Assignment No 7

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Importance Of Database Performance On Different Database Application

[Student Name]

[Student Institute]
Table of Contents

Chapter One: Introduction......................................................................................................................4

1.1 Overview about the Project..............................................................................................................4

1.2 Significance of the Study.................................................................................................................4

1.3 The Problem Definition...................................................................................................................5

1.4 Research Aims and Objectives........................................................................................................5

1.5 Research Questions..........................................................................................................................5

1.6 Research Outline..............................................................................................................................6

Chapter Two: Literature Review.................................................................................................................8

2.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................8

2.2 Importance of Database Performance in Various Database Applications........................................8

2.3 Optimization of the Database Performance.....................................................................................9

2.3.1 Operating System Level Optimization.......................................................................................11

2.3.2 Database Configuration Level Optimization..............................................................................12

2.3.3 Database Design Level Optimization.........................................................................................12

2.3.4 SQL application level optimization...........................................................................................13

2.4 Database Performance Optimization techniques............................................................................14

2.4.1 Manual SQL performance tuning...............................................................................................14

2.4.2 Automatic SQL Performance Tuning........................................................................................15

2.5 Benefits of the Database Performance Optimization.....................................................................16

2.5.1 Improvement of Efficiency........................................................................................................16

2.5.2 Enhancement in the Response Time..........................................................................................17

2.6 Summary.......................................................................................................................................18

Chapter Three: Methodology.....................................................................................................................20

3.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................20

3.2 Conceptual Framework..................................................................................................................20

3.3 Research Approach........................................................................................................................20

3.4 Research Design............................................................................................................................21

3.5 Research Strategy..........................................................................................................................21

3.6 Data Collection Methods...............................................................................................................22

3.7 Sampling........................................................................................................................................22

3.8 Data Analysis Methods..................................................................................................................23

3.9 Reliability and Validity of Research Methodology........................................................................24

3.10 Research Ethics..............................................................................................................................24

3.11 Limitations.....................................................................................................................................24

3.12 Summary.......................................................................................................................................25

Chapter One:Introduction

1.1 Overview about the Project

In the recent days, the organizations are becoming more information based while the generation
of the crucial data, financial statistics, retail record, and other commercial information are
significant for the organization (Qun Li, 2009). However, the crucial information of the
organizations are stored and maintained in the databases and hence the performance of the
database is considered as the most important component in order stabilizes the working of the
database applications of the organizations (Benoit, 2005). Presently, oracle is extensively
utilized database in the business environment, it is applied in several applications, and due to
which the performance of it influences directly. However, the oracle database optimization
improves the effectiveness of the database applications whenever database degradations occur
(Li et al., 2009).

This research study provides the importance of the oracle database performance in various
database applications and analyzes several performance optimizations techniques that increase
the efficiency and response time of the database application.

1.2 Significance of the Study

The oracle database is considered as the largest database utilized by several business
organizations in their applications. It provides the pre-integrated business applications and the
main functionalities of the oracle database are to cover the powerful combination of the
technology and the inclusive business applications. It is observed that oracle company improves
and release its innovative products and version that enhance the performance as compared to the
previous versions (Qun Li, 2009). Therefore, it helps the business organizations to attain the
market growth and enhances the customer satisfaction by enhancing the efficiency and response
time of their database applications. Hence, benefits of the advance versions of the oracle to
provide the more features and capability to perform the business tasks and hence enhances
maintenance, reliability and performance of the database (Qun Li, 2009). It is observed that
development of the different oracle versions optimizes the performance and enhances the
functionality of the database and hence the optimizations of the performance of the database
influence the efficiency and response nature of the database applications (Belknap et al., 2009).
1.3 The Problem Definition

During the creation of the database, the data concerning the organization is small so that it does
not influence the performance of the database but when the data is increasing the process of
disposing the data uses more resources (Qun Li, 2009). Hence, it influences the efficiency and
response time of the database application, caused performance degradation of the database, and
demands the optimization of the database performance to improve the efficiency and response
time of the database applications in the competitive business environment (Benoit, 2005).

1.4 Research Aims and Objectives

The aims of the research study are to develop the performance optimization techniques for the
enhancing the performance of the database and to identify influence of the database performance
optimization on the efficiency and the response nature of the database applications.

The objectives of the research study are demonstrated as follows

 To analyze the role of the database performance in various database applications?

 To identify the influence of database performance optimization on the efficiency of the
database applications
 To evaluate the impact of the database performance optimization on the response nature
of the database applications

1.5 Research Questions

The questions of the research study are demonstrated as follows:

 What is the role of database performance in various database applications?

 How optimization of database performance increases the efficiency of database
 Does database performance optimization increase the response nature of the database
1.6 Research Outline

This research paper is divided into seven chapter demonstrated as follows:

Chapter 1: Introduction

This chapter describes the overview of the project, significance of the study, research problem,
research aims and objectives, research questions, research outline and overall summary of the

Chapter 2: Literature Review

This chapters explains the significance of the database performance in various database
applications, different levels and techniques of the database performance optimization, benefits
of the optimization of the database performance demonstrated in the previous literature.
However, the overall summary of the literature review chapter is also provided at the end of the

Chapter 3: Methodology 

This chapter describes the conceptual framework of research methodology , research approach ,
research design , research strategy , data collection , sampling techniques , data analysis methods
, reliability and validity of chosen methodology , research ethics , limitations of the methodology
while, the overall summary of the methodology chapter is also provided at the end.

Chapter 4: Findings 

This chapter provides representation of the results as well as provides the overall summary of the
results and their interesting outcomes.

Chapter 5 Discussion 

This chapter provides the analysis of the results, personal opinions concerning the results and the
overall summary of the discussion.
Chapter 6 Conclusion and Recommendations

This chapter provides the conclusion of the study, recommendation for the future study and the
summary of the chapter.

Chapter 7 Evaluation

This chapter provides the evaluations of the limitations and the proposed improvement of the
research methods as well as also describes the lesson learned from the industry, organization and
the personal career perspectives. However, at the end the overall summary of the chapter is
Chapter Two: Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

The effective construction of the aims and objectives after analyzing the research problem in the
previous chapter provided grounds to demonstrate the literature based on the previous studies,
article, journals, and different research papers. However, it is essential to conduct the review of
the literature to provide evidence and grounds for conducting the research concerning the
database performance optimization and its influence on the efficiency and response time of
database application. This chapter of the dissertation demonstrates the literature review
concerning the oracle database performance and its importance and benefits for performing
productive business in the competitive environment. The review of the literature also
demonstrates the contrasting views of the previous researchers as well as gaps in the previous

2.2 Importance of Database Performance in Various Database Applications

It is observed that the organizations are becoming more information based on the production of
their data, their important statistics, retail records and other commercial information. However,
all these information are maintained in the database so that the performance of the database is the
significant facet to alleviate the working database applications (Belknap et al., 2009).

According to Qun Li, Honglin Xu and Guo Yan (2009), the oracle is the most broadly utilized
large scale database in the business society in the current days and hence the performance of the
oracle directly influences the efficiency of the application directly.

According to the Alapati (2004), performance is the significant factor for determining the oracle
database availability and reliability. However, it is factual particularly that the computer
systems because of the arrival enclosure of the internet in the online transaction processing and
e-commerce business applications of the companies are becoming increasing than ever before to
contain larger users populations concurrently accessing the oracle databases.

It is observed from the previous literature that several applications in the area of computer
science, information technology business looked for the high performance, and hence the oracle
database-computing field is not left behind and hence innovative oracle products are being
developed that much concerns about the speed of loading, modifying, and retrieving stored data
from the database (Benoit, 2005). It is observed that the availability of the software around the
variety of the hardware and operating system enables the users to effortlessly upgrade or replace
their hardware systems without having to worry concerning the changing, redesigning or
rebuilding their systems. Moreover, it is identified that cross platform availability of the oracle
database system helps guard the initial design in application software and hence contributes in
delivering performance consistency around different platforms (Alapati, 2008).

It is also observed that companies who were interested to upgrade hardware were restricted to the
platform running those systems that did not have cross platform availability for instance SQL
server 2000 (Belknap et al., 2009). Hence, customer faced the cost of converting their systems
completely if they increasingly outgrow the capability of their platform. However, the platform
availability of the oracle greatly influences the productivity of the business and determines the
effective performance of the oracle database server (Sokratis K. Katsikas, 2004). It is observed
that the factor that influences the performance of the oracle database are the indexes which are
the database structures that are created to give faster path to the data and utilizing the indexes can
radically decreases the input/output operations and hence increased the performance of the oracle
for data retrieval (Pete Belknap, 2009). It is identified that the Oracle 9i supports the static
bitmap indexes and bitmap join indexes whose utilization can give huge performance advantages
for the load and query operations in the data warehousing environments (Stephens, 2010).

It is observed from the previous literature concerning the importance of the performance of the
database that there is lack of illustrations of significance related to the enhancement of the
response time of the database applications.

2.3 Optimization of the Database Performance

It is identified that performance of the database is quite significant factor to balance the working
of business applications. However, in the initial stage of the database holds data at which it is
loaded in little amount that usually could not demonstrates the performance of the database in the
effective but in the later stages when the amount of data could be enhanced reflects the database
performance (Liu, 2011). Therefore, at this circumstance the database administrators usually take
some significant measures in the form of adjusting initial parameters, add additional hardware,
and change the application to optimize the performance of the database (Li et al., 2009).
Moreover, it is observed from the previous literature that the database optimization can enhance
the disposing performance of the database as well as decrease the client response time (Dyke et
al., 2010).

It is identified that the database optimization primarily has four adjustment levels that include
operating system level optimization , database configuration level optimization, database design
level optimization and SQL application level optimization as demonstrated in the figure below
(Li et al., 2009). however; the particular optimization implementation it is always required to
determine that which level should be emphasis of adjustment concerning the position of the
business system. For example , the application in the stage of the creating more consideration to
the modification of the database design level while the system at the stage of the operation
requires more considerations to the optimization of the levels of database configuration and SQL
application. It is also identified from the previous literature that the optimization apply process
usually utilize the oracle enterprise manager (EM) interact with AWR where EM is the
innovative web browser debuts in the oracle 10g (Li et al., 2009).

Figure 1: Database Optimization Framework (Li et al., 2009)

2.3.1 Operating System Level Optimization

It is identified that the first adjustment is the level of the operation system and the hardware stage
while the operating system primarily concerns on decreasing the page and swap of the memory.
On the other hand, the hardware platform deals with configuring the reasonable RAID and
selecting the fast input/output disk (Li et al., 2009). It is observed that in the operating system
most of the virtual memory physically resides in the auxiliary storage and when the OS requires
the real memory to fulfill the service request , the real memory has fallen below the predefined
thresholds. Moreover, the blocks are page out from the real memory to the virtual memory and
new processes are paged into the real memory occupying the space freed up by paging (Benoit,
2005). However, the paging and swapping are the mechanism utilized to manage the virtual
memory and the thrashing happens when there is excessive paging and swapping and imposed
the overhead on the operating system. However, it is observed that to operate the oracle database
server appropriately the adjustment should be taken place by the DBA to make the swap space
for the oracle database server to be configured at least four times the size of the real memory
(Mittra, 2003).

It is observed from the previous literature concerning optimizing the database performance that
there is lack of guidance of the operating system level optimization that is the major factor for
the overall optimization of the database performance.

2.3.2 Database Configuration Level Optimization

However, the second level of the database optimization is the database configuration level that
includes the initial parameter setting and database connection model. It is identified that the
memory structure of the computer systems is comprised of the system globe area (SGA) and
private globe area (PGA) (Li et al., 2009). While, SGA major components that are shared pool,
data buffer cache and redo log buffer are always required to be optimize, as the SGA is the
memory area that allocated to the oracle database and holds the control information of the
database. However, it is identified from the previous literature that size of the SGA greatly
influence the system performance and its default parameter setting only apply to the computer
with low configuration but does not fulfills the requirements of the real time systems (Benoit,

Moreover , it is identified from the previous literature that when setting the parameter lock_sga=
true in the windows platforms is the invalid act and required to be mounted in the init.ora that
make the SGA be locked in the physical memory somewhat than swapped in the virtual memory
so that the efficiency of the database can be improved. However, it is observed that the size of
the SGA is considered as the half of the physical memory of the oracle servers (Alapati, 2004).

2.3.3 Database Design Level Optimization

The third level is the database design level optimization that holds the allocation and
distributions of physical files in the system. It is identified from the previous literature that for
the optimization of the database at the design level and creating the database, it is recommended
to assign the UNDO table space, TEMP table space and the TEMP table space and the default
user table space to the particular schemas of the database design (Burleson, 1996). It is
identified that the UNDO table space holds the rollback segments for the read consistency;
recovery and rollback operations while the TEMP table space utilized for sorting the data and
taking backups. However, it is observed from the previous literature that oracle 10g permits the
database administrator to create the multi –TEMP table space that helps to reduce the load when
the concurrency sort operations occurred in different schemas as well as enhance the parse
response time (Watson & Ramklass, 2008).

It is observed from the previous literature that when the organizations not adopted the RAID
technology, the database administrators are always suggested to store the physical files into the
physical disks separately to reduce the input/output conflicts and that requires data and index
table space to be stored separately. While, the SYSTEM and SYSAUX table space should be
stored independently with other types of table spaces (Valles, 2008). It is also observed that the
several organizations have utilized the RAID technology for the high availability and
performance of the database and hence the conventional methods of the physical distributions are
avoided. However, it is also observed that the RAID 1+0 is extensively utilized in several
organizations and RAID 5 is also well known in several organizations that does not have much
information technology investment budget but the performance cannot be come up to the RAID
1+0 (Benoit, 2005)

2.3.4 SQL application level optimization

It is observed from the previous literature implementation of the application programs ultimately
boil down to the implementation in the database that led to the implementation efficiency of the
SQL statement that established on the oracle database performance. It is identified that SQL is
the flexible language through which the same function can be utilized utilizing the different
statements but the execution of the efficiency of the statement differentiates (Eisenhardt, 1989).
Hence, the database administrators are required to utilize the explain plan statement of structured
query language to do comparison with several programs and select the improved execution plan
to decrease the cost. However, according to the (Belknap et al., 2009) the SQL statements
demand quite much complexities to fulfill the rules of making full use of the index, to carefully
utilize the joint inquiry of the views particularly the joint inquiry between the more complex
views. Moreover, it is also observed that the inquires to the view that usually required to be
broken down into the direct inquiries to the data tables (Jeff Lawyer, 2004).

2.4 Database Performance Optimization techniques

2.4.1 Manual SQL performance tuning

The database management system is described as the collection of the databases subsystems that
each performs particular tasks and competes for the database management systems resources.
However, it is observed that database performance is directly connected to the database
management system resource allocation and performance tuning and diagnosis is intricate in the
complex relationships between the resources (Pete Belknap, 2009). It is identified that one of the
diagnosis optimization techniques in the database management system is tuning (Dyke et al.,
2010). However, it is observed from the previous literature that manual performance tuning
becomes impractical and multifaceted since the size and complexity of the databases enhances
and hence there is a growing requirement of automating the diagnosis and tuning processes in the
present days (Pratt, 2006). For optimizing the database management system it is required that it
should maintain its personal resources automatically while the database management system
tuning process covers two distinct tasks that are diagnosis and resource adjustment. However,
diagnosis helps to determine that which resource is responsible for the problem of the negative
performance of the database while the resource adjustment holds changing the resource
allocation to attain the better performance of the databases (Benoit, 2005).

Moreover, it is also observed from the previous literature that workload is utilized to build up the
information concerning the transactions running on the system and the resources are utilized to
describe the relationships between the several database management system resources (Benoit,

It is observed from the previous literature that the manual SQL database performance tuning is
one of the significant performance optimization technique that are usually utilized by the broadly
experience database administrators (Dyke et al., 2010). However, it is identified that SQL
performance tuning is considered as the complex and time-consuming optimization technique for
several database administrators to process. Moreover, it is observed that oracle 10g database
provide the feature by the name of the SQL tuning to analyze the task (Qun Li, 2009).

The oracle 10g provided the SQL tuning advisor that performs a comprehensive root cause analysis
of several SQL statements and suggests a fix to the users. However, it is observed that the
performance issue is concerned with the execution of the plan as it provides the application
transparent fix in the form of the SQL profile (Susan, 1997). It is observed that it was the major
achievement for the customer but it covers various manual steps and database administrators is
required to find the problems periods on their systems and appeal to advisor after the problems
happens as well as the database administrator also requires to review and test the recommendations
themselves (Thomas connolly, 2002)

Figure 2: Manual SQL Tuning in Oracle 10g (Belknap et al., 2009)

2.4.2 Automatic SQL Performance Tuning

It is observed from the previous literature that after the launching of the new version of the
oracle 11g database, the new feature it added by the name of the automatic SQL tuning. It
provides benefits to stops the feedback loop for the first time and the workflow will be entirely
automating and solving some SQL performance problems without the interference of the data
base administrators (Alapati, 2008).

It is observed from the previous literature that the oracle 11g has completely computerize the
procedure in the regular maintenance task to give an end to end automatic tuning solutions
(Alapati, 2004). However, complicated safeguards are built in to avert the tuning session from
having the negative influence on the application workload. Moreover, it is also observed that
these abilities of oracle 11g balance each task to provide the distinctive solutions that permits the
systems to automatically fix the performance issues of the database while safeguarding itself
from the damage (Belknap et al., 2009).

It is observed from the previous literature that the in the oracle 11g the SQL statements are
executed by the oracle database, while the query optimizer is utilized to generate the execution
plans of the SQL statements (Benoit, 2005). However, the query optimizer operates in two
modes that are in normal mode and the tuning mode. It is also observed that the SQL statements
are executed by the oracle database , the query optimizer is utilized for generating the execution
plans of the SQL statements (Burleson, 1996).
It is observed that the query optimizer of the oracle operates in two modes that is the normal
mode and the tuning mode. In the normal mode the optimizer compiled the SQL and generates
the execution plan while in the tuning mode the optimizer performs additional analysis to verify
that whether the execution plan generated under the normal mode can be more enhanced (Dyke
et al., 2010).

It is observed from the previous literature that there is lack of information provided concerning
the automatic tuning task modeling, which is usually the major concerns of the organization
related to the performance of the database, and it is significantly required to be optimized.

2.5 Benefits of the Database Performance Optimization

2.5.1 Improvement of Efficiency

It is observed that the development of the oracle versions affects the database performance and
enhances the fundamental functionality of the database and hence the performance of the
database influences the efficiency of the database (Dyke et al., 2010).

It is observed from the previous literature that the query optimizer establish the most efficient
way to execute the SQL statement after analyzing several factors concerning the objects
referenced and the conditions demonstrated in the query (Liu, 2011).

Moreover, it is also indentified that the query optimizer evaluates that which execution plan is
the most efficient way considering the available access paths and by factoring in the information
based on the statistics for the schema objects that are tables and indexes accessed by the SQL
statements (Li et al., 2009).

It is also observed that the performance of the queries in the oracle that contains the sub queries
can be enhanced by un-nesting the sub queries and converting them into the joins. It is also
observed that optimizing the performance of the oracle database enhances the execution of the
overall query plan (Liu, 2011).

It is also observed that while optimizing the oracle database performance , the oracle performed
the full table scan and blocks are read sequentially. It is also observed that the blocks are
adjacent , input/output calls larger than the single block can be utilized to increase the speed of
the process while utilizing the multi-block reads means the full table scan of the systems that can
be performed quite effectively (Mittra, 2003).

It is observed from the previous literature that the SQL tuning usually involves more efficient
way to process the same workloads and it is predictable to change the execution plan of the
statement devoid of changing the functionality of the resource consumption. It is identified that
efficiency of the database systems can be enhanced to reduce the resource consumption of the
system by creating the index if there is a small data access requirement of the application (Pete
Belknap, 2009).

It is observed from the previous literature that there is not that much research is conducted
concerning the benefits of the Automatic Testing of SQL profiles functionality of the oracle
database, which are the essential requirement of the recent database applications.

2.5.2 Enhancement in the Response Time

Additionally, the literature also analyzed another benefit of performance optimization of the
oracle database i.e. the response time as the focal point of every computer application. Therefore,
the main reason behind the performance optimization is to make the oracle databases such that
allows the users to interact with each other without negligible resource and functional conflicts.
According to Alapati et al., (2011, pp.9-10), performance problem in the oracle databases mainly
result due to two main reasons. The first reason includes the lack of throughput, and the second
one is the job response time. Optimization of database helps in the resolution of such problems
(Alapati et al., 2011, pp.9-10). Various researchers have focused on the negative aspects of the
computer applications and databases specifying that those become un-scalable in situations that
force the resources of the system exhausted, ultimately increasing the work load and decreasing
the response time.

On the other hand, Gurry & Corrigan, (1996, pp.5-7) examined that through the optimization
of the oracle databases, the response time of these databases can be enhanced as it has been
identified that the web and normal users also look for the platform from where they can easily
get response within seconds (Gurry & Corrigan, 1996, pp.5-7). Hence, it can be depicted from
the literature that the main significance is given to develop the single user into the productive one
through optimization of the databases. This is so because, as much as the data base is rapidly
responsive, the more the user will be active and tend towards the usage of the application. In
addition, all the literatures and researches analyzed were up to some extent considering the
significance to address the design efforts in order to provide proper response time. Researchers
must focus on the importance of intense system load, growth of resources used during each
session and the room for potential expansion in the performance optimization in the oracle
database (Burleson, 2004, pp.32-33).

2.6 Summary

This chapter provides evidences of the previous literature concerning the significance of the
database performance as it is observed that the organizations are becoming information and their
crucial information are stored in the databases and hence the effective performance of the
database is the significant component to improve the working of the database applications of the
organizations. The chapter also provided evidences from the previous literature concerning
different the database performance optimization techniques and provides the critical analysis of
the benefits and impact on the efficiency and response time of the database applications.
Chapter Three: Methodology

3.1 Introduction

The chapter presents the research methods that are adopted to conduct this research and to
achieve the objectives laid out for this study. The chapter is divided into following parts: a)
conceptual framework, b) research approach, c) research design, d) research strategy, e) data
collection, f) sampling techniques, g) data analysis methods, h) reliability and validity of
research methodology, i) research ethics, j) limitations and k) summary.

3.2 Conceptual Framework

Data Data Presentation

Collection Analysis and Findings
Primary Qualitative Pie Chart
Data Data
Interview Analysis


Figure 3: Conceptual Framework

3.3 Research Approach

The approach in the research study refers to the technique used to carry out it. There are mainly
four types of research approach, each of which encompasses specific attributes according to the
different nature of the studies. These types include qualitative approach, quantitative approach,
mixed approach and participatory approach (Maxwell, 2005). Qualitative approach is selected
to gather insight information regarding the population under research. Quantitative approach
refers to the identification and classification of the precise and correct findings. Mixed approach
is beneficial in the situations requiring cross examination using both qualitative and quantitative
techniques and participatory approach is chosen in the researches having any political agenda
(Maxwell, 2005). The qualitative research approach is selected for this research to analyze the
influence of the oracle database performance optimization on the efficiency and response time of
the systems. The purpose behind the selected approach is the nature of research questions to
focus on natural settings, different perspectives and considerations, analysis of elements at basic
level using the observations, interviews, documents, and developed questionnaires.

3.4 Research Design

Research design can be explained as the purpose behind the conduct of the research. The
research design might take in the purposes to increase the recognition with some particular and
apparent facts or to identify relationships between specific variables. Research design is also
divided into three types including explanatory research design, exploratory research design and
descriptive research design. Explanatory design undertakes the comparison and examination of
the different research variables. Likewise, the aim behind the exploratory research is to collect
in-depth perceptions about the research field that is previously not known by the researchers.
Moreover, descriptive research design refers the gathering of more data from a previously
research area and to portray the same (Jackson, 2010).

The design of this research is explanatory that will help in identifying and defining the
relationship between the performance optimization of oracle databases and its impact on the
efficiency of the system and response time of the system.

3.5 Research Strategy

Selection of an appropriate research strategy helps in gathering the data according to the scope of
the research. Several types of research strategies have been identified in existing literature that
generally consists of survey, ethnography, action research, grounded theory, experiments and
case studies (Yin, 2003).

Due to the qualitative approach and explanatory research design, the strategy used in this
research refers to the survey strategy through an un-structured interview from the selected
sample of IT professionals. The open-ended questionnaire, in the 20 minutes interview session,
will be given to the respondents after the development of the environment of confidence with the
participants. They will be required to fill it according to their individual knowledge and
experiences and the same will help in the collection of required and in-depth information about
the objectives as the objectives assist in gaining the process in which the performance of the
database is carried out.

3.6 Data Collection Methods

Data collection means the ways and procedures to collect the study data. Usually data collection
method is also divided into two significant parts including primary data collection and secondary
data collection (Sapsford & Jupp, 2006).

Primary data would be collected through the open–ended questionnaire given to the selected IT
professionals in a 20 minutes interview session that will provide an opportunity to explore their
views about the performances of databases.

Secondary data would be needed to conduct the literature review on database performance and
its impact on efficiency and response time. The same will be gathered through number of
documents that consist of authorized books, journals, articles and other archival records.

3.7 Sampling

Sampling refers to the area of research in which the qualitative research demands to describe the
general issues, representative or 'naturalistic' examination of research objectives covering the
places, times and persons (Levy & Lemeshow, 2011). In deciding about the sampling for a study,
sampling technique and size of the sample is given specific consideration. Sampling techniques
are measured as the procedures used to withdraw an appropriate sample size from the overall
population (Ardilly & Tillé, 2006). There are generally two types of sampling techniques used
including random sampling and non-random sampling. For the purpose of this, research non-
random sampling will be used to conduct purposive sampling technique by choosing IT
professionals from the popular organizations, which are considered as capable to elaborate and
express their high experiences with the context of this research.
Likewise, the length or size of the sample will also play quite important role in this research as
the same result in the gathering of the appropriate research findings. Therefore, three commonly
known and well established organizations will be selected for the purpose of this research. The
organizations chosen as a sample of this research belongs to UK including EMC, NHS and
Carillion Plc, all of them are using oracle as a database. EMC is one of the leading organizations
that create information and virtual infrastructure for helping the clients all across the world. On
the other hand, NHS is the largest health care services provider and the third selected
organization Carillion plc is a foremost player in the construction industry of United Kingdom.
Such variation in the nature of three chosen organization will help in understanding the more
detailed analysis of oracle databases and its impact on efficiency and response time within them.
Moreover, from these 3 selected companies, 9 most talented and highly experienced IT
professional will be interview using the open-ended questionnaire in unstructured interview.

3.8 Data Analysis Methods

The data so gathered in any study can be analyzed using quantitative analysis methods and
qualitative analysis methods. In this research, qualitative data will be analyzed using the
qualitative data techniques that will be helpful in the substantial and considerable increase in the
value of research outcomes and successful implementation of the research objectives. Moreover,
the research data collected through the open-ended questionnaire in un-structured interview,
would be scrutinized and examined through the pie charts with percent wise responses (Sapsford
& Jupp, 2006).

For this purpose, all the answers collected from the sample of 9 IT professionals will be gathered
on one place on the excel spreadsheet where these will be sorted in accordance with the
objectives of this research. The sorted data will then be coded in accordance with the parameters
made according to the nature and scope of this study. After that percentage responses will be
prepared and then represented in the form of pie charts.

3.9 Reliability and Validity of Research Methodology

The methods, approaches and techniques that will be used in the data collection, and analysis for
identifying the relationship between the oracle database optimization and the efficiency and
response time of the system are valid and reliable as all the sources that are used in this research
are up-to-date and genuine. Moreover, the framework set for the purpose of this research would
help in the overall accomplishments of the research objectives (Cohen et al., 2007).

3.10 Research Ethics

Ethical principles are found much significant in the process of conducting the well-measured and
lawful study. Therefore, significant considerations will be given to the following ethical
principles including plagiarism, willing participations, informed consent, and confidentiality of
participants’ personal information (Burns, 2007).

In order to avoid the slightest probability of plagiarism, the proper referencing will be adhered in
using the materials and work of other researchers and authors. Moreover, permission from the
organizations’ authorities to interview their professionals will be obtained earlier the initiation of
the data gathering process. The participants will also be informed about the risks and
uncertainties in the study for avoiding any future conflict. Additionally, full confidentiality will
be exercised for the protection and security of the participants’ personal information and the
same will be discarded upon the completion of the study.

3.11 Limitations

This research aims to identify the relationship and impact of oracle database optimization on the
efficiency and response nature of the application. It does not cover the other correlated issues
like memory configuration and its uses in the structuring of database. Likewise, the study
framework is only limited to cover the optimization of the performance of databases at different
levels of system including operating system level optimization, database configuration level
optimization, database design level optimization and SQL application level optimization. The
study do not takes into account the technical procedures adopted to develop a database.

3.12 Summary

Hence, it can be said that the proposed methodology will be effectively helpful in reaching to the
appropriate conclusion and suitable research findings. It can be summarized that the integration
of the explanatory research design, qualitative research approach and interview strategy, data
collection and data analysis methods is considered as an effective framework for the comparison
and identification of the research variables.

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