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.. . -








Thhi set of: latt'clchme:nts includes the Ic::loth glui1de, attac~[me'nt 'f'Clot~, o,d'i'ustable ziJp:p,sr anld crQlrdi,ng Icct, Ig, fOIOrtj quilter, nerrow hemmer, hemmer ,('lA, 'inch hem) edrgs,st;·t1che,r" mu~tiIIP'~le ,slllDIHre,d blnder Ifuffll8lr and stile'ttro.!!

Plo'Q,e fun w'ith AH'Dcihmenfls, ~~'."i'~~ i~'~ .. ~ n~IUn~' ... ~'n ...... ~ 2

Hell p,fu ,I ,Sllug 'gI8'5;tio n ,S ~"~ " ~ ~, ;j!, 'M' _ ! 'I !ii' 'I' I!' II' '""~ ~ ;0 ,~i ~ ,~ ~ iii' !i! .. ' Ii! " ~ ,~n. ,~ !!I' 3

'The ,A ftc chment Foot' ~ ~ ~ II, ~ ~ ~,~~, ~ ,i' ~ ~ 'i'~ ~ ~ .. ~ ~ 'I ~ 'I' ~ ~ .. ,~,' ~. ";; The Aldi'ustablle ,Z:iip,per and Cordin'gl FOlot

The G'atheri n9 Foot .. '. 'Ii! ~ 'iii .. I i> ~ 'I' ~ ,iii ,I' ~ IlIl II III ,i ~ ~ ~~, ~ 'w;.' 'F i i'ii '~"!!i ,. !; 'I'

ITh 'Ed' Ij- h

'-_e I 1,":- ge"stl"tc," er 1I'~IIIi1"~,~ ~'i';;;' ... ;'Ii'~~. "'~,,~, .. "' "II! ~I!'iI" ~I i iii Ij .. Iii iJ

5 6

'7 '110

'12 1'4 '181


'The Rluffiler I"" I'I,M ltilliilliiii'iililii i'I'i!i'i' .. ,~!!!!! !'lii ",iii'''';',. ""'" II I;~ ~,~ fl ;o~,t 216

Net IOln:l~y' can ,attalch!'ment:s be fun t,O use, but they 'cdso, e'nabile you to, have t'h,ot sotlsfield, 'feeii,ng o"f: cF'ec'ting :s,omlet,hinlgl I,ovely;o

'Th f' I ~ " I II<

"'f!Jy can trcnstorm a plenn ImCl'ts,r'iIC II 'Into a

lpr'e,'tty d,e,coFatii'~l'e 011.,19 .. Tln!ey' eon ch-Iongle a

II - ,I d 'i' - ~ t' h ~ '-T' h

P,_'C:,lnt " •• 'e'5,lgn ~n 0 a erne, smort one. _ley

can 'gil'v€! a prefessioncl ~ock: to ,0 home!mc,d,e garm,e'nt~ And the'y' con do 10111 ,of these

tL" - 'I k'i d i"~ 1- I' , -, k

_ n~:n.g,s q U IIC",IY' !C ne I easu 1"'1'", t Illus;t' to _'GS, a

l~ilfl'~e tlrne end pClt'i,e'n'ce, to lecrn how the ottochments work,

5,0 don't 'wai't cnother 'minute befor,e begil1llini'nlg to lenrn a 11,1 you c,an obout 'y'cur sewrnng mochlne atta,c:hme'ntsi' Ruff~e,s ond pleets

~ I!' k - - - i Edll L, d

IClpp,e',cr 1,1 ce maI9IC',~,~_gle,s, are nernme :·1 or

bound quickly, l.oce is, aplpl'ied w'iith easel;

T' h- le--:' f-,n s--:,pi n-- N't~;~llg" r 'e··~~'u Ilits~ 'i!i"le"~:"e-: 'm··~·~ II!:!IIn:-' Id IIAIJ!"'r' N': o :,t

_ ll'" I I~ .'-1_ I I~j ~I~ W '~'., ._~ ~ .... [I :".1 .;i3.' .-: '.". ~ _."' I ¥~'~il -".,._

on~I'Y' can they be used on dainty' thi'ngl,s" but else on the, sturdy and proctlcol. Once 'you 'b,e'gi,n to lUU!' y'olUr ath:lch,ments" 'y'lour ,se,w'i'ng 'wi~:1 becorne more i;lnt,er'e:st'ing Dlnd fun to dIO"I'


H,eII IP'fuI S,ug'glesti'on,s,

Before ~beg'j'nn~ng to use ylour nttcchments,

- '~II~II £.: d '~t .- e'~ nf~- III t - - 0 n - 'I'd- B t'h

you 'WI_ I 'fln.·····~ I ~ .. '. "IIF-' I UIO cc ;J:;, I'·' ,'~'r rnese

b,its of, genenJli 'ilnf"o'rmatio"nJi W'hen Y"OIU ore repl,lac:ing the lregulc'f presser foot with an attic e hme nt, be sure t hat the pre,ISler be f' is UI:p and th'Dlt t'he needle ;i5 ,o:t ;;t,51 ihighe,st point, A] W'Cys, ,t~ghten ,th'e' thumb screw se ... c,ur'le,ly after the ottcehment ls lin ploce, Sometimes the v'iblrati'on o,f the mcchine ~OI'O,S'ens tbe screw all'o'w'ing 'the c:tf,cchment' to

W'~I'g_ gIl 10 l: - - r"t'I' - - W' ~h- A~n this hoppens

'~, I~e OUIII ,CUr PO';::i;ll0nf!!l_< ~~III - ~H~,lw_I~' "'t'

Y'OU mlo'y Ibrealk a needle, lin girder '.0 tlvo,i'd thls sltuctlon, c heck th'e poaition olf' th iI& screw fre'q uenf'iy, ..

glclillnllg te use To r 'yo ur fi n Ii s h aid art le lie I Th is

Il~ r b- 'I - rh ff' !!!I h

sincel es you to OlltCIIln: the e: I eet y10u W ts I Ii,

An[d do be c:crefull cbout the moterlcls ylOIU use .. libel R.u'ff:ler works bllelaultiful'lly on such

flcbrl;:c:s [as lorganldy', gingha'm ond net, but

ill j ff'-'II' '-h f- Ib ill, '-h d ill

It WOln-t' ru I~ .e [a 111i!I,CVY IQI:"rIIC,# sue: .. las, oemm,

A slt'i'flj I' [9 lo zed mote ri,a I she u ld bile ru n th rio u' gl h

fIL'e-' r' ~ II'ff,-lla- W!'<il!,L 4!o,IL·e-, me -IL. in -. -, -n'th- -re'- c- ,..Je,-· dl be

- UI. _. ~ __ 1~:1i ' h II ~ n-.· "-.~ len '-I!e U_'_I" .'.,< la,.~ ,:.,~,,,,,

Of' course 'y'OU wil'l toke [glclod clare of

- -., -- , ,lot, ' , h - . -. ~ 15::-:' - -- t~' - ,'-, tL - b-' - . . .. ,

YCU'lr QIW _Dlle men II, s. oomenmes I nJley 1~,eCOilm'el

bent [and do not Iunctlon [prlclplerlly'~ An 101C"" ceslonc] drop of oil or ,bi't of petroleum i1e,l:iIy wll] help the movable parts IOlf the

h t., il

ottoch ments 'tOI 'WOr'1( el,a.srlll'y.


The A,tta,c:hlml'E! __ " Poot

lin Q:rd,s"r to. cr'tach "hie IB,'iinder" E:d'Q,e':s'1IIillchre'r"

CI'n-,d.· 'I'he-' He ·.Im· mers '-'0·1 'y···',."ur mochlne. it, is,

__ __ I _. I .. I I~; '" ,.' v' _ _ _ . ~~- _ -. _ I

nlece',$,sary to re'm"O;YIS' ,the regu~lar' presser foat 'CI,n,d lrep,~,a,ce ~t wit'h: lal ,g,mIQ'111 Atl-'Q,c,hment' IFoot,. ~f YO'UI look OTt y'oulr' A,tt,alclhmlll'nt Foot, yiolu w,~~11 notice ,tha't ,ths'r',e is a II,ar'g,e sc,re'w'

Qln the black: of 'i't, 'w'ith 'Q c:IIIDllmp;ng heed ,that' e,x,tie~nds to the front. 'Wh,en this SClr'e'w ls pressed f,o'lrwar,d lalgcl~n,st ,t'he blolclk: olf the ialttachmlen't 'fIDiQ,t, a SiPOCIS eppeers 'b,etw',een the attachment f:oo'" and the end o,f the

I " -h d T'h'" 'I' I h

CIIIDlmpltn'g __ ea .. .: 'II __ liS s,pac,e IS Ic'rlg,e enougil

'f'10 eneb]e 'yolu to ,s,~i"p this, nlew Q,ttachlm'e'nt in, pl ac'el!

,After ,,'he Att'oc,'hlmle'nt Foot hl'al! been put on ',he Imac:hiln,e,! press the ,5c,rew' f"D>frWard enid sllp the :Iarge· 'hol,e iin the 8'ind'B'r, :Edlgles,t~fcher'", Glr' Hemllml,er's, ever .'he' c~amlp'in,g! ~Iead,~ Slid:e the attac:lhmelnt' to t'he I,eft ai,s fair as p'os:s~b~le en,d ti'ght',enscre"w so tlhlCl't the ,aHa'c:hlme'n~' ls, held fi:rimly 'iln Ip~ac:el' hie! slot in each attcc:hH mle'n't' efllc,bl:les y'DIU to move ;i' from :1'B'ft to r'igh,t so t'hal' you can :st':itc:t1, close to Ian eld'9lie or' 1it!1,'way from ;"t~ Te do I'hb;" [ust loosen 'the SC,F,ew ,alt the beck, m'O'Y'eJ' the' c'1",c"chm'en' the deslred distonce, ond tighten SiCF'e'W'1


The A,d~'u,sf'C1lb,~lle Zipper end Cordiln'g F'oot

lin order t'OI move the 'flOOi1' flrc,m, F'ilg,ht to le'ft" 1005,en the screw O,nl thle hor;IZ,onta~ Ibar'!!!1 M,Q,\te the f:oc,t from si'd;e' to slde 10 t'hat th'B needle clan enter the slot on the lef', Of the right.



Ilf 'ylou wiis,h to stitc:h al:ongl the Ileft !dd:e

f - h I' d ~ t;lj 1..... f=' - t.. t '''t ~ ,

[01. fl_ -,e, Zlllppe'r'" ,a~_ ~UI~S,: Ili'f1& ." 0101' so' tlfilO _ 11- Is, '~'IO

the 1IIIeft lo[f the' needle 'wi,thl the needle plal'S'S~ iin'9 'thr,olugih th,e IOlpenlilnlg lonl t'hle r'igh,t side ,of the foot, but if YIDU W"Dln'" t'OI 5'1';h: h on ,the riiglh,ti side of the sl~ide fasltens'r" the foot should blQ pl~lalc,e,d tOI the Iriglht, olf: the needle

tL t rhe dl - "h h th .

,S'O na". ne neec re pas,ses[[' "r[DIUQI'" rne open-

ingl enl the ~Ieft of the foot ~

When y[ou ore usl'lngi thls fo'ot to make, eOlr[ding or 'w[ellfin[gl, 'ylour wi;U IPlrolbablly' find it [easier to ~stitc:h to the I[eft !of the, bulky area'i' To [die this, th[e nes,dl,e .should plauS!

th . . . h th - o' pe '1._ - n t' he .111'n LtIl, of- the

. rio IIJ 9 . -I [8·_:. '.::.:... n I n. 9 o[ _I_ rne ~I;;llll'w-- .:1 _ 1- n~'

f· ~f '. h t II [i_t -h III·H'II- - b I't

'0 lot, n YO[iU WIS,' 10 5, 'II C: __ lell _I'I II e~ltr' OW',oy

from l'hle' cord, stell ,the foot :5'0 ','lhlc,t the need III e flO lls W'19[111 into thl,e citlcle of the hole, but i:f' Y'IQI[U Wiant the' sifit'c,h'inig to be pillac,ed close to liLA cordi' cdlust the f~o-' ot . A ·t-hal. t- he n eedle

'II nl~ '-' .... [, ~. I:., 11!'.,~t'I_ . '.~ i_ ': ...•. ,5'~i [I ,I: 'I~ . ne .. ~'~ II~:

[enters, the ople'rning fJltl'QIIJ the outside eldgle,", IUI:SUD,llly" Y'ou stitch C'WQ'y from the, cord when youl alre m,olklng 'w"ellt':ingl that :is 'fio be lalP~ pi h!!,d tOI a n ai" her ia rti c Ie,s 0 ,t ha t t h 1i 5 n nr Ie' [of,

st'i'tchi'ng can 'h,[e covered when the clord:;'nlg is; enelesed,

To Imak[e the we:lfilillg", cover the cord with a ,strip of 'true bles, PI:ac,e it under t'lhe' AdiU511'Icble Zi'pper and COlr'dl'i'ng Footi! Lower the needle land thle 'f1ollot., Gulde t'hle wo,r,k by p'la!c:i'n'g' the secon dl f Iillglelr' c,f: thC!; left, hen d close 10 t'lhe' foot anld the cord, This alllo1w's the fiirs,t' nnlgel,r to r'i1d:e Icl'cngl the cord, U'se the r:ight h[c:nld to held the bios covered cord,

'T' I -'h [Ijiiii dll! 'h f

10 enciose me welting" c·. '-I[ust t' lie - IDDit :sc

th t . - ,-I llit- L t 10 h il ht f t L d

I~ a [' yQIU 'c'elln Slll'C,n . '01 111' '~Ie rllgl . 0 _ ;':IllIS' c'orl~.

A,IIIIS - adhl - t th f- t - -,ILat the - dl~ ters Al.:.Oi c [--IU,S I ne -0[0'1 SO' n:', I~' neec lie en ers

,the opelningl om the I"ef. of the foot close tOI the olutsll'de edlgle.,




T'he Go,the',rinlg Foot

,A,s, you knoiw', g,cl'tih,eriln,g, con ,be a tedlous tesk when done by h'Q':ndi 'N~ot 'onl'y dees I,t take constderoble time to do, but ;it is else Id i ffi c u II,t 'h) d i' str l' lb iU te ,t h e ~ IU I1II n Ie S,S ely el n ~ 'y',.

H I-h -hG' h~ F iI! d

owever, wnen t -e ".-'"a't __ eriling "clot ts useo,

these eroblem ~ are' e'liI<l~m'IIIII1;i!"!i1li'e'd The g' '",-'ha'r-"-

I' I), ~ r _ Y ~~ ,llt,~;:_ - __ ,;;",_ . ',~, I~~' _ !I __ L _ -'_~ I_'=I __ 'I' '::,; """' ii, - _I~' S

ore mode eOls,'ily andl quickly, land the fuU,ness is stitched ev'en[y' 'in place.

,Afte'r yO'lu' hove removed ihe ,re,gul,Q'f press~r-' foot b in -- the b - bbln th ecd II tc the !I Ii - per

~. I,' " .• '. nl'lg 11lI'~ , •.. 101,1 :1 II nlr~! I,. 10 ':11" ~ luIP_I-

pert of' the mcchlne Then ,c,f-tach fhe Gothler"i1ng::' f- :10".·'0'····,,'- end p Ieee the U'P'·.'IP.e'~ ond bobbln

- - - - - ~. ", I., .", Y - - ,. __ ~ y - - - , - ,_ r - I' U ~ I , , , , , I

threods tioge,ther under the Ioot,

, "

w~hi'Ch, 'youl alr's glo'i'ng to use flor ,hie ft'n'is,hed, arth:'le", Thls e'nlablll'e,s YIO'U "10, see 8,xactll'y ho'w i'hle' finist1le,d FlOW ,o,f 'ga'therinlg wi .11 look, n eese Y'ou need ' o chlGnge the am'O'lunt of flull~ ness, Y'ou cal,n reclsHy do ~t,.

,A,I' "wmlels" )"'CIU Ima'y w'i'sh t,o moke seve rOI II :r'D"W',S oif: g'Dlthe in'gl to form ,s,:b;ir'r'~ngl!i If' yOU' do, use the Qu'i'ltlilir IG'uj'd'e so that the, lin,es of, 5,titc.h:I'ng' wil:1 be, e:venlly s,pac:ed~ ,AJtcu:h the ,gui'de to I'h,e ml'Cllclhin,e ilnl bal,ellc 'D,' the Ga'the'lr,ing Foot by' oo:s,sniling !'he thumb ,5c:rew enid sll'ippiln,g it bls'tw',ee,n the foot and serew, T'ig,hten the s'cr'ew' s,e!cure~'y'jj' Set the gluidi,ng Iplfo'ng SiO "hat It fO~~OW,5, t'he previous trOI'W of st:i:tc h; n'g jI'

As you ,&,titch: the vGlr'ia'UIIrQ'W,5, 'you W'i~'I; n,ot'iice tha,t I':h"e fullness from t'h,e p'lr,evioIUS, :row ssems ta form ti'n'y' f:O,I:dl,s, in the plath of thlEl!! needle, IIIn olr:d'er fer elc,ch r,oiW to be le'y'en,~y goth '_ ,.red" tlr~Y t'o' eQIS'e out th is 'fu llness ns 'y'lou $1_ i'tc·:h. YOIU do,n't want to stlteh In

'inlle folds of falb,rh: w',hli',c'lh will: mer the pretti-

neSis of the ga',hler: .. ~ -

l' I


'The IQlui~te[r

AI'tho,ugh you can buy quU'ted meterlcl

Y - an"t 'I-I' "S pureh -, it- j' tll-h- ,-, 1- r

QUI C:_:, , '-'; a 'way', - I" ':,- ," aSia I lin _I ," Ie' Cia ID '

cl,nld te'xturlS' 'Y'cu w:,sh" A,_ such times" you should remember that you ICC:" qullt it, 'yolurself ,b'y' using t,hlB Qui,I'ler Din 'y',oiur meehine,

The Q'uilter is clc'fucl,lly a gui'd,e', ,c'o,ns,lst'inrg of IC curved prong crtt,cchled to a :llon91 'b'ar w'hi',ch r'un,sthiro,ugh a forked holder II The plrollng imay be shl'fted b,c,ck and forth ln the holder cs -well as up ond down, This, ICIUO'W:S Y'O,fUl to ,pll,ate the rows ,of st'itch'i'ng the desired dlsto nee a pert,

B,efor'e cl'tta'ch'ing ,thle Quill,ter" r'emIIO'~l'e the relglull,ar' presser foot end replace 'ilt, w'it'h the, Attalchlmen'i FC"otl Then loosen thle thumb

- -111.'9 Iltl- - - tLnlt you -an -I lp ,th' - f t .. - d

screw 5,~1 <In,l 'y', 510 ri';J~ ,"':, ee r s __ ~ 1 :',8 'Or'KJel,I

holder b,e'Iwee'n the thumb s;crew andl foot, Dlr,aw' 'i't towQ,rd yClu from the Iback of the machine. When 'it ~,s ln place, turn [the thumb screw tOI 'fa,sten it securely,

B,e'fo!,rle be'gJn,nl~n9[ to sew, cldiu5lt' 'the' 1llle'nJlgth of' the machine stil'ch" A Icng :st'i'h:h 'wiU ere .. c I',e t, hi e p rlefr1"iI es t e'ffe,c:t ~

Of C:'O'Ulr:SIB ylou relcl'ize t'hat t!he puffy leek ls obteined by stitlching through severo I thicknesses, Q,f fabiric .. Two thicknesses of IQuth"lg 'fllc:nnel 'or lay'sr,5, olf 'wcldld:ing een be Ulseld:

dl 1-' f iii L

un .er ,01 crYle'r '0'1 slotlmn or some other pn2'tty

m-- 'a' ter~I'al W··'he-· In' w- ud d'ng- :!~ e' m p lo -Y' ~d' th- a

Iii I~ 11 __ -I • ...:.. ,E., ': < I-l~· _I I· . al . jI II' 1,.:.. II~i I,-:·,_il 1_...:.1 ~l \!~.'., I' l'~

Ilcy'srs of' 'wad,dilng ore p[ace,d Ion the w'lrong s.~,d,e olf' tlh,e s,c,tin,. enid then c,over,e,d witlh

C he': esee r- '0' . I' h-'-, Th e che . e-·'s~·e·-··p,11 o ··t'h· Fo 'rm:-'Iiil" t-·'h· e ~w-"r"ln-" n

_, _.'=-I~ .. :.:_ .. :Il_! '. __ :'_' II;.,; ._, .. -='"'" ._.'_1_- ,_ .. 1 ,"'" __ :....: .. ,' 'V"-'i:J

side lof the mlcltler'i,c'll to be quilted,

As a guildl,e f"or' the flilr:st r'olw of s:t'i:f'chilng,

d- 'I'!! L ilidl f-'

, lru'w' la u:n,e oln 'I'ne w!rang 511. ,Ie 0 'your pre-

plcred mo't8Ir'i'at O,f' course y'olU' kn,01w ,that yOlu a~way'sl work wifh thle 'wr'olnllg s,'i'die of the mater'~lal up, After comlplrsfin]lg the first row 'of stmf',chhlgl, plcce the ,gu:lidll;ngl pronq on this !c::t~t ch d 1[1; .. 0 th --t tlhe -.. nd row w'~1111 Ib- e

;;i1.~ I'CI, le __ line ,~l I lal· ': ,:.~ seco,__ . ,,'\' · .. ·11 ~~'I~_.

I d th d-l 'iii' d di t f' th fl~ "

P olea'I.· _, e I.' esrre a c rs once rrorn ··.e i_ IlrS~"1

Conflnue ln this menner unti~ the ,c[~'othl is

d- iii h f) t'l- h-I ,i Th th

covere W~,t- f'OWI, o! ,5. Ilt,c::· I ngl'l ' · Ie n tu rn _.' _ e'

.. - "- I -_.- dl-I t~''1 'L,!Ii f-"Ih o' p-- - ·'''1 - dl'. e' t' ilion

rna I'er~la CU11:_:) S' 'ucn U'11 lll·.e '.' ... IPIID,ii!~1 e·; nil"C,ll',~ I

SIQ that 'Y'OIUIr' st'itchinlg forms a pettern olf squares or dlemonds,


The ,Ad~usitla:b,:18 NQ,rr'D'w Hemmer This CI'ttaclhment' w'i'l eneble Y'O'iU1 to tur,nl GI t;'ny' hem and 5ltitc:h i_'" all 'in ene IOiP'ero,tionl' And t'h,e n ~CII,st feat'Ui re o'f ~t is th at i:t is a,d'ju's,'t~ cl,bll!e' S,D tlhat y'ou eon g,st your' SI'U,tch'ing v,ery 'CIOSII' to the turned le,dgIB'" Iml'e'F'e~'y 'b'y mClv'inl'g the posltlon of t'n'l! nerrow hemmer Olin t'he

, II -

attachlmetn,t foot,

A,' the, fleglu:lar' presser floc"t hos 'been, r,elm'Q'v,e,d f:ro,m yOlur slewi'ln'g moehlne, repleee II'fr-r wJth-'-' the '"Ittg,···. chm e :,nl'~' '1:I'"'ot Then p, .. ress the

I ~ ,111_ ""' "" _, III _ '"' __ !I! _ 'vIlli III "W'iiI!! IW

Iclamlp~ng screw ;'"1 bock c'f: the clt-tachmient foot t'ow,ord y"OIU land sllp the nerrow hemmer 'in ploce, See pc,gle 6 f,olr' detclled lnstrucIlon,s, on 'tthe use of 1'hle att'CI,chment foot, Then thr'ecld the machine Iccrre,e:tly ... and plece

," I

both threods under ,t~h,e Inl'Cllrrow hemmer enid

dii,r'€u!tly in b,c:ck of 'il to prevent 'tangUng ,Af~ th re A'd-'~

·W _ .... _-::IWI ._. I~III

Before be"g,i n n ln 9 fo, :st';tc: Ih I' bile S;'U ria tho:'f the ed'9,e of yClu'r c'lll'c'f'h is st:rai'lghti! lt ls ~im!possible tal moke an even helm a~ong Ie crook ·'e-·dl 6dl n~1

I IY··:.I·.:·, .. _:___j· ~ .. ,:_·-·a~'!I!

'When thle eloth 'is ;'nl tih:IB' plrlop,er pesitlen I,o'welr the needle end the presser ber, IBe sure that- the threads are In bock of -y-'our

iii ' ~ I 'I, _ II¥' ,:, v' I ,~, ,'" I ::: III _ ' _~ ~ .'; I, - ' .. ' ". ',I ' _

work, Sfitlchl SIID'W,ly SID l'hiCt yOlu can have rp'."elrfl-'ct eentrel of Yi',QIIU1r CII'Oi'h, R'et'crd ,thle

I, '

proqress IOif '-lihe mlctelf'icl ,lllilghtll'Y!! H1ow,Bve,r",

be S,UF'e to de this wifr'h a liglht touch. lf YO'UI dl,on't yClu wU11 ,stretc'h you,r febrk,

Examine "he! st'~'tc:h'iln,gi' If 'i't is net ,as elese te the le,dge as, Y'ou desire, ~Ioosle,n, the clemp-


11 6

i'nlg1 screw on Ihe Icttc[c:hm"e'nl'f froo,t and ad'iusl - h ~.'!! f~' - L h "oI! t, . e posmon 101" the norrow ';[ellmmler on I,ll

fil L II< h''" '" iii> th d ired OJ !I!'

un III tne stlltc-Ing 19, tn ._ .. e eesiree posttion,

The omount of cloth 'Iha:t' ylO'UI 'fe'l!,d into the hemmer is mlo<s:' Ilmp[,ortalnl't., ~f y'olu do no,t felr!,dl '0 wii,d;e' enouqh fOild i1ntlo ",him hemmer, the, rc'w

d-· '1111· t -b ~ f ~ ld -d-' .. - d - - -- d '·'f'- ~

e __ ge's, Wllu n'O,1 I-e i_OI ~I,e':: un ~ er, an .... I" y'D'U

f'" '. d-I too .. - ·-:-'h· i' ~ ·t·· ,th he -~--~ - .. -., .... 't-' - .. - f-"':-:~d-I-_,

lee _001 [muc· In 0 __ Ie . remmer, e,x ,ral !CI~I.S

-w' -I'll "'P--- p-- eor which a-·f c Q' urse C'DO:-: III i'-h- Q

-. Ill: WI : .. VW - 1Ii1:~I- . I _::-'=: ". III ;;ii1i~ ~,rll. 1,1 _I _I~

beouty of the hem, P[robal.bliy the ea,si:est way to Ig· .. ulde rhe cloth is, to ho~d ~t belw'slJen th,e'

, .

first ond seeend fi'ln,glf!'rs S,IO I'!hlot ;:t extends upl'ward between] them 'tel' the depth [of ~,albolu:t Sh lnch w'he:n I'hle fingers, ore p~alced albcluf' 11 ~n,ch in front of the hemmer ..

and plulll! the, threods ,s,tra;ght beck, c:a:r'r'y'i'ngl t,h,e 1m a te'F"i,ctlI 'I'hrou'gh the hemmer unfil the

'd - f th - f' 'b ~ '"h i' dill der II:...

eo gllel 0 t e '10 I ~~ r:IIC nem IS •.. ~. u"'ectl 'Y' une er the

need II!~I hole A<-, ~ y.' 'IQ IU-, - b.,iiCIi'g·~·'I~"I11- t· o !l:t:t'c'.' L. - r":nn"~I":I' nue

~g.1 I'~ w,~'! _ ~ . Y, I' __ oiiiII LI ,n" ~V_ 1!111 __ ~

'to hOI d the ,'hr,sold,sl Pu~li ,thieml gelntl!y' ,(1:$, 'Y'ou t,alka the flits! flew' sfitches. 'When th,S' e,d'g,e of' the c~cith reaches the endl of' i'h,e' hemmer,

d v h-' f d 'III

on you D're' sure 't. lat' the . 'eec W'i'll carry

t'hel clo h b,ockwollrd:, ylou eon h!.' glo of the threcds,

'When y'OU' ere able to moke a 'perf'ect' IL. aim w-'·I"h·· eese tr y trim rn ~n g' ~t W' '~I·tL. 10 CA o -

n'~ _ " ".. III' ,;:... ~~ ," 'I .•• ,..... [I _", 'I __ ,~~ '~\:_" I!I _ ". 1_1 n _I' !!riii' • r

rlck rock, The fC'b',f'ic' is inserted i'n the hemmer ln the some monner, The 91dgel of' .'h,e, ~a'c,e or rick reck ls pleeed in the U~'shclped :8 I Ott, wh lch ls 'i n front of the ne'e,d'i e'i As 'ycOIIJ stitch, hold thle lece U,PI snghmlly with the ri~ght hond so t'h'Clt YOLI cen wCl'ill'ch th,e s't'j't'ch~n'g of' the hem, IK'I!'e'p the loce snug Gigainst' the III' n s ld e 0 d n a. e " tiL - iili!" I 010 III f" V'IA UI don ,It, '11,,-' w Ii< 111-1

'I~J!~_,',::", I~I~!_~I~ ':_: , I ,l1le 3,_'!j!:,., lirij"· 1 __ , 'I, II " ':01111

not be ,s,e;w'19,dl to the moterlo l,

P~lieasel not'I!': ............. , If lP'u'cker'ing occurs 'whe,n h,sm'm:inlg _i'ght we:ight fab,r'i'lcs!I place 'al piece 10lf scotch t'op1e QVe,f the n eed II lei Ih 0111 e. -


_____ , __ , __ ~_~ ~~ ~ ~ iiiii!iiiF. ~



'Thiel Hemmer (\4 inch hem]

No doubt 'l'OU find' th,e mClkinlgl olf e V4 ;'n,c'lh, hem a trcublesome tosk. To mela:5U1lre", crease, pin, allnldi beste a nerrow h lei m tokes t~lmle ond petlenee, However, wlhe'n th'il ,H'e 1m, m 'B'F' is used la~l: of th'es,s opera,t'i'cllns ar"BI done

-... II! ~I - -- 'I ~I

a u~ ometrce III Y'.,

Af't-'e' t- he - g-- le - -- res - d -f" ft,~ .. t hes been

'j rer ~'" I:, re~ UIII_ r p-,,-~,5~lr -(,"'''' ~ ,_' _'- ~U!

F'I!I,ml'Dved enid repleeed wl'th the attu,ch'ment foot, t'h,e hemmer een be ,5 II 'i',p P eld: ~ln,to pllaC::;I. Then the threads C'J.1r'e plut under land 'in back of the att'Q,ch:menti' The fab'r1c is ;:nslerlted betwe,e,n "hie narrew, horlzontc] balnl,d !clnd the rounded IPI,rolng', enid: t'heln twilst'l,dl UiP and, over t'he rounded pr'on;, and f no Illy' ellewed to cur] under 'i"'~ If y!OIU el,Xloml;nIS 'y'lour Hemmer, you willi nlo't~lce' thl'at' the ,cl'D'I'h foil OWl the Id'i'rll'(,t'i1on eif the Inalr'FOW bland,.

'W''''-' 'hen y~.'~'O'IU- lns e'r-t the -c:)llo:-:·t:'h-" hc,';',I"d,':-1 !l!1"t- '1I'1'n' b"D';",-'h'

. __ ',_ ,_ ...."_ _.. I I. _I '.. "_ r _Il __ ., ..J ~ l_ _I ~~., ". _ I

hands ,an,d dr,aw the mlloter'i,all beck an,d: fo'rth IQ felw tillm,e,1 las YC'UI fit!J,.d the cloth lnto th,e Hemmer so that the s,c:r,olll~ 'hi fillsld eompletely, RIt!'mlermb,e'F" the 'f~,abr:i'c ha,s tiD fo~id'

IU n d-- Alir-' a-'- p 0' l-r-,t:~I'n -n- - nf' "t: he PlO" 'U n d- I ed - '-p:-' re -ng- - I'f

' I,_I~~ ,'-,_:, '_ - IWI W I ~; II "'--~,, I-_I~; _, i - ',' - ~ i::_, Ii'

th:e eloth does "lot curl under lela,s,i~y" fold, ,thll

raw~ ed~ - --: f f'he mat'e~~I' ~t r- llL <I!'~- h- f-

, '" ' ~~ ~'_ 9 e S DI 'I I" 1_ ~ I' 1 =~ r I a love _ 78 I,n c' _ ~ '~IO r'

Dlb'rQlUlt 2 inches,

Whlen the scroll is fil~led", dr'Clw t'hle cil,olt" lnro posltlen se thlo't the sitit',ching w'i::111 slt'art ICII0118 to the end. Then I'ower the, presser bar' a:nd, begjln to stitch, Gu~de. the' moterlol 9len,tly so that "hie scroll remolns fllled, PIIClce the left hand lilght'II'y' 101ln the cloth, reltarld,ing Its prollg'f'e',5.,S, sng htly ii, I:f toe Uttle' meterlo I is, 'fed ~ntQ the Hemmer, the irc'w ed'9les of the frabric 'witl! not ble tUllrned under, and if t'DOI m ueh ls alll'Qwed tal enter the, sere III" an uneven hem wlilil r,eslull,t.



T'he Edgesti'tcher

Dainty ~a,c,e insertllolns, per'ky emblfo'ider,ed,

d -- - d d -III~ t !Ii - 'II d d

e ges., IOn(_.,:_: e Ica e plpllnlgls, can a ~.!,~_ a

!,ilml ple but Ipretty ,. deco rat iive' to'iU,ch, to a Ipl1lcin la',rtic~e. H,o'w'e'Y'elr, ilt ,o'ften requires ,0

~ons'ldll bl -- -- - - t' f'" - k-'·u t - " d1

con ',11'~ eronte crnoum 01, S ;--··llu -_01 proouee a

proiessienol leok, F:lortunatlely, there is, an. cIH'lalc:hmie'nt that willI hellp y'OiU te ~oii,n r'QWSI olf ICIcle', '101 insert lcce betwle'B,n two pieces

f- f b ~ t t Ii! fj--" h d d '~II h I

C' _,a,· rIC, , 0 _rIm a I nISIII,e:~:_ e"'~ge W~' I - .,ace

'Dr ernbroldery, 0',5, weill as w'il'h a fine llne olf p,i,p,i'ng. B'Y u:sing Ihle' Edg,IB's;ti:tcher, y'iOIU can perform these pr,oclss,ses w'i'th ea:s,e and d,e,llii'c'Qlcy.

,As you wi'll notic'e, t'helr's ore sevi!lral slots

• Ed II h 'Th '.

[Inl y'olur --: gest:~tc -·Iev. rnese opernngs serve

CIS guidle!:s :in ,slew'i:nlgl t,ogllether the, 'v'a:rilous

iI! f 'II I -I d Ih ~'

pieces 0- Imateirla" n omer to -'BliP Y"OIU,

th,e'y have been numbered i1n the occom-

,~ d !II F '.... l!I!'f' t

pllcn'ylnlg c rawlinglf, or msronce, I_I' you 'wan'_

to ,se'w' loce edlg'i1ng to a finished eldge' oif fobrle, the piece of mat,e'ria~: thlet w'iU bel on tOllP 'w'iil'l bile pleced In slot 11, end th,e under lane' in &1~lot 4.,

As 'yolu ist~f',c::h, hCII,d ,t'hllel Imllc,te'r'~,a I th,ct hi in the left', ... halnd slot ~n 'y'olur I,eft hand end t[hlelt'

,I< lh I h h d' ~ ,.' iii L h d

IIIMlI the r'191 (t,~ -,anl~~~1 ,1,1 at' In 'yoUr' r~gln~ "an,_,,' so

that thematerl'Cl,II;s overl a Pi 'iust al UH'~I,e b it iii ,A~t'hoUl'gh the overlep i,l, small, i,t, rnekes ill

'P"O--:'C:S': ,:'; b ~a Fo ," r y"'!O-" u to ", k- ce 'en t' "h~' a, Ad-:- oe 'S' 'w- .. - -',:h':c-'h' 'I

:·.··.·_ .. ~.·.I11 :· .. II~ ..... - ,: ," .' .. :.... ~ .... J •• '-'-"-r I ~ ~' .. ' .. ~ • ._-:.~!, ._ - III'.

Dire st~tched - togleth,eir, ,snugilly' agclins't f1he i1n'er~or of thl's Iguid'ing ,91:,01",



'W'he,n uslinl'" p'i,P;'ng "0 trim a:n lart~lcle"

'L. ii); 11;., II II 3-· F' lid II I

tn,l! plpl~lnlg IS, ,pu'l lin S 10It .. ·.·;11' . or a W~·-- Eli p~plllnlg,r

th,e fcbrlc is Ipl'aced ·'n sl~ol ·4, and: the "',old! ,o,'f thle pl'ipling ls to the le"f of 511'0'1' ,31. H'CI,we've'r"

f - iii' Ii]; -h f b" ~ II d 'I

or a nerrow p'~pllng', t, ie I a ···.FIIC IS p~lac:e,_ In

slot .21 aln~_ f'!hle f'1olded edge o,f' t.he p'i[pi'ng is to t~e' r~glhf' 'in slot 3,1, 51~ot, S ls used os 101 guid'e wh,e'n s't~tc:h'ii,ng a Ifrl811nclh seam',!!

The ;B[li nder

This c'lle[velr device a UiOIW',S[ you to fin[I'sh. an edqe w'ith bics [binding,., NOlt IQIII1~'Y' con ylCIUI usa eommerclcl blos b,ilndii,ng"" burt olso b~lnl,d[;ng whkh yOlu cut your,se~f!! lin one' operation beth edges of the bind[inlg are s,fitc:hed neatl,y

d II'~ ~' [P~ <Ii d Ib !iii ,-

ani even~y' In p'llla[c,eii -IIIn nlng lain ,- ['-,1I0:&tI1119

ore ell[iml[ncl't'led;o - R,aw edges discppeor f',o[r'-

ever, This st'i'tch'i'n'g is, even ond close to. the

f'A,1d" .,- 'e' d ,I e~ d ,'g-'-- [,0 O'~ '-f'- ,t~ h-;' e b '~I n d !ilillln"g' -

"Wi ~ .. '-' ,=,,1."_ ~ " .. 1_ 1 '., I') I"L:...,.

Ilf ill B[1i d .[1111 -,

_ I you excrnme YOUF"ln: er, you WI~ not ce

[11 'h i' h d II hl h h

t -:- ai' t '-Ie[re 1,,5 a cone-s icpee sero ~ W Ie:' I ,'Iasl

sev gralll sm a- ~'I -,1- ts '11'-- 91- rod u-' ted- rr:z'e'- s The 'e

I-"I~'_,: ~ ,L _ _:__L S 0 _,5 In "w[,__:_ :__Q .1, ~1~,-:J:__,I~_[<i ,,1_ ~,S~

slots lalr1e [c:lr'r[c:n,g,eifd to held vorlous sizes 'elf commercial td1n,g[le fold blilndin'g, rang'lnlg from the sma,ll~e'st size 1 tal tihe Ilcr' slze 51~ 'The iar'gest slot whic:h holds number 5 b"i'QS

t,..IP . w'~ 1- -I ,- 0. th e- - n e w hie h you 'W~lll· use mo I!t-

~I _ __:e" I~ _~I~ - I'~~ 0 I, .... [_'_I' [,".. ! ,_,_I ':-" _, ~[,~,





I-Th . 'R . -ffl'" . ,

___ e'u er

This ruffler hcs Iberle1n 58,t' at' the f'alctlory t'OI sew Ion your' sewiing mcchlne, Hewever, becauisle of dl'iffe'r'8nc,els linl meehines, ,Qlnld tlOI a~IIQ'w you to ,get the Iblest IPIQssible work from Y~oulr R1uftleir, it mlay be nec,es,s,ory to adj'lU:st it tOI y!o,urmalch~n,e. See pa'ghe 301 for ea,SIY' inl,s,t,ructi'olns on hlow ,to IdlD thIs .. ,

Bef:orle f1Qs,ten'i'ng the R,uffl1e.r to ,thle mechine", ex~amiln'e. ilt ~carefu~I'y,~, N,Q'lice t,he two

b la- d es T'lh-'e lowe r 0 - e-' II - c o' n -- e ""- e- 'd- I t- 0 g--

__ I - ~ .• ,,',0., .-: .. ' j':__- ..•. nl s 1"11; n'_:: "': rl~ , " .. 1. _

hOlr:izolnital bor whlch has. ,thr'le,e slots, These'

S- ~ - ts are sa· C' -., g' - 'I!d: e's 'The BC'O -'d- blode

_ 1101 . . L -:-' ,;,':- '.' m < LJll·_ ~.~. II! _,' Sl~ _I~: n :.1 I~:_r:. ~

hes a slaw~toolth ,edgle at one lend. Whlen ~,t Ii:! ml,cved florwlalrd" ,the, I';iln'y' tlseth cetch tlhe f'abJric" forc;'nlg "he! mat,elrilcl fCI,rw'ard into gat'i1ers lor p~elats,.

Ab'ou'e"I,Jlh-:"e-" blode ;'iC:' t'he n'e-e·d···I,ft, hole g"n--d--I

.' .•.. '1'. I.:..:" ..... ~_. '. ~ III;;:JI ~ _.' '1:..:--' I:~ II~':":' ..~_

neor it ore tWOI slots, Thl18 open one Is used fa

"'d -, II II h!ili h l b ii' - • h d h

gu~,·.~le maf'e'rl:a~ W_,_~C,I ~S, _,·etng sntchec to tl' e

rulfl,s", w'hlSr,e!Os.; thle, en,c~,o,se,d one Is used as; a' gluide for a pi'pi'n,g sltri'p~,

Prclcieed'ing lup,'wardl linl 'your o,b'5'ervc'liioln you wiU flnd la c:l\aw, ... Uk's enid W'hli',c'hl 'y'O,lJ) een move up end dlownj, This p,alrt~, cOllleld I'hle f'or,k


erm, ls pl'I'Qc'ed IQ,st'rid,e this nee,dl,e clomp. As, the needle ber goes up lendl down" so does he fork erm wh~,ch 'in turn for,ce',s the 'rUlffl~icng bllade to movie bee - -elr'd anld 'f:OIF'wlc'lr,d:1

'y' !!I!III _'I - L, t th t 10

' 'f au W'ill_ nonce rllla:" 'Ii" _ ere Ie re '_ WIDI pia r"IS'

w'lhichl are' mar'tk"ed wlth numbers, The upper one lor ~e'ye'r 'is connected to the fork orm ond hes feu r II i'II"le' sd ets _, me rked 1,1' 6, '12, and with a stor, ,I'f 'y'O'lJ Ilift U!P this pert, yOlu will:11 notice thct It eon be moved t,c Ir'ight or left, so that the projector 'ere n be s llpped 'i nto a d ~ffere,l1't' 51 Oit +.

'Whelnl the projector is in slet 1, ,t'he fa'b'lrl'c

W- ~II ~ b e 9 D' , there 'd' Air p- "e"fOd' iii"\iilt- e'v"e-r--y- stltch

'I ,~I,_ Vi "~I __ ~ :) yl~ .,iu~ .• · IY· ..•. ' :,'-~'III ... ,n!'.,

'W' 'L, I"~ Ii' h III· 11;.z d L I· - ~, u

nen I,t lSI Ul the SIOI'" moraec U', a pleat W~,III

be mode I!vfl'r'y 6 st'i't,eheHi,,; '~11 the slot marlked

12·· ~ 11 '''1 t"'10 L - H_j - . - - L.-

,-/ r a IPII~eafJ levery' 1.4, ,S "Ii~ C nes, _ I owever, W'nen

'yolu do not wlsh to gat!her' Q:r- Ipillecrt' thl'e mete ... , ._-,~- II th ,,', ,'--',' "'~":"'" t", --- sh ould - b Ie" under -,- he slot

r IC l~" __ e IP,role,c ,Olr ,5- ~ _I .• _, . 1.···.·, I < ,~L_

k d - '., h -

me r e ~_ w 1:1':· a stlc:r ~





B'e~c,w' "hie plr',o~',e,c,t'Qlr 1'(5i thll oth'lsr mlcr'k,ed

d- i I I', Ii d iii d ~ . L,

pert lor I_Jla~ IgICluge,. 1 1'51 IUSiS': 'tOI II n 1,:-: IClatl8 'tnlB

f:u~~ne':ss ef 'glot'h,er:s Of' 'wi,d'tl1l of pll'ecl't, W'hen the po inter is a II t.he 'w'oy up' :P'C1St' 1 i' ti'ui,f,e should be no glc,thers. Moy,e t'h,e polnter

do'wn'w'crld' land glathe~ri:ngslholul,d! tak:e pleee between 1 andl :3,,~ Ald:~us,t to ,s,uit f'YIUines,s,

de "'d- h'I_'h,C!!!. umbers pro'--'!d mora fiulU

e:Sllre ; '119 ;I~r nu '1:1-'llrs'~: 'IV~,e _ nore ; , u-

ness, 1:IOWler numbers, less, A ,deep plela'f ~s

b ,I d b ~ 8' S· .. ·h III ~

10 ItCI ~.nle,::_'y s,sthn:g lat I~ ,_- I i a 'elwer pleats

ore mode at t'he lo'w'er numbers. Loesen "he, knu led e- - W . ILa-n odl -. ,1,'lllng' b - -., be eu -,

.... ' _III, In ~,I__ ,~,cr"e.'/ " W n I~',' • II U:5.'1111 _' ',~ " ,lUll ':: ~ ~" re

It Is flrrnly filght1en'9ld w[nirll'e us~ng th,e R,ltrffll,er ~

Attclch.'n'g Ruffils'r' 'tOI Mac:hine

Af't,e'r the Iregu~lar presser fO'Dt :ha,1 belen remcved, ottcch the ,Ruffl:e,r to "hie presser

bo r ;;'.IL", -h e f' 'k a' rm a-Ir.'tr11Id'- a ,d...., n e e' d 1-

I __ ~,I 'WIII~'rlli'!1 ~-, 'I,Olr/:, 1- ',~ I, ,_;;111' _:: lv' me __ 1_,.,,1: Ie

Ic:llalmIP~' 'Tiglhrten the thumb screw ,selcUl~r',ell'Y'~

T'h- - .-, -n' 1m" ' ek - th a n' e ,a - a-' ry a" d I Iu - stme nt-~ ''"0-

IB',_ _ _ ',_ Ke - I" I~' 'I _'C:'~S:S' .::', - ~""~ 'II~, _ ~~, I ~,~ II

t'he' lattcch:ment so thot tn'fl Igather's or pleets 'wwlill be mlo1die 0:5, d,esilr,ed'l In 10 r',crer' "01 ble sure

thla't' the erneunt cf' fuUlIle,s;g 'or' the size of the p 1!'I'at ls exc c:tly' r'I',g lht I' 'teslt the, n d'i' ustme nits,

h..J f L. Ii, 'I

ylOU' I'Clv'e meee on 'ei scrap 0_ the :mlaJtelrla

tho:t, yOlu are gOh11g to use for the 'fini'sihied

. ,-,'i' ~Ie alr,IICI~ ..

It' ~~ c· .,' lso w- "'AI~ t· 10'" remem b er t-,Ih,n't t'ILI,a len 'go, lI.lL

,_, I!I'~ .' liaI- '-_- ''\iii' ~- Ii ~ _'-' _ -'l!!iOiO I1I1 U I_ n!!!;,,;p' 1,'\i\O' _ I, Fl

of 'y'our mechlns stitch wU11 ~nt1luenlce, the fullness of y,ou'r' rufflle and the Id~,st,a'nce be, ... tween the plects, A ,small~ stitch 'w'~11 give more fullness than a Illor'ge one IQII11dl th,s· spece between the p,l,ea'fs wil~ be smeller,

'The ma,t,er~'a~ to be :ruffiled should biB' sllpped be,twe'sn the tw',o blue bledes a~nlld under the pr'lonlgJ that seporctes the sacm gl'ldde"s,~ Put ,th,e 'fabr'h:: snugly ClIg1lc.'inst th,e end of ,thiS seam Igu'ild:e 'an,d d',raw ;'t' glentl'y b'Dlck,wlar'd under the needilia hele end J he c'tllD'chmllent !U:JI 'fha't ~t covers 'I'hle feed, Ne'Y'er

d -aw ".Ih~ '-'0'- brle '1- 'D-"~W-A rd -y~'O' u 'If' \J!.AU-' do Y" 011

r- - L~' 1 : __ ...:. -II -, i...: __ y _ 1_ '_ II __: ,~, III _ "U'_ :'f ,I.. ty

w'i II: l braa'le th ose tirly teeth,

• I L I, .' • FI I ,

, i-"-'''''''''''U-,~, ....................

, I I I

'I ; '\ ( :

I ~ I

) .



'W:he'lril the me I'e1f'; a I is in position, lo'w,e'r'

",hi ,e- '1 n'la'l~ 'd: I m e- " t'!iildj p' :' r· ,ii!ilIi ~ ~ A -r b .' c··· I'r "" n d·~·· b·: ~'g: 1~11i"iIiI to

~ _I,' II_~ w' i' '-iii I! ,I· _ ~,iiJlii:iJ'~ '. I " U I! I." _-,-,IIQi, _:. III IU

sfitch, Keep t'he, splI'ed ,of y,our mcehlne at Ian even rate ,SIC ',hIDlt the fullness ef the, ruffle does net vary,~ F~UC~'Ulalt'i'olns ln speed

'~I'II ~ III fl~" lhe cc f .m

'W'I ~ Ilnl uence t· e appec,r'cnlce '0'_; yOlu:r rIUTJ'le,.

Te'$,ti'ng end Adiustinlg Rumer t'OI ,Mach ine

0,1'11 ,ruffle'r at poi 11",5 shown ulnder' I'", ~ e,I'plfu I,

SIU"g' g' IA'It!'~'~I'II'·O'" ns' ,£;jrs't· Then I·a·· --f·,·t'S·'···F' yft,'u hove

.1 '.' _ ¥,a,[~ , ' Il~ . '_' II! nl¥"_,,, .. _. ,w~ .I,IW'>'_'

.' ostened ,the ruffler to y'oulr' sfJ'winlg mnchlne, set 'Ihle plro'iec:to,f in the slot mar'ke,d 6~ Put' the poln ,IoAIi ~,-t-' number :8-;· on ,t·h·~ e ·dil·alll gao Iluge":-

"Iw' , .. :. Wi I~I~~~ I U I .... I.'W'II"" ,'" I .. II:;' ... , .~ •... '!iii'

,Set 'your rnechlne fair a mled'ium ,s,t"i(tch,. Now check the ruffier by ,sew'ing a nerrew ,st'lr:;'p of scrnp flc brlc, If a ~:I of the p Iliac Is, larlEl s,'ti'tchedl down, y'our ruffler is adiusted proper~'y andl


I~S r'ec'.···,y to use,

If some of tl~le p~ea'ts, are net se'wed: down, ~oose,n the ~'atlc,kJlnlg SJ'C:lre;w on 't'he right front side of the, ruft1'eir' and move it f'o,'war'd the enid: marked I'JI'+:I"'I' Re,'fa:st,s'n screw seeurely

ond check stitc,hing alga~nil YOIU maly' need tOI experlment a f,ew' times before the r'ulfA'~lr 'is adj'us'te,d to se'w down t'he plects,

R,uffiinlg Onto Another F:abric

One ,of the nice thi,ngs obout thls 'att,c:u!:,lh-, ment 'is ifs abi'lity, to make a rlufflel a:nd sew' i', to, alnother pleea of mlalelria~ in 'onle operef A 'I "ttlt';'

_lOin,. _ "~mlazmngl' Isn il 1.1'

The flablr'ic tOI be rlumed: is plut 'iln tl1lle :Rurffier' In the usuc] WO!y'., Then the, ,artilcille "0

W'lhtch-' th'e Ir11me "'IS t-o -be iII!'ewe"d IS ploced

_ _ 'I~ _ '[ I 1-' - WiTn~ I~' ',I, , ~::'" '~ .i'-, I_:__ ~ ,

under "'hie Rumer land t'hlraugh ,the ~Iast seem ,Qluilde slet, Hold: the ru'ff1ilng fabr'ic in the

II f- h d d- ,Ih III f b Ii ill Jh 'II; h

U!I,t tone an' the tower --QI_:Ir'IIC [In t'I--_e rIQI_t'"

Ret'a:rd Itlh,e moti/lon of 'hie flowler male,rial slli,gl'hll;y'. YIOUI don't want it tiD mOlV8 'faslter thc,n the eloth that 'is g,oinlg fhrough the RJUIffl er ..




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