A Narrative Report On The Frog Dissection Activity

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A Narrative Report on the Frog Dissection Activity

The frog was the species that was dissected in this activity. Because of the makeup of its
body, it is one of the species that is frequently dissected. It can provide a succinct summary
of the internal organs found in various living creatures. Frog bodies function very differently
from human bodies in comparison. There are still some similarities, though. The primary
goals of this project are to learn more about frog anatomy and to compare the organ
structures of humans and frogs. Following the activity, it was determined that the positioning
of the frogs' internal organs and exterior body parts was somewhat comparable to that of

Dissections are performed by researchers or students for a variety of purposes, one of which
is to better understand the makeup of the specie being dissected. When a species is
dissected, the person performing the procedure has access to all of its body parts, including
both internal and exterior organs. Examining these organs also enables the students to
compare them to those of other animals, including those found in humans, and to
comprehend how they function. Animal organs differ greatly from human organs in terms of
size, shape, and sophistication. Yet, many organ systems in some animals function similarly
to those in people.
To start of in the ways of dissecting, you have to learn what and how you will dissect
the specimen and that is why the frog is the perfect specie to be use on this project. Why
frog? Frog has its common thing in the human and that is the human body.Its organ contains
as much as the human body and it has the right place that replicates the organ of a human, a
near perfect replica of human anatomy In all, dissecting would be mean to learn more about
the human anatomy by using the frog, a frog that would give you an insight on what it would
look like inside of the human body for refference since recommendation from profesional say
so that frog is more common on using into this subject.


The materials need to perform this activity is the following: (1) Dissecting Kit which includes
dissecting probes, scalpel, pins and scissors. (2) Dissecting pan, (3) Frog, (4) Alcohol, (5)
Cotton balls . Also, don't forget the wear the basic safety equipment inside the laboratory
which is lab gown, gloves, goggles and face mask.

For dissection part, it is divided into 3 parts (External Anatomy, Internal Anatomy ,Internal
Body System).

External Anatomy.
Place the frog on the dissecting pan ventral side up and pin down its arms and leg using the dissecting
pins. Make sure you can see clearly the frogs" face . Afterwards, locate the frogs' eyes and tympanic
membrane or its cardrum. It is located at the back of each eyes. Next one is the nostrils which is just
beneath the eyes . It has also two holes like the nose of the humans.

Internal Anatomy: Dissection

For this part,after paralyzing the frog , it is strictly observed that the frog is positioned ventral side up
and the pin is pinned down properly on the four limbs. To separate the skin from the muscle layer,
first lift the skin on the rear leg using forceps and make a small cut on the lifted skin using scalpel. Be
careful to cut only the skin not the muscle. Afterwards, use the scissors on the small cut to incise up to
the frog's neck. Now, you will cut horizontally between the front legs and second is to the rear legs.
After incising, use the forceps to lift up the skin and pin the flap of the skin into the dissecting pan.

After the skin, do the same with the muscle layer. But be extra careful, don't cut to deeply. This
may cause damage on the internal organs of the frog that may result to blood spillage. Remember the
muscle is thinner than the skin. As mentioned, same procedure with the skin, use the scalpel on the
incised muscle from the internal organs. Stretch the muscle layer as far it can be to easily see the
internal organs.

For the last part, the anatomy of frog is explored. In executing this part, it is subdivided into
4 layers for it to be easier. It begins with the liver and heart. Layer 1. Locate the liver, it
can be easily seen with its brownish colored and size. Next one is the heart. It is triangular in
shape and it can be seen in top of the liver. Layer 2. After pulling out the liver and heart,
you can see the gall bladder, the small intestine and the stomach. The gall bladder is a small
sac that is located below the liver. The stomach can be seen easily because of its shape. It's
also a large organ located below the liver near the front limb. After, locate the small intestine.
It is long folded organ which is tubular in shape and it is located near the stomach. Layer 3.
Here you will locate the lungs and pancreas. It is suggested that all organs mentioned in
layer 1 and 2 is pulled out to see the pancreas. You can see it by its yellowish color and
ribbon in structure. . Layer 4. Here the spleen and kidneys will be located. In male, the
spleen can be easily determined because of its round shaped. In female, it is more difficult to
be located. The kidney on the other hand is an elongated, also brown in color like the liver
found in the lower part of the abdomen of the frog. Reminder, in female, you should remover
the ovaries and oviduct to locate the kidneys.

In conclusion, the positioning of the frogs' internal organs and exterior body parts in
comparison to human anatomy was somewhat striking. The frog's lack of internal ovaries
leads scientists to the further conclusion that it was male. In doing this, the students also
learned how to properly cut the frog's various layers and pin the animal's limbs and skin.







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