, .:
· We want to establish an Islamic Government in Afghanistan that is independent, non-aligned and Islamically elected. Our Jihad will continue until this goal is a reality.
We insist on election as the only practical way for solving ihe current Afghan crisis. No Government other than an elected Islamic one will be able to put an end to the war and establish durable peace and security in Afghanistan.
The internal and external policy of our~ Government will be based on Qur' an and Sunnah. We will make independent judgements on all international issues and maintain friendly relations with all state's except those that are engaging in activities detrimental to our
faith, independence and territorial integrity. 'I.
The Islamic state of Afghanistan will take all possible measures to protect the rights of allAfghan nationals and will promote science and technology for the reconstruction, development, self-reliance and self-sufficiency of our state.
No: 4, 5th year October / November, 1991
Founded By Hezb-i-Islami Afghanistan
01 Editorial 03
, ..
02 Madrid Conference conspiracy against Palestinians 04
03 A storm in a teacup 05
04 Anti-American sentiments intensify in· the Muslim World. ( 06
05 Towards Gardez 08
Dynamism of Faith
10 11
14 15 19
07 News Roundup
08 Necessity of Change .
( JI
. 09 Hekmatyar talks to Soviet Journalist
10 From Bukhara to Kabul
AUKHAN P.0:BOX#30S1 NEW DELHr 1 10003 ll><nIA
P.O. BOX# 443 FLUSHINGj Y 11352 USA
(NSW) 2066
{ AUSTRAUA;, f ':Tel:
. THEA THER STR. 12 53 BO]>'?/I
TO: ,
• 2084
TO: lIlA.
P.O, BOX #394
proper perspective in order to bring to light their malafide intentions.
US Blocking Peace in Afghanistan
This is an established fact albeit an unpleasant one that in the present world the western media is controling the flow of information which is often biased, especially when it is concerned with the Muslim countries or the Third World. The western media is also trying her best to misguide . world opinion about the situation in Afghanistan. Presently it is engaged in a campaign to paint
, Afghans' as not interested in
or conclusions. The western media is very adept in belittling the importance of a great success of Mujahideen on the battle front or
~ .
political arena but blow up the
minor disputes among various _ Mujahideen groups which are not unnatural keeping in view the aeti vities of the agents of enemies who miss no opportunity in this 'connection. The -CIA, WAD, RA Wand even Israeli secret service Mossad is also active in
peace in their country. The uninformed or little informed people about the situation in Afghanistan or the behavior of Afghan masses; or those who are - living far away from Afghanistan,
_ usually depend on.western media for information on Afghanistan
l J. I
and the same biased information
I ,.
serve as a basis Of their decisions
Afghanistan to cause'd~mage to
_ the unity of Afghan Mujahideen and to block the way of the formation of an Islamic government in Afghanistan.
- So the propaganda campaign unleashed by the western media, led by American and British news agencies, should be seen in the
The USA on one hand is hobnobbing with the Soviet Union and on the other hand pressurizing neighbourly countries of Afghanistan to accept a US sponsored solution of the Afghan problem. She is also using UNO as a tool in this connection; a sorry state of affairs for this prestigious world body. The people world over look towards UNO as a machinary for peace and human progress. It should help oppressed nations to achieve their due rights. It should in no case be a party to a conspiracy against oppressed nations. It is better for UNO to do nothing but it should in no case become a tool in the hands of a superpower. The Bush administration is trying to impose ex-king Zahir Shah who fled to the west instead of helping Mujahideen in their Jihad against Russian intervention. She is also doing her best to contact such personalities who decided tp go to the western countries and even acquired foreign nationalities and she is doing every thing to install another puppet regime in Kabul.
The United States by doing so
The general amnesty declaration is still intact. And this is in complete contrast to the behaviour of the Allied powers after the
It is impossible. No one could' world war II who did not spare deprive Afghan Mujahideen of their enemies for their war crimes . the fruits of their historical Jihad • even after their death. Thewestem which left about 1.5 million. media resembles .the bat which
wants to deprive Afghan Mujahideen of the fruit of their long and historic struggle against foreign intervention. It was the Afghan Mujahideen who not only kicked Russian forces out of Afghanistan but also paved the way for the liberation of predominantly Muslims in Central Asian republics from the yoke of Kremlin. The changes in the Eastern Europe and independence of Baltic republics is also the result of the Afghan" Jihad.
martyrs, thousands of injured and crippled and rendered about 5 million homeless. Such a nation could not allow some surrogates or puppets of'}foreign powers to decide their destiny.
By conspiring against Muslim
. people of Afghanistan; it is America which is blocking efforts of peace in Afghanistan various Afghan leaders and especially Engineer Gulbadeen Hekmatyar, Amir of Hezb-i-Islami Afghanistan, has so many times said that no one more than Afghans could be interested in . peace in Afghanistan. Afghans want peace because they have already paid a heavy price to safeguard, their independence. Other people or nations may be wanting - peace in Afghanistan because of their hubanitarian ' concerns but Afghans need it. It is in their interests. They-know that their countrv is beinz destroyed
and their resources being depleted So no one would accept the false propaganda that the Afghan themselves are not interested in peace. For the cause of peace in theircountry,AfghanMujahideen have so many times declared general amnesty for all those who are ready to repent their past misdeeds and work for the progress of their country in future.
could not see in" the light. It is very much clear that USA is not interested in peace in Afghanistan. She wants a civil war in this country. She wants to deprive the freedom loving nation of Afghanistan of their fruits of a successful Jihad. She wants to block the dawn of the Islamic revolution in our country. She is worried that Islamic revolution in Afghanistan could serve as a catal yst for similar revolutions in the other parts.sf the world and thus threataing her hegemony. '
It ishowever, clear beyond any shadow of doubt, that American foreign policy is totally against Islam and Muslims; but with the' help of Allah Almighty the oppressed Muslims of iAfghanistan would also dash to ground the nefarious designs of the, only super power United States. The fate of USSR should be an eye-opener for her .•
\ '
Madrid conference conspiracy against Palestianins : JI
Lahore; Madrid conference was the first part of the American plot to provide security umbrella to Israel. This was observed by the Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) Pakistan, which met here under the chairmanship of its Amir, Senator Qazi Hussain Ahmad.
A resolution passed in the meeting said, for the next step America would bring Arabs and Isrelis to the negotiation table face to face and finally America would make Arabs recognisie the Zionist state.
The resolution said that those who participated in the conference as Arabs did not represent Palestinians. The resolution condemned
.' the resettlement of the Jewish .. immigrants in Israel and added that it was nothing but an encroachment and illegal I, and immoral violation of the human rights of a nation.
The resolution said that the only solution of the
. Palestine issue lies in "waging a Jihad against Israel. The entire Muslim Ummah and the judicious people should help, the Palestinian in tbier just struggle against the oppressors and" Allah would help them to accomplish their sacred struggle," the resolution added .•
"In the city of the blind" so goes the saying "one eyed is their king". But today the blind seems again to be drunk and the selfmade ruler is a proven cheat. No land is too sacred for him to defile, no honour too high for his men to soil and no trick is too difficult for his court to perform. The result is a new ruling order on the globe where diplomatic legitimacy must be given to every international exploitation and blanket approval to broad-day denial while generations; one after the other, are stripped of their identities, as much as land and honour in the evil dominion of oppression just to keep the banal ship of Zionism afloat.
Madrid remained till last week an, entirely unknown and quiet city. Its inhabitants were not famous for ungodliness or profanity. But today its name has been tarnished by the unkind shoes that aligted on its lawns to discuss what history will definitely record as one of the greatest political robbery of the century. It may sound funny, but still very true that the hands that raised Madrid to prominence today were the very ones that masterminded the notorious Desert -Storm campaign and partook happily in the merciless murdering of tens of thousand
,Afghan'students in Peshawar to condemn
, the Middle East peace conference in Madrid
innocent children, women, and the aged just less than year ago in the same Middle East which the world is clamoring to settle.
What a conference! and what a cheat! ! Today, men wearing their best suits and native outfits but harbouring in their inner selves the greatest animosity aganistjustice, liberty and self-determination, are sitting before a psychologically be-witched audience numbering into scores of millions all around the globe to rewrite their names and those of their countries again in the memories of men after been repeatedly violated by unsurpassed despotism, and documented cases
of atrocities. .
Luckily we say, nature can not be cheated and not all men are dunces. There are still those who could see that the white gloves which the so-called peace-initiators are wearing bear multiple stains of blood and the symbolic doves of peace they set - free to fly grow red tails instead of white.
IfB aathism has invaded Tehran, that was good, and Britain in falklands, China in Tibet, India in Kashmir or South Africa in any of the so-called front-line states are alright and fine. Here there shouldn't be any Pandemonium. But a Persian Gulf threatened of its oil wells, or Islamic armed struggles in Afghanistan and Kashmir, or kids throwing pebbles in occupied lands of the Middle East or Palestinians on the street of Jerusalem demanding a return of their lands; is of course terrorism and anti-internationalism. It is must therefore be quenched .... Madrid therefore is serving not as a veil to cover, but as ashow-case to expose the latent truths of life. Every body will see better than before that ifhe or she refuses to defend his natural honour the coming days might not be kind enough to protect him or his race from genocide. Revolutionary struggle is no more a theoretical possibility but a socio-political necessity in winning back liberty and freedom, to safeguard the rule of sanity and equity as well as guarantee a sojourn of peace and tranquility, on this earth before the hereafter.
One may start asking why is Washington now interested in
.,. peace after disturbing the peaceful neighborhood of our planet for more than fifty years? Why has Spain become the meeting eentre of the Jews and Christians after obliterating all traces of 800 years of Muslim rule on the same land? Why is Syria trying to project its image asjhe most radical champion of the Arab cause after the worst capitulation and willing co-operation in the Gulf Crisis? Why is Iran reviving its anti-Americanism after receiving repeated but sufficient bluff and snobbery from Washington?
Why ... ? and Why ... 'l, it continues without an edd. The teenage who looked at himself as almighty in the isolated island of the fable Lilliputians was of course wrong. This isn't Lilliput any way, its the planet earth. Truth could be buried alive and its grave concreted with slab stones, but it will never die. Its seekers and lovers would one day locate its tomb, and Truth will once again rise up to pervade on earth. The Holy Qur' an says: Say the Tnab has come and vanity has disappeared/or certainly.falsehood. is (meant) to vanish"
Bani Israil17 :81. •
By: A llamudinAtheer
Robert B. Oklay, former US ambassadorto Pakistan, has warned that anti-American campaigns in some Islamic countries have increased feelings against
Washington. According to the voice of America, Oklay, who' is also the senior co-ordinator of the US Insti tute of peace, said that efforts to prove the United States an enemy of Islam were stepped up in the wake of the Gulf War. He said that 'in many Muslim countries information
. revolution has doubled, fue public awareness to participate in the formation of governments and' official decision making. Oklay, while addressing a seminar on the
Middle East arranged by the Centre for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, said "anger against the United States is visible which is a result of the US support
• for Israel." The belief that there is a
great social and economic inequality between the ruling classes and the people in the' countries - friendly to the United States has also increased anti - US feelings. Such beliefs were not always right, he said.
"In my view more worrying is the deliberate effort to portray the US as anti - Islamic force. As these things are often said by religious scholars before the uneducated masses, they take root in their """"'_""' ." minds. More efforts are needed to dispel such dangerous' ideas. Therefore, the government
• and . n9Jl-government organizations in the United States should work together . to improve America's image in the
Islamic World." ,
'oklay remarked that extraordinary importance is given to Islam in movements for national, regional and racial liberation. Afghan Mujahideen'sdrawnoutwaragainst the Soviet Union has increased the importance of religion as they fought
. )
this war under the banner of Islam.
According to Robert Oklay,
many Muslims in the Sub-continent consider the Intifada an Islamic struggle and believe Islam would ultimately overcome Israel. According to him uprising against India. which started two years ago, is still strong and is under the influence oflslam. As it happened in the occupied territories of West Bank and Gaza Strip, the movement in Kashmir is gaining momentum ana is pushing moderate and traditional parties into background. Oklay recalled that during the Gulf war many in the Islamic countries believed that Saddam's war against the United States would help the Isl amic movements world over. They considered Saddam Hussain a champion of Islam and the oppressed. The defeat, however, turnished his image. So the expected revolutionary changes in the Islamic world as a result of Gulf crisis did not take place. The situation, he said, has returned to normal.
He said that political evolution in the Central Asian republics of the Soviet Union has opened the' doors for Islamic influence. He expected that Iran. Pakistan and Turkey would take keen interest in these new countries. Saudi Arabia and other Islamic countries will not onI y take keen interest i[1 the happenings of the Central Asia but also possibl y influence the fonnation of future governments there. He pointed out that the fundamentalist Ikhwan-ul-Muslimeen party and all organizations linked with it tried to bring the people to the streets
~~~~~~~!lIIIIi§~!lIIII!lIIII!lIIIII!lIIII~§~~!IIi !lli§i.Ii!llllltijjj~!IIi!IIi!IIi§. The MujahiJeen, October / November, 1991 determined by imperialists who colonise them through one-man rule.
exploiting the Gulf crisis. The obvious purpose of these demonstrations was to support Saddam Hussain but the real purpose was to weaken despotic governments in some countries. From the observations of Robert BJ Oklay, the former US Ambassador to Pakistan which was published in the dail y "The News" the following facts could be deduced i.e. he has warned that anti-American sentiments in some Islamic countries are on the rise, anger against the United States is visible among the Muslims which is a result '* of the US support for Israel and, at the end, he has come up with a suggestion to solve the above problems.
Oklay's observations could be analysed as follows:
He observes that anti-American feelings in the Muslim world is a dangerous signal to US interests the world over. Reurges American government and non-government organizations to work together in order to prevent suqhanti-Americari feelings in the Islamic countries. Therefore, according to him the Americans should try to improve their image as to show that they are not enemies of Islam and the Muslims.
Efforts to convene a Middle East peace conference to resolve Arab-Israeli conflict and to return some occupied Palestinian land is primarily targeted at appeasing Muslims and could be con~idered as an indication of the. so-called US friendship' with them. According to
. this Ameircandiplomat.'the other thing which Ameirca haS Ito fear is the political aw;u,;enes~?otiMuslim nations. By this he wailts to confess to the fact .that the MusJ¥n masses will no ronger let thelr' fate be
Through his observations he forewarns the US and other powers of the existence of a threat to their imperialistic designs for the exploitation of other nations' resources. To him they have to develop new formulas to achive their objectives. The overwhelming de sire of majority of Muslims to implement Islam in every walk of their life, is considered another dangerous signal to the United States and other imperialistic forces, because in establishing Islamic government Muslims will no longer imitate the footsteps of the Kuffar (infidels).
He further maintains that the
sensitivity and anger of the Muslims
against the United States is visible which is a result of the US support for the Jewish state. He points' out indirectly to the US administration to deal with Israel rather secretly. Apparently George Bush's refusal to grant a $10 billion loan to Israel is an attempt to decrease the Muslims' hatred towards the US. To counter these anti-American feelings all over the Muslim world he puts forward the foll.oWing solutions:
Firstly, the. US government should counter the Muslim intelligentsia and Ulema, "religious scholars" who introduce Americ1 as a great 'Satan and the real enemy of Islam. The United States should take preventive measures to eliminate 'or at least minimise these propaganda threats against its interests, but it is quite unlikely that it could aehieve. its objectives completely.
~econdly, America should by whatever means possible try to change the mentality of the Muslim masses and to project itself as a good ally of Islamic countries.
§;Page07 Iltlli II. l1li Thirdly, the US should try to . deminish the important roleplayed by Islamic movements in awakeni.ll8 the Muslim masses.
Fourthly, the US should eradicate the religious influence on the Muslim struggles for independence, establishing justice, equality and brother-hood among the Islamic countries. To achieve this end, America is out to brand the Afghan Jihad,the Kashmiris Islamic struggle and the Palestinian Intifada as . mere nationalistic, racial or civil strifes. The US also wants to help the moderate and liberal patties in the Islamic countries so as tochanllenge the advances of the genuine Muslim
movemments. The... . •..• American diplomat also stressc$the pomt that, America should dO its best in reducing anti~US fee1ings which have been created by the Gulf conflict. The former I,J~amtlas~r is fearful of indepeh(ienceofthe Central Asian Muslinlrepubli~.He considers their indepelldencea.steP forward in strengthening the Mpslim world .. He indirectly urges the US and USSR govemmentsitoprevent this to happen. This is because Central Asia once was a great centre of learing and a symbol of Muslim civilisation and no doubt it will regain its leadership role when it is Jully independent. At tll~ end, this American diplomatsug,ges~thatthe Ikhwan.ul-muslime.en.ialon8 .•. with other Islamicmovements~sociated with it should be by
whatever means "./., ... .~e'i We Muslims should bereadytofacethe challenges and inroa~ofdifferent enemiesoflslamParti~\lJ.ady .that of the Zionists with stem~s~ • For.us it is an obligatiOllto.~~nd Islam, the territoriea1i1l~grityofal1 Muslims and the dignityofthe entire Ummah .•
Translation: Sayed Anwar"Nasr"
The military bauIe for the removal of another major vestige 'of oppression in Afghanistan seemed to have commenced. As there is political pandemonium on unpragmatic peace-initiatives in Peshawar, fierce~ fighting is on in Afghanistan in what could be called a defiant demonstration by the military commanders on the great possibility of removing the Marxist puppet regime in Kabul through armed conflict
Thclvlujahideen are again proving that they are capable of re~oving the Marxist regime in-Kabulthrough revolutionary armed
" . • struggle
What the poineers and abetters of the so-called roundtable conference where-in Mujahideen would be invited to sit and talk peace-terms with the enemy should understand, is that, such a programme seems to be about a decade late, hence doomed to fail ever before commencing.
The intention here is not to. deny the possibility of pressurizing some Afghan political leaders into accepting negotiation of peace with Kabul nor the improbability of the UN to pass resolutions under Washington's manipulation that would force a permanent peace-fire and not cease-fire as its was in the last Gulf crisis. These options are possible. Our own contention is simply based on the attainability of a lasting new socio-political structure in Afghanistan without prior and ,complete obliteration of communism as well as other relics of foreign imperialism in the country.
As if to make things worse, the advocates of quadruple delegations to different capitals in the World in winning a nonexisting concessions, are busy fighting amongst themselves on who should lead which group. Ironically all parties concerned have apparently agreed to remain divided as long as no one is prepared to step down or drop the whole fabulous project. The matter remains unfinshed since no agreement could be formed among them.
But Afghan crisis did not originate from Pakistan or Iran, and therefore cannot end there. Nor are their Mujahideen's military bases in USSR or America. The people who drove away ex-king Zahir Shah were Afghans and those who invited the Red Army and now enjoy massive Western support are
• Afghans. The struggle since inception has been confined to the geographical boundary of Afghanistan. If there is going to be any solution, so to say, it has to be settled inside the country by the people themselves and not from outside nor under foreign pressure.
This is why Gardez is not only an armed and revolutionary conflict against a heavily defended strategic provincial capital ofPaktia but also a political reward that has a mammoth advantage for any one who finally controls the city.
Since last Ramadhan, when the 'overblown Western
theory of military stalemate was shattered by the successful liberation of Khost, Kabul regime has been finding it difficult to tome to grips with the.nightmare of Mujahideen overruning
, .~
s • """"
fit ... ",
\I •
Kabul. This might be justified somehow because the zeal, determination, strategy and accomplishment that all came with the Mujahideen in liberating Khost was novel 'since the beginning of Afghan crisis.
What Kabul regime failed however to understand was that the Mujahidccn who used to be known by the White House psyche as the barefooted and divided group had eventually learnt from history. Tiley have also chosen Ramadhan as a turning point in their armed conflict against global imperialism represented by the,fYIarxist clique in the country. This month has always been a month of trials, will and power. A month of repentance and commitment Apart from the spiritual dominance of the mind overthe sensuality of the self, it has witnessed the greatest military and political victories in Islamic history.
These all are fresh confirmations that Afghan.Jihad draws its inspiration from Islam alone and its completion would never be, Allah willing except in fulfillment.of Islamic fundamental principles. Solutions therefore should not be sought except in accepting the natural rights of the Afghans to
choose their way. .
For twelve bloody years, Mujahideen forces
. strenuously tried separately to claim the honour of liberating that heavily guarded bqrder town. Khost today is fully secured under Mujahideen's hands butits revolutionary message would slay longer. It has to be considered here too so as to be able to appraise how far Muslim Revolutionaries have gone in uprooting the imperialist menace on the battlefield.
. Khost like Gardez is a strongly fortified city. The latter lies on a major route that embraces Logar and Kabul. The former is a border lpwn, faIHng within the range of 200
. kilometres from Peshawar and 50-kilometres from the nearest Pakistani Frontier Post. The fallof Gardez will mean a southern I barricade of Kabul from many provinces though its link with the Soviet Union could still remain open for sometime.
The reasons why Marxist forces held out at Khost for .alrnost a decade was primarily due not to superior arsenals a vai lable to them but as a direct consequence of M ujahideen 's separatist inclination then. In any revolutionary struggle, for a common cause, unity of purpose, integration of method and primacy of not allowing petit differences to prevent the establishment of united revolutionary command are fundamental principles that could neither be by-stepped partially, nor compromised totally under any circumstances.
Any attempt to go into the battle alone against a common enemy and for a particular cause that belongs exclusively not to an individual or a certain group, is not only a political blunder or military miscalculation but also a revolutionary contradiction. The reason is simple: the cause belongs to all, and the aim is to transform the community entirely. This means the greatest the participationof everybody, the easier it becomes in fulfilling the objective of changing the whole society. That was the major explanation why earlier attempts by the Mujahideen in separately capturing this city had been futile.
,,4 Strategically, Khost like Gardez is a valley town
which enjoys natural defence lines of endless chains of mountains. At a point about five kilometres to.the center of the city an; numerous confluences of seasonal rivers which form addilional security bell around the city, In a sophisticated war, the citadel so formed from this natural landscape could be stormed by a well developed mechanized division of twentieth or twenty-first century Army.
Since the town falls comparatively in the center, cutting across through a targential section of the defence circle is suffice in guaranteeing a base which could be used in constructing make-shift bridges overnight. That appears to be the best that could be done as at now over these rivers. The depth and numbers. of large masses of rocks present great dangers to any military navigation scheme. Similarly, airborne
. ,
Crime is a chain of endless manifestations. But our social circumstances have made more converts in recent years than crime itself could muster in many centuries. The world would not have been infested by such large multitudes of culprits if the socio-political order had long been corrected. Nobody wants to be born outside wedlock, and all sane men will prefer sleeping outside the goal. Every man wants peace bu~ men at the top today are too selfish. If people below could see the gravity of the crimes perpetrated by those above, humanity would have demanded a change since a long time.
To prevent such adrastic transformation and a disastrous outcome, our so-called superpowers devise a diversionary artifice of misrepresenting the issues at stake. Men fightijflg for truth are labelled terrorists. Revolutionaries are called renegades, and dedication is named fanaticism. Black is shown as white. Green exhibited as red and falsehood becomes the basis of propaganda. Thus many become compounded. Majority thinks it is the situation that must change itself and not man bettering his lot. Allah Says:-
"Theyappointfor Allah rivals to mislead (others) from Hispath. Say, gratify (Yourselvesifor a while, your return is to the fire. " (Ibrahim: 14:30)
But whatever we say, the state of our world is a reality for all to see. With many non-believers around,the world is almost gone, while the Hereafter is,yet to be lost. To gain in the coming life, the present world must be used. Man must be rehabilitated here, in this life to plan and work for his Hereafter. Islam does not say get the first ahd miss the other, nor vice- versa.but teaches that bqth worlds are created forthe purpose of man alone. Why should man deny himself what none will use beside him?
- ' i '
Therefore, the situation must be changed for the
, : ) ,
better. This act of transforming the world is, as human
beings, a light, as Muslims a duty and as Mujahids, a demonstrationof total servitude to Allah, the Most High.
. ' '" .
For man to live pleasantly on this globe and happily in the Hereafter he has some duties to perform ..... towards himself, society and universe. Admission of having such responsibilities is fundamental in the Universal Islamic Message. To shirk obligations, deny liabilities and put-off incumbent sociological demands is incompatible with Islamic teachings. Allah the Glorious says:-
"But he does not accept (the truth) ,Nor observes (devotional) prayers. Rather he rejects (all obligations) and glides away (on earth heedlessly), Thereafter proceeds to his people insolently. Woe on you (0, men) and woe. Woe betide you and more. Does man think he's to be left alone (Without any responsibility whatsoever)? was he not a drop of liquid from a sperm discharged. Later became a suspended congealed matter. From which He created and fashioned (him) Then made out pairs - - males and females .. is that (Creator) not capable of resuscitating the dead." (AI-Qiyamah 75: 31-40).
This is of course a divine description of gross human irresponsibility. Spiritually he refuses to attest to truth and rationally he rejects all obligations. He abhors salat, refuses Zakat and neglects other compulsory duties. In the end,he goes about stupidly and arrogantly. Boasting of mundane achievements and extoling human materialistic potentialities. While very much forgetful of natural limitations and his own biological origin. Woe on sach and many of that.
Is there any effect without a cause? Would man too have himself becoming a being, without a concerted discharge? ,The world is founded on responsibilities. Why is man so dishonest and pretensions? Why is he so unreliable and unwilling to reform? Man must better his scociety with his own hands. Muslims should stand up to their obligation of stabilizing the globe and purging it of profanity and oppression. And itis the dutyofMujahids through out the world to work towards establishment of the Di vine Will and meeting Him as martyrs. This should be our supreme goal in life. Are we prepared to lay the foundation of a just World for our children to complete the structure of a new global order in Sha Allah.?! _
Please contemplate .
Hekmatyar talks to Soviet Journalist
H' A rond" tnr lflonJ1iJ1ntJ,I, ~"'J. ~ , """J J v, "It""'"'''''b/"'''
It""V b "'''
The Amir of Hezb-i-Islami Afghanistan, GulbadinHekmatyar, told a Soviet journalist that Mujahideen after the establishment of their government in Afghanistan will demand war reparations from the Soviet Union.
Hekmatyar said that he would not demand punishment for the Soviet army officers for being involved in crimes during th~r stay in Afghanistan. However, he added that the Soviet people themselves were demanding the trial of such army officers. The Soviet journalist asked Hekmatyar if he would give the names of such officers of the Red Army, the Afghan leader advised the Soviet Union to obtain the list from its KGB.
The interview recently took place at the stronghold of Hekmatyar in Paktia (Afghanistan). The Soviet journalist identified himself as the correspondent of the Young Pravda.
The 'journalist'raccompanied by another Soviet national, was taken to Afghanistan, The Hizb sources believe that the interviewer was sent to Hekmatyar, in the garb of a journalist
Following 'are the questions and answers of the interview; (
" ,I )
Moscow is afraid that the Afghan Mujahidet;,{ will start fi~hting Ofle anather as soon-as they enter Kabul.
Moscow must look after its own collapsing house. It should be least interested in our problems. I don't know why the diversity of parties is considered to be a sign of democracy and political polarization elsewhere but in case of Afghanistan they express misgivings and
~look at it as a sign of hostility.
If Afghans could liberate their country from the superpower, they will be able to put their house in order very easily. The problem in our country is not diversity but interference in the internal affairs of Afghanistan mostly by Moscow and Washington.
Is it true that you do not exchange the POWs because you want to extort political concessions/rom Moscow?
No, absolutely not We are for total exchange in the context of the package of settlement;
Do you fJelieve that Afghanistan will be a/riendly countrj1n/uture? '
Why not, provided the USSR stops interference in our affairs. It must respect our territorial'Integrity and national sovereignty.
,will you demand war reparations/rom the Soviet Union?
i , Yes, of course, that is our right.
But will it be possible to demand war reparations and also see the prospect 0/ friendship 'infuture?
I don't think that these are interlinked. y ou just visit Afghanistan yourself and see the extent of devastation of today alone by the weapons sent by your government to Afghanistan. When you see the extent of damages, you will agree with our demand for war reparations. I must tell you that this is the right of the Afghan people.
How much reparations will you demand?
It will be possible to determine this only after a complete survey.
I am really pleased that you receive me inside A/ghanistanand amgrate/ul/or giving me your precious time as I understand that you are a busy man.
You are most welcome. You are no longer in an occupied and subjugated Afghanistan. You and I now breath in a free Afghanistan where you might be hearing the boom and roar of planes and artillery but you will not see any sign of foreign control or influence.
May I know where exactly this particular area is located in A/ghanistan?
This is Paktia province. It used to be a such green province' and a beautiful summer resort. The tall mountains used to be coverqd with dense pine and oak tree plantation which have been turned into ashes during the decadelong war imposed by the USSR on our
brave and peaceful nation. '
Don't you think that the war must now come loan end and reconciliation start?
We believe that we need peace more than anybody else. A proverb ·in our language says that the place feels the warmth of heat upon which the rue is burning. We are fi,~hting to extinguish the flames of a war which has been lit and fanned by your country. We are fighting to bring peace. A peace which is just, honourable and durable.
You know the war in Afghanistan had two basicreasons: one was the Red Army and the second was
, an imposed regime which, in our view and in the eyes of the outer world, was the extension of the occupation forces. One cause is gone while the other remains in full force. In such circumstances, we have no option but to fight and that is why the war has been mtensified. It is ranging around Kabul, Jalalabad, Gardez, Laghman, Logar, Qandahar, Maidan and Ghazni. The Kabul regime is very weak. It is still standing on Soviet crutches and 'without them it will fall
. ,
very soon.
Do you think you can"capt,J~ KalJul by force? Ifso, when?
( We believe the Kabul regime
will fall any moment. Because on the one hand well-organised and coordinated
, attacks have been mounted against it and on the other it is suffering from internal rifts and contradictions coupled with miserable economic condi tions. All these factors put together will bring the regime to its knees.
Which battles have you personally participated in and where?
I have taken part in many baUles from Kunar valley to the deserts of Qandhar .. .Moreoven I have taken part in
, battles in Nangarhar, laghman, Paktia, Logar, Maidan and Parwan. I have been going to these areas during even the r bloodiest.of-fighting, In each of these provinces, most of '::hich are located around Kabul. two major Soviet offensive used to take place every year
. involving 2 divisions of troops. The result 'was devastation and ruin, (will never be able to live down those memories.
What changes have you observed in the Soviet policy towards Afghanistan after Gprbachev took over and particularly after the failed coup in USSR?
Soon after Gorbachev' s takeover, we attached a lot of hopes to changes in Afghanistan', But all that
proved to be a writing on the sand. Nothing was changed. The amount of military aid to the beleaguered Kabul regime and subsequently an escalation of war took place. We never found out that Gorbachev after giving so much in concession to the West, almost to a humiliating degree, letting loose the Eastern bloc. allowing the collapse of the Berlin Wall and allowing the three Baltic republics to secede, was and is still reluctant to recognize the right of self-determination of the Afghan people. After the failed coup we thought the saner elements like Mr. Yeltsin would prevail over the jingoist elements and stop all military aid to Najib but again nothing significant happened.
Moscow is likely to cut off military aid to Kabul from next January. Do you think this would really tip the balance in anyone's favour?
There is no doubt that the only thing which keeps the regime resuscitating is the unhampered Soviet military support to the regime without which it will not unable to survive. The important thing is if the Soviets really wish to have arms cut off to both sides it should discuss the negative symmetry:
If Moscow agrees to this suggestion we on our part can pledge to offer facility in
this regard. No agreement in this regard between Washington and Moscow will have any legitimacy. Similarly, any other Russo-American agreements on Afghanistan will not be binding on the Mujahideen since none of them represents the Afghan nation in such talks.
Would that not 1IUl1ce it dilTJ:ull for the Mujahideen if USA cuts off military
:"? auu
We would be very happy if the USA stops interference in the internal affairs of Afghanistan. We expect just the same from Moscow.
But I know you receive a lot of aid. If tluUisstoppedwherewouldyouacquire the armsfrom?
We will get our arms from youAll our rrms are of Russian make.
What about Sting~rs?
We have no Stingers. We have only been using weapons which bear USSR markings1 You go and see for yourself if all those tanks are Russian or American? Our Mujahideenareallarmed with Kalashinkovs, Kalakovs and other types 6l Russian weapons.
Would it not be easier for you to deal with Yeltsin ramer than Gorbachev?
I believe all the changes in Soviet attitude towards Afghanistan have been inspired by Mr. Yeltsin. He was in favour of arms cut-off to the regime for a long time. I remember when his foreign minister once called Najib the Berya(chief of KGB in Stalin's lime) the same nickname was given to Najib by Krutchkov, the head of Gorbachev's KGB. Anyway, if Mr. Yeltsinoranybody else wants to see Afghanistan in peace, they must order the stoppage of all kinds of aid to the rejected regime of Najib.
I 'f"
I )
What changes do lou see in the poUcies of Gorbaehev and Yeksln: Are the,ir politics differentfrom ear'hother?
" -
Yes, their policies are different and there are many reasons for that but in my view the main reason is that Gorbachev has been surrounded by the most conservative elements of the KGB , army and the communist party. Yeltsin has not grown up in a similar environment This has put him in a good stead to take action for the solution of the Afghan problem.
A Mujahideen delegation is about to visitMoscow. Whyareyouagainstthis visit?
This has been consistently an important part of our policy that the Mujahideen should talk to the Russians as the second direct party to the Afghan problem. In line with this policy, we have, several times, held direct talks
~ with them. We have been 'A~rcely against Russo-American talks on Afghanistan as none of them represents the Afghan masses.
We want direct dialogue with Moscow but we want it to come out sincerely for talks with the Mujahideen. Moscow may solve her problem with Washington by talking to the Americans but their (Moscow's) problems with the Afghan people remain. Since the Russians are giving no impression of their sincerity in these talks, we wouldbe absent ourselves from the firststage. We will \\iit and see if the Soviets come around and change their present attitude. We will participate i~ the next rounds, if any. We believe in substantive talks and will never take paPPin a PR dialogue.
What do you mean by 'sincerity'?
You know the Soviet are talking to Wa~hington on substantive matters while we think the solid and durable 'peace can only be achieved by talking to 'the Mujahideen. The Soviets must realise that Mujahideen are nee the Contras.
What do you expect from the Moscow
Nothing at all. If we were to expect any thing I would have sent my
representative to Moscow, at least We" believe that the Russians, by inviting the Mujahideen to Moscow at this time,just want to appease the Soviet nation that after all the government in Moscow is concerned about its POWs on whom they would try to focus during the talks in Moscow. The issue ofPOWs in our view is a very small one compared to the other l-aming issues still unresolved. This is the reason why we suspect that the Russians are not sincere to fmd a lasting solution to the problems confronting our two nations. The Soviet are unrealistically pressing for the release oftheir311 POWs whom they declared MIA but we have about 35, ()()() such Afghans about whom no one knows whether they have been killed or being kept in prison in Kabul or Siberia.
How1lUlnySovietPOWsdoesyourparty hold?
A good number of them.
When will you release them?
They are our guests. We do not intend to keep them for good. This matter .in fact depends on the attitude of the Soviet government The sooner they solve the problem, the sooner will the boys go home. The Soviets must stop all assistance to the Kabul regime and stop . the bloodshed. The key to peace lies with them. Without this they should never ask for the release of the roWs.
Do you look after them well?
I intended to show one of them to you now to prove that we look after them well. But due to shortage of time we could not do so.
Oh, God. Is none of them here?
Not here, no.
As I know some ofthemure still fighting along with yourforcesagai'nsttheKabui regime.
Yes, many of them. They have become very skillful Mujahideen. I will
tell you that many of these boys are going to be the heroes of our history whose feats are going to be written in golden words.
But, what would be the fate of those who want to return?
This issue would be solved in the context of a package settlement We will see to it that those who want to go will go. Those who want to stay back are welcome to do that. We would never exchange them against their will.
Are theyallfrom the Muslim republics or are there some Russians as well among them?
They are all from the Soviet
You mean there are some Russians in them?
I said they are from the USSR.
You can interpret it the way you like.
What do you thin@boutthefate of the Kabul government. You reject any coalition with the members of the government. Is that so?
It is exactly so. We are not prepared for a coalition with the regime elements at any cost.
But Mujaddadi has said we will join a coalition government with Khaliqyar?
If he can afford to do so, he should do it.
Will youjight against that coalition?
. It is out of the question for him (Mujaddadi) to take the risk of isolation. If he does it, he will go just as an individual. I can tell you with certitude' that a coalition is not possible in our
No Mujahid will ever.imagine I tositac;:rossonetablewiththo~criminals whose hands are stained with the blood
of nearly 1.5 million martyrs. Those who think about coalition will achieve nothing but shame.
The only solution is thatNajib' s regime should be removed and replaced by a provisional government acceptable to the Mujahideen. This provisional government should not have elements
· of the cOmmunist regime and supporters of the ex-king.
Then cease-fire be announced and elections be held. Anybody who is in favour of a just and durable
• solution,this is the only way. Those running after coalition and trying to carve out a place for the communist elements
· in the future polity are mistaken.
They do not know the reality and dynamics of our society. Moscow
· knows it is the only way-out but because of the insistence of Washington it cannot come out openly in favour of this solution. Washington knows that since her agents are the weakest elements and they cannot survive without a coalition with the communists, that is why she encourages her agents to cry for a coalition.
Would you not accept Zahir Shah either?
'No, not at all. We will not tolerate people like Zahir Shah for one single moment. He is' in our view the root cause ofjhe present Afghan tragedy. There is no' questiossof accepting' the symbols of aristocracy and feudalism in the present revolutionary situation of
• Afghanistan.
The question is right of selfdetermination to the Afghan people. They should be able to choose their future government in accordance with their aspirations. The people of Afghanistan should be given the right to
· elect and determine the type of government they want. As we have not accepted the government formed by outsiders in the past. We will never accept such governments in future as
Do you want to establish an Islamic Democratic Republic of Afghanistan?
We are Muslim nation. What I have been insisting on and will continue to insist is the right of self-determination for my people and to elect an Islamic government.
How wilIyou treat the communislstifter taldng over power? Will you Idlrthem or expel them from the country?
We have announced a general amnesty for all those who join us, repent. their past and renounce hostility towards. Islam and the people. We have proved our intentions. We have granted amnesty to the defence minister of the regime and this will be applicable even to Najib ifhe wants to prove his sincerity.
How will he do? Just by professing sincerity?
No, words alone are not sufficient. He must at least go to the extent of Shanawaz Tanai or he must step down, stop killing the Afghan people and repent his past crimes.
Moscow believes that participation of people like Khaliqyar in the coalition will be an element of stability.
They think iflhe Mujahideen take Kabul by force it woullllead to a bloodshed.
It is true, if the Mujahideen take it by force anything might happen but they need not be afraid of a bloodbath in case they talk it out with the Mujahideen and not the Americans.
Will you punish the people like ordinary soldiers, civil servants and intepectuals?
No, the general amnesty is applicable to all those who repent their pastandjoin the nation. We have proved that we never punish the defectors. -
in favour of the Mujahidecn. They fight with the help of their faith.
Butcommunism was faced with a nation having no precedence of slavery. The Ulema were busy warning the people of the communist thrust since the rule of Zahir Shah. They had rejected the so-called cultural revolution of Zahir Shah. They were conscious of the threat and declared Jihad against the communist regime.Theregime did its utmost to weaken the resistance but could not. They used napalm born bs and poisonous gas against the Mujahideen. On March 15, 1979 about 20,000 Muslims were martyred in Herat. But all the terror fired back. Jihad spread to the <V,hole of Afghanistan and tJIe regfrne forces were unable to come out of their tanks. Russia found noother way but"1""""" :'rar~i with the puppet
'communist coup d etat. Daud was no more relevant and the stage was set for Taraki, aknown communist in Afghanistan. At first Russians felt no need for their massive military intervention. To them Taraki .could do the job of Communalization of Afghanistan. The misdeeds ofTaraki may be enumerated as:-
1- 15,000 Muslims, many of them U1em mas, were killed during the start of his rule.
2- Many laws repugnant to Islam were enforced.
3- The property of dissident Muslims was confiscated.
4- Religious programmes were stopped from radio.
5~ Islamic subjects were banned in educational institutions and instead communist dogmas were taught. ,
7 - Peasants, workers and women were forced to participate in the programmesofdte socialistculture'.
8- The existence of God was publicly . denied.
Hafizullah Amin who killed Taraki. Amin was also unable to control the situation because of the Muslim uprising. So Russia found no other way but to directly invade Afghanistan on Dec 27, 1979. Amin was killed. and Babrak
Afghan Jihad has entered its final stage. In this regard the brotherly Muslim countries of Pakistan, Iran
Karmal, with the help ofl 50,OOORussia 'forces, became the puppet president. Jihad was wide spread and Karmal failed in his communism bid of Afghanistan. Then came Najib who took Karmal's seat. Did Najib deli ver goods? Certainly not. He alongwith 150,000 Russian forces came to knees. The Russian troops left Afghanistan without any request by Mujahideen. Najib was left to his fate. Nowhe is in the process of fleeing the country.
Afghans paid the price of 1.5 million martyred for the cause ofIslam. This Jihad paved the- way for the liberation of theMuslims of Central Asia. Someof the republics have declared their independenceWhile others' are preparing to do so. In Afghanistan itself 90% of.the territory has been liberated.
. Khost has been captured, and other large cities are under the siege ofMujahideen. Gardez is/imminent to fall to Mujahids. Kabul is the next target. Qandahar is encircled completely. Russia cannot supply more arms to Kabul regime. But India is taking the position of Russia. Alnerica is preparing to make supplies
. to India for this purpose. They are not ready to see an Islamic government in Afghanistan. But despite all the hurdles in the way thesituation iri the country is
and Saudi Arabia have a great role to play. Success of Jihad in Afghanistan is linked to the formation of the envisioned Islamic bloc stretching from Central Asia to Turkey, Iran Afghanistan, Pakistan and Kashmir. This regional Islamic bloc combined with the Middle East would be a counterweight to the anti-Islamic forces but the key is Afghanistan. Therefore the regional Muslim powers and Saudi Arabia must help their brothers in Afghanistan politically, morally and materially. No peace formula be accepted disregarding Jihadi forces. No communist, open or disguised can playa role. No foreign agent can be assigned a responsible position in the country. To accept such a proposal is the negation of 12 years of Jihad..
As for the Central Asian republics, Muslim powers should also make contacts with the newly independent Central Asian states. They must be helped in all fields. LAst but not least, the O.I.C which has remained dormant during the Gulf crisis, must be activated. It must not be a tool in the hands of the West but for the Muslim peoples. •
~ Islam maintains that humanity has a ~special role to play on the globe and reality has ~confirmed that man is falling short of this ~accredition. The role man has to play is ~dimensional - to Allah, to ,~mankind and to ~himself. The holy Qur'an and the prophetic ~ S unnah contain many passages enunciating these ~d~ties, Take this as a specimen. Allah the most
~Hlgh declares:- .
~ "Say, come and I will relate to you what ~your Lord has madeprohibitedonyout as duties). ~That you should associate '!Dthing with Him But ~to your parents (show) goodness. Kill not Your ~children out of poverty.
I ,1
~ "Weshallprovideforyou and them (too).
~And advance not towards indecency - overtly ~or covertly- Nor kill a soul sanctified by Allah, ~exceptfor a just cause.
~ "These (obligations), He mandated on .
~you to be sensible. Likewise go not near
_ ~belongings of the orphan. except with that which ~is better (in motives) until he attainsfull puberty, ~And perform your measurements and 'scaling Iwith fairness none has been burdened (with ~obligations), ..
~ ,
~ "Save what he can bear. And whenever
~you testify, be just even if against close felatives' ~Similarly, the convenient of Alla,h (you must) Ifulfil. Those (things) He obliged on you to be ~mindful. And this js indeed mypath straight ~forward thenfollmy hot.crooked roads that will
~'surely divide' you' away from my path. Those
"""f I
The characteristic of the path of Allah is ~ straight forwardness, and the peculiarity in the ~ ways of men is waywardness. The primordial ~ universal unity of mankind: is of course larger ~ than the parochial artificial boundaries of nations. ~
Humanity has a common origin and ~ should be allowed to live once again as a com- ~ • posite entity. The surest way towards universal ~ unity, is the proclaimed path of Revealed ~ Monotheism. The best shield against continental ~ schism, is the adoption of fundamental Islamic ~ message. ~
But the truth today has no platform, and ~
the believers in-Allah have no say. Islam itself ~ is oppressed so long as humanity is denied its ~ blessings. The so called believers who only ~ profess faith but work not accordingly are to be ~ blamed for this because they are refusing to I
stand up to global challenges. I
Let mankind have access to the teaching ~
of Islam and see if the world will not succumb ~ ,t9 its message. We are today on a globe without ~ Islam and speaking right now of Islam without;
a globe. I
• I I
What-remains is not globalizing Islam, ~ .
for this has already been settled by Isla~ itself ~ - -.but, how best to Islamize the globe. That is ~ today a near possibility in the faces of hostile I garrisons of infidelity but only if we accompany ~ faith with actions. This is the more reason why ~ we must be conscious of our duties. The Glorious ~ passage above is comprehensive and its like are ~ numerous in the holy text. The message rerhains : the same, that man has three duties in life - to ~
~(instruotions) He dCfees on you for your piety": his Glorious Lord, to his hostile men and to his ~
~,(AI-Ari'am.6: 151-153). heedless self. _ I
. . ,
ccredition of Man
Mohammad llyas"Zara" Head of the Education Committee RIA recently spoke with the reporter of "Shahadat" in Peshawar.
f[ranslaJion: Sayed Anwar "Nasr" )
' ..
How would you describe the role of education in building the spiritual values of the members of the ~ociety?
In the name of Allah. the most Beneficent. the most Merciful.
The construction of a building is similar to that of a society. If the foundation of a building'is strong and the bricks which form the walls are solid and properly weaven then it w ill not easily collapse.
In order to have a strong and educated society. the need to accelerate educational programmes thus arise. Allah says in this regard. "Are those who know and those who don't equal?" However, the invasion of Soviet forces in our country
. further disrupted the education system there.
What differences do you think exist between the Mujahideen education system 'and the one before the start of Jihad?
It was a dark age before Jihad started. The dark clouds of secularism and anti - Islamic teachings were hanging (jve~ the horizons of education in Afghanistan, Communist ideology and secularism were taught in the schools and institutions of higher learning and Islamic teachings gradually disappeared.
Now despite all the social and political instabilities that we. encounter, education under these circumstances has increased dramaticall y. 0
This year a big number of students from other M ujahideen parties have shown, interest to join the HIA schools to
continue their studies, whYI,is~h~? i,
" '
When jthe Afghan Interim GovJ. (AIG) was set-up, I some Mujahideen parties p~d their learning institutions under'ihe control of the said Govt, for financial support. Now
that the AIG has been dismantled, the schools face severe shortage of funds. The HIA thus, has opened U1e doors of i ts schools to all Afghan refugee students regardless of their party affiliation. To educate the Afghan nation is one of the
top priorities ofHlA, because our country was lagging-behind under the totalitarian regimes of the past
What is the total number of elementary, secondary and High schools ofHIA inside and outside Afghanistan?
1- Elementary Schools -204
2- Secondary Schools -30
3- Lycee (High School) -18
4- Religious Schools and Darul-Hifaz
(Schools for memorizing Al-Qur'an by heart) - 258
·<t1otal No. of HIA' s Schools
What is the number of academic and administrative staff of the Education Committee and the Schools?
The administrati ve and academic staff of Elementary Schools is 1000 persons, while that of the Secondary and High Schools consists of 413 persons.
The number of students studying in refugee camps in f'
Pakistan reaches to 70630 while the number of those who are enroled in schools inside the country is 36520. Todl number would be 107150 students.
How many students are given bostels and provided transportation to enable them to continue their studies?
, \
Buses are provided for those students who are not living in hostels to transport them from their homes 10 schools and back. Those provided with hostel facilities in different schools are as follows:
1:- Sayed lamalludin High School
- 1200 Students
2:- Imam Azzam Madrasa I
- 450
3:- Abdullah Ibn Abbas
- 7(fJ
4:- Central Darul Hifaz
- 680
5:- Talimul-Qur'an - 428
6:- Ziaul Jihad ' .. - 383
~. Mazhar ul-Ulum Madrasa - 100
8:- Imam Bukhari Madrasa - 520·
9:- Al-Fatah Lycee - 200
10:- Maulavi Habib Rahman Lycce - 320
11 :- Abdur Rahim "Niazi" Lycee - 240
Total if - 5181 Students
/ What are your financial resources and how much is your monthly expenditure on education?
Our monthly expenditure is around Rs. 11,776,62.9 and we get this amount from Muslim countries,. Islamic organizations and the Jihad sympathizers. .
Whether the agreement reached between the US and USSR to stop supplying arms to both sides in Afghanistan, from Jan. 1, 1992, will gave a negative impacton your educational
programmes? '.
In fact, we welcome this decision. But this must be mentioned that the two countries have-to stops; all kinds of
interferences in Afghanistan. '
If and indeed the Soviets discontinue deliveries of
arms packages to the despicable regime of Najib, Kabul govt. will surely' fall to the Mujahideen soon.
Once the Islamio'govt, is established in Afghanistan, the education system wil), be placed under the control of the govt. and the domain of education will certainly be expanded further .• I
( Story of a Young Mujahid )
It was December 1988. The annual examinations of Govt, High School MayarDistt. Dir (N.W.F.P., Pakistan), was in progress when the 9th class boys were attempting the Islamic studies paper. one of the boys attempted the question which was about the lihad(Holy war in the way of Allah).
TIlls student while giving the answer of the question, fully described the various types of Jihad, its importance, meaning definition and advantages in the light of Holy Qur'aan and Sunnah.
As this boy was not a commol) School boy who just attempted his classes and played various games only but was much different from the rest of the boys. He was not only a School boy. to read and write and to play some interesting games in the playground, but was also a Muhajir and had left his homeland and migrated. He was a Mujahid who had taken practical partin the Jihad in his early childhood in' the battlefield. He, however. had not embraced Shahadat (martyrdom) although he had a great desire and hope to embrace Shahadat in the way of Allah Almighty.
He wrote a few sentences in the essay about Jihad and expressed his hearty feelings in the following words ." I want to do Jihad in the way of Allah with the enemies of Islam and communists. I have the desire to sacrifice my life for the sake of Allah and His message in this world."
When the examination was over and the School was closed for the winter vacations, the examination result was awaited. He remembered those sentences and words which he had written in his paper. Actually he was waiting for the time when his desire which he expressed in the paper might be fulfilled for this purpose he left for Jihad with his other young friends, belonging to Islamic Jamiat Talaba Pakistan (student wing of Jamiat-i-Islami Pakistan) to Paktia province of Afghanistan. During this period the cruel Russian troops were busy in killing the innocent Muslims of Afghanistan.
Within a fortnight of the departure of this young Mujahid, his dream of martyrdom became true. The result of his examination was not yet announced when he became Shaheed (martyr) on the 28th day of the December, 1988 at a hilly area of Paktia province near Khost
This great young poineer of Jihad was SamiuJ1ah son of Qari Abdullah. born in the village Mirsheikh, Ali Abad, Kunduz, Afghanistan in the year 1966. He was also a pushto poet and writer. His prose and essays were very moral in nature he was
. very fond of learning and acquirin~ education. He wrote with a purpose. Although his education remained incomplete but he achieved the real goal of his life .•
.. .. ..
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
~ experts and specialists from Turkey, Arab
~ countries, India, Pakistan and.African countries ~ were commissioned to undertake this huge work ~. and the financial obligations were being met by'
.. .
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. It .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
.. - / '
~ the Turkish Islamic lurst Board, they said. The
. ~ sour~es further-said two thousand employees with ,~!slamic background and experience in printing)
Work on Islamic Encyclopaedia in Progress
and publication were employed and the project would cost millions of dollars and the authorities took up the project without expecting material returns, they said .
Work is underway to'-prociucea large 20,OOO-page Islamic encyclopaedia 'covering all aspects of Islamic history, culture and civilization . Four volumes have already been completed and the remaining 30 volumes are expected to be completed by the year 2000. The first edition will be in Turkish language and official sources said English and Arabic versions of the encyclopaedia would be brought out soon after completion of the original Turkish one .
In the old quarters of the Ottoman capital Istanbul, the main complex of the encyclopaedia was set up some time back and pictures in black and white as well as colour and other reference
works were provided at the complex: to help the researchers.
Official sources revealed Saudi Arabia and Egypt had expressed their willingness to undertake the work of Arabic translation. Saudi Arabia also plans to produce all the volumes of the: encyclopaedia in an abridged form in one book in three languages including Arabic,
English and Turkish. The Turkish venture was started in 1988 .
Official sources told UNA one thousand
The Islamic encyc-lopedia published in Holland in several volumes was undertaken by Christian clergy men.' It, however, contains distortions and false claims as testified by prominent scholars, .Muslim or nonMuslims alike .
Several short encyclopaedia were produced by Egypt also ana Egyptian academics have said they were planning to bring out an Islamic encyclopedia on a very large scale. (UNA).
L By: F, K. Abo Walld, ~hD~
It is a common human trait that whenever someone stands in the ~ way of our goal, we experience anger. The degree of this angerdepcnds on
a variety of factors including the intensity of our goals, our psychological make-up and cultural background.
On August 29, 1991, the Iranian government showed a strange and bizarre anger reaction toward Eng. Hekmatyar, the Afghan Mujahidccn leader, calling for his assassination and also stating that Eng. Hekmat yar has done more harm to the Afghans than the Soviets or the Kabul regime. This angry reaction from Iran was published in the English language daily newspaper Kayhan which is known tobeamouthpieceofMr.Rafsanjani. Such a strong reaction in Tehran raises the question of which of Iranian goals EngineerHekmaty~r .may have frustrated. To answer this question itis necessary to shed some light on the background of Iran's policy vis-a-vis the Afghan issue.
When the Islamic Republic of Iran was-formed. its stand on the Afghan issue was admirable. They firmly supported the M6jahideen, assisted the Mohajereene'refugees), and attacked bothsuperpowers for materialism. land immorality. Willi
the wartyrdom of Shaheed Beheshti
. and numerous other revolutionary clerics,the composition of Iranian policy makers changed. Nationalistic and sect-promoting elements came to 'power. While Iran had isolated itself from the non-Muslim world, its. war with Iraq also isolated Iran from the Arab world-perhaps it was the heavy toll of this isolation that caused Iran to abandon its original principled stand. Secret ties (which are not anymore secret) were
. developed with Israel (to buy weapons) and with the US (the hostage deal wi th Reagan's administration).
The post-revolutionary Iranian relations with the Soviet become obvious with the letter of Imam Khomeini to Gorbachev, and since that time Iran has been on a course moving closer and closer to the Soviets.
It appears that the revolutionary slogan of "Neither
East, nor West, Islam is the best!" has given way to a policy that serves the interests of the Iranian rulers. The current regime appears to be entrapped by the Soviets in the drama of the their dirty geopolitics.
The Soviets are well aware of the great potential that a Mu jahideen-led Islamic government in Afghanistan would have in uniting Muslims, including the awakening of Soviet Muslims. Iran also knows that a Sunni Islamic government in Afghanistan will have widespread influence and supporters among the world's 1000 millions Muslims because the majority of the Muslims are Sunnis, thus overshadowing the Iranian sphere of influence.
The Soviets may have reminded the Iranians that a Sunni . Islamic government in Afghanistan will furthermore strengthen the demands of the Sunni in Iran to be treated fairl y . Thus Iran and the·
~. .-:. rT&'~~' !§ mflU' 'm.~J?j The MlI.jahideen. October I November. 1991 ~!,.,." . UBI' H _fl'[ Page 26 III 1111 J
USSR would have a common has related to this writer that Mr. shoot refugees who refused to live in
interests to weaken the Mujahideen Mazarihas repeatedly remarked that a prison-like place. The shooting
in Afghanistan. "N ajib is better to us than any of the caused the martyrdom of thirty
Mujahideen Sunni leaders since Afghan refugees. It was because of
Najib will give us a greater share of the cruel treatment of the refugees
power. and the Iranian anti-Mujahideen
policy that many Shia leaders such as Ayatullah Mohseeni (leader· of Harakat Islami Afghanistan, Khalili (of Nasr), Hashimi (of Hezbuflah), Mehdavi (of Shoora-i-Ittifaque), Taqaddussi (ofPasdaran), Gebraely (of Jabha-i-Muttahid), Haidary(of Niro-i-Islami), Iftikhari (of Nahzati-Islami) and several othersleftIran and established their offices in Pakistan This mistreatment of the refugees was also theprincipalrea$()n that the Hezb-i-IslamiAfghanisu.n succeed. Iran appears to use the Shiareminded the Iranian g()vemmentof parties to further her designs. their discriminatory andunfairpolic,. toward fellow Afghatlrefugeesand Mujahideen.
After receiving assurance from the rulers of Iran that they will not interfere in the internal affairs of
the Soviet Union, the Soviets have given the Iranian clerics a more free hand in contacting Muslims in the Soviet Union. This is a devious move by the Soviets because they know that by creating multiple sects among Soviet Muslims the probability of internal clashes will greatly increase among them. Those who are. converted to be Shia will be less influenced. by the Afghan -Sunni Muslims. This is indeed the old British policy of divide-and-rule.
The Soviets have given another ·"bunch of carrots" to the Iranian government in the form of various cultural and econorrrical agreements. The combined effects of the Soviet influence on Iran and th.e Iranian perc,ptionthat a strong Sunni governmentin Afghanistan is contrary to their nationalistic interests is in the opinion of this writer. determining 'and governing the Iranian. policy and behavior towards Mujahideen and Mohajereen (refugees).
The outline of the current Iranian policy toward Afghanistan can be traced from their behavior and statements demonstrated over the past three years:
1- Iran has' tried hard to inter(erewith the unity of the Afghan Mujahidccn. Towards this goal they hand-pick, and support •. those elements am,ong the Shia, Afghan Mujahideen· who. are ·.inti-Sunni Mujahidcenleaders.Ag~example is the heavy Iranian support of Mr. Mazari, a prominent member of He~-i-Wahdat.~A reliabi'ewitness
Another example is the negative roleplayed by Iran is the
. February 1989 consultative council that created the AIG (Afghan Interim Government). At that time Iran put itself forth as the spokesman for the Iranian-based Mujahideen parties and made unreasonable demands.
Because of" this interference, the Iranian-based Mujahideen did not join the AIG which was one of the several reasons the AIG did not
. 2- In order to please the Soviets
and also to further their own plan of reducing the chance of Mujahideen success, the. Iranian regime has developcdcordial tieswith the illegal regime .of Kabul. Disregarding the martyrdom of over one million
. Afghan by . the .Kabul regime and insteadof following the original goal of the Islamic Revolution of Iran to help Islam and Muslims, the Iranians are systematically catching Mujahideen (mostly Sunni) in Iran and placing them in the hands of Kabul secrctpolice acrossthe border. So far oyer 12,000 such cases have
10-. .
been reported. Reliable sources have
confirmed that the Iranian
, immigration and border authorities consult he. Afghan secret police of WAD before they allowany Afghan refugees to exit.
3- Great restrictions are placed on the Afghan refugees living inside Iran. They are allowed to work only in specified low status jobs and live in places that are strictly guarded. Awhile back irl Zahidan, when a group of guards were ordered to
4- The Iranians ·know that because of Eng. Hekmatyar'spopular base and military strength in Afghanistan he has a great potential for establishing a strong Mujahi administration in Afghanistan.
is exactly what the Iranians do not wish for Afghanistan. The establishment of. Shoura-i-Ittelaf in Peshawar which has improved the probability of Shia-Sunni unity against any international ~onspiracy and which has cordial relations with Eng. Hekmatyar also stands as a hurdle in the path ofIranian goals. In summary, Iran's policy towards the Afghan Mujahideen is to prevent them from forming a strong Islamic government in Afghanistan. To enforce this policy Iran is doing the following:
a) U sing her economic,
religious and geographic .influence to cause disunity among Mhjahi<ieen.
b) Cooperating with Najib's regime and acting as a conduit foJ'
---;m~~~~~~~~~~' 99~I!U I I lilJ :Pase27 _
~'<iiiIi i !] TMMujahideen, October t NOllember, 1 1 ,. .
When contrasted with the friendly overtures of Mr. Velayati, the Foreign Minister of Iran, toward Mr. Qutbaddin Helal the chief of the political Department of HIA during the first trilateral talks, such a strong statement by the Iranian government ordering in fact the killing of a Mujahid .leader shows a childish reaction. When HIA participated with Iran in the talks, Mr. Velayati repeatedly told Mr. Helal that he wished to see "Br. Hekmatyar and greet him". But when the HIA boycotts the talks in Tehran.Iike the bull y in a child's game, Iran says, "If you don't do what! say I will knock you down."
the Soviet policy in Afghanistan.
c) Weakening those'
Mujahideenleaders that are effective in standing in the way of Iran's Afghan policy implementation and supporting those "Mujahideen" elements that Iran can use as the tools.
With this background the reader can now see in better perspective why Iran showed such an angry reaction towards Eng. Hekmatyar's conditions for participating in the trilateral talks in' Tehran. The H.LA set the following conditions for its participation in the second trilateral talks:
i~ The Jihad organizations should discuss the achievements of the first trilateral talks held in Islamabad and reach a consensus on a plan for the solution of the Afghartistan problem before participation!n the Tehran conference. 1
ii- All the effective Jihad organizations including Shoora-iIttelaf should be' invited to the conference. and the extra-ordinary importance being given to some of thepartiess'hould be sloped forthwith.
111- The major Mujahideen organizations should agree upon the delegations '. participating. in the conference and, through mutual understanding. a personshouldbe named as head of the delegation.
Since Iran didnotaccept the condition,. HJA did not participate i~ the talks. It should be mentioned that HIAparticipated in the fi~lttrilateral talks in Islamabad.and leamtf<! that the Iranian delegation was insisting that the talk's be called {Our-sided (PaKistan:' Iran and Iran-based
Mujahideen and Pakistan-based Mujahideen). This insistence of the Iranians had disappointed Sayyaf's representative which resulted in their boycotting the meeting. This attitude of the Iranians to divide rather than to unite the Afghan had no doubt left a negative impression on all participating Mujahideen including
. HIA and therefore reducing the chance that all Mujahideen would participate. Four Mujahideen parties Ittihadi Islami, HIA (of Khalis), Shoora-i-Ittelaf and HIA boycotted
the Tehran meeting.
The reasons Iran singled out Eng. Hekmatyar for a verbal assault rather than the other party leaders }hat boycotted are that:
i) Eng. Hekmatyar is perceived as a real hurdle in the way of Iran achieving her goal in the region.
ii) Iran scores points with the Soviet and the Americans both of whom are against this Mujahid leader.
iii) Iran hopes to send a message to those Afghans' who are waiting forthe.Af~hanimbroglioto be solved that Eng. Hekmatyar should be blamed if the . trilateral talks do not produce m"uch results,
The words selected to assault Engineer Hekmatyar
, (Hekm.atyar harmed Af~an more than'the Soviet) reflecrthe function ofan angry and desperate tnindrather than logical thinking .. The whole world knows that it was the Soviet bombing for ten years which killed 1.5 million people and ruined 70% 6'fthe villages. How could Engineer Hekmatyar who possesses not even a single bomber do more damage than the Soviets?
To give the benefit of doubt one can hope that the statement .in Ki;\yhan was a terrible blunder maQe by a few individu~s and thatitd(}(!s not reflect the collective poliCy of the whole government.
It is hoped that the noble nation of Iran which has numerous learned scholars able to see the real , issues will firmly bring to the attention of their government this unfortunate blunder and request that an apology be immediately sent to Mr. Hekmatyar.
It is also hoped that the people of Iran should alsonow examine the intentions behind such propaganda against a Mujahid leader whose cause the people oflran have supported for a whole decade. Perhaps through this kind of examination the people of Iran can also check their government to keep it on the right path and to prevent it from becoming a tool which serves the interests of the superpowers. The Islamic Republic of Iran tn the true sense of the word will become stronger when it has another brotherly Islamic of Afghanistan by its side. _
.. . , ..
c: Jbn Abayomi>
Deep reflections on Afghan Jihad, have acceptedly, presented their own novel and creative expositions about man, faith, politics and collective aspirations. Butall in in all, they primarily .~ serve today as new and cogent confrrmations of the perpetual struggle between Western rhetorical democracy and existing international diplomacy.
Since the winterofl990, which also happened to be the thirteenth year of Muslim popular uprising and the eleventh year of a real armed and organized party resistance against Soviet invaders from abroad and their puppet Marxist dictators at home, Afghanistan has steadily becoihe another victim of capitalist encroachment
It took the bulk sector of the' Mujahideen Some sixty months after the notorious Geneva accord between the two Superpowers under the direct supervision or rather the insidious initiation of the UNO to realize that global Zionism which was originally represented in the country by the Red Army had dramatically changed its language of oppression from military invasion to political incapacitation.
Ten years ago, 'every body entrusted the Afghan Muslim Revolutionaries with the task of doing what was apparently then an impossibility. The calculation of the capitalist world was to tie the Islamic militancy down in Hindokush by giving it the arms and ammunitio~s to face the most brutal dictatorship on.earth. The communist Soviet had but more than one 9ther attributes; in that jt had equal if not exceeding" militant inclination
which had also been proved savage in . post second World War political history.
What the West would have gained if such a "bog-down" strategy were successful would have been muliple-fold. One, it would have won the sympathy of a large cross-section of the Muslim world by posing as a friend. Two, it would have prevented a resurgence of Islamic militancy in other parts of the world, since majority of the Muslim fighters might have been trapped In a probable stalemate or even eliminated if the Red Army gained the upper hand. Three, The financial resources of the so-called Muslim fundamentalists, which were used to advance Islamic courses all around the globe would be automatically directed to, and recircled in Afghanistan.
~ The simple formular here
wouldjust be "sell oil" from the Middle East and, get paid through Western Banks. Go and borrow money later from international financial houses in Geneva, London, Washington or New York. The so far borrowed huge amount is used in servicing previous interests on old debts also as payments for war machines and
second-hand if not third class industrial equipments from the West. Then comes the exaggerated threat of Communist hegemony. Developing nations are told to run helter-skelter so as to protect. themselves. This will be fully accomplished by using all their oil revenues. In the end the Islamic necessity of helping brothers in Afghanistan and other ideological-hot spots crops up which is also fulfilled by providing for the refugees and aiding the fighters. Eventually, the money, love affection and thanks are schemed to find their ways back to the West.
That was the Zionist empire of illusions. It was constructed on false premises that Communism would last longer to warrant the continuation of Marxist over blown threat, that Western
stooges in Muslim countries would always command the confidence of their nations, and that the Red Army 'could never be defeated in Afghanistan not by the "unruly tribal guerrillas'! ... Western dream was endless. It was a constellation of misguided imaginations that were formed from confused geo-political anal yses and crystalized in the old glories
of Zionist imperialism and capital hegemony.
It was not the first time nor would it be the last, when our so-called defenders of human rights would engross themselves in a world of fantasies and commit all their energies to fruitless battle with reality. Like a fast melting lake of ice under the scorching heat of a burning sun, Western hopes evaporated into the thin airof permanent uncertainty. The various soico-political calculations crashed head-long with the immutable edifice of human revolutionary determination ,which is prepared to free itself from the shackles of Injustice and
c ..
break the numerous fences of denial
constructed around it in preventing fundamental changes on the globe.
The Mujahideen have of course learnt their own lessons. Drawing heavily from the unreliability of past friends and foes alike, Muslim revolutionaries a year ago decided to proceed as a united front, which brought Khost as its first fruit. Two nights ago when the battle around Gardez was just starting, Islamic forces captured twenty s~ posts and more from the Marxist forces. 'By the end of the third day, the Mujahideen had already penetrated the suburbs. The fall ofGardez seems today highly imminent. No communist reinforcement could relieve the city except through Logar which is also controled by the Mujahideen. The geo-political expectations of the West that Afghan crisis would pay them are nowhere materializing.
The only alternative is to stop the military advancement of the Muslim revolutionaries through increased military assistance to Marxist regime in Kabul- though that would amount to administering anaesthetic drugs to a clinically dead patient:- because any weapons and ammunition sent to the besieged Gru-dez would eventually fall -, in to Mujahideen hands. This therefore
- /
becomes a double calamity. In
apprehending such,situatibns Zionist manupulators from all corners of the globe are putting in their last; breath to'
direct publicauention from the on-going
Ebbing away in a wilderness of smoke: A communist ammunition-truck Set ablaze by Mujahi~'. artillery
armed conflict in Afghanistan to a series of barren political initiatives.
To realize this, UN appears to have been appointed to play tlt.e major tole. Iran and Saudi Arabia are chosen toactasmidwivesforaproposedrepublic
. of Afghanistan that must have a remote control in Washington. Tehran seemed to have fully accepted her own roles. Various Shia Mujahideen parties based in Iran have been secretly guaranteed a protected status regardless of the outcome of popular elections. This, would pay Iran since what she wants is a future Afghanistan that could at least stand with her in the leadership crisis between Tehran and Jeddah. This is also an illusion, since both Iran and Saudi Arabia failed to.play a decisive role in the last Gulf-crisis during which they unconsciously frustrate away many of their, old sympathizers and made their die-hard supporters to be as confused as
,. .
ever. Islamabad also appeared to have
been pressurized by unknown forces to give UNO peace initiatives the first priority. To be honest anything short of a convincing Mujahideen's victory in Afghanistan would never pay Pakistan.
, People may argue extensively
in the press and speak disgruntly in seminars and conferences that Afghan drisis is now staying longer than expected and that the influx of refugees is becoming an economic liability on Pakistan, since-ali financial assistances are now virtually cut-off. Similarly, the
alleged constant transmission of imported arms from the seaport in Karachi to refugees camps in Peshawar, has been attributed to be the major cause behind terrorist operations through out the country. But Afghan exiles on the other side of the border are poor familes of the martyred Mujahideen. They are widows, orphans and the wounded who need not weapons but secured domiciles.
These different reasons even if existing are totally not free from illusions. As an illustration the tribal areas in Pakistan manufacture their guns and the presence ofMujahideen and Muhajireen in Peshawar and other major cities has contributed greatly to the industrial and commercial development of these localities. The financial aids and grants suspended from both Muslim fighters and Pakistani government were very much beneficial in that all revolutionary parties concerned are now self reliant. That was what it used to be in the past.
, Finally the creation of a true Islamic government that represents a genuine majority of Afghan nation is one of the best assets Islamabad could have in a region full of hostile neighbors.
Involvement of neighbouring Muslim countries by America ih her strategy is a ploy to give the impression of an international consensus especially since the UNO too is firmly committed. This is the core of American diplomatic terrorism whereby, apparently innocent' sovereign states are intimidated by
~~m;,~ ... ~·m· ~~~~~~~~m1'~ TIJeMIIjahideen,OctoberINowmbe, 1991 w. •• ~~~~~~~~. ~~ D ,.,.
'lO i . rdp.- W ; Ii l
economic SlIaDguJation or bOught over pollute their thoughts and create bloodyrevolutionin&hecowury?Wbat
by promises of financial liquidity 10 P:Oisonousabnosphereoffllipancies. To is gOing lO'be &he stand of &he out-Jawed
iecant tlfeireafiierprincipled stand so as think today that. by withdrawing what is so-called Islamic fundamentalists. who
10 end up, joinning the band-wagon of essentialy a liability 10 the Mujahideen stiU control a large foUowership among
American political castigation of, or fromthemwouldsuddenlyhelpWesrem the citizenry?
military intervention in other nations. imperialistic machinations in theregion, is so to say, the peak of self-mockery and coUective deception. It is a fact that confums the inability of most policy makers in WashinglOn 10 abandon their old illusive hypothesesthatAfghan Jihad can be derailed or defeated. .
This strategy of cajoling feable min~ leaders inlO submission and ~ipU1atinggeneraJ gIoba1epinionwas fD-s'ttried on Iran. It worked exceedingly . Later Baghdad became the next victim even if she was the greatest benefICiary when implemented on her neighbour. The next target of this international intimidation appears 10 be Afghanistan, and 10 be more explicit the so-called .. fundamental militant parties among the Mujahideen.
Jamaat-e-Islami N.W.F.P.
arranged a high public meeting at Peshawar busy Khyber Bazar in Connection with the 50th anniversary celebrations on Oct. 24, 1991.
The meeting was addressed by the top leadership of the Jamaat-e-Islami including its Amir Qazi Ahmad the meeting also passed several resolutions concerning Kashmir, Afghanistan, Palestine and other burning issues.
Aqpressing the meeting Amir of the Jamaat -e- Islami Pakistan Qazi Hussain Ahmad condemned the United States of American
and'its new world order and said that soon the world would see the .. end of US hegemony. He predicted that US powerrnight end within the next 15 to 20 years. Like the Soviet Union,the US would also meet its natural end. He predicted a bright future for the Muslim countries of the world.
Referring to the recent changes in the Soviet Union, he said that all this happened due to the historic struggle waged by the Afghan Mujahideen. He stressed the need for unity among different groups of Mujahideen in his 40 minute speech, he critcised the Pakhtoon nationalists and condemned their statements regarding Afghanistan. He said that time had proved that they were wrong and now they were changing their stand.s,
~1iI1IftIl_~~_~~_~~_~iifIIl TheMujahilken,OctoberINovember,1991
Genocide of Arakan's Muslims
Arakan, an independent Muslims kingdom of South-East Asia till 1784 AD, is now one of the 14 provinces of Burma. The area of present Arakan is approximately 16, 000 square miles. It is bounded in the North- West by Bangladesh and on the North by the Chin Hills. The lofty Arakan Hills completely separate Arakan form mainland Burma in the East, thus forming a natural physiographic unit, It is bounded on the West by the Bay
of Bengal. 1
The total population of Arakan is approximately four million. There are two major ethnic communities in Arakan. The Rohingyas, who constitute nearly 70% of the total population are believers oflslam and the Maghs (Rakhine) who constitute 25% of the total' population and profess Bqddhl,.sm. The Northern part of' Arakan . adjoining Muslim Bengales is over-whelmingly more than 96% of the total population in-the-area.
The term Robingyas is derived from the "word Rohingyas trace their origin to the Arab. Moors. Turks. Persians, Moghuls and Bangles and over the last 100 years have maintained their Islamic cillture.arid identity. The Muslim traders firstvisited Arakan in the' 7th century and establishedtheir Kingdom in 1430 AD. They ruled Arakan for nearly 350 years till they were conquered by Burmese in 1784. Later the British occupied Burma in 1824 who ruled till 1948. when Burma became an independent state, Even.since the Arakanese lost their independence to Burme~ &OIpminati~JO: 'they have been
subjected to religious and cultural exploitation. .
I _I . I
',' In.Apri! 1942. me Maghs equipped with arms;
plundered the Rohingya villages in connivance with
Burma independence Army and massacred nearly 100. 000 Rohingyas. In 1947. general Aung ofBunna, held a conference in Pang long, where all the nationalgn>\lplf were invited except the Rohingyas of Arakan.m~ conference he gave written assurance to Bll.dslt government to protect and meet the rightsanddeman<is': of all nationalities of Burma, but that of the ROhingyas,()iy! Arakan were not even discussed. It was in 1947 that .. ,' .. .ehrollment for the first general election.ofBul1Jl~~ constituent assembly was carried/out throughout BUrn\tt· In the process the Burmese authorities,~liberately excluded the Rohingyas area of Arakan'1beRohingyas did contact the British government as the election scheduled to be held quite some time afierthe enrollme
. but by that time the constitution of Bunnahad alrea
been framed. Thus the Burmesea\lthmities·tactfl.J debarred the •• Rohingyas from becorn.ingPart o.f efforts of for framing of the constitution. t-..sa.res\l.it
rights and privileges did notfind'a tnen~ in constitution and were once againleft{)utunDt:J~~d. Eversinceandafterthedeparture ofBritisb.the~" .have been socially degraded, economicallycri.P
religiously persecuted and politically liquidated. sOme ,. of the wrongs done to them need to be elabOrated.
Social persecutio.~
. All Rohingyas social, cultural,religious artd student organizations or associations haveJJeento~y banned by the government,- Deliberate. anijp¢rsis~1lt attempts have been made to impose the majority culture,
on the Muslims. .,
- Government sponsored media has been painting the pictures of the Muslims in such a way that-their felloW countrymen look at them with contempt and hatered.
I[No Crimes / Acts Approx Remarks
1- Destruction of settlements 715 Over the whole region of Arakan,
2- Exodus/Expulsion 1,200,000 -do-
3- Massacre 1,80,000· Massive in 1942.
4- Arson 6,700 Over the entire region.
5- Rape 2,600 -do-
6- Murder 6,000 ,. Mostly by B.T.F now alarmingly increased.
7- Detention (Rohingyas
& other Muslims). 4,500 Mostly in Arakan,Mauhgdaw,Buthidaung Akyab,
Rathedaung, Insein, Moulmein, Prome.
8- (a) Destruction of 1,975 Over the whole region of Arakan,
i Mosques, Maqtabs and
I Madrasahs
.: (b) Destruction on Holy 7,00,000 - do-
Books and:Scnptures.
I 9- !confiscalion ofWaqfland & 6,000 -do-
Trust properties.
! 10- Confiscalion ofland Acres Worth
- do-
properties etc. Millions of
i Kyat.
11- Removal from Govt. Service 10,500 - do-
. Organization).
12- Missing. 21,500 Govt, explanation is left the country.
.' .
13- Unemployed I under 2,50,000 Over the entm!'\egion.
"- ••••••••••• ;/ - Muslims' lives and property are continuously in danger due to riots andmany lives are lost every month.
- Rohingyas history has been practically obliterated. Muslim culture. Muslim relics. archaeological remains and monuments have been destroyed.
The Muslim names of places have
been changed. Arakan and Akyab are changed to Rakhine pray and Sittwe-which are names used by Buddhists ..
- In all schools. Muslirh (students are being brain w~hedlwitb antiIslamic-education.
- SP'tce HOcto.ber 1966 rio'Muslim -
is allowed to move from one place to another without a permit which is not easily attainable.
- Medical treatment, educational facilities and social welfare services are non-existent in the Rohiogyas area. No outside humanitarian organizations are allowed nor the Burma Red Cross Society did render
any help and medical services to the Rohingyas even during the time or natural calamities and epedimics like the severe cyclonic holocaust of 29 April 1991. which took hundreds of I;ives.
- Burmese soldiers. law enforcing authorities and Maghs ruffians often go round the Muslim villages,
.humiliate elders. beat up youths, snatch away valuables. enter into the houses and dishonour women.
- Muslims are forced to provide food items.' firewood and construction material free of cost round the year for the soldiers and workers and other law enforcing
- Rohiogyas are being pressganged into forced labour as porters and workers for construction of roads, dams. buildings: even women folk are dragged out of the houses and hauled to the work sites.
(Economic p.ersecution)
Muslim lands are
confiscated on fictitious grounds and non-Muslims are being settled on their lands.
"..- Almost all shrimp culturing dams and salt farms owned by the Rohingyas have been confiscated.
- The agricultural taxes on farmers are so high and oppressive that it is not simply possible for them to make the payment. No mercy is shown to Rohiogyas even in the days of
natural catasrophes, destruction of crops by pests. etc.
- Muslims are not allowed to carry on business and trade. Shops owned by the Muslims are often looted and sometimes set on fire. InfJuly 1991 hundreds of shops were seized at Maungdaw town and property worth millions of Kyats was looted.
An Islamic school imparting religi ous education in Arakan
successive Burmese regimes have launched 16 major anti-Rohingyas armed operations and engineere 64 communal riots in Arakan to drive oUI Rohingyas from their' ancestral homeland. Constant oppression by the security forces and degradation have forced the Rohingyas to flee their homeland and take shelter in neighbouring Bangladesh or other countries like India, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Thailand, Malaysia etc. In this manner over 1.2 million Rohingyas are uncared for refugees living a dismal life.
Religious persecution
Religious activities of Rohingyas are under humiliating restrictions. On 23 May 1991, the mosques and the headquarters of the Islamic preaching Centre of Maungdaw was closed down.
- Mosques and Madrasahs arc desecrated, burrit down and turned intomilitary barracks or warehouses.
~ Muslim grave-yards have been converted into banana orchards or public latrines.
- Waqf properties are being confiscated and distributed among non- Muslims.
- Religious dignitaries are humiliated, manhandled and forced to work in labour camps.
- The use of loudspeakers is not permitted in mosques.
- Muslim orphanages and other religious institutions are not given any aid by the government.
I )
- Sacrifice of animalson religious occasions! is curbed ,-througH rcstri eti ve 'measures.
-.A very meagre quota is given to Muslims for performance of Haj.
The ongoing genocide and oppression in Burma should be stopped by the joint efforts of the UN and its member states. UN must take the initiative and urge the Burmese regime to respect human dignity and protect human life and property of Rohingya people in Arakan.
~ Political Persecution
Like the Palestinians Kashmiris and Afghanis, it is th~ result of forcible dispossession of the Rohingya population and their expulsion from their homeland by' means of in-human persecution and harassment.
The new Burmese
citizenship law of 1982, as ratified by the Burmese parliament has declared Rohingyas as "State less people" and "Illegal immigrants'" from Bangladesh. Through this enactment, the authorities aim to throw out all Rohingyas from Arakan.
~ Rohirigyas are not allowed to form any independent political party of their own which could serve the interest of their people. They are given np participation in the affairs
of the state. - .•
- They have been deprived of their rights of franchise as many of them have been deliberately denied to register in the voting list.
- Rohingyas are not all recruited in
defence services and grossly fliscriminated against in civil services. Those in civil services are being dismissed or forced to resign.
- Since independence (1948) the
It is denial of fundamental human rights and freedoms under UN declaration. It is the moral duty of all the countries and the concerned international organizations to come to assistance of Rohingya ref.ugees wherever they are, in giving them shelter and meeting their essential requirement for survival. The Rohingya people must be given full support to go back to their homeland honourabl y. _ (Countesy "The News" )
The Muja1Udeen, October I November, 1991 mrlliI!iI!lIiI!iI!lI __ ~~~!I.1~~ Page3S _
In fact some heretics are of the contrary opinion about Islam and the rights of women. According to a scholar, these people are of the opinion that Islam regards women as lowly, totally weakling and captives in the hands of men. To these people women are deprived of all rights and priviledges. They are also deprived of the blessings of letters (education) and therefore women are required to stay at home with their eyes closed and detached from the society.
When' one examined the position of women in Islam one would be able to see that these people are talking from a purely ignorant perspective.
Islam as a religion preserves the dignity of women and thereby outlines their rights hence women are endowed with various rights. These rights include that of marriage with other attendant rights, such as dower and owning of property which are all embeded in 'marriage so also are the right of divorce, the right tp eoufation, politics and religion:
I .. f
To start with Islam considers
men-and women equal as far as human
rights are concerned. The Holy Prophet
.. of Islam (p.B.O.H) "Women are the twin halves of men". In the light of this we can infer that Islam does not only recognize human personalty for both men and women but it also consider them as equal in all rights and human priviledges.
The holy book ofIslam as well often speaks of two mates which are men and women. The Holy Qur'an says both men and women are created from a single soul. At times the Holy Qur'an refers to men and women in a single language. To butress this fact there are some references in the Holy Qur'an where Almighty Allah refers to both men and women as partners, and friends to one another ..
This then means that women are also equal to their male counterparts in all-respects. Although this does not mean that there are no differences between the two sexes. Men are physically stronger than their women counterparts. Men are biologically different from women. Among those Qur'anic references that refer to both wale and female as equal include the followings:-
"0 mankind! revere your Lord who created you from a single soul, and from it created of like nature. His mate and
from them both scattered like seeds countless! men and women".1
"0 mankind we created you from a single (pair) of a male and female and made you into nations and tribes''2
"And the believer, the men and the women are friends of one another".3
In all the verses of the Holy Qur' an quoted above men and women are equally addressed in the word mankind. In Islam women are regarded as the axis of thesociety because they are the mothers of the society. The family is a small union of individuals which include women. A society lacking mothers (women) is not complete. When a mother fails to perform her natural duties in a family the cordial relations of the members is affected because Islam gives the dignity of training children to mother. Although men are also concerned in the training of children but itis the mothers that are majorly charged with this role. Infact no society can function without women. The ultimate perfection of the family dependsnn the women in that family.
The Holy Prophet (p.B.O.H)
while defining the dignity of women was quoted to have said thus:-
"If a society is good the women of that
. society are good and if a society is bad the women of that society are bad."4
The Holy Prophet did not stop here, he also enjoined the whole mankind to treat women in a gentle and kind manner.
He said this because ~ realized that women are the sisters, wives and mothers of the society therefore he said:
"Stick to your mother for the paradise is beneath her feet"5
It also happened thaton another occasion a man came to the Prophet (P .B.O.H) to inquire from him the person that deserves his duty firstand the Prophet (p.B.O.H) told the man to be good to his mother three times before mentioning his father.
The man asked, who has the greatest right of a good company of the child?
The Prophet answered: "Your mother"
The man said: Whp's next?
The Prophet replied: "Your mother"
The man asked, who's next?
The Prophet answered: "Your mother"
The man: Who's'next'?]
The Prophet (p.B.O.H) then said "Your father"6
The Prophet (p.B.O.H) also said during his last pilgrimage while he was giving his last sermon that a man should treat his wife kindly and that a man should also provide food and clothing for his wife.
Islam in realization of the dignity of women also grant them their natural rights. These rig~ts shall be examined under the following subheadings: - Marriage, Inheritance, Right of women on men, Religion, Education
and.Politics, .
Marriage is the sacred union between two people that is a man and a woman. This contract has to be initiated by one of the two parties. Therefore it is the man that intitiate it except in rare cases when a woman initiates it. The question that then arises is this: Does that degrade the status of the woman or is it an insult on the personality of the women. The answer to this is that men do not ask the hands of women in marriage to degrade them. In the light of this, women are given the right to turn down or to accept man's proposal. It is the man's instinct to make the first approach while it is the woman's instinct to be a source of attraction andthis attitude is perfectly in accordance with the lauer's nature of self restraint. From the time immemorial men have been approaching women with their common proposal and requesting conjugality from them. In fact this has been the greatest weapon in safeguarding the prestige and honour of women. Men-do not approach women because they are superior neither are the women taken as inferior sex to them hence women are being loved. Islam stipulates the custom of asking a woman's hand in marriage to preserve their honour and prestige. Even when a woman asks for a ~an 's hand in marriage -- -- though in rare cases -- -- it does not tamper With her honour and prestige.
Among the rights given to woman in marriage include the right to reject any groom who is not her choice irrespective of her parent's consent. A woman has the right to choose her husband whether she is a widow or a divorcee even if the parents do not give their consent. Islam forbids imposed marriage and it is also against compulsion in marriage.
When the proposal is made and acceptance is given, dower then comes in. Islam gives women the right to take from their suitors a token amount known as (Maher) dower. This dower is given by the groom in order to preserve the economic rights of the wife after marriage and to strengthen her financial position. It also serves as obstacle to the dissolution of the marriage tor frivolous reasons. The money should be given to
. women as free gift. Islam also gives the women the right to take it without refunding it e"Wn if the two parties are to part ways later on.
Islam also stipulates that women should not be treated with harshness in order to take away part of the money given to them. In the 'light of this, the HclyQur'an says:
"rotor should ye treat them with harshness so that ye may take away part of the dower given them"?
The following verse also declares thus:
"Even if ye have given the lauer a whole treasure for dower take dot the least bit of it back .. "8
In the light of the above verses, it is therefore unlawful for men to take back what they have given to women as dower.
r------------------------------·--~-·- --··---·'i
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I Women are allowed to hold property in I
their own respect and, they could dispose of I their property independently.Thjs property I inc1udeswhattheymighthaveacquiredthrough their own labour or acquired through dower, I inheritance, by gift, or through any other way that is lawful. A woman can own an estate and the woman may reside in her own estate, if the husband has not got power to provide her a domicile. The husband can as well reside with the wife but the woman still remains the legal owncr of the house. In fact the husband's consent
is only necessary because the husband is the head of the house. The rationale behind this is not that the man will take the possession of her estate but that the male must alwaysbe affirmed
as the head of the family. The woman is still the mistress of her personal estate.
If a woman is wealthy she can also willingly help her husband from her own wealth. If she decides not to, the husband can not take the possession of her property by cohesion on this. Even if it happens that a woman dies while the husband is alive, the spouse can never take the death of such a wife as an advantage to take her belongings. The husband is howeverentitlcd to certain fixed portion of her property after her demise but not to the extent of taking everything. The property of a woman is not also shared along with that of her husband in case the latter" dies first. The Woman retains her right over her own property while only the property of the husband is disbursed to the appropriate channels. The stand of the Holy Qur'an is as follows:
"0 ye who believe you are forbidden to inherit women against their will"9
The Holy Qur'an thus warns that women's property should not be taken over unlawfully. This verse could also tie taken to mean that men are forbidden j'n Islam to marry widows by force orthrough inheritance.
This implies the obligatory duties of men to women. The rights include proper maintenance when she is healthy or sick by making for her adequate provision for food, shelter and clothing. In Islam men are enjoined to treat women with love and kindness. The authority of this is found in the Holy Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Holy prophet. It is incumbent upon the men to take care of their wives during the latter's sickness. A man should be responsible for the cost of the medicalcare, Although . a man may not be held responsible for tyerything. The woman could as well help the huslimd out of her own means. Thus a woman can still remit part of the money expended on her when the woman recovers from her sickness and then resumes work.
Islam also gives women the right to be provided with adequate food, and other things. To butress this the Holy Qur'an declares thus:-
"Men are the protectors of women because Allah hath given some of you more strength than the other and that they support them from their means" 10
In the light of the above verse, it is therefore apparent that women are not obliged to work in order to provide for herself and her family. The burden is incumbent on the husband, however the
, ' woman can co-operate and support the husband, especially if the husband is poor since poverty is not an excu~e for a Muslim man or woman to practice celibacy.
The rights which Islam gives women as regards inheritance is also seen as a sort of emancipation for them when we examine some Jahiliyyah systems of inheritance. In these various customs; a woman who bears no issue for a man is not entitled to his property and also the male children of a deceased are regarded to have better rights to inheritance than the female children. Mo~ often than not the women are excluded completely from inheritance.
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Islam gives women the right to sue for ,?vorce if they are disallowed their conjugal nghts. They are entitled like men to sue for the dissolution of marriage even without the permission of the law court or the consent of the husband. Still on the issue of divorce, women are given a kind of right and opportunity through a process known as delegated divorce. This implies the practise whereby the husband empowers women to make themselves free of marriage bond: There is also a right given to women whereby they can stipulate that if the husband do certain things contrary to the woman 'swish they can 'sue for divorce.
The door of divorce is not open for only men but also women as well. In Islam the rights of women are so preserved that if a woman is 'to be divorced the husband has to first of all submit evidence before the judiciary. (where shariah is being practised). The judiciary will then assess his proves. If his proves and evidences are reliable he has a ground for divorce but if otherwise thecouple will have to settle their disputes.
In addition to the provision of evidence . and proving of the reliability of the evidences, the husband is obliged to house the woman for a period of three months consecutively. If the wife is pregnant the period goes beyond that period and it continues till she delivers her burden. This waiting period is called the Iddah period in Islamic law. It is important to note here that the woman still has the right to be catered for as usuals, even if the man will not reconcile with ,(be woman aglrin. To butress this the Qur'an' declares thus.-
"f'or divorced women maintenance should be I
provided by the husbands ona reasonable (scale). This is a duty on the righteous. Doth God make clear His signs to you: In order that ye may understand" 11
It is apparent from the above verses that a man is compelled by Allah (Swt) to cater for his divorced wife even if the divorce is initiated by the man yet the man has no legal right in Islam to expel the woman from his house during this waiting period. The women's right to custody is as well guaranteed and she has the right to nurse her children. She also has the right to continue her occupation. If a woman is divorced after the consummation of the marriage, she still have the right to take her dowry or any deffered part of it. Concerning this afore mentioned rights the Holy Qur'an declares thus:-
"There is no blame on you if ye divorce women before consummation of the fixation of their dower but bestow on them (a suitable gift) the wealthy according to his means and the poor according to his means, a gift of a resonable amount is due from those who are prone to do the
right thing. "12 '
"And if ye divorce them before consummation but after thefixation of dowerfor them. Then hall of the dower (is due to them) unless they remit it
'fJr the man's half is remitted by him in whose hands is the marriage tie. And the remission ol the man's half is the nearest to righteousness. And dJ;J not forget goodness between yourselves for Allah sees well all that ye do" 13
In lieu of the above quotations it is then apparent that it is the woman's right to be treated with kindness and equity even when the marriage bond or ties has been
dissolved.. I
To be continued
Affection of· the Prophet for Children
(Written on the occasion of tntemationalday for Children)
Before the advent of Islam the Arabs in general were very callous and cruel to their children. They would kill their' small children as a sacrifice in the naT!;!e of gods and deities. Sometimes they would kill them out of the fear of poverty. They would also murder liule daughters because, to them the birth of daughters was a source of shame. Theparents were unaware of, the value of their children. They had no affection and love for the liule babies.
Once an Arab came to the HoI y Prophet (PBO H) and narrated htptory in these words. "I had a small daughter. When she had reached the age of six or seven years, I dressed her well and took her out. Uninformed, she was happy with the outing. She thought we were going to watch interesting things. I took her to a lonely place out of the town. Already I had dug a spot. When we reached that spot I pushed her into the well. She was calling' Abu Abu' while I was stoning her. Atlast she she died. Then 1 filled the well with mud and eame to house alone." The story was so tragic that brought tears from the Propher's
(PBUH) eyes wetting his beard. '
Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH) catT\e to the world to
. elevate man to high moral ground. He could nOI tolerate 'this heinous custom, He forbade the Arabs from crimes against their children. He called to Muslims,"Allah (Almighty) has termed the killing of daughters as Haram. "This was due to the Prophet Mohammad (PB UH) that the Arab land was made a safe place for liule daughters. Not only they were safe but got the dignified position unprecedented in world history. He told those who sacrificed their children at the altar of gods anil dieties, that Allah Almighty has forbidden people from such acts. To the equal parties he impacted the verdict of Allah (SwT) that those who murder their children unduly are at great loss,
The parend' who killed their b~bies to save them from hunger and pgverty ,,~ere informed by the prophet (PB UH) that -Allah (SWT) grants everyone to eat. Every soul who comes to this world brings his share with him. He preached to the people
, .
with the command of Almighty Allah, meaning, that do not kill your babies out of the fear of hunger, that We grant you and your children to eat and that to kill them is a great sin. Once a companion of the prophet (PB UH) asked him about Gunah Kabira (big sins). He answered and said, "To kill your babies for the fear of hunger is also a great sin."
Ourprophet(PB UH) not only ended the custom of child-rnuder but introduced a new custom of love and affection to small babies, "He exhorted people to be kind to children. One of his saying goes, he who is not affectionate to our children is not of us". He called all the children "our children" thus showing his kindness for them. He would always demonstrate compassion to babies. He would pat .and kiss them. Wherever. he came across the little angels, he would be the first to say "Assalam-u- A Laikurn" to them. Once an Arabi came to the prophet (PB UH) who was busy showing his love to Hazrat Hasan. This scene surprised the Arabi as it was against the old tradition of Arabs and asked, "Do you show love to your children? I have ten children but have never 'shown love to anyone. The Prophet (PBUH) looked up to the man and said," If Allah (SWT) has taken away affection and compassion from your heart, then what could I do." To stress the importance of children he said," If you were faithful, you too would consider children as a source of blessing and solace."
Fourteen hundred years before was the time when according to the author of 'The History of Morality in Europe:', "Even the civilized law in Europe admitted the authority of a father to kill his Children, There was no questioning about this and child-killing was an oft repeated proclaimed act." By the very period our prophet ofIslam '(PBUH) called the," children as a source of blessing and solace."
Allover the world, what to speak of Arabia and Europe, was oblivious to the rights of children. Children • were taken as cattle. But the prophet Mohammad (PB UH) had corne to the world as a blessing, he granted the children not only eternal safety but through taking them intb his Japs, setting them on his shoulders and drawing close to his chest, granted them a universal respect and greatness for all the ages to come, _
".U UIl tllt.' .. IU uuy " U '11fU II U ,
Dr. Ahamd Qadihi, Emir of Nahdha Islamic party, (Soviet Union) sent a message 10 all Muslims of tRe world recently. His speech was in Arabic rendered into English by one of our Sial/writers and presented
10 our own readers by Yasln M urtadab
'1I., I .. i II •• '.n.lln .. " It.,u."'.,.ntl It.~uul .. fI Ju u .. Utl.n I ul ,.~J
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, peace and Blessings upon the Messenger Muhammadandhiscompanions. To everybody who is a member of the international Islamic community, to every body who shares the tenets and message of the international Islam. To all, we say peace be upon you. These passages are meant for you. They are essence of a true call, Which position are we from the sayings of the Messenger, peace be upon him? Who says. "He who cares not for the affairs of the Muslims is not one of them"? .
. "The example of the believersin their love, mercy and co-operation to eacb other is like the similtude a unit body. If one organ ofitcomplains, the whole body partakes full day and night with fever". The prophet of Allah may peace and blessings be upon him has indeed said the truth.
Every one of you knows what the situation is in USSR and how much they hate religion and fight it, especially Islam. They have made every effort to destroy every thing'ihat had relation with religion. Although they killed our scholars, burnt the Qur' an and other religious books and destroyed the mosques> but they could not change the Muslims.
Going into the details about what the Communist Party had done, is a long story, but what we want to mention is that the same policy is continuing. It was the reasonbehind the figh ting between Qerqizia and Ozbek nations at Losh, between Armenian and Azerbaijan, and also at Baku where thpusands were killed. They used to cause fighting between a Muslim and non Muslim nation, while supporting the non-Muslims. They gave them modern weapons while Muslim s cannot get a simple hunting gun. We should not trust them,they do not care if all Muslims are-killed even if th6~ give promises and guarantees but the point is that they nev~r fulfil any agreement when it is
related to.Muslims." ,
i i
/ Inspite of all the tremendous efforts of the comm uni st party" to force the Muslims to change their religion to
communism, they could not reach their goals. Allah by his mercy had kept our religion alive in our hearts. You will find nowadays intellectuals who believe that our religion is a powerful, active way of life. Islam deals with all affairs on' earth: religion, state, economy, law, politics. science, obedience.and other aspects of life. They also understand that Islam regulates the life of the human being and guides it to the happiness of individuals and the society. Praise be to Allah, that has opened our eyes and our hearts to share the same goals
USSR: a land of plenty and greatness trying to rise again after centuries of denial and plunder
~~~ ~Y~"mww§s~~' 'TSIS' TheMujahideen,Octobe'INovember, 199J Page 41 i II
with our Muslim brothers all around the world to' build up
powerf ull y and contribute our own small quota to international
Islamic rennaisance, Ii:' A Tale' of Arrogance I
Sorrowful it is that this Divine warning has not
The support of Muslims allover the world 'is badly , been heeded by today's so-called superpowers. Relying so
needed. We need Muslim scholars, as all our Muslim scholars' much on advanced techological developments, they are not
have been killed, andwe have none as atnow. We have to bring prepared to see what is beyond the graveyards. The
up a new generation of Muslim scholars so that they can carry repercussion of this obstinacy is a world of class conflicts,
out the duties of leading the people. We will send students to as much as a community of injustice and savagery.
Muslim countries to study Islam. We need books, m~gazines, Islamic publications so that we can share ideas with the Muslim world and their activities.
We know for sure that what had happened to us and to our fathers was a result of our deeds, of what we have done by our hands, this fact is thought to us by the Holy Qur'an. We and our fathers had missed and forgotten some importantparts ofIslam related to Jihad, education, power economy, politics, and so on and adopted only a part ofIslam. Only that we were in trouble because we did not'adopt Islam as a whole. Again praise be to Allah that we are now understanding our past mistakes, may Allah forgive us and our fathers. We are now trying our best to adopt Islam properly.
In USSR there are four departments for Muslim religious affairs since 1944 in the era of Stalin. But since then till now these departments had done no important service for the Muslims. Those departments were tools in the hands of the governments to collect Muslims' money and not more. They have never performed any effort to preac.h or spread Islam. When young Muslims, who understood Islam properly found that those departments are of no use to Islam.jhey decided all over USSR to do some thing, to work together and propagate Islam all over USSR. On the sides of river. Volga at the town of Esterkhan, South Russia, they met and established an Islamic party which they called, "Islamic Nahdha Party" and they have chosen Dr. Ahmad Qadi from Daghistan to be its leader and, its Amir.
The mai~ goals of the party are to renew the understandings of the Qur'an and the Sunnah and to fight all innovations (Beda) as well as to explain and spread Islam to all people every where around us in USSR in a proper way. We want to do the same as done by prophet Muhammad peace be . upon him. We know that we are going to face many obstacles from the state and from our Muslim brothers who had forgotten their main Islamic duties. We will face many obstacles but this is natural for any body who wants to guide the people to the right path.
We need political support [rom the Muslim world so that we can re-establish our own identity, The party made the necessary plans to activate I,shlOl in the heartsand minds of all the Muslims in USSR in all aspects of life. We will be having a special department foreach branch of.activities: education, I politics, economics, propagation, etc. May Allah support us to achieve our gohls,~.··
Islam is essentially based on faith as well as practice, and reality revolves round truth and justice. Whenever a community is honestly devoted to Islam, accepting the commandments of Allah as a way oflife to be followed, using the Sunnah of His messenger as light to guide, they benefit themselves and need not tell the world that Islam is the best before other nations confer on them their proper. places as leaders of all races.
Nuh complained to his Lord:-
"i.Then I said; seek the forgiveness of your Lord;for He is the Mostforgiving. He would send the sky on you abundantly (i.e. rain) and would strengthen you with children (i.e
. capital and man-power). Likewise provides you with gardens (i.e. agriculture) and grant you rivers (i,e. poly-hydro potentialities) (Nuh 7:10-12).
But if, the community is such' that takes the commandments of Allah for jokes and ridicules, even though there is a verbal profession ofIslam as a faith, if the society is such that believes in part of the message and substitutes the other parts with one or more of these satanic ideologies of our time, then its tales of woe linger for ever. Allah the Glorious wams:-
"How many a nation was insolent against the commandment of its Lord and His Apostle For this we called her to account - an accounting stringent (indeed) and punished her-A punishment frightful (to see). So she tasted the repercussion of her affair, But the consequence of her case was a loss." (Al-Talaq 65:8-9),
With crooked diplomatic juggery, the evils of the spiritual perversion in the West is transmitted to other less developed countries. The effect is much predictable :
Poverty is married to ignorance and people spend their lives under socio-political systems worst than the Babylonian and pharaonic oppressions. The word of Allah 'find its fulfilment in reality. Allah has not wronged any, but people are the ones quite unjust to themselves. Men of understanding should take ~eed, Please Contemplate.
.~ " " "
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" " "
" may have used inactive products and were ~
poorly designed have recenLly been met by a " placebocontrollcd, randomized, double blind ~ four month study in 261 German patients" with hyperlipidaemia. In those taking 8qo ~ mg dried garlic powder a day (Kwai, with " 1.3% allicin) serum concentrations of total" cholesterol feel from 6.87 to 6.07 mmolll ~ and of triglycerides from 2.55 to 2.12 mmol " 111. A smell of garlic was reported (most ~ frequently by spouses) in 21 % of treated" patients and 9% of those taking placebo. A ~ similar dose of garlic taken for three months " in another controlled study was associated " with a significant fall in blood pressure from ~ 171/102 to 151/89 mm Hg in hypertensive" patients, with one in eight reporting an odour ~ of garlic. "
. f "
Confusion clouds the Issue 0 "
"odourless" garlic preparations: It is the odour ~ of the. tablet or recipient that is being" described. Some garlic preparations contain" no active ingredienl.!j and do not smell. Active ~ preparations may themselves be odorless, " but if allicin is released of ingestion there ~ ~iIl be a substantial chance of a detectable" aroma. "Odour blocks" seem infec.tive. ~ther ~ side effects such as g astrointestinal j disturbance, asthma, and contract dermatitis " are uncommon, although a spinal haemotoma ~ has been attributed to the antiplatelet effects" of garlic. . ~
Evidence that garlic reduces ~
cardiovascular risk factors is accumulating " but is incomplete. Some garlic preparations ~ may be useful in treating hyperlipidaemia " and bypertension, but concomitant reductions ~ in morbidity and mortality remain to be "
content of natural shown. The possibility of detectable aroma"
i garlic may vary seemsasinevitableconsequenCfofingesting ~
disrupted. Other biologil<aUy, active irO-fold. Standardizing garlic products by an active garlic. product. A late twentieth "
compounds related to allicin, Juch as ojoene, using their potentialfor releasing allicin has century Bottom would recognise that the ~
may alsobeextracted from fresh garlic.Garlic been suggested. potential benefits of garlic may be offset by "
has bene~cial.effec~ on.coagula_tion, plat~l~t .. the social consequences of uttering without ~
aggregauon, 'vasodilation, and serum lipid Criticisms that previous studies sweet breath. _ ~
TheuseofGarlic(Alliumsativum) for its purported health giving properties has ... an honorable tradition, being mentioned in 22 of 800 herbal remedies in the Codex Ebers, an Egyptian medical papyrus of 1550 BC. Bottom,however, acknowledged its
major side effect when instructing his actors to "eat no onions nor garlic, for we are to utter sweet breath". Garlic has been advocated for
various ailments including heart disease,
headache, bites, worms, tumours, cancer, and infections. Recent work suggests that it has a possible role in reducing vascular disease. Popular interest is currently greatest in Germany, where garlic preparations are the largest selling 0rer the counter drugs.
Garlic's principal active agent is allicin, a sulphur containing compound, which, with its breakdown products, causes the characteristic odour. Allicin is formed
enzymatically from an odorless precursor, alliin, when cloves are mechanically
IT (fOi'" 1
""' J.J '" J &/If"
~4 nrl;fa;"'f)
l.r~ ~U"\.I "'''~
conc~ntrations. A fall in fibrinogen and an increase in fibrinolysis have been reported. Garlic extract reduces the formation of acute platelet thrombus in vivo in stenosed coronary arteries in doge platelet aggregation in vitro, although the mechanisms are unclear. Garlic's vasodilatory properties have been shown in human skin and conjunctival vessels. The packed cell volume, plasma -viscosity, and blood pressure all fall with
garlic. Concentrations of triglycerides and total and low density lipoprotein chblesterol fall with garlic while the concentration of high density lipoprotein cholesterol rises (although there have been contradictory studies). A recent review concluded that whereas large doses of fresh garlic (7-28 cloves a day) had beneficial effect on cardiovascular risk factors, data for
commercial preparations were unconvincing and there was inadequate evidence to recommend garlic supplementation.
One reason for the difficulty in
showing the effectiveness of garlic is that
.' active ingredients
,may be lost in
p ro c e s sin g . Carefully dried sliced cloves
retain their
potency, but
extracts or oil prepared by using steam distillation
or organic solvents may have little activity. In addition, the alliin
Universal Goodness
All praise be to Allah, the Praise -~Worthy the Most High. Peace and Blessings of Allah on Muhammad, the . honoured, the beloved. Also on all chosen prophets, their families, relatives and companions. May the Mercy of Allah remain with all hearts that believe in Islam.
The g lobe for man, is a field for advancing human potentials, and maximizing available resources. It is indecda place for satisfying his spiritual yearnings, intellectual probings and socio-political cravings. Allah the Exalted in Might says .. '
"He is (thf o.ne) that made the earth for you tractable, therefi5fe move along its highlands, And consume of its, nourishment, for to H im is the Return".
. (Al-~.ulk (16): 15)
from the above glorious verse we can see that humanity has the world at its disposal. It is a planet conditioned toserve very much the needs of man on earth. To live as a member of the most advanced communities is to be conscious
. of the great obligations which such a favour demands. Responsibilities in life, entail a purposeful existence through constructive annexation of cosmic provisions, in advancing human wheel of progress, towards achieving universal
peace. This requires not merely indi vidual aspirations but also collective participation in as much as it is a global liberation.
Being in the world means, having a duty and to be a man, is to discharge your obligations. Allah the Glorious has indeed said:-
"II ad itnot come upon man a moment in time when he was a thing unmentioned We have indeed created man from a blended drop of sperm, (then) charged him with responsibilities (by) making him to hear and see". (Al-Insan 76: 1-2)
It is therefore Islamically a crime, to be irresponsible when one belongs to a genetic race, whose only purpose of existence is responsibility. The duty of man on earth is to live up to these expectations and the end of the world means termination of all mundane obligations. The hereafter which everybody is promised commences with the stringent accountability , which in fact, is a new dimensional manifestation of all gone responsibilities. Allah the Exalted says:-
"We have not created the heavens; and earthalso what lies between them in vain (But) that is the assumptionofthose who disbelief Woe (then) to those tvho reject faith from hell" (As-sad 38: 27)
If we accept the fact that mankind as a single race has common universal obligation to perform as a
The man described here is a believer in Allah, not by mere verbal professions or vain empty pronouncements but by what he contributes as his own quota, towards human emancipation - spiritually and socio-politically. This contribution should be the peak of possible capacity, be it time, intelligence, sweat, money, blood and life. This L_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_j becomes a practical demonstration of a hidden attestation. A transition ofinnerpeity into a witnessed reality. Above this too, is his subscription to the notion of Islamic Universal Goodness. He graduates therefore, from a simple believer to a dynamic Mujahid. This man holds that, in "-as much as perfection is no human attribute, for every human accomplishment there is a always a room for further improvements. It is to say that, there is no limit to human capability within the closed sphere of natural possibility. Global wheel of progress can thus be made a continuum.
fulfilment of the Divine Wisdom, we must however take cognisance that apart from the common duty' shared by all, each member o'f the human race has its own seperate and incumbent duties to perform. The individual contribution is as important as its collateral collective operation. The former must be divested of selfish ego-centricism, as much as the latter from blind communal absolutism. Accepting the challenges of life constitutes an attribute of faith and pragmatic approach to reality, elevates a believer well above others. It is Islamically abhorrent to be neglectful of one's natural duties, but worse in culpability, is the prevention of others from discharging their fundamental obligations on earth. Allah the Most High says:-
"Those who disbelieve and hinder (others) from the path of Allah. we shall increase them in punishment after the (major) chastisement for the mischief they spread (on earth)". (An
Nah116: 88) ...
Personal infidelity, in a world of common reality, is in essence, an eccentric abdurdity, but persistent conspiracy and deliberate hostility, in obstructing the resolute movement
of Universal Islamic Transformation, is a colossal crime against the entire creation. The punishment is to be double fold, one, for willing unfaithfulness, and the other for global mischief mongering. The basic criterion in distinguishing a man from another, cannot be skin pigmentation, nor places of birth, nor geographical and residential locations. The common
-, denominator in humanity is, acceptance of reality plus performance of one's duties, or rejection and indifference to
universal progress. Allah the Gracious says:- I
"Do we have to make those who believe And work righteously like corrupt ones on earth. Or do we have to' make the pious (ones) similar/to the sinful."_( As-Sad 38: 28)
I .'
( 1,
The message we ;aIe' trying to convey here is that having faith is not as important as proving it. To profess a creed is not enough.but all spiritual declarations must be corroborated J with,' socio-politjcal actions. It means that, pragmatic consequences must follow realistic intellectual hypotheses.
Altruism then, without-a convincing cosmic objectivity, leads straight to nowhere. The goal must precede at all times its means, as the path must proceed at any given moment, towards the aim.
Naturally, we can say, man exists to be charged with duties, and Islamically, these various undertakings have their respective identities. The transition of what was yesterday, into what is today, represent vividly a historical picturesque of all created things. Our will to convert present thinkings, into future happenings, explains lucidly the force behind human strivings. The drive towards making tomorrow an improved version of today, readily provides rationale for all human philosophies of progress. In a situation where development is natural and humanity being a race with innate gregarious characteristic, its divergent civilizations at different times, must of necessity reflect as they do - very high collective tendencies. A man is judged in that case, not by what he holds as private property but by how much he gives as public
.gratuiry. Not by what he keeps to himself personally but by what share he expends on humanity generally, It is not a question of accumulative possessibility but of strict contributive relativity. Allah the All-knowing says:-
"As for him who gives away and is pious Also attests to goodness. we shall facilitate for him (real) prosperity." (Al-Lail92 :7)
Humanity therefore as a race, has a responsibility and Muslim Ummah as a community must champion the cause. The focal point of these all, is the principle of contributive relativity which demands from every one, not all that he has, but at least a substantial fraction of things in his possession for a common objective, which is Universal Islamic Transformation. From the above divine verse, piety (i.e. spiritualism) must be accompanied by charity (i.e sociopolitics), which in turn must be geared towards universal goodness (i.e. Islamic cosmic perception). This is the centre of
iii :: 'Jiii
gravity, from it. people are variegated in thoughts as much as in deeds. It all depends on what each understandS to be his role on the globe and his priority in life. Allah the Exalted says:-
Divine & Mundane
This is the verdictof AI1ah the Supreme, theSovereign.
The condemned man here is an ingrate, who not only refuses to accept faith' but is also useless and does not benefit humanity because of his miserliness. greed and inconsideration. Above these all, he feels himselfbe'yVOO natuml obIJgations by refusing 10 succumb to the universal conoeptofIslamic Goodness. He is therefore a man teading himself to perdition and his predicament
is guaran~ solidly from ~is own ineptitude. I
Looking at the table on this page which is an attempt
"Andsay. work(asyew'J""c,,,,,C;',) your actions. likewise His ~,sll~e (Uta And soon will ]Oil (too) be rellU7led 10 hidden and witnessed for he will (surely) inji.'1Tm1 ]Oil ~fwJIdt YOIl do" . At- Taobah (9) : lOS) •
A.'\ 1:\11 R,\AIIOI\ALCO!';U,,\ISJOl R'\AI
Editor-in-cheif • Dr. Munawar A. Anees Consulting Editor .Zafar Abbas Malik (hlomicAllllroundolioa.Loadoa)
111 Berita Publishing
22 Jalan Liku, 59100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: (+60-3) 282-5286 Fax: (+60-3) 282-1605
Dear Editor:
This refers to a contents indexing arrangement between periodic a Islamica and The Mu.;ahideen.
In order to augment current awareness about your publications, periodic a Islamica undertakes to reproduce, in its quarterly issues', tables of contents as they appear in your above cited journal. For representing your material in its original format, it is our policy not to perform any editing, except where changes become absolutely necessary. In any event, only accessory items and graphics, if any, are deleted from the list.
Itis my pleasure to enclose herewith a gratis copy of periodica Islamica for your records. Please refer to the "periodical Title List" to check on the placement of your material. I hope you would like the prominece accorded to your journal. Kindly verify your mailing addresses as it appears under the "Publishers Address List" and notify me of any changes.
It is our belief that periodic a Islamica offers you a unique opportunity to reach a worldwide readership. I am confident that the current awareness brought about by periodic a Islamica would' help in improving themarket potential of your-publications.
As a token of our appreciation for your kind cooperation, we have specially designed a printing mat for you. Enclosed please find a positive film for the same. Please place it in every issue of your jounal.
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Finally, I would like to confirm that you would continue to receive a gratis copy of Peiodica Islamica irrespective of the indexing status of your journal: Please check your mailing list to ensure that ~ continue to recive your cited journal.j
Oncec again, my sincere thanks to you for giving periodic a Islamica an opportunity to serve you.
Dr. Munawar A. Anee~
./ f· '
to the Editor
r DearSir,
1 1 1 1 I .1 I 1
I I I 1 1
: Brother Inamullah, 1
: We are thankful to you for your letter and appreciate your keen interest in The M ujahideenMagazine. We also offer you
1 the pages of this magazine if you want to write articles on the different issues confronting Muslim Ummah ...• Edltor
\, ------------------------------------------------------------------~----------~
I have been reading your esteemed magazine form the past one year since my joining service as a clerk in Gomal University D. I. Khan. While reading this magazine I break into tears and my heart laments for the tragedy which has befallen on this proud and honourable nation. The way you express and offer solutions to the present problems confronted by the "Muslim Ummah" is also appreaciable. I am sure thai one day your voice would reach everywhere throughout the world.
Actually all these problems c,an be solved with firm determination of mind and heart. The help which is extending your magazine towards "Mujahideen" emboldens my faith that one day the efforts ofMujahideen will bring fruitful results.lnsha Allah.
Inamullah Khan, 1 I clerk Detl of Pub. ADMN
Gomal University D. I. Khan
(N. W. F~ P.) Pakistan.
Dear Sir, I
I am a regular reader of The M ujahideen. There is hardly any time which I read your magazine that 'am not filled with happiness in that I see better and it seems I know why Imperialists would generallr notaUow any Muslim nation to stand on its feet and would go at any length in blackmailing and destroying those so called Islamic Fundamentalists in Western ideological terminologies. My aim is to inquire if people like us here in Africa could reproduce some of your articles in our local Newspapers and journals so as to extend the circum ference of benefit to others too.
May Allah bless you and guide us all
Yours in Islam Taha Farid Lagos, Nigeria
Dear Taha,
Thanks for your letter.AlI articles in our magazine are meant for the Muslim World in seeking the blessed pleasure of Allah the Most High. Therefore we are not only permitting you to reroduce those articles you feel are necessary but also emphasising to you that such duties are obligatory in faith. Please do so without 1 hestitation and encourage others to do the same but don't forget to indicate your sources when ever that is done' : to .complete the trust of knowledge and Dawah. 1 . Iii
,. I
Thanks I
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. ,'
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Habib Bank Limited Cantt. Branch, Ale No. 4852·76 Pwshawar, Pakistan
Attention readers
If you wield a facile pen; please write to "The Mujahideen" on various issues concerning Muslim Ummah in particular and the whole humanity in general. The article should, however be well typed. The editor of the magazine is looking for positive responses from its worthy readers .
Subscription rates Pakistan: Rs.I00 per anum
All other countries: US $ 25 per anum i::~:::~~::::::~::::~::::::;?::::!:;:::;::::~;~~:~:::::::::!~~::::~~:::;:::;?::;$~:$:::?::~~~;:~:~:~::;:::f.:z:_:;}.$9.».:::-::'»$?::::~;f'::~;::.$}.
Correspondence Address:
The Mujahideen
P.O. Box 710 University Town Peshawar, Pakistan
Chief Editor:
Acting Editor;
S. Alamuddin Mheer Israrullah Khan
Composed & Designed/by: A. Latif Stanlkzal
of the Holy P~ophet
1 - Narrated Anas who took part in the battle of Badr and was a Naqib (somebody heading a group of six) on the night of Al-Aqaba pledge: Allah's Prophet (peace be on him) said while a group of his companions were around him, "Swear allegiance to me on:
* Not to join anything in worship along with Allah.
* Not to steal; >
* Not to commit adultery;
* Not to kill your children;
* Not to accuse an innocent person (to spread such an accusation among people); and
* Not to be disobedient (when ordered) to do good deed."
2- Narrated Aisha; I ,i'WheIfever Allah's Prophet ordered the Muslims to do something, he used to order them deeds which were easy for them to do (according to their strength and endurance)". They said "0 Allah's Prophet (peace be on him), we are not like you. Allah has forgiven your past and future
,sins." So Allah's Prophet (peace be on him) became angry and _ >it was apparent OQ his face. He said,"I am the most Allahfearing.. and know Allah better than all of you do".