Client Architect Agreement - Regular Design Services 2010-02-08

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Based from UAP Doc. 202 – Design Services


This Agreement executed this day of , in the year of 2010, dated

and effective as of _______________, ___, 2010, between

Client’s Name : Roger and Zenaida Mina

Permanent Address : 337 San Antonio Street

Ayala Alabang Village

Muntinlupa City

Hereinafter referred to as the CLIENT,


Carla Victoria J. Suiza with office address at 106 D. Tuazon St., BF Home, Paranaque
City, duly represented by its principal, hereinafter referred to as the ARCHITECT.


WHEREAS, parties hereby enter into this agreement that the CLIENT commissions
the ARCHITECT for the COMPREHENSIVE DESIGN services of a Two-Storey Residential
Structure located at Lot 27, Block 8 Woodstock Street, Hillsborough Village, Muntinlupa
City, under the following conditions:

Architect’s Preliminary Responsibilities

I. The ARCHITECT shall investigate, identify and document the needs of the CLIENT
for use in the design of the PROJECT.

II.The ARCHITECT shall assist the CLIENT in locating/analyzing the proposed

PROJECT site, evaluating its adequacy with regards to topography, sub-surface
conditions, utilities, development costs, climate, population, legal considerations
and other factors.

IV. The ARCHITECT shall recommend if deemed necessary, the services of

design engineers for the inspection and assessment of the site or existing structure.

106 D. Tuazon Street, BF Homes, Paranaque City, Philippines

+63 2 8266990 • +63 917 9764813
General scope of Architectural Regular Design Services:

i. Schematic Design: This includes conferences with the client and a
visit to the project site. Submittals will include:

a. Design Conceptualization
b. Preliminary Sketches
c. Area Computation
d. Preliminary Perspective showing the massing of the building
e. Probable project construction cost based on current cost

Upon approval of schemes, we shall proceed to the more

concrete development of the design.

ii. Design Development: This comprises study of plans, sections,

elevations and materials. Submittals Include:

a. Floor Plans
b. Roof Plan
c. Sections
d. Elevations
e. Perspective – vistas and focuses
f. Preliminary material specifications
g. Statement of probable project construction cost derived from
current cost parameters and area computation from
developed design.

Upon approval of the developed design, we shall be preparing

drawings for construction. Please take note that at this stage
approved drawings shall be forwarded to our design engineers
(Structural, Electrical, Mechanical and Sanitary). Any changes,
at this point, requested by the owner after the approval of
the design that will incur overhead costs shall be to the
account of the owner.

iii. Construction Drawings: Preparation and production of construction

drawings and specifications are based on the approved and agreed
developed design. All details, including utility details are finalized.
Submittals include: {five (5) sets of drawings}

a. Architectural Plans (with Perspective), Specifications and

final Cost Estimate.
b. Detailed plans for utilities (Mechanical, Electrical, Sanitary)
including Load Schedule for electricity, “Heating, Ventilating
and Air Conditions”, Cold and Hot Water Supply lay-out, and
other service-connected equipment.
c. Detailed Structural Plans which include Foundation Details,
Detail of Columns and Beams, Schedule of Steel
Reinforcements and Site Reinforcements, etc.
d. Basic Plans and Details ready for coordination to allied
professionals such as Planners, Landscape Architects,
Interior Designers, and Design Engineers etc.

106 D. Tuazon Street, BF Homes, Paranaque City, Philippines

+63 2 8266990 • +63 917 9764813
iv. Construction Phase: Implementation of Construction drawings and
documents. Architect’s responsibility during the construction
phase are as follows:

a. Assists the CLIENT in preparation for contract letting,

documents for construction, forms for invitation and
instructions to bidders, and forms for bidder’s proposals.(if
b. Assists the CLIENT in obtaining bids/proposals from
Contractors, analyzing bids/proposals and awarding of
c. Makes Periodic Visits* to the site to check the general
progress and quality of the work and to determine whether
the work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract
Documents (Plans and Specifications).
d. Shall determine the amount due to the Contractor and shall
issue the corresponding Certificate for Payments for such
e. Shall check, asses and condemn work found failing to
conform to the Contract Documents.

* This proposal does not include the full-time supervision. Periodic visits are site
inspections on milestones of construction only, determined based on the work
schedule of the contractor or professional in-charge of construction.

Architect’s Basic Design Fee:

The Minimum Basic Design Fee shall be placed at a lump sum of PhP 600.00 per square
meter (Six Hundred Pesos per square meter.) amounting to a total Basic Design Fee of:

350.00 sq.m. x PhP 600.00 = PhP 210,000.00

Lumpsum Rate = PhP 200,000.00

(Two Hundred Thousand Pesos Only)

Schedule of Payments:

The design fee shall be broken down into phases and must be paid in the following manner:
A. Down Payment 5 PhP 10,000.00
B. Conceptual / Schematic Phase
(not beyond 15 days upon submission of schematic plans) PhP 30,000.00
Total % = 20%
C. Design Development Phase (not beyond 15 days upon
submission of DD) 35 PhP 70,000.00
Total % = 55%
D. Construction Documentation
30 PhP 60,000.00
Total % = 85%
E. Retention Fee 15 PhP 30,000.00
T O T A L 100 PhP 200,000.00

106 D. Tuazon Street, BF Homes, Paranaque City, Philippines

+63 2 8266990 • +63 917 9764813
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, PARTIES have hereunto set their hands this ___day of
___________, 2009 at _________________________.

_____________________________ _______________________________


1.___________________________ 2.__________________________

106 D. Tuazon Street, BF Homes, Paranaque City, Philippines

+63 2 8266990 • +63 917 9764813

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