Marketing MGMT (1) - 2006

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C-I04 Roll No. . .. . .. .. . .. ...

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Marketing Management
Time: 3 hours M.M :60

Note: Answer any SIX questions in all. Question No.1 is compulsory. All questions carry equal marks.

-.. Q.l Suppose you are appointed as the Marketing Manager of a company manufacturing Wrist Watches in Delhi,
how would you proceed to market the watches (you may discuss the stages from product development to launch
stage, give example

Q.2 What do you understand by the term Marketing'? How does it differ from Selling'? Elucidate.

Q.3 Product Life cycle is an important concept in Marketing Management. How the 4 Ps are dilTerent in the
differentstagesof PLC? '

QA Discuss the factors affecting the selection of Channels of Distribution, through a suitable example of a product.

Q.5 Define Price. What are the possible objectives which a normal business man would consider while setting the
price of his product and discuss the "Cost Plus" pricing method?

Q.6 What arc the objectives of Sales promotion? How does it help the company face the competition? Discuss any
five sales promotion methods adopted in consumer durable products in India?
Q.7 Are intermediaries necessary while marketing Ice Creams, how would you like to market Ice Cream in Delhi')

Q.8 Write short notes on any two:

(a) Packaging of products
(b) Targeting and Positing of Consumer Products
(c) Consumer behaviour
(d) Segmentation

Q.9 What do you understand by Rural Marketing? How rural marketing is dilTerent from Urban Marketing')

Q.lO Why companies talk of Global Marketing? Discuss the Domestic Vs Global Marketing.

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