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A1-70 External Masonry

National Productivity and Quality Specifications (NPQS)

A1-70 External Masonry

Version 1.0
A1-70 External Masonry


1.1 Scope 3
1.2 Related Sections 3
1.3 Standards 3
1.4 Trade Preamble 4
1.5 Definitions and Abbreviations 5

2.1 Contractors Proposals 6


3.1 Types of Masonry 8
3.2 Clay Bricks 8
3.3 Concrete Blocks 8
3.4 Extruded Lightweight Concrete Panels 9
3.5 Extruded lightweight concrete blocks 10
3.6 Glass Blocks and Accessories 10
3.7 Wall Ties 11
3.8 Polyurethane Sealant 11
3.9 Foam Rubber Strip Infill 11
3.10 Damp Proof Course 12
3.11 Mortar 12
3.12 Reinforcing Mesh 13
3.13 Water Repellent 13
3.14 Accessories 13

4.1 Delivery, Storage and Handling 14
4.2 Erection of Masonry Walls 14
4.3 Connections to Building Frame 17
4.4 Mortar Joints 18
4.5 Damp Proof Courses 18
4.6 Vertical Movement Joints 19
4.7 Provision for Work of Others 19
4.8 Mortaring in Fixtures 20
4.9 Grouting 20
4.10 Water Repellent 20
4.11 Cutting and Patching 20
4.12 Protection 20
4.13 Cleaning and Pointing 20


5.1 Submissions 22
5.2 Samples and Mock-ups 22
5.3 Inspection 23
5.4 Tests 23

Version 1.0
A1-70 External Masonry

Formatted: Font color: Black
Read with the General Requirements section, and all other contract documents.

1.1 Scope
This section covers the requirements for the erection of external masonry walls, Formatted: Font color: Black
including common clay bricks, concrete blocks and Autoclave Aerated blocks.
This document is supplementary to Section A1-70 External Masonry of the NPQS Formatted: Font color: Violet
and sets out Project Specific Data in the same clause headings as in the NPQS. All
modifications and additions noted in this document take precedence over clauses
noted in the NPQS.

1.2 Related Sections

Read this work section in conjunction with the relevant requirements of the other work Formatted: Font color: Black
sections including the following:
A1-20 Windows
A6-20 External Doors

1.3 Standards
Unless otherwise agreed by the SO, ensure all of the Works comply with the relevant Formatted: Font color: Black
requirements of the Standards and Codes listed below or referenced in the body of
the Specification. Alternative Standards and Codes may be submitted to the SO,
provided it can be demonstrated that the alternative Standards and Codes comply
with the requirements of the standards specified. All Standards and Codes quoted
are the current version, unless specific year references are noted.

Singapore Standards
Formatted: Font color: Black
SS 18 Hard drawn mild steel reinforcement
Formatted: Font color: Black
SS 26 Portland cement
Formatted: Font color: Black
SS 31 Aggregates for concrete
Formatted: Font color: Black
SS 103 Bricks, burnt clay and shale bricks
Formatted: Font color: Black
SS 271 Precast concrete blocks
Formatted: Font color: Black
Other Standards
Formatted: Font color: Black
BS EN 499 Welding consumables covered electrodes for manual metal
arc welding of non alloy and fine grain steels - classification
Formatted: Font color: Black
BS EN 1461 Hot Dip Galvanised Steel
Formatted: Font color: Black
BS EN 10088-1 Stainless steel - Lists of stainless steel
Formatted: Font color: Black
BS EN 12878 Pigments for the colouring of building materials based on
cement and/or lime
Formatted: Font color: Black
BS EN 13055 Lightweight aggregates for masonry aggregates and
structural concrete

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A1-70 External Masonry

Formatted: Font color: Black

BS EN 13139 Aggregates for mortar
Formatted: Font color: Black
BS EN 13369 Common rules for precast concrete products
Formatted: Font color: Black
BS 1200 Specification for building sands from natural sources
Formatted: Font color: Black
BS 1243 Specification for metal ties for cavity wall construction
Formatted: Font color: Black
BS 3921 Specification for clay bricks
Formatted: Font color: Black
BS 4551 Testing of Mortar strength
Formatted: Font color: Black
BS 4887 Mortar admixtures: Specification for air entraining
(plasticizing) admixtures Part 1
Formatted: Font color: Black
BS 5224 Specification for masonry cement
Formatted: Font color: Black
BS 5234 Partitions (including matched linings). Code of practice for
design and installation
Formatted: Font color: Black
BS 6398 Specification for bitumen damp-proof courses to masonry
Formatted: Font color: Black
BS 8000 Code of practice for masonry Part 3
DIN 18175 - EN Glass blocks Formatted: Font color: Black
Formatted: Font color: Black

1.4 Trade Preamble

1.4.1 Contractors Submissions

The intended type and locations of masonry walls for the project are indicated in the Formatted: Font color: Black
drawings and schedules.
Engage qualified and experienced personnel to carry out and submit the following
items to the SO: Select suitable supplier and product to comply with the specified
requirements. Submit suitable methods for the construction of the masonry including
details of connections to supporting structures and joints. Submit suitable locations for concrete stiffeners and develop the details for
construction, based on typical design shown in the structural engineering

1.4.2 Coordination with Other Works

Co-ordinate the external masonry works, particularly the interfaces with the following Formatted: Font color: Black
a. Structural frame
b. Windows
c. Doors
d. Waterproofing
e. Plaster and render
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Version 1.0
A1-70 External Masonry

1.4.3 Spare Materials

Formatted: Font color: Black
No item.

1.4.4 Warranty
Formatted: Font color: Black
Refer to PSD for warranty requirements, if any.
Formatted: Font color: Violet
Provide the following warranty in accordance with contract conditions:
Item of Works to be Warranted Period of Warranty Required
Formatted: Font color: Violet,
Formatted: Font color: Violet
1.4.5 Maintenance Manual
Formatted: Font color: Black
No item.

1.4.6 Quality Control Plan

Formatted: Font color: Black
Prepare and submit a quality control plan to the SO.

1.5 Definitions and Abbreviations

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The following definitions and abbreviations appear within this work section:
AAC Autoclaved Aerated Concrete

DPC Damp Proof Course Formatted: Font color: Black

Render Cement based applied finish Formatted: Font color: Black

Formatted: Font color: Black

Version 1.0
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2.1 Contractors Proposals

When carrying out the proposals as set out in clause 1.4.1, take account of the Deleted: 1.4.1
following performance requirements: Formatted: Font color: Black

2.1.1 Structural Structural Movements
Take into account, that any movements, settlement, deflection, expansion or Formatted: Font color: Black
contraction which can reasonably be expected to occur, do not affect the
performance, appearance and proper functioning of the works.
Joints between the works are to be formed to take into account, possible structural
deflections or movement in that adjacent element without distortion to the works or
disintegration of joints between works. Strength and Loadings
Take into account, that the design, fabrication and installation of the works, Formatted: Font color: Black
accommodate all the required loadings and their transfer, via points of restraint and
support, back to the building structure without permanent deformation. Stability
Construct the works so that they remain rigid, tight fitting and free from undue play, Formatted: Font color: Black
and measurable permanent deformation caused by either self-weight or the normal
use to which it will be subjected. Stability During Construction
Temporary propping for restraining wall panels and columns is to be by agreement Formatted: Font color: Black
with the SO.
Maintain temporary propping in position until the permanent works laterally restrain
the wall.
Unless otherwise agreed rise all connected walls together.

2.1.2 Thermal
Deleted: 3.1
The walls must achieve U value as indicated in clause3.1.
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2.1.3 Fire
The works must be non-combustible throughout. The walls including all associated Formatted: Font color: Black
steelwork must provide fire separation and smoke sealing between rooms/
Deleted: 3.1
compartments to the fire rating as indicated in clause3.1.
Where noted on drawings install fire sealants to vertical and horizontal joints and
intumescent paint to the steelwork to achieve the required fire performance.

2.1.4 Acoustics
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Refer to clause 3.1 for acoustic requirement for the project if any.
Deleted: 3.1

Version 1.0
A1-70 External Masonry

2.1.5 Appearance Exposed Work
Uniformly coloured, uniformly dense, flat, fine grain texture, with no cracks, chips, Formatted: Font color: Black
spalls or other defects which would impair appearance. Provide joints as indicated in
Deleted: 3.1
clause 3.1. Concealed Faces or Plastered Work
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Free from deleterious material that may stain plaster or corrode metal.

2.1.6 Weathertightness
Take into account, that all external masonry is weathertight and that the weathering Formatted: Font color: Black
principles have been incorporated within the external masonry, and interfacing with
adjacent works are designed to be compatible with the weathering principles adopted
by those adjacent works.

2.1.7 Water Ingress

Install the complete Works, including all joints between them and other works, to Formatted: Font color: Black
effectively prevent leakage of water into the interior of the building from the outer face
of the wall, resulting from wind pressure, kinetic energy, gravity, surface tension, or
capillary with any combination of wind and precipitation likely to be experienced, up to
and including 600 Pa static pressure for any period of 5 minutes, and 900 Pa
dynamic pressure, for 3 second periods at random intervals.

Version 1.0
A1-70 External Masonry


3.1 Types of Masonry

Refer to the PSD for the specific types and component requirements of masonry Formatted: Font color: Black
walls for the project.
Formatted: Font color: Violet
External masonry for this project shall consists of the following types:
Wall Type: EM1
Type Requirements NPQS A1-70
Clause Ref.
Brick/Block/Glass Blocks One brick wall 230 mm thk. 3.2 to 3.6
U-value 2.1.2
Formatted: Font color: Violet
Colour NA.
Size Standard metric brick
Strength Conform to SS 103 3.2 & 3.3
Mortar Mix 3.11, 4.2.3
Colour Original colour of mortar mix
Bond Stretcher bond 4.2.1
Joint Flushed, exmet wire mesh
reinforcement every 4th
course, sealed all joints to
specified fire rating.
Fire Resistance 2 hour fire rating 2.1.3, 3.8
Acoustic Resistance Industry standard 2.1.4
Finish on Internal surface Plaster and Paint
Finish on External surface Waterproof render and paint.
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Formatted: Font color: Violet,
3.2 Clay Bricks Formatted: Font color: Violet
Comply with SS 103. Refer to clause 3.1 for nominal dimensions of brick required. Deleted: 3.1

Bricks to be solid or with a frog, 1st grade with a minimum compressive strength of Formatted: Font color: Black
35N/mm sq. Do not use hollow bricks unless otherwise agreed.
Facing brick colour as directed by the SO.

3.3 Concrete Blocks

Formatted: Font color: Black
Comply with SS 271.
Blocks - hard, even in shape, square with true arrises, well matured and of a dense,
well consolidated mixture.
Blocks for load bearing use to have a minimum compressive strength of not less than

Version 1.0
A1-70 External Masonry

Blocks for non-load bearing use to have a minimum compressive strength of not less
than 3.2N/mm.
Do not use Lightweight autoclaved concrete blocks unless otherwise agreed.

3.3.1 Solid Load Bearing Units

Use where solid concrete blocks are indicated or required for fire-rating, acoustic Formatted: Font color: Black
value or structural considerations. Do not use hollow concrete blocks for load bearing
walls unless agreed by SO and designed by a PE.

3.3.2 Sizes and Shapes

Formatted: Font color: Black
Use modular size of hollow and solid blocks as indicated in clause 3.1.
Deleted: 3.1

3.4 Extruded Lightweight Concrete Panels

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Extruded lightweight concrete panels to conform to the following:

3.4.1 Dimension of Wall Panel

a. 100mm thick unless otherwise indicated.
b. 600mm wide
c. Cut to length up to 5000mm
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3.4.2 Weight and Density of Panel

a. 75kg/m to 1680kg/m
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3.4.3 Tolerances
Manufacture panels by the process of extrusion with sanding of both surfaces of the Formatted: Font color: Black
panel as the final process. Manufacturing size:
a. Height: 5mm
b. Width: 3mm
c. Thickness: 5mm
d. Bowing/Warping: 5mm in 2000mm along the length
1.5mm in 600mm along the width
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3.4.4 Surface Finishing

Both sides of the panel, sanded down to size during the manufacturing process. No Formatted: Font color: Black
skim coat or plaster required. Take into account, that there is no plaster or skim coat
to the panel or tapes to the joints.

3.4.5 Weight of Concrete

In accordance with dry weight of concrete used for making lightweight concrete. Formatted: Font color: Black
Block units not to exceed 1522kg/m.

Version 1.0
A1-70 External Masonry

3.4.6 Curing
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Steam cure all concrete block, air dry for not less than 30 days before delivery.

3.4.7 Jointing Compound

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Comply as with AAC block manufacturers recommendations in clause 3.11.7.
Deleted: 3.11.7
In situations where fire rating to wall is required, use jointing compound consistent
with the fire rating of wall.

3.4.8 Finishing Compound

The finishing compound - same composition as the wall applied to only the tooled Formatted: Font color: Black
surface of the jointing compound.

3.5 Extruded lightweight concrete blocks

Formatted: Font color: Black
Manufacture blocks by the process of extrusion.

3.5.1 Size tolerance for manufacturing

a. Height: 5mm
b. Width: 3mm
c. Thickness: 5mm
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3.5.2 Weight of Concrete:

In accordance with dry weight of concrete used for making lightweight concrete. Formatted: Font color: Black
Block density not to exceed 1522kg/m.

3.5.3 Curing
Formatted: Font color: Black
Steam cure all concrete block, air dry for not less than 30 days before delivery.

3.6 Glass Blocks and Accessories

Unless otherwise specified, Glass blocks to be 190mm x 190mm x 80mm thick Formatted: Font color: Black
partially evacuated hollow units with polyvinyl butaryl edge coating complying with
DIN 18175.
Deleted: 3.1
Refer to clause 3.1 for colour and pattern.
Expansion strips - polyethylene foam 19mm thick
Sealant - non-staining urethane
Panel reinforcing - two parallel wires 50mm centred with electrically butt welded cross
wires spaced at regular intervals.
Panel anchors - 20 gauge perforated steel strips, hot dipped galvanised after
Lay Glass blocks complete with sealant joints, expansion strips, panel anchors and
reinforcing wires and separate from any adjoining masonry by expansion and gliding
Expansion and gliding joints to consist of compressible filler and sealant. Provide
metal reinforcement and flashing of the types recommended by the manufacturer of

Version 1.0
A1-70 External Masonry

the sill. Lay the glass block in strict compliance with manufacturers

3.7 Wall Ties

3.7.1 Galvanising of Wall Ties

Wall tie and bonding bar systems -hot-dipped galvanised complying with the Formatted: Font color: Black
a. Wall ties/bonding bars-Minimum average coating mass to be 460g per m or
64 microns in accordance with BS EN 1461.
b. Lipped frame-Minimum coating mass on individual point to be 410g per m or the
equivalent thickness of 57 microns in accordance with BS EN 1461.
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Galvanised wall tie systems with non-complying coatings must not be used.

3.7.2 Ties and Accessories Flat Metal Ties
Hot dip galvanised steel, 1.6mm x 22mm wide, crimped or corrugated, 150mm long. Formatted: Font color: Black
Ties to be every fourth course vertically and at 900mm c/c (staggered) horizontally. Wire Mesh Reinforcement
Hot dip galvanised steel, 1.6mm wire, 6mm square mesh, width 12mm less than wall Formatted: Font color: Black
thickness, by length to suit condition. Drilled in Anchors
Formatted: Font color: Black
Sized to suit loading condition, or as specifically noted on the drawings. Reinforcement to Concrete Block and Clay Brickwork Walls and Partitions
Reinforce 90mm clay block walls and brick walls with minimum 64 x 0.5mm thick Formatted: Font color: Black
expanded galvanised steel reinforcement at every 3rd course. The bottom-most
expanded metal reinforcement to be 200mm above floor level.

3.8 Polyurethane Sealant

Fill flush joint between solid concrete block walls or brickwalls and reinforced Formatted: Font color: Black
concrete columns and beams with polyurethane sealant placed over backer rod. The
depth of sealant to be 13 mm minimum.
Fire rated polyurethane sealant to be used in fire rated walls.

3.9 Foam Rubber Strip Infill

Where shown on drawings, provide close-cell foam rubber strip infill to the top most Formatted: Font color: Black
joints between the external walls (clay brick, or solid concrete block) and the
reinforced concrete beam or roof slab.
When the wall panel exceeds 5m in length, the foam rubber strip infills to be
interrupted by a cement mortar of 1 in 3 mix by volume infill for a length of 900mm.

Version 1.0
A1-70 External Masonry

3.10 Damp Proof Course

Provide damp proof courses to all walls to comply with BS 6398. Type E or bitumen Formatted: Font color: Black
polymer or pitch polymer to be laid on a layer of cement and sand mortar in locations
indicated on drawings.
Overlap joints by 150mm.

3.11 Mortar

3.11.1 Cement
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Conforming to SS 26. All cement for masonry units to be from a single source.

3.11.2 Sand
Formatted: Font color: Black
Conforming to BS 1200.

3.11.3 Aggregates
Conform to SS 31. To comprise 25% minimum 9mm granite chippings, the balance Formatted: Font color: Black
being washed river sand.

3.11.4 Plasticiser
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Conforming in all respects to BS 4887.

3.11.5 Water
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All water to be potable.

3.11.6 Mortar Mixes Mortar Proportions
One part Portland cement and six parts sand, by volume, well mixed with an Formatted: Font color: Black
acceptable mortar plasticiser. Admixtures
Accelerators, retarders or other admixtures will not be permitted without prior review Formatted: Font color: Black
and approval by the SO. Strength
Mortar to have a minimum compressive strength of 3.6 N/mm2 at 28 days when Formatted: Font color: Black
tested in accordance with BS 4551. Grout Mixes
Mix grout in accordance with the specification for mortar, adding only enough water to Formatted: Font color: Black
make a favourable mix suited to its application.

3.11.7 Thin Bed Adhesive for AAC Blockwork

Formatted: Font color: Black
Comply with block manufacturers recommendations.

3.11.8 Premixed mortar

Lay all masonry with approved proprietary pre-packed or pre-mixed mortar. Formatted: Font color: Black
Mechanically mixed the mortar compounds according to the manufacturers

Version 1.0
A1-70 External Masonry

3.11.9 Mortar for Glass Blocks

Provide proprietary mortar comprising Portland cement and polymers for setting glass Formatted: Font color: Black

3.12 Reinforcing Mesh

Formatted: Font color: Black
Mesh to be galvanised steel or Grade 1.4401 stainless steel 0.3mm thick.

3.13 Water Repellent

Proprietary clear water siloxane based repellent manufactured for application onto Formatted: Font color: Black
external masonry.

3.14 Accessories
Build in all gaskets, fillers, joint material, isolating devices and materials, including Formatted: Font color: Black
sheet metal, neoprene pads and sway braces.

Version 1.0
A1-70 External Masonry


4.1 Delivery, Storage and Handling

4.1.1 General
Deliver, store, handle and protect all materials from damage, moisture, dirt and Formatted: Font color: Black
intrusion of foreign matter.

4.1.2 Bricks
Pack, deliver and store to prevent breakage, cracking, chipping, spalling or other Formatted: Font color: Black
damage, on a flat surface not in contact with the soil and in a manner that permits
free air circulation.

4.1.3 Lightweight Blocks and Panels (AAC)

Formatted: Font color: Black
Store in a dry location and keep dry after installation.

4.1.4 Aggregate
Aggregates for mortar mix to be stored with provisions for good drainage, and Formatted: Font color: Black
protected from dirt, intrusion of foreign matter and excessively high temperature.

4.1.5 Damp Proof Courses

Store rolls on end on level surface. Store pre-formed cavity trays and damp proof Formatted: Font color: Black
course in a manner that will protect them from distortion.

4.1.6 Reinforcement
Store and protect so that when placed, joint reinforcement will be free of soil, dirt, Formatted: Font color: Black
loose rust scale or other coatings.

4.2 Erection of Masonry Walls

4.2.1 General
Unless otherwise agreed by the SO, do not use hollow brick or block where fixtures Formatted: Font color: Black
or fittings are to be hung on the wall. Do not recess or chase hollow brick or block
Provide proper setting out rods and set out all works including showing openings,
heights, sills and lintels.
Clean all supporting surfaces and remove loose mortar before laying units.
In all partitions or walls where brick/block joints will be fairfaced, start all partitions or
walls with starter course cut or sized as necessary to course out evenly with head of
door or other openings.
Fill longitudinal vertical joints with mortar as each course is laid. Slushing is not
Take into account, brick and concrete block units are damp when being laid. All
constructed brickwork and blockwork must be cured with water for 5 days and
protected from sun rays for 2 days after laying.

Version 1.0
A1-70 External Masonry

Lay DPC under all walls based on the ground floor slab.
Lay units in full mortar bed (face-shells and webs), with full head joints, with face-
shells and webs in alignment and in vertical position. Where solid concrete blockwork
is indicated, use 100% solid units.
Lay adjacent walls at same time with not more than 1200mm difference in height.
Do not carry up work higher than 1.5m in any one day.
Unfinished work to be stepped. Toothing is not permitted, except by agreement with
the SO.
Supply and set all other temporary supports.
Where brick units occur on sloped ramps, cut bottom course to maintain horizontal
Bond Pattern: Stretcher bond, with vertical joints centred over masonry unit below for
half-brick and concrete block walls, English bond for one brick thick wall.

4.2.2 Accuracy of Adjacent Works

Take into consideration the specified permissible deviations for the erection of Formatted: Font color: Black
adjacent works prior to setting out and commencing laying.

4.2.3 Mortar
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Use standard mortar as specified. Mixing
a. Add cement just before mixing and mix dry. Use sufficient amount of water as
necessary to produce workable mix.
b. Mixing: Use a mixer with device to accurately and uniformly control water. Mix
only amount of mortar that can be used before initial set takes place or within 2
hours after initial mixing, whichever comes earlier. Do not use mortar which has
reached its initial set or 2 hours after initial mixing, whichever comes earlier.
Clean mixer for each batch, whenever mortar type is changed, and at end of each
days work.
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4.2.4 Laying Brick/Block
Formatted: Font color: Black
Lay brick/block in full mortar bed with full head joints. Lightweight Concrete Panels
Submit to the SOs and carry out installation according to suppliers Formatted: Font color: Black
recommendations. Lightweight Blocks (AAC)
Lay first course on DPC with sand cement bed so that the first course is level and Formatted: Font color: Black
plumb. Lay subsequent courses on thin bed adhesive, tapping the blocks with a
rubber mallet to achieve level. Joints to be 2-3mm thick. Glass Blocks
Formatted: Font color: Black
Do not allow glass blocks to support structural loads.

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A1-70 External Masonry

Provision for expansion and movement must be made at jambs and head of all
panels. Mortar must not bridge expansion spaces.
Mortar to be mixed and applied in accordance with glass block manufacturers

4.2.5 Horizontal Joint Reinforcing

Start joint reinforcing 225mm above supporting floor slab or in first course above Formatted: Font color: Black
supporting floor slab.
Stagger ends of joint reinforcing in jointing courses and lap 150mm.
Provide joint reinforcing in 2 horizontal mortar joints 75mm and 150mm above and
below wall openings, extending 600mm beyond each side of opening.
Terminate joint reinforcing not more than 50mm from openings, expansion joints and
control joints.
Longitudinal wires of joint reinforcing not to be less than 18mm or more than 25mm
from each face of wall, with longitudinal wires fully embedded in mortar.

4.2.6 Lintols and Stiffeners Concrete
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Construct as per structural specifications. Steel
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Install as per structural specifications.

4.2.7 Masonry Permissible Deviation

Courses to be level and true to line. All wall faces, angles and features to be plumb, Formatted: Font color: Black
and unless otherwise specified, built within the following permissible deviations:

Dimension Permissible Deviation (mm)

Position in plan of any point or specified fair +/-10

face in relation to the nearest building grid line
at the same level
Length (unless otherwise defined by adjacent
Up to 5m
5 to 10m
10 to 20m
Over 20m
Up to 3m +/-15
3 to 6m +/-20
Over 6m +/-25
Level of bed joints:
Up to 5m long +/-10

Version 1.0
A1-70 External Masonry

Dimension Permissible Deviation (mm)

5 to 10m long +/-15

Over 10m long +/-25
Straightness in any 5m length +/-10
In any 3m height +/-10
In overall height of building exceeding 6m +/-20
Deviation between adjacent elements +/-5
Overall thickness of walls or width of piers +/-15
(subject to the following)
Difference in thickness of a wall or width of a
pier at any two points 3m apart
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4.3 Connections to Building Frame

4.3.1 Anchoring of Brick and Blockwork Corners of Intersecting Walls
Anchor together with stretcher units from each wall alternating at each course or, Formatted: Font color: Black
reinforced at every fourth course with wire mesh. Intersections of Walls
Alternate courses to be interlocked and joint reinforcement to be lapped at Formatted: Font color: Black
intersections and carried through the full thickness of the end wall. Proper brickwork
bonds to be used in all cases. Brick/Block to Concrete Columns or Walls
Provide positive connection between concrete vertical surfaces and masonry as Formatted: Font color: Black
shown on the drawings.

4.3.2 Connections at Head of Masonry Walls

Formatted: Font color: Black
Brick/block partitions will not be permitted to be anchored to hang ceiling frame.
Where shown on the drawings, provide fire resistant compressive filler, to underside
of structure and 100mm x 100mm steel angle sections on either side of wall, to
maintain rigidity. For load bearing walls, refer to structural engineers drawings.

4.3.3 Fixing Ties in Masonry walls

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Bed not less than 50 mm into bed joint of each leaf.
Slope slightly downwards towards outer leaf with drip centred in the cavity and
pointing downwards. Do not bend ties to suit coursing.
Evenly space at 900mm horizontally, staggered in alternate courses, and at 450 mm
centres vertically, unless specified otherwise.

Version 1.0
A1-70 External Masonry

Provide additional ties within 225 mm of reveals of unbonded openings

4.4 Mortar Joints

Provide 10mm mortar joints where indicated in the drawings or as specified in clause Formatted: Font color: Black
3.1. Deleted: 3.1

4.4.1 Rough Joints

Provide rough joint to brick/block work to receive cement plaster or backings. Before Formatted: Font color: Black
mortar hardens, strike off excess mortar and leave rough joints.

4.4.2 Mortar Joints with Sealants

Provide raked mortar joint 9mm deep for reception of sealant around perimeter of Formatted: Font color: Black
doors, windows, louvers or other items built into masonry where sealant shown or
specified in masonry mortar joints. Do not use raked mortar joint for control or
expansion joints.

4.5 Damp Proof Courses

4.5.1 Ground Level DPC

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Take into account, continuity of DPC with damp proof membrane.

4.5.2 Stepped DPCs

Where DPCs are installed in external walls on sloping ground, take into account, that Formatted: Font color: Black
they are never less than 150 mm above finished ground level.

4.5.3 Sill DPCs

To be in one piece and turned up at the back if the sill is in contact with any part of Formatted: Font color: Black
the inner leaf.

4.5.4 Cavity Trays Formed In-situ

Formatted: Font color: Black
DPCs that span cavities to prevent the downward ingress of water to be:
a. Accurately formed to the profiles shown on drawings, and firmly secured.
b. In unjointed lengths wherever possible, otherwise lapped at least 100 mm and
sealed using adhesive/mastic/torching in accordance with manufacturer's
recommendations to ensure a fully watertight installation.
c. Fully supported over the cavity, when horizontal, by a cavity closer.
d. Prevented from sagging when stepped up towards the inner leaf.
e. Carefully cleaned to remove debris and mortar droppings before they set.
f. Carefully protected from perforation and other damage.
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4.5.5 Cavity Trays Over Openings

Formatted: Font color: Black
To extend not less than 150 mm beyond ends of lintels/bridgings.

Version 1.0
A1-70 External Masonry

4.5.6 Facework
Leading edge of DPCs/cavity trays to project 5 mm from face of wall or as shown in Formatted: Font color: Black
drawings or as directed by SO.

4.5.7 Vertical DPCs

To be in one piece wherever possible; otherwise overlap by not less than 100 mm Formatted: Font color: Black
with upper piece outermost.

4.5.8 Jamb DPCs:

Formatted: Font color: Black
Take into account, that DPCs to jambs of openings:
a. Fully lap behind cavity tray/lintel at head and over horizontal DPC at sill.
b. Project not less than 25 mm into cavity.
c. Are in full contact with frames.
Formatted: Font color: Black

4.5.9 Weep Holes

Leave perpends at not greater than 1000 mm centres completely open in the Formatted: Font color: Black
masonry course immediately above base of cavity, external openings and stepped
DPCs. Provide not less than two weep holes over openings.

4.5.10 Junctions/Stop Ends Formed In-situ

Where preformed junction cloaks/stop ends are not specified, form three-dimensional Formatted: Font color: Black
changes of shape in DPCs and/or cavity trays carefully and neatly to ensure a fully
watertight installation, using folds wherever possible to achieve the required shape.
Seal all laps using adhesive/mastic/torching in accordance with manufacturer's
Preformed junction cloaks/stop ends may be used in lieu, subject to approval.

4.6 Vertical Movement Joints

Provide vertical movement joints in brickwork and blockwork in accordance with Formatted: Font color: Black
details and locations shown on the drawings.
Provide 12mm wide vertical movement joints at a maximum of 6m centres. Include
sliding ties at 450mm vertical centres across joint.
Fill joint with polyethylene strip and urethane sealant, use fire rated sealant in fire
related walls.
Where wall provides fire resistance fill joint with non-flammable filler and fire resistant
sealer on both faces.

4.7 Provision for Work of Others

Make provision for work of others as work progresses. Form chases to a maximum Formatted: Font color: Black
depth 25mm to run horizontally or vertically.

Version 1.0
A1-70 External Masonry

4.8 Mortaring in Fixtures

Provide mortar fill at hollow metal door frames, access door assemblies, louvers, and Formatted: Font color: Black
similar metal items embedded or built into masonry work and concrete work. Frames
to be fully and solidly filled, full height of jambs and full width of sills and heads.

4.9 Grouting
Grout under lintels, bearing plates, and steel bearing on brickwork with solid bed Formatted: Font color: Black
grout material.
Provide fire stop grout fill solidly around sleeves, pipes, ducts, and all other items
which pass through brick walls. Place grout fill to be airtight and to prevent air
Provide fire stops with fire stopping sealing compound, in accordance with the
manufacturers instructions to all service duct openings, including cable/pipe
penetrations in floors and walls as indicated on the drawings, or where wall is
indicated as a fire rated wall / compartment wall in the drawings.

4.10 Water Repellent

Apply water repellent to all external facing brickwork surfaces in accordance with Formatted: Font color: Black
manufacturers instructions.
Do not allow repellent to fall onto any glass surface.

4.11 Cutting and Patching

Do not cut and patch brickwork exposed to view to accommodate work of other Formatted: Font color: Black
trades or for other conditions, unless agreed with the SO. Brickwork that requires
cutting or fitting to be machine cut accurately to size, producing clean cut edges.
Holes made in exposed units for attachment of handrail brackets and similar items to
be neatly cut to proper size.
Patching of exposed work, if permitted in lieu of removal to be patched neatly with
mortar to match appearance of the existing as closely as possible.

4.12 Protection
Exposed outer corners of facing masonry subject to damage during construction to Formatted: Font color: Black
be protected with wooden barriers.
At end of each days work, immediately cover tops of masonry work that may be
exposed to the weather. Cover with non-staining waterproof covering extending down
at least 600mm on each side of the work and securely anchor the covering in place.
Partially completed masonry partitions, subject to any unusual wind pressures, to be
fully braced on both sides.

4.13 Cleaning and Pointing

4.13.1 During Installation of Work

Remove mortar from fair-faced surfaces as work is laid. Fill string nail holes in joints Formatted: Font color: Black
with mortar.

Version 1.0
A1-70 External Masonry

4.13.2 At Completion
Formatted: Font color: Black
Replace broken or damaged units.
Defective mortar joints in fair-faced brickwork to be removed to a depth of 25mm and
replaced with proper mortar and tooled.
Remove mortar projections from fair-faced brickwork by rubbing with carborundum
stone without damaging faces.
After completion of above repair work, clean surfaces of all fairfaced masonry with
clean water and stiff fibre brushes until all dirt, stains, efflorescence, mortar, and
other defacements are removed. Do not use wire brushes, metal scrapers or acids.
Protect adjacent surfaces from damage during cleaning operations.

Version 1.0
A1-70 External Masonry


5.1 Submissions

5.1.1 Submissions
Formatted: Font color: Black
Include in construction program, event for submission of the following information:
a. Name of the manufacturer of all the masonry units and copies of technical data
including compressive strength, water absorption and soluble salt content. Name
and manufacturer of the DPCs. Premixed mortar supplier, wall ties and any other
components built into the wall
b. Information of current or completed similar jobs during the previous 5 years and
details of Quality Control Procedures adopted.
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5.1.2 Work Submissions

Formatted: Font color: Black
Prepare and submit to the SO, the following information:
a. Method statements
b. A drawing list setting out all the details to be prepared together with their scale
and relationship marked on a location drawing. Details to include sills, jams,
heads of windows and doors: showing DPC, lintels and window/door relationship.
Detail at head and base of walls, movement joints, stiffeners, and all stepped
flashings. Details to be at a scale of 1:5
c. Details of provision of stiffener and lintols conforming to PEs design.
Do not order any materials until the SO approves the list of manufacturers. Do not Formatted: Font color: Black
begin to erect the external masonry walls until the SO has approved the drawings.

5.1.3 Maintenance Submissions

Formatted: Font color: Black
Not applicable

5.1.4 Warranty
Submit the warranty to the SO upon completion of the works, if required under clause Formatted: Font color: Black
1.4.4. Deleted: 1.4.4

5.1.5 Quality Control Plan Submission

Prepare and submit the quality control plan to the SO prior to starting fabrication Formatted: Font color: Black

5.2 Samples and Mock-ups

5.2.1 Samples
Formatted: Font color: Black
No item.

Version 1.0
A1-70 External Masonry

5.2.2 Mock-ups
a. A 1m x 1m panel of each of the masonry types at a location to be agreed with the
b. A wall including window set into each of the masonry wall types. The window is to
include the lintel, DPCs, weepholes, sill and sealant. The sample can form part of
the final construction.
Do not proceed with any other external masonry construction until the SO has Formatted: Font color: Black
approved the mock-ups.
Refer to the PSD for additional mock-up requirements if any.
Formatted: Font color: Violet
Provide additional mock-ups for the project as follows:
Mock-up Size of Panel (mm) Due Date

Formatted: Font color: Violet

5.3 Inspection
Inform the SO on completion of the first section of any masonry type. Proceed after Formatted: Font color: Black
approval from the SO. The SO will determine the extent of first section.

5.4 Tests

5.4.1 Watertightness Test

Formatted: Font color: Black
To external full height facing masonry walls General
Carry out tests on 10% of the external walls directly facing the exterior. Excluding Formatted: Font color: Black
access balcony walls, parapet walls or determined by the SO to be excluded. Source of Water
Water used to test the water tank prior to its sterilisation. Sterilise the tank after Formatted: Font color: Black
completion of the water test.
Use PUB potable water only for re test. Method of Testing
Provide the following information to the SO for approval eight weeks before carrying Formatted: Font color: Black
out the test:
a. The equipment set up to conduct the test
b. Procedure of the water test
c. Pump capacity to deliver the required flow rate
d. Method to suspend the nozzle
Fix nozzle 1800mm-2000mm away from the surface of the wall, at an incline of 30 to Formatted: Font color: Black
the external wall as shown in the drawings.
Deliver 300 litres of water for 2 hours.

Version 1.0
A1-70 External Masonry

Place the nozzle so that it covers the whole wall panel.

The panel will be considered to have passed the test if no dampness or seepage
appears on the internal surface of the wall panel or adjacent areas during the
spraying and within half an hour of completion of the spraying. Further Testing
Should more than 20% of the panels fail the test a further 10% of the panels are to be Formatted: Font color: Black
tested. Should more than 20% of these panels fail all other panels are to be tested.

Version 1.0

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