EMU8086 Solutions

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EMU8086 Solutions

To make sure you are using the latest version, choose check for an update from the help menu.

Windows Vista and Windows 7 users should enable Windows XP compatibly mode. Windows XP compatibly mode should also be applied to all
virtual hardware devices. To further minimize incompatibly problems, it's recommended to run both the emulator and any virtual devices as
system administrator.

READ/WRITE access is required for these files:

C:\emu8086 .io
C:\emu8086 .hw

(these files are used to communicate with virtual devices and for emulating hardware interrupts )

Technical support e -mail: info@ emu8086.com

To step forward press F8 key, to run forward press F9 or press and hold F8. To step backward press F6 key, to run backward press and
hold F6. The maximum number of steps-back can be set in emu8086.ini. For example:

MAXIMUM_STEPS_BACK= default ; by default it is set to 200 for a better performance.


MAXIMUM_STEPS_BACK= 1000 ; this value should not be over 32767.


Why this code doesn 't work?

org 100 h

myArray dw 2 , 12, 8, 52, 108

mov si, 0
mov ax, myArray[ si]



There should be a jump over the variables /array declaration:

org 100 h

jmp code

myArray dw 2 , 12, 8, 52, 108

code: mov si, 0

mov ax, myArray[ si]


For the computer all bytes look the same, it cannot determine if it's an instruction or a variable. Here is an example of MOV AL, 5
instruction that can be coded with simple variable declarations:

org 100 h

byte1 db 176
byte2 db 5


When you run this program in emulator you can see that bytes 176 and 5 are actually assembled into:


This is very typical for Von Neumann Architecture to keep data and instructions in the same memory, It's even possible to write complete
program by using only DB (define byte) directive.

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org 100 h

db 235 ; jump...
db 6 ; 6 - six bytes forward (need to skip characters)
db 72 ; ascii code of ' H'
db 101 ; ascii code of 'e'
db 108 ; ascii code of 'l'
db 108 ; ascii code of 'l'
db 111 ; ascii code of 'o'
db 36 ; ascii code of ' $' - DOS function prints untill dollar.
db 186 ; mov DX, . ... - DX is word = two bytes
db 2 ; 02 - little end
db 1 ; 01 - big end
db 180 ; mov AH, ....
db 9 ; 09
db 205 ; int ...
db 33 ; 21h - 33 is 21h (hexadecimal)
db 195 ; ret - stop the program .

8086 and all other Intel's microprocessors store the least significant byte at a lower address. 102 h is the address of 'H' character = org
100h + 2 bytes (jmp instruction). The above assembly code produces identical machine code to this little program:

org 100 h

jmp code

msg db 'Hello$'

code: mov DX, offset msg

mov AH, 9
int 21h


If you open the produced ".com" file in any hex editor you can see hexadecimal values, every byte takes two hexadecimal digits, for example
235 = EB, etc... memory window of the emulator shows both hexadecimal and decimal values.


The screen fonts are too small or too big? ...


The latest version of the emulator uses Terminal font by default and it is MSDOS /ASCII compatible.It is also possible to set the screen font to
Fixedsys from the options . For other controls the font can be changed from c:\emu8086 \emu8086 .ini configuration file. It is well known
that on some localized versions of Windows XP the Terminal font may be shown significantly smaller than in original English version. The latest
version automatically changes default font to 12 unless it is set in emu8086 .ini: FIX_SMALL_FONTS= false. The Fixedsys font is reported
to be shown equally on all systems. It is reported that for small Terminal font D and 0 (zero ) look very alike.

Starting from version 4.00 -Beta-8 the integrated assembler of emu8086 can be used from command line. The switch is /a followed by a full
path to assembly source code files. The assembler will assemble all files that are in source folder into MyBuild directory.

For example:

emu8086 /a c:\emu8086 \examples

Note: any existing files in c:\emu 8086\MyBuild\ subdirectory are to be overwritten. The assembler does not print out the status and error
messages to console, instead it prints out everything to this file:
c:\emu8086 \MyBuild\_emu8086 _log.txt

Do not run several instances of the assembler under the same path until <END> appears in the file. You may see if emu8086 is running by
pressing the Ctrl+Alt+Del combination , or by just opening and reopening _emu8086 _log.txt file in Notepad to see if the file is written
completely. This can be checked automatically by another program (the file must be opened in shared mode).

The assembler does not save files with extensions .com, .exe, or .bin, instead it uses these extensions: .com_, .exe_, or .bin _ (there is
underline in the end ). If you'd like to run the file for real just rename .com_ to .com etc.

For batch rename just type:

ren *.com_ *.com

Theoretically it's possible to make a high level compiler that will use emu 8086 as an assembler to generate the byte code. Maybe even C or
C++ compiler. The example of a basic compiler program written in pure 8086 code may be available in the future .

To disable little status window in the lower right corner, set SILENT_ASSEMBLER= true in emu8086.ini

For the emulator physical drive A: is this file c:\emu8086 \FLOPPY_0 (for BIOS interrupts : INT 13 h and boot).

For DOS interrupts (INT 21h) drive A: is emulated in this subdirectory: c:\emu8086 \vdrive\ a\


How do I print a result of a sum of two numbers?

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There are two general solutions to this task, small and big.

Short "Macro Assembly" solution:

; it is a much shorter solution, because procedures are hidden inside the include file.

include "emu8086.inc "

ORG 100 h

MOV AX, 27
MOV BX, 77

;now I will print the result which is in AX register





For more information about macro definitions check out tutorial 5.

(source code of emu8086.inc is available - click here to study)

emu8086.inc is an open source library, you can dismantle, modify and use its procedures directly
in your code instead of using include directives and tricky macro definitions.
The procedure the prints the simple numeric value can take several hundreds of lines,
you can use this library as a short-cut; you can find actual assembly language code that does the printing
if you open emu8086 .inc and search for DEFINE _PRINT_NUM and DEFINE _PRINT_NUM_UNS inside of it,
they look exactly as the first example, the advantage of macros is that many programs can use it keeping
their code relatively small.


How to calculate the number of elements in array?

Solution: The following code calculates the array size:

jmp start:
array db 17,15,31,16,1 ,123, 71

array_byte _size = $ - offset array

MOV AX, array_ byte_size

$ is the location counter, it is used by the assembler to calculate locations of labels and variables .
note: this solution may not work in older versions of emu8086 integrated assembler, you can download an update here. the result is always
in bytes. If you declare an array of words you need to divide the result by two , for example:

jmp start:
array dw 12,23,31,15, 19,431 ,17

array_byte _size = $ - offset array

MOV AX, array_ byte_size / 2

the remainder is always zero, because the number of bytes is even.


How can I do a far call, or is it not supported in the emulator?

mov bx,0 h ;set es :bx to point to int 10h vector in ivt

mov es,bx
mov bx,40h
mov ah,0eh ; set up int 10h params
mov al, 1 ; ASCII code of a funny face
call es :[bx] ; do a far call to int 10h vector ( wrong! )

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mov bx,0 h ; set es :bx to point to int 10h vector in ivt

mov es,bx
mov bx,40h
mov ah,0eh ; set up int 10h params
mov al, 1 ; ASCII code of a funny face.
call far es:[bx] ; do a far call to int10h vector

Without far prefix the microprocessor sets a word value (2 bytes) that is pointed by es:[BX] to IP register; with far prefix microprocessor
sets the word value that is pointed by es:[BX] to IP register, and the word at es:[BX+2] is set to CS register.


Is there another way to achieve the same result without using DD variables?


DD definitions and far jumps are supported in the latest version, for example:

jmp far addr

addr dd 1235:5124h

If you are using earlier version of emu8086 you can use a workaround, because double words are really two 16 bit words, and words are
really two bytes or 8 bits, it's possible to code without using any other variables but bytes. In other words, you can define two DW values to
make a DD.

For example:

ddvar dw 0
dw 0

Long jumps are supported in the latest version (call far). For previous versions of emu8086 there is another workaround:

This code is compiled perfectly by all versions:

jmp 1234h:4567h

and it is assembled into byte sequence:

EA 67 45 34 12

It can be seen in memory window and in emulator -> debug.

Therefore, you can define in your code something similar to this code:

db 0 EAh ; long jump instruction opcode.

oft dw 4567h ; jump offset
sg dw 1234h ; jump segment

The above code is assembled into the same machine code, but allows you to modify the jump values easily and even replace them if
required, for exampe:

mov cs: oft, 100 h

when executed the above instruction modifies the upper code into:

jmp 1234h:100 h

this is just a tiny example of self-modifying code, it's possible to do anything even without using DD (define double word ) and segment
overrides, in fact it is possible to use DB (define byte) only, because DW (define word) is just two DBs. it is important to remember that
Intel architecture requires the little end of the number to be stored at the lower address, for example the value 1234h is combined of two
bytes and it is stored in the memory as 3412 .

org 100 h

mov ax, 0
mov es, ax

mov ax, es:[40h]

mov word_ offset, ax

mov ax, es:[40h+2 ]

mov word_ segment, ax

mov ah,0 eh ; set up parameters for int 10h

mov al,1 ; ASCII code of a funny face.

; do same things as int does

push cs

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mov bx, rr
push bx

opcode db 0EAh ; jmp word_segment:word_ offset

word_offset dw ?
word_segment dw ?

mov ax, 1 ; return here




It would be very useful to have the option of invoking a DOS shell at the build directory from the compile finished dialogue.


The latest version of emu 8086 has external button that allows to launch command prompt or debug.exe with preloaded executable and it
also allows to run executables in real environment.
for previous versions of emu8086 you can download Microsoft utility called command prompt here , after the compilation click browse..., to
open C:\ emu8086\MyBuild folder in file manager, then right -click this folder and select "open command prompt here" from the pop-
up menu.


Is it possible to set a break point?


Yes, it's possible to click the instruction line and click Set break point from Debug menu of the emulator.
It is also possible to keep a log similar to debug program, if you click View - > Keep Debug Log.
The break point is set to currently selected address (segment:offset).
The emulator will stop running when the physical address of CS:IP registers is equivalent to break point address (note: several effective
address may represent the same physical address, for example 0700:114 A = 0714 :000A)
Another way to set a break point is to click debug - > stop on condition and set value of IP register. The easiest way to get IP values is
from the listing under LOC column. To get listing click debug - > listing
In addition it' s possible to the emulator to stop on codition AX = 1234 h and to put the follwoing lines in several places of your code:

MOV AX, 1234 h



I am aware that 8086 is limited to 32 ,767 for positive and to -32,768 for negative. I am aware that this is the 16-bit processor , that was
used in earlier computer systems, but even in 8-bit Atari 2600 score counts in many games went into the 100,000s, way beyond 32 ,000.


Here is the example that calculates and displays the sum of two 100-bit values (30 digits).
32 bits can store values up to: 4,294,967,296 because 2^ 32 = 4294967296 (this is only 10 decimal digits).
100 bits can hold up to 31 decimal digits because 2^ 100 = 1267650600228229401496703205376
(31 decimal digits = 100 binary digits = 100 bits )

; this example shows how to add huge unpacked BCD numbers (BCD is binary coded decimal).

; this allows to over come the 16 bit and even 32 bit limitation.
; because 32 digit decimal value holds over 100 bits!
; the number of digits in num1 and num2 can be easily increased.

ORG 100 h

; skip data:
JMP code

; the number of digits in numbers:

; it's important to reserve 0 as most significant digit, to avoid overflow .
; so if you need to operate with 250 digit values, you need to declare len = 251
len EQU 32

; every decimal digit is stored in a separate byte .

; first number is: 423454612361234512344535179521

num1 DB 0 ,0,4 ,2, 3,4 ,5,4 ,6, 1,2 ,3,6 ,1, 2,3 ,4,5 ,1, 2,3 ,4,4 ,5, 3,5 ,1,7 ,9, 5,2 ,1
; second number is: 712378847771981123513137882498
num2 DB 0 ,0,7 ,1, 2,3 ,7,8 ,8, 4,7 ,7,7 ,1, 9,8 ,1,1 ,2, 3,5 ,1,3 ,1, 3,7 ,8,8 ,2, 4,9 ,8

; we will calculate this:

; sum = num1 + num2

; 423454612361234512344535179521 + 712378847771981123513137882498 =

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; = 1135833460133215635857673062019

sum DB len dup (0) ; declare array to keep the result .

; you may check the result on paper, or click Start , then Run, then type "calc".

code: nop ; the entry point.

; digit pointer :

; setup the loop:

MOV CX, len
MOV BX , len -1 ; point to lest significant digit.

next_digit :

; add digits:
MOV AL, num1[ BX]
ADC AL, num2 [BX]

; this is a very useful instruction that

; adjusts the value of addition
; to be string compatible

; AAA stands for ASCII ADD ADJUST.

; --- algorithm behind AAA ---
; if low nibble of AL > 9 or AF = 1 then:
; AL = AL + 6
; AH = AH + 1
; AF = 1
; CF = 1
; else
; AF = 0
; CF = 0
; in both cases: clear the high nibble of AL.
; --- end of AAA logic ---

; store result :
MOV sum[BX], AL

; point to next digit:


LOOP next_digit

; include carry in result (if any):

ADC sum[BX], 0

; print out the result:

MOV CX, len

; start printing from most significant digit:

MOV BX , 0

MOV AL, sum[BX ]
; convert to ASCII char:
OR AL, 30h

MOV AH, 0 Eh
INT 10h


LOOP print_ d



With some more diligence it's possible to make a program that inputs 200 digit values and prints out their sum.


I'm making an interrupt counter; for that I am using 1 phototransister and sdk-86 board at college. I am not having this kit at home so I
have a problem to see the output.
here is issue.: when light on phototransister is on and off pulse is generated, this pulse comes just like the harwared iterrupt . my program
must to count these pulses continuously; for that I am using 8255 kit and SDK-86kit at college, but at home I don't have this equempent at
home. Am I able to emulate the output of real system? Perchanps, I have to develope 8255 device as an externel device in emu8086 ; but
how can I prog this device in vb? I am using ports: 30 h, 31 h, 32 h, and 33 h. I dont know vb...


You don't have to know vb, but you have to know any real programming language apart from html/javascript. the programming language
must allow the programmer to have complete control over the file input/output operations , then you can just open the file c:\emu8086 .io
in shared mode and read values from it like from a real i/o port . byte at offset 30h corresponds to port 30 h, word at offset 33 h corresponds
to port 33h. the operating system automatically caches files that are accessed frequently, this makes the interaction between the emulator

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and a virtual device just a little bit slower than direct memory -to-memory to communication. in fact , you can create 8255 device in 16 bit or
even in 32 bit assembly language.

Note: the latest version supports hardware interrupts: c:\ emu8086.hw , setting a none-zero value to any byte in that file triggers a
hardware interrupt. the emulator must be running or step button must be pressed to process the hardware interrupt. For example:

jmp idle


What physical address corresponds to DS:103 Fh if DS =94D0h


94D0h * 10h + 103Fh = 95D3 Fh

and it's equivalent to effective address: 95D3h :000 Fh

it's possible to use emu8086 integrated calculator to make these calculations (set show result to hex).

note: 10 h = 16


I would like to print out the assembly language program as well as the corresponding machine language code. How can I do so ?


It is not possible to print out the source code directly from emu8086, but you may click file -> export to HTML... and print it from the
browser or even upload it to the server preserving true code colors and allowing others just to copy & paste it.

The corresponding machine code can be opened and then printed out by clicking view - > listing right after the successful assembling/
compilation or from the emulator's menu.


Can we use breakpoint int 03h with emu 8086?


It is possible to overwrite the default stub address for int 03h in interrupt vector table with a custom function. And it is possible to insert CC
byte to substitute the first byte of any instruction , however the easiest way to set a break point is to click an instruction and then click
debug - > set break point from the menu.

Editor hints:

To repeat a successful text search press F3 key .

To cut a line press Ctrl + Y simultaneously.
Free positioning of the text cursor can be turned off from the options by checking confine caret to text.

65535 and -1 are the same 16 bit values in binary representation: 1111111111111111b
as 254 and - 2 have the same binary code too: 11111110b


It is good that emu8086 supports virtual devices for emulating the io commands. But how does the IO work for real? (Or: How do I get the
Address of a device e .g. the serial port)


It is practically the same. The device conrolling is very simple. You may try searching for "PC PhD: Inside PC Interfacing". The only
problem is the price. It's good if you can afford to buy real devices or a CPU workbench and experiment with the real things. However, for
academic and educational purpoces, the emulator is much cheaper and easier to use, plus you cannot nor burn nor shortcut it. Using
emu8086 technology anyone can make free additional hardware devices. Free hardware easy - in any programming language.


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How do I set the output screen to 40*25, so I dont have to resize it everytime it runs.


mov ax, 0
int 10h

It's possible to change the colours by clicking the "options" button. The latest version uses yellow color to select lines of bytes when the
instruction in disassembled list is clicked , it shows exactly how many bytes the instruction takes. The yellow background is no longer
recommended to avoid the confusion.

Instead of showing the offset the emulator shows the physical address now. You can easily calculate the offset even without the calculator,
because the loading segment is always 0700 (unless it' s a custom .bin file), so if physical address is 07100 then the offset is 100 and the
segment is 700.

The file system emulation is still undergoing heavy checks, there are a few new but undocumented interrupts . INT 21 h/4Eh and INT
21h/4Fh. These should allow to get the directory file list.


What is org 100 h ?


First of all, it's a directive which instructs the assembler to build a simple .com file. unlike instructions, this directive is not converted into any
machine code. com files are compatible with DOS and they can run in Windows command prompt , and it's the most tiny executable format
that is available.

Literally this directive sets the location counter to 256 (100h). Location counter is represented in source code as dollar. This is an example
of how location counter value can be accessed: MOV AX, $ the execution of this instruction will make AX contain the address of instruction
that put this address in it.... but usually, it's not something to worry about, just remember that org 100h must be the first line if you want
to make a tiny single segment executable file. note: dollar inside "$" or '$' is not a location counter, but an ASCII character. Location counter
has nothing to do with string terminating "$" that is historically used by MS-DOS print functions.


What is org 7c00h ?


It is very similar to org 100h. This directive instructs the assembler to add 7C00h to all addresses of all variables that are declared in your
program. It operates exactly the same way as ORG 100 h directive, but instead of adding 100 h (or 256 bytes) it adds 7C00h.

For example if you write this code:

mov ax, var1

and the address of var1 is 10h

without ORG 100 h directive assembler produces the following machine code:

mov ax, [10h ]

however with ORG 100 h directive assembler automatically updates the machine code to:

mov ax, [10h +100 h]

and it is equivalent to this code:

mov ax, [110 h]

org 7C00h directive must be used because the computer loads boot records into the memory at address 0000:7C00.

If program is not using variable names and only operates directly with numeric address values (such as [2001 h] or [0000 :1232h]... etc,
and not var1, var 2...) and it does not use any labels then there is no practical use for ORG directive. generally it's much more convenient
to use names for specific memory locations (variables), for these cases ORG directive can save a lot of time for the programmer, by
calculating the correct offset automatically.


ORG directive does not load the program into specific memory area.
Misuse of ORG directive can cause your program not to operate correctly.
The area where the boot module of the operating system is loaded is defined on hardware level by the computer system/BIOS
When .com files are loaded by DOS/prompt , they are loaded at any available segment, but offset is always 100h (for example

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Notes about I/O port emulation for c:\ emu8086.io

It is not recommended to use two neighbouring 16 bit ports , for example port 0 and port 1.
Every port has a byte length (8 bit ), two byte port (16 bit word) is emulated using 2 bytes or 2 byte ports.
When the emulator outputs the second word it overwrites the high byte of the first word.

; For example:
MOV AL, 34h
OUT 25 , AL
MOV AL, 12h
OUT 26 , AL
; is equvalent to:
MOV AX, 1234h
OUT 25 , AX


; I am trying to compile the following:

org 256

mov dx, bugi


bugi db 55

; The variable _bugi_ is a byte while DX is

; a word but the integrated assembler does not complain. Why ?


To make the integrated assembler to generate more errors you may set:


in this file:

C:\emu8086 \emu8086.ini

By default it is set to false to enable coding a little bit faster without the necessity to use "byte ptr" and "word ptr" in places where it is
clear without these long constructions (i.e . when one of the operands is a register ).

Note: the settings in emu8086.ini do not apply to fasm (flat assembler). To use fasm add #fasm# or any valid format directive (valid for
emu8086 version 4.00-Beta -15 and above)

For differences between the integrated assembler (MASM/TASM compatible) and FASM see fasm_compatibility.asm
FASM does not require the offset directive. By default all textual labels are offsets (even if defined with DB/DW)
To specify a variable [ ] must be put around it.

To avoid conflicts between 8086 integrated assembler and fasm, it is recommended to place this directive on top of all files that are designed
for flat assembler:


I've installed emu 8086 on several computers in one of my electronics labs. Everything seems to work correctly when I am logged onto any
of the PC 's but , when any of the students log on, the virtual device programs controlled by the example ASM programs do not respond. ex;
using LED_display_test.ASM.

The lab is set up with Windows XP machines on a domain. I have admin privileges but the students do not. I tried setting the security setting
of C:\emu8086 so all users have full privileges but it did not help. Are there other folders that are in play when the program is running?


In order for virtual devices to work correctly, it is required to set READ/WRITE privileges for these files that are created by the emulator in
the root folder of the drive C:
C:\emu8086 .io
c:\emu8086 .hw

These files are are used to communicate between the virtual devices and the emulator, and it should be allowed for programs that run under
students' login to create, read and write to and from these files freely.

To see simulated memory - click emulator 's "aux" button and then select "memory" from the popup menu.

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Migrating to Multicore? Make the move today with the Poly-Platform development kit www.polycoresoftware .com

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