A1-70 External Masonry - 1
A1-70 External Masonry - 1
A1-70 External Masonry - 1
Version 1.0
A1-70 External Masonry
1.1 Scope 3
1.2 Related Sections 3
1.3 Standards 3
1.4 Trade Preamble 4
1.5 Definitions and Abbreviations 5
2.1 Contractors Proposals 6
4.1 Delivery, Storage and Handling 14
4.2 Erection of Masonry Walls 14
4.3 Connections to Building Frame 17
4.4 Mortar Joints 18
4.5 Damp Proof Courses 18
4.6 Vertical Movement Joints 19
4.7 Provision for Work of Others 19
4.8 Mortaring in Fixtures 20
4.9 Grouting 20
4.10 Water Repellent 20
4.11 Cutting and Patching 20
4.12 Protection 20
4.13 Cleaning and Pointing 20
Version 1.0
A1-70 External Masonry
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Read with the General Requirements section, and all other contract documents.
1.1 Scope
This section covers the requirements for the erection of external masonry walls, Formatted: Font color: Black
including common clay bricks, concrete blocks and Autoclave Aerated blocks.
This document is supplementary to Section A1-70 External Masonry of the NPQS Formatted: Font color: Violet
and sets out Project Specific Data in the same clause headings as in the NPQS. All
modifications and additions noted in this document take precedence over clauses
noted in the NPQS.
1.3 Standards
Unless otherwise agreed by the SO, ensure all of the Works comply with the relevant Formatted: Font color: Black
requirements of the Standards and Codes listed below or referenced in the body of
the Specification. Alternative Standards and Codes may be submitted to the SO,
provided it can be demonstrated that the alternative Standards and Codes comply
with the requirements of the standards specified. All Standards and Codes quoted
are the current version, unless specific year references are noted.
Singapore Standards
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SS 18 Hard drawn mild steel reinforcement
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SS 26 Portland cement
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SS 31 Aggregates for concrete
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SS 103 Bricks, burnt clay and shale bricks
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SS 271 Precast concrete blocks
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Other Standards
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BS EN 499 Welding consumables covered electrodes for manual metal
arc welding of non alloy and fine grain steels - classification
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BS EN 1461 Hot Dip Galvanised Steel
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BS EN 10088-1 Stainless steel - Lists of stainless steel
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BS EN 12878 Pigments for the colouring of building materials based on
cement and/or lime
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BS EN 13055 Lightweight aggregates for masonry aggregates and
structural concrete
Version 1.0
A1-70 External Masonry
Version 1.0
A1-70 External Masonry
1.4.4 Warranty
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Refer to PSD for warranty requirements, if any.
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Provide the following warranty in accordance with contract conditions:
Item of Works to be Warranted Period of Warranty Required
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1.4.5 Maintenance Manual
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No item.
Version 1.0
A1-70 External Masonry
2.1.1 Structural Structural Movements
Take into account, that any movements, settlement, deflection, expansion or Formatted: Font color: Black
contraction which can reasonably be expected to occur, do not affect the
performance, appearance and proper functioning of the works.
Joints between the works are to be formed to take into account, possible structural
deflections or movement in that adjacent element without distortion to the works or
disintegration of joints between works. Strength and Loadings
Take into account, that the design, fabrication and installation of the works, Formatted: Font color: Black
accommodate all the required loadings and their transfer, via points of restraint and
support, back to the building structure without permanent deformation. Stability
Construct the works so that they remain rigid, tight fitting and free from undue play, Formatted: Font color: Black
and measurable permanent deformation caused by either self-weight or the normal
use to which it will be subjected. Stability During Construction
Temporary propping for restraining wall panels and columns is to be by agreement Formatted: Font color: Black
with the SO.
Maintain temporary propping in position until the permanent works laterally restrain
the wall.
Unless otherwise agreed rise all connected walls together.
2.1.2 Thermal
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The walls must achieve U value as indicated in clause3.1.
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2.1.3 Fire
The works must be non-combustible throughout. The walls including all associated Formatted: Font color: Black
steelwork must provide fire separation and smoke sealing between rooms/
Deleted: 3.1
compartments to the fire rating as indicated in clause3.1.
Where noted on drawings install fire sealants to vertical and horizontal joints and
intumescent paint to the steelwork to achieve the required fire performance.
2.1.4 Acoustics
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Refer to clause 3.1 for acoustic requirement for the project if any.
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Version 1.0
A1-70 External Masonry
2.1.5 Appearance Exposed Work
Uniformly coloured, uniformly dense, flat, fine grain texture, with no cracks, chips, Formatted: Font color: Black
spalls or other defects which would impair appearance. Provide joints as indicated in
Deleted: 3.1
clause 3.1. Concealed Faces or Plastered Work
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Free from deleterious material that may stain plaster or corrode metal.
2.1.6 Weathertightness
Take into account, that all external masonry is weathertight and that the weathering Formatted: Font color: Black
principles have been incorporated within the external masonry, and interfacing with
adjacent works are designed to be compatible with the weathering principles adopted
by those adjacent works.
Version 1.0
A1-70 External Masonry
Bricks to be solid or with a frog, 1st grade with a minimum compressive strength of Formatted: Font color: Black
35N/mm sq. Do not use hollow bricks unless otherwise agreed.
Facing brick colour as directed by the SO.
Version 1.0
A1-70 External Masonry
Blocks for non-load bearing use to have a minimum compressive strength of not less
than 3.2N/mm.
Do not use Lightweight autoclaved concrete blocks unless otherwise agreed.
3.4.3 Tolerances
Manufacture panels by the process of extrusion with sanding of both surfaces of the Formatted: Font color: Black
panel as the final process. Manufacturing size:
a. Height: 5mm
b. Width: 3mm
c. Thickness: 5mm
d. Bowing/Warping: 5mm in 2000mm along the length
1.5mm in 600mm along the width
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Version 1.0
A1-70 External Masonry
3.4.6 Curing
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Steam cure all concrete block, air dry for not less than 30 days before delivery.
3.5.3 Curing
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Steam cure all concrete block, air dry for not less than 30 days before delivery.
Version 1.0
A1-70 External Masonry
the sill. Lay the glass block in strict compliance with manufacturers
Version 1.0
A1-70 External Masonry
3.11 Mortar
3.11.1 Cement
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Conforming to SS 26. All cement for masonry units to be from a single source.
3.11.2 Sand
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Conforming to BS 1200.
3.11.3 Aggregates
Conform to SS 31. To comprise 25% minimum 9mm granite chippings, the balance Formatted: Font color: Black
being washed river sand.
3.11.4 Plasticiser
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Conforming in all respects to BS 4887.
3.11.5 Water
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All water to be potable.
Version 1.0
A1-70 External Masonry
3.14 Accessories
Build in all gaskets, fillers, joint material, isolating devices and materials, including Formatted: Font color: Black
sheet metal, neoprene pads and sway braces.
Version 1.0
A1-70 External Masonry
4.1.1 General
Deliver, store, handle and protect all materials from damage, moisture, dirt and Formatted: Font color: Black
intrusion of foreign matter.
4.1.2 Bricks
Pack, deliver and store to prevent breakage, cracking, chipping, spalling or other Formatted: Font color: Black
damage, on a flat surface not in contact with the soil and in a manner that permits
free air circulation.
4.1.4 Aggregate
Aggregates for mortar mix to be stored with provisions for good drainage, and Formatted: Font color: Black
protected from dirt, intrusion of foreign matter and excessively high temperature.
4.1.6 Reinforcement
Store and protect so that when placed, joint reinforcement will be free of soil, dirt, Formatted: Font color: Black
loose rust scale or other coatings.
4.2.1 General
Unless otherwise agreed by the SO, do not use hollow brick or block where fixtures Formatted: Font color: Black
or fittings are to be hung on the wall. Do not recess or chase hollow brick or block
Provide proper setting out rods and set out all works including showing openings,
heights, sills and lintels.
Clean all supporting surfaces and remove loose mortar before laying units.
In all partitions or walls where brick/block joints will be fairfaced, start all partitions or
walls with starter course cut or sized as necessary to course out evenly with head of
door or other openings.
Fill longitudinal vertical joints with mortar as each course is laid. Slushing is not
Take into account, brick and concrete block units are damp when being laid. All
constructed brickwork and blockwork must be cured with water for 5 days and
protected from sun rays for 2 days after laying.
Version 1.0
A1-70 External Masonry
Lay DPC under all walls based on the ground floor slab.
Lay units in full mortar bed (face-shells and webs), with full head joints, with face-
shells and webs in alignment and in vertical position. Where solid concrete blockwork
is indicated, use 100% solid units.
Lay adjacent walls at same time with not more than 1200mm difference in height.
Do not carry up work higher than 1.5m in any one day.
Unfinished work to be stepped. Toothing is not permitted, except by agreement with
the SO.
Supply and set all other temporary supports.
Where brick units occur on sloped ramps, cut bottom course to maintain horizontal
Bond Pattern: Stretcher bond, with vertical joints centred over masonry unit below for
half-brick and concrete block walls, English bond for one brick thick wall.
4.2.3 Mortar
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Use standard mortar as specified. Mixing
a. Add cement just before mixing and mix dry. Use sufficient amount of water as
necessary to produce workable mix.
b. Mixing: Use a mixer with device to accurately and uniformly control water. Mix
only amount of mortar that can be used before initial set takes place or within 2
hours after initial mixing, whichever comes earlier. Do not use mortar which has
reached its initial set or 2 hours after initial mixing, whichever comes earlier.
Clean mixer for each batch, whenever mortar type is changed, and at end of each
days work.
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4.2.4 Laying Brick/Block
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Lay brick/block in full mortar bed with full head joints. Lightweight Concrete Panels
Submit to the SOs and carry out installation according to suppliers Formatted: Font color: Black
recommendations. Lightweight Blocks (AAC)
Lay first course on DPC with sand cement bed so that the first course is level and Formatted: Font color: Black
plumb. Lay subsequent courses on thin bed adhesive, tapping the blocks with a
rubber mallet to achieve level. Joints to be 2-3mm thick. Glass Blocks
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Do not allow glass blocks to support structural loads.
Version 1.0
A1-70 External Masonry
Provision for expansion and movement must be made at jambs and head of all
panels. Mortar must not bridge expansion spaces.
Mortar to be mixed and applied in accordance with glass block manufacturers
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A1-70 External Masonry
Version 1.0
A1-70 External Masonry
Version 1.0
A1-70 External Masonry
4.5.6 Facework
Leading edge of DPCs/cavity trays to project 5 mm from face of wall or as shown in Formatted: Font color: Black
drawings or as directed by SO.
Version 1.0
A1-70 External Masonry
4.9 Grouting
Grout under lintels, bearing plates, and steel bearing on brickwork with solid bed Formatted: Font color: Black
grout material.
Provide fire stop grout fill solidly around sleeves, pipes, ducts, and all other items
which pass through brick walls. Place grout fill to be airtight and to prevent air
Provide fire stops with fire stopping sealing compound, in accordance with the
manufacturers instructions to all service duct openings, including cable/pipe
penetrations in floors and walls as indicated on the drawings, or where wall is
indicated as a fire rated wall / compartment wall in the drawings.
4.12 Protection
Exposed outer corners of facing masonry subject to damage during construction to Formatted: Font color: Black
be protected with wooden barriers.
At end of each days work, immediately cover tops of masonry work that may be
exposed to the weather. Cover with non-staining waterproof covering extending down
at least 600mm on each side of the work and securely anchor the covering in place.
Partially completed masonry partitions, subject to any unusual wind pressures, to be
fully braced on both sides.
Version 1.0
A1-70 External Masonry
4.13.2 At Completion
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Replace broken or damaged units.
Defective mortar joints in fair-faced brickwork to be removed to a depth of 25mm and
replaced with proper mortar and tooled.
Remove mortar projections from fair-faced brickwork by rubbing with carborundum
stone without damaging faces.
After completion of above repair work, clean surfaces of all fairfaced masonry with
clean water and stiff fibre brushes until all dirt, stains, efflorescence, mortar, and
other defacements are removed. Do not use wire brushes, metal scrapers or acids.
Protect adjacent surfaces from damage during cleaning operations.
Version 1.0
A1-70 External Masonry
5.1 Submissions
5.1.1 Submissions
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Include in construction program, event for submission of the following information:
a. Name of the manufacturer of all the masonry units and copies of technical data
including compressive strength, water absorption and soluble salt content. Name
and manufacturer of the DPCs. Premixed mortar supplier, wall ties and any other
components built into the wall
b. Information of current or completed similar jobs during the previous 5 years and
details of Quality Control Procedures adopted.
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5.1.4 Warranty
Submit the warranty to the SO upon completion of the works, if required under clause Formatted: Font color: Black
1.4.4. Deleted: 1.4.4
5.2.1 Samples
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No item.
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A1-70 External Masonry
5.2.2 Mock-ups
a. A 1m x 1m panel of each of the masonry types at a location to be agreed with the
b. A wall including window set into each of the masonry wall types. The window is to
include the lintel, DPCs, weepholes, sill and sealant. The sample can form part of
the final construction.
Do not proceed with any other external masonry construction until the SO has Formatted: Font color: Black
approved the mock-ups.
Refer to the PSD for additional mock-up requirements if any.
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Provide additional mock-ups for the project as follows:
Mock-up Size of Panel (mm) Due Date
5.3 Inspection
Inform the SO on completion of the first section of any masonry type. Proceed after Formatted: Font color: Black
approval from the SO. The SO will determine the extent of first section.
5.4 Tests
Version 1.0
A1-70 External Masonry
Version 1.0