1-231 10 44 Fax: (+886) -22-732 31 43
E-mail: info@lunar.com.tw
Website: www.lunar.com.tw
Prima Studio Equipment Pte Ltd.
50 Kallang Pudding Road #05-01B THAILAND
Golden Wheel Industrial Building Krung Siam Enterprise Co., Ltd.
SG-Singapore 349326 No. 808, Rachisima Road
Tel.: (+65)844 10 89 Thanonnakornchaisri, Dusit
Fax: (+65)841 52 67 TH-Bangkok 10300
E-mail: alanyong@mbox4.singnet.com.sg Tel.: (+66)2-669 5425-9
Fax: (+66)2-669 5424
E-mail: kseco@ksc15.th.com

Fotoquip Bestinvest CC
Lower Suite, Whitecliffs, 5 Dover St.
Darfilm A.S.
P.O.Box 3712
Yeniçarsi Cad. No. 40
ZA-Randburg, 2125
Tel.: (+27)11-886 40 37
TR-80050 Istanbul
Fax: (+27)11-787 20 30
Tel.: (+90)212-293 75 00
E-mail: info@fotoquip.co.za
Fax: (+90)212-293 78 94
Website: www.fotoquip.co.za
E-mail: tech@darfilm.com.tr
Website: www.darfilm.com.tr

Rm 301 Saeki Bldg, Salam Studio & Stores L.L.C.
143 Waryoung-Dong, Wafi Shopping Mall
Jongro-Ku, K.P.O. Box 1822 P.O. Box 4199
KR-Seoul AE-Dubai
Tel.: (+82)2-764 19 14 Tel.: (+971)4-324 52 52
Fax: (+82)2-742 33 87 Fax: (+971)4-324 61 10
E-mail: m.h.lee@saeki.co.kr E-mail: dawood@salam.co.ae
Website: www.saeki.co.kr

SPAIN Sinar Bron Imaging
Ingrafic 17 Progress Street
Pl. Alqueria Nova US-Edison, N.J. 08820
8 bajo Tel.: (+1)908-754 58 00
ES-46014 Valencia Fax: (+1)908-754 58 07
Tel.: (+34)-96-350 08 66 E-mail: info@sinarbron.com
Fax: (+34)-96-350 09 32 Website: www.sinarbron.com
E-mail: ingrafic@ingrafic.com
Website: www.ingrafic.com
Elinchrom Venezolana S.A.
SWEDEN 4ta. Av. de Campo Alegre, 24
Molander & Son AB Villa Arenas
Ekholmsvägen 36 VE-Chacao-Caracas 1060-A
Box 19 Tel.: (+58)2-266 19 12
SE-12721 Skärholmen Fax: (+58)2-266 23 61
Tel.: (+46)8-680 15 70 E-mail: evsa@link7.lat.net
Fax: (+46)8-740 66 74
E-mail: info@molanders.se
Website: www.molanders.se

Sinar Imaging Center
Rieterstrasse 80
CH-8002 ZürichS
Tel.: (+41)1 280 27 27
Fax: (+41)1 280 35 35
E-mail: info@sic-imaging.ch
Website: www.sic-imaging.ch



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