Part Design Symbols
Part Design Symbols
Part Design Symbols
For contextual parts, the reference keeps a link with the Original or Definition Instance
(or Original Part).
For each parts, every instance keeps a link with its reference. But the Contextual
Reference (or Contextual Part) has only one link, with a single instance which is
contextual. This unique link allows you to know the name of the document (CATProduct)
on which the part 's external geometry rests.
There is a distinction between the Original Instance and the subsequent Contextual
References because the geometrical definition of contextual Parts depends on
neighboring components (support) in the Assembly. The Geometry of the Contextual Part
depends on another instance in the same Assembly (second link).
Depending on the chosen environment type, icons representing bodies (and partbodies)
are assigned distinct colors as summarized in this table:
Solid body
When creating a new body (using Insert->Body or Insert->Body in a Set), the icon
associated to the inserted body is assigned the green color in the specification tree.
HDirection or VDirection.
Referenced Geometry
Incidents on Constraints
Miscellaneous Incidents
Part to be updated
A broken shaft.
Incidents on Constraints
A broken constraint. The access to this product and the information about its
Offset.1 constraints cannot be retrieved.
A deactivated constraint (a parallelism constraint).
A constraint to be updated (a perpendicularity constraint).