MQ Profile

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Mohammed Qahtan for Trading ‫محمد قحطان للتجارة والمقاوالت‬

Contracting & Oilfield Services ‫وخدمـــات حقـــــــول النفـــــط‬

Statement of Qualifications

Statement of Qualifications
Sana'a - Republic of Yemen ‫ الجمهىريت اليمنيت‬- ‫صنعاء‬
Tel. : +967-1-428090 +967 1 428 090 :‫ث‬
Fax : +967-1-428091 +967 1 428 091 : ‫فاكس‬
Mobile : +967777802070 +967 777802070 : ‫سيار‬
Website : : ‫المىقع‬
E-mail : :‫بريد اكتروني‬

Introduction ‫مقـــــــدمت‬
"MQ" for Trading, Contracting and Oil/Gas ‫" هوخسبؼث ّاهيلبّالح‬MQ" ً‫خًختؼ فؼنج يضيغ كضنب‬
field services has been active in the Gas and
Oil sector in Yemen. In fact the cumulative ‫ّعغيبح ضلّل اهٌفن ّاهغبؽ يً إضغْ اهفؼنبح اهخٕ خًيل‬
experience gained prior establishing the ‫ ففٕ اهضلٖلج أً خؼانى‬.ً‫تفًبهٖج فٕ كنبو اهٌفن ّاهغبؽ فٕ اهٖي‬
company was back to a 10 years of business
relations with the Yemen Local companies ٕ‫اهعتؼاح ًّٖغ إهٓ يب كتل يفؼ ؿٌّاح يً كتل اهخأؿٖؾ ّاهخ‬
in the field of Oil & gas with affiliates agent ‫ؿبغخِب اهنذٖؼ يً اهًالكبح اهخسبؼٖج يى اهفؼنبح اهيضوٖج اهٖيٌٖج‬
and business partners in the Arabian Gulf
ًّٖ‫فٕ يسبل اهغبؽ ّاهٌفن ّيً ّنالء خبتًًٖ هِب ّفؼنبء خسبؼ‬
Dedicated to serving the customers and the .ٕ‫فٕ غّل اهعوٖز اهًؼت‬
community as a whole, we are into diverse
fields of activity. Even more important is ‫ضٖد أً اهفؼنج نؼؿح سِغُب فٕ خلغٖى اهعغيبح هوًيالء‬
that, we are expanding all the while. We ٓ‫ّاهيسخيى ننل ّاألُى يً ػهم أٌِب كبيح تخّؿٖى أييبهِب يو‬
have grown into a Corporate House in the
Gulf today. Our excellent relation with local ‫ أمف‬,‫كًٖغ ّاؿى ّأكتضٌب اهّٖى تيذبتج يغث فؼنبح فٕ اهعوٖز‬
governments, clients and other business ‫إهٓ ػهم أً يالكبخٌب اهسٖغث ّاهيخيٖؽث يى اهضنّيبح اهيضوٖج‬
partners is our core strength.
Mohammed Qahtan for trading, Contracting, ‫ّاهًيالء ّاهفؼنبء اهخسبؼًّٖ اٗعؼًّ ُٕ تيذبتج اهلّث‬
& Oilfield Services "MQ" is a wholly Yemeni .‫اهسُّؼٖج اهغاييج هٌب‬
privately owned Oil and Gas services
‫" هوخسبؼث ّاهيلبّالح‬MQ" ً‫أٔ أً فؼنج يضيغ كضنب‬
company, incorporated in the year 2008
under the leadership of young dynamic ‫ّعغيبح ضلّل اهٌفن ُٕ فؼنج عبكج ٖيٌٖج خلغى عغيبح اهغبؽ‬
industrious and experienced Yemeni
‫ى خضح كٖبغث ٖيٌٖج يخيؼؿج ّفبتج‬2008 ‫ّاهٌفن خأؿؿح فٕ اهًبى‬
This company started its real operations in .‫يفًيج تبهضّٖٖج‬
2009 as one of main importers of various
ً‫ى نّاضغث ي‬2009 ‫ّكغ تغأح اهفؼنج أييبهِب اهفًوٖج فٕ يبى‬
commodities in various fields from human
consumptions to industrial consumption and ‫اهيؿخّؼغًٖ األؿبؿًٖٖ هًغث ؿوى يعخوفج فٕ فخٓ اهيسبالح اتخغاء‬
resource materials concerned with bias
‫يً اهيؿخِونبح اإلٌؿبٌٖج ّضخٓ اهكٌبيٖج ّاهيّاغ اهعبكج‬
toward Gas & Oil Field Services. It has also
ventured into so many challenging areas ً‫ ّأٖمب عبمح فٕ اهًغٖغ ي‬.‫تبهعغيبح اهٌفنٖج ّاهغبؽٖج‬
and successfully triumphed even at the face
‫يسبالح اهخضغٔ ّتٌسبش نتٖؼ ضخٓ فٕ األّكبح اهكًتج ّػهم‬
of hard economic measures plaguing the
country as a subcontractor to many ٕ‫نيلبّل يً اهتبنً هوًغٖغ يً اهفؼنبح فٕ اهٖيً اهًبيوج ف‬
companies in Yemen related to the gas and
.‫يسبل اهٌفن ّاهغبؽ‬
Oil sector.
With staff strength of qualified and ‫ضٖد خيخوم اهفؼنج نبكى ييل يؤُل ّػّ عتؼث خيٖؽٍ اهيِبؼث‬
experienced Personnel; Administrative,
Skilled and Semi-Skilled. We are competing ‫اهًبهٖج فٕ أغاء األييبل األيؼ اهػٔ ينٌٌب يً يٌبفؿج اهفؼنبح‬
favorably with some notable companies both ‫ ّاهيًغاح‬,‫ ّاإلٌفبءاح‬,‫اهيخيٖؽث يً عالل يسبل اهيفخؼٖبح‬
in the Procurement construction Logistics
equipment, Manpower, material and misc ‫ ّاهلّْ اهًبيوج ّاهخسِٖؽاح اهيبغٖج فٕ فخٓ ييوٖبح‬,‫اهوّسؿخٖج‬
supplies in all operations of the Gas and Oil .‫يسبهٕ اهغبؽ ّاهٌفن‬
We are duly legally registered with the ‫ّإً اهفؼنج يؿسوج تفنل كبٌٌّٕ هغْ ّؽاؼث اهكٌبيج ّ اهخسبؼث‬
Ministry of Industrial and Trade and ‫ّهغْ اهغؼفج اهخسبؼٖج ّيًخيغث يً كتل ُٖئج اؿخنفبف ّ إٌخبر‬
chamber of commerce and authorized by
the Petroleum exploration and production .)PEPA( ً‫اهٌفن فٕ اهٖي‬
authority (PEPA) in Yemen.
Mohammed Qahtan for Trading,
Contracting & Oilfield Services

Our Mission ‫مهمتنــا‬

"MQ" is committed to deliver high quality ‫" يوخؽيج تخّفٖؼ ّخّؼٖغ ٌّيٖج‬MQ" ً‫فؼنج يضيغ كضنب‬
supplies and services at very competitive
prices for meeting customer’s needs and
‫يبهٖج اهسّغث يً اهخسِٖؽاح ّخلغٖى اهعغيبح يً عالل أؿًبؼ‬
requirements through teamwork and ‫يٌبفؿج خوتٕ يخنوتبح ّاضخٖبسبح اهًيٖل يً عالل اهًيل‬
personal dedication to reach beyond their
expectations. We have assembled a world ً‫اهسيبيٕ ّنبكى اهًيل اهيخعكق هوّكّل إهٓ أتًغ يغْ ي‬
class team of personnel, who in turn have ٔ‫ ّتبهفًل هلغ خينٌب يً إٖسبغ فؼٖق ييل يبهيٕ ّاهػ‬.‫اهخّكًبح‬
helped to create a highly motivated
atmosphere of success. Consequently, .‫تغّؼٍ ؿبيغ يوٓ عوق يٌبط يبهٕ هٌسبش اهفؼنج‬
"MQ" was able to attract as well as gain ‫" يً اسخػاة‬MQ" ً‫ خينٌح فؼنج يضيغ كضنب‬,ٕ‫ّتبهخبه‬
expertise in the Oil services industry. Our
ً‫ ضٖد أ‬,‫ّنؿة اهعتؼث اهالؽيج فٕ يسبل اهعغيبح اهٌفنٖج‬
commitment to a sound conduct reflects a
belief in the ethical principles of honesty, ً‫اهخؽايٌب تبهؿوّم اهّامص ًٖنؾ إٖيبٌٌب تبهيتبغا األعالكٖج ي‬
loyalty, transparency that is shared
.‫ضٖد األيبٌج ّاهّفبء ّاهففبفٖج اهؿبئغث فٕ فؼنخٌب‬
throughout this organization.
We are committed to excellence in our ‫ّإٌٌب يوخؽيًّ تبهًيل اهسبغ ّاهيعوق هٌضبفه يوٓ ذلج ييالئٌب‬
endeavors and strive to maintain the trust
‫ضٖد أً اهخضوٕ تأعالكٖبح اهًيل يً فأٌِب أً خًيل يوٓ خًؽٖؽ‬
and confidence of our clients and customers.
Behaving in an ethical manner enhances our .ً‫فِؼخٌب ّأً خؿِى فٕ سػة اهيؽٖغ يً اهًيالء ّاهيّهفًٖ أٖمب‬
reputation that contributes to attract and
retain customers and employees as well.

Know-how and Expertise ‫المعــرفــت والخبــــرة‬

 Recruitment of expatriate and local .‫اؿخلغاى اهعتؼاح اإلغاؼٖج ّاهفٌٖج اهيضوٖج اهيؤُوج‬ 
qualified technical and managerial
‫االفخؼام يى اهفؼنبح األسٌتٖج اهخٕ هغِٖب عتؼث نّٖوج‬ 
 Association with foreign companies that ٕ‫ّؿيًج نٖتج فٕ يسبل ييوٖبح اهٌفن ّاهغبؽ ّأٖمًب ف‬
have long experience and a sound
‫يسبل اهعغيبح اهٌفنٖج ّعكّكًب فٕ اهفؼق األّؿن‬
reputation in oil and gas operations as
well as oil fields services, particularly in .‫ّاهغّل اهيسبّؼث‬
the Middle East and neighboring
"MQ" made substantial investments in ‫" تًيل اؿخذيبؼاح نتٖؼث‬MQ" ً‫ّكغ كبيح فؼنج يضيغ كضنب‬
essential and adequate resources such as, ‫فٕ يغث يّاؼغ سُّؼٖج ٌػنؼ يٌِب يوٓ ؿتٖل اهيذبل ال اهضكؼ‬
but not limited to, the following:
 Heavy earth moving and construction :ٕ‫يب ٖو‬
equipment. .‫اهيًغاح اهذلٖوج هوضفؼ ّاهتٌبء‬ 
 Heavy and light duty vehicles.
 Sophisticated survey and engineering .‫ّؿبئل اهٌلل اهعفٖفج ّاهذلٖوج‬ 
equipment. .‫يًغاح اهيؿص ّاهٌِغؿج اهيخنّؼث‬ 
 Complete top rated welding workshop.
 Large work compound in Sana’a, .‫ّؼفج هضبى يخنبيوج‬ 
Hodaidah, Marib & Mukalla. . ‫ اهينال‬,‫ يأؼة‬,‫ اهضغٖغث‬,‫يعٖى ييل فٕ كًٌبء‬ 
 Catering and house keeping in all range
categories .‫اهخغػٖج ّاهخيًّٖ هسيٖى اهفئبح‬ 

Mohammed Qahtan for Trading,

Contracting & Oilfield Services

General Trading ‫التجارة العامت‬

General Supply Services ‫خذمبث التوريذاث العبمت‬

"MQ" Offers the services of procurements ‫" خلّى تخلغٖى عغيبح اهخّؼٖغ‬MQ" ً‫أً فؼنج يضيغ كضنب‬
and supply to all goods and materials from
‫ نيب‬,‫هنبفج اهؿوى ّاهيّاغ ؿّئب يً اهؿّق أهيضوَٖ أّ اهعبؼر‬
both domestic and International markets,
we are confident that we are the superior of ,‫ٌخيٖؽ فٕ خّؼٖغ نبفج اهؿوى ّاهيّاغ اهينوّتج يضوٖبً يً ييالئٌب‬
supplying our clients with their materials ‫فٌضً يوٓ ذلج تأٌٌب األفمل فٕ اهخٌفٖػ تّكح كٖبؿٕ ّتأكل‬
requested locally with best prices and :‫ ّ إً عغيبخٌب فٕ يسبل اهخّؼٖغاح اهًبيج خفيل‬.‫األؿًبؼ‬
sufficient time and our services includes:
:)‫ خبرجي‬, ‫الهواد الغذائيت بجهيع أنواعهب (هحمي‬ 
 Providing all kinds of foodstuffs (local &
Inter.) .‫خّؼٖغ اهيّاغ اهغػائٖج هفؼنبح اهٌفنٖج‬ 
 Providing foodstuffs to Oil Companies. ‫خّؼٖغ نبفج اهيّاغ اهغػائٖج األّهٖج هفؼنبح خّفٖؼ‬ 
 Providing all raw food items to
catering companies. .‫األنًيج اهسبُؽث‬
 Providing all kinds of office and home :‫جوريد كبفت األجهزة الكهرببئيت ألهكجبيو و ألهنزليو‬ 
electrical appliances:
 Photo copiers and accessories, Paper ‫ اٗالح إخالف األّؼاق‬,‫سيٖى اٗالح اهخكّٖؼ ّيوضلبخِب‬ 
shredders, typing machines, Reports ‫ ذالسبح‬,‫ اٗالح خعؼٖى ّخغوٖف اهخلبؼٖؼ‬,‫ّ اٗالح نبختج‬
Sheathing and punching machines,
Refrigerators, water fountains, ‫ ؼؿٖفؼاح‬,‫ينختٖج ّ يٌؽهٖج ّ يتؼغاح اهيٖبٍ اهيًغٌٖج‬
Receivers and all presentation .‫ اهظ‬...‫ّنبفج أسِؽث اهًؼل‬
equipments … etc.
 Providing all telecom and IT equipments: :‫جوريد أجهزة جكنولوجيب الهعموهبث و االجصبالث‬ 
 High quality PCs and notebooks with ‫اهنيتّٖخؼاح تنبفج يوضلبخِب ّتيعخوف األٌّاو ػاح‬ 
all accessories, all kinds of printers
and genuine cartridges, installation ,‫ سيٖى أٌّاو اهنبتًبح ّاألضتبؼ األكوٖج‬,‫أهسّغٍ اهًبهٖج‬
of wire/wireless networks and ,‫خؼنٖة اهفتنبح اهؿونٖج ّاهالؿونٕث ّّمى اهضوّل هِب‬
providing solutions, installing calls
transference equipments with the ‫خّؼٖغ ّخؼنٖة أضغد اهخضّٖالح تسيٖى األضسبى يى‬
required capacities and personnel ‫ خّفٖؼ أسِؽث‬,‫خّفٖؼ عغيج اهخغؼٖة يوٓ اؿخعغايِب‬
trainings, wireless telecom
equipments… etc. . ‫ اهظ‬...‫االخكبل يً تًغ‬
:‫خدهبث الجوريد ببلعهولت‬ 
 Providing runner Services :
‫" تخلغٖى عغيبح اهخّؼٖغ‬MQ" ً‫أٖمًب خلّى فؼنج يضيغ كضنب‬
Also "MQ" provides its clients with supplies
on poundage by delivering different ً‫ ّػهم تخّفٖؼ يغث يؼّل أؿًبؼ ضؿة اهنوة ي‬, ‫تبهًيّهج‬
quotations as much as required from .ٕ‫يغث أيبنً يعخوفج هويّاغ اهينوّتج يً اهفؼنبح فٕ ّكح كٖبؿ‬
different sources for the requested materials
on time. ‫" خيخوم عتؼث نّٖوج ّؿيًج ّيالكبح‬MQ" ‫ٌّهؼا الً فؼنج‬
As "MQ" has long experience, good ‫ييخبؽث يى سيٖى اهفؼنبح اهّنٖوج هويبؼنبح اهًبهيٖج فٕ اهؿّق‬
reputation and good connections with all
ّ ‫ فٌضً يوٓ ذلج تخّفٖؼ ُػٍ أهعغيَ فٕ أؿؼو ّكح‬,‫اهيضوٖج‬
international brands agents in the local
market, we are confident of providing this .‫تأؿًبؼ يٌبفؿج ّعغيبح فًبهج‬
service on time with the best prices and
most efficient performance.

Mohammed Qahtan for Trading,

Contracting & Oilfield Services

General Trading ‫التجارة العامت‬

Oilfield Supplies Services ‫خذمبث التوريـذ لحقول النفط‬

 Supplying all drilling rigs equipments .‫تورٌد جمٌع معدات الحفر وكافة متطلباتها‬ 
and all its requirements .‫تورٌد كافة معدات الصحة والسالمة الشخصٌة والبٌئٌة‬ 
 Supplying all the equipments of Health &
.‫تورٌد كافة أنواع أنابٌب التبطٌن وملحقاتها‬ 
 Supplying all kinds of Pipes, tubing, and
‫تورٌد عام لما ٌتعلق بمجال الخدمات النفطٌة وتورٌد قطع‬ 
casing .‫الغٌار‬
 General Supplying to all the Oil Fields & ‫تورٌد كافة أنواع المواد الكٌمٌائٌة والسوائل الالزمة‬ 
Supplying all the spare parts .‫للحفر‬
 Supplying All Kinds of Chemicals, Drilling ‫تورٌد و تركٌب وتشغٌل وصٌانة مكٌفات الهواء المركزٌة‬ 
Fluids ‫وجمٌع األنظمة الكهربائٌة (ذات الفولتٌه العالٌة والكابالت‬
 The supply, installation, commissioning ‫والمفاتٌح الكهربائٌة) والمشارٌع المٌكانٌكٌة (وتشمل‬
and maintenance of central air ‫ ومحطات الضخ وتركٌب أعمال‬,‫خزانات النفط‬
conditioning and various electrical .)‫األنابٌب‬
(including high voltage systems, cable
laying and associated switchgear) and
‫توفٌر القوى العاملة المتخصصة والمؤهلة والمختصة‬ 
mechanical projects (including fuel ‫بالعمل فً قطاع الغاز والنفط مثل المهندسٌن والفنٌٌن‬
complexes, oil tanks, pumping stations .‫وطاقم العمل الماهر‬
and installation of piping works). .‫المواد الكهربائٌة وملحقاتها‬ 
 Supply of specialized, qualified and .‫معدات استخدام اآلالت‬ 
dedicated manpower for the oil and gas .‫معدات البناء‬ 
sector such as engineers, technicians .‫معدات اإلنتاج والصٌانة‬ 
and other skilled support staff.
.‫المعدات اللوجستٌة‬ 
 Electrical Accessories
 Instrumentation Equipment ‫المعدات الجٌوفٌزٌاٌئة والزلزالٌة ومعدات الحماٌة من‬ 
 Construction Equipment .‫الحرائق‬
 Production & Maintenance Equipment ‫ نوفر لعمالئنا‬.‫المولدات الكهربائٌة وأنظمة الطاقة‬ 
 Logistic Equipment ‫خٌارات عدٌدة من أشهر الماركات العالمٌة للمولدات‬
 Seismic and Geophysical Equipment Fire .‫ولوحات التحكم والعازالت و واألنظمة التقنٌة للطاقة‬
Protection Equipment
 Power and Technical Systems "Provide ‫"ملتزمون بتقدٌم‬MQ" ‫نحن فً شركة محمد قحطان‬
world famous range of generators, ‫الخدمات وفق معاٌٌر اإلنتاج واالستكشاف لهٌئة البترول‬
Control Panels, insulation testers and ‫وذلك لكً نلبً طموحات واحتٌاجات عمالئنا من خالل‬
technical systems. .‫تقدٌم سلسلة متكاملة وشاملة فً مهارات إدارة المشارٌع‬
"MQ" is dedicated to excellence in ‫حٌث أننا نعمل جاهدٌن لنوفر لعمالئنا التكنولوجٌا العالٌة‬
providing EPIC services to our customers by ‫والحلول معقولة الثمن فً قطاعً المواد الكهربائٌة‬
offering a complete and comprehensive ‫واألجهزة القٌاسٌة وذلك لمشارٌع المناطق الساحلٌة‬
range of project Management skills. We
strive to provide our clients, high
technology, cost effective solutions in
electrical and instrumentation sectors for
both onshore and offshore projects.

Mohammed Qahtan for Trading,

Contracting & Oilfield Services

Contracting ‫المقاوالث‬
Constructions & Civil Works ‫اإلنشبءاث واألعمبل ألمذنيه‬

"MQ" for trading, Contracting & Oilfield ‫" هوخسبؼث ّاهيلبّالح‬MQ" ً‫خيخوم فؼنج يضيغ كضنب‬
Services has a distinctive specialized teams
such as senior engineers, experts,
ًٖ‫ّعغيبح ضلّل اهٌفن فؼق ييل يخعككج ّيخيٖؽث يً يٌِغؿ‬
consultants, technicians and high qualified ٓ‫يوٓ يؿخّْ يبهٕ ّعتؼاء ّاؿخفبؼًٖٖ ّفًٌٖٖ تبإلمبفج إه‬
support teams. Which allow us to provide to
our clients the best services on time with ‫ ييب ٖخٖص هوفؼنج ّٖينٌِب يً أً خلغى‬,‫فؼق اهغيى اهيؤُوج‬
fair prices and foremost to comprehensively ‫هًيالئِب أؼكٓ ّأفمل اهعغيبح فٕ اهّكح اهيٌبؿة ّتأؿًبؼ‬
satisfy our client's needs. And has the
ability, competent, means of experts and ‫يًلّهج هنٕ خوتٕ اضخٖبسبخِى تفنل يخنبيل تبإلمبفج إهٓ أٌِب‬
equipments to design and construct all kinds ‫خيخوم اهلغؼث ّاهنفبءث ّاهعتؼث ّاهيًغاح اهالؽيج هخكيٖى ّإٌفبء‬
of constructions such as: Buildings, Offices,
Warehouses, Workshops, Schools, Sheds, ‫ ّّؼـ‬,ً‫ ّاهيعبؽ‬,‫ ّاهينبخة‬,ٌٕ‫ اهيتب‬:‫نبفج أٌّاو اإلٌفبءاح يذل‬
Health units, Staff Accommodation, Dining ‫ ّكبيبح‬,ًٖ‫ ّؿنً اهيّهف‬,‫ ّاهّضغاح اهكضٖج‬,‫ ّاهيغاؼؾ‬,‫اهًيل‬
Halls and Modulated and Portable Offices
and Buildings. .‫اهنًبى ّاهينبخة ّاهيتبٌٕ اهيضيّهج‬

Road Constructions ‫إنشــبءاث الطــــزق‬

"MQ" Road Constructions has a proven ‫" ؿسل‬MQ" ً‫تبهٌؿتج هِػا اهيسبل فوغْ فؼنج يضيغ كضنب‬
track record of excellence and reliability in
all types of roads such as temporary, access ‫ضبفل يً اهخيٖؽ ّاهذلج فٕ نبفج أٌّاو اهنؼكبح يٌِب اهيؤكخج‬
and asphalt roads with our own specialized ‫ّاهنؼق اإلؿفوخٖج ّنؼق اهّكّل هيّاكى اهضلّل اهٌفنٕث ّ ػهم‬
teams and high qualified support teams
through all stages of implementation " site ‫يً عالل فؼق ييل يخعككج ّفؼق غيى يبهٖج اهخأُٖل خًيل‬
cleaning, cutting, filling, grading, spraying ‫ ّاهخلنٖى‬,‫عالل نبفج يؼاضل اهخٌفٖػ اتخغاء يً خكفٖج اهيّكى‬
water compacting and asphalt paving". Also
our expertise includes roads repairing and ‫ أٖمًب‬.‫ّاهؼغى ّاهخؿّٖج ّؼـ اهيٖبٍ ّمغن ّؼكف اإلؿفوح‬
maintenance projects. .‫عتؼخٌب خخميً اهلٖبى تئكالضبح اهنؼق ّكٖبٌج اهيفبؼٖى‬

Mohammed Qahtan for Trading,

Contracting & Oilfield Services

Contracting ‫المقاوالث‬
Drilling Locations Works ‫أعمبل مواقع الحفز‬

"MQ" possesses well – equipped and ‫" اهًغٖغ يً اهيًغاح اهيسِؽث‬MQ" ً‫خيخوم فؼنج يضيغ كضنب‬
experienced down hole crews. We can
perform various down hole operations such ‫ ضٖد أٌٌب ٌؿخنٖى اهلٖبى تنبفج‬,‫هنبكى اهًيل هخٌفٖػ ييوٖبح اهضفؼ‬
as well testing and many other operations ‫ييوٖبح اهضفؼ اهيعخوفج يً عالل يًغاح اهفضق اهخٕ ٌيخونِب‬
with our own well testing equipment and
also has the scope to fulfill down hole ‫ّأٖمًب هغٌٖب اإلينبٌٖج هخٌفٖػ اهخكبيٖى اهفٌٖج ّاهعغيبح اهخلٌٖج‬
related technical design and technical ‫ ضٖد أٌٌب يوٓ أخى االؿخًغاغ هخلغٖى عغيبح‬.‫اهيخًولج تخوم اهًيوٖبح‬
services. And ready to provide water well
drilling services/operation in competitive .‫اهضفؼ ٗتبؼ اهيٖبٍ ّتأؿًبؼ خٌبفؿٖج ّيًلّهج‬
and reasonable prices.
"MQ" always provides group equipment ‫" يوٓ خّفٖؼ اهيًغاح‬MQ" ً‫ّخًيل غائيب فؼنج يضيغ كضنب‬
and including all labor, supervision,
‫ ّاإلفؼاف ّاإلغاؼث‬,‫اهالؽيج ّاهخٕ خفيل سيٖى األييبل‬
management, equipment, tools, materials,
consumables and supplies and to perform all ‫ ّاهلٖبى تسيٖى اهًيوٖبح‬,‫ّاهيًغاح ّاألغّاح ّاهيّاغ ّاهخسِٖؽاح‬
operations necessary and required to
‫اهالؽيج ّاهينوّتج الؿخنيبل األييبل اهيغٌٖج ّيّاكى اهضفؼ‬
perform and complete the civil works and
Drilling Locations requested by clients ‫اهينوّتج يً كتل اهًيالء ٌّػنؼ يٌِب يوٓ ؿتٖل اهيذبل ال اهضكؼ‬
including but not limited to the following:
:ٕ‫يب ٖو‬
 Oil drilling rig site prepare. .‫إعداد موقع الحفر‬ 
 Rig sub- base mud pumps and tanks. .‫خزانات ومضخات الوحل‬ 
 Construct rig cellars. .‫أنشاء أقبٌة الحفر‬ 
 Construct water storage pits. .‫إنشاء حفر تخزٌن المٌاه‬ 
 Construct flare pits. .‫إنشاء حفر التفجٌر‬ 
 Construct septic systems. .‫إنشاء أنظمة التفسخ‬ 
 Construct waste pits. .‫إنشاء حفر النفاٌات‬ 
 Fencing around the rig sites and
.‫تسوٌر مواقع الحفر ومواقع المخٌم‬ 
camp sites.
 Water wells drilling.
. ‫حفر آبار المٌاه‬ 

Mohammed Qahtan for Trading,

Contracting & Oilfield Services

Services ‫الخدماث‬
General Services & Maintenance ‫الخذمبث العبمت والصيبنت‬

This divisions involved in the following ‫جقون اإلداراث الهجخصصت بهذه الهجبالث بجنفيذ األنشطت‬
 Services & maintenance of the tanks of :‫الجبليت‬
crude oil and fuel. .‫خدمات وصٌانة خزانات النفط الخام والوقود‬ 
 Pipelines maintenance of crude oil & gas.
.‫صٌانة خطوط أنابٌب النفط الخام والغاز‬ 
 Pipelines construction of crude oil & gas.
 Rigs Moving. .‫إنشاء خطوط أنابٌب النفط الخام والغاز‬ 
 Light and heavy equipment hauling. .‫المنصات المتحركة‬ 
 Casing storage and hauling. .‫شد المعدات الثقٌلة والخفٌفة‬ 
 Tanks rentals (Diesel & water tanker .)‫تأجٌر الخزانات (الدٌزل وشاحنات صهارٌج الماء‬ 
‫سلسلة متكاملة من معدات نقل النفط وتشمل الناقالت‬ 
 Complete range of oil field hauling
‫ جرارات وحامالت‬, ‫ مثاقب دقٌقة الرأس‬,‫الهوائٌة‬
equipment and including bed trucks,
pickers, winch tractors and tank cradles.
 Highway and desert truck rentals. .‫تأجٌر شاحنات الصحاري والطرق العامة‬ 
 Equipped water tankers rentals. .‫تأجٌر خزانات المٌاه‬ 
 Crane services. .‫خدمات الرافعات‬ 
 Medical supplies. .‫تجهٌزات طبٌة‬ 
 Procurement functions including
.‫مهام المشترٌات وتشمل الشراء والشحن‬ 
purchasing and crating.
 Support equipment, scrapers, graders, .‫ شاحنات قالبة‬,‫ بلدوزرات‬,‫ مسوٌات‬,‫ كاشطات‬,‫معدات دعم‬ 
track hoe dozers, and dump trucks. .‫بناء الهناجر‬ 
(Rentals) .‫ وتجهٌزات اإلقامة‬/‫تأجٌر المقطورات المكتبٌة‬ 
 Building hangers. .‫إنشاء برك تخزٌن المٌاه‬ 
 Accommodation / office trailer rentals. .‫نقل المٌاه عن طرٌق استخدام الشاحنات‬ 
 Construct water storage sumps.
 Water hauling by using trucks.
‫تورٌد جمٌع المعدات المطلوبة والمواد الستكمال مجال‬ 
 Supply all requirement equipment .‫العمل‬
manpower & materials completion scope .‫خدمات التجهٌز والتأثٌث‬ 
of work. ‫ من خالل الدعم والمساندة للشركات‬,‫خدمات التسهٌالت‬ 
 Furnishing & Establishing Services. ‫المنفذة ألعمال مشتركة أو لمجموعات العمل أو أثنى مراحل‬
 Facilitation Services; support services for .‫دمج سلعة مشتركه‬
agencies engaged in collaboration ‫ والتً تشمل التخطٌط و التصمٌم‬,‫خدمات أعمال المساحة‬ 
efforts, working groups, or integrated ‫ إدارة قواعد البٌانات لألعمال المساحٌة وتقٌٌم‬,‫واخذ العٌنات‬
product, process. .‫مدى فاعلٌتها وتحلٌل الكمً والنوعً للبٌانات المساحٌة‬
 Survey Services; planning, design,
sampling, survey database
administration; assessing reliability;
analyses of quantitative and qualitative
survey data.

Mohammed Qahtan for Trading,

Contracting & Oilfield Services

Services ‫الخدماث‬
Agencies and Comm. Representation ‫التوكيالث والتمثيل التجبري‬
In this section we briefly introduce "MQ" ٕ‫فٕ ُػا اهلؿى ٌّسؽ هنى أٌفنج فؼنخٌب فٕ يسبل اهخّنٖالح ّاهخ‬
activities which cover mainly : Export ,
Import , International Transactions , ‫ اهخّنٖالح‬، ‫ اهًيوٖبح اهغّهٖج‬، ‫ اهخكغٖؼ ّاالؿخٖؼاغ‬: ٕ‫خغن‬
Agencies & Comm. Representation .ٔ‫ّاهخيذٖل اهخسبؼ‬

We in "MQ" work hard to get all the ‫" إهٓ اؿخنيبل يٌبكؼ‬MQ" ً‫ٌّؿًٓ فٕ فؼنج يضيغ كضنب‬
successful components to serve oil ‫اهٌسبش فٕ عغيج فؼنبح اهٌفن تنبفج يفخلبخَ ّ نػهم ٌفبنٌب‬
companies, as well as our commercial
activities. We represent companies ‫اهخسبؼٔ هػا فئٌٌب ٌلغى عغيج اهخّنٖالح اهخسبؼٖج ّ اهخٕ يً فأٌِب‬
worldwide to insure we meet the ‫خًؽٖؽ كغؼاخٌب فٕ خّفٖؼ اضخٖبسبح اهؿّق يً اهؿوى ّ اهيًغاح‬
requirement of our clients and customers.
And we invite all the interested companies ‫ ّاٌنالكب يً ؼغتخٌب تبهضكّل يوٓ ّنبالح‬.‫اهخٕ خضخبسِب‬
who have the interest to establish a new ٓ‫خسبؼٖج ٌغيّ اهفؼنبح اهيٌخسج ّاهعغيٖج اهخٕ خؼٖغ اهغعّل إه‬
market for their products or services in
Yemen to contact us. ‫اهؿّق اهٖيٌٕ تيٌخسبخِب أّ عغيخِب ّ ختضد يً ّنٖل خسبؼٔ هِب‬
.‫أً خخّاكل يًٌب يتبفؼث‬

Catering services ‫خذمبث التغذيت‬

Catering services includes providing the ٕ‫خخميً عغيبح اهخغػٖج خّفٖؼ ّخٌفٖػ اهّضغاح اهؿنٌٖج ّاهخ‬
construction of living quarters ranging from
executive ,senior to junior level, acquisition ,‫خخغؼر يؿخّٖبخِب يً غؼسج اهيغؼاء اهخٌفٖػًٖٖ إهٓ يؿخّْ اهًيبل‬
of expertise personnel including chefs and ‫نيب أً ايخالنٌب هيّهفًٖ ػّ عتؼاح يبهٖج تيب فِٖى نتبؼ اهنِبث‬
cooks in addition to the following:
: َٖ‫ّاهنتبعًٖ تبإلمبفج إهٓ عغيبخٌب أهخبه‬
 Provision of sleeping and dinning
recreation units and caravans. .َٖ‫ خّفٖؼ أاليبنً ّاهنؼفبٌبح اهعبكج األنل ّ اهٌّى ّ اهخؼف‬
 Supply of qualified catering personnel
chefs, cookers and room boys .ًٖ‫ نبغؼ عغيج يؤُل يً نتبؼ اهنِبث ّ اهنتبعًٖ ّ اهيٌهف‬
 Supplying of all foodstuffs and .‫ خّفٖؼ يعخوف أٌّاو األنًيج ّاهيفؼّتبح‬
.‫ كٖبٌج عبكج هنل يًغاح ّ أغّاح اهخغػٖج‬
 Special maintenance in catering.
‫ إً فؼنج يضيغ‬,‫تبإلمبفج إهٓ عغيبح اهخغػٖج تبهيّاكى اهٌبئٖج‬
Moreover to remote sites catering facility,
"MQ" operates an entire catering camp ‫" كبغؼث يوٓ اهلٖبى تخٌفٖػ يفبؼٖى خغػٖج يخنبيوج‬MQ" ً‫كضنب‬
project at industrial developments sites. ‫فٕ يّاكى اهخٌيٖج اهكٌبيٖج ُّػٍ اهعغيج خخميً خكيٖى اهيّاكى‬
This facility includes the camp design and its
.‫ّاإلفؼاف يوٓ اهخٌفٖػ‬

Mohammed Qahtan for Trading,

Contracting & Oilfield Services

Services ‫الخدماث‬
Logistics/ Trucking Services ‫خذمبث النقل واالمذاد‬

"MQ" Provides Light and Heavy ‫" خلّى تخّفٖؼ عغيبح اهٌلل‬MQ" ً‫إً فؼنج يضيغ كضنب‬
Transportation, Distribution and Logistics
services in an effective practical manner and ‫ّاهخّكٖل ّاهخّؽٖى اهعفٖف ّاهذلٖل ّاهعغيبح اهوّسؿخٖج تفبيوٖج‬
meeting its customers needs. A growing ‫ ّػهم اليخالنٌب‬,‫ هخوتٖج سيٖى اضخٖبسبح ييالئٌب‬, ‫ّنفبءث يبهٖج‬
modern fleet, a broad organization of
‫أؿنّل يً اهفبضٌبح ّاهلبنؼاح ّيالكبح ّذٖلج تفؼنبح ٌلل‬
subsidiary firms, conceding "MQ" to
efficiently provide: : ‫" هخلغٖى اهخبهٕ تفبيوٖج‬MQ" ‫ ّاهػٔ عّل‬.‫فٕ اهعبؼر‬

International & Domestic Logistics: ‫النقـــل الدولــــي والهحمــي‬

With any sizes and capacities of Trailers for ‫إٌٌب يوٓ اؿخًغاغ غائى هخّفٖؼ يعخوف أٌّاو اهلبنؼاح يً ضٖد‬
trucking services to transport any
exploration/ Oil company's' equipments ٕ‫اهضسى ّاهؿًَ هٌلل ّخّكٖل يًغاح اهفؼنبح اهٌفنٖج ّغٖؼُب ف‬
whenever and wherever you may request. .‫سيٖى األّكبح يً ّاهٓ أٔ ينبً ٖنوة‬

Entry/Resident Visas Services ‫خذمبث التأشيزاث واإلقبمبث‬

On behalf of our partners and their ٓ‫ٌلّى ٌٖبتج يً فؼنبئٌب ّيّهفِى تئسؼاءاح اهضكّل يو‬
employees we arrange for visas issue with
passport requirements, hotels reservation ‫خأفٖؼاح اهغعّل ّاهيغبغؼث ّاهسّاؽاح ّ خكبؼٖص اهًيل ّضسؽ‬
and inland transport and advising our clients :‫اهفٌبغق ّخّفٖؼ اهٌلل اهغاعوٕ نيب ٌلغى هؽتبئٌٌب اهيًوّيبح اهخبهٖج‬
‫اهيًوّيبح اهكضج‬ 
 Health Information
 Form Information
‫اهٌيبػر اهينوّتج‬ 
 Customs Information ‫يًوّيبح يً اإلسؼاءاح اهسيؼنٖج‬ 

Equipment Rental ‫تأجيــــز المعــــــذاث‬

"MQ" for Trading, Contracting & Oilfield ‫" هوخسبؼث ّاهيلبّالح ّعغيبح‬MQ" ً‫خلّى فؼنج يضيغ كضنب‬
Services provides vehicles for rental and
supplies. In order to cater our client's and ‫ضلّل اهٌفن تخّفٖؼ اهٌبكالح هغؼل اؿخئسبؼُب ّاهخسِٖؽاح‬
his customer's requirements, which always ‫ هنٕ خًيل يوٓ عغيج ييالئٌب ّيخنوتبخِى ّاهخٕ خًختؼ‬,ْ‫األعؼ‬
is on the top of our priorities.
.‫غائيب يً أُى أّهّٖبخٌب‬
We offer you unbeatable services: :‫ٌضً تبهفًل ٌلغى عغيبح ال ٖينً يٌبفؿخٌب فِٖب يً ضٖد‬
 Our quality services make our
reputation. .‫عغيبخٌب يبهٖج اهسّغث خؿتق فِؼخٌب‬ 
 Vehicles available at all times. .‫خّفؼ اهٌبكالح فٕ سيٖى األّكبح‬ 
 Very long experience in vehicle rental .‫عتؼث نّٖوج فٕ يسبل خأسٖؼ اهٌبكالح‬ 
 Rental services of all kinds of vehicles. .‫خأسٖؼ اهؿٖبؼاح تسيٖى أٌّايِب‬ 
 Entry/Exit and Resident visas. .ٕ‫اهخعوٖق اهسيؼن‬ 
 Custom Clearance.
.ً‫خأسٖؼ ّإغاؼث اهيعبؽ‬ 
 Warehouses rental and management.

Mohammed Qahtan for Trading,

Contracting & Oilfield Services

Health, Safety & Environment ‫الصحت والسالمت والبيئت‬

POLICY STATEMENT: :‫بيـــــــبن الوثيقــــت‬

"MQ" is committed to maintaining public ‫" يوخؽيج تبهيضبفهج يوٓ ؿاليج‬MQ" ً‫فؼنج يضيغ كضنب‬
and employee health and safety throughout
all hazardous operations and construction ‫ّكضج اهيّهفًٖ أذٌبء كٖبيِى تنبفج اهًيوٖبح ػاح اهعنّؼث‬
activities. We believe that health and safety ‫ ضٖد أٌٌب ٌؤيً تأً اهؿاليج ّاهكضج يً يؿئّهٖج‬,‫ّأٌفنج اهتٌبء‬
are the responsibility of each employee and
contractor that accident prevention is an ‫نل يّهف ّيلبّل ّأً يٌى ّكّو اهضّاغد ُٕ سؽء ينيل هنل‬
integral part of every job. Our goal is an ,‫ ُغفٌب ُّ عوق ينبً ييل عبهٕ يً اإلكبتبح ّاهضّاغد‬.‫ّهٖفج‬
injury and accident free workplace, and
healthy work environment.
.‫ّخخّفؼ فِٖب تٖئج اهًيل اهكضٖج‬

We "MQ" are a performance driven ‫" يً أُى أّهّٖبخٌب يٌى‬MQ" ً‫ٌضً فٕ فؼنج يضيغ كضنب‬
company whose highest priorities are
‫ّكّو اهضّاغد ّخّفٖؼ يتغأ اهؿاليج ّاهكضج هيّهفٌٖب ّضيبٖج‬
accident prevention, the health of our
employees and protection of the .‫اهتٖئج‬
:‫إدارة الجـــودة‬
QUALITY Management:

 Our Quality Management system has ‫هلغ خى خنّٖؼ ٌهبى إغاؼث اهسّغث اهعبكج تٌب هخوتٖج‬ 
been developed and maintained to meet
the international standard ISO
.ISO 9001:2000 ٕ‫اهيًبٖٕؼ اهغّه‬
9001:2000 ٓ‫ٖخى خفسٖى ّخضفٖؽ يفبؼنج اهيّهفًٖ يوٓ فخ‬ 
 Employee participation to excel in
quality is highly encouraged at all levels.
 HEALTH ,SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT .‫خّفؼ اهؿاليج ّاهكضج ّؿاليج اهتٖئج‬ 
( HSE)

We have a strong HSE policy and HSE ٓ‫هغٌٖب ؿٖبؿج كّٖج يخًولج تبهتٖئج ّاهكضج ّاهؿاليج تبإلمبفج إه‬
Management System in place .This has been ‫ ضٖد خى خنّٖؼُيب يً أسل اهّفبء تبهيًبٖٖؼ اهغّهٖج‬,‫ٌهبى إغاؼث‬
developed and managed to meet the
international HSE standards OHSAS OHSAS ‫اهعبكج تبهتٖئج ّاهؿاليج ّاهكضج ّاهـ‬
18001:1999 and 14001:2004
.14001:2004 ّ 18001:1999

Mohammed Qahtan for Trading,

Contracting & Oilfield Services

Mohammed Qahtan for Trading,

Contracting & Oilfield Services

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