(PDF) UAP Doc 401-402
(PDF) UAP Doc 401-402
(PDF) UAP Doc 401-402
U A P Document 401 a
Date :
Owner/client :
Attention :
Thru :
Subject :
Dear sir/s :
This will confirm our agreement for me to furnish professional services as architect
of your
Proposed :
Located at :
4.6 Specifications
The owner agrees to pay the Architect in accordance with the Architect’s
National Code(UAP Doc. 202) a basic fee of _____ percent(%) of the total
estimated project construction cost. However, the fee shall be adjusted up or
down based on the final construction cost. However, the fee shall be adjusted
up or down based on the final construction cost.
3. upon completion and submission of five (5) sets of sighed and sealed
Contract Documents---50% of the Architect’s fee. (Equivalent to 85% of
total fee).
Any payment due the Architect beyond 30 days from receipt of billing
shall bear 2% interest per month.
All technical description of property, duly certified lot and vicinity plans,
contour maps, etc. at a convenient scale and other relevant data will be
furnished by the Client/Owner so that the design of the project can start
Architect Owner-Client
U A P Document 401 b
THIS AGR EEMENT , made and entered into this ______ day of Two Thousand and
Ten by and between ___________________________________________ with postal
address at _______________________________________ the party of the First Part,
hereinafter called the CLIENT, and ARCHITECT with postal address at
__________________________________________________________the part y of t he
s e c o n d part, he rewi t h after cal l ed the Architect.
_____________________hereinafter called the PROJECT.
That the scope of work to be done by the Architect, as herein authorized by the
Owner, for the subject project herein referred to consists of professional services
for the following:
a. The Architect shall consult with the Owner to ascertain the requirements of
the Project and shall conform such requirements to the owner.
b. He shall discuss to the Owner his budget for the said project for design
c. He shall request to the Owner to submit the lot plan dully prepared and
signed by a registered Geodetic Engineer. If possible Land Title included.
d. The Architect shall make ocular inspection of the site to feel the surrounding.
By issuing a Certificate for Payment, the Architect will also represent to the
Owner that, to the best of his knowledge, information and belief that, to the
best of his knowledge, information and belief based on what their observations
have revealed, the quality of the work is in accordance with the Contract
Documents. They will conduct inspections to determine the dates of substantial
and final completion and issue a final certificate for Payment.
The project Engineers shall do all works from bidding and all matter related to
execution and progress of the work or interpretation of the Contract Documents
with the direct monitoring by the architect at all time.
3.02 That payments to the Architect on account of his fee shall be made by
the Client as follows:
4.02 H e shall desi gnate, w h e n necessar y Proj ect En gi ne er aut horiz ed to act in
his behalf. H e shall e x a m i n e d o c u m e n t s s u b m i t t e d b y t he Ar chi t ect a n d r en d er
decis ions pert ai ni ng t heret o p ro m pt l y, to a voi d un r e as on a bl e d e l a y i n t he
progress of the Architect’s w o rk. H e shall observe the procedure of issuing orders
to contractors onl y through Architect.
4.03 H e shall furnish or direct the Archit ect to obtain at the O w n e r ’ s ex pens e,
a c e r t i f i e d s u r v e y o f t h e sit e, g i v i n g , a s r e q u i r e d , g r a d e s a n d l i n e s o f
streets, alleys, pa ym ent s, a n d adjoini ng propert y; rights of w a y, restriction,
boundaries, an d contours of the building site; locations, di m ensions and
c o m p l e t e dat a pert aini ng t o existing bui l di ngs, ot her i m p r o v e m e n t s a n d trees,
full information as to available service an d utility lines both public and private
a n d bori ng test a n d pits necessary for determining sub-soil conditions.
4.04 H e shall pa y for structural, chemical, m echani cal, soil m echani cs or other
tests a n d report s as m a y b e requi red for t he project.
4.07 He shall pay all reimbursable expenses incurred in the project as called
for in Article 7 and all taxes (not including income tax) that the government
may Impose on the Architect, as a result of the services rendered by the
Architect, as a result of the services rendered by the Architect on the
project whether the services were performed as an individual practitioner,
as a partnership or as a corporation.
4.08 If the Owner observes or otherwise becomes aware of any defect in the
Project, he shall give prompt written notice thereof to the Architect.
5.1.1 That the cost of the work or Project Construction Cost as herein referred
to, means the cost of the completed structure to the Owner including plumbing
and electrical fixtures, mechanical & air con equipments, generators, pumps,
elevators, escalators, fire fighting equipment, automatic fire sprinklers system,
communication and sound system elements attached to the building and all
items indicated in the drawings, specified or designed by the Architect. Other
items if designed and planned by the Architect, such movable closets,
cabinets, pieces of furniture, covered walks, grotto, pools, landscaping and
other items of similar nature are to be paid separately by the Owner to the
Architect as stipulated in Art. 7.02. The Project Construction Cost, however, does
not include any Architect’s fee or engineer’s fee or the salaries of the
construction inspectors. When labor or materials are furnished by the Owner
below its market cost, the cost of the work shall be computed upon such current
market cost.
7.2 Different Periods of Construction: that if portions of the building are erected
at different periods of time, thus increasing the Architect’s construction phase
period and burden of services, charges pertaining to services rendered during
the construction phase shall be doubled. It is understood that a suspension of
construction for a period of not exceeding six (6) months shall not be covered
by this provision.
7.3 Separate Services: that if the Owner requires the Architect to design or plan
movable closets, cabinets, pieces of furniture, covered walks, grotto, pools,
landscaping and other items of similar nature, the Owner shall pay the Architect
additional compensation in the amount of Fifteen Percent (15%) of the
construction cost of the above work.
7.04 Other Professional Services: that the Architect’s fee includes normal
structural, electrical, sanitary and mechanical engineering services, but not
include services for survey, soil exploration and laboratory tests which are on the
account of the Owner as stipulated in Article 4.04. Other services that may be
need in order to complete the project such as acoustic engineers, mural
painters, sculptors and interior decorators are to be recommended by the
Architect for the Owner’s approval and cost for these services are to be paid by
the Owner and not deductible from the Architect’s Fee.
7.05 Extra Sets of Contract Documents: that the Architect is to furnish the
Owner five (5) sets of Drawings, Specifications and other Contract Documents.
Cost for printing or reproduction of extra sets of Contract Documents when
required by the Owner or his representatives is to be paid by the Owner.
7.06 Changes Ordered by Owner: if the Architect is caused extra drafting and
other expenses due to changes ordered by the owner, after the approval of the
preliminary design phase, the Architect shall be paid such expenses and
services involved as per the agreed amount by both parties but not less than the
amount equivalent to the direct cost of consultant fee and personnel salaries
plus cost of material times a multiplier of 2.5.
Since the Architect has no control over the cost of labor and materials, or
competitive bidding, he does not guarantee the accuracy of any Statements of
Probable Construction Cost, or any Semi-Detailed or Detailed Cost Estimates.
All designs, drawings, specifications and copies thereof, prepared and furnished
by the Architect in connection with subject project pursuant to this Agreement,
are instruments of professional service. As instruments of service they are the
property of the Architect whether the work for which they are made may be
executed or not, and are not to be reproduced or used on other work except
by written agreement with the Architect.
Contained herein.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties to this Agreement have on the day year first
above given, hereunto set their hands at the bottom of this page and on the
left-hand margin of
_____________________________ ____________________________
_____________________________ ____________________________
U A P Document 402
THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this ____ day of _________ NINETEEN
HUNDRED and ____ by and between _____________________________________ with
postal address at ________________________________________________________ The
party of the second part, here in after called the CONSTRACTOR.
That the owner and the contractor, for and in consideration of the covenants,
agreement and stipulation set forth, do hereby agree as follows:
3.01 The owner agrees that for and in consideration of the faithful
performance by the Constructor of this contract, he shall pay to the
Constructor, in a manner provided hereinafter, the amount of
______________________________ (P ).
3.03 should the Owner require the constructor to perform work over and
above that required by this agreement and additional cost shall be
added to the contract amount and, likewise, should be ordered to
omit work as required by this agreement, the cost of work omitted
shall be deducted from the contract amount. In either case, the
cost of additions or reductions shall previously be mutually agreed
upon in writing by both owner and constructor upon
recommendation of the architect before execution.
3.04 Any payment due and payable to the constructor may be offset
against any liquidated damage payable to the owner under this
4.02 Should the Owner fail to pay within 30 days the sum of any
certificate of the architect then due, the constructor shall receive in
addition to the sum in the certificate, interest thereon, at the legal
rate in force.