Institution Address
Institution Address
Institution Address
This time i am handling Linear IC and applications for 4th sem E&C and analog and mixed mode
vlsi design for 6th E&C students. I have opted these subjects first time so i m requesting you to
send me the complimentary copy of both the subjects sir
kindly request you to send me complimentary copy for the following books
Thanking you
Harish S.V
Institution Address:
Harish S. V,
Lecturer in the Dept. of Electronics and communication Engineering
NIE-Institute of Technology
No.50, Hootagalli
Industrial Area,
Koorgalli Village,
Mysore ,
Residential Address:
Harish S.V
MIG 115, I- Block,
2nd Main, 5th Cross,
Ramakrishna nagar,
Mysore ,
Karnataka , India
Thank you
Harish S.V