Principles in Sarf

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c c


͞Seeking lightness in speech.͟


? e can͛t start with a sukoon nor can we stop at a muta7arrik

? Starting a word with a kasrah or a dhummah is heavy on the tongue
? Having 4 7arakaat in a row is heavy, hence it is prevented
? Moving from kasrah on the 3ynul kalimah of the maadhee to 3ynul
kalimah of the mudhaari3 is heavy, hence it͛s wrong combination


¦? if two (2)identical letters come together, the first one being sukoon (silent)
and the 2nd being a  (vowelled), these two letters are fused together
and marked with a   to indicate that the 2 letters has been fused.?
¦? the increase in letters indicates the increase in meaning (but this is not always
the case)

Example: (he killed many) Ô ÔÔ ÔÔ ?? (he killed)


¦? the a

 is given the same  (vowels) as a  (word being

¦? the a

 follows the a  and adjusts to it in terms of  and

¦? if a letter in the mawzoon turns/changes, weigh it according to how it
originally was
Example: Ô Ô Ôoriginally before it was turned to?
 Ô Ôdue to the
above principle. So we say͙ 
c   ?  ?  !

¦? if the ? or the ? is muta7arrik and the letter before it had a fat7ah, they are
turned/changed to alif

Ô Ôü?Ô Ô
c   "
¦? if two (2) saakin letters meet, the 1 being from one of the vowel letters

() the vowel letter is dropped /omitted

Example:  ü  
¦? if a letter is dropped/omitted from the mawzoon, it should also be dropped
off from the meezaan

Example:  ü   --- the  was dropped here, hence we say:
¦? when two (2) saakin letters meet, apply all vowels to see what works starting
with kasrah, dhummah then fat7ah. If none works, drop the 1st saakin letter1.

c   ! ? ? ?

¦? to say ͞I did͟, add 
 to the end of the letter which is called   
(taa͛ of the 1st person or doer)
a? when the   is connected to the ͞taa͟, the last letter gets a

 Ô Ô  Ô!Ô Ô 

¦? the 1st letter of the â " of a 3-letter   gets a fat7ah

a? the 2a22a always gets a dhummah
a? silence the faa al kalimah due to having 4 7arakaat in a row is heavy,
hence it is prevented

Based on the principle below it??when transforming maadhee to mudhaari3 i.e. the last letter of the madhee after it
has been connected to ͞taa͟ gets a sukoon

Ro be continued in shaa Allaah͙.

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