GME Jul 2023 PDF
GME Jul 2023 PDF
GME Jul 2023 PDF
JULY 2023
mail for an online examination that can Step 4: Those candidates who are selected be intimated to the candidates.
be taken at any location. You will need in the personal interview shall undergo a
to have a proper internet connection to medical test with the company appointed
do the same.
The login details as well as other
doctor. FAQs
instructions shall be provided in the Will accommodation be provided during
e-mail. Step 5: Merit list will be prepared taking the interview process?
Please make sure you provide the account past academic scores, online
correct credentials (e-mail and phone examination scores, interview scores as
well as medical examination
No, the institute does not provide
number) while application.
accommodation. Candidates and
Link will be sent by our assessment
Step 6: Candidate who make it to the accompanying guardians are to make their
merit list shall be asked to pay a booking own arrangements for accommodation.
amount to reserve their seat.
Is the booking amount/fees refundable?
Step 7: After receiving the booking
amount, the candidates will be issued with The fees and/or booking amount is not
a sponsorship letter on the basis of
refundable under any circumstances.
whichhey can avail loans. We have a tie-up
State Bank of India for the loan process. Does the institute reimburse expenses
The details of this shall be intimated to the incidental to the process?
No, the institute does not reimburse any
expenses whatsoever incidental to the
process, unless specifically
Online Examination Fees
The online exam will consist of the following The total fees for the GME course is INR
subjects: 5,81,285
1. English
2. Logical Reasoning This includes tuition fees, boarding and
3. Mechanical Engineering lodging cost of professional books, safety
4. Quantitative Aptitude items, uniforms accessories.
5. General Awareness/ Knowledge
their correct email-id and phone The Offer of admission for Pre-Sea Training
one recent passport size photograph number/mobile number in the online
pasted neatly in the right application form as they will receive the and Shipboard Training by GES shall not be
hand top corner. Test Login details on the email id considered as guarantee of employment on
mentioned in the application form.
After making the online payment, please completion of such training. However, in
send an e-mail to with the Career Path the event of GES offering employment
Industry to make them eligible in this very Course fees, advance fees, Examination fees once
objectives as stated by the Directorate Besides placement on our vessels, we have with the prescribed format.
General of Shipping (DGS) is MOUs /Agreements with reputed Foreign
“Outstanding” based on the best Shipping Companies for placement/ Duly filled in Application Form should have
infrastructure, excellent classroom employment on their Merchant Navy one photograph pasted and Demand Draft
facilities, a e-library, science & attached. Originals/photocopies of certificates
etc. should not be sent with the application
electricity/electronic laboratories, IT
facilities, Sports & Gymnasium Assured on-board training either with GE
Shipping or one of its subsidiaries or with
All fields in the Online Application Form should
Combination of both classroom the companies having an agreement with
be filled with correct details and Application
learning, experiential learning and on- GE Shipping. number/Enrollment number should be noted
the-job training - preparing young and by the candidate for all future reference.
General Instructions
dynamic minds for a career at sea.
after the deadline, without prior Candidates, at the time of interview, will be
communication with the Admissions Team. required to produce original copies of proof of
age, Degree Certificate, HSC Certificate or
Applicants are required to have a passport equivalent, SSC Certificate or equivalent,
in hand before joining the course. If not, where applicable from Govt. recognized
candidates are requested to apply for board/universities.
passport on an urgent basis.
Candidates are advised to view our institute
Eligibility criteria as laid down is sacrosanct website for latest
and shall not be subject to change under information.
For any queries, please do not hesitate to
contact us: