Third Quarter

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Art 1: Foundations of Studio Art Ms

Visual Journaling Assignments: Quarter 3
(Long term Homework Assignment)

Below are the due dates for your visual journal for first quarter. Please complete the pages
in the order of the topics assigned. This is your opportunity to be extremely creative and make this
book your visual journal, a collection of your ideas!
Please work at your own pace, but be sure to have completed the required pages by the
due date. Visual Journals will be collected twice a quarter.
Make sure to respond to each of the topics creatively, artistically and most importantly
Criteria for Pages:
personally. How can you visually record your thoughts?
Contains 5 entries per quarter, these will
be assigned - you may do more.
Each page is a completed artwork – The
page addresses composition, content and
has visual interest.
Experimentation is evident - Through
the application of materials, Third Quarter Due Dates:
composition, creativity
Craftsmanship is evident - collage
materials secure, cutting careful, Check-in #1: To be Announced!
application of materials done carefully, Due (entries 1-5) : March 21, 2011
time spent. Observational Drawing: The corner of my
Create a collage with texture
Artist Inspiration: Research an art career
Observational Drawing: Choice;
demonstrate form, line weight and value
Utilize the element of Line to create an
intricate Maze.
* Artist Inspiration: Choose an artist. You may
research this artist on the internet, in a book, or a
gallery/museum. Create an artwork based on this
artist. What do you like about the artist? What has
Check out these websites for Ideas: inspired you about the artist’s work? How does this artist make you feel?

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