The Microbial World and You
The Microbial World and You
The Microbial World and You
What is Microbiology?
Decompose organic waste
Are producers in the ecosystem by
Produce industrial chemicals such as
ethyl alcohol and acetone
Produce fermented foods such as vinegar,
cheese, and bread
: Introduction to Microbiology, History & scope
• Microbiology:
- In the broadest sense, microbiology is the study of all organisms that are invisible to
the naked eye-that is the study of microorganisms.
- Its subjects are viruses, bacteria, many algae and fungi, and protozoa.
- The importance of microbiology and microorganisms can not be overemphasized.
- Microorganisms are necessary for the production of bread, cheese, beer, antibiotics,
vaccines, vitamins, enzymes, etc.
- Modern biotechnology rests upon a microbiological foundation.
• Microorganisms:
- Microorganisms are everywhere; almost every natural surface is colonized by
microbes, from body to ocean. Some microorganisms can live hot springs, and others
in frozen sea ice.
- Most microorganisms are harmless to humans; You swallow millions of microbes
every day with no ill effects. In fact, we are dependent on microbes to help us digest
our food.
- Microbes also keep the biosphere running by carrying out essential functions such as
decomposition of dead animals and plants. They make possible the cycles of carbon,
oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur that take place in terrestrial and aquatic systems.
- Microorganisms have also harmed humans and disrupted society over the millennia.
What is Microbiology?
What is Microbiology?
History of Microbiology
- Since viruses are acellular and possess both living and nonliving characteristics, they
are considered neither prokaryotic nor eukaryotic. They will be discussed in separate
section of the course.