Interlocking Earth Bricks Technology
Interlocking Earth Bricks Technology
Interlocking Earth Bricks Technology
2 - 4 August 2010
Bangkok, Thailand
Habitech Center
a Research and Development unit
Habitech Building System
Building Components
Interlocking Bricks
2 Types of Bricks
(based on Raw Materials)
• Soil-Cement
• Concrete
4 Types of Bricks (by size)
Regular - 15 cm x 30 cm x 10 cm
Half - 15 cm x 15 cm x 10 cm
U-shape - 15 cm x 30 cm x 10 cm
U-half - 15 cm x 15 cm x 10 cm
Masonry Walls
Traditional Brick Masonry Wall
Masonry Walls
Interlocking Brick Masonry Wall
Production of Soil-Cement Interlocking Bricks
Why Interlocking bricks?
Construction with Interlocking Bricks
z Initial cost for the equipments and trainings might seem big amount,
but once it is in place, it will show that it is much cost – effective than
traditional technologies.
Where can we use it?
z Residential Buildings
z School Buildings
z Health Clinics
z Office Buildings
z Resort Villas
Residential Buildings
Primary School Buildings
School Buildings in Myanmar
Health Clinics, Office Buildings, Hotels etc.
Community Projects
Khao Kho Resettlement Project, Phetchabun Province, Thailand
Awards and Achievements
Award Recognition
In 1994, Habitech Center was
The Habitech Building System
awarded the Matsushita Memorial has been recognized by the
Prize by the Japan Housing United Nations Human “Post-Tsunami
Association “in recognition of Settlement Program and the Rehabilitation
excellent achievements in international community as Project” in Thailand
improving human settlements in contributing to housing and
Asian countries by promoting
was awarded
economic development through
research and development related the transfer of technology and
“Best Community
to technologies for low cost has been compiled on the Housing Project”
housing as well as providing Habitat Best Practices database for year 2008.
educational programs and for others to learn from and
facilities to disseminate the results incorporate in their own work.
of their research efforts ”.
Lessons Learnt from past projects