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INERT GAS GENERATOR CONTROL PANEL . ORDER NUMBER eecossti247/51/59/2052 i eae) CUSTOMER : SIX Shipbuilding Co.,Ltd HULL NO. $-1247/51/59/2052 NOMINA\ “CAPACITY COMBUSTION OF POWER SUPPLY ” CONTROL VOLTAGE CLASSIFICATION 4,500 m3/H M. D. 0. use “AC 440 (Vi; 60 [Hz] AC 220 [V], 60 [He] / DC 24 [Mi LR TE WaT OS STO fl FoR woe oe. [2007.00 [vaueani | va PROJECT INFORNATION 1 [a5 eR Yano coment OMG. | 2007.08 | viHPARK ice KANARIM NOUS 2 FOR APPROVAL WG. | 2007.01 | vipank | PS VALPAR Sa Kowsehin von staEscO, 70 ee aaiae = [ne DESCRIPTION owe [swe [PtPAGE OVERVEW 1 TE RST oS STO ES KanaRIM nOUSTAIES 00,70. PAGE OVERVIEW PAGE | NAME PAGE | NAME. | PRovect nroRwnon 26__| Pie neut UT & 2_| ace ovenwew z7_| Fic newt ww 4 | Parr ust (wan contro. o_| Pc eur unt 5 [20 | ae nour own é 7 2 3 (BLOW 1 & 2 PANEL) s 3 | PART UST (FO, PUN + a JUNGTON BO % 70__| PART UST (STARER SERUSEER SW PUMP PANE’) 11_|_sPaRe AGE x 2 CONTENTS we 7 | WRNG OUGRAN OF CUSTOWERS GABLE CONNECTION 36_| Fic OvTPUT Uw (a8 — 9.5) 7 36_| Man CONTROL PANEL CRCUT BAGRAN OF AAIDGVE SEMA 75 | POWER DSTRBUTON 2 40 | Dick PRESS, OFK SEAL LEVEL 16 | Space Pace “a [TERNAL UST Xt, 32, X60 (URN CONTROL PARED) 77 | WAN & CONTROL LOWER) 72 [ TERVRAL UST XG (WAN CONTROL PANEL) 78_| WAN & CONTROL (BLOWER 2) 13 | TeRVRAL UST 3G, x14 (AN CONTROL PARED 78_| WAN & CONTROL (FO. PUMP 1) “4 TERURAL UST x42 (WAN CONTROL PANEL) 20 | WAN & CONTROL (FO. PUMP 2) 45. | TERWRAL UST X45 (WAN CONTROL PANEL) Zi | POWER FALURE « BUZZER 146_| TERWRAL UST X25, (WAN CONTROL PANEL) za | Le SOWERTC EAGAN a IS N26 (WAN CONTROL PANEL) 23 _| Fle WUT UNTO - 57) i | TERVAAL UST 4 (GOR SUB PANEL) 24 | Re NUT ONT Be ~ 615) 49) | TERVAAL UST XS, XI1 ( SUB PANEL WHEEL MHUSERECR) 25 | Ale NPUT UNT (B16 = 623) 30| TERWAAL UST x16 (LOCAL V8) n FoR wome owe. [200760 [ynpax | > var 1 | As pe Yano couuent ows. | 2007.06 | vi PA aK 2 FOR APPROWL ow | 2007.01 | YL fARK | YK PARK BETS pean si207 ew DESCRIPTION pare [| nae [PE 2PAGE OVER’ PAGE | NAME PAGE | NAME st | Teena ga | FO: PUP. 2 PANEL LAY OUT 65 [ALAR TABLES 65 _| GENERATOR WODE TINE SCOUENCE 57__|_AR VENTING MODE SEQUENCE TE Rar as PAGE OVERVEW 2 FOR WORKING OW 75 PER YARO_COMUEK” B¥G. ES KancRue 1oustFes 00, LD FOR APPROW, OF Rev, DESCRIPTION NAMEMAIN CONTROL PANEL DESCRIPTION BOM NO TYPE REWARK QUANTITY PUSH BUTTON RED) eooseoa | sina3re Tawvouno 1 PUSH BUTON(RED) cocsen3 | srucasnaa Turon 5 PUSH BUTON + UNPCTELLOW) eoaseos | sru-asvan TANTOUNG 2 PUSH BUTTONGWITE) eoase03 | Siw- 2521 HANTOUNE 3 PUSH BUTTON + UNPCGREDD ‘woaseoa | srunasezi TaNTOUNG 7% PUSH BUTTON + LawtReD) + cover | GRO | seaceseat + skav7e TaNTOUNG 1 | 0010, 0020, 6036, 0040, 0050, 0960, 2000, 1261, 1262 | LED(GREEN) sons180(6) | n.-o8n246 ru 1 3000, 0190, LEDCGREEN/RED) oesi7e | wintooaen = 3 LEED) 00318008) | K.-o802eR eu 2 EDEN) =| ewasi000) aonbzer ra 3 SELECTOR SWTONC, 2) eocz0so | Ates8—laN2 ouRon 3 SELECTOR SUT, 2.3) eooases | aness-usaino Mon 1 2230, Wena, Ma30 ZRLOGUE WOIATOR 000006 | 8-72 (0 = 100%) ESN 3 e2110, A7040 "RIALOCUE INOIATOR 000002 | be-72 © = 255) RSESUN 2 820 "RIALOGUE WOIATOR 000004 | B-72 (500 2500mmwe) | ASESUN Hi 0 ANALOGUE ROVCATOR 000001 | a=72 (0 = 100°0) SESW Hi me RACK e00sest | TSK mer 12 woocON TSX Frew | 1 POWER SiPPLY eoases2 | TSK PSY 1610 w WooON Sx Feu | 1 Pu 2003653 | TSK P57 103M WoteOn Tsx prem | MEMORY GD 2005162 | TSK Mr P22aK WooCON TSX Pre | 4 e003ese | TSK Aev 800 woDIOW TS PReMU | _1 003055 | TSK ASY 600 WooIGON Tex Prem | 2 e00ssss | TSK DEY 64 02K WoDIoON Te PREM | 1 coaxes7 | TSX DEY 92 02x NOOGON Tx Prem | oaxese | Tse ost os 12x WoOIGON TSX Prem | 2 TE WaT GS STEN PART UST (WAN CONTROL PANEL) 1 CEESE>KANARIM NCUSTRES.C, LTD. FOR WORKING Owe. | 2007.09 [vi 7S PER YAO COMMENT n@._| 2007.00 FOR APPROWL OMG. | 200701A MAIN CONTROL PANEL Ld CODE. DESCRIPTION BOM_NO. REMARK [QUANTITY el es PREECE aaa 5 eat cea i oC 2 ae : och Pra [To Seat en [ NE rere eT eee ao Sasa Tsa ts ix ene (Ee) aN oa a 7 ti eee 5 rae ae iiss ef bf AG/062140 CT TRANSMITTER M.SYSTEM ia 1 ‘ito i 6 aaa ; | Sanaa i SaEoT Ee 7 H FINE. SUNTRONIX 1 | Sana : oy i J Wa cE ay Tee SeaTCH RUN ELECTRIC 1 oe ae 5 « tar aesa _|__ “peers Ginn com rans 2 1a oe — KS Kennet oustAIES co, 7. as ° FOR. APPROVAL DWC. See eeeCARGO CONTROL ROOM PANEL CODE DESCRETON BOM HO, TYPE REMARK [QUANTITY ANP (GREEN) e00sc0: | se°=23620 HOTOUNG cima PUSH BUTTONED) 00sec: | smu=23R1 rasroune fi PUSH BUTTON(RED) Sruca5Ra2 OOUNG fel PUSH BUTTON(WHITE) raze vasvoune rua PUSH BUTION + LAWP(GREEN) SRUA23021 rasvouN > 1/a3180 PUSH BUTTON + AMP(RED) SRAC79RO + SRO rasvoune 1 r00%0, 2000,126%, 1262, 3000 LED(GREDN) wi=080240
Row. owe. | 2007.01 | YHLPARK rev DESCRIPTION, oxTe | NAMEuid 2 TE Ra os STO EB Kanak noustAs 00,170. 3 Alo ieale uy g YOO ee ee ee ana 4 : 8h be i i i pace (ee ee {ae ee ss 2 = oe SIE7 DESCRIPTION teasme at a al ee wt wt sssonole sous ssosale asa sven ssoed}e 6 ae ope nts safe whe he ahi ' i t 1 1 t 1 t i t 1 i t t aI he ahs sre ae fa res he 1 bse Hs9 15.10 ben saz bas saa sis | 17} sa] 10| 20 x40, O1 58-518 (15x DEY 64 02K) ¥99 waMnswoo “220 Nod 138 unssRue 9030 1000 VY ‘38908 TEMA 3008 34m Aa 1s Aloo EO OT i Fa women ower [aan [PE Poe INPUT UMT (8 ~ 51) 1] en owe e270 enw | nO SB ech oustrES co, .10. bala rev] ESORETION ome | nwwe [> 26tae _ sy | | | 8 & s2osd}e siszole sisedle siood}e siasdle ssino}e saiad} sais | sue esa7 bs18 519 820 821 822 i-s.23 Net, OF: 5:16-5.25 (ISK OEY 6¢ 02K) CG ; 5 5 ae a A zs i af : eS a a: fT ee FH Oe fe =e Se == ee 2 FoR ApeROW. ONE. | 2007.01 [vsiPaRK | YHA ES Kaneko novsTAES CO, 170. a EST ew DESCRIPTION come | naw [>= 25s2ni0}2 ‘sosez]e soe]? | | | 1 3a ae vesae sa (saa aa i-339 var Jif |e [0 x4, OF 5:26-8:31 (18K DEY 64 02K) 3 3 8 38 e Ce 8 Hf : ae aa a ae ba i ar = ee a a ee 2 FOR APPROVAL. DC. | 2007.01 | HARK nev DESCRIPTION, ATE | NAME GES Karen noUsTES 0,7, = aeie QTOOSSUISION WRI rs = a) ann haw uss 50 Jo TUL essen iene : 10 | 10 |e: Dee a-oom NOLES “Ba Wows SoH DAO ROG TOT “aIvs-90W@ NO aaINOO) Lr-9-2es | 0 “(zN01Ne—Baverx soe] oor ooe] + | ¢ | & z (9-ason0)ak0vn 300 (L nv mS (rraco);KWA aavORNIAD meman #s EE) (rasonpant 307 OME KS rT] (asonbann aan ‘rngon inal 90 AvZ 35a ENS Ov i (rss2)36 AORN 01 a8 A ee (7 a5c72)3ATVn TIN BS Z waaemins g6 aA W'S HO | 88 pa gg] wo van ms ees ottearae pee fe iB sansa iv Ag3 amis No) i ae i= Ag ousnenao nov ‘ HOV Ea] ares ns an : = BUNSSIud “04 MOTae se aes g aa ees a ee ae ee Hs e 2 g 8 en ee eae pause 25 ps co heen] ere] roe oa treertr a a an thea ipa ihe | | Fj 1 1 L | i 1 1 | r] peel [ FA. rf |) PPP bb Peels elle cagliacaptmessei estates msl ana ar neo mac one wae Lesh] seth rau ooo mec : LU as ‘ ears ea rare eee fee ee ee arte See 0.0 ere i ee eee+60 | er 82 1-63 bee 85 6s 1-87 X44, 01 + 60°8,7 (TSX DEY 32 024) a i 2 g 2 y i g : i i 3 ; a i 2 e B 5 ut i : A i 5 3 WE NENT GAS SYSTEN + FOR WORKING WG. 7200708 | vNPARK | 7 VHUEE see eile to cas our os aero KS Keck srs co, 0 TESST a aeX44, OC + 60-67 (TSK DEY 32 02%) nnd MS Sia VON sos/isms ‘nnd MS S#ta ZON sous /iivis sdouon saMov8 ZON ares Yolon 26NoNB ON wea oa ss am 2007.08 BEE ES kennckin wastes 00,110. ATETOURS wr a 299 eRisnoo sos wan ay ars ie = ee ee Boe eae eee 6? 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SSS le Siefea ee cra [ere en aya "HURRIED 0D ASE GOED OH ERATE om ass | | sss | es7 214 soneo, TE eR GS SSB z Plc OUTPUT UNT (8.32 ~ 867) EB Kot v0 17800, 00. == 2TS] NOLES ‘She ORRIN HOE i GRMOD Ow waa STA eee rear 2000 3016 ONS aumwa aves ans Sega Lay 901 amas Sinscavs 2220 mon Sse 2020 HoH x03 SRainzo-zo movant ans ou mi [= = iat Oe 22 aa oe i og ago 2 300 a 2 g foun = 5 ae Ee i ie: wes MS & Ble é et 3 vaso a8 2018 ae i esas aut a oroavew Wee we0 woo | woo we (zt ¥9 Sa xs) 69-GPe | 09 “x wse0 ceo | eo lero we-0 38 il"0 SSNStan WRIA ES Inusis $99 wom FUL eis En aa a onan stew faataan CN Nid ob GalDaNNOD HZ SHGISAS TW No @ ‘ON Wig OL aL92ANOD AD> ° ' Hi 9] 4 3 a 9| 8 souuans sawed 90 072 prssaid 1030 pecs somn ons & ‘CLT‘COSISTON WREENVAESD a Nas oon RH Sis $900 TU sunosaud S934 LY j 3 5 } ae oes aoe crete et 13 |o]=i i i er os THE RET os STO 7 FoR woRENG On| 3667 09 TERNAL UST ¥1, #2, X60 (MAN COMTROL PANEL) 1] 9 Pee vaRo coment One| 2007.00 n Tor spprov one. | 200701 SS Kennan noustRES co, 170, SIT a sj TaeF “L100 S3MLSNOW WIFONYY ESD FOUSiS $¥9_ 14341 _ FL ‘Caw OUND Mm x JSF rm TreIS-E0O os ang TOURS a OwSRHBOT ane aa WNT | TOT0OE WavEWA | 6OZ0OE | BG DaAROS GaME Wa SY oo SRE one BY a g i f Psfindes eles] Poses) espe} ; | 5 i | ’ i i i E i i ; 2 @ w @ e @ @ E a € @ € a 2 rl = ai = a = = = e z @ zi @ em renew wenao-20 aCVioA i (aoe) GowBi “A109 SRE WIN ERS ras 5 1g ZU (Cana TORINO NN)" JSF RL snore v0N) 3 4g] comow 20m 3] (anna os von) & | (ama 08 cow § 8) ar reovd g 8 lo|-|- "WOUEEY WO NOUaROSS Ea TOE | ERE INaRROD OHA Wad SY ae elelclels|+fele|s RTH | TSOP a nop J -amnoH ua 2az0a ‘wn 35n0H TBH 20 (D9 e/a 1st am 8/4 1300 mone ‘men Sn THK 20 (4192 ‘nn 3snoH TERK (8.2900 Az ‘mo oman as90H TE aes Gan yarn sNauNe>-20 mOr/HOH am aN Ny 9030 SUNSSIRE HOH cam ann new 3020 sunssaud MOT oa azna. e/a ist amr 4 1ss30y ma 1 xaos wanes vo 2 nnd os xapms 001 “a urea 01 90 AE 5 “os ae sun Bas Wino FON or aT AELWA YaS 1925 20H0 ‘Bunsshid X00 MOT HOT unssRud SOA ows ‘munssmd SOFA 1:4121114 {13 | 10 {15101 18] 21]20|25|22| 25] 24|27] 26] 29] 28 x16 on naa os (PasororaKa aon oma «s (Pradobanvn axvoa%0 (sum Alas TE We OS STEN alee FOR WORKING ONS TRU. UST 242 (AM CONTE PANE) 1 [5 eR Yano COMMENT OW SB kewckin wows 00,70. FSS eas ace DESORPTEN%43 lo00|100}201} 101 202|102|203|103 |204|104 205|105|206|108}207}107|208}108|209}109/210l110}214]111 212}112\213}113|214h1v4}2ss|1 15] a ats] I ales ae el a Raelaielal eI |e] Joe] loo] joo 1o| ee ES = 5 a a ia 2 2 Et eee ; 2) ees dee era ee G8) cee dae awe age 2 82 ies 3g PERER ER RRB SCRE | oe Ee ROSES AT BA Gee Pre AS en vano cower ows, { 2007.00 | vicoanc | KKM EB tonatun worse coo Ss sone ata aX25 l200}100]201| 101 |202|102|203}103|204|104 205|105|206]106 207|107|208|108|209|109|210} i212] his] CA A Meth rer rl ee a ee a Pr ce Gi a Ge id ie Bg 88 c5 28 28 28 an fer ae i 7 wraren: | eee ee a Sa eee a el eee i sere eee Gee SD Kensie novsTAES 00, 10. BETES ET fal aaa See eae TeCLT COSRISTON WRI ERD Towa Yau nom) #0 russ NT Bee ce) TOURS a WowaR WT "Sha GRORION WO ae rood IONE WEEE | BOT0OE | BRT SRG GH URE aa TERT TOF SWE RaW oe Wonmoo 1 amore ais 310raM 1 xaMo78 WIS WOOT Ronnoo 2 SaMO7R LMIS 3LORERH 7 AGMOTE LANs WOOT noNn00 1 aitnd 0'4 VIS 310rE anna O-4 Las W007 ono Z anng 0°4 Levis 310R34 Z anna O-4 sais "WOOT SATA NN INST “W'S anTA 3018 OL NIVED W'S anwa ane NWA NIWA “91 als 92x 01002] 101)02 sriniecoa als 0 ONL “1 OO S3HISTON HRN EBD awa ee woo) $e isn WRAL a ‘ena vers an/ins ae ssa Vt Tae ase Feit Eccl TLRS ‘ka ROWER FO a17]10]10|20|se|s7|s0)50|c0| 61] 62|53|s4| 05 /e0|e7|ea 2122] 25 fae] 71] 72]75]76125]26| 7775] 79 EE ERTS SST TERNAL UST 5, X11 ( SUB PANEL WHEEL HOUSER.) EB Kamei nousTAES co, L10. a For wore ona, a0o7ee | vnpaae | vice 1] Pe ano couvent ne | 2007.00 | vavennx | Swe. 2 FOR AEPROVAL ONG___| 2007.01 | VHLpARK | YH [PR nec-ai-s1267 Rev. DESCRIPTION wre | nave [48x a1 COSaRLSON WONT (oF aa on isn a PGUSAS $0 ANI FUll (rasan ES Ea] owns = Seales Dee [a] eee ae ans gon {A 3) sarssais wy poms 1 2 One Nga essteee Riga) orem man an [eaa}X wom aes {i} wore nue ow Sa} woe ms [aan HX a saan razon en sm TOLEDO ae Ena [fore] ce em 2 0 fas move weer ot 2 ou Eg] 2 amen 21 01 wn z eo, 33) seo 4 é | ceceCLT COSSRISTON WRN ESS NOUS ‘a WosaeT ITH gr [OVER 6OZEOE“11 _=__4, eee — ssh 0) : i THE WERT OS STE ona V8 SS kawaRim nosThIes co, 10. + _—=— 5 4 amend o = [S) “o “woe ee GY pare (20m) para er ae ag a [re =| Set a Pa =e fe] oscar [onescanned inssssieapieneen eiiliiteatie. ies eeR ooo eae ae: SaarR | T6zoOE VaR | 601002 [ORT INGRNOD OWA WEE SY aH ano) NOUNS iA2 eae SS ee SS ee ee MIMIC DIAGRAM — 215 SB cnc nowsTHIES 00, 1. ee a ena ees Pak ae are | [Rare = 0 = 100% 0 100% 3 A o INERT GAS GENERATOR ‘oer set Font fa] [yl z FOR WORENE OWE 7S eR YARD COMMENT OWS. 2 FOR APPROVAL OW. BE ace S127 rev [DESCRITIONtf ie 700 2 175 175 14x93.5, KANGRIM INERT GAS GENERATOR Bane PEE AMON one sr Fn aI S| ee gsTeon 1 | [comma oer SOGGRG00REEE a = = SH Kensie nousTAES C0, U1. apa | VLE 7.01 ream | Yc PaRe TS FE ooa-eL=S1207 DATE nae [8i E16: i = CuT OUT PANEL 200x180! 8 56 EI eee ¢ 0 4 E F c| FLEX. CABLE HOSE ] LENGTH MIN, 2000 mm 4 a f| MATERIAL : ALUMINUM 2t i | il J | ooqd rh E APPROX. 90 _| TE Rea OS SST z Fa WORN nS 00709 [Hl EGR Mc DACA 1] AS Pew vaso cownent ows. | 2007.00 [ve 2 Ton roan ow6. | 20070 |v SB Keno nousTae 00,10. eo new DESORPTION DATE FRR10% 2i0 MATERIAL : TERRY GS STO SB KenncRua nousTrES C0, 170. / \ pL | CUT DUT PANEL 20x90 | a = | ioe See | a oro conte | vo | ee g + 8 3) | | FLEX. CABLE HOSE | LENGTH MIN. 2000 mm d ALUMINUM: 2¢ i I | i} la cog \|o | |_APPRDX, $0 _| i F_ WORN Ow. 36708 [ Vaca | > YEE [As ono couwent One| 200708 | vspanic| Pax o FoR APPROW OWS. | 200781 [Bun | > VHaane PE Goo-eI= S107 [rev OESCRITON one | ie [>jf et WEIGHT : ABOUT soKe (COLOUR : MUNSELL No. 7.8 86 7/2 CABLE ENTRY + COAMING TYPE ? i i ! In} © TE Ne os STE ED KaneRim wousTRIES CO. U1.210 rece area aaac ee WEIGHT : ABOUT 20KG COLOUR : MUNSELL No. 7.5 8G 7/2 CABLE ENTRY : COAMING TYPE Q'ty |Res no.) Description i NP | INERT GAS GENERAOR F.0. PUMP 1 1 apt__| AMPERE METER 1 &hi__| INDICATING LAMP(WHITE, POWER SUPPLY) 1 8h2__| INDICATING LAMP(GREEN, PUMP RUNNING) 1 852 | LOCAL START STOP REMOTE START TERT GS STH o FoR WORN One| aoorae [vpanc | >> vane 0 PUMP 1 PANEL LAY OUT [5 Pex vi cowuent 9ae | 200708 [yan a ° FoR APPROVAL Owo. | 2007.01 | vinraRe | YHOO KaNGRIM INDUSTRIES CO, LT. ia a rev] DESCRETION oxre [Nave cofesanteccfcmea: emma e a | SR eA NIST oe as ER RE Alan deoaioton | ‘ cae ee Seareeteoae as ion asia nae are alle Pore failure ‘BaA-2000 + + * * * 2 aa Sa | LR so ais a Fae ose pea O| RT| ce 5 anne re aE Ole onl ee 5 ase = 5 we oar nealg eel z aa i =i ST eaTaa eR iene zi ace “| eee ee i Ee aaa z ‘ aaa aie ae c a = anmena re rein 5 i ee ra ae C r ane ee ae ee i Ras Saline eo zi Sis aoe eva 5 eam rice cereaere pe z Dis ae ee eae arias i ees Ol ees aE oe i ane aren aso isa ee oe z ee ce ie cs me EW | ar ane ayo ue ea SS 1 ‘AS PER YARD COMMENT OWG. | 2007.09 | V:H.PARK KKM Eo =9. 5 ca eR o ‘FOR APPROVAL OWS. "2007.01_| ¥.H.PaRK | °F V.H PARK| PT TT Ts Jenna wt ote eo ee ee id ae ‘stor. es of} a i [any ay ele ny Z| a | ALARMS IN. OPERATION “AWAER POMP RING KARE FUEL G. PUMP RABE AAR BLOW RONNNG NA SEA WATER PRESSURE MAR‘START/STOP SEQUENCE SEAWATER PUN STAT 10. I
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