The Complete Book of Razor Fighting ,
carry , grip and etance
vital target areas and basic attacks
strategies and tactics
self defense techniques with the razor
self defense against the razor
the razor fight
and much more
100%(13)100% found this document useful (13 votes)
5K views44 pages
The Complete Book of Razor Fighting ,
carry , grip and etance
vital target areas and basic attacks
strategies and tactics
self defense techniques with the razor
self defense against the razor
the razor fight
and much more
The Complete Book of Razor Fighting ,
carry , grip and etance
vital target areas and basic attacks
strategies and tactics
self defense techniques with the razor
self defense against the razor
the razor fight
and much more
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100%(13)100% found this document useful (13 votes)
The Complete Book of Razor Fighting ,
carry , grip and etance
vital target areas and basic attacks
strategies and tactics
self defense techniques with the razor
self defense against the razor
the razor fight
and much more
Attribution Non-Commercial (BY-NC)
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Special Note to the Reader......-.......2.0ee eee
Introduction ..........2+:2ererr9:
Lesson 1; Carry, Grip, and Stance
Lesson 2: Vital Target Areas and Basic Attacks .
Lesson 3: Strategies and Tactics .
Lesson 4: Self-Defense Techniques with the Razor .........-. 46
Lesson 5: Self-Defense AGAINST the Razor
Lesson 6; The Aazor Fight
Concluding Remarks, Suggestions, and Advice .............« 82SPECIAL NOTE TO THE READER
The instructions contained in this book are potentially very
dangerous. The author and publisher do not recommend the
careless study or use of the methods taught. Like all aspects of the
COMBATO Self-Defense art, the science of razor fighting should
be treated with respect and used only as a last resort under the
threat of grave bodily injury or death at the hands of a violent
criminal attacker.
Neither the author nor the publisher assumes any responsibility
for injuries or damages of any type thal result from a study of this
book, or from the use of any of the methods described herein.
For information about the author's Self-Defense System and his
various publications, write to him at the address below.
Bradley J. Steiner
Survival-Defense International
PO Box 9612
Phoenix, AZ 85068
For a person living in modern times to turn to the use of primitive
out-dated weapons for practical self-defense is ridiculous. Yet that
is what tens of thousands of brainwashed devotees of “martial
arts” systems have been doing for about two decades now in the
United States, Canada, and throughout the Free World. This is
thanks to the traditional “classical” Instruction given by their
various instructors, who by virtue of their expertise in martial arts
ought to know better! These instructors probably do know better,
in fact, but keep touting for their “nunchaku" (rice-flailing sticks!),
“sai”, “tonfa”, long bo, etc., etc.,for the pure commercial gain it
Now ('li not quarrel with any serious karate or kung fu teacher
whe teaches classical weapons for art’s sake, and for exercise. So
jong as a teacher makes it clear to his students that it is in fact for
art and for fitness — and not for defense application in modern
survival combat — he is on legitimate ground. But beware of the
mystical expert” who stresses the use of Middle Ages para-
»nernalia when his students ask about practical modern defense In
the street or in the home!
This is the age of firearms and nuclear warfare. We have long
sinve passed sticks and stones as frontline weapons -- even if
tnese sticks and stones are prettily-fashioned and sold for
exhorbitant prices by martial arts supply houses.
Modern times have created modern needs, in close combat as in
everything else. Most classical-oriented teachers are just draining
the public's money, seeking every opportunity to exploit what is
popular. By way of simple example: When my combat manual,
DEFENSE), first came out, itwas immediatly received with hostility
by so-called traditional instructors. One of these, who fancies
himself a real master (with the “Zen mind” as one of his cohorts
puts it!) hysterically and childishly attacked the book. However,
the non-classical, more rational instructors (in the military, in
various Federal and police agencies, etc.) received the manual
very well, and it is now commonly used by serious combat
instructors and students everywhere. In its second printing, the
book is now recognized as a pioneer work in the field of hand-to-
hand psychological and tactical-strategical studies,Once my TACTICAL SKILLS manual started to gain in
popularity among the defense-minded students and teachers, |
received an order for a copy from one Oriental "kung fu expert” ‘in
California. This man read my book and then wrote a watered-down
version of his own (carefully making sufficient changes to avoid a
lawsuit for violation of the copyright law!) and now markets it
widely. The manual he sells is practically useless, since he misses
the most salient points of the subject, and the techniques he
stresses are the nonsense classical kung-fu moves of his own
traditional system (hardly anything new). My point is: He, despite
all of his “devotion” to the art, is an ordinary money-grubber
motivated by hardly a shred of ethics or decency. 5;
Don't look to the classicists and traditionalists for
bene aera in survival combat! When it er oneen
& most tactful thing | c: S i t
Aran he ou an Say is: Forgive them for they know not
What | teach pupils of my self-defense system, COMBAT:
this: The art of bare-handed fighting is the art ot Jast on
fighting. Before you go it barehanded against some empty-
te heat ee whacked-out psychopathic crapbag, you
omething against him! In thi i
ion ee is regard, the best thing to useis a
Failing access toa good pistol, you use anything else that is at
hand (¢.g., a chair, lamp, stick, knife, bottle, book, etc.). A fighting
knife (especially the proven Fairbairn and Sykes Commando
fone is SC yey don't have a gun, and most particularly if
gun laws like New York City's pre
Faraaie y's prevent the ownership of a
A es epee stick is pretty useful, provided you know how to
usé it properly. These are some of the types of handheld we
stress in COMBATO. ay
A straight razor is another practical modern handheld weapon.
and its use is taught in my System to responsible pupils who have
demonstrated no inclination to misuse such skill,
If the “ancient masters” had had a straight razor available to
them, they'd doubtless have invented a “jitsu” (science) or “do”
(way) for its proper combat employment. Since they didn't have
straight razors, someone had to do the job of organizing a method
of using it today. That's precisely what / did. That's what this book
is all about. It teaches the basics of razor fighting that derive
exclusively from my system of self-defense, COMBATO.
The material in this text is based on several things, practical
experience being not the least. For almost 30 years | lived in New
York Gity. | spent several of those years living in a ghetto-sewer
where it was more risky to walk the streets than it would have been
to go on patrol in Saigon during the Vietnam war. | couldn't carry a
gun -- the murdering politicians have their anti-handgun laws, and
thus insure that only criminals can safely carry firearms. | couldn't
carry a stick — it was too conspicuous and awkward in subways
and crowds. Though | rarely carried anything (except sometimes a
littie razor), | survived the most dangerous neighborhoods of New
York with but one small scar. Not too bad.
“Today | earn my living by teaching — via lessons, classes and
books -- the art of survival under the worst possible conditions, to
those who need these skills. And | haven't lost a student to a
mugger yet!
| studied razor fighting because some pretty dangerous people
were fond of carrying (and using) those damned insidious
weapons. As | studied the art | got kind of fond of it, myself, After
all, what's good for the goose... Anyway, the razor proved its merit
to me, and so that you shall survive, | have written this book to
teach the basic use of the straight razor.
Make no mistake about it, the razor has some very real
disadvantages. One of them is that unless you're the right “type” of
person, the weapon is useless in your hands. To be frank and
blunt: You have to be able to move in fast on a man and slash a
sharp blade of steel through his flesh. If feeling his warm blood (or
its warm blood, the way / see it) spurt and spatter on your hands,
and possible on your face and lips, bothers you, don't carry @
straight razor as a personal arm.
The razor is not all that flexible as a manipulative weapon (like,
for instance, the Fairbairn-Sykes fighting knife is). It does,
however, give the appearance of being very fluid and manipulative
when you're looking at it in the other guy's hand! However, as you
will see in practice, there are really only a limited number of ways
to inflict worthwhile damage with a razor. Remember, just because
you draw some blood doesn't mean that the psycho is auto-
matically going to drop on the spot.
‘The physical shock value of the razor is nil — unless you have the
good fortune to get a deep slash through the opponent's neck,
throat or eye. Aside from that, the razor depends upon psy-
chological shock for effect -- something that is considerable!
a‘The razor's blade hacks and, unlike a hatchet that has weight
and size, the razor's blade cannot really go too deep at all. Since
that razor lacks a piercing point, it won't do to thrust it like a knife
“through” the target. The heart, for example, is no target for a
skilled razor fighter.
A razor is not the fastest weapon into action, either. Once in the
hand, open, it can slash quickly enough in trained hands, but it is
not faster into action than a gun or straight-blade fighting knife.
Because the razor is not really a killing weapon, it is desireable
that the person who uses it be capable of physically following
through any initial advantage a slash or two gains for him. He
should be able to execute basic unarmed combat blows to
augment and supplement his blade. When | teach razor usage as a
supplementary weapon skill to a COMBATO pupil, | know the
student can use hands and feet effectively -- but | mention this
point here because | realize that this book will be read by some
relatively inexperienced persons in the self-defense arts. GET
| brought up the few disadvantages of razor use because | am
fanatical about insuring that no student of mine should ever
develop false confidence in himself, either in barehanded or in
THE ENEMY’S CAPABILITIES! Also, understand any weapon you
use, and know exactly what it can and cannot be depended upon
to do. These are the things that add up to victory in a fight for the
trained combatant.
On the positive side there are many real advantages to the
straight razor as a weapon. So, just as | pointed out the cons, let
me here enumerate the pros:
1. The razor is very small, compact and handy. It takes up
practically no space.
2. The razor is very lightweight. The problem of carrying it —
even for extended periods of time -- is really no problem at all.
3. With no pun intended, it must be noted that the razor gives its
user an inestimable psychological edge. In any hand-to-hand
fight, this would obtain. It is utterly blood-chilling to envision
the possiblility of thin flashing steel in someone's hand slicing
through one’s body.
4. Razors are very inexpensive. You can buy a good one for less
than half the price of a good fighting knife.
5. Razors are legally obtainable anywhere. Technically, they are
not “weapons” at all, and you can even buy one in such
restricted places as New York City.
6. A razor can inflict a terrifying wound and render an assailant
paralyzed with utter fear, momentarily. Ina fight, this is vitally
important, Also, the fact that you appear “crazy” when you pull
a razor is an advantage.
if a deep, clean gash suddenly appears on a man’s arm, face,
neck or leg, and uncontrollable profuse bleeding ensues, the
opportunity to finish him off is presented easily, if he panics.
Most people will panic if so wounded. Suddenly losing a lot of
blood is not generally conducive to coolness and tranquility. A
boot in the crotch or a knee-breaking kick can generally be
delivered at such a point in the fight with no problem.
We need to get one fact absolutely clear: No person should ever
carry any weapon that he is not thoroughly WILLING to Mer
“Willing” does not mean “able”. | have known black belt arty
expert teachers who were technically able with weapons -- oF e
point of being artistically expert. But often they lacked the will —
the fighting instinct — to use the weapons they had maine
against real people in real fights. Their mastery was plainly
Be honest with yourself, please. If you really can't bring yourself
to use a razor on someone, don't carry one with you as a weapon. It
will only impede your actions if you're altacked, since while you
are hesitating, the psycho will be pommeling (or possibly
stabbing) your body into senselessness. Better to stick with on
empty hands and use them, than carry any weapon and not use it,
under actual attack. ME aus
‘ou are “willing” insofar as the use of the straight razor a:
les is conser ied: then you'll need only the guts and basic
fighting spirit to use it.
“Guts” (i... intestinal fortitude) is partly inherent and partly
manufactured through correct training. Training builds confidence
and a confident man will give full reign to his inherent capabilities
when pressed in an assault.
Civilization has dulled many of our animalistic impulses to
survival -- but these impulses still remain dormant in all but the
softest of us. Count on it: If you study and train well, the animal
survival instincts will surface when the need arises.
9If the reader will simply give himself over to the philosophy and
techniques described in this text, he need have no fear of being
ready when the moment of truth arrives.
Remember: Violent criminals and other trouble-making psycho-
paths should not be hysterically feared. They need to be
realistically regarded as the potentially dangerous wild animals
that they are -- and just like any wild animal when on the rampage,
or when rabid, (hese two-legged specimens of depravity need to be
destroyed when they threaten human life.
With an attitude such as the one | am trying to instill in you, you,
and not the vicious dirtbag who assails you, will have the
Author demonstrates that the padded biode /s vale, With
appropriate protective covering, even # raror's blade won't
cause Injury.
Author Is holding an actual straight razor (live blade!) that will
be used to iilustrate the method taught In this book. Note that
the blade of the raror has been padded for protection... thus a
real bide Is used In training with no “real danger”.
Complexity is the halimark of the impractical. The amount of
money that the traditional karate, judo, etc. schools have been
bilking the public for, simply by offering endlessly drawn-out
complicated courses in useless skills, must be astoundling close to
the National Budget.
Never, in any form of combative training, allow complex skills
and stylistic variations to replace the simpia basic moves. This
applies resoundiingly to razor fighting.
For the purpose of the instruction in this Lesson, | shall treat
carry, and stance as separate items; remember, however, that
in use, these things blend together. No clearcut distinction Is ever
evident in application.
Make yourself used to holding and maneuvering your razor. Like
any other weapon, the more you handle the razor, the more natural
and comfortable and “right” it feels in your hands.
Do not think of your razor as any sort of “ultimate” weapon! YOU
are the main weapon — for without a fit, confident, trained body
and mind, no weapon will avail you much.
Be practical. Don't get fancy and gadgety and start making
“razor sheaths” and pouches and other idiotic toys. The razor can
be practically carried in very unobvious natural places. The more
you stick to this practical approach, the better off you will be.
Remember that a razor should come into play on/y when you
mean to use it! A pistol might conceivably be used to hold a felon
at bay or to. “warn” him, merely by its presence. But a razor must
never be used in this way. It is not a formidable enough weapon, It
would be far better to splinter a man’s knee and hack open the side
of his neck, then run, than it would be to whip out a razor and
‘warn” some approaching crapbag that you'll not submit to his
terroristic advances.
The easiest place to carry your straight razor is In.a side pocket.
It should be deep enough to conceal the weapon. In the winter,
keep your weapon in your outside coat pocket. Remember that if
you need your weapon you will doubtless need it immediately, and
groping for it just won't do!
ry (above) in best for the
het can
Author fagis that a simple poc! Aipapees ie
siraight razor. Note how eesily and neal
into the pocket.
With the razor concealed In the side pocket one may walk with
his hand on the weapon and srouse no suspicion.
———————————itis best to walk through any suspicious area with your hand on
your weapon, fully ready to whip it into action ona split second’s
| have seen one custom-made shoulder holster for a razor, and
with no desire to attack another's handiwork, | must say that |
myself would not use such a device for a razor. The shoulder
holster is excellent for a nice-sized straight-bladed knife, or for a
handgun — but this is because such weapons are impractical to
carry in one's pocket! Why create problems? The closed razor is a
delight to keep in one's pocket, since it is small, light, and easy to
get to when there; so just stick to your pocket as the best basic
place to carry your razor.
One other thing: The razor makes no bulge in the pocket, and
ane can very innocently slip one's hand into one's pocket even
when one's opponent /s watching, in most cases, and be able to
suddenly bring the blade into action.
Facing a possible adversary, one may have one's hand on the
razor -- ready -— and stand in an alert ready posture, without
giving away the fact that one ix armod,
| have known persons who carried their razors taped to a spot
behind the neck (women often keep small knives under their hair).
This is OK, | suppose, but it seems to me a little melodramatic. |
never like Keeping any weapon where | may expose myself to an
attack while reaching for it. Reaching behind one’s neck exposes
one to a brutally effective kick or punch -- assuming one's
adversary is mean and worthy (which | suggest you do assume!).
While many have used » behind-the-neck sheath, Mr. Steiner
feels that when reaching for the weapon In this position, one
Jeaves onesel! too open. Note how a quick kick or punch could
be driven into the raror-beerer's right side as he reaches for the
The pocket remains the quick, safe place to carry a razor.
There is only one way you will ever feel confident of your ability
to get your weapon out and into action speedily: by practicing! By
Practicing you build real confidence and become physically adept
at making movements that, in time, will be reflexive in an
encounter. A weapon -- any weapon -- becomes a viable
instrument only to the extent that it becomes an actual extension
of your self — of your will. Only familiarity and practice with a
weapon can accomplish this aim.
15Get used to having your weapon on your person, ready. THINK
about its presence. FEEL it in your pocket often. This is the way to
make carrying the razor a practical natural reality for you.
The photos illustrate the best ways to grip the razor for hand-to-
hand combat use.
When the razor is held with blade “locked out” it is capable of a
very fast slashing attack, and the momentum generated by a
Properly executed swing will certainly deliver a telling blow. If
you've got a quick, strong slash, you could really open up a man’s
face and hack through his neck or gash him severely almost
anywhere with your attack.
This is the “lock-out" razor grip explained in tha toxt.
The trouble with the locked-out grip is that it requires you to use
your weapon in a manner that makes it possible for a semi-skilled
opponent to fairly easily block your blow. If a low kick precedes
your slash, no problem. But if you are relying on that one swipe to
do sufficient harm so that you can escape (say, from a mugger)
then perhaps the locked-out grip would not be the best choice.
The “fold-over" grips are outstandi and in my opinion, the
best way to go with a razor. They allow you to generate sufficient
power behind your attack to deliver a possibly lethat blow-and-
slash to the target. Against the neck, throat or eyes, such an attack
will almost surely kill
‘The thumb-side foldover grip.
Elaborate or fancy methods of holding the razor, beyond the
three simple methods used in COMBATO are contraindicated
They are just too difficult to use instinctively in a fight. Stick with
these basic grips, and practice getting your razor from your carry
position out, and into one of the grips shown, quickly!
| stress again that these grips are designed to be used in combat!
They are not intended for use in threatening or “warning” an
obvious criminal dirtpile that you mean business. From these grips
your basic atlacks will be delivered with maximum power and
7post again an Opponent. In the next Lesson you will actually
ea 9 slash and thrust, and where to do so, against the
t erable razor-targets of your enemy's body. But first, get thi
simplest fundamentals down pat, and proceed fram there ‘Botore
you know it everything will coal Fi
y esce and you'll discov
are confident and adept with your weapon, aie
The bottom-flat-side foldover grip.
pees oe pretty saa and kung fu stances that you might have
rious martial arts books, or in movies. Whil
fi . While "
eee one of those pretty positions, you could get killed, dust
r that the essentials of a good combat stance are:
* Knees Flexed ,
* Groin Guarded With The Forward Leg
° Feet Neither Close Nor Widely Spaced
* Hands Where They Can Immediately Come Into Action
* Facing The Opponent
All of the above battle-test it
0 led requirements c: i
very simple stance, such as the one ilesteated a
‘Above la the basic combat stance. Note that tha razor is hold In
the foldover grip.
Such a stance should be assumed whenever you are confronted
by an attacker, and have sufficient time to ready yoursel!. Otten,
however, circumstances will prevent the assumption of any stance.
| have always been of the opinion that stance is of rather
negligible importance in practical combat. Most of the time the
victim of an attack cannot assume any set stance. He must “go as
is", so to speak, and spring instantly into counteroffensive action
from whatever position he happens to be in when he is attacked.
For purposes of realistic training you should practice re-
sponding to assault from NO stance, as well as practicing your
techniques from a combat-type stance.
From the standpoint of attacking, stance is a positive hin-
derance. When you yourself are initiating an attack, you want to
employ the element of SURPRISE. Surprise requires that your
approach “telegraph” nothing to the victim. Assuming a stance
gives the whole thing away, and is never done in an effective
19'n COMBATO | have a motto: "WHEN ATTACKED, ATTACK"
By this | mean that in my System | stress an offensive tactical
approach to self-defense. Thus, when we find ourselves embroiled
in sudden violence, we do ourselves attack the attacker!
Stance is not altogether usless, and | do in fact u:
Kenpo-Ju-Jitsu stance in basic COMBATO drill and Sree
Stance, per se, must never become such an issue that we need
some special stance before we can effectively function com-
batively. This would be anathema to survival.
Accept the basic stance shown as one that is as viable in combat
as any stance can reasonably be, but don't become a prisoner to it.
Learn to move and attack and defend from any normal position as
well as fromn the combat stance, and you will be training right.
When you need to move - whether in your stance (in practice or
combat), of in any normal standing position — there are a few
Principles that will aid you in speedy efficient movement, and
maximize your combative ability. Above ail, as regards footwork,
remember the admonition to never get fancy! You can trip over
your own feet or end up moving right into your enemy's Sunday
punch if you get elaborate with your footwork,
The rules of proper footwork...
Ts Get the idea into your head that your body must move as a
unit, and always keep this in mind when you move,
2. Never cross your feet when moving or bodyshifting!
3. Always move the foot closest to where you want to go, first.
The other foot follows. ‘
4. Keep yourself balanced and poised as you move, always
ready to attack or to defend on the instant.
This is an exercise that | use in COMBATO to train
; Students to
move their bodies quickly — as a unit — in the main directions that
they are likely to move. This is not intended for combat, only for
training the student to quickly move and reposition his body with
no wasted or awkward action. Try it. After a few days of daily
practice you will enjoy a greater feeling of coordination and you
will not have to “think” about how to move under pressure — the
right way will come naturally.
1. Ready position: standing comfortably, feet together.
2. Quickly shift left foot to 10 o'clock and let right foot speedily
follow until both feet are confortably together.
3, Now shift right foot back to ready position and let left foot
follow until feet are in the No. 1 ready position.
4. Shift right foot briskly to 2 o'clock and let left foot follow.
5, Shift left foot back to ready position and let right toot follow
6. Quickly sidestep left to 9 o'clock with the left foot and let the
right foot follow.
7. With the right foot leading, shift back to ready position.
8. Shift quickly to 3 o'clock with the right foot leading, and let the
lett foot follow.
9. Shift back to ready position with left foot leading.
10, Pivat by turning counter-clockwise with the left foot stepping
back and around to the right. You are now facing to the rear of
where you faced in your original ready position.
11. Step back with left foot leading to the ready position.
12, Pivot by turning clockwise this time, doing the ‘opposit of No.
13, Opposite of No, 11 by using right foot to lead.
14, Briskly, from your ready position, step back to B o'clock with
your left foot leading, allowing the right foot to fallow.
15. With right foot, snap back to ready position.
16. Step to 4 o'clock with right foot Jeading and left following.
17. Return to ready position with left foot leading.
18. Take two fast, short and snappy steps back - straight with
either foot leading.
19. Return to ready position and repeat exercise two more times.
The above takes a long time to read, but all of the shifting will
take you no more than 15 seconds, once you learn the steps. The
exercise requires no fancy acrobatics. It is a straightforward and
simple drill that anyone can learn to do and that will help anyone to
achieve good footwork.
21The relationship of the above drill to combat will become clear
with practice.
Your carrying, grip and stance with your weapon constitute the
bare bones beginning of combat training with the razor. You
should review the points made in this Lesson several times and
assimilate them well. It is too late to get the fundamentals Straight
when you're involved in a fight!
The three broadest spheres of the COMBATO System are:
AS you can see, | attach immense importance to physical
Conditioning and training in my System! Under dangerous,
confusing combat pressure and in the heat of life-or-death fight
you must be in excellent shape, and you must have the raw power
and muscular drive to make your techniques work!! The old
bromide “in the martial arts you don't need strength or muscle" is
plain bullshit. Sure, if you're very, very highly skilled you may not
need great strength, if you are up against an attacker who isn't
totally out of his mind and if you are lucky, and if you manage to
‘stop him quickly with a few fast well-placed attacks. But don't you
think that’s a tot of “if-ing"?
Even for women, in my Women's Survival-Defense ‘Course,
Lesson One is a physical toughening program for the girls to
follow on their own!
Real fighting is dangerous, risky business. It has nothing to do
with tournament karate, “sparring”, or bouts in any polished “dojo”
Insofar as using the razor is concermed, you will acquire your
techniques and, | truly hope, your mental conditining, trom
studying this book. But you will need to do some actual physical
training as a supplement to your Practice, if your aim is to be
totally equipped to meet any circumstance that might arise.
Since this is not a course in my physical training methods | am
merely going to indicate some leads for you to follow up on, so that
you can start a viable self-training regimen right away. If you'll
invest this added effort you'll reap enormous rewards,
1. Weight Training. ,
The finest conditioning and strength Sete
with weights, These exercises are especially po si
Squats, Presses, Dead Lifts, Curls, Bench Presses, Senbe
ewig Reverse Curis, Shrugs, and Snatches. Use no m' eae
three sets of any one exercise, and use no more acd ee
exercise for each major body area. 5 to 8 mere ees oe
recommended. Train two or three times a week on a era
as a supplement to your practice. No workout should e
2. Rope Skipping. ua
Recommended as a4 daily means of rehab poe
id development of footwork, Runnin: 4
cies 3-minute periods per day, or run for 20 minutes, four
times a week.
3, Calisthenics
(neebends, squat thrusts, pushups, situps, a ben
tunning, twists, etc. all are useful and good to stay ne Soe
session of 20 minutes a day with a balanced routine este
if weight training is un 5
ill keep anyone in shape,
r 4. Chinning, Rope Climbing, Swimming, Heavy Bag Punching,
and Rowing. , :
All of the above are excellent additional exercises to stay in shape.
5. Punching Boards, Steel Bars, Etc.
The use of training aids such as Rog ee cee ureents
: s 7
lo harden the hands is also useful for
COMBATO | employ steel bars for striking with the ecoeiot the
hand and buckets of wet sand or punching boards for hardening
the fists. 1°
tion on conditioning
Readers who are interested in more informatior :
rebels may contact me directly at the address in the front of this
book, and I'll try to help out. ;
Okay, we're to advance. Let's proceed with the next Lesson in
the art of razor combat.
The purpose of a weapon is to amplify the degree of injury and
damage -- and the efficiency of its delivery — that you would
otherwise inflict with your bare hands. A punch in the face is
amplified by a bullet through the face; and a razor slash across the
lips or eyes is a kind of middle-of-the-road attack between the
Punch and the bullet. The bullet is by far more efficient, but the
razor generally is better than the fist
The maximum efficient use of either bare hands or weapons is
assured by directing attacks to vital points, rather than to general,
Pick-'em-as-you-swing targets. The best hand-to-hand fighters
never waste time on ineffective targets; they go, like attack dogs,
for the throat, etc.
The question of brutality is irrelevant. We are interested in
survival; and often to survive we need to be brutal. If we are sane
we do not pick fights. If we are reasonable we can see why we ows
no ethics to those who assail us. WHEN ATTACKED, ATTACK!
and be meaner, tougher, more ruthlessly cold and vicious than
your attacker was! So much for “ethical consideration” and the
Squeamish souls who care about it.
It is safe to say that all of us would prefer nor to be slashed
anywhere with a fazor. In fact, | would venture the premise that
anyone, under normal everyday conditions, would be shocked and
stunned even by a razor gash across his upper arm: However, we
need to remember that serious fights bring their participants up to
a kind of “super level" of stress and pain and shock tolerance --
especially the initiator of the fight, since he’s the one who's best
prepared. When this occurs, only an attack on a vital target will
induce sufficient shock, pain or stunning effect to do any good,
It is enormously difficult to really stop a determined lunatic with
a razor. But it can be done, provided one approaches the task by
relying upon scientific attacks to critical “hit points”.
Let us now analyze the best targets for your razor attacks...
1, THROAT. This is one of the three possibly fafa/ targets for a
razor attack, and | recommend initiating such an attack only when
obvious and clear danger to your life or someone else's exists.
The entire area trom the point directly under and back of the chin,
right down to the hollow at the base of the larynx (Adam's apple) is
easily vulnerable to a deep dig or gashing thrust of your razor.
Clearly, an opponent with any street savy will guard his throat well
when he knows you have an edged weapon. However, this only
means that
a. The attack needs to be launched so quickly and with such
utter surprise that virtually no.chance exists for your opponent
to block an attack at his throat; ov,
b A teint at the throat will cause the opponent to quite possibly
overreact, and thus leave him wide open to a kick, punch, hand
strike, toss of some object, etc.; or,
¢. Your attack must be sufficiently brutal, fast and strong to
smash aside his attempt to guard his throat.
Once a deep (not superficial) slash or dig of the blade has been
made into the throat, it’s all over for the opponent.
An atteck to the throat. A feat, hard, accurate whipping aleah
here will end the fight!
25And remember, the sheer TERROR of even a slight whipping
razor slash at the throat that connects will surely enable you to
dispose of any but the most professional and skilled fighter with
relative ease. Ask yourself: What, this minute, does the thought of a
gleaming razor blade chopping into your throat make you feel?
2. SIDES OF THE NECK. Also killing targets. The jugular vein and
carotid arteries lie deep in the neck structure, but when a razor is
held with the foldover type grip, and when a full-body power blow
strikes the blade home, these dread targets can be hit. The blood
and gore involved is a moot issue: How desparate are you? If itis
you or him, opt for your survival, not his!
Probably the most gory attack — ripping open the aide of the
The sides of the neck make somewhat easier targets to reach
than the throat. However, never employ a “roundhouse” wild
swing, since this can be easily blocked or avoided.
A HELPFUL TIP: Whenever the throat or sides of the neck are
attacked with a razor, it helps to grab hold of the enemy's hair to
i ies his head for fairly easy cutting with the limited-thickness
Also, GROWL, GRIMACE, AND YELL! Otherwise, you might
fomember that you are ripping a man’s life out of his body, and you
might hesitate.
ard, deep attack inthe eye(s) can reach the brain.
to attack the eye is with one of the
{the end of the blade, when the razor is
If you grab some hair (or an ear) and
iu can easily take his entire
3, EYES. A very hi
The best way for a razor
sharpened, smail corners
held in the foldover grip.
stabilize the head of your antagonist yo
eye out of its socket.
Using the aharp corner of the bide and # foldower grip, the
raror easily tears out the eye.
I cannot imagine a vigorous attack of this type which Say
( i id head no’
by kicks to the agonized enemy's spine, kidneys an
employed in a spat with your neighbor over a parking space:
274. INSIDE THE WRISTS, You might look at this as helping your
enemy to commit suicide. Seriously, the exposed tendons and
artery of the inside wrist area make it very highly susceptible to a
razor slash, It is really doubtful that any but the most vigorous
attack would kill by severing an artery, but it is just about the single
most persuasive way | know to make some Punk-scum release a
grip he may have on youl
Though not a3 easy to saver the deopast-iying arteries s8 many
believe, the inner wrist Is torribly susceptible fo # hard deop
gash! Above, it la used to force an opponent to release a grip.
5. ACHILLES TENDON. A target that, when slashed or severed,
will cripple instantly. This spot is somewhat unusual, except froma
ground position. If you're floored and the enemy is not, grabbing
his foot and ripping open his achilles will more than even the odds.
Qn the ground, armed with # razor, the vuinerable achilles
tendon of the heel may be tom with a hard sissh. VERY
6. GROIN. No, the razor is not practically employed to castrate:
The groin is a highly vulnerable target on any male attacker.
Ripping into the inner thighs (next to the crotch) and gashing any
part of the groin area will at least distract the most savage
adversary long enough to have a field day on his face.
7, FACE (GENERAL). In a situation where it's too dark (or things
are happening too damn fast to single out a smaller target) be
assured that any hard, vicious swipe into the enemy's face will do
Some respectable damage, and is almost guaranteed to distrace
him for the kill
6. EARS. A not-too-widely-known fact is that an ear can be most
easily bitten, ripped or torn from the head with highly satisfying
results in a fight. A razor corner driven hard into the ear might kill,
but more likely would just cause unbearable pain and a serious
injury. A razor that can be used with precision to hack off an earis
@ razor that will terminate the fight for you.
29How fo attack the groin with the razor.
|f you enjoy nit-picking, you can pick up three dozen martial arts
books that list as many as three hundred so-called vital spots. Ina
fast-paced fight -- in real combat — there is only a very limited
number of practically usable targets. Only a real idiot with dulled
reflexes and mongoloid stupidity is going to stand still and let you
search out and pummel or slash his more minute vulnerable areas,
Also, there is a real difference of opinion between what | findto be
vital points and what some other “experts” claim are vulnerable
targets. For instance, many judo and ju-jitsu teachers train their
students to pinch a man's trapezious muscles (like Mr. Spock, on
STAR TREK). in New York Gity | had several pupils (ex-boxers,
street-hardened fighters, weight-lifters, dock-workers, etc.) who
didn't give a hoot about all the pinching in the world! You could've
placed a vice on their trapezious and they'd have laughed as they
ripped your throat out, Also, using such stupid little “tricks” as
grinding your knuckle into the back of an assailant's hand to make
him let go - WHAT CRAP! Try that.on a real opponent some time!
Anyway... there are about 20 to at most 30 truly practical vital
spots that make excellent targets in hand-to-hand fighting. For the
razor, per se, | say this: MASTER your attacks against the eight
targets I've indicated, and stick with them. Such an approach will
lead in short order to really viable skill and useful knowledge.
By following the text and referring to the photos you will learn
ihe most usable manuevers with your razor. Don't practice with a
live opponent! Use your imagination to visualize an opponent. A
partner was used by the writer in making the photos in this book
merely in order to maximally clarify the manuever. If you wish to
rehearse with a practice partner, do not use a razor. Either use a
cardboard model (home-made) of a razor, or just pretend you've
got a razor in your hand when you execute the moves. This will be
more than sufficiently realistic to impart workable skill, | SAY
tisky, careless and for the purpose of acquiring skill, totally
BASIC ATTACK NUMBER 1: The lock-out whipping slash. This
attack is executed with the razor held as explained in Lesson 1 for
the lockout slash attack. Essentially, the best way to employ this
attack is in a palm-down across-the-body whipping action (see
photos below) to the eyes, neck, throat, etc Power is not maximum
with this manuever. Rather, the virtue of this attack is surprise and
great speed. You can commence the attack with the razor totally
hidden from your enemy and then, without ‘warning, lash your
blade out and chop him with it. Penetration, unless you are really
strong and lucky, will probably not be too great. The blade just
doesn't have the heft to go too deeply, and its limited size makes it
impossible to drive it through the enemy without 4 very, very
strong delivering the attack.
Practice first with no weapon until you make the attack with
smooth maximum speed, and no “telegraphing” of your intentions.
Later, start practicing with your razor. For this, a full-length mirror
is useful, By watching yourself at first you will be able to see
yourself as you will be visible to the opponent. You'll be able to cut
away extraneous movement and unconscious “tip-off” gestures
(like hunching the shoulders) that impede your effectiveness.
Work for straight-line, simple movements, maximum speed,
controlled force and the element of surprise in delivering your
31From an unsasuming ready position, the combatant begins the
lockout whipping stash.
Inatantly! -- the razor whips forward gashing the opponent's
throat in the completion of the lockout siasht
BASIC ATTACK NUMBER 2: Foldover grip attack (a). This attack
is executed when the blade is folded back over the first finger
(thumb side of the hand). There are three basic methods of
(i) Inverted snapping slash.
(i) Upward driving stash.
(iii) Outside-inward driving thrust.
Above is shown the Inverted snapping slash (Basic Attack W2 (i).
The illustrations clearly depict the method of delivery for each of
the three basic types of attack alluded to. Look at the photos
carefully. Study them. Remember that the photos depict action
that is “frozen” so to speak, and therefore you need to remind
yourself when viewing the instructional plates that speed, speed,
speed, SPEED is of the essencel!
The key to effective penetrative force in the inverted snapping
slash is powerful tension of the chest and upper back muscles, and
twisting the hips into the blow. The upward driving slash requires
33stong forearms and biceps, as well as good back strength. The How to master the attacks? PRACTICE!
outside-inward driving thrust requires excellent tricep, shoulder,
chest and back power for really sending the blade through the
Facing a baillgerent. Note how razor is concealed behind the leg In
a foldover grip.
Immediately the atteck Is made! A direct gash Into the neck.
The outside-Inward driving thrust (Basic Attack #2 (Hl). 35BASIC ATTACK NUMBER 3: Foldover grip attack (b). This attack
is delivered when the blade is folded over the pinky finger (edge of
the hand) side of the hand (see illustrations).
| have found that | personally, am capable of deliv
. ' ‘ering my most
powerful attacks when the razor is held in this position. And,
remember, power /s vitally important, to compensate for the razor’s
inherent weakness of lack of both size and heft.
One of my favorite attacks is to grab the enemy's ear or hair with
one hand and whip in a downward smashing bottom-fist blow right
across his neck/facial area with the opposite (razor-holding) hand
(see photos). This is the old bottom-fist hand-to-hand attack —
modified to incorporate the razor!
Another use of the blade when held like above is to rip open the
enemy's grabbing wrist, when he attempts to seize your wrist, or
your clothes (see photo)
P A lesan ell whipping drive directly ahead into the Opponent's
yes or face is a natural for this grip. Work:
esd grip. S well and is very
A variation of the foldover grip and another wa:
y fo face @ person
without betraying that you are holdlt
ieeeoeer ing @ razor. From this position
-»- follow at ancel This time the mack Is ripped open. by a reverse lype
of gash.
NOTE: | have seen the razor employed with this grip in a manner
roughly similar to-brass knuckles in that the razor was used to
augment the effectiveness of one’s punch. That such an attack can
be formidable, | do not dispute, but | ask you to remember that
such a direct-punching attack is generally easier for the opponent
to avert or block than the more unconventional techniques | have
Practice the methods explained over and over, incorporating this
drill with practical carry, grip, stance, etc. And please do not allow
yourself to become smug once you have mastered these moves,
and start improvising more acrobatic ones! Just master the moves
given. They are the ones to be relied upon in a fight.
Use your imagination to consider the endless possible app-
lications of these simple attacks under all of the possible situations
that could occur. Consider the application when you are seated;
when you turn around to face someone behind you, when it is dark
out, atc., etc.
The best way is the simple way! Paractice the moves in this
Lesson for a few days before moving on to Lesson 3.
There is much more to successful and effective fighting (with or
without weapons) than techniques. Tactics — or the way we use
techniques — are essential to success in combat. Good tactics and
sound strategy can tip the scales in your favor, even when you are
“outgunned”, so to speak. A larger, stronger, or better armed
opponent than yourself is not always or necesarily guaranteed
victory in an encounter with you, provided your mental equipment
and methods of handling yourself and your weapon are up to
In this Lesson we will examine some of the essential tactics and
strategies of hand-to-hand combat. Specifically, we will emphasize
those that are most useful to you when you are armed with a razor,
and that will, /f you master and apply them, put you ten steps
ahead of the average street punk.
What is imperative is that you continually bear in mind the
relationship between tactics and strategy and your actual physical
skills, One does not replace the other, ever. The value of these
aspects of your training is reciprocal. Strategy and tactics make
techniques maximally effective; and techniques properly learned
and mastered make tactics and strategy your staunch ally,
Re-read this Lesson several times and think about how
everything you will be taught applies to what you have learned
previously — and to what you have yet to learn, as you get there in
your course,
To ‘feint” simply means to make your opponent believe that you
intend to make a certain move, or deliver a certain type of attack,
and then nof carry your gesture through. Instead of actually
making the move you led your opponent to believe you were going
to make, you use whatever position your opponent placed himself
in when reacting to your feint, in order to execute a decisive attack
against him.
A successful feint can leave an opponent wide open to a fast,
powerful attact -- an attack that ends the fight.
Any time you have a weapon held'so that your opponent can see
it, he will automatically assume that you intend to use it, and that
you will indeed attack with that particular weapon. REMEMBER
One would generally assume that feinting for the razor-wielder
would involvé a gesture, say with the free hand, so that the razor
could do its job swiftly and cleanly, right?
Feinting, remember, is deception. | stress using the razor to
teint, and then, for example, delivering a nice, hard kick to the knee
of groin, when the opponent “covers up” to guard against the
fazor. Then, after you've struck your first blow where the enemy
ver thought you would -- and you've thus disconcerted him —
you go full steam ahead with your blade!
Example of a faint ta the face with the razor,
Count on it: An opponent will surely feel you “mean it” when you
feint with a razor! Could he afford to think otherwise?
Naturally, more conventional feints could be used, with the free
hand, for instance. But generally the feinting approach with the
weapon works best.
39Tossing sand or dirt (or even pepperi) Into the eyes of your
A tide kick Into the knee, immediately following the felnt In the ‘opponent to distract him momentarily
previous photo.
When | lived in New York City | always carried a handful of gravel
(purchased for 15¢ at a pet shop) in my coat pocket. A bladed
weapon was invariably in my other pocket. The purpose was to
give me a pretty efficient one-two combination in case | needed it:
First, a fast toss of the gravel into an opponent's face; Second, an
instant follow-up with my bladed weapon!
Throwing sand, dirt, keys, small change, gravel, or anything
suddenly into a person's face will give you eons in which to finish
him off at your leisure! In a restaurant, remember the pepper
shaker! Unscrew it and dump the contents in your hand and you
can disConcert two or three attackers in one fell swoop!
When opponent covers his face as dirt Ix thrown, slash at his
neck or throat!
Never allow yourself to become dependent upon any weapon to
the point where you feel helpless without it. You are your primary
weapon. Develop sufficient skill in punching, clawing, kicking,
butting, stomping and general hand-to-hand so that you are
formidable bare-handed. Then add your weapon skills!
Remember always that just because you're armed with a razor,
(or any other weapon, for that matter!) there's no law saying you
can't spit in your opponent's face, kick his groin, or elbow him in
the teeth. Your weapon must be an extension of yourself, and you,
yourself, must go into any fight totally, using kicks, gouges, etc.,
along with your weapon, to insure victory.
You will, if you ever need to save your life with a razor, be ina
desparate do-or-die situation. In such an instance do not sell your
body short as an all-inclusive weapon, and think solely of applying
your razor. You may overlook the chance to deliver a kick that
could send your enemy sprawling.
And lastly, remember: Once the enemy crumples or falls, don't
jain him on the ground! Bring him down with your weapon, by all
means, if that's possible... but finish the job with your feet! Or, ifin
your home, use a chair or heavy lamp or fireplace poker on him
when he's down. But don't go to the ground with the opponent!
A chair can be thrown into an oncoming opponent's legs. A wall
can guard your back. Rocks or dirt can be picked up and thrown.
‘We could go on endlessly. The point is; Wherever you happen to
be when the action starts, make your surroundings serve you!
A pupil of mine who was assaulted indoors was able to obtain a
grip on his attacker's wrist. He suddenly whipped the attacker's
hand sideways, right into the corner of a heavy piece of furniture.
This caused a moment's distraction, and my student's fists and feet
terminated the encounter.
Make your surroundings serve you in a hand-to-hand fight.
Probably the best way to train yourself to implement the above
idea is to constantly think about how various elements of your
surroundings, at any given time, and in any given place, could be
used to assist you in a fight, should one occur, By thinking along
these lines you will be amazed at how “always prepared” you are
and feel, regardless of where you may be.
Yelling should come automatic to you in a serious fight.
Suddenly, with no waming, turn crazy! Grimace like a rabid
madman and scream in as murderous and blood-chilling a manner
as you can. Combine this with your attack, and the opponent will
probably not even see the razor before it rips him open!
Yelling serves to tense your important leg and abdominal
muscles, to startle and “freeze” the opponent for a split second,
and to render your mind hell-bent on aggressive action. It distracts
you from the brutal nature of what you're doing, and lets you block
out your own ruthless assault from your total sensitive-awareness.
Just yelling, by itself, can totally unnerve an untrained or
relatively inexperienced opponent, when done by an expert. The
true kiai shout can be so piercing that the assailant’s mind totally
loses its ability (for several seconds or more) to give and activate
“commands” to the assailant’s body! Thus, an opponent who had
everything set in his mind before he attacked you could
conceivably be stunned into momentary sensiessness if a biood-
curdling yell suddenly shocks his mind. At that instant, he's yours.
You can rip into him and dispose of him with ease.
Hold ax a yawara stick (closed) the razor may be used to
effectively Jab the groin...
43or the eyo!
A straight razor can be an effective weapon even when closed.
By holding it securely (see photo) it becomes a potent “yawara
stick” type of weapon, and with fast powerful delivery, it can
penetrate the base of the throat, the temple, the solar plexus, or
punish a kidney! Driven into the groin, such an improvised yawara
stick will prove most disconcerting for your tormentor.
If you need a second or two to get your razor open and into
action, its use initially as a yawara stick could give you the chance
you need.
| never tire of saying that self-defense is war in microcosm. View
it as such, and attach the same importance to your strategy and
tactics that a general attaches to his army’s. These, in a nutshell,
are the nitty-gritty things you'll want to burn into your brain...
1. Yell!
2. Grimace like a lunatic!
3. Be aggressive and wild!
4. Use the element of surprise!
5. Throw something in the enemy's face to distract!
6. Use all of your available mental and physical power!
7. Use anything in your surrounding area to assist you!
6. Always kick low to disconcert!
Now, with our initial ground covered, we are ready to proceed to
the nuts and bolts aspect of our study: actual examples of how you
can apply and employ your razor as a viable weapon of seif-
defense against a violent, dangerous criminal attakcer. In the next
Lesson we shall see how your razor can be instantly brought into
play against a mugger, street-fighter, or other serious determined
assailant. Make absolutely certain that you've assimilated the
material in Lessons 1 through 3 -- then go right on to Lesson 4!LESSON 4:
Once the pupil has assimilated the basics of grip, stance,
fundamental attacks, vital points and tactics, etc., it is time to
proceed with actual study of technique application -- that is, with
self-defense situations and appropriate razor fighting responses.
Let us commence by viewing self-defense responses realist-
ically, and by understanding their proper function in preparing the
student to fight hand-to-hand.
Traditionally, the arts of aikido, ju-jitsu, and certain of the karate
styles have stressed the approach of learning “one defense for
each attack variation". The result of this approach has been to
develop self-defense methods employing as many as three to four
thousand(!) individual, specific techniques! Obviously, such an
approach to the study of self-defense is very, very time consuming.
Also, | frankly question its need or its practicality - even if one is
prepared to invest the required time in study.
In COMBATO | developed a method of reducing the quantity of
specific techniques, but employing tremendously-forceful and all-
encompasssing combat combinations that have virtually unlimited
applications. They are generally applicable movement/technique
combinations that when learned will offer their master endless
variations which his practice will enable him to make easily “on the
spot” when required, UNDER COMBAT CONDITIONS! Followup
in all of my defense-attack methods is enormous, In fact, my motto
of WHEN ATTACKED, ATTACK! is implemented to the point of
overkill. But in a crisis, one can never be “over-gunned”.
What happens, in effect, when a COMBATO pupil is attacked, is
that the attacker -— with his first initial aggressive movement —
triggers a perpetual, overwhelming and unending barrage-like
counteroffensive that the COMBATO pupil executes without
physical or mental reserve. The COMBATO man goes “all-out" and
he does so instantly. There is but a split second elapsed before
brutally effective attacks are raining down upon the assailant.
Once so triggered by his attacker the COMBATO man becomes a
wild animal and proceeds to continue his counterattack until every
vestige of danger to himself or to his loved ones has been
neutralized. “Comealong” grips, mild trips, simple releases are
never used. Not because | am especially brutal or because the
COMBATO pupil is trained to be especially mean (remember: the
COMBATO man is the defender, he did not start the fight), but
because there is no rational justification for the victim of any attack
to incur greater risk or danger to himself than is absolutely
necessary. And there is no way to foretell the exact intent of some
garbage heap who lays a hand upon you. Many murders have been
initiated by a lapel or wrist grab; and rape has often been the
outcome of a"harmless” embrace, The self-defense pupil takes no
chances. Survival is his aim and purpose and his only concern. His
survival, and the survival and safety of his loved ones — AND
THAT'S THAT. Period. One who faises his hand aggressively or
menacingly to another deserves anything his victim can or
chooses fo do fo him. The violent crimninal who is killed during
commission of his act should be written off with the public waste
that our communities incinerate in garbage dumps. There is hardly
any need or reason to care about him.
The concept of all-inclusive defense applies essentially to razor
work. One “trick” is never the answer to a critical defense em-
ergency. Anyone who believes that it is has much to learn.
When you study the movements described, bear in mind that
these are representative examples of what you can effectively doin
a fight; they are not rigid, absolutistic “only ways” of using your
Study these few representative defenses well — but, more
importantly, study the concepts that underlie their application.
Learn to think -- and fight — in this manner. The whole approach is
ATTACK WHEN ATTACKED! If you think of your body and mind
as a reflexively-reactive weapon, triggered into action by your
assailant’s approach, you will have learned the most essential fact
about responding — with or without a razor in your hand -- to any
This is a very common form of assault, and it is a very, very
common initial contact move, after which a more serious attack is
followed. Look carefully ai the photos illustrating the correct
procedures for defense when your lapel has been seized.
47Response to a lapel greb attack. At opponent's grip, you are
reedy with your raror.. Your slash follows through, right acrosa the enemy's face,
hopefully taking a portion of hia eye with it.
With your left hand (above) block his gripping arm outward to
distract him from a simultaneous feat whipping slexh acroes his Now whip the blade beck, across hls feco in the direction
i bs fo the frat slash. Follow through with your entire
48 -
49These pictures show more than words can describe, and all that
can be said in further clarification of what needs to be done Is:
Move with lightning speed. Use all of your available physical power
and mental concentration. Yell. Be utterly ruthless, and follow up,
The movements of your defensive response as illustrated repre-
sent only the start of your total defense. To be effective in a real
street situation, it is necessary that you propel yourself into
continually following up on the attacks you make.
..bringing you into the positian above.
Another lapel grab datense,
And quickly return your body with a hard pivot, as you whip the
blade into the opponent's throat!
50Whip the blade down hard, gashing open the enemy's wrist.
Quickly anep your blade up and across his face or neck ws the
slash attack to his wrist draws his attention,
And rip him agein with another herd sleah to the fece or neck!
This is a variation attack, in which your assailant employs both
arms to grab you, instead of only one. in actuality, you are safer in
this position, since the opponent has succeeded in tying up both
his hands instead of one, and he has -- by seizing you — stabilized
your balance and assured a predictable distance between you for
your counterattack.
53with two hi = “foi = Alternate mowe: Go right up between his arms and split his lips
ugh style.
A gutter rat grabs you with ands guy’ ; :
Immediately awipe right over and acroes his arms, tearing open
‘his lade’ or apens A hard knee blow into the crotch ia a fine followup after the first
waah or two hes started the blood running!
The Key here is to avert the initial attempt that the assailant
makes to punch you, and close the gap, tying him up momentarily
so that you can go to work on his flesh with your blade, The razor
is useless at a distance, so as Soon as you've avoided the punch,
get in there fast and cut him up!
Some punk decides to punch your face In.
Deftly dodge to the outside of the punch, parrying his blow
harmlessly aside, and...
.Whammot Snep your blade home! A quick ripping slash Into
the opponent's eye or face will give him second thoughts about
starting fights!
57Controlling the arm you parrled, follow up with a second alesh,
this time at the bastard’s neck.
Now, draw back and whip a third alaah across his exposed face
oF mack.
And compiste the defense by ameshing the and of the razor
{yawara atick style) down across his neck,
The law says that you are allowed to use only enough force to
defend yourself, and only when an actual attack has materialized —
so the idea of responding with violence prior to an actual physical
action from the opponent may conflict with the law. | DO NOT
CITIZEN AND OBEY THE LAW. For informational purposes only,
then, | present this sure way to remove some filthpot from your
path when, belligerently, and obviously intending to do you harm,
he blocks it