Employment Notification-05 2010

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3.4.2 The question paper shall be printed in Hindi, Urdu & English and also in the following or any one of
the Regional Language(s).
MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu and Kannada.
SOUTHERN RAILWAY 3.4.3 Negative marking: There will be negative marking for wrong answers. 1/3rd mark shall be
deducted for each wrong answer i.e. one mark shall be deducted for every 3 wrong answers.
RAILWAY RECRUITMENT CELL 3.5 The candidates whoever successfully passes the PET and Written Examination shall be called for
Document Verification of original certificates.
www.rrcchennai.org.in & www.sr.indianrailways.gov.in 3.6 Among the qualified candidates, the candidates who submit the original Certificates / Documents in
support of their eligibility during Document Verification shall alone be called for Medical
RECRUITMENT TO POSTS IN PAY BAND – 1 OF ` 5,200-20,200 3.7
WITH GRADE PAY OF ` 1,800/- IN SOUTHERN RAILWAY AND 3.7.1 Clearing the Medical Examination is mandatory. Only those, who have cleared the Medical
Examination successfully, will be considered for inclusion in the Final Merit List, to the extent of
INTEGRAL COACH FACTORY vacancies available.
Employment Notification No. 05 / 2010 dated 15.12.2010
07.03.2011 Physically fit in all respects. Visual Standards – Distant Vision: 6/9, 6/9 without glasses (no
Closing Date & Time for receipt of applications A–2
at 18.00 hrs. Fogging Test). Near Vision: Sn. 0.6, 0.6 without glasses.
Closing Date & Time for residents of Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Physically fit in all respects. Visual Standards – Distant vision: 6/9, 6/9 with or without
Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Jammu & Kashmir, Lahaul & Spiti Districts 22.03.2011 A-3 glasses. Power of lenses not to exceed 2D. Near vision: Sn.0.6, 0.6 with or without
and Pangi sub-division of Chamba district of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman & at 18.00 hrs. glasses.
Nicobar and Lakshadweep islands and candidates residing abroad.
Physically fit in all respects. Visual Standards – Distant Vision: 6/9, 6/12 with or without
Applications are invited in the prescribed format from the Citizens of India and from such other B–1 glasses. Power of lenses not to exceed 4D. Near Vision: Sn. 0.6, 0.6 with or without
persons declared eligible by Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India to fill up 3,592 glasses when reading or close work is required.
vacancies (S.Rly – 3,087 & ICF – 505) from Open Market in Pay Band -1 of ` 5,200-20,200 with
Physically fit in all respects. Visual Standards – Distant vision: 6/12, 6/18 with or without
Grade Pay of ` 1,800/- in Southern Railway (S.Rly.) and Integral Coach Factory (ICF), Chennai. C–1 glasses. Near vision: Sn. 0.6, 0.6 with or without glasses when reading or close work is
Important: Candidates may please note that Physical Efficiency Test (PET) will be held required.
during the same period simultaneously by all the Railways. Similarly, Written Examination Physically fit in all respects. Visual Standards – Distant vision: 6/12, Nil with or without
will be held on the same day simultaneously by all the Railways. C–2 glasses. Near vision: Sn. 0.6 combined with or without glasses when reading or close work
Sl. Railway/ Medical is required.
Name of the post Department UR OBC SC ST TOTAL PWD
No PU Standard Note : Details and criteria given above are indicative and not exhaustive. Other Medical Tests as required will also be
1 Sweeper-cum-Porter Operating SR 113 68 33 27 241 - A-2 included / conducted.
2 Sweeper-cum-Porter Commercial SR 17 9 5 3 34 - A-2 4.0 EXAMINATION FEE: ` 40/- (Rupees forty only)
3 Helper Gr-II Electrical SR 40 21 31 34 126 18 B-1 4.1 Mode of Payment: The fee shall be paid in the form of Crossed Demand Draft from any Nationalised
B-1 & Bank or Crossed Indian Postal Order from any Post Office drawn in favour of
4 Helper Gr-II Mechanical SR 146 128 56 49 379 23
C-1 “The Assistant Personnel Officer/Recruitment, RRC, Chennai-600 008" and payable at Chennai.
5 Helper Gr-II S&T SR 17 9 12 11 49 15 B-1 4.2 The DD/IPO should have been obtained after the issue of this Employment Notification.
6 Helper Gr-II Stores SR 0 20 5 0 25 6 C-2 4.3 In the space provided for Sender’s name in the Postal Order or on the back side of the Demand Draft,
Civil A-3 & the following details should be written:-
7 Track Man SR 903 522 320 202 1947 22
Engineering B-1 Employment Notice No.05/2010 and Name and Postal address of the candidate
B-1, 4.4 Applications without Examination Fee will be summarily rejected.
8 PWD (SRD) All SR - - - - 286 286 C-1 &
4.5 The amount remitted as Examination Fee will not be refunded under any circumstances.
4.6 Money Orders, Cheques, Cash and Central Recruitment Fee Stamps issued by Post Office or
Total SR - SR 1236 777 462 326 3087 370
any other mode of payment will not be accepted and the applications will be rejected.
9 Trackman / Mali /
Helper Gr-II/ ICF / B-1 &
- 254 137 76 38 505 19 Candidates belonging to SC/ST, Ex-Servicemen, Persons with Disabilities, Women, Minority*
Vendor/ Peon/ PU C-1
Sanitary Cleaner communities and Economically Backward Classes** are exempted from payment of Examination Fees.
GRAND TOTAL 1490 914 538 364 3592 389 Note:* Minority communities will mean Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists and Zorastrians (Parsis).
Note: (i) The vacancies reserved for Persons with Disabilities are not separate but included in the total ** Economically backward classes will mean the candidates whose family income is less than
number of vacancies. ` 50,000/- per annum.
(ii) The number of posts indicated above is provisional and may undergo change, subject to Authorities competent to issue income certificates for the purpose of identifying economically backward
exigencies. classes.
(iii) The Medical Standard of C-2 is exclusively for Persons with Disability alone. (i) District Magistrate or any other Revenue Officer up to the level of Tehsildar
Abbreviations used in this notification: (ii) Sitting Member of Parliament of Lok Sabha for persons of their own constituency.
RRC : Railway Recruitment Cell SR : Southern Railway (iii) Below Poverty Line (BPL) Card or any other certificate issued by Central Government under a
recognised poverty alleviation programme of Izzat MST issued by Railways.
ICF / PU : Integral Coach Factory / Production Unit UR : Unreserved
(iv) Union Minister may also recommend for any persons from anywhere in the country.
S&T : Signal & Telecommunication SC : Scheduled Caste
(v) Sitting Member of Parliament of Rajya Sabha for persons of the district in which these MPs
OBC : Other Backward Class ST : Scheduled Tribe
normally reside.
PWD : Persons with Disabilities Ex.SM : Ex-Serviceman
Note: Candidates claiming ‘Fee exemptions’ shall submit the certificate in the prescribed format
PET : Physical Efficiency Test Rly. : Railway and enclose copy of the same along with the Application Form, failing which, his / her candidature
SRD : Special Recruitment Drive Gr.-II : Grade-II will be rejected. (Annexure-V) (Download the Proforma from the website).
1.1 AGE LIMIT: 5.1 SC/ST Candidates: Candidates claiming to belong to SC/ST communities are required to submit
Community Certificates from the competent authority in the prescribed format (Annexure–I)
Age as on 01.01.2011. (Download the Proforma from the website) and enclose a copy of the same with the Application
Category UR OBC SC / ST Form.
Age 18 – 33 years 18 – 36 years 18 – 38 years 5.2 OBC Candidates: Candidates claiming to belong to Other Backward Classes are required to submit
1.2 Special Relaxations of Age Limit: Community Certificates from the competent authority in the prescribed format (Annexure–II)
1.2.1 Serving Railway Serving Railway Employees (Download the Proforma from the website) and submit a copy of the same with the Application
Employees including Casual Labourers UR : Up to 40 years Form.
and Substitutes who have OBC : Up to 43 years Further, Community Certificates of candidates belonging to OBC should specifically indicate that the
put in a minimum of 3 years SC/ST : Up to 45 years candidate does not belong to persons / sections (Creamy layer), as per Annexure–II.
1.2.2 Staff of Quasi Such as Railway Canteens, Relaxation of age will be to the extent of 5 years 6.1 DEFINITIONS OF DISABILITIES: Definitions of categories of disabilities for the purpose of recruitment
Administrative Railway Institutes and or service rendered by them in such are given below.
Offices of Rly. Railway Co-op. Societies organisations, whichever is less. 6.1.1 VISUALLY HANDICAPPED
Organisations (a) Blindness: “Blindness” refers to a condition where a person suffers from any of the following
1.2.3 Ex-Servicemen Relaxation of age will be to the extent of service conditions, namely:- (i) total absence of sight, or (ii) visual acuity not exceeding 6/60 or 20/200
rendered by them in Defence Services plus (snellen) in the better eye with correcting lenses; or (iii) limitation of the field of vision subtending
3 years provided they have put in a minimum of an angle of 20 degrees or worse;
6 months service after attestation and up to the (b) Low vision: “Persons with low vision” means a person with impairment of visual functioning
age of 40 years for reservists not employed in even after treatment or standard refractive correction but who uses or is potentially capable of
Government Service. using vision for the planning or execution of a task with appropriate assistive device.
1.2.4 Widows & 6.1.2 HEARING HANDICAPPED
Divorced or UR : Up to 35 years Hearing Impairment: “Hearing Impairment” means loss of 60 decibels or more in the better ear in
Judicially OBC : Up to 38 years the conversational range of frequencies.
Separated Women SC/ST : Up to 40 years 6.1.3 ORTHOPAEDICALLY HANDICAPPED
(a) Locomotor disability: “Locomotor disability” means disability of the bones, joints or muscles
1.2.5 Persons with leading to substantial restriction of the movement of the limbs or any form of cerebral palsy.
disability UR : Up to 43 years (b) Cerebral Palsy: “Cerebral Palsy” means a group of non-progressive conditions of a person
OBC : Up to 46 years characterised by abnormal motor control posture resulting from brain insult or injuries occurring
SC/ST : Up to 48 years in the pre-natal, peri-natal or infant period of development.
1.2.6 Residents of Who have ordinarily (c) All the cases of orthopaedically handicapped persons would be covered under the category of
Jammu & Kashmir domiciled in the Kashmir “Locomotor disability” or “Cerebral Palsy”.
UR : Up to 38 years 6.2 DEGREE OF DISABILITY FOR RESERVATION: Only such persons would be eligible for reservation
Division of State of Jammu
OBC : Up to 41 years in services/posts who suffer from not less than 40 percent of relevant disability. Candidates
& Kashmir during the period
SC/ST : Up to 43 years should submit a Disability Certificate in the prescribed format (Annexure–III) (Download the
from 1st Jan.1980 to 31st
Dec.1989 Proforma from the website) issued by the competent authority and submit a copy of the same with
1.3 Proof of Age: The candidate shall enclose a copy of any of the following documents in support of the Application Form.
Date of Birth, along with the Application Form. 6.3 COMPETENT AUTHORITY TO ISSUE DISABILITY CERTIFICATE: The competent authority to
(i) Birth Certificate issued by Municipal authorities. issue Disability Certificate shall be a MEDICAL BOARD duly constituted by the Central or State
(ii) Transfer Certificate issued by School/College authority. Government. The Medical Board shall consist of at least three members out of which at least one
(iii) Matric / SSLC / Senior Secondary/HSC Mark sheet shall be a Specialist in the particular field for assessing locomotor / cerebral / visual / hearing disability,
2.0 EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION: as the case may be.
2.1 Minimum 10th Pass or ITI or equivalent at the time of applying. 6.4 SCRIBE FOR VISUALLY HANDICAPPED CANDIDATES: Visually Impaired Candidates / those
2.2 Candidates having higher Educational Qualification can also apply. candidates whose writing speed is affected by Cerebral palsy can avail the assistance of SCRIBE for
3.0 PROCEDURE FOR RECRUITMENT: writing answers on their behalf. For engaging the SCRIBE, the candidate will have to suitably inform
3.1 The recruitment procedure consists of a Physical Efficiency Test (PET), followed by Written the RRC in advance as per Annexure-IV (Download the Proforma from the website).
Examination and Medical Examination. The engagement of SCRIBE will be subject to the following conditions.
3.2 The candidates, whoever fulfils all the eligible conditions will be called for a Physical Efficiency Test (a) The candidates will have to arrange their own SCRIBES at their own cost during the examination.
(PET). A separate advice, indicating Date, Time and Venue will be issued to all the eligible Separate Admit cards will be issued to the SCRIBES accompanying the Visually Handicapped
candidates. candidates. Admit card should contain the particulars and photograph of the SCRIBE duly
3.3 PHYSICAL EFFICIENCY TEST (PET): signed by him/her.
3.3.1 Passing the Physical Efficiency Test is mandatory and the same will be qualifying in nature. The (b) The academic qualification of the SCRIBE should be one grade below the qualification
criterion for the PET will be as under:- prescribed for the post for which recruitment is being made.
(c) The SCRIBE can be from any academic discipline if the recruitment is for general post. If the
For Male Candidates For Female Candidates recruitment is for a specialist post, he/she should be from a discipline different from that of the
Should be able to run for a distance of Should be able to run for a distance of candidate. He / she should not have secured more than 60% marks in the qualification
1500 metres in 6 minutes in one chance. 400 metres in 3 minutes in one chance. mentioned at (b) above.
3.3.2 All the candidates whoever qualifies in the PET shall be subjected to a Written Examination. (d) The candidates as well as the SCRIBE will have to give a suitable undertaking
A separate advice, indicating Date, Time and Venue for Written Examination will be communicated (Annexure-IV) (Download the Proforma from the website) confirming that the SCRIBE fulfils
to the eligible candidates. all the stipulated eligibility criteria for a scribe as mentioned above. In case, it transpires later
3.4.1 WRITTEN EXAMINATION: The Duration of the Written Examination shall be 2 (TWO) Hours. that he / she did not fulfil any of the laid down eligibility criteria, there has been suppression of
The Question Paper for the Written Examination shall be based on Class-X level consisting of material facts, the candidature of the applicant will stand cancelled irrespective of the result of
150 Multiple Choice (four) objective type questions aimed to assess the General Knowledge / the examination. The visually handicapped candidates shall be responsible for any misconduct
Awareness, Mathematics, Reasoning, etc. on the part of SCRIBE brought by him/her.
The undertaking, as given in the Annexure-IV, should be submitted by the visually handicapped 12.1 Application Format published along with this Employment Notification alone should be used.
candidates / candidate whose writing speed is affected by Cerebral palsy, along with his / her Application Format can be downloaded from the website of this office.
Application Form. 12.2 ONLY ONE APPLICATION: Each candidate should send only one Application. Candidates submitting
multiple applications will not be considered. Even if such a candidate gets selected inadvertently,
(e) Candidates availing the assistance of a SCRIBE shall be eligible for extra time of 20 minutes
he/she will not be offered appointment later on.
for every hour of the examination.
13.0 ENCLOSURES: Photo copies of the certificates / documents are to be enclosed along with the
6.5 All one eyed candidates and VH candidates whose visual degree of disability is less than 40% shall
Application Form, in the order specified below. Original certificates should not be enclosed.
not be considered as visually handicapped person and the provision of engaging SCRIBE shall not
(i) Demand Draft / IPO, if applicable
be applicable to them. (ii) Application Form
6.6 The disability certificate should be valid for a period of 5 years those, whose disabilities is “Temporary”. (iii) Copy in proof for Date of Birth
The Medical Board should indicate the period of validity of the certificate, where there are chances of (iv) Copy of Educational Qualifications
variation in the degree of disability. For those with permanent disability, the disability can be shown (v) Copy of Community Certificate, in case of SC or ST or OBC.
as “Permanent”. (vi) Copy of Discharge certificate, in case of Ex-Servicemen.
6.7 Persons with Disabilities are exempted from PET for recruitment to the posts identified suitable (vii) Copy of Physical Disability Certificate, in case of Persons with Disabilities.
for them and be allowed to appear directly in the Written Examination. After qualifying in the (viii) Filled in proforma for engaging Scribe, in case of Visually Handicapped persons.
Written Examination, such candidates will have to pass the Medical Examination prescribed for (ix) Government Servants and staff of Quasi administrative offices of Railway organisations –
Persons with Disabilities before empanelment. Bonafide Certificate from the authority giving the length of regular service, etc.
7.0 EX-SERVICEMEN CANDIDATES: (x) ‘No Objection Certificate’ from the employer, if already employed.
7.1 The term ‘Ex-Serviceman’ means, “a person who has served in any rank (Whether as a combatant (xi) Copy of decree from the competent court of law for having divorced / judicially separated,
or non-combatant) in the regular Army, Navy or Air Force of the Indian Union but does not include a together with the affidavit that she had not remarried since.
person who has served in the Defence Security Corps, the General Reserved Engineering Force, (xii) In case of widow, death certificate of her husband together with the affidavit that she had not
The Lok Sahayak Sena and the Para Military Forces; and remarried since.
(i) who retired from such service after earning his/her pension; or 14.0 Application complete in all respects along with all the enclosures in a cover superscribed as under:
(ii) who has been released from such service on medical grounds attributable to Military Service “APPLICATION FOR RECRUITMENT TO POSTS IN PAY BAND -1 WITH GRADE PAY OF
or circumstances beyond his control and awarded medical or other disability pension; or ` 1800/- IN SOUTHERN RAILWAY & ICF”
(iii) who has been released, otherwise than on his own request, from such service as a result of shall be sent by Ordinary Post, so as to reach at the following address on or before the date indicated
reduction in establishment; or in the Notification.
(iv) who has been released from such service after completing the specific period of engagement, “The Assistant Personnel Officer / Recruitment,
otherwise than at his own request or by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct Railway Recruitment Cell, Southern Railway,
or inefficiency, and has been given a gratuity; and includes personnel of the Territorial Army of No.5, 3rd Floor, Dr. P.V.Cherian Crescent Road,
the following categories, namely:- Egmore, Chennai – 600 008.”
a. Pension holders for continuous embodied service 15.0 One cover should contain only one Application Form with enclosures.
b. Persons with disability attributable to military service and 16.0 Filled in applications can also be directly dropped in the box kept in the Office premises of RRC,
c. Gallantry award winners Chennai at the above mentioned address on or before the closing date.
Explanation: The Persons serving in the armed forces of the Union, who on retirement from service, 17.0 Invalid applications: Candidates must ensure that their application is complete in all respects.
Applications which suffer from the following deficiencies will be summarily rejected.
would come under the category of ‘Ex-Servicemen’, may be permitted to apply for re-employment
(a) Application not in the prescribed Format / missing columns.
one year before the completion of the specific terms of engagement and avail themselves of all
(b) Incomplete or illegible applications.
concessions available to Ex-Servicemen, but shall not be permitted to leave the uniform until they
(c) Unsigned applications.
complete the specified terms of engagement in the Armed Forces of the Union
(d) Applications without Left hand Thumb Impression.
7.2 Service Personnel who are likely to be discharged from military service on or before 07.03.2012 are (e) Applications of under-aged or over-aged candidates.
eligible to apply against this notification. (f) Applications without copy of Proof for Date of Birth.
7.3 Ex-Servicemen are required to clearly indicate all required particulars including Community in the (g) Applications without Indian Postal Orders / Demand Drafts of requisite value, if applicable.
Application Form. (h) Applications without copies of Educational Qualifications.
7.4 Ex-Servicemen candidates who have already secured employment under Ex-Servicemen Quota in (i) Applications without copy of proper Community Certificate in respect of OBC/SC/ST candidates.
Central / State Government in Group ‘C’ or ‘D’ categories will be given only age relaxation but will not (j) Submitting more than one Application.
be considered against Ex-Servicemen Quota. (k) Applications received after the closing date & time.
7.5 DISCHARGE CERTIFICATE FOR EX-SERVICEMEN: Candidates claiming the benefits under the 18.0 For any legal action arising out of this Employment Notice, the jurisdiction shall be under the
category of Ex-Servicemen shall enclose a copy of Discharge Certificate issued by competent Honourable Central Administrative Tribunal/ Madras Bench or Honourable Central Administrative
authority along with the Application Form. Tribunal/ Ernakulam Bench.
8.0 SERVING EMPLOYEES OF GOVERNMENT/ PUBLIC SECTOR UNDERTAKING: 19.0 In case of dispute, English version of the Employment Notification will be treated as valid
8.1 A candidate serving under any Government or Public Sector Enterprise/Undertaking, including 20.0 Candidates are advised to periodically check the website www.rrcchennai.org.in &
Railways should either apply through proper channel or directly to Railway Recruitment Cell, duly www.sr.indianrailways.gov.in for the latest information.
enclosing the “NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE” from the employer.
8.2 An advance copy of such application, complete in all respects may also be sent superscribing on the BEWARE OF JOB RACKETEERS
top of the envelope & application “ADVANCE COPY” so as to reach the RRC, Chennai before the
closing date and time specified. However, the application ‘Through Proper channel’ should reach 1. All recruitments by Railway Recruitment Cell are made purely on merit.
RRC, Chennai, within 15 days from the closing date, for which the entire responsibility rests with the 2. Candidates attempting to use influence or unfair means shall be
9.1 Candidates belonging to Andaman & Nicobar Islands may be allotted Examination Centre in these
Islands provided sufficient number of eligible candidates have applied. 3. Railway Recruitment Cell neither conduct any coaching classes nor
10.0 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: recommend any books for reference nor have authorised any persons /
10.1 The candidates should carefully read all the instructions before applying for the post.
10.2 The candidates applying in response to this Notification shall ensure that he / she fulfils all eligibility agencies to recruit or train on its behalf.
conditions at the time of submission of application.
10.3 The number of vacancies shown in this Notification is provisional and the same is liable to DEPUTY CHIEF PERSONNEL OFFICER/RECRUITMENT
increase or decrease or even become NIL, depending upon the actual needs of the
10.4 The candidate’s admission at all stages of recruitment will be purely provisional, subject to satisfying
the prescribed eligibility conditions.
10.5 Certificates in languages other than English or Hindi should be accompanied by an attested
translation in English/Hindi.
10.6 Mere issue of Call Letter / Hall Ticket to the candidate will not imply that his or her candidature has
been finally cleared by the RRC, Chennai.
10.7 The RRC, Chennai, is free to reject any application not fulfilling the requisite eligibility conditions and
criteria, at any stage of recruitment. If appointed erroneously, such candidate’s services shall be
summarily terminated without any notice.
10.8 Railway Recruitment Cell reserves the right to alter the stages of examinations or conduct re-
PET / re-Examination or cancel part or whole of any recruitment process at any stage, without
assigning any reason.
10.9 Under any circumstances, no claim for damage/loss or refund of Examination fee will be made.
10.10 The candidates are advised to ensure in their own interest to have adequate practice in running
1500/400 metres before coming for PET.
10.11 The candidate shall attend the PET and Written Examination at the Date, Time & Venue specified by
Railway Recruitment Cell. Any request for change of date, time & venue will not be entertained.
10.12 Travel Expenses: SC/ST candidates alone will be issued with II-Class Free Pass for their journey
from their nearest Railway Station to the venue of PET and Written Examination. Others will have to
make their own arrangements for coming to the venue of PET and Written Examination, etc. No
reimbursement of travel expenses will be made on any account.
10.13 Accommodation: All the candidates will have to make their own arrangements for their
accommodation while coming for PET, Written Examination and other stages of recruitment process.
They must also come prepared to stay for 2 – 3 days, if required. RRC will not make any arrangement
for providing accommodation.
10.14 Change of address: If there is any change in address of the candidate, the candidate should ensure
in his / her own interest to arrange with Post Office concerned for redirection of the communications
from old to new address.
10.15 In the interest of Administrative exigencies, selected candidates will be posted anywhere, in
any Post / Category / Department of Southern Railway / Integral Coach Factory, after successful
completion of training, wherever prescribed. The decision of the Railway administration is
10.16 Candidates who have been debarred from appearing in any of the Railway Recruitment Board /
Railway Recruitment Cell exams should not apply unless the debarment period expires before the
closing date.
11.1 Candidates are warned that they should not furnish any particulars that are false or suppress any
material information while filling up the Application Form.
11.2 Candidates shall not bring or attempt to bring any political or other influence to further his/her interest
in respect of recruitment.
11.3 Misconduct on the part of the candidate at any part of the recruitment process is strictly prohibited.
11.4 Indulgence in any such practice will be viewed very seriously and their candidature shall be
rejected without any notice.
11.5 Candidates may note that if they are found guilty of any one of the following during / after the
recruitment process, his / her candidature / appointment is liable to be cancelled / terminated
without any notice at any stage. Further, such candidates are liable for criminal prosecution.
a) Submitting fabricated / forged certificates or documents which have been tampered for getting
selected or to avail free travel facilities.
b) Using unfair means during the recruitment process.
c) Impersonating or procuring impersonation by any person.
d) Misbehaving with the officials during the recruitment process.
e) Taking away the Question Paper or Answer Sheet from the Examination hall.
f) Obtaining support / help for his / her candidature by any means.
11.6 It will not be possible to entertain any enquiry or correspondence while the recruitment process is
going on.
11.7 Decision of Railway Recruitment Cell, Chennai, in all matters relating to recruitment will be
final and binding on the candidates.
11.8 All the candidates should send their application well in advance before the closing date. The RRC,
Chennai, will not be responsible for any postal delay/wrong delivery for whatsoever reason, at any
stage of the recruitment process.

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