Software Requirements Specification: For The
Software Requirements Specification: For The
Software Requirements Specification: For The
for the
Cataloging Module
of an
Table of Contents
1. Introduction........................................................................................................................................................1
2. System Requirements.........................................................................................................................................4
4. Use Cases...........................................................................................................................................................30
Revision History
Name Date Reason For Changes Version
Lucien Kress 6/25/08 Initial Draft 1.0 draft
Lucien Kress 7/17/08 Revisions, Cataloging Team 2.0 draft
Lucien Kress 8/28/08 Revisions, Requirements workshop 3.0 draft
Lucien Kress 9/16/08 Revisions, Cataloging Team 3.1 draft
Software Requirements Specification for the Cataloging Module of an Integrated Library System Page 1
1. Introduction
The requirements in this SRS presuppose the general data structures and functionality of a full-
fledged ILS. The Cataloging Module will replace and enhance the current capabilities of
commercially available ILSes, as well as add new functionality.
The current specification presupposes the general functionality of an ILS and specifies only those
requirements that directly or indirectly relate to Cataloging activities. King County Library has
previously published specifications for Acquisitions and Serials Management and Circulation
modules. Requirements for OPAC, web services, and management reporting are currently under
Moreover, the current specification is focused on functional characteristics of a Cataloging Module.
Data structures and user interfaces will require further specification and development using an
iterative, prototype-oriented software development methodology.
It is assumed that when software development occurs, it will be in a highly collaborative and
iterative environment in which end-users have multiple opportunities to review prototypes and
refine the user interface and software functionality.
Software Requirements Specification for the Cataloging Module of an Integrated Library System Page 2
It is also assumed that the reader has a general understanding of Library services and processes and
does not require definition of common Library terminology.
Use cases are included for some of the most frequently performed activities. They are intended to
supplement the requirements and highlight activities that offer a great potential for increased
efficiency and ease of use. Again, they should be considered to be contextual rather than
Cataloging Staff Cataloging Staff include managers, librarians, library technicians, library
assistants, and library pages who are involved with receiving, cataloging, and
processing items.
Cataloging Cataloging Managers include management staff who oversee the Cataloging
Managers processes.
Library Library Managers include Cluster and Site Managers who provide input to the
Managers Cataloging processes and receive bibliographic records from the Cataloging
Library Library Directors include members of the Library Executive Team who plan and
Directors direct Library services and priorities.
OE-5: The Cataloging Module shall be accessible with screen-reading software, screen-
magnification software, and other software programs designed to increase
System Requirements
Category: Reports
Req ID: 2322 Source: ACQ Priority: 3
Name: run reports during business hours
Description: Ability to run reports anytime during the day without impacting staff
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Software Requirements Specification for the Cataloging Module of an Integrated Library System Page 30
4. Use Cases
We have written use cases for selected, frequently-performed activities. These are included to
supplement the requirements, and to highlight places where good software could bring great
improvements in efficiency and ease of use. The steps of the use cases should be considered
suggestive rather than prescriptive.
Cataloging Librarian (CL)
CL creates a new bibliographic record for an uncataloged title.
CL must catalog a new title.
CL is logged into library system and Connexion with appropriate privileges.
Bibliographic record is uploaded to OCLC and system, as appropriate.
Stimulus Response
Normal Flow: S1: CL must catalog a new title. R1: CL searches system for existing
bibliographic record, using common
access points (author name, title,
ISBN, UPC, etc.)
S2: No bibliographic record exists R2: CL searches OCLC for existing
in the system. bibliographic record.
S3: No bibliographic record exists R3: CL creates new bibliographic
in OCLC. record in Connexion.
R4: CL creates bibliographic
description from item in hand (title
page, disc surface, item content, etc.).
R5: CL adds or confirms
bibliographic information using
secondary sources of information
(,, etc.)
R6: CL adds subject headings.
R7: CL verifies title, names, subject
headings against authority records.
R8: CL adds call number.
S9: New record completed. R9: CL uploads new record to
R10: CL exports new record to
Alternative 1. If a bibliographic record already exists in the system, CL reviews record
Flows and for accuracy, makes necessary edits, adds call number, and saves record.
Exceptions: 2. If a bibliographic record already exists in OCLC, CL reviews record for
accuracy, makes necessary edits, adds call number, and exports record to
3. If a bibliographic record already exists in the system, but is only partially
correct, CL may identify fields to preserve and overlay remaining fields
Software Requirements Specification for the Cataloging Module of an Integrated Library System Page 32
Notes and
Software Requirements Specification for the Cataloging Module of an Integrated Library System Page 33
Cataloging Librarian (CL) or Cataloging Technician (CT)
Description: CL/CT verifies title, author name, and subject headings against authority
A new bibliographic record has been created or imported.
CL/CT is logged into library system with appropriate privileges.
Bibliographic record has been verified.
Stimulus Response
Normal Flow: S1: CL/CT must catalog a new title. R1: CL/CT searches system for
bibliographic record.
S2: Bibliographic record is R2: CL/CT clicks ‘Validate’ button
displayed. to highlight fields that don’t match
authority records.
S3: Incorrect fields are highlighted. R3: CL/CT right-clicks highlighted
field and selects ‘Authority Index’.
S4: If field is populated, index R4: CL/CT types a value to search
displays at index value closest to for specific term; or CT scrolls
field value. If field is unpopulated, forward or backward from current
index displays from beginning. position in index.
S5: Correct term is displayed. R5: CL/CT clicks to add correct term
to bibliographic record field.
S6: Bibliographic record is updated. R6: CL/CT repeats until all
highlighted fields are correct.
R7: CL/CT saves record.
Flows and
3 (High)
Frequency of
Use: Thousands of times per month
Business Rules:
The Library uses Library of Congress authority records.
Notes and This use case abstracts record verification as a separate function (search
Issues: for record, verify and save record), when in reality verification occurs
as just one of the many actions performed while editing or creating a
bibliographic record.
Software Requirements Specification for the Cataloging Module of an Integrated Library System Page 34
Cataloging Librarian (CL)
Description: CL searches for a bibliographic record using Romanized characters; CL edits
record using non-Roman and Romanized characters, or CL creates an original
record in OCLC.
CL must create or edit bibliographic record for a non-Roman language work.
CL is logged into library system with appropriate privileges.
Bibliographic record is created or edited and updated.
Stimulus Response
Normal Flow: S1: CL has a new non-Roman work R1: CL searches ILS for existing
to catalog. record using Romanized characters. If
none exists, CL searches OCLC for
existing record using Romanized
characters. If none exists, CL creates
new record in OCLC.
S2: New input method is selected. R2: CL inputs Romanized and non-
Roman characters by using Microsoft
language tool bar.
S3: New record is completed. R3: CL updates holdings in OCLC
and exports new record to ILS.
Alternative If a bibliographic record already exists in the system, CL reviews record for
Flows and accuracy, makes necessary edits, adds call number, and saves record. If
Exceptions: record already exists in OCLC, CL reviews record for accuracy, makes
necessary edits, adds call number, and exports record to system.
3 (High)
Frequency of
Use: Dozens of times per month
Business Rules:
ALA Romanization Tables, Unimarc
Notes and