Chemistry Form Four: Chapter 9: Manufactured Substances in Industry

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Chemistry Form Four

Chapter 9 : Manufactured Substances in Industry

Nur Safina Izwani Binti Rumli

4 Ibnu Sina

Teacher Salahiah Binti Daman

 Understand the manufacture of sulphuric acid.
 Synthesised the manufacture of ammonia and its salts.
 Understand alloys.
 Evaluate the uses of synthetic polymer.
 Apply the uses of glass and ceramics.
 Evaluate the uses of composite materials.
 Appreciate various synthetic industrial materials.
Assalamualaikum w.b.t

I am so grateful to Allah s.w.t for giving me good health and opportunity to finish
this task by its dateline. Here, I want to thank everyone and everybody that had
helped me through the process of finishing this task. Thank you very much and a
lot of appreciation to my parents for moral support and money, to my Chemistry
teacher for the guidelines, and to my fellow friends who always help me in every
hard situation. May ALLAH bless all of you. I will never forget those help.

Method Used
 Internet research
- I had did some research based on the topics given. I had found many
informations about this topic from the internet.
 Reading
- I had read my revision book of Chemistry and collect informations from it.

Uses of Sulphuric Acid

 Fertilisers
i. Phosphate fertilizers
ii. Nitrogen fertilizers
iii. Mixed fertilizers
 Paints and pigments
 Detergents
 Fibres
i. Rayon
ii. Paper
 Metallurgy
i. Cleaning metals
 Dyes
 Other uses
i. Explosives
ii. Electrolytes
iii. Insecticides
iv. Pharmaceuticals
v. Oil refining

Manufacture of Sulphuric Acid

 The manufacture of sulphuric acid is carried out using the Contact Process
 There are three essential stages in the manufacture of sulphuric acid ;
i. Combustion of sulphur
ii. Conversion of sulphur dioxide to sulphur trioxide
iii. Formation of sulphuric acid
Contact Process

Stage 1 ; Formation of Sulphur Dioxide

1) Sulphur is burnt in air to produce sulphur dioxide.
S(s) + O2(g)  SO2(g)
2) Sulphur dioxide is also produced by roasting sulphide ores ( e.g lead sulphide ) in air.
2PbS(s) + 3O2(g)  2PbO(s) + 2SO2(g)
3) Sulphur dioxide is then mixed with excess air.
4) The mixture is purified and died.
5) Dust and impurities such as arsenic compounds are removed to prevent the poisoning of the

Stage 2 ; Formation of Sulphur Trioxide

1) Sulphur dioxide is oxidized to sulphur trioxide via a reversible and exothermic reaction.

2) Optimum conditions used are as follows ;

 Temperature ; 450oc
 Pressure ; 1 atmosphere
 Catalyst ; Vanadium (v) oxide
3) About 97% conversion occurs under these conditions

Stage 3 ; Formation of Sulphuric Acid

1) Sulphur trioxide is dissolved in concentrated sulphuric acid to form oleum

2) Sulphur trioxide is not dissolved in water as the heat evolved vapourises the sulphuric acid. The
vapour condenses to form a mist of sulphuric acid which is hard to collect.
3) The oleum is then diluted with water to produce concentrated sulphuric acid, 98% H 2SO4


Uses of Ammonia in Daily Life

 The most important use of ammonia is as a fertilizer. Pure liquid ammonia provides the highest
concentration of nitrogen. It can be added to the soil to help the healthy growth of plants.
 Ammonia is used in the manufacture of other nitrogenous fertilizers. These fertilizers are mostly
soluble ammonium salts obtained when ammonia is neutralized by the appropriate acids. As
example are ammonium sulphate, ammonium nitrate, ammonium phosphate and urea.
 Ammonia is a feedstock for the manufacture of nitric acid via Ostwald Process.
 Ammonium chloride is produced from the reaction between ammonia and hydrochloric acid.
This compound is used in the manufacture of dry cell batteries.
 Ammonia gas has a high heat capacity and is highly compressible. These properties make it
suitable to be used as a refrigerant.
 Aqueous ammonia is found in many household cleaning products to remove grease and oily
 Ammonia is also used to make nylon and explosives.

Manufacture of Ammonia

 Ammonia is produced industrially by a process called the Haber-Bosch Process.

 Ammonia is formed from the direct combination of nitrogen and hydrogen.
Haber-Bosch Process

1 : Nitrogen gas is obtained from the fractional distillation of liquid air.

2 : Hydrogen gas is obtained from natural gas. The methane in natural gas reacts with steam
according to the following equations.
CH4(g) + 2H2O(g)  CO2(g) + 4H2(g)
CH4(g) + H2O(g)  CO(g) + 3H2(g)
CO(g) + H2O(g)  CO2(g) + H2(g)
3 : Nitrogen and hydrogen are mixed according to the following ratio one mole N2 : 3 moles H2.
4 : In the compressor, the gas mixture is heated to 450oC and 200 atm before it enters the reactor
5 : In the reactor chamber, an iron catalyst helps to speed up the reaction.
N2(g) + 3H2(g)  2NH3(g)
6 : The gases emerging from the reactor is cooled. Ammonia liquefies. The liquid ammonia is
separated. The unreactor nitrogen and hydrogen are returned to the reactor via the

o An alloy is a material that contains a mixture of elements and has metallic properties.

Alloy Composition Properties Uses

Brass Copper 70% High strength Ornaments, door knobs, bullet
Zinc 30% Resistance to corrosion cases, electric parts, musical
Bronze Copper 90% High strength Medals, statues, monuments,
Tin 10% Resistance to corrosion art objects
Duralumin Aluminium 95% Low density Aircraft, electric cable
Copper 5% High strength
Resistance to corrosion
Pewter Tin 91% High strength Ornaments, souvenirs
Antimony 7% Resistance to corrosion
Copper 2% Bright shiny surface
Steel Iron 99% High strength Car bodies, bridges, ships
Carbon 1%
Stainless steel Iron 80.6% Great resistance to Cutlery, sinks, knives, pipes
Carbon 0.4% corrosions
Chromium 18%
Nickel 1%
Table 1 compositions, properties and uses of alloys

Figure 1 formation of Alloy


o Synthetic polymers are made by man from chemicals obtained from petroleum fractions,
natural gas and coal.
o Synthetic polymers are used to make plastics, fibres, resins, and synthetic rubbers.

Some Common Addition Polymers

Name(s) Formula Monomer Properties Uses

Polyethylene ethylene film wrap, plastic

–(CH2-CH2)n– soft, waxy solid
low density (LDPE) CH2=CH2 bags

Polyethylene ethylene electrical insulation

–(CH2-CH2)n– rigid, translucent solid
high density (HDPE) CH2=CH2 bottles, toys

atactic: soft, elastic

Polypropylene –[CH2- propylene solid similar to LDPE
(PP) different grades CH(CH3)]n– CH2=CHCH3 isotactic: hard, strong carpet, upholstery

Poly(vinyl chloride) vinyl chloride pipes, siding,

–(CH2-CHCl)n– strong rigid solid
(PVC) CH2=CHCl flooring

Poly(vinylidene vinylidene
dense, high-melting
chloride) –(CH2-CCl2)n– chloride seat covers, films
(Saran A) CH2=CCl2

hard, rigid, clear solid

Polystyrene –[CH2- styrene toys, cabinets
soluble in organic
(PS) CH(C6H5)]n– CH2=CHC6H5 packaging (foamed)

high-melting solid
Polyacrylonitrile acrylonitrile rugs, blankets
–(CH2-CHCN)n– soluble in organic
(PAN, Orlon, Acrilan) CH2=CHCN clothing

Polytetrafluoroethyle tetrafluoroethyle
non-stick surfaces
ne –(CF2-CF2)n– ne resistant, smooth solid
electrical insulation
(PTFE, Teflon) CF2=CF2
Poly(methyl methyl
methacrylate) methacrylate lighting covers, signs
C(CH3)CO2CH3]n hard, transparent solid
(PMMA, Lucite, CH2=C(CH3)CO2CH skylights

Plexiglas) 3

Poly(vinyl acetate) –(CH2- vinyl acetate latex paints,

soft, sticky solid
(PVAc) CHOCOCH3)n– CH2=CHOCOCH3 adhesives

–[CH2- isoprene requires

CH=C(CH3)- CH2=CH- soft, sticky solid vulcanization
natural rubber
CH2]n– C(CH3)=CH2 for practical use

Polychloroprene (cis +
–[CH2-CH=CCl- chloroprene synthetic rubber
trans) tough, rubbery solid
CH2]n– CH2=CH-CCl=CH2 oil resistant



Type of glass Composition Properties Uses

Fused glass SiO2: 100%  Transparent  Lens

 High melting point  Telescope mirrors
 Good heat insulator  Laboratory apparatus
Soda-lime glass SiO2: 75%  Low melting point,  Drinking glass,
easily molded into bottles
Na2O:15% desired shape and  Electric bulbs
size  Window glass
CaO: 9%  Low resistant to
chemical attacks
Other:1%  Brittle
Borosilicate glass SiO2: 78%  Resistant chemical  Cooking utensils
attack and durable  Laboratory glassware
B2O3: 12%  High melting point such as conical flaks
 Good insulator to and boiling tube
Na2O: 5% heat
CaO: 3%


Lead crystal glass (flint SiO2: 70%  High refractive index  Lenses and prisms
glass)  High density  Decorative glassware
 Attractive glittering and art object
Pbo/PbO2:20% appearance  Imation jewellery

Na2O: 10%


o Ceramics are a class of non-metal materials, which are better electrical and thermal insulators
then metals. They have greater rigidity, hardness and resistance to heat and chemical attacks
compared to organic polymers.
o Traditional silicate ceramics are made by heating aluminosilicate clay such as kaolin to a very
high temperature.
o Ceramics have many special properties that make them one of the most useful materials in our
everyday life. That are :

a. Are hard, strong but brittle

b. Have high melting point and remain stable at high temperature
c. Are heat and electric instrument
d. Are resistant to corrosion and wear
e. Are chemically not reactive
f. Do not readily deform under stress

o Ceramic play important role in our daily life. They are uses as

a. Construction materials
i. Ceramic are strong and hard, uses to make roof tiles, bricks cement, sinks, and toilet bowls.
ii. They are also used to make refractory bricks because high resistant to heat.
b. Decorative items
i. To make pottery, china plates, and porcelain vases since they do not tarnish easily and are
ii. They are used to make bathroom fixture such as floor and wall tiles.
c. Electrical insulator
i. Ceramic are used to make electrical insulator in electrical items such as toasters, fridges and
electrical plug.

Materials Melting Density/G Elastic modulus/ Hardness/ mohs

point/ °C cm-3 GPa

Oxide ceramic

Alumina,AL2O3 2054 3.97 380 9

Beryllia, BeO 2574 3.01 370 8

Zirconia, ZiO 2710 5.68 210 8

Non-oxide ceramics

Boron carbide,B4C3 2350 2.50 280 9

Silicon nitride, Si3, n4 2830 3.16 400 9

1900 3.17 310 9


Aluminium 660 2.70 70 3

Steel 1515 7.86 205 5

Comparing properties of glass and ceramics

Glass Similarities Seramics

 Strong under compression

 Hard
 Brittle
 Do not corrode
 Good electrical insulator
 Good heat insulator
 Resistant to chemical attacks

Highly transparent Differences Opaque

i. Optical
Can be melted and remoulded ii. Moulding Cannot be melted and remoulded
Lower melting point iii. Melting point Very high melting point
Revision book

- Focus Excel Chemistry Form 4 , Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. , First

published 2006 , Eng Nguan Hong, Lim Eng Wah, Lim Yean Ching


- Google search > manufactured substances in industry

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