Research Proposal: Unemployment Problem in Pakistan

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Research Proposal

Unemployment problem in Pakistan

1. Introduction
Major macro economic problem
Adversely affected the youth
Mother of all ills.
Like a person that pollutes the society.
Cause of underutilization of natural and human
resources wastages.
About 3 million are unemployed(LFS)
Research is conducted to investigate the effect on
unemployment on Pakistan economy.
3.Literature Review
(Kirchhoff 2010) observed that Adult childhood
cancer survivors report high levels of unemployment
(Chen 2010) criticized Both the suicide rate and
unemployment rate have showed an upward trend
4.Data Sources
This research paper data based on secondary data
Data obtained from “Labor Force Survey”
Time series regression as well as diagnostic test
As secondary data
The core variable like
Unemployment rate
Technology change rate
Population growth rate
GDP growth rate
GDP growth rate = f(unemployment)
Y = a+bX
Y = GDP growth rate
X = unemployment rate
H0 = there is no significant relation between
economic growth and unemployment

H1: there is significant relation between

economic growth and unemployment
Key objective planning
Remove the inequalities
Merit system
Kirchhoff, A. C., Leisenring, W., Krull, K. R., Ness, K.
K., Friedman, D. L., Armstrong, G. T., et al. (2010).
Unemployment among adult survivors of childhood
cancer: a report from the childhood cancer survivor
study. Med Care, 48(11), 1015-1025.
Chen, V. C., Chou, J. Y., Lai, T. J., & Lee, C. T. (2010).
Suicide and unemployment rate in Taiwan, a
population-based study, 1978-2006. Soc Psychiatry
Psychiatr Epidemiol, 45(4), 447-452.

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