4x5 Film View Camera
4x5 Film View Camera
4x5 Film View Camera
by Honus
A lot of people would claim that lm is dead but that would be news to my photographer friendFrank Jackson.
Frank and I have been good friends for over 30 years and long ago we talked about making a large format 4x5 sheet lm
view camera. Frank is an exceptionally talented photographer and I wanted this to not only meet his desires for a hand
made 4x5 view camera but also be a view camera that was built to last (and pretty to look at)- sort of an heirloom
A camera like this is a lot of work to make but I love making tools for other people to use- especially when it's for a really
good friend. I was incredibly excited to see the rst images taken with it. The oating egg photo is a recreation of the rst
photo of Frank's that I saw when we rst met. It's just wonderful.
The photo of the co ee cups is in relation to a series Frank has been doing for a very long time- he's been taking amazing
photos of co ee cups in their natural environment all over the world. You can read a couple of interviews with him here
and here.
This is a big project and I used a lot of tools and materials to make it. It involves machining, laser cutting, 3D printing, and
woodworking. The aluminum and titanium parts for the frames and uprights were laser cut by SendCutSend. They are a
fantastic company and I seriously could not have made this without them.
Tools used-
Homebuilt milling machine
Belt sander
Cordless circular saw
Drill press
3D printer
Spring clamps
10-32 threading die
6mm threading die (yes I'm mixing SAE and metric!)
1/4-20 threading tap
10-32 threading tap
6-32 threading tap
4-40 threading tap
View in 3D Download
View in 3D Download
View in 3D Download
View in 3D Download
View in 3D Download
The base for this view camera is really solid and versatile
The camera base is what the lens upright and lm holder upright are attached to- it should be very rigid and have a
smooth focusing mechanism while allowing for a decent range of adjustment when using di erent lenses.
Since the base side rails are made from wood the rst thing I did was make a little mount for my mini cordless circular saw
so I could cut thin strips of cherry wood. I just cut a slot in a piece of scrap plywood and bolted the saw in place- instant
mini table saw! I glued together a square from scrap wood so I could cut the wood straight. I could have cut all the wood
by hand but this was a real time saver and gave me very accurate cuts.
The dimensions for the base are absolutely non critical- you can make it as short or as long as you want! I designed
this so the total side rail length is 6" -that is enough length to have a 1.5" long rear extrusion to hold the rear standard
and still have a good extension for the forward aluminum extrusion.
To make the side rails I cut two lengths of 1" x 6" x 1/4" thick cherry wood and then glued a 1/4" square strip down the
center of each piece. The 1/4" square center strip is what slides in the aluminum extrusion. The t should be snug while
allowing the extrusion to slide freely. Two 1/4" holes were drilled in each rail and a notch was cut out for bolt clearance.
The notch is necessary only if you are using 1/4" carriage style bolts that have a square section under the head- if you use
a regular hex head bolt this is not necessary. When tting 1/4" bolts to slide in the extrusion tracks it is necessary to grind
a small bevel on two sides of the bolt head in order to get it to slide in the extrusion like a T-nut and not turn when the
brass knob is tightened down.
The extrusion ends are tapped with a 6mm tap. I found this is the best size bolt to thread into the existing holes in the
1030 series 80/20 aluminum extrusion. The rear section is assembled by pressing the 1/4" ID bearings into the printed
plastic end caps and bolting the end caps onto the extrusion. The 1/4" lead screw is slid through and set screw collars are
t to both ends to keep the lead screw in place. The back end of the lead screw is turned down and threaded with a 10-32
thread so a brass knob could be tted.
The forward extrusion has bolted to it a 3D printed plate with the lead screw hex nut t into a recess on the back side-
the lead screw nut is sandwiched between the printed plate and the aluminum extrusion. This way, when the two
forward large brass knobs on the wooden sides of the base plate are loosened the forward aluminum extrusion will move
forward and back when you turn the lead screw knob at the back of the camera. The lead screw only needs to be long
enough to allow the forward extrusion to fully extend. It's incredibly simple and works very well.
Two 6mm threaded brass inserts were made for the front facing end of the forward extrusion. These inserts have a 6-32
internal thread so two at head screws could hold on a nice looking 1/4" thick plate on the front of the forward extrusion.
I did this so I could engrave our names on the top edge of the aluminum plate- plus I thought it looked nice!
By making two complete forward extrusion sections (one long and one short) they can be easily swapped in minutes for
di erent lenses.
Almost done!
Assembling the standards is done by rst threading the studs into the frames- secure them in place with red Loctite. Next
assemble one side of the the front upright by sliding the large brass washers over the studs and attaching the frame to
the upright. Then attach the second upright to the opposite side. Repeat this process for the rear standard.
One additional thing I did at this time was to add center locating holes to the front upright and frame to act as an
alignment marker. This would allow for quick camera setup when setting the height of the front lens frame in the upright.
After all this time building this camera I couldn't wait to send it to my friend for him to use.
Overall we are both pleased as punch with how this project turned out (so much so that another smaller lm camera is in
the works.) I think it's one of my most favorite things I've ever made and I know it's built solid enough that it should
outlive both of us.
I hope the build methods described in this instructable will encourage people to make their own custom cameras. There
really is no right or wrong way to do it as long as it accomplishes what you want out of it. It's incredibly satisfying to build
a tool that someone uses to make art- even more so when it's a dear friend.
As always, if anyone has any questions please just let me know- thanks!
Cameras with movements are very much used when photographing architecture for exactly the
reason you describe. It is possible to fit a digital back with a huge image sensor to a Graflok
compatible 4x5 view camera to capture the full image (they are obscenely expensive.)
Alternatively there is a Graflok compatible adapter to fit a Canon DSLR camera to a 4x5 camera-
https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/995355-REG/... It's a bit odd in that you are taking
images of sections and then stitching them together.
There are medium format cameras that combine limited movements with digital backs but they
are also super expensive (like the Hasselblad FlexBody and ArcBody.)
There are tilt/shift lenses and adapters available for both Canon and Nikon DSLR cameras. I'd
love to have a macro one for taking jewelry photos at my work.
I went to a workshop where we used photosensitive paper instead of film with a camera similar to
yours, the results are very good and fast since one skips the film developing process.
Fantastic instructable btw.
That's a really cool idea!
You will find some amazing adaptations using large/ medium format camera with flatbed scanner
as digital compromise.... its all diwn to ones imagination and time allowed in construction....
Beautiful! Digital cameras are amazing, but they can't compete with the beauty of film cameras :)
That’s fantastic! I have a 100 year old Kodak (?) 3x5 that I may replace the bellows now that You
gave me a source, thanks!
Thanks! The bellows from the supplier is very high quality- super happy with their work. Check
out the link here in the comments too for a bellows supplier.
Just one word WOW !
Every time I get feeling like I'm doing some great stuff in my shop, someone comes along and
brings me back down to Earth. This is a fantastic build. I'd love to see some of the pictures that
come out of it. You really did a great job. Fantastic might be the correct word.
Thanks so much! As my friend uses it more I'll be sure to add more photos taken with it.
To be even nicer and authentic, the wooden parts might be done in rosewood. I’m not sure how
difficult it would be, or how expensive it would be, if the metal parts were brass ( all pie in the sky
stuff, but beautiful).
You might want to have a look at the Dora Goodman cameras. They are 3D printed designs for
medium format cameras that use inexpensive Mamiya Press lenses. She makes an adapter for
the camera back that can use a cellphone to capture the image. You can either buy her cameras
finished or print them yourself.
What an absolutely kind and wonderful gift. If he needs a 4x5 enlarger I can gift him one.
Thank you for saying that! I'm pretty sure he already has a 4x5 enlarger but I will ask him next
time I speak with him.
Pleasure to help out. Sometime staying out of the way is just as important.
It is a beautiful thing and thank you for some of the supplier links but I have to admit to being a
tiny bit disappointed. More ASSEMBLY than creation.
Still... lovely end product.
I'm happy to expand upon this in greater detail and add additional steps and/or information. What
specifically would you like to see or know more about?
Thanks but that is OK, it's a beautiful job I just had an evil urge to SEE you make those bellows! ;)
Very cool. I took a 4X5 photography course back as part of my film production course at
University of Toronto in the late 80's and loved it. Never really gave it much thought again until
seeing this instructable. Thanks for producing a great piece.
Thanks- glad you like it! It was a lot of fun to make. I stumbled across a couple of DIY film camera
builder's groups online while doing research and it was really neat to see all the cool cameras
people are building. A lot of lenses and other film camera parts are also selling for really
reasonable prices these days so it's a fun time to experiment with different ideas.
I've been wanting to build a LF camera for years and your camera is giving me new Ideas. I've
built a 4x10 back for a Zone Vi camera, but it still is slightly a hodge podge add on. I think using
some of your ideas could push me me forward again.
That's great to hear! I do really hope people can use some of the construction methods presented
to make their own designs.
I'm guessing by one of the images, and because I didn't read the entire thing, that the camera
back does NOT rotate? I'm not criticizing. What you've done is amazing and beautiful. I have
something like 3 or 4 4x5 camera's myself. I just need to make the time to use them.
Glad you like it! The Graflok camera back does not rotate from landscape to portrait mode.
Instead I made a 90 degree angle bracket that attaches to the camera's tripod mount that allows
it to be put in portrait mode.
I have a Nagoaka (sp?} wood 4x5 bought in 1961 but have not taken fotos on sheet film in years
because I have no udea where to get chemicals such as hydroquinone & metol plus "hypo" to
develop + fix film. Anyone know of reasonably priced sources? TIA
B and H Photo and Adorama both sell darkroom equipment and chemicals.
Excellent job! Your workmanship is amazing. Good luck with the Photography Challenge Contest.
You've got my vote.
Thank you so much!