Ace Crane

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@ MTC 3625V @MR 45 HG. ‘© MTG.24%81 an allterrain, selt propelled mobil tayer orano, ith road epood of 25 kav, Aillorenta lock onébios ito get out of tough epots. © MTC-2418!s self erecting/selt- folding. Operations can be easly affested in a few minutes by @ single operator through 2 remote coir pod Horizontal [Height [55 mt, Mb postion | Reach | 7Smo.” 18 mis Capacity | 1600 Kgs. 550K. Trasoa [vit [24am Mopodiion | Rasch | 72a. 15.8 nus. | « © MTC-24%615 remote controlled. ‘facitates the aporators to poston himsoifin such a way thatthe can oe both plokng ‘as Well as dumping pein for precisa load postioning in generator, civen by Ti Prine movor engine makes MTC-24%0 totally independent of any outside ecto sour The P MTG 2418 In folded position oe ‘rane ony uses @ part of tho Developed power and the generator ean bo Foal va os used to supply other electrical Kieahiaroty een eae cequlpmect tke mers, vitrtoro not ost Ftensporttion [ah |Smiw Pere 7 [Dimensions | Length | 10 mirs Hott | 20m. (© Anartculated chacsl avid Frontiatond [sks Iydraule steering systom onablos —_awre-24t@ T= Mountod cnatonabieWalor eararo load | 200 avery shart turing raaue ant Salty devicn Chou baakon ‘easy positioning. ** + Overload frit nich Namen ch Hose teh © Stabilizers ere of out and down +Thetey nll cwtich \ypo anid can bo roractd ito tented fare aie the loworchasss to Satis road. ie wou png ‘© MTC-9626 Is a self erecting/selt folaing motte towercrano. Operations can bo exly lected bya singe poratr, Uhrough a remote contrdl pod. (© The crane Is mound on a towable. type taller with compact dmensioris.arrc 2625 tn folded postion for easy tranoportaten. 2 icin © MTC-3825 is contrélled by a remoto, Ths facitates the operator to postion hinsolf tn such a way that ho can see both ploking as well ‘as dumping pols for procigo lond positioning, feaeeiegt er © Wise dood welt or. ia, era neon Taanona [rao amin torgistance transportation, ovation [Pum |780. eh mte. tho epuntor weight bx ue any | 20K SODKGS | : faves [tbioe [sara cosgnod win vepdboio eoctien [Pouch [2mm 210m ‘nai goneral ballast u . Cope | 2200" aoe counter welght 3] [peat | etna sont Gaia) i | sm on nd | © Tho chassis design enables a aaa ee 7 ction | toa] 1cone short ting ras ee eaey Seaton [Tonnia] 0H posttoning Sewtrg | Zone cio ™ ‘ERR © stabilizers are out and down. ‘supply requlced type and can be relterated into: Total welght #7000 Kgs, the lowor chassis to satisfy road ee cloarance code. tl wiht i : Lea without Batiast al Transportation] wish | 2mm Dimensions |Lengh | tse, © An optional prim mover vith a bulb 25K gonorte rake. i [sume 0.625 ay iarondent calyaaics Agape 7 )! ea, ‘any cule ec sourco an a Sein siek i cal vee. Tho crana Seem “uses only @ part of the power and + Rely el it tho gonoiter ean bo ued fo eos Pires el cfnor te equipment he mes, {i wr See eclegreese Enon vibrators and job sit tighting rg ‘8 @ [ae | 00 0 ma Tom 2] aio 260 cr] |" | Sites ipo roma. | Operation Speed a | 00 ‘ia i terse cig we ie 17, fae see Bet [ Power | 0 oe ti {Oporat 6 mi. 42 ao 2. = oof ood or com | $4 # 88 7 Holeting Speed $3 2 nn a1 “a8 foiing ior [Te — ea famaamn |. = ry rm Coad/epmed te By i 7 [oka 77 rn — CHisiin rm wa [ESmterome toma | 24, MB pe] | fe Fseie comin] AbL ; AOE has an all india Sales and Service dealer network located at all the major cities. These outlets are fully equipped to provide genuine spare parts anciservices by company trained engineers. These dealership outlets are further supported by company officials based at Delhi, ‘Mumbai, Chennai, Calcutta, Pune, Hyderabad, Bhubneshwar, Ahmedabad, Vishakhapainam & Ranchi Mmm HEAD OFFICE AND WORKS: ‘A. AREA OFFICES © SALES AND SERVICE DEALERS Website : RA ala Road, 25th Mile Stono, Mathura Road, Balebgarh (Haryana) - 121 004 “el: 91-129:5291922, 5251808, 8250024, Fax: 01-128-5200500, 6260084 (Dating Code from Det -01 & Othor Locatione - 0129) Ermall works Plot No:7, Iinid Foor, Pockot-H Marko, Sarta Vina, ‘Now Doh «110 044 Ph. 61-1-6959623//626/ 653, Fax 91-11 - 6959717 small: markoing ERE ALORA 401, Shrkant Chambers, Near RK Studo, Chembur, ‘Murbal 490 064 Ph: 022 - 6206848, Tlofax: 022 - 56207071, ter 10 Sa Bar Se, MP, Chern 008 Prot 9155 ex o44- E143 27-6 ea Ros ed a Ty Ga, cm i yt nn 27. Fm Tey a cnt ie ecpelias endheren a pra. so enw ao spar of be Sana Gye Toloiax: 090-4221702 Aeredt isocoor, Gish @MTC-3625 is a colt erectingloolt folding mobil tower crane Operations can be easily fected by a single operator, ‘through a remote contro! pod. ‘© The crane is mounted on a towable {type traller with compact dmensions {or easy transportation. (©MTC-9825 is controtted by a remote. This fclitates the operator 4o positon himsol in such a way that he can se0 both picking as well as dumping point for precise load Qos (© To minimise doad weigh for Jong distance transportation, {ho counter weight box is designed wih rap doors to ‘enable general ballast use counter weight. sana, | ‘© Tho chassis design onatios a PHTANCE! short turning radlusand eney positioning. (© Stabitzore are out and down ‘ype andl oan be relterated into {he lower chassis to satisy road clearance codes, sapius oF, ‘@An optional prinie mover with @ ull-in 0KVA generator, maken, '0-3626 totally independent of ‘any outs lode source anda ‘spare carrier velco. Tho cren {vee only @ part ofthe power and ‘he generator can bo used for ‘ther ste equipment ike mixers, htore anlfb st ping systems, MTC 3625 In folded position Ronzotl Tigh] Popostien [reach |7 3s. 25m, Cepaty | 250 Hon. 10K. tod Senn pain |R| Forte ston Capcty| 20g. B00 Kon spd | ota] saninin |e sowing | ABM Evevical | nosey] ison rotors |Hotieg | 75H seve [20H Bietio woke sup gues Tt wiht Ta Kae eth Bost Tt wetnt Jaco. 2s i186 Pn, A0ie "Statin None enh Hot tan tinh Pine norte i inset 0BAR wale Coo ov engne ee haunt OMTC 24188 an alerean, sit propelled moble tower crane, ‘ut a rod spead of 25 ke. ‘A dilorentet lock enaves to rs ‘et out of tough spots. ¥ ‘ONTC-2418 sot eractingleolt- |,—s1ah—nol—-aaon.—e-2a7n. ‘folding. Opertions can be easily L——_—$1¢# alocted na fw minutos by a \ > 6 orion ees single operator trough a remote a se reeton | msmy | tao kgs st eign Cepacty | 1600 Kgs, 850 Kgs. panei Roteod Height |2¢ mis. itposiion | Reach |72 mis, 158 mts @NTC-2418 Is remote controled .apecy | 1000 Kos. 0 Kor actos the operator to sree Nita | emi & sone poslon bmg uch away Sioury [tne ‘eo ‘that he can see both picking Electrical | Troleying| 1.5 HP. son |Hnte | 73H Boning [2048 ‘88 well as dumping polns for precise load postioning. ‘@A bull-n gonerator, diven by {he prime mover's engine makes MTC-2418 totally independent of ‘any outside electric source. The ‘rane only usos a part ofthe ‘power and the generator canbe ‘Used fo supply other electrioal ‘equipment ike mixera, vibrators ‘ancl job sito ighing systema, @ An articulated chassis and hydraulic steering syater enables avery short turning radius and 18 positioning. ‘Stelzer ae of out and down {ype and can be retracted Ito ‘the lower chassis lo satiety road clearence codes. au ALowENBION mMETRER A t cl MTC 2418 T- Mounted on a towable trallor

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