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Principles of Medical Laboratory Science 1


According to Anne Fagelson

IN THE GLOBAL CONTEXT ➢ Medical Technology started in the 14th Century when a
prominent Italian physician at the University of Bologna
❖ 300 BC to 180 AD – Greek Physician - Hippocrates, employed Alessandra Giliani, to perform tasks now
known as the “Father of Medicine” formulated under the domain of Medical Technology.
Hippocratic Oath, the code of ethics for practicing ➢ Unfortunately, this young lady died from a laboratory
physicians. acquired infection.
❖ He described the four “humors” of body fluids in man.
❖ Galen, Greek Physician and Philosopher also advocated CONTRIBUTIONS
the four humors.
Antonie Van Leewenhoek (1632 – 1723)
o Invented and improved the compound microscope.
- Humors or body fluid were felt to be the source of a o The first to describe red blood cells, to see protozoa,
person’s disposition and disease in ancient times. and to classify bacteria according to shape.
o Invention of the microscope led to the rapid progress
• Blood of microbiology and pathology.
• Phlegm
Marcelo Malphigi (1628 – 1694)
• Yellow Bile
• Black Bile o Described as the greatest of the early microscopist.
o His work on embryology and anatomy marked him as
❖ Uroscopy – “water casting” was widely practiced in the “Founder of Pathology.”
Medieval Europe.
Rudolf Virchow (1821 – 1902)
❖ Patients submitted urine specimen in decorative flask.
❖ Physician who failed to examine urine will be subjected o One of the youngest medical specialists.
to public beating. o Founded the Archives of Pathology in Berlin in 1847.
o The Father of Modern Pathology.
According to Vivian Herrick
Hermann Vonn Fehling (1812 – 1885)
➢ The beginning of Medical Technology traces back to
1500 BC when intestinal parasites such as taenia and o Performed the first quantitative test in urine sugar in
ascaris were mentioned in early writings – Ebers 1848.
Ebers Papyrus – a book for treatment
of diseases; Contains description of the three stages of
hookworm infection. ❖ The first chemical laboratory at the University of
Michigan by Dr. Silas Douglas (1844).
According to Ruth Williams
❖ He pioneered laboratory instruction in this well-
➢ Medical Technology began during the Medieval Period equipped laboratory.
(1096 – 1438) as supported by fad for urine testing.
Dr. William Welsch (1850 – 1930)
➢ Early Hindu doctors observed that urine of certain
individuals attract ants and has a sweet taste. o 1878 – He established a laboratory at the Bellevue
➢ QUACKS reaped fortunes from diagnosing diseases by Hospital Medical College.
the appearance of urine. o He gave the first laboratory course in pathology
offered in an American Medical School.

Principles of Medical Laboratory Science 1


o 1885 – He became the first professor of Pathology at

John Hopkins University. ❖ 1943 – The US Army left in June and endorsed it to
the Department of Health. The department rendered
First Clinical Laboratory the laboratory non-functional for some time.
o Opened in 1896 at John Hopkins Hospital by Dr. First Clinical Laboratory in the Philippines
William Osler.
o Quiricada Street, Sta. Cruz, Manila (Manila Public
o In this laboratory, routine examinations were carried
out, special attention being given for malarian Health)
parasites in blood. o The lab offered training programs to high school
o A clinical laboratory was also opened at the graduates as early as February 1944.
University of Pennsylvania in 1896. Dr. Alfredo Pio De Roda
- William Pepper Laboratory
o Organized Manila Public Health Laboratory from the
remnants of the deserted laboratory on October 1,
❖ 1908 – Dr. James C. Todd wrote the book: A manual 1945.
of Clinical Diagnosis; retitled “Clinical Diagnosis by Dr. Mariano Icasiano
Laboratory Methods” in its 6th edition by Dr. Todd
and Dr. Arthur Sanford. The book became the o Manila City Health Officer.
standard reference for laboratories. o Assisted Dr. Pio de Roda in the reorganization of the
❖ 1919 census - Dr. John Kolmer published the demand Manila Public Health laboratory.
and training for laboratory technicians. 100
technicians, all male, were employed in the United
Stated. ❖ 1947 – By Dr. Pio de Roda and Dr. Prudencia Sta. Ana.
❖ 1920 – Laboratory technicians employed increased Training of high school graduates to work as medical
to 3400. technicians. No period of training was set, and no
❖ 1922 – 3035 hospitals had clinical laboratories. certificates were given.
❖ 1954 – A 6-month laboratory training with certificate
IN THE PHILIPPINES upon completion was given to the trainees. Dr. Sta.
Gen. Antonio Luna Ana prepared the syllabus for the training program.
❖ 1954 – The first BS Degree course in Medical
o Worked at Laboratorio de la Ciudad de Manila Technology was offered by the Philippine Union
(Established in 1887). College and Manila Sanitarium Hospital. After 2
o For the examination of food, water, and clinical years, PUC produced its first graduate, Dr. Jesse
samples. Umali.
Bureau of Government Laboratories (later Bureau of Science)
o Established in 1901 by the US Government.
o Calle Herran (Pedro Gil), Ermita, Manila.
o Destroyed during WWII.
Medical Technology practice was introduced by the 26th
Medical Infantry of the 6th US Army.

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