Skeletal Quiz

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Chapter 5 .

The ~leta1System 73


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Several bones forming part of the upper limo"ailcJ/or 'Shoulder girdle ''are' shoWn ., ; "'i'

in Figures 5-8 to 5-11. Follow the specific directions for each figure.

18. Identify the bone in Figure 5-8 .. Insert your answer in the blank below the

illustration. Select different c61oi'S 'for'each strucniretisted 'below 'and use .......' .

them to color the coding cirR~ ~cl,thf!COrresponding~~in the,

diagram. Then, label the angles indicated by leader lines.' .' . '.

o Spine

o <!lenoid cavf!X,' ,." 0 Corac~id prOces~'

o Acromion

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e;r--------- L,teral border

Medial border


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Figure 5-8


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N <'0 84 Anatomy & Physiology Coloring Workbook

32. For each joint described below, select an answer from Key A. Then, if the Key A selection is other than C (a synovial joint), see if you can classify the joint further by making a choice from Key B.

. SJ' ~Vl A'L- . Fle~t61

__ ---'5>=.. =Ulo.Lru~~~;;.__· 10. Joint providing the most protection to underlying structures

_-r~~'Y~hl:.::.:O::::::-Y~I~ /fL':::--_ 11. Often contains a fluid-filled cushion

~ lA6tl}..fOlAS~

-€flft\"'(?6'tL D~

_S..:::. ·;_~.uN~. ...::::O:"",:Vw/,..L.AL..l....:::::;:___ 13. Most joints of the limbs ___,SY;::;.·...:..::.~...:;;D::;..._;,V""""I.:..It..;_L_·....;.__ 14. Often associated with bursae

---o:::;?_Y~N:;..;:O,,-V..::.....:...:1 k,-,-L__ 15. Have the greatest mobility

Key Choices

Key A: A. Cartilaginous.

B. Fibrous

C. Synovial

eJteJJL-ffil tJDUS SYtJ D V llel-



Key B: 1. Epiphyseal disk

2. Suture

3. Symphysis

1. Has amphiarthrotic and synarthrotic examples

2. All have a fibrous capsule lined with synovial membrane surrounding a joint cavity

3. Bone regions united by fibrous connective tissue

4. Joints between skull bones

5. Joint between atlas and axis

6. Hip, elbow, and knee

7. All examples are diarthroses

8. Pubic symphysis

9. All are reinforced by ligaments

12. Child's long-bone growth plate made of hyaline cartilage

33. Which structural joint type is not commonly found in the axial skeleton

and why not? .

6)'Nf2VIAL :TBtNJ2 t\eE PIfW..~ oc rem.x HQvft\&E VO/)J5. T~ AxlAk~-m '2UffiJ@? ~ rePIfkP IN~~; .11ltg ZD?a\bltlf? ~ \H~ 11JtfN KOBllA1)' ftJe_Jt)lJU15

(9f ~. 1t)(1A-L 9~t£;91J . ' .

Chapter 5 The Skeletal System 85

Homeostatic Imbalances of Bones and Joints

34. For each of the following statements that is true, enter T in the answer blank.

For each false statement" correct the underlined words by writing the correct

words in . the . answer blank. '


1. In a m,min, the ligaments reinforcing a joint are excessively stretched or torn.

2. Age-related erosion of articular cartilages and formation

. of painful bony spurs are characteristic of iOUty arthritis.

_J..A-,"cu~'-l:;.lJ?,..t...=:;....____ 3. Chronic arthritis usually results from bacterial invasion.


--:o- __ I"--."...----.-....,......._"...,...... 5. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease.

G}Bl-lT'( Iiintii\ -nS

----=~;;;...:;;;-~e,~. ~e-=Ul;..;;;.!... __ 6. High levels of uric acid in the blood may lead to . rheumatoid arthritis.

4. Healing of a partially tom ligament is slow because its hundreds of fibrous strands are poorly·alianed.

_.....;~!...... ~\.:::a.e~::::;12...L· .,::;-.....;. 7. A "soft" bone condition in children, usually due to a lack

'. of. calcium,or.~tan1in. D, .iscalled,O§tegmyejJtis.

-''': /',:

___ J:-L-_____ 8. Atrophy and thinning of bone owing to horm~;c"hanges or inactivity (generally in the elderly) is caUeddsteo.pqrosi§.

~ .' ~ ~ - :". . . . .', '.' ': " . .' ... :! . :'" :


35. Using the key choices, identify the body systems that relate to bone tissue' viability. Enter the appropriate key terms or letters in the answer blanks.

Key Choices

A. Endocrine

E. Reproductive

. C. Muscular

D. NervOUS

F. Urinary

B. Integumentary --JNL..,;::...e€;:.::;...:,. ;;;;:·)J-1"",D~UIC..:;;..S,,--__ 1. Conveys the 'sense of pain in bone and joints

_.....;lA~· ..;;,-,,-=-y&-__ 2. ACtlvatesVitamin D for proper calcium usage

_...::t2N"""'-· .... D:;..,· . .=;@-=-:'--"-'tJE.:....=::;.._·.·3.RegulatesuptakeandreleaseofCalciumbybones _.l..M........,;;..U~SCU::::llO::;;.··=· uze, --=-_ 4. Increases bone 'strength and viability by pulling action _....30t:N.o:;.;·:..;;·:u:D~DC~~.c:. ;".. ...... ~~_ . ....,. 5. Influences" skeleton proportions and adolescent growth

of long bones .

. ) tJT€C,Ufvf€N.~Y 6. Provides vitamin D for propercalciumabsorption

~,,, .' ' ,~

74 Anatomy & Physiology Coloring Workbook

19. Identify the bones in Figure 5-9 by labeling the leader' lines identified .as A, B, and C. Color the bones different colors. Using the following terms, complete the illustration by labeling all bone markings provided with leader lines.

Trochlear notch


Radial tuberosity


Coronoid process Olecranon process

Deltoid tuberosity Head (three) .

. Greater tubercle

Styloid process

Lesser tubercle

____"'e;;-!l--- O~ ~ --.r---.,-en:_~



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Figure 5-9

Chapter ~, "nre, Skeletal System 75

20. Figure 5-10 is a diagram of the hand. Select different colors for the following structures, and use them to color the coding' circles and, the corresponding

structures in the diagram. .

o Carpals

o Metacarpals

o Phalanges

Radius - .................... ----......m'"'"' Ulna -------;m--;-m~ ..

Figure 5"':10

21. Compare the pectoral and pelvic girdles by choosing descriptive terms from the key choices. Insert the appropriate key letters in theanswer blanks.

Key cboices A. Flexibility

D. Shallow socket for limb attachment

B. Massive

E. Deep, secure socket for limb attachment

C. Lightweight F. Weight-bearing

Pectoral: L, V , j2__ Pelvic: L,'L,'_f_

76 Anatomy & "PhySidlogy'Coloring Workbook

22. Using key choiceS,'ideo.tify'theoonenamesocrharkitlgs:accOrding to' ,,'" the descriptions th'atfd!t>wi'lrtsert idle :appropriate 'termor letter in the answer blanks.

G. Deltoid tu~rosit}f>, L. Olecranon process

, . ::: ,;, ~: ,,~ ,

H. Glenoid ~~iy ~,':2:,:}' M. ,h\Ianges

,,. __ " > ;'f'.~.~

rOlf. ); ~ :,'it l~ .~\ '\. ~~

I. Hum~s j' 'i -.': N. IJadial tuberosity

~~"1 ",'),Jt,~\,

E. Coracoid process J. MetaWa1s~;.o.,~ ,': 71 o. ~us T. Ulna

DarTOI D 1tA.1?teCDaY 1. ~~''pn u, s¢ate of humerus'to which deltoid

, ' m~sCie a~che~f1; (\ '{ '\ ,;/:',,",

2. ~~~~~ r.:~) ~~.~ . i/

3. ciJTYl~,; rill' BO~,Composing the shoulder girdle

5. 1l\J4z9f,! r ;,'P /~. F'~ bones

\J~\J\"::/\l;;',"';', '

7. Point ~~uU\(~~cbi~re connect

t~"<:'i'.l):;),'>,:': :,):

8. Shoulder~~,bon~,tJlat.~ no .attachment to the axial skeleton


A. Acromion

B. Capitulum

c. Carpals

D. Clavicle


" 1 . j ,,_, ~:

;'i "'.:-

F. Coronoid fossa

K. Olecranon fossa

P. Scapula

Q. Sternum

R. Styloid process

S. Trochlea

:,',; :':.',~\ .. :,1- ,_:::", <:::,.,\

9. Shoulder gird1e·'D<>tie~~t articulates anteriorly with the sternum

.. I" ':,:'''~ , .! '~l

~\..@QID MVtTY 10. Socket iri~ilie'sa~ia';'f~,the,'armbQne" "h

Cl\£.ACDJ D·Pe.o:esSll. Process atJeUte g1~iidOlvityqthat,pentnts muscle attachment

i' :; '; ,

CJ_AVl L.-L-E 12. commoruy~a1led tlie10llarbone . , .

_J1liY"'-"""""' ..... ' .... .H_._u:A- ..._._ __ 13. Distal mec;J¥,l!p~~;9f the humerus; joins the ulna

, ....... ,' 'to':>. -;::" .'

\.AWls 14. Medial bone of the forearm in anatomical position

CA\?ITULUf!\';(;';;' .;'~ ';'d~>knob: ijje,fi~~ :':st:6a b ::':'1ates;-MTh:th;:fldiu~"

___,;::;.:_~o...:...;;...;;..;;;.~__,.."_,,,=, l5:.,~ ~.,~ 'j",Ptl""U,'",:f;,c;;,,; ~;~~ ,'" "~,'cd"~ ~ l;;;.,:'

Co eo No I D f£1hh6. Anterior depression; superior to the ~ea; reCC:!b~I~'

of the ulna when the forearm is flexed . ,

_LJ:::;..1.IWA~:z.:....;a.- 17. F~r~ ~~~'iii~~lved"~formation ~f' elbow joint

_~~' =.-::.' L,..;U:;,;;;,,;;,~---,- __ 18. ',<t:f'Srt:tNliM "19. Bones that articulate ~lh~f cb.~cle


20. Bones of the wrist

PrtA~6-21. &nes of the ~~rs

H eTACA£fAL :'22. Heads of these bones form the knuckles


Chapter 5 The Skeletal System 77

23. Figure 5-11 is a diagram of the articulatedpelvis, Identify the bones and bone markings indicated by leader lines. on the figure. Select different colors for the structUres listed below and use them to color the coding circles and the corresponding structures in the figure. Also, label the dashed line showing the dimensions of the true pelvis and that showing the diameter of the false pelvis. Complete the illustration by labeling the following bone markings: obturator foramen, iliac crest, anterior superior iliac spine, ischial spine, pubic. ramus, and pelvic brim. Last, . list three. ways in which the female pelvis differs from the male pelvis and insert your answers in the answer blanks.

o Coxal bone

o Pubic symphysis ·

o Acetabul~m

o Sacrum


Figure 5-11

1. f~Hfrl..& l).1t£r l~ ~?t--tOt€~L&:u~

2. filiA-t:E S!\C¥U1 17. LCS? CUlb\IeD; :PUP>K:-:Af{# IS P£ud[>Ee_ 3. f:eKA~ l~IAL7?1~€S:> Af.651·~ mV17 lCz7tiAlJ..Dwcej

. L.-l~ \t"f:EL

24. Circle the term that does not belong in each of the following groupings.

1. Tibia 8 Fibula Femur

2. Skull

Rib cage


Frontal bone

Vertebral column

Ilium' Pubis

3. Ischium


5. Calcaneus

Temporal bone .'




78 Anatomy & Physiology Coloring Workbook

25. Using key choices, identify the bone names and markings, according to the descriptions that follow. Insert the appropriate key term(s) or letter(s) in the answer blanks.

Key Choices A. Acetabulum

I. Ilium

Q. Patella

R. Pubic symphysis

S. Pubis

B. Calcaneus

J. Ischial tuberosity K. Ischium

C. Femur

D. Fibula

1. Lateral malleolus

T. Sacroiliac joint

U. Talus

E. Gluteal tuberosity

M. Lesser sciatic notch

F. Greater sciatic notch

N. Medial malleolus

V. Tarsals

G. Greater and lesser trochanters

O. Metatarsals

W. Tibia

. P. Obturator foramen

X. Tibial tuberosity

1. Fuse to form the coxal bone (hip bone)

'~fAL TUBE£D7ITY 2. Receives the-weight ~f the body when sitting

?U~\k 5YtvtPt\Y7lS 3. Point where the coxal bones join anteriorly 'wAC< ~ T 4. Upper margin of iliac bones

ACerA1?u WM 5. Deep socket in the hip bone that receives the head of the thigh bone &AC20 lL.t AC

JOI }J T 6. Point where axial skeleton attaches to the pelvic girdle

EE-MLA~ 7. Longest bone in body, articulates with the coxal bone

8 f,u \ ..A 8. Lateral bone of the leg

T1 ,Bl Pc 9. Medial bone of the leg

feMlAf2.-) PA1aLA" J

_____ n.L....:..l2~t &...:Pc~_10. Bones forming the knee joint

It f?lAL

pAeeg..o~1Y. 11. Point where the patellar ligament attaches

f!\Te:t, LA 12. Kneecap

Tl Bt It 13. Shinbone


Mfr\,..H::OLUS 14. Distal process on medial tibial surface


1'-\4u...€v~ 15. Process forming the outer ankle

CA-l.C.Ar--lG lA7 16. Heel bone


".~' '... ~:. " .....

t/H~;TAT~. '1S" B6~¢sf~ -theiinfKeP~,~h.~,"f~_;':.' "r, .;,.,;, . oe>TUPdtmf: ~~;~t~ial~~.'l>P~~'\jf~,b;~;;~.~~.,~ ~.~

tq~ . 20. Sites of muscle atta~hm~t onthe ~~~ end J:ih~'Je_~ur

~:, ,.

·;i. (.f,~ !" - ~~ :.i~!!:c"'»::"! s. ~:.);.~;!.;~-j:;: .~('> .t)1.~ ..

26 •. For each of the following statements that is true, insert T in the answer blank.

If any of th.~statenlerit:s'ue false, corted>thehmderlN4 term by,inseIting'1!Ii¢;j~!O ",. correct term in the answer blank.


. ,~ .


T ; .

___ -:.. .13. The tough, fibrous connective tissue covering of a bone is

f:·theiQmiosteum. -. '\ ;

AfuAeu;W~ <":'_~ "! ~ of ~~f<>rmIog a coxal bone

,\.' ', , . lS,:jb.e ,.jfenotd caYlty. \ ~ . ~

....... " - ... '. . . (

DC, An ~ ,', -S)'i! ~e nerve that must;~~4'-~hen giving injections i ~;>.pe buttock muscles is~fttt~m<#aI nerve .

. '. .: ... t." : I

T V .§.,trn¢ t,bng bones of a fetus arel~ons,Jfucted ofbyalinecartilage.

",'. . •.• :. . 'i' " . 'f

t1) f '2m-l.~; .;' that provide the most~rote~on to the 'abdo~ viscera

r-- ·~itlt::~ In the L .: f<nmeQ _

__ K....,..-.M----U~g...--___;;;t::~! .~ intercondylar fossa,grJrer Je,chanter, and tibial tuberosity

\ •• i"': :~~ bone markings of tb# h\.Utlerus.

____ ·T..:.. ..... !~~~ ~c:! first major event Offr#ru~:hea1ing is hematoma formation.

E~ ... :' ;.: ,J ::!<:j ~r " ',J .. .


1. The pectoral girdle is formed by the articulation of the hip

bones and the' sacrum. .

2. aones:present in both the baqd)lp.d the foot are car.paJs.

;', .,~,

~. "

0'~';t'(i ~ '~~'

y •• _.', ~,,'..f .•

80 .. Anatomy & Physiology Coloring Workb?Ok

27. The bones of the thigh and the leg are shown in Figure 5.;...12; Identify each and put your answers in the blanks labelled A, B, and C. Select different colors for the lower limb bones liSted below and lise them to color in the coding circles and corresponding bones on the diagram. Complete the illustration by inserting the terms indicating bone markings at the ends of the appropriate leader lines in the figure.

o Femur

o Tibia

o Fibula

Head of femur

Anterior border of tibia

Head of fibula

Intercondylar eminence

Lesser trochanter

Medial malleolus

Tibial tuberosity

Greater trochanter

Lateral malleolus


j .'







~\J t'D-II\:·

\\41' Ijj!j' 1--...a.-.;..:;4-A C

Figure 5-12

Chapter5The Skeletal System 81

28. Figure 5-13 is a diagram of the articulated skeleton. Identify all bones.or groups of bones by writing the correct labels at the end of the leader lines. Then, select two. different colors for the bones of the axtaland appendicular skeletons and use them to color in .the coding circles and corresponding

structures in the diagram. . . ..

o Axial skeleton

o Appendicular skeleton


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Figure 5-13

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