Lecture-01 Types of Fermentation
Lecture-01 Types of Fermentation
Lecture-01 Types of Fermentation
The definition of fermentation changes with reference to the In developing a product, a fermentation technologist must
context ie. consider all stages of the manufacturing process.
• In case of metabolism fermentation refers to energy Stages of Fermentation
generating processes where organic compound acts as both Industrial fermentation is comprised of two main stages
electron donor and acceptor.
• Upstream Processing (USP)
• In context to industrial biotechnology, fermentation is
• Downstream Processing (DSP)
defined as the process by which large quantities of cells are
grown under aerobic or anaerobic conditions. Upstream Processing
(Discussion will be more towards aerobic culture as most • Involves all factors and processes leading to and including
of the industrial high value products are from aerobic the fermentation.
processes. The scaling of the aerobic processes also is more • It consists of three main areas:
complicated than anaerobic processes.) • Producer microorganism
• The industrial microorganisms are grown under controlled This include processes for
conditions with an aim of optimising the growth of the
a. obtaining a suitable microorganism
organism or production of a target microbial product.
b. strain improvement to increase the productivity and
• Fermentation is carried out in vessels known as
Fermentors.The types of fermentor ranges from simple
tank to complex integrated system of automated control. c. maintenance of strain purity
An overview of a typical industrial fermentation process d. preparation of suitable inoculum
The movement of materials through a typical fermentation • Fermentation media
plant is shown in the following figure: • Fermentation Process
Downstream Processing
• It is the collective term for the processes that follows
fermentation ie
a. cell harvesting
b. cell disruption
c. product purification from cell extracts or the growth
Fermentation in liquid media is of two types depending upon
the mode of operation:
A. Batch Fermentation
B. Continuous Fermentation
Batch reactors are simplest type of mode of reactor operation.
In this mode, the reactor is filled with medium and the
fermentation is allowed to proceed. When the fermentation has
finished the contents are emptied for downstream processing.
The reactor is then cleaned, re-filled, re-inoculated and the
fermentation process starts again.
Continuous reactors: fresh media is continuously added and
bioreactor fluid is continuously removed. As a result, cells
continuously receive fresh medium and products and waste
products and cells are continuously removed for processing. The
reactor can thus be operated for long periods of time without
having to be shut down. Continuous reactors can be many
times more productive than batch reactors. This is partly due to
the fact that the reactor does not have to be shut down as
regularly and also due to the fact that the growth rate of the
bacteria in the reactor can be more easily controlled and opti-
mized. Figure 1.2: Growth of a microorganism in a batch culture
In addition, cells can also be immobilized in continuous Lag Phase
reactors, to prevent their removal and thus further increase the
• In lag phase the microbial population remains constant as
productivity of these reactors.
there is no growth. However it is the period of intense
Continuous reactors are as yet not widely used in industry but metabolic activity.
do find major application in wastewater treatment.
Factors Influencing the Lag Phase
Fed batch reactor is the most common type of reactor used in
• Chemical composition of the fermentation media
industry. In this reactor, fresh media is continuous or some-
influences the length of the lag phase. Longer lag phase is
times periodically added to the bioreactor but unlike a
observed if the inoculum is transferred into a fresh
continuous reactor, there is no continuous removal. The
medium of different carbon source as that of the medium
fermenter is emptied or partially emptied when reactor is full or
in which the cells are grown. This is because the cells need to
fermentation is finished. As with the continuous reactor, it is
induce the enzymes required for the metabolism of the new
possible to achieve high productivities due to the fact that the
growth rate of the cells can be optimized by controlling the
flow rate of the feed entering the reactor. • Age of the inoculum. If the inoculum is in exponential
growth phase, it will exhibit shorter lag in the fresh
Batch Fermentation Process medium.
Batch processes are dynamic processes that are never in a steady
state. Often in batch processes the critical parameter is gas • Concentration of the inoculum
exchange or balance between respiration rate and oxygen • Viability and morphology of the inoculum
transfer. Exponential Phase
In batch operation the sterilized media components are • Cell divides with increasing frequency till it reaches the
supplied at the beginning of the fermentation with no maximum growth rate (µmax)
additional feed after inoculation.
• At this point logarithmic growth begins and cell numbers
When cells are grown in a batch reactor, they go through a series or cell biomass increase at a constant rate.
of stages known as (Figure 1)
Mathematical Expression of Growth
• Lag phase
It can be based on cell mass (x) or cell number (N).
• Exponential phase
Rate of Cell Growth based on Cell Biomass
• Stationary phase Rate of change of biomass at a given time is
• Death phase dx/dt = µx ——————1.1
µ=1/x.dx/dt ——————1.2
x= concentration of biomass (g/l)
µ= specific growth rate (h-1)
t= time (h)
xt=x0e µt
——————1.3 population to double or time taken for one division
xt= biomass concentration after time t td = t/n=1/k = t ln2/ ln Nt - ln No
x0= biomass concentration at the start of exponential growth Calculation of Doubling Time on the Basis of Cell Biomass
taking natural log, loge (ln) of eqn 1.3 If we consider the initial cell biomass to be xo, and after time t,
the microbial biomass doubles ie.
lnxt=lnx0+µt ——————1.4
µ = (lnxt - lnx0)/t ——————1.5
then t will be the doubling time td.
This equation is of the form y = c (intercept on y axis) + mx
Substituting these parameters into equation. 1.3
µ = gradient (µ in equation 1.4)
2xo = xoeµtd ——————3.1
For cells in exponential phase, a plot of natural log of biomass
con-centration against time, a semilog plot, should yield a Taking log of eqn. 3.1
straight line with the slope (gradient) equal to µ (Fig. 1.3) ln2xo = lnxo + µtd ——————3.2
µtd = ln2 ——————3.3
td = ln2/µ ——————3.4
In the above growth calculations we consider the growth to be
indefinite, however in batch fermentations the nutrient
provided is finite which will eventually be depleted. The
implication on growth is that growth decreases and eventually
stops. Monod showed that growth rate is an approximate
hyperbolic function of the concentra-tion of the growth-
limiting nutrient(s) (Fig. 1.4). This impact of essential nutrient
depletion on growth can be described mathematically by the
Monod equation, in a form similar to that used in biochemistry,
where Michaelis-Menten kinetics define the rate of an enzyme-
catalysed reaction in relation to its substrate concentration:
at a concentration greater than the Ks, and with all other how productive and how cost viable is the medium used. Since
nutrients in excess, the microorgan-ism will grow exponentially the cost of the fermentation medium, particularly the carbon
at its maximum rate i.e. when S»Ks, then µ = µmax source, can be a significant proportion of the overall production
However, as the level of this substrate decreases, it eventually cost this in turn will affect the production cost.
becomes limiting and can no longer sustain µmax. This is the Specific Growth Rate (µ) and Maximum Specific
beginning of the deceleration phase. As the residual concentra- Growth Rate (µmax)
tion of the limiting substrate approaches Ks and then falls Determination of µ and µmax is important where prod-uct
below this concentration, there is an accompanying gradual formation is related to growth ie. it is a primary metabolite. To
decrease in growth rate (µ). The growth rafe of a optimize the over-all productivity of the system, the microor-
micro-organism with a very high affinity for a rate-limiting ganism must usually be grown at its maximum potential. As
substrate (i.e. a low Ks) will not be affected until the substrate previously stated, the operating substrate concentration has a
concentration becomes very low. However, where there is a low major effect on the growth rate of a microorganism. By
affinity for the limiting substrate (i.e. a high Ks), the growth performing a series of batch fermentations, each with a different
rate will begin to fall even at relatively high substrate concentra- ini-tial concentration of the limiting substrate, the specific
tions and the organ-ism exhibits a longer deceleration phase. growth rate (µ) for each experiment can be determined. These
Stationary Phase data can then be used to estimate both µmax and saturation
constant (Ks) by simply taking the recip-rocal values in Monod
• The specific growth rate of the microorganism contin-ues
equation and rearranging equation 4.1 to give
decelerating until the substrate is completely depleted.
• Overall growth rate has declined to zero and there is no net
change in cell numbers/ biomass ie. rate of cell division —————6.1
equals rate of cell death.
• Microorganisms are still metabolically active,
Ks S
metabolizingintracellular storage compounds, utilizing 1/ µ = + —————6.2
nutrients released from lysed cells and in certain cases µ max µ max S
produce secondary metabolites.
Ks 1 1
Death Phase 1/ µ = × + —————6.3
µ max S µ max
• Cells die at constant rate and often undergo lysis.
A plot of µmax against l/S should produce a straight line with
Growth Parameters for Process
the intercept on the y-axis at 1/µmax and a gradient equal to
During the development of a batch process, key growth
parameters can be determined that enable the produc-tion of a Continuous Fermentation
given microbial product to be optimized, whether it is the The concept of control in fermentation has its roots in the
biomass itself or a specific metabolite. operation of chemostat, in which a continuous fermentation
process is designed so that one nutrient will be limiting or
Yield Coefficient
Yield coefficient (Y), is determined on the basis of the quantity
of rate- limiting nutrient, normally the substrate converted into Initially, continuous fermentations start as batch cul-tures.
the microbial product. When the batch culture reaches the exponential growth phase, it
can be extended indefinitely by continuous addition off fresh
• In case of biomass production, the yield coefficient relates
fermentation medium. The reactor is continuously stirred and a
to the quantity of biomass produced per gram of substrate
constant volume is maintained by incorpo-rating an overflow
utilized and is depicted by the equation
weir or other levelling device (Fig.). Fresh medium is continu-
x = Yx/s(S – Sr) ——————5.1 ously added and displaces an equal volume of spent
where x = biomass concentration (g/L), fermentation broth and cells at the same rate as fresh medium is
Yx/S= yield coef-ficient (g biomass/g substrate utilized), introduced. Steady -state conditions prevail, where the rate of
microbial cell growth equals the rate at which the cells are
S =initial sub-strate concentraion (g/L), and
displaced from the vessel fermentation growth rate is propor-
Sf = residual substrate concentration (g/L) tional to the dilution rate of the medium.
Therefore, the higher is the yield coefficient, the greater the
percentage of the original substrate converted into microbial
• In case of microbial metabolic products (p) the yield
coefficient is related to the quantity of metabolite produced
in relation to the quantity of substrate used (YpIS).
residual substrate concentration will be low. However as D
approaches µmax the residual substrate concentration increases
along with the growth rate of the microorganism. Beyond D
crit input substrate concentration will be equal to output
concentration, as all the cells have been lost from the system.
The concentration of biomass or microbial metabo-lite in a
continuous fermenter under steady-state conditions can be
related to the yield coefficient. Inserting the equation for residual
substrate (7.8) into the equa-tion 5.1 gives, in this case for
steady-state biomass (xc),
xc= Yx/s (SR- DKs/ µmax.- D) —————7.9
where SR is the substrate concentration of in flowing medium
xc = Yx/s (SR - Sr) —————7.10
Therefore, the biomass concentration under steady-state
conditions is controlled by the substrate feed con-centration and
the operating dilution rate. Under non-inhibitory conditions,
where there is no substrate or product inhibition,the higher the
feed concentration, the greater the biomass concentration and
residual sub-strate concentration remains constant. However,
the higher the dilution rate, the faster the cells grow, which
results in a simultaneous increase in the residual sub-strate
concentration and a consequent reduction in the steady-state
biomass concentration. As D approaches µmax the biomass
concentration becomes even lower, yet the cells grow faster and
there is a concurrent in-crease in the residual substrate concentra-
Review Questions
1. What happens during the lag phase?
2. What’s wrong with the exponential growth model?
3. What is the difference between the specific growth rate (µ)
and the rate of cell increase (dX/dt)?
4. What is meant by the term “Growth Limiting Substrate”?
5. What is the Monod Model and why and when do we use it?
6. How are the Michaelis-Menten equation and the Monod
model related?
7. What are the advantages of continuous bioreactors over
batch bioreactors?
8. What is meant by the term steady state?