Of Rape Survivors: Clinical Management
Of Rape Survivors: Clinical Management
Of Rape Survivors: Clinical Management
of Rape Survivors
Developing protocols for use with refugees
and internally displaced persons
Revised edition
Clinical Management
of Rape Survivors
Developing protocols for use with refugees
and internally displaced persons
Revised edition
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Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
ANNEX 6 – Pictograms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
TT tetanus toxoid
This guide is intended for use by qualified While it is recognized that men and boys
health care providers (health coordinators, can be raped, most individuals who are
medical doctors, clinical officers, midwives raped are women or girls; female
and nurses) in developing protocols for the pronouns are therefore used in the guide
management of rape survivors in to refer to rape survivors, except where
emergencies, taking into account available the context dictates otherwise.
resources, materials, and drugs, and
national policies and procedures. It can
also be used in planning care services and
The essential components of
in training health care providers.
medical care after a rape are:
The document includes detailed guidance & documentation of injuries,
on the clinical management of women, men & collection of forensic evidence, 1
and children who have been raped. It & treatment of injuries,
explains how to perform a thorough
& evaluation for sexually transmitted in-
physical examination, record the findings
fections (STIs) and preventive care,
and give medical care to someone who has
been penetrated in the vagina, anus or & evaluation for risk of pregnancy and
mouth by a penis or other object. It does prevention,
not include advice on standard care of & psychosocial support, counselling and
wounds or injuries or on psychological follow-up.
counselling, although these may be needed
as part of comprehensive care for someone
who has been raped. Neither does it give
guidance on procedures for referral of
survivors to community support, police and How to use this guide
legal services. Other reference materials
exist that describe this kind of care or give This guide is intended for use by health
advice on creating referral networks (see care professionals who are working in
Annex 1); this guide is complementary to emergency situations (with refugees or
those materials. Users of the guide are internally displaced persons (IDPs)), or in
encouraged to consult both UNHCR's other similar settings, and who wish to
Sexual and gender-based violence against develop specific protocols for medical
refugees, returnees and internally displaced care of rape survivors. In order to do this a
persons: guidelines for prevention and number of actions have to be taken.
response and WHO's Guidelines for Suggested actions include the following
medico-legal care for victims of sexual (not necessarily in this order):
violence (see Annex 1).
1 Identify a team of professionals and
community members who are involved Rape is a traumatic experience, both
or should be involved in caring for emotionally and physically. Survivors
people who have been raped. may have been raped by a number of
2 Convene meetings with health staff people in a number of different
and community members. situations; they may have been raped by
soldiers, police, friends, boyfriends,
3 Create a referral network between the husbands, fathers, uncles or other family
different sectors involved in caring for members; they may have been raped
rape survivors (community, health, while collecting firewood, using the
security, protection). latrine, in their beds or visiting friends.
They may have been raped by one, two,
4 Identify the available resources (drugs,
three or more people, by men or boys, or
materials, laboratory facilities) and the
by women. They may have been raped
relevant national laws, policies and
once or a number of times over a period
procedures relating to rape (standard
of months. Survivors may be women or
treatment protocols, legal procedures,
men, girls or boys; but they are most
laws relating to abortion, etc.). See
often women and girls, and the
Annex 2 for an example of a checklist
perpetrators are most often men.
for the development of a local protocol.
Survivors may react in any number of
5 Develop a situation-specific health care ways to such a trauma; whether their
protocol, using this guide as a trauma reaction is long-lasting or not
reference document. depends, in part, on how they are treated
when they seek help. By seeking medical
6 Train providers to use the protocol,
treatment, survivors are acknowledging
including what must be documented
that physical and/or emotional damage
during an examination for legal
has occurred. They most likely have
2 purposes.
health concerns. The health care provider
can address these concerns and help
survivors begin the recovery process by
Steps covered in this providing compassionate, thorough and
guide high-quality medical care, by centring
this care around the survivor and her
needs, and by being aware of the
1 Making preparations to offer medical
setting-specific circumstances that may
care to rape survivors.
affect the care provided.
2 Preparing the survivor for the Center for Health and Gender Equity (CHANGE)
3 Taking the history.
4 Collecting forensic evidence.
5 Performing the physical and genital
6 Prescribing treatment.
7 Counselling the survivor.
8 Follow-up care of the survivor.
STEP 1 – Making preparations
to offer medical care to rape
The health care service must make What are the host
preparations to respond thoroughly and country's laws and
compassionately to people who have been
raped. The health coordinator should policies?
ensure that health care providers (doctors,
medical assistants, nurses, etc.) are trained 5 Which health care provider should
to provide appropriate care and have the provide what type of care? If the person
necessary equipment and supplies. Female wishes to report the rape officially to the
health care providers should be trained as authorities, the country's laws may
a priority, but a lack of trained female health require that a certified, accredited or
workers should not prevent the health licensed medical doctor provide the
service providing care for survivors of rape. care and complete the official
In setting up a service, the following
questions and issues need to be 5 What are the legal requirements with
addressed, and standard procedures regard to forensic evidence?
5 What are the legal requirements with
regard to reporting?
What should the 5 What are the national laws regarding
management of the possible medical
community be aware of? consequences of rape (e.g. emergency
contraception, abortion, testing and
Members of the community should know: prevention of human immunodeficiency
virus (HIV) infection)?
5 what services are available for people
who have been raped;
5 why rape survivors would benefit from What resources and
seeking medical care; capacities are available?
5 where to go for services;
5 What laboratory facilities are available
5 that rape survivors should come for care for forensic testing (DNA analysis, acid
immediately or as soon as possible after phosphatase) or screening for disease
the incident, without bathing or changing (STIs, HIV)? What counselling services
clothes; are available?
5 that rape survivors can trust the service 5 Are there rape management protocols
to treat them with dignity, maintain their and equipment for documenting and
security, and respect their privacy and collecting forensic evidence?
5 Is there a national STI treatment
5 when services are available; this should protocol, a post-exposure prophylaxis
preferably be 24 hours a day, 7 days a (PEP) protocol and a vaccination
week. schedule? Which vaccines are
available? Is emergency contraception
5 What possibilities are there for referral of What is needed?
the survivor to a secondary health care
facility (counselling services, surgery,
paediatrics, or gynaecology/obstetrics 5 All health care for rape survivors should
services)? be provided in one place within the
health care facility so that the person
does not have to move from place to
Where should care be
provided? 5 Services should be available 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week.
Generally, a clinic or outpatient service that 5 All available supplies from the checklist
already offers reproductive health services, below should be prepared and kept in a
such as antenatal care, normal delivery special box or place, so that they are
care, or management of STIs, can offer readily available.
care for rape survivors. Services may need
to be provided for referral to a hospital.
How to coordinate with
Who should provide care?
5 Interagency and intersectoral
All staff in health facilities dealing with rape coordination should be established to
survivors, from reception staff to health ensure comprehensive care for
care professionals, should be sensitized survivors of sexual violence.
and trained. They should always be
compassionate and respect confidentiality. 5 Be sure to include representatives of
social and community services,
6 protection, the police or legal justice
How should care be system, and security. Depending on the
services available in the particular
provided? setting, others may need to be included.
1 Protocol Available?
2 Personnel Available
3 Furniture/Setting Available
# Examination table*
4 Supplies Available
3 Glass slides for preparing wet and/or dry mounts (for sperm)
# Resuscitation equipment*
# Needles, syringes*
# Spare items of clothing to replace those that are torn or taken for
# Pregnancy tests
5 Drugs Available
# Hepatitis B vaccine
# Consent forms*
Items marked with an asterisk are the minimum requirements for examination and treatment of a rape survivor.
STEP 2 – Preparing the survivor
for the examination
A person who has been raped has 5 Ask her if she has any questions.
experienced trauma and may be in an
agitated or depressed state. She often feels 5 Ask if she wants to have a specific
fear, guilt, shame and anger, or any person present for support. Try to ask
combination of these. The health worker her this when she is alone.
must prepare her and obtain her informed 5 Review the consent form (see Annex 4)
consent for the examination, and carry out with the survivor. Make sure she
the examination in a compassionate, understands everything in it, and
systematic and complete fashion. explain that she can refuse any aspect
of the examination she does not wish to
undergo. Explain to her that she can
To prepare the survivor delete references to these aspects on
for the examination: the consent form. Once you are sure
she understands the form completely,
ask her to sign it. If she cannot write,
5 Introduce yourself. obtain a thumb print together with the
5 Ensure that a trained support person or signature of a witness.
trained health worker of the same sex 5 Limit the number of people allowed in
accompanies the survivor throughout the the room during the examination to the
examination. minimum necessary. 9
5 Explain what is going to happen during 5 Do the examination as soon as
each step of the examination, why it is possible.
important, what it will tell you, and how it
will influence the care you are going to 5 Do not force or pressure the survivor to
give. do anything against her will. Explain
that she can refuse steps of the
5 Reassure the survivor that she is in examination at any time as it
control of the pace, timing and progresses.
components of the examination.
5 Reassure the survivor that the
examination findings will be kept
confidential unless she decides to bring
charges (see Annex 4).
STEP 3 – Taking the history
General guidelines Description of the
5 If the interview is conducted in the
treatment room, cover the medical 5 Ask the survivor to describe what
instruments until they are needed. happened. Allow her to speak at her
5 Before taking the history, review any own pace. Do not interrupt to ask for
documents or paperwork brought by the details; follow up with clarification
survivor to the health centre. questions after she finishes telling her
story. Explain that she does not have to
5 Use a calm tone of voice and maintain tell you anything she does not feel
eye contact if culturally appropriate. comfortable with.
5 Let the survivor tell her story the way she 5 Survivors may omit or avoid describing
wants to. details of the assault that are
particularly painful or traumatic, but it is
5 Questioning should be done gently and
important that the health worker
at the survivor's own pace. Avoid
understands exactly what happened in
questions that suggest blame, such as
order to check for possible injuries and
"what were you doing there alone?"
to assess the risk of pregnancy and STI
5 Take sufficient time to collect all needed or HIV. Explain this to the survivor, and
information, without rushing. reassure her of confidentiality if she is
reluctant to give detailed information.
10 5 Do not ask questions that have already The form in Annex 5 specifies the
been asked and documented by other details needed.
people involved in the case.
5 Avoid any distraction or interruption
during the history-taking. History
5 Explain what you are going to do at every
step. 5 If the incident occurred recently,
determine whether the survivor has
A sample history and examination form is bathed, urinated, defecated, vomited,
included in Annex 5. The main elements of used a vaginal douche or changed her
the relevant history are described below. clothes since the incident. This may
affect what forensic evidence can be
General information 5 Information on existing health problems,
allergies, use of medication, and
5 Name, address, sex, date of birth (or age vaccination and HIV status will help you
in years). to determine the most appropriate
treatment to provide, necessary
5 Date and time of the examination and the counselling, and follow-up health care.
names and function of any staff or
support person (someone the survivor 5 Evaluate for possible pregnancy; ask for
may request) present during the interview details of contraceptive use and date of
and examination. last menstrual period.
In developed country settings, some 2% of survivors of rape have been found to be
pregnant at the time of the rape.1 Some were not aware of their pregnancy. Explore the
possibility of a pre-existing pregnancy in women of reproductive age by a pregnancy test
or by history and examination. The following guide suggests useful questions to ask the
survivor if a pregnancy test is not possible.
No Yes
1 Sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE) development and operation guide. Washington, DC,
United States Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office for Victims of
Crime, 1999 (www.sane-sart.com)
2 Checklist for ruling out pregnancy among family-planning clients in primary care. Lancet, 1999,
STEP 4 – Collecting forensic
Forensic evidence may be used to
support a survivor's story, to confirm
The main purpose of the examination of a recent sexual contact, to show that force
rape survivor is to determine what or coercion was used, and possibly to
medical care should be provided. identify the attacker. Proper collection and
Forensic evidence may also be collected storage of forensic evidence can be key to
to help the survivor pursue legal redress a survivor's success in pursuing legal
where this is possible. redress. Careful consideration should be
given to the existing mechanisms of legal
The survivor may choose not to have
redress and the local capacity to analyse
evidence collected. Respect her choice.
specimens when determining whether or
not to offer a forensic examination to a
survivor. The requirements and capacity
of the local criminal justice system and the
Important to know before you capacity of local laboratories to analyse
develop your protocol evidence should be considered.
Different countries and locations have
different legal requirements and different
facilities (laboratories, refrigeration, etc.) Annex 7 provides more detailed
for performing tests on forensic materials. information on conducting a forensic
National and local resources and policies examination and on proper sample
12 determine if and what evidence should be collection and storage techniques.
collected and by whom. Only qualified and
trained health workers should collect
evidence. Do not collect evidence
that cannot be processed or that Collect evidence as soon
will not be used.
In some countries, the medical examiner
as possible after the
may be legally obliged to give an opinion incident
on the physical findings. Find out what the
responsibility of the health care provider is Documenting injuries and collecting
in reporting medical findings in a court of samples, such as blood, hair, saliva and
law. Ask a legal expert to write a short sperm, within 72 hours of the incident may
briefing about the local court proceedings help to support the survivor's story and
in cases of rape and what to expect to be might help identify the aggressor(s). If the
asked when giving testimony in court. person presents more than 72 hours after
the rape, the amount and type of evidence
that can be collected will depend on the
Reasons for collecting Whenever possible, forensic evidence
evidence should be collected during the medical
examination so that the survivor is not
A forensic examination aims to collect required to undergo multiple examinations
evidence that may help prove or disprove a that are invasive and may be experienced
connection between individuals and/or as traumatic.
between individuals and objects or places.
Documenting the case (see Annex 6). Health workers who
have not been trained in injury
interpretation should limit their role to
5 Record the interview and your findings at describing injuries in as much detail as
the examination in a clear, complete, possible (see Table 1), without
objective, non-judgemental way. speculating about the cause, as this can
5 It is not the health care provider's have profound consequences for the
responsibility to determine whether or not survivor and accused attacker.
a woman has been raped. Document 5 Record precisely, in the survivor's own
your findings without stating conclusions words, important statements made by
about the rape. Note that in many cases her, such as reports of threats made by
of rape there are no clinical findings. the assailant. Do not be afraid to
5 Completely assess and document the include the name of the assailant, but
physical and emotional state of the use qualifying statements, such as
survivor. "patient states" or "patient reports".
5 Document all injuries clearly and 5 Avoid the use of the term "alleged", as it
systematically, using standard can be interpreted as meaning that the
terminology and describing the survivor exaggerated or lied.
characteristics of the wounds (see Table 5 Make note of any sample collected as
1). Record your findings on pictograms evidence.
Use accepted terminology wherever possible, i.e. abrasion, contusion,
laceration, incised wound, gun shot.
Shape Describe the shape of the wound(s) (e.g. linear, curved, irregular).
Contents Note the presence of any foreign material in the wound (e.g. dirt, glass).
Adapted from Guidelines for medico-legal care for victims of sexual violence, Geneva, WHO, 2003.
Samples that can be
Forensic evidence should be collected
collected as evidence during the medical examination and
should be stored in a confidential and
5 Injury evidence: physical and/or genital secure manner. The consent of the
trauma can be proof of force and should survivor must be obtained before
be documented (see Table 1) and evidence is collected.
recorded on pictograms. Work systematically according to the
medical examination form (see Annex 5).
5 Clothing: torn or stained clothing may be Explain everything you do and why you
useful to prove that physical force was are doing it. Evidence should only be
used. If clothing cannot be collected (e.g. released to the authorities if the
if replacement clothing is not available) survivor decides to proceed with a case.
describe its condition.
5 Foreign material (soil, leaves, grass) on
clothes or body or in hair may
corroborate the survivor's story. The medical certificate3
5 Hair: foreign hairs may be found on the
survivor's clothes or body. Pubic and Medical care of a survivor of rape includes
head hair from the survivor may be preparing a medical certificate. This is a
plucked or cut for comparison. legal requirement in most countries. It is
the responsibility of the health care
5 Sperm and seminal fluid: swabs may be provider who examines the survivor to
taken from the vagina, anus or oral make sure such a certificate is completed.
cavity, if penetration took place in these
locations, to look for the presence of The medical certificate is a confidential
sperm and for prostatic acid phosphatase medical document that the doctor must
14 analysis. hand over to the survivor. The medical
5 DNA analysis, where available, can be certificate constitutes an element of proof
done on material found on the survivor's and is often the only material evidence
body or at the location of the rape, which available, apart from the survivor's own
might be soiled with blood, sperm, saliva story.
or other biological material from the
assailant (e.g., clothing, sanitary pads, Depending on the setting, the survivor
handkerchiefs, condoms), as well as on may use the certificate up to 20 years
swab samples from bite marks, semen after the event to seek justice or
stains, and involved orifices, and on compensation. The health care provider
fingernail cuttings and scrapings. In this should keep one copy locked away with
case blood from the survivor must be the survivor's file, in order to be able to
drawn to allow her DNA to be certify the authenticity of the document
distinguished from any foreign DNA supplied by the survivor before a court, if
found. requested. The survivor has the sole right
to decide whether and when to use this
5 Blood or urine may be collected for document.
toxicology testing (e.g. if the survivor was
General guidelines
Part A:
5 Make sure the equipment and supplies
are prepared. Survivor presents
5 Always look at the survivor first, within 72 hours of the
before you touch her, and note her incident
appearance and mental state.
5 Always tell her what you are going to
do and ask her permission before you Physical examination
do it.
5 Assure her that she is in control, can ask 5 Never ask the survivor to undress or
questions, and can stop the examination uncover completely. Examine the upper
at any time. half of her body first, then the lower half;
or give her a gown to cover herself.
5 Take the patient's vital signs (pulse,
blood pressure, respiratory rate and 5 Minutely and systematically examine
temperature). the patient's body. Start the examination
with vital signs and hands and wrists
5 The initial assessment may reveal severe rather than the head, since this is more
medical complications that need to be reassuring for the survivor. Do not
treated urgently, and for which the patient forget to look in the eyes, nose, and
will have to be admitted to hospital. Such mouth (inner aspects of lips, gums and
complications might include: palate, in and behind the ears, and on
the neck. Check for signs of pregnancy. # Look for genital injury, such as
Take note of the pubertal stage. bruises, scratches, abrasions, tears
(often located on the posterior
5 Look for signs that are consistent with the fourchette).
survivor's story, such as bite and punch
marks, marks of restraints on the wrists, # Look for any sign of infection, such as
patches of hair missing from the head, or ulcers, vaginal discharge or warts.
torn eardrums, which may be a result of
being slapped (see Table 1 in Step 4). If # Check for injuries to the introitus and
the survivor reports being throttled, look hymen by holding the labia at the
in the eyes for petechial haemorrhages. posterior edge between index finger
Examine the body area that was in and thumb and gently pulling
contact with the surface on which the outwards and downwards. Hymenal
rape occurred to see if there are injuries. tears are more common in children
and adolescents (see "Care for child
5 Note all your findings carefully on the survivors", page 30).
examination form and the body figure
pictograms (see Annex 6), taking care to # Take samples according to your local
record the type, size, colour and form of evidence collection protocol. If
any bruises, lacerations, ecchymoses collecting samples for DNA analysis,
and petechiae. take swabs from around the anus and
perineum before the vulva, in order to
5 Take note of the survivor's mental and avoid contamination.
emotional state (withdrawn, crying, calm,
etc.). 5 For the anal examination the patient
may have to be in a different position
5 Take samples of any foreign material on than for the genital examination. Write
the survivor's body or clothes (blood, down her position during each
saliva, and semen), fingernail cuttings or examination (supine, prone, knee-chest
scrapings, swabs of bite marks, etc., or lateral recumbent for anal 17
according to the local evidence collection examination; supine for genital
protocol. examination).
# Note the shape and dilatation of the
anus. Note any fissures around the
Examination of the genital anus, the presence of faecal matter
area, anus and rectum on the perianal skin, and bleeding
from rectal tears.
Even when female genitalia are examined # If indicated by the history, collect
immediately after a rape, there is samples from the rectum according to
identifiable damage in less than 50% of the local evidence collection protocol.
cases. Carry out a genital examination as
indicated below. Collect evidence as you 5 If there has been vaginal penetration,
go along, according to the local gently insert a speculum, lubricated with
evidence collection protocol (see Annex water or normal saline (do not use a
7). Note the location of any tears, abrasions speculum when examining children; see
and bruises on the pictogram and the "Care for child survivors", page 30 ):
examination form.
# Under good lighting inspect the
cervix, then the posterior fornix and
5 Systematically inspect, in the following
the vaginal mucosa for trauma,
order, the mons pubis, inside of the
bleeding and signs of infection.
thighs, perineum, anus, labia majora and
minora, clitoris, urethra, introitus and # Take swabs and collect vaginal
hymen: secretions according to the local
evidence collection protocol.
# Note any scars from previous female
genital mutilation or childbirth.
5 If indicated by the history and the rest of # Look for hyperaemia, swelling
the examination, do a bimanual (distinguish between inguinal hernia,
examination and palpate the cervix, hydrocele and haematocele), torsion
uterus and adnexa, looking for signs of of testis, bruising, anal tears, etc.
abdominal trauma, pregnancy or
infection. # Torsion of the testis is an emergency
and requires immediate surgical
5 If indicated, do a rectovaginal referral.
examination and inspect the rectal area
for trauma, recto-vaginal tears or fistulas, # If the urine contains large amounts of
bleeding and discharge. Note the blood, check for penile and urethral
sphincter tone. If there is bleeding, pain trauma.
or suspected presence of a foreign # If indicated, do a rectal examination
object, refer the patient to a hospital. and check the rectum and prostate
for trauma and signs of infection.
Note: In some cultures, it is unacceptable
to penetrate the vagina of a woman who is # If relevant, collect material from the
a virgin with anything, including a anus for direct examination for sperm
speculum, finger or swab. In this case you under a microscope.
may have to limit the examination to
inspection of the external genitalia, unless
there are symptoms of internal damage. Laboratory testing
Good to know before you develop Good to know before you develop
your protocol your protocol
Neisseria gonorrhoeae, the bacterium As of the date of publication of this
that causes gonorrhoea, is widely document, there are no conclusive data
resistant to several antibiotics. Many on the effectiveness of post-exposure
countries have local STI treatment prophylaxis (PEP) in preventing
protocols based on local resistance transmission of HIV after rape.
patterns. Find out the local STI treatment However, on the basis of experience
protocol in your setting and use it when with prophylaxis after occupational
treating survivors. exposure and prevention of
mother-to-child transmission, it is
believed that starting PEP as soon as
5 Survivors of rape should be given possible (and, in any case, within 72
antibiotics to treat gonorrhoea, hours after the rape) is beneficial. PEP
chlamydial infection and syphilis (see for rape survivors is available in some
Annex 9). If you know that other STIs are national health settings and it can be
prevalent in the area (such as ordered with inter-agency emergency
trichomoniasis or chancroid), give medical kits Before you start your
preventive treatment for these infections service, make sure the staff are aware of
as well. the indications for PEP and how to
counsel survivors on this issue or make
5 Give the shortest courses available in the a list of names and addresses of
local protocol, which are easy to take. providers for referrals.
For instance: 400 mg of cefixime plus 1 g
of azithromycin orally will be sufficient
5 PEP should be offered to survivors and 93%, depending on the regimen
according to the health care provider's and the timing of taking the medication.
assessment of risk, which should be
based on what happened during the 5 Progestogen-only pills are the
attack (i.e. whether there was recommended ECP regimen. They are
penetration, the number of attackers, more effective than the combined
injuries sustained, etc.) and HIV estrogen-progestogen regimen and
prevalence in the region. Risk of HIV have fewer side-effects (see Annex 11).
transmission increases in the following 5 Emergency contraceptive pills work by
cases: If there was more than one interrupting a woman's reproductive
assailant; if the survivor has torn or cycle - by delaying or inhibiting
damaged skin; if the assault was an anal ovulation, blocking fertilization or
assault; if the assailant is known to be preventing implantation of the ovum.
HIV-positive or an injecting drug user. If ECPs do not interrupt or damage an
the HIV status of the assailants is not established pregnancy and thus WHO
known, assume they are HIV-positive, does not consider them a method of
particularly in countries with high abortion.4
5 The use of emergency contraception is
5 PEP usually consists of 2 or 3 a personal choice that can only be
antiretroviral (ARV) drugs given for 28 made by the woman herself. Women
days (see Annex 10 for examples). There should be offered objective counselling
are some problems and issues on this method so as to reach an
surrounding the prescription of PEP, informed decision. A health worker who
including the challenge of counselling the is willing to prescribe ECPs should
survivor on HIV issues during such a always be available to prescribe them to
difficult time. If you wish to know more rape survivors who wish to use them.
about PEP, see the resource materials
5 If the survivor is a child who has 21
listed in Annex 1.
reached menarche, discuss emergency
5 If it is not possible for the person to contraception with her and her parent or
receive PEP in your setting refer her as guardian, who can help her to
soon as possible (within 72 hours of the understand and take the regimen as
rape) to a service centre where PEP can required.
be supplied. If she presents after this
time, provide information on voluntary 5 If an early pregnancy is detected at this
counselling and testing (VCT) services stage, either with a pregnancy test or
available in your area. from the history and examination (see
Steps 3 and 5), make clear to the
5 PEP can start on the same day as woman that it cannot be the result of the
emergency contraception and preventive rape.
STI regimens, although the doses should
be spread out and taken with food to 5 There is no known contraindication to
reduce side-effects, such as nausea. giving ECPs at the same time as
antibiotics and PEP, although the doses
should be spread out and taken with
food to reduce side-effects, such as
Prevent pregnancy nausea.
4 Emergency contraception: a guide for service delivery. Geneva, World Health Organization,
1998 (WHO/FRH/FPP/98.19).
Provide wound care
TT - tetanus toxoid
Clean any tears, cuts and abrasions and DTP - triple antigen: diphtheria and
remove dirt, faeces, and dead or damaged tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine
tissue. Decide if any wounds need suturing. DT - double antigen: diphtheria and
Suture clean wounds within 24 hours. After tetanus toxoids; given to children up to
this time they will have to heal by second 6 years of age
intention or delayed primary suture. Do not Td - double antigen: tetanus toxoid and
suture very dirty wounds. If there are major reduced diphtheria toxoid; given to
contaminated wounds, consider giving individuals aged 7 years and over
appropriate antibiotics and pain relief.
TIG - antitetanus immunoglobulin
*For children less than 7 years old, DTP or DT is preferred to tetanus toxoid alone. For persons 7 years and
older, Td is preferred to tetanus toxoid alone.
7 Sexual and gender-based violence against refugees, returnees and internally displaced persons:
guidelines for prevention and response. Geneva, UNHCR, 2003.
5 Tell the survivor that she has Pregnancy
experienced a serious physical and
emotional event. Advise her about the
psychological, emotional, social and 5 Emergency contraceptive pills cannot
physical problems that she may prevent pregnancy resulting from sexual
experience. Explain that it is common to acts that take place after the treatment.
experience strong negative emotions or If the survivor wishes to use a hormonal
numbness after rape. method of contraception to prevent
future pregnancy, counsel her and
5 Advise the survivor that she needs prescribe this to start on the first day of
emotional support. Encourage her - but her next period or refer her to the family
do not force her - to confide in someone planning clinic.
she trusts and to ask for this emotional
support, perhaps from a trusted family 5 Female survivors of rape are likely to be
member or friend. Encourage active very concerned about the possibility of
participation in family and community becoming pregnant as a result of the
activities. rape. Emotional support and clear
information are needed to ensure that
5 Involuntary orgasm can occur during they understand the choices available
rape, which often leaves the survivor to them if they become pregnant:
feeling guilty. Reassure the survivor that,
if this has occurred, it was a physiological # There may be adoption or foster care
reaction and was beyond her control. services in your area. Find out what
services are available and give this
5 In most cultures, there is a tendency to information to the survivor.
blame the survivor in cases of rape. If the
survivor expresses guilt or shame, # In many countries the law allows
explain gently that rape is always the termination of a pregnancy resulting
fault of the perpetrator and never the fault from rape. Furthermore, local
interpretation of abortion laws in 27
of the survivor. Assure her that she did
not deserve to be raped, that the incident relation to the mental and physical
was not her fault, and that it was not health of the woman may allow
caused by her behaviour or manner of termination of the pregnancy if it is
dressing. Do not make moral judgements the result of rape. Find out whether
of the survivor. this is the case in your setting.
Determine where safe abortion
Special considerations for men services are available so that you can
refer survivors to this service where
5 Male survivors of rape are even less legal if they so choose.
likely than women to report the incident, # Advise survivors to seek support from
because of the extreme embarrassment someone they trust - perhaps a
that they typically experience. While the religious leader, family member,
physical effects differ, the psychological friend or community worker.
trauma and emotional after-effects for
men are similar to those experienced by 5 Women who are pregnant at the time of
women. a rape are especially vulnerable
physically and psychologically. In
5 When a man is anally raped, pressure on particular they are susceptible to
the prostate can cause an erection and miscarriage, hypertension of pregnancy
even orgasm. Reassure the survivor that, and premature delivery. Counsel
if this has occurred during the rape, it pregnant women on these issues and
was a physiological reaction and was advise them to attend antenatal care
beyond his control. services regularly throughout the
pregnancy. Their infants may be at
higher risk for abandonment so
follow-up care is also important.
If the woman is pregnant as a
result of the rape
Both men and women may be concerned
about the possibility of becoming infected & A pregnancy may be the result of the
with HIV as a result of rape. While the risk rape. All the options available, e.g.
keeping the child, adoption and,
of acquiring HIV through a single sexual
where legal, abortion, should be dis-
exposure is small, these concerns are well
cussed with the woman, regardless of
founded in settings where HIV and/or STIs
the individual beliefs of the counsel-
prevalence are high. Compassionate and
lors, medical staff or other persons in-
careful counselling around this issue is
volved, in order to enable her to make
essential. The health care worker may also an informed decision.
discuss the risk of transmission of HIV or
STI to partners following a rape. & Where safe abortion services are not
available, women with an unwanted
5 The survivor may be referred to an pregnancy may undergo an unsafe
HIV/AIDS counselling service if available. abortion. These women should have
access to post-abortion care,
5 The survivor should be advised to use a including emergency treatment of
condom with all partners for a period of 6 abortion complications, counselling
months (or until STI/HIV status has been on family planning, and links to
determined). reproductive health services.
& Children born as a result of rape may
5 Give advice on the signs and symptoms
be mistreated or even abandoned by
of possible STIs, and on when to return
their mothers and families. They
for further consultation. should be monitored closely and sup-
port should be offered to the mother.
It is important to ensure that the fam-
28 Other ily and the community do not stigma-
tize either the child or the mother.
5 Give advice on proper care for any Foster placement and, later, adoption
injuries following the incident, infection should be considered if the child is re-
prevention (including perineal hygiene, jected, neglected or otherwise mis-
perineal baths), signs of infection,
antibiotic treatment, when to return for
further consultation, etc.
5 Give advice on how to take the
prescribed treatments and on possible
side-effects of treatments.
5 convulsions;
Good to know before you develop 5 persistent vomiting;
your protocol
& If it is obligatory to report cases of 5 stridor in a calm child;
child8 abuse in your setting, obtain a 5 lethargy or unconsciousness;
30 sample of the national child abuse
management protocol and information 5 inability to drink or breastfeed.
on customary police and court proce-
dures. Evaluate each case individually - In children younger than 3 months, look
in some settings, reporting suspected also for:
sexual abuse of a child can be harmful
to the child if protection measures are 5 fever;
not possible.
5 low body temperature;
& Find out about specific laws in your
setting that determine who can give 5 bulging fontanelle;
consent for minors and who can go to
court as an expert witness. 5 grunting, chest indrawing, and a
breathing rate of more than 60
& Health care providers should be knowl-
edgeable about child development and
growth as well as normal child anat-
The treatment of these complications is
omy. It is recommended that health
care staff receive special training in ex- not covered in detail here.
amining children who may have been
Create a safe
8 The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) defines a child as any individual
below the age of eighteen years.
possible that a family member is the 5 who did it, and whether he or she is still
perpetrator of the abuse). It is preferable a threat;
to have the parent or guardian wait
outside during the interview and have an 5 if this has happened before, how many
independent trusted person present. For times and the date of the last incident;
the examination, either a parent or 5 whether there have been any physical
guardian or a trusted person should be complaints (e.g. bleeding, dysuria,
present. Always ask the child who he or discharge, difficulty walking, etc.);
she would like to be present, and respect
his or her wishes. 5 whether any siblings are at risk.
5 Note the child's weight, height, and 5 Record the position of any anal fissures
pubertal stage. Ask girls whether they or tears on the pictogram.
have started menstruating. If so, they
5 Reflex anal dilatation (opening of the
may be at risk of pregnancy.
anus on lateral traction on the buttocks)
5 Small children can be examined on the can be indicative of anal penetration,
mother's lap. Older children should be but also of constipation.
offered the choice of sitting on a chair or
5 Do not carry out a digital examination to
on the mother's lap, or lying on the bed.
assess anal sphincter tone.
5 Check the hymen by holding the labia at
the posterior edge between index finger
and thumb and gently pulling outwards Laboratory testing
and downwards. Note the location of any
fresh or healed tears in the hymen and
Testing for sexually transmitted infections
the vaginal mucosa. The amount of
should be done on a case-by-case basis
hymenal tissue and the size of the
and is strongly indicated in the following
vaginal orifice are not sensitive indicators
of penetration.
5 Do not carry out a digital examination 5 the child presents with signs or
(i.e. inserting fingers into the vaginal symptoms of STI;
32 orifice to assess its size).
5 the suspected offender is known to
5 Look for vaginal discharge. In prepubertal have an STI or is at high risk of STI;
girls, vaginal specimens can be collected
5 there is a high prevalence of STI in the
with a dry sterile cotton swab.
5 Do not use a speculum to examine
5 the child or parent requests testing.
prepubertal girls; it is extremely painful
and may cause serious injury. In some settings, screening for
5 A speculum may be used only when you gonorrhoea and chlamydia, syphilis and
suspect a penetrating vaginal injury and HIV is done for all children who may have
internal bleeding. In this case, a been raped. The presence of any one of
speculum examination of a prepubertal these infections may be diagnostic of rape
child is usually done under general (if the infection is not likely to have been
anaesthesia. Depending on the setting, acquired perinatally or through blood
the child may need to be referred to a transfusion).10 Follow your local protocol.
higher level of health care.
5 In boys, check for injuries to the frenulum
of the prepuce, and for anal or urethral
discharge; take swabs if indicated.
9 From Guidelines for the management of sexually transmitted infections, revised version. Geneva,
World Health Organization, 2003 (WHO/RHR/01.10).
10 American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Child Abuse and Neglect. Guidelines for the
evaluation of sexual abuse of children: subject review. Pediatrics, 1999,103:186-191.
If the child is highly Treatment
With regard to STIs, HIV, hepatitis B, and
In rare cases, a child cannot be examined tetanus, children have the same
because he or she is highly agitated. Only if prevention and treatment needs as adults
the child cannot be calmed down, and but may require different doses. Special
physical treatment is vital, the examination protocols for children should be followed
may be performed with the child under for all vaccinations and drug regimens.
sedation, using one of the following drugs:
Routine prevention of STIs is not usually
5 diazepam, by mouth, 0.15 mg/kg of body recommended for children. However, in
weight; maximum 10 mg; low-resource settings with a high
prevalence of sexually transmitted
or diseases, presumptive treatment for STIs
should be part of the protocol (see Annex
5 promethazine hydrochloride, syrup, by 9 for sample regimens).
Recommended dosages for
# 2-5 years: 15-20 mg post-exposure prophylaxis to prevent HIV
# 5-10 years: 20-25 mg transmission in children are given in
Annex 10.
These drugs do not provide pain relief. If
you think the child is in pain, give simple
pain relief first, such as paracetamol (1-5 Follow-up
years: 120-250 mg; 6-12 years: 250-500
mg). Wait for this to take effect. Follow-up care is the same as for adults. If
a vaginal infection persists, consider the 33
Oral sedation will take 1-2 hours for full possibility of the presence of a foreign
effect. In the meantime allow the child to body, or continuing sexual abuse.
rest in a quiet environment.
Annex 1 • Additional resource materials
General information
Sexual and gender-based violence against refugees, returnees and internally displaced persons:
guidelines for prevention and response. Geneva, UNHCR, 2003 (http://www.unhcr.ch/ or
Guidelines for medico-legal care for victims of sexual violence. Geneva, WHO, 2003
Sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE) development and operation guide. Washington, DC, United States
Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office for Victims of Crime, 1999, (www.sane-sart.com )
Reproductive health in refugee situations: an inter-agency field manual. Geneva, UNHCR, 1999
(http://www.who.int/reproductive-health/publications or http://www.rhrc.org/fieldtools or
Basta! A newsletter from IPPF/WHR on integrating gender-based violence into sexual and reproductive
health published in New-York, from 2000 to 2002,. International Planned Parenthood Federation,
(http://www.ippfwhr.org/publications/publication_detail_e.asp?PubID=10 )
Mental health in emergencies: psychological and social aspects of health of populations exposed to
extreme stressors. Geneva, WHO, 2003.
Selected practice recommendations for contraceptive use, 2nd ed. Geneva, WHO, 2004
Annex 1 • Additional resource materials
Updated U.S. Public Health Service guidelines for the management of occupational exposures to HBV,
HCV, and HIV and recommendations for post exposure prophylaxis. Morbidity and mortality weekly report,
2001, 50(RR-11), Appendix C, 45-52 (http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/treatment.htm#prophylaxis).
HIV post-exposure prophylaxis following non-occupational exposure including sexual assault, updated
July 2004. New York, State Department of Health AIDS Institute
Safe abortion: technical and policy guidance for health systems. Geneva, WHO. 2003
Information on protection
IASC Task Force. Activities of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee Task Force on Protection from Sexual
Exploitation and Abuse. June 2004.
( http://ochaonline.un.org/webpage.asp?Page=1139 )
Information on rights
Convention on the Rights of the Child. New York, United Nations, 1989
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. New York, United Nations,
1979 (http://www.un.org/womenwatch/daw/cedaw/cedaw.htm).
Annex 2 • Information needed to develop a local protocol
Checklist of supplies
1. Protocol Available
# Written medical protocol in language of provider
2. Personnel Available
# Trained (local) health care professionals (on call 24 hours a day)
# A “same language” female health worker or companion in the room during examination
3. Furniture/Setting Available
# Room (private, quiet, accessible, with access to a toilet or latrine)
# Examination table
# Light, preferably fixed (a torch may be threatening for children)
# Access to an autoclave to sterilize equipment
4. Supplies Available
# “Rape Kit” for collection of forensic evidence, including:
3 Speculum
3 Set of replacement clothes
38 3 Tape measure for measuring the size of bruises, lacerations, etc.
# Supplies for universal precautions
# Resuscitation equipment for anaphylactic reactions
# Sterile medical instruments (kit) for repair of tears, and suture material
# Needles, syringes
# Gown, cloth, or sheet to cover the survivor during the examination
# Sanitary supplies (pads or local cloths)
5. Drugs Available
# For treatment of STIs as per country protocol
# Emergency contraceptive pills and/or IUD
# For pain relief (e.g. paracetamol)
# Local anaesthetic for suturing
# Antibiotics for wound care
& That the physical examination, including pelvic Inform the patient that if, and only if, she decides to
examination, will be conducted in privacy and in pursue legal action, the information told to the
a dignified manner. health worker during the examination will be
conveyed to relevant authorities for use in the
pursuit of criminal justice with her consent.
Annex 4 • Sample consent form
Name of facility - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
After providing the relevant information to the patient as explained on page 40 (notes on copleting the
consent form), read the entire form to the patient (or his/her parent/guardian), explaining that she can
choose to refuse any (or none) of the items listed. Obtain a signature, or a thumb print with signature of a
I, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , (print name of
authorize the above-named health facility to perform the following (tick the appropriate boxes):
Yes No 41
I understand that I can refuse any aspect of the examination I don’t wish to undergo.
Signature: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Date: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Witness: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Annex 5 • Sample history and examination form
Use of restraints
Use of weapon(s)
Drugs/alcohol involved
Penetration Yes No Not sure Describe (oral, vaginal, anal, type of object)
Other (describe)
Condom used
If the survivor is a child, also ask: Has this happened before? When was the first time? How long
has it been happening? Who did it? Is the person still a threat? Also ask about bleeding from the
vagina or the rectum, pain on walking, dysuria, pain on passing stool, signs of discharge, any other
sign or symptom.
Annex 5 • Sample history and examination form
Contraception use
Pill IUD Sterilisation
Menstrual/obstetric history
Last menstrual period Menstruation at time of event Yes A No A
Evidence of pregnancy Yes A No A Number of weeks pregnant _____ weeks
Obstetric history
History of consenting intercourse (only if samples have been taken for DNA analysis)
Last consenting intercourse within a week Date: Name of individual: 43
prior to the assault
Current medication
Hepatitis B
4. Medical examination
Physical findings
Describe systematically, and draw on the attached body pictograms, the exact location of all wounds, bruises, petechiae,
marks, etc. Document type, size, colour, form and other particulars. Be descriptive, do not interpret the findings.
Chest Back
Abdomen Buttocks
Wound treatment
Tetanus prophylaxis
Hepatitis B vaccination
Follow-up required
Annex 6 • Pictograms
Annex 6 • Pictograms
Annex 6 • Pictograms
Annex 6 • Pictograms
Annex 7 • Forensic evidence collection
& Collect samples for DNA analysis from all places & Take specimens from the posterior fornix and
where there could be saliva (where the attacker the endocervical canal for DNA analysis, using
licked or kissed or bit her) or semen on the skin, separate cotton-tipped swabs. Let them dry at
with the aid of a sterile cotton-tipped swab, room temperature.
lightly moistened with sterile water if the skin is & Collect separate samples from the cervix and
dry. the vagina for acid phosphatase analysis.
& The survivor's pubic hair may be combed for
& Obtain samples from the rectum, if indicated, for
foreign hairs. examination for sperm, and for DNA and acid
& If ejaculation took place in the mouth, take phosphatase analysis.
samples and swab the oral cavity for direct
examination for sperm and for DNA and acid
phosphatase analysis. Place a dry swab in the
spaces between the teeth and between the teeth
and gums of the lower jaw, as semen tends to
collect there.
& Take blood and/or urine for toxicology testing if
indicated (e.g. if the survivor was drugged) .
Annex 7 • Forensic evidence collection
11 Brown WA. Obstacles to women accessing forensic medical exams in cases of sexual violence. Unpublished background paper
for the WHO Consultation on the Health Sector Response to Sexual Violence, Geneva, June 2001.
Annex 7 • Forensic evidence collection
Conduct yourself professionally and confidently in & Ask for clarification of questions that you do not
the courtroom: understand. Do not try to guess the meaning of
& Dress appropriately.
The notes written during the initial interview and
& Speak clearly and slowly and, if culturally
examination are the mainstay of the findings to be
appropriate, make eye contact with whoever you reported. It is difficult to remember things that are
are speaking to. not written down. This underscores the need to
& Use precise medical terminology. record all statements, procedures and actions
in sufficient detail, accurately, completely and
& Answer questions as thoroughly and legibly. This is the best preparation for an
professionally as possible. appearance in court.
& If you do not know the answer to a question, say
so. Do not make an answer up and do not testify
about matters that are outside your area of
Annex 8 • Medical certificates
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 53
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
During the meeting, the child told me (repeat the child's own words as closely as possible)
During the meeting, (name of the person accompanying the child) stated:
General examination: (child's behaviour: prostrate, excited, calm, fearful, mute, crying, etc.)
Annex 8 • Medical certificates
Physical examination: (detailed description of lesions, the site, extent, pre-existing or recent, severity)
During the genital examination: (signs of recent or previous defloration, bruises, tears, etc.)
The absence of lesions should not lead to the conclusion that no sexual attack took place.
Certificate prepared on this day and handed over to (Name of father, mother, legal representative) as
proof of evidence.
certify having examined at his/her request Mr, Mrs, Miss: (NAME, first name):
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
at (place) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
General examination (behaviour: prostrate, excited, calm, afraid, mute, crying, etc.)
Physical examination (detailed description of lesions, the site, extent, pre-existing or recent, severity)
Annex 8 • Medical certificates
Genital examination (signs of recent or previous defloration, bruises, abrasions, tears, etc.)
Anal examination
The absence of lesions should not lead to the conclusion that no sexual attack took place.
Certificate prepared on this day and handed over to the person concerned as proof of evidence.
STI Treatment
Gonorrhoea ciprofloxacin 500 mg orally, single dose (contraindicated in pregnancy)
cefixime 400 mg orally, single dose
ceftriaxone 125 mg intramuscularly, single dose
Chlamydial infection azithromycin 1 g orally, in a single dose (not recommended in pregnancy)
doxycycline 100 mg orally, twice daily for 7 days (contraindicated in pregnancy)
Chlamydial infection erythromycin 500 mg orally, 4 times daily for 7 days
in pregnant woman or
amoxicillin 500 mg orally, 3 times daily for 7 days
Syphilis benzathine 2.4 million IU, intramuscularly, once only
benzylpenicillin* (give as two injections in separate sites.)
Syphilis, patient doxycycline 100 mg orally twice daily for 14 days (contraindicated in pregnancy)
allergic to penicillin (Note: this antibiotic is also active against chlamydia)
Syphilis in pregnant erythromycin 500 mg orally, 4 times daily for 14 days
women allergic to (Note: this antibiotic is also active against chlamydia)
Trichomoniasis metronidazole 2 g orally, in a single dose or as two divided doses at a 12-hour interval
(contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy)
*Note: benzathine benzylpenicillin may be omitted if the prophylactic treatment regimen includes azithromycin 1 g orally, in a single dose,
which is effective against incubating syphilis.
Give one easy to take, short treatment for each of the infections that are prevalent in your setting.
Presumptive treatment for gonorrhoea, syphilis and chlamydial infection for a woman who is not pregnant
and not allergic to penicillin:
Syphilis * benzathine 50 000 IU/kg intramuscularly (up to a maximum of 2.4 million IU), single
benzyl dose
Syphilis, patient allergic to Erythromycin 50 mg/kg of body weight daily, orally (up to a maximum of 2 g), divided into 4
penicillin doses, for 14 days
Trichomoniasis < 12 years metronidazole 5 mg/kg of body weight orally, 3 times daily for 7 days
* Note: benzathine benzylpenicillin may be omitted if the presumptive treatment regimen includes azithromycin, which is effective against
incubating syphilis, unless resistance has been documented in the setting.
Based on: Tailoring clinical management practices to meet the special needs of adolescents: sexually transmitted infections. Geneva, World
Health Organization, 2002 (WHO/CAH 2002, WHO/HIV/AIDS 2002.03).
Annex 10 • Protocols for post-exposure prophylaxis of HIV infection
& Counselling for HIV testing may be particularly # The efficacy of PEP in preventing
difficult with a person who has just gone through seroconversion after rape is not known, but
the ordeal of sexual assault. The survivor may there is evidence from research on
not be ready for the additional stress of prevention of mother-to-child transmission
HIV-testing and receiving the result. If the and prophylaxis after occupational exposure
survivor does not want to be tested immediately, to indicate that PEP is very likely to be
PEP can be initiated and HIV-testing can be effective in reducing the risk of transmission
addressed again at the one-week follow-up visit. of HIV after rape.
& Pregnancy is not a contraindication to PEP, and # Explain the common side-effects of the drugs,
it should be prescribed to pregnant women in such as feelings of tiredness, nausea and
the same manner as to non-pregnant women. flu-like symptoms. Reassure her that these
Women who are less than 12 weeks pregnant side-effects are temporary and do not cause
should be informed that the possible effects of long-term harm. Most side-effects can be
the drug on the fetus are not known. (Ensure relieved with ordinary analgesics, such as
that pregnant women are referred for paracetamol.
appropriate antenatal care.)
# Provide the survivor with a patient information
& The following points should be covered when leaflet, adapted and translated in the local
counselling the survivor on PEP: language.
# The level of risk of HIV transmission during & Routine blood testing, with full blood count and
rape is not exactly known, but the risk exists, liver enzymes, is not recommended for patients
particularly in settings where HIV prevalence on zidovudine and lamivudine. Blood tests
is high. should be performed only if indicated by the
survivor's clinical condition.
60 # It is preferable to know the survivor's HIV
status prior to starting antiretrovirals, so the & Survivors may be given a one-week's supply of
best possible recommendation can be made PEP at the first visit, with the remainder of the
for her. drugs (another 3-weeks' supply) given at the
one-week follow-up visit. For survivors who
# The survivor is free to choose whether or not
cannot return for a one-week assessment for
to have immediate HIV-testing. If she prefers,
logistic or economic reasons, a full supply
the decision can be delayed until the
should be given at the first visit.
one-week follow-up visit.
Annex 10 • Protocols for post-exposure prophylaxis of HIV infection
< 2 years zidovudine (ZDV/AZT) syrup** 7.5 ml twice a day = 420 ml ( i.e.5 bottles of 100
10 mg/ml ml or 3 bottles of 200 ml)
or plus plus plus
5 – 9 kg lamivudine (3TC) syrup** 10 2.5 ml twice a day = 140 ml (i.e. 2 bottles of 100
mg/ml ml or 1bottle of 200 ml)
* From: Medical care for rape survivors, MSF draft guideline. December 2002
12 World Health Organization Health and Medical Service. Post Exposure Preventive Treatment Starter Kits. WHO Geneva,
November 2004
13 Updated U.S. Public Health Service guidelines for the management of occupational exposures to HBV, HCV, and HIV and
recommendations for post exposure prophylaxis. Morbidity and mortality weekly report, 2001, 50(RR-11), Appendix C.
Annex 11 • Protocols for emergency contraception
Emergency contraceptive pills & Counsel the survivor about how to take the pills,
what side-effects may occur, and the effect the
& There are two emergency contraceptive pill pills may have on her next period. ECPs do not
regimens that can be used: prevent pregnancy from sexual acts that take
place after their use. Provide her with condoms
1 the levonorgestrel-only regimen: 1.5 mg of for use in the immediate future.
levonorgestrel in a single dose (this is the
recommended regimen; it is more effective and & Make it clear to the survivor that there is a small
has fewer side-effects), or risk that the pills will not work. If they work,
menstruation will occur around the time she
2 the combined estrogen-progestogen would normally expect it. It may be up to a week
regimen (Yuzpe): two doses of 100 early or a few days late. If she has not had a
micrograms ethinylestradiol plus 0.5 mg of period within a week after it was expected, she
levonorgestrel taken 12 hours apart. should return to have a pregnancy test and/or to
& Treatment with either regimen should be started
discuss the options in case of pregnancy.
as soon as possible after the rape because Explain to her that spotting or slight bleeding is
research has shown that efficacy declines with common with the levonorgestrel regimen and
time. Both regimens are effective when used up that it is nothing to worry about. This should not
to 72 hours after the rape, and continue to be be confused with a normal menstruation.
moderately effective if started between 72 hours & Side-effects. The levonorgestrel regimen has
and 120 hours (5 days) after. Longer delays been shown to cause significantly less nausea
have not been investigated. and vomiting than the Yuzpe regimen. If
& The levonorgestrel-only regimen can be taken
vomiting occurs within 2 hours of taking a dose,
as a single dose of 1.5 mg of levonorgestrel as repeat the dose. In cases of severe vomiting, EC
soon as convenient, ideally not later than 120 can be administered vaginally.
hours after the rape. With the combined & Precautions. ECPs will not be effective in the
estrogen-progestogen regimen, a first dose case of a confirmed pregnancy. ECPs may be
should be taken as soon as convenient, but not given when the pregnancy status is unclear and
later than 120 hours after the rape, and a pregnancy testing is not available, since there is
second dose 12 hours later. There are products no evidence to suggest that the pills can harm
that are specially packaged for emergency the woman or an existing pregnancy. There are
contraception, but at present they are registered no other medical contraindications to use of
only in a limited number of countries. If ECPs.
pre-packaged ECPs are not available in your
setting, emergency contraception can be
provided using regular oral contraceptive pills
which are available for family planning (see the
table below for guidance).
Annex 11 • Protocols for emergency contraception
Second dose
Pill compositiona Common First dose
Regimen 12 hours later
(per dose) brand names (number of tablets)
(number of tablets)
Levonorgestrel 750 µg Levonelle,
only NorLevo, Plan B, 2 0
Postinor-2, Vikela
30 µg Microlut, Microval,
50 0
37.5 µg Ovrette 40 0
EE = ethinylestradiol; LNG = levonorgestrel; NG =norgestrel.
(Adapted from: Consortium for Emergency Contraception, Emergency contraceptive pills, medical and service delivery guidelines, second
edition. Washington, DC, 2004).
of Rape Survivors
Developing protocols for use with refugees
and internally displaced persons
Revised edition