A well planned, properly designed and well maintained transmission network can only provide reliable and quality power supply to consumer. The management of asset, when they are in service / operation, as well as when they have utilized their expected life is a challenging task for all utilities in a Reformed Power Sector. Failure of any critical equipment can adversely impact the entire transmission and distribution system.
A well planned, properly designed and well maintained transmission network can only provide reliable and quality power supply to consumer. The management of asset, when they are in service / operation, as well as when they have utilized their expected life is a challenging task for all utilities in a Reformed Power Sector. Failure of any critical equipment can adversely impact the entire transmission and distribution system.
A well planned, properly designed and well maintained transmission network can only provide reliable and quality power supply to consumer. The management of asset, when they are in service / operation, as well as when they have utilized their expected life is a challenging task for all utilities in a Reformed Power Sector. Failure of any critical equipment can adversely impact the entire transmission and distribution system.
A well planned, properly designed and well maintained transmission network can only provide reliable and quality power supply to consumer. The management of asset, when they are in service / operation, as well as when they have utilized their expected life is a challenging task for all utilities in a Reformed Power Sector. Failure of any critical equipment can adversely impact the entire transmission and distribution system.
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- S K Mishra, DGM (O&M), WR-I, Nagpur
- S Suresh, Dy Manager (O&M), WR-I, Nagpur
- Nilesh Goudiya, Jr Engineer (O&M),WR-I, Nagpur
The transmission system is the back bone of the power system. A well planned, properly designed and well maintained transmission network can only provide reliable & quality power supply to consumer. The transmission lines, insulators, conductors & various equipments like transformer, reactor circuit breaker, instrument transformers, surge arrestor, etc. constitute major assets of a transmission system. With the opening of power market maintaining the transmission assets, has become more important as all margin available in transmission system are being utilized by traders for trading of power. The management of asset, when they are in service/operation, as well as when they have utilized their expected life is a challenging task for all utilities in a Reformed Power Sector. Residual life assessment (RLA) of vital equipments, materials in operation, based on which Run-Refurbish-Replacement decision can be taken, playa vital role for instant decision and future planning of entire power system .. Towards this end, we discuss the Asset management of Western Region Transmission System of POWERGRrD (A Central Transmission Utility of India) and describe in detail about the special efforts are being taken for maintaining the asset and action for its life extension, so that power can be delivered to end consumer with Reliability, Security and Economically.
1.0 Introduction
Modern electric power systems comprising of power transmission and distribution grids consist of a large number of distributed, autonomously managed, capita! intensive assets. Such assets include power plants, transmission lines, transformers and protection equipments. Failure of any critical equipment can adversely impact the entire transmission and distribution system. Avoiding catastrophic failure and ensuring reliable operation of such a complex network of assets presents several challenges in data-driven decision making related to the operation and maintenance and planning of assets. Specifically, decision - makers must anticipate potential failures before they occur, identify alternative responses or preventive measures, along with their associated costs, benefits and risks. Effective decision making in such a setting is a critically dependant on gathering and use of information characterizing the conditional, operational and maintenance histories of the assets e.g. equipment age and the time since the last inspection and maintenance.
In the paper some of the critical issues pertaining to asset management of Indian power transmission system have been addressed with an objective to discuss and explore for risk of analysis and asset management so as to minimize risk, reduce cost, extend asset life, and improve performance and reliability by optimum utilization of asset.
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2.0 Equipment Failure and Maintenance Strategies:
About 80% of the power system faults emanates from overhead lines while only 20% emanates from substations. High rate of failure of vital substation equipment or frequent tripping of lines due to failure of transmission line insulators has adverse impact on utilities in maintaining uninterrupted power supply. Failure of vital substation equipment like transformer has a significant economic impact due to long lead times in repair/replacement. In India the failure rate of instrument transformer, surge arrestor is higher compared to circuit breaker, failure of TransformerfReactor is mainly due to poor manufacturing, commissioning. Failure of transformer bushings and leakage of oil have also become major cause of concern for most of the power utilities. Earlier failure of circuit breaker was also on very higher side but with proper improvement in PIR mechanisms this has been reduced considerably. About 95% of failure surge arrester is due to ingress 0 moisture.
Failures of equipment can be avoided by proper maintenance, basically all equipments needs maintenance, the type of maintenance practices being followed in India is Time based Maintenance (TBM) or Condition based Maintenance (CBM). Continuous on line monitoring and acquiring the data from the live equipment is very rarely followed, of late some utilities have stated using on line monitoring of DGA and other vital parameters of critical Transformer. Most critical part of any maintenance is type and quality of testing equipments used and proper train ing of operators for testing the equipment, in most of utilities this aspect is missing.
3.0 POWERGRlD - An Overview
POWERGRID (A Central Transmission Utility of India) is one of the largest transmission utility in world has already established 61875 ckt. km network ofEHV transmission lines and 106 substations with the total transmission capacity of 61000MVA, handling about 45% of the total power generated in the country. POWERGRID since its inception has achieved unique destination of maintaining such huge transmission network with availability of more than 99%. Of late with special effort of POWERGRlD whole of the country except Southern region is connected in synchronous mode. Working of almost total POWERGRID ofIndia in synchronous mode has further increased the importance of asset management, any failure of critical equipment/line may affect the total Power System of country.
4.0 Asset Management of Transmission System in Western Region,
Western Region (WR) of PQWERGRID is responsible for construction and maintenance of EHV transmission system in Western part of India, at present WR is maintaining 12550 ckt.km of EHV transmission lines and 13 substations with transformation capacity of 9663 MY A with gross asset of 6000 crore. Western Region is maintaining system availability more than 99.5% since five years, this despite the fact that approximately 35% of transmission assets are more than 15 years of old, while 50% are more than 10 years old. Condition based maintenance (CBM) is being used as an assessment tool for asset management in WR system, the approach is to carry out the analysis of major equipment taking in to account function of equipment, failure mode, failure affect, failure consequences and preventive tasks. Various critical parameters associated with particular equipment are generally monitored to ensure the health of equipment in service. For monitoring of their parameters various
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tests are carried out and test result give an idea about condition of equipment. Factory test results are taken as reference for future actions based on site measurement. Actions are initiated based on variation/violation of the parameters and changing trend of parameters. Since the inception, POWERGRID is following the combination of condition and time based maintenance of equipments/transmission lines. Maintenance documents of each and every equipments/transmission line are prepared in consultation with manufacturer and with the past experience. Failure analysis of equipment is given due important and corrective action is being taken on the basis of any findings. As substantial portion of the transmission assets are more than 15 years old, RLA studies of both substation equipments and for line materials were carried out.
. Different actions are needed for asset management of vital equipments of transmission system. Some of the cases are being described in this paper through which extension of life was achieved.
4.1 Transformer and Reactors
In Western Region System total 100 Nos. of EHV Transformers and Reactors are in service, some of them are 25 years old. With continuous monitoring through DGA of oil, tanS of bushing and winding, moisture measurement of winding healthiness of equipments are ensured, as Transformers and Reactors are costliest and most vital in transmission system, any failure of critically placed Transformers and Reactor may causes major inconvenience to customer and huge loss of revenue to the company. As per the static's of failure of transformer in POWERGRID, it was gathered that most of the Transformers, failed followed by short circuit fault, as Transformers of the POWERGRID are operating at 400/220 KV, in which power is being supplied to different utility at 220 KV level, Some time back a study was conducted in our system about the number of time short circuit fault was fed through our Transformer for duration longer than the operating time of protection system. To our surprise it was found that in majority of cases fault, were fed through transformer for more than 500msec, reason were investigated and found that in majority of cases non operation of protection system in adjacent system has caused feeding of fault for longer duration, corrective action were taken after discussion with neighboring utility apart from time grading of protection system was retuned, after that not a single case is reported since two years, where faults has fed more than the operation time of protection system.
One of the another reason for failure of Transformer and Reactors are failure of bushing, if degradation is identified in time than failure of Transformer and Reactors can be avoided; In one of 400KV Reactors tano value of one phase bushing was found 0.002 lighter than previous years reading, while tanf of bushing of other two phases was found near to previous year result, although value of tano of all three phases was below 0.007 (limiting value), matter was investigated, during different measurement it was found that tanS of one particular bushing was varying with temperature of Reactor oil, bushing was withdrawn from Reactor and it was found that due to breakage of sealing between bushing reactor oil is communicating at bottom end of bushing, mixing of reactor and bushing oil was causing the increase of tano of bushing, timely detection of fault had saved Reactor. In last 5 years total 10 Nos. of 400 1 220 1 33 KV bushing were replaced due to reason such as increment value of
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tano, oil communication between Transformer tank and bushing, major variation of tand with respect to frequency indicating wet bushing winding.
One of the important reason of reduction of useful life of transformer and Reactors is ingress of moisture in Transformer and Reactor , to avoid any ingress of moisture during erection of new transformer use of dry air generator has been made mandatory ,if dry air generator is not available , measurement of dew point of N2 gas after completion of erection activity is being done, pushing of oil inside of tank is allowed only after required dew point ofN2 is achieved with respect to temperature.
A detailed exercise of measurement of percentage moisture level of winding of old Transformers and Reactors were carried out, For all the jobs where percentage moisture level found more than 1.5% dry out of identified Transformers and Reactors were taken up with following methods.
1) Conventional dry out through N2 cycle.
2) Low frequency heating.
3) 00 line dry out through Cartridge method.
So far 4 Reactors were dried out and results were found encouraging. With help of all above measures failure rate of Transformer is zero in WR, POWERGRID.
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2 I Asoj - Indore # 2
4.2 Circuit Breakers
Circuit Breakers are most critical elements of any electrical system, with its operation only faulty part of the power system get isolated, major problems with breakers were identified as follows.
a.De-linking of operating mechanism and PlR. b.Failure of grading capacitor.
c.Loosing of moving and arcing contact.
In one of the case during testing, PIR link was found disengaged with main operating rods, problem was rectified, treating it as isolated case but similar type of loosing of link was observed in different breaker after some time, matter was discussed with manufacturer and all the circuit breakers supplied in the package were internally inspected after dismantling the poles and was found that non availability of circlip and non provision of lock tight at many places during manufacturing are the main reason of defects in the breakers.
Figure: I - Internal Checking of CB Figure: 2 - Circlip found missing
Figure: 3 - Looseness of Bolt in the Interrupter
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At one of the station different sound was notice during the operation of circuit breaker, matter was investigated, it was found that operating rod of circuit breaker is loosening, however manufacturer did not agree with the finding, to notice the similar type of problem in other breakers, practice of measurement for identifying loosing of rods was introduced as special test, no major abnormality was observed during next two years, subsequently opening of rods at 20 nos. poles were observed matter was again referred to manufacturer and after series of discussion , manufactured had agreed about latent defect and rectified all poles free of cost.
Figure: 4 - Unthreading of operating rod Breaker
Regular testing of circuit breakers and proper interpretation of test result some times indicate serious problem, in one of the case substantial difference in break to break timing were observed, while in DCRM (Direct Current Resistance Measurement) of same poles abnormality was found during the closing operation, circuit breaker was opened for internal inspection, it was found that all the spring of moving contact were collapsed and teflon ring was totally damaged, if same breaker would be allowed for more period it would have been blasted.
Figure: 5 - Finger contact slippage
4.3 Instrument Transformer
Figure: 6 - Pitting in Teflon Ring
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Failures of instrument transformers are highest in Indian Electrical System, to arrest the failure DGA of CT oil has been made mandatory after. commissioning, subsequently capacitance and tand and thermovision scanning are being carried out, All out the efforts were taken to arrest violent failure of instrument transformer, Three different cases are presented, where preventive action has arrested the failure ofCTs.
I. During the thermo vision scanning of 400KV CTs, temperature of one CT dome was found higher by 8° C in comparison to similar CT , after taking shutdown, tano ofCT was measured and same was found substantially high in comparison to earlier measurement, DGA of CT oil was carried out, in which all type of fault gases were found, CT was taken out from service and sent to the factory for investigation, at factory partial discharge of more than IOOpc was observed even at 100KV level.
Hot spot temp.
Hot spot temp. Above Amb
(Deg. C)
(Deg. C)
SATNA # I 14A CT - B ph. Top doom 46.3 16.3
Table: 2 - Thermovision scanning results
Gas Total
Component Gas N2 02 H2 CH4 C2H4 C2H6 C2H2 CO CO2
Unit of Me as. (%) (%) (%) ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm
Results 7.97 3.23 0.64 24577 9688 4 736 1.3 39 340 Table: 3 - DGA Results
ii. During routine measurement capacitance and tano value in one of 400KV CT , tano value found was incremented to 0.0039 from 0.0018, although it was within acceptable limit but incremented of tanf value was investigated by DGA of oil of CT, very high quantity of fault gases was found and CT was withdrawn from service as per manufacturer advice.
iii. In one of the substation. One of the 400KV CT blasted during operation. To have an idea of all of the CT, of same batch, DGA of CT oil of every CT was carried out, fault gases violating IEC 60599 in majority of CT was found, manufacturer was not accepting about the problems in CT, after prolonged discussion 4 Nos. of CTs were taken to factory for high voltage testing, none of the CT withstand Impulse testing. It was great surprise for both manufacturer and POWERGRID as CTs were type tested prior to supply to site, on detailed checking of records of manufacturing gross violations were found with respect to internal plant standards by some employee and finally manufactured agreed to replace total 80 Nos. of CT.
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DGA Results
SN Bay Phase CH4 C2H4 C2H6 C2H2 CO CO2 N2 02
ppm (ppm) ( ppm) (ppm) ( ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (%) (%) %
270 4 0 0 0 114 514 3.46 1.36 5.19
156 2 (I 0 0 54 216 2.2 0.71 3.37
1 407 Y 223 I 0 0 0 53 243 2.37 0.8 3.65
B 93 2 0 0 0 lIO 352 6.54 2.11 9.25
83 1 0 0 0 63 184 2.Z4 0.84 3.35
61 2 0 0 (I 112 400 7.04 2.4 10.1
69 1 0 0 0 84 169 2.02 0.66 2 .. 91
78 2 0 (I 0 129 420 6.89 2.37 9.9
2 408 Y
88 1 0 0 0 86 197 2.91 1.04 4.37
85 3 0 0 0 95 280 4.6 1.72 6.69
65 1 0 0 0 53 153 1.98 0.7 2.91
R 2]6 2 0 0 0 26 198 1.84 0.74 2.11
tol 2 0 0 0 87 304 2.79 1.15 4.22
79 I 0 0 (I 53 181 2.29 0.85 3.35
3 4[)9
70 2 0 (I n 70 476 4.66 2.01 7,09
B 115 2 0 (I 0 59 301 2.48 0.88 3.52
84 2 0 0 0 44 455 2.37 0.66 3.53
179 3 0 0 0 132 304 6.56 2.14 9.25
128 2 0 0 0 !IS 276 6.67 1.97 9.06
4 410 Y 19') 3 0 0 (I 87 585 2.85 1.03 4.1
45 1 0 0 (I 46 173 3.62 1.56 5.55
741 35 6 2 46.8 49 1380 5.35 1.69 7.48
352 .2 (I 0 0 90 462 7.01 2.48 10.1
210 I 0 (I 0 45 221 3.75 1.43 5.42
151 3 0 (I 0 89 300 6.47 2.26 9.26
5 4UA V
134 2 0 0 (I 59 195 2.46 0.98 3.66
511 2 0 0 0.4 69 504 4.87 1.74 7.09
138 1 0 0 (I 35 475 3.65 1.55 5.43
156 3 0 0 (I 69 245 4.41 1.55 6.41
123 2 0 0 0 40 292 1.46 0.6 2.2
68 2 I 0 1.2 1I1 402 1.52 3.64 5.53
6 411B V
96 2 I 0 1.3 104 434 2.31 0.9 3.37
167 2 0 0 0 97 307 3.99 1.61 5.97
162 2 0 0 0 78 324 2.52 1.09 3.81
R 118 2 0 0 0 84 226 3.01 l.21 4.39
7 412 Y 158 2 0 0 0 65 208 2.54 1.01 3.67
8 94 2 0 0 0 104 281 3.49 1.19 4.83
R 128 2 0 0 0 58 253 5.02 1.61 6.88
8 413 Y 123 2 0 0 0 74 487 3.68 1.06 4.88
n 133 2 (I 0 0 89 183 4.23 1.45 5.84
R 94 2 0 0 0 60 420 6.65 2.94 9.1I
9 414 Y 127 3 0 1 0.3 59 229 2.12 0.8 3.08
B 182 3 I 0 2.8 72 245 2.36 0.89 3.37
R 421 1 0 0 0 52 254 2.07 0.75 2.94
10 415 Y 262 2 0 0 0 79 178 1.72 0.67 2.5
B 207 2 0 0 0 33 232 1.77 0.76 2.64
II PTI R 152 2 0 0 0 105 284 3.4 1.11 5.18 K:\AUTOGRID\2007\finaJ papers\CO\Assest Mng by S.K Mishra.doc
y 67 1 0 0 0 81 183 3.14 1.09 4.88
B 64 1 0 0 0 86 126 1.82 0.54 2.74
12 PT2 R 109 2 0 0 0 63 136 2.16 0.77 3.12
Y 70 2 0 0 0 62 128 2.28 0.73 3.56
B 228 2 0 0 0 42 358 5.32 2.4 7.92 Table: 3 - CT DGA Results of Sub-station - I
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I I I Figure: 7 - Lightening Impulse Record
4.4 Surge Arrester
Surge arrester are most vital equipment of switchyard of transmission system, they protect all the equipments of installation from high transients voltages. Procurement cost of surge arrester are very less in comparison to other equipments of electrical system, but if same is not working properly than very vital and expensive equipment get damaged due to high transient voltage. During the opening of one of the 50MVAR Reactor at SIS, bus bar protection operated, on investigation it was observed that due to re-striking voltage value ground fault is getting created, although LA (Gapped Type) was connected nearby to breaker but due to obsolescence same were not working effectively, subsequently all gapped type surge arresters were removed and thereafter not a single case of busbar protection reported. However increment of surge arrester counter is reported, which further indicates that transients voltage are still being generated but same is arrested with proper functioning of gapless LAs. It is therefore important that advancement in technology need to be adopted even if same require replacement of old equipment for the overall benefit of Grid. Looking into this experience WR POWERGRID is replacing all gapped LAs with Gapless Las at different S/Ss.
4.5 Protection System
Protection relays are heart of Electrical system, non/mal operation of protection relay may cause wide spread disturbance in interconnected Grids, this becomes more relevant after interconnecting of all regional Grids in one synchronous Grid. There are some recent cases of 25th Feb. 07 and 28th Feb. 07 in Western Grid when non/mal operation of protection system had caused wide spread disturbances in Western, Eastern and Northern part ofIndia.
On 25th Feb. 07, fault of one 400KV line was not cleared by protection of that section, as fault was of high resistive nature, protection relay of others feeders also did not operate, fault was continued for more than 5 minutes and subsequently part of Grid collapsed and huge generation loss was observed, only line protection system which has facility of direction earth fault feature had correctly operated. In the old protection scheme this type of protection is not part of scheme, while in all new distance protection scheme, this feature is available as one option. To protect the complete
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interconnected Grids from similar type of situation, replacement of all obsolete protection is necessary.
Similarly on 28th Feb. 07 mal operation of one old type of distance relay has caused wide spread disturbances across the region, In one of the line MHO type of line protection has been used, during high loading of line, that protection operated due to load encroachment, although this type of relay has became obsolete long back but non replacement of relay has caused otherwise avoidable grid disturbances.
With the above two example it is clear that up gradation! replacement of old protection is need of the hour to avoid loss of billion of rupees of Generators, Transmission operator and consumer at large.
4.6 Transmission Line, Insulators
As stated earlier about 80% of power system faults emanate from overhead transmission lines. Apart from transient's earth fault, insulator and failure of fittings ate main reason of tripping of lines. To have the idea about residual life of hardwire fittings and insulators, samples were taken from the lines, which are in operation from 20p25 years and same were tested at reputed laboratory, all results of conductor joints and fittings are found in order except that of insulators, which indicates that insulators are weakest link in Transmission lines. Apart from above frequent cases of flashovers of insulators were also observed in many relatively new lines.
It has been made mandatory in WR POWERGRID to carry out Puncture Insulator detection testing in the line which has frequent cases of tripping. Frequent tripping of 4-5 EHV lines were investigated in last three years, exhaustive PID testing of insulator strings were carried out and corrective action such as replacement of defective insulators strings were taken up and so far 400-500 insulators strings of different lines at selected structure has been replaced, availability after attending defects has improved to 100% of that particular line.
5.0 Replacement Decision
Age is an important factor generally considered for replacement decision of equipment. Replacement of old ages Transformersl other major equipment is going to be major issue in future years to come tor reliable, stable power supply. More over, majority of equipments in substation is capital intensive equipment. Non availability of these equipments due to lack of proper planning may cause major set back to energy industry/Utility. Therefore replacement of old Transformers and equipment Imaterials (for e.g, replacement of oil CB/ABCB by SF6 CB, Gapped type Surge Arrester by MOV /Z arrester, replacement of porcelain insulators by composite insulators at polluted stretchers, replacement of old protection system with numerical relays) in planned manner due to aging and obsolescence is rather preferred because of economy, reliable and technical reason instead of going for further maintenance and repair. In WR POWERGRID apart from regular maintenance activity, failure analysis and corrective action, following equipments are being planned to replace for ensuring the secured grid operation and over all improvement of availability of transmission system.
i. Replacement of all Gapped LA's with Gapless ZNO LA's.
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ii. Replacement of all MOCBand ABCB with SF6 CB or spring - spring CB.
111. Replacement of all porcelain insulator strings with composite insulator rods at polluted stretchers.
IV. Replacement of all old static distance protection relays with numerical distance relays having direction earth fault features.
6.0 Conclusion
In fact there is no direct and single approach for asset management. A number of measures are to be taken for effective asset management, so as to minimize risk, reduce cost, extended life of asset, improve performance and reliability by optimum utilization of assets.
The management of asset, when they are in service /operarion as well as when they have outlived their expected life I at the end of life, is challenging task for all utilities in a reformed power sector. The condition monitoring would help in providing valuable information for life assessment of equipment and assuring the profitability of extending the service life of electrical equipment beyond their expected life span and taking appropriate decisions on Run-Refurbish-Replace.
The authors are indebted to POWERGRID and various substation operators of Western Region for their valuable inputs and suggestions that have gone in the preparation of paper.
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