Good Lighting For Sports and Leisure Facilities: Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht

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FGL Heft8_englisch 20.03.

2002 11:17 Uhr Seite 3

Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht

Good Lighting for Sports

and Leisure Facilities 8
FGL Heft8_englisch 20.03.2002 11:17 Uhr Seite 4


From soccer by the rising spectator fig- Sport and fitness are a and leisure facility operat-
stadiums to fit- ures registered at sporting major market. At the be- ing costs are kept low by
ness centres – events and the high view- ginning of the new millen- modern energy-efficient
sports and ing ratings of sports broad- nium, membership of the lighting systems. The pay-
leisure amenities casts on television. Here clubs affiliated to the Ger- back time of such systems
are a big investment, costly too, lighting is vital. man Sports Federation is thus short – especially
to build and costly to run. totalled around 27 million. where facilities are well
And the soundness of that So whether sports and What’s more, the organi- patronised, where they add
investment hinges on how leisure amenities are for sation reckons nearly 50 to the recreational profile
much the amenities are indoor or outdoor activities, million Germans do some of the town or region,
used. It takes more than they need good lighting: kind of sport on a regular where they act as a mag-
just architectural allure to for exercise, practice and basis. That is more than net for tourists.
ensure acceptance, how- training, for matches and twice as many as in 1990.
ever. Users need to feel competitions, for spectator And all those people
comfortable, especially events and television appreciate good lighting –
recreational users, most of broadcasts. And the light- because it extends the
whom only have time for ing needs to be designed opening hours of sports
sport in the evenings, i.e. with careful attention to and leisure facilities and
when it is usually dark. That detail, taking account of makes sport more fun.
is where lighting comes in. the nature of the sport in
question, the speed of So it’s nice to know that
Sport is also a popular players’ movements, the good lighting is not expen-
form of recreation for non- size and speed of balls, sive. In both the public and
participants, as evidenced the position of spectators. the private sector, sports
FGL Heft8_englisch 20.03.2002 11:17 Uhr Seite 1


Lighting for sports 2 Special sports halls 12 Service areas 21 Outdoor swimming 29
and leisure facilities shooting • nine-pin entrance areas • ticket pools
bowling • ten-pin dispensers • communi-
General sports halls 4 bowling cation routes • staircases Winter sports 30
handball • basketball • skiing: cross-country,
volleyball • fistball • Fitness studios 13 Service areas 22 downhill, ski jumping •
soccer • combat sports • pay points • bistros • snowboarding • bobsleigh
weightlifting Indoor swimming pools 14 cafeterias • bars and tobogganing • curling
water polo • competitive
General sports halls 6 swimming • synchronised General 24 Lamps 32
hockey • table tennis • swimming • high and sports grounds
badminton • fencing • springboard diving soccer • American Luminaires 34
boxing football • baseball •
Leisure pools 16 hockey • athletics Lighting technology 36
Special sports halls 8 Sports lighting for TV
tennis • squash • Service areas 18 Special outdoor 26
cycling • riding saunas • solaria sports facilities Standards, regulations, 38
tennis • golf • equestrian literature
Special sports halls 10 Service areas 19 sports: riding, racing,
ice hockey • speed showers • lavatories trotting Information from 41
skating • figure skating • Fördergemeinschaft
curling Service areas 20 Special recreational 28 Gutes Licht
changing rooms sports facilities
boccia • mini-golf •
inline skating

Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht
FGL Heft8_englisch 20.03.2002 11:17 Uhr Seite 2

Lighting for sports and leisure facilities

Sports Halls • Sports Grounds

2 3

Sports halls lighting requirements set lines of vision. This is re- Shadows on the pitch
Most sports halls are suit- out in the European stan- commended for non-parti- must not be too harsh.
able for many different dard DIN EN 12193 and on tionable halls too. Floodlight beams should
sports. Some are also used the specific geometry of the therefore overlap. To avoid
for non-sporting events, hall. A regular luminaire Sports grounds deep shadows, all areas of
e.g. events staged by local arrangement is customary. Luminaires suitable for the pitch should be lit from
clubs and associations. Whether luminaires are re- sports ground lighting in- more than one direction.
And sports hall lighting has cessed, surface-mounted or clude round or rectangular
to cater to all the visual re- suspended depends on the floods and spots with
quirements of these diverse height of the hall and the asymmetrical or symmetri-
forms of use. So before nature of the ceiling. Lumi- cal beam. The luminaires
any move is made to de- naires for 26 mm or 16 mm should be mounted on
sign a lighting system for diameter three-band fluo- four or six masts posi-
a sports hall, it has to be rescent lamps and round or tioned at the sides of the
established which sports rectangular spots for metal playing field, which is usu-
are going to take place in halide lamps are a suitable ally rectangular.
it and what other forms of choice. Luminaires used in
use are anticipated (see sports halls need to be Certain sports, such as
“Supplementary lighting for impact-resistant. tennis, are played only on
multi-purpose halls”, Page special courts. These
5). One thing that must al- Lighting is not required only sports often present spe-
ways be ensured is a level to make a sports hall interi- cial visual requirements
of lighting high enough to or bright, however; it should and call for a luminaire
meet the requirements of also ensure an agreeable arrangement which differs
the sport presenting the atmosphere. This applies from the standard sports
most demanding visual especially where a hall is ground solution.
task. used for sports with an aes-
thetic dimension, such as Floodlights should always
Good general lighting dancing, and other, non- be mounted as high as
alone cannot meet all re- sporting events. Lamps of possible so that players “General” and
quirements. Special-pur- warm white or neutral white are not dazzled when they “special”
pose sports halls which are light colour are thus recom- look up at a high-flying
custom-built for specific mended and colour render- ball. The arrangement and Many sports can share
sports, such as tennis, ing should be good to very lighting characteristics of the same facilities; others
squash, riding or shooting, good (colour rendering in- the luminaires determine – such as tennis – require
need supplementary light- dex Ra ≥ 80). the glare situation for play- facilities which are specifi-
ing. This is essential for ers and spectators, whose cally designed for them.
performance of the visual In partitionable sports halls, visual requirements must In this booklet, a distinc-
tasks presented by the direction of play and main always be considered in tion is thus made between
sport in question. lines of vision swing any appraisal of the light- general and special
through 90 degrees when ing. Some floods may need sports halls and general
The arrangement of lumi- the hall is divided. Here, to be adjusted or shielded. and special sports
naires needed for general luminaires need to be Glare cannot be ruled out grounds.
lighting depends on the glare-suppressed for all altogether, however.

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Lighting requirements colour rendering, glare Reference areas illuminance requirements

On the following pages are limitation and the refer- DIN EN 12193 defines mostly relate to the Princi-
tables showing the key ence areas used to define reference areas for each pal Area of the sport.
minimum lighting require- standard requirements. type of sport: the Principal
ments of individual sports. Furthermore, it stipulates Area (PA), which is the
The data are taken from the number of points on actual pitch or court, and a
DIN EN 12193. This stan- the reference areas at Total Area (TA), which in-
dard sets out requirements which calculations need to cludes the areas surround-
for other lighting quality be made or measurements ing the pitch or court. Illu-
features, too, such as taken. minance and uniformity of

Lighting classes Table numbers Illuminance maintained at all times.

Lighting requirements for a In a series of tables num- Illuminance (E) indicates Design values should be
youth team soccer match bered A.1 to A.28, DIN EN the amount of luminous at least 25 % higher than
are not as high as those 12193 describes the light- flux from a light source service values.
for a national team game. ing quality requirements of falling on a horizontal or
To meet these diverse re- the 60 most popular sports vertical plane. It is meas- Lighting uniformity
quirements for players and in Europe. To ensure accu- ured in lux (lx). The mini- For good vision, it is im-
spectators, DIN EN 12193 rate reference to these ta- mum values for horizontal portant to ensure not only
sets out three lighting bles and to other planning (Eh) and vertical (Ev) illumi- the requisite level of light-
classes with different light- aids in the standard, the nance defined in DIN EN ing but also an even distri-
ing criteria. The values numbers assigned to the 12193 apply to the Princi- bution of lighting: pro-
stated are minimum re- tables in this booklet are pal Area (PA). nounced patches of light
quirements. The higher the identical to those of the ta- The tables set out mean and shade overtax the hu-
competition level and the bles relating to the same (av = average), horizontal man eye because of the
farther spectators are away sports in the standard, e.g. (Eh,av) and vertical (Ev,av) need for constant adapta-
from the action, the higher A.14 for baseball. illuminance values. Unless tion. Uniformity of illumi-
the lighting class required stated otherwise, mean nance (horizontal and ver-
(see table). vertical illuminance should tical) is expressed as the
be at least 30 % of hori- ratio of minimum (Emin) to
Lighting class I: zontal illuminance. Illumi- mean (Eav) or minimum
Top-level competition nance values are service (Emin) to maximum (Emax)
events, top-level training values, which need to be illuminance.

Lighting class II:

Medium-level competition A.14
events, power training
Class Horizontal Horizontal
Lighting class III: illuminance illuminance
Simple competition events (diamond/infield) (field/outfield)
(usually no spectators), Eh,av Eh,min/Eh,av Eh,avEh,min/Eh,av
general training, general lx lx
school and leisure sport l 750 0.7 500 0.5
ll 500 0.7 300 0.5
lll 300 0.5 200 0.3

Lighting for TV broadcasts

Lighting needs to meet special requirements for tele-

vision broadcasts and video recordings made for train-
Level of competition Lighting class ing purposes. Thanks to today’s high-resolution camera
technology, standard-compliant lighting is generally ade-
l ll lll quate for training video recordings. Professional televi-
International/national • sion, however, calls for special lighting systems designed
Regional • • and installed by specialists. For good TV pictures, key
Local • • • quantities are vertical illuminance, colour temperature
Training • • (light colour) and the colour rendering properties of
School/leisure sport • lamps (see Page 37).

Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht
FGL Heft8_englisch 20.03.2002 11:17 Uhr Seite 4

General sports halls

Handball • Basketball • Volleyball • Fistball • Soccer • Combat Sports • Weightlifting

Ball sports are often team A.2

Handball •
sports: handball, basket-
Basketball • Volleyball1
ball, volleyball, fistball –
Fistball • Soccer
and the most popular
Combat Sports
team sport worldwide,
soccer. Even indoors,
fields of play are larger Class horizontal
than for many other sports illuminance
because they need to ac- Eh,av Eh,min/Eh,av
commodate greater num- lx
bers of players. For a good l 750 0.7
clear view of the entire ll 500 0.7
pitch or court, it is impor- lll 200 0.5
tant to ensure uniform illu-
mination throughout the 1
Luminaires should not be
hall. positioned directly over
the court.
To guard against glare for
eyes following high-flying 4

balls, luminaires for a vol- play. Nor should lumi-

leyball court should not be naires be positioned within
mounted on the ceiling di- a four-metre radius of bas-
rectly above the field of ketball baskets.

6 5

In the case of combat

sports, good visual condi-
tions are particularly im-
portant because athletes
need to monitor each
other’s movements con-
stantly and be on guard
against sudden attack.
Even the slightest move-
ment can signal an as-
sault; fast reactions are
vital to avoid defeat. For
this reason, the same hori-
zontal illuminance values
are required for sports like
karate, judo and wrestling
as for normal ball sports.

Weightlifting is another
sport calling for strength
and concentration. Lighting
requirements are thus the
same as for combat

FGL Heft8_englisch 20.03.2002 11:17 Uhr Seite 5

Supplementary lighting
for multi-purpose halls
For economic reasons, it
may make sense to design
a new building – or re-
equip an existing one – as
a multi-purpose hall from
the outset, rather than have
just a sports hall. It will
then have various possible
uses: as a lecture hall or
exhibition room, as a
venue for club events or
stage performances, as an
assembly hall for festive

Multi-functional halls need

multi-functional lighting:
general lighting should be
dimmable and backed by
supplementary lighting
systems on separate cir-
cuits with a lighting control
system customised to 9

meet requirements.

Important: All multi-pur-

pose halls are also sports
halls, so all luminaires
must be impact-resistant.
Luminaires which do not
meet this requirement, e.g.
spots for stage-lighting in-
stalled less than 5 metres
above floor level, need to
be removed for sporting

A multi-purpose hall used

for sports and entertain-
ment, arts events and
social gatherings.

11 12

Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht
FGL Heft8_englisch 20.03.2002 11:17 Uhr Seite 6

General sports halls

Hockey • Table Tennis • Badminton • Fencing • Boxing

Hockey is a sport involv-

ing a small fast-moving
ball. Even smaller is the
ball used in table tennis.
And those balls change
direction fast, too. So, for
these sports, DIN EN
12193 requires 300 lx illu-
minance even for school
and leisure sport (Lighting
Class III).

For competition table ten-

nis, four floodlights are re-
quired per table. These
need to be mounted later-
ally so they do not dazzle
players or cause disturbing
reflections on the table.
What’s more, the area sur-
rounding the table-tennis
table needs to be illumi-
nated for players to a
depth of as much as five

Badminton is played with

a shuttlecock, which is also
small and fast. To guard
against players being
dazzled when they look
up at a high-arcing shuttle,
luminaires should not be
mounted directly over the
court. For both badminton
and table tennis, adequate
vertical illuminance needs
to be provided at high
levels to prevent camou-
flage zones which would
make it hard for the eyes
to follow the trajectory of
the shuttle. This ensures
that the shuttle is easy to
identify by a receiving
player even at the highest
point of its trajectory.

One of the hallmarks of

fencing is lightning-fast
movement. And because
of the fineness of the foil
blade and the fact that the
principal visual task is fo-
cused on the opponent’s
torso, DIN EN 12193 re-
quires heightened vertical


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Hockey • Table
Tennis • Badminton
Class Horizontal

Eh,av Eh,min/Eh,av
l 750 0.7
ll 500 0.7
lll 300 0.7

Class Horizontal Vertical
illuminance illuminance

Eh,av Eh,min/Eh,av Ev,av Ev,min/Ev,av

lx lx
l 750 0.7 500 0.7
ll 500 0.7 300 0.7
lll 300 0.7 200 0.7

In boxing, the speed and

force of movements in the
ring necessitate horizontal
illuminance values from
500 to 2,000 lx. In addition,
to ensure visual comfort
for boxers, referee and
spectators, DIN EN 12193
requires lamps with good
to very good colour ren-
dering properties. Good
colour rendering is also a
prerequisite for video and
television recording.

The brightly lit ring in the

middle of the hall is vital to
the atmosphere of a box-
ing match. The lighting
here is provided by narrow-
angle luminaires mounted
directly over the ring. Dur-
ing fights, the lighting in A.10
the auditorium is generally
lowered to security level. Class Horizontal Vertical Horizontal
illuminance illuminance illuminance
ring ring training area
Eh,av Eh,min/Eh,av Ev,av Eh,av
lx lx
l 2000 0.8 see 300
ll 1000 0.8 remark 300
lll 300 0.5 300

Remark: Ev should be at least 50 % of Eh.

Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht
FGL Heft8_englisch 20.03.2002 12:10 Uhr Seite 8

Special sports halls

Tennis • Squash • Cycling • Riding


Being a very fast sport, luminaires parallel to the A.4 11.50 m

tennis places high de- sides of the court is the Tennis
mands on players’ visual customary solution. ε ε
acuity. So tennis hall light- Class Horizontal
ing needs to cause little “Lighting lures”. This is an illuminance
shadowing and minimal argument for shop-lighting
10.97 m
glare and should help but it also applies to tennis Eh,av Eh,min/Eh,av
18.30 m
maintain the marked con- halls equipped with light- lx
trast between ball and ing that offers a special l 750 0.7
background. There should degree of comfort: de- ll 500 0.7 18.30 m
be no sharp decline in signed for 750 lx illumi- lll 300 0.5
horizontal illuminance for nance (lighting class I),

several metres beyond the the lighting system permits

sidelines because the a two-stage reduction to
zones flanking the court 500 lx and 300 lx. Players
are frequently used by thus have a choice of dif-
players. ferent lighting levels to suit
23.77 m
36.60 m

their requirements and

To prevent tennis players pocket.
being dazzled when look-
ing at high-arcing balls, Luminaires used in tennis
luminaires should not be halls and squash courts
positioned directly over the need to be impact-resist-
court. The ceiling must ant.
also be luminaire-free as

far as three metres behind

10.97 m
the base line because The diagrams show how
players very often look up luminaires should be posi-
there, especially when tioned outside the court to court
obstacle- illuminated
serving. An arrangement of avoid dazzling players. free area area

FGL Heft8_englisch 20.03.2002 11:17 Uhr Seite 9

When track riders get

going, they can’t stop fast
– especially since their
bikes don’t have brakes.
Even so, they stay as close
as possible to the rider
ahead to get maximum
benefit from his slipstream.
To avoid collisions and
painful falls, riders need to
be able to gauge precisely
what their opponents are
likely to do, even at high
speed. And that calls for
good visual conditions.

The illuminance values re-

quired by DIN EN 12193
apply to the surface of the
track. The 1000 lx vertical
illuminance required addi-
tionally at the finish facili-
18 19
tates the visual task of the
Lighting for squash courts A.1 judges and plays a signifi- A.2
needs to meet very high Squash cant role in determining Cycling
requirements, especially in the quality of photo-finish
terms of uniformity of light- Class Horizontal pictures. Class Illuminance
ing. The rubber ball is illuminance on the track
much smaller than a tennis surface
ball, frequently shoots up- Eh,av Eh,min/Eh,av
wards at angles close to lx Eh,av Eh,min/Eh,av
the vertical and travels at l 750 0.7 lx
speeds up to 200 kilome- ll 500 0.7 l 750 0.7
tres an hour for most of lll 300 0.7 ll 500 0.7
the game. Because the lll 200 0.5
vertical surfaces of the
court permit complex ball
trajectories, players have to
change positions and lines In halls for equestrian
of vision very fast, whilst sports, such as jumping
always keeping track of and dressage, lighting
their opponent’s move- needs to be tailored not
ments. only to the visual require-
ments of human beings
An effective solution here but also to those of horses.
is a single row of lumi- A horse’s twilight vision is
naires parallel to the front very highly developed and
wall and two rows of lumi- it is more sensitive to dif-
naires parallel to the side ferences in light than a
walls. The front wall lumi- human being. So to avoid
naires should have an confusing and upsetting
asymmetrical beam angled the animals, marked lumi-
towards the wall and need nance fluctuations need to
to be well shielded on the be avoided. Owing to dust
players’ side to avoid di- and heightened humidity,
rect glare. Reflected glare all luminaires used in in- A.3
is prevented by positioning door riding arenas should
the luminaires at least a be designed to a higher Class Horizontal Vertical
metre from all walls. degree of protection. illuminance illuminance

Eh,av Eh,min/Eh,av Ev,av Ev,min/Ev,av

lx lx
l 500 0.7 500 0.7
ll 300 0.6 300 0.6
lll 200 0.5 200 0.5

Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht
FGL Heft8_englisch 20.03.2002 11:17 Uhr Seite 10

Special sports halls

Ice Hockey • Speed Skating • Figure Skating • Curling

Indoor ice rinks enable ice- A.1

skaters to train whatever Ice Hockey •
the weather. And as most Figure Skating
rinks are used for all the
different skating sports – Class Horizontal
ice hockey, speed skating illuminance
and figure skating – the
lighting needs to be de- Eh,av Eh,min/Eh,av
signed for the most de- lx
manding: ice hockey and l 750 0.7
speed skating. Any lighting ll 500 0.7
meeting the requirements lll 300 0.7
of these two sports is also
right for recreational ice
skating, for which most in- What counts in curling is
door rinks are used on a ability to gauge distances.
regular basis. For that, players need a
good eye and good visual
Ceiling luminaires should conditions at the rink sur-
be arranged in a uniform face. DIN EN 12193 stipu-
pattern over the surface of lates 200 lx horizontal illu-
the rink. To raise the illumi- minance for all lighting
nance in goal areas for classes. In the “house” or
ice hockey, luminaires can target area, it should be
either be more closely 100 lx higher. To enable
spaced in these areas or players to follow the path
fitted with more powerful of a stone precisely, good
lamps. uniformity of lighting is im-
Because of the speed and
size of the puck used in ice
hockey, it is not always easy
for spectators to follow its
movements. The percepti-
bility of a flying puck can
be significantly improved by
raising the luminance of the
background and creating
better contrast conditions.
The rink surroundings –
including the spectator
stands – should therefore
be bright.

As in other sports halls, the

luminaires used in ice rinks
need to be impact-resistant.

Class Horizontal Horizontal
illuminance illuminance
target/house field of play/rink
Eh,av Eh,min/Eh,av Eh,av Eh,min/Eh,av
lx lx
l 300 0.7 200 0.7
ll 300 0.7 200 0.7
lll 300 0.7 200 0.7

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Speed Skating
Class Horizontal Vertical
illuminance illuminance

Eh,av Eh,min/Eh,av Ev,av Ev,min/Ev,av

lx lx
l 500 0.7 500 0.7
ll 300 0.6 300 0.6
lll 200 0.5 200 0.5

Remark: Glare limitation cannot be defined. Glare can be limited, however,

by careful positioning of luminaires. Vertical illuminance at the finish should
be 1000 lx for photo-finish camera and judges.

25 26

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Special sports halls

Shooting • Nine-Pin Bowling • Ten-Pin Bowling

In shooting and bowling, have the added effect of

participants basically look preventing direct eye con-
in one direction, towards tact with luminaires. For
their target. For good the firing point, indirect
scores, high illuminance lighting is recommended
values are vital. For to avoid reflections on the
archery and shooting with weapon.
crossbow, rifle or pistol,
DIN EN 12193 stipulates Although nine-pin and ten-
1,000 lx for targets 25 pin bowling are sports
metres away and 2,000 lx where participants play to
for targets 50 metres away. win, they are not so much
For nine-pin and ten-pin competitive sports as pop-
bowling, the standard re- ular leisure pastimes. Stan-
quires 500 lx in the area dard-compliant lane light-
of the pins. These values ing facilitates the visual
apply to all lighting class- task for players – but
es. bowlers expect more: they
expect lighting that helps
For archery and shooting create an agreeable at-
ranges as well as for bowl- mosphere. So special at-
ing lanes and their ap- tention should be paid to
proaches, 200 lx horizontal lighting outside the actual
illuminance is adequate for bowling area. Accentuat-
all lighting classes. To per- ing, even indirect lighting –
mit optimum judgment of not too bright, not too A.5
Archery • Shooting • Bowling
distance and firing/bowling low – is the key to an
line, good uniformity of attractive lighting concept Class Horizontal Vertical
lighting is important. Re- here. Recommended light illuminance illuminance
commended for shooting colour: warm white. range/lane pins target target
ranges in particular are re- Eh,av Eh,min/Eh,av Ev,av Ev,av 25 m Ev,av 50 m
flectors angled at 30–40 ° lx lx lx lx
towards the target. These l 200 0.5 500 1000 2000
ll 200 0.5 500 1000 2000
lll 200 0.5 500 1000 2000



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Fitness studios

Fitness studios – either Special lighting comfort is

independent operations achieved where ceiling lu-
or incorporated in sports minaires can be dimmed
centres – offer wide scope for zonal lighting control.
for training. Options range The lighting can thus be
from bodybuilding through better tuned to the needs
personal workout pro- of those training. Being dif-
grammes to gymnastics ferentiated, it also creates
and other forms of group a more attractive scene.
exercise. Workout areas Supplementary accent
with apparatus and exer- lighting with wall lumi-
cise rooms are provided naires, for instance, makes
for the purpose. for a more interesting and
informal atmosphere.
Basically, lighting here
needs to make safe use The lighting concept for
of all apparatus possible. workout areas can also
In workout areas, this calls be adopted for spinning,
for at least 300 lx horizontal power step, stretching
illuminance. The arrange- and back-muscle training
ment of luminaires should rooms. In at least one of
be defined by the appara- the rooms, the light colour
tus. Care must be taken, of the lamps should be
for example, to ensure that warm white and the light-
information on displays and ing dimmable. The low-
monitors is not obscured ered lighting acts as a
by excessive reflected glare. relaxation aid for training
Also, as direct eye contact units involving mental
with luminaires can dazzle, exercises.
asymmetrical beam lumi-
naires mounted outside the
direct glare zone on the
ceiling are a sensible solu-
tion where exercises are
performed face-up.



Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht
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Indoor swimming pools

Water Polo • Competitive Swimming • Synchronised Swimming • High and Springboard Diving

Enhancing the pool

To ensure a sound finan-
cial footing, nearly all in-
door swimming pools are
open to recreational users
as well as water sports
athletes. But recreational
users come with greater
expectations of a welcom-
ing atmosphere. This
needs to be taken into
account when the lighting
system is designed: the
pool experience can be
enhanced by underwater
floodlights, warm-white
lamps setting dot-like
lighting accents, and gen-
eral lighting provided by
luminaires which make a
definite design statement
In the water, athletes of from a pool surface, as by DIN EN 12193 – en- and meet all the technical
different disciplines have well as making for a clear- hances visual comfort and requirements of the task.
different lighting require- er view of the pool bottom. helps create an atmos-
ments. For water polo For synchronised swim- phere which recreational
players, for example, ambi- ming, underwater flood- bathers find congenial.
ent brightness is more im- lights – designed for pool
portant than for competi- use – are imperative. For
tive swimmers, whose recreational bathers, the
attention is focused on their light they cast becomes a A.6
Water Polo • Competitive Swimming • Syn-
lanes. Swimming instruc- decorative pool feature. chronised Swimming • High and Springboard Diving
tors, coaches and pool For competitive swimming
attendants need a good and water polo matches, Class Horizontal Additional requirements
view of the water from the however, underwater flood- illuminance for springboard diving
pool edge. At competitions, lights should be switched
spectators need to be able off. Eh,av Eh,min/Eh,av Eh,av/Ev,av
to see what is happening lx
in the pool from a distance. Good to very good colour l 500 0.7 0.8
rendering by lamps – i.e. ll 300 0.7 0.5
Experience shows that rendering to a standard lll 200 0.5 0.5
good visual conditions for higher than that required
outsiders generally mean
good visibility for athletes,
whatever the discipline.
Lighting requirements can
differ widely, however, from
one indoor pool to another.

Because water reflects

direct incident light so in-
tensely, ceiling luminaires
should be mounted at the
perimeter of pools. Where
this is not possible, reflec-
tions can be reduced by
mounting asymmetrical
beam luminaires over the
water. For small pools,
luminaires installed above
the pool edge suffice.

Underwater lighting also

reduces reflected glare

FGL Heft8_englisch 20.03.2002 12:11 Uhr Seite 15

Diving installations re-

quire supplementary light-
ing. This enhances the
vertical illuminance
throughout the diving area.
Additional lighting is also
required for the judges at
the edge of the pool, who
need to assess the diver’s
performance – especially
at the point of entry – from
the side or from an
oblique angle. Spring-
board diving requires
higher ratios of horizontal
to vertical illuminance.


Assessment plane for verti-

cal illuminance at the point
where the diver enters the

Example of the distribution

of horizontal illuminance in
an indoor swimming pool.


High degree of protection and protection against

Because of humid, chlorinated, even salty air, luminaires
for indoor swimming pools need to meet high standards
of electrical reliability and protection against corrosion.
19.3 m

Operational reliability calls for luminaires designed to

high degrees of protection, at least IP 44 for lamp and
ballast compartment. The high degree of protection and
corrosion-proofing of quality luminaires designed for
such applications ensures long years of service. Impor-
tant note: luminaire fastening elements must also be cor-
rosion-resistant; the most reliable are fastenings made of
austenitic stainless steel. 33.5 m

Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht
FGL Heft8_englisch 20.03.2002 11:18 Uhr Seite 16

Leisure pools


Leisure pool lighting Page 15). But a much finds scenarios ranging
needs to meet the same greater emphasis is placed from the tropical to the
basic requirements as here on ambience and rustic, to the futuristic.
“normal” indoor pool light- lighting atmosphere.
ing, especially in terms of Leisure pools are designed
degrees of protection and for fun both in and out of
corrosion-proofing (see the water. The visitor here

38 39

FGL Heft8_englisch 20.03.2002 11:18 Uhr Seite 17


The higher design require- cades and fountains, grot-

ments of a leisure pool are toes and niches, vegetation
met by arrangements of and stone. The dramatic
elegant luminaires and a lighting provided by con-
considered choice of light cealed and conspicuous
sources and light colour. luminaires can be supple-
In the water, underwater mented by wallwashing or
floodlighting adds a magi- highlighting areas of the
cal note to a soothing and ceiling.
stimulating world of cas-

42 43

Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht
FGL Heft8_englisch 21.03.2002 13:20 Uhr Seite 18

Service areas
Saunas • Solaria

We take a sauna to re-

charge our batteries. So
the surroundings should
be restful. For the lighting
designer, this means: ele-
gant luminaires and accen-
tuating light, bright for safe
passage between sauna,
plunge pool and shower,
dimmed for rest rooms.
Throughout the sauna
complex, hygiene require-
ments are high. Extra lumi-
naires should therefore be
installed in all zones to
raise the lighting level to at
least 300 lx for cleaning.

Inside the sauna itself,

special luminaires are re-
quired. These are supplied
by the sauna manufacturer.
In the immediate vicinity of
the sauna, the humidity of
the air calls for luminaires
designed to a higher de-
gree of protection – at least
IP 44. Downlights for com-
pact fluorescent lamps are
a stylish solution.

General lighting for

solarium service areas
also needs to be designed
with care. Lamps must
have good to very good
colour rendering properties
– also a requirement for
sauna surroundings – so
that changes in skin tone
are readily discernible.
Recommended light
colour: warm white.


45 46

FGL Heft8_englisch 20.03.2002 11:18 Uhr Seite 19

Showers • Lavatories

In showers and lavatories, degree of protection IP X5

hygiene is a prime require- (protected against jets of
ment. Although the rele- water) is required. In all
vant standards stipulate a cases, luminaires must
minimum of 100 lx illumi- only be operated here on
nance, 300 lx is recom- protective extra-low volt-
mended for hygiene rea- ages up to 12 Volts.
sons. This avoids any im-
pression of lack of cleanli- Lamps with good to very
ness. Also, 300 lx is a min- good colour rendering
imum requirement for en- properties reliably repro-
abling cleaning personnel duce all colours – even in
to perform their visual task a mirror illuminated from
properly. both sides (see Page 20).
Recommended light
As in all damp interiors, colour: warm white. Since
luminaires installed in showers and lavatories are
showers and lavatories often windowless rooms
need to be designed to an where lights remain on for
appropriate degree of pro- long periods, three-band
tection. Where spraywater fluorescent lamps (26 mm
is a hazard, this is IP X4. or 16 mm diameter) and
Where shower heads in compact fluorescent lamps
the wet zone of shower make for economical oper-
rooms are not mounted in ation.
fixed positions, the higher



49 50

Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht
FGL Heft8_englisch 20.03.2002 11:18 Uhr Seite 20

Service areas
Changing Rooms

For changing rooms, the

relevant standards stipu-
late a lighting level of at
least 100 lx. For greater
comfort and convenience,
however, 300 lx is recom-
mended. The higher light-
ing level makes items in
lockers or sports bags
easier to find, for example.
It also heightens users’
sense of security and
avoids any impression of
lack of cleanliness. Accent
lighting makes for a less
clinical lighting atmosphere,
enhancing visual comfort
and improving the visual
appeal of the room.

For economical general

lighting in communal
changing rooms, three-
band fluorescent lamps
(26 mm or 16 mm dia-
meter) are a particularly
suitable option. For in-
dividual changing cubicles,
more light sources are
needed to provide ade-
quate lighting. Here, down- Mirror lighting
lights or other ceiling lumi-
naires for compact fluores- Two luminaires are
cent lamps – always one needed to ensure
over each cubicle – are shadow-free reflections
the right choice. Lumi- of a face. These must be
naires and spots for 230 V mounted on either side
and low-voltage tungsten- of the mirror. For larger
halogen lamps can be mirrors, this side-lighting
used for accent lighting. can be usefully supple-
mented by luminaires
over the mirror. All lumi-
naires need to be de-
signed for glare-free




FGL Heft8_englisch 20.03.2002 11:18 Uhr Seite 21

Entrance areas • Ticket Dispensers • Communication Routes • Staircases

Operating costs: lower

than one might think

Because corridors and

staircases are generally
windowless rooms and
thus require maintained
lighting, many sports facil-
ity owners worry about
high operating costs. In
actual fact, these costs
are not high: where 100 lx
horizontal illuminance is
boosted to 200 lx, the
electricity consumed to
light a 10-metre corridor
for 12 hours costs just
E 0.12 more, which is
approximately the cost of
one kilowatt-hour. This
calculation is for energy-
sensitive lighting provided
by recessed prismatic-
panel luminaires, three-
band fluorescent lamps
and electronic ballasts

Every sports facility has the way to pay points, cient for orientation. How- to identify potential haz-
communication routes, e.g. spectator stands, toilets. ever, this minimum re- ards. It also enables
corridors, passageways Route-marker systems can quirement stipulated in people to gauge more
and access zones, as well be additionally installed; standards is based on the accurately what other
as an entrance area with modern LED (Light Emit- assumption that communi- persons are likely to do.
pay point(s). Here too, ting Diode) systems are a cation routes are frequent-
good lighting is a must particularly energy-efficient ly used and therefore Care should also be taken
because the image of the choice. familiar. For visitors, on communication routes
entire facility is shaped by to ensure good uniformity
the quality of the service of lighting. Ceiling or wall
area lighting. Athletes and luminaires with compact
spectators certainly don’t fluorescent lamps or tubu-
feel comfortable in a base- lar three-band fluorescent
ment or warehouse atmo- lamps are recommended.
sphere. These energy-efficient
lamps reduce operating
Entrance areas make a costs, especially where
crucial first impression, maintained lighting is
especially on spectators. required for windowless
But athletes naturally like corridors.
a cheerful reception, too.
So the lighting should be Accentuating lighting in
designed accordingly, with corridors, e.g. wall-wash-
particular care taken to ing, raises vertical illumi-
ensure the right lighting nance and thus enhances
atmosphere in waiting visual comfort. Stairs are
areas and rest zones. At correctly illuminated from
ticket dispensers, extra the landing above to
vertical illuminance makes create the short soft
information on monitors shadows needed to enable
and displays easier to read. Staircase lighting and though, 200 lx is more each stair to be clearly
lighting for corridors and comfortable and safer. This distinguished from the one
Entrance zone lighting passageways needs to is because the higher illu- below.
facilitates orientation, divid- help make communica- minance – without sub-
ing large open areas into tion routes safe. Generally stantially adding to operat-
sections and indicating speaking, 100 lx is suffi- ing costs – makes it easier

Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht
FGL Heft8_englisch 20.03.2002 11:18 Uhr Seite 22

Service areas
Pay Points • Bistros • Cafeterias • Bars


At reception and catering track meet the general

counters, correct lighting lighting requirements. A
facilitates communication second or third lighting
between customers and system, e.g. wallwashers
staff. Adequate general or pendant luminaires
brightness and stimulating assigned to tables, can
accent lighting make these then be used to furnish
zones an attractive place accent lighting.
to spend time before and
after sport. Sometimes, At bars too, a stimulating
computerised tills with lighting atmosphere is
monitors stand on or be- desirable. This can be
hind the counters. Here provided by a combination
too, the lighting needs to of accent and indirect
be correct: no reflections lighting. The recommend-
on screens, adequate light ed light colour for catering
on keyboards or keypads, establishments is warm
cash drawers and contents white. Lamps with good to
particularly well lit. very good colour render-
ing properties make food
Lighting for bistros and and drinks look appetising.
cafeterias needs to be
attuned to the architectural the service area low-key. ber of luminaires of the
surroundings. Primary Extra light, however, can same type is generally
design objective: customer be usefully provided to enough. In larger rooms,
comfort. To achieve this, emphasize the tables. In ceiling luminaires or spots
the lighting needs to keep small rooms, a small num- and luminaires on power

FGL Heft8_englisch 20.03.2002 11:18 Uhr Seite 23



Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht
FGL Heft8_englisch 20.03.2002 11:18 Uhr Seite 24

General sports grounds

Soccer • American Football • Baseball • Hockey • Athletics

Most sports grounds –

in Europe at least – are
designed for soccer. So,
to accommodate the
world’s most popular sport,
105 x 68 m have become
standard dimensions. The
size of field needed for
baseball or fistball, hockey
and American football
varies but the lighting
requirements for these
sports are the same as
those for soccer.

The distances a player

needs to see on the pitch
rarely exceed 100 m. So
for training and recreation-
al soccer (Lighting Class I),
DIN EN 12193 stipulates
a low 75 lx horizontal illu-
minance. For competition
matches with spectators,
however, much brighter
lighting is required be-
cause lines of sight for
spectators can be consid-
erably longer than for play-
ers. The same applies to
American football.

American Football
Class Horizontal

Eh,av Eh,min/Eh,av
l 500 0.7
ll 200 0.6
lll 75 0.5


Training pitch Competition pitch

FGL Heft8_englisch 20.03.2002 11:18 Uhr Seite 25

Baseball and hockey, For baseball, the DIN EN

which are played with standard makes a distinc-
relatively small balls, have tion between infield (dia-
higher visual requirements mond) and outfield. Most
than football so they need of the action in baseball
higher levels of illuminance. takes place in the dia-
What is more, to enable mond, where catcher and
players to judge the speed batter are positioned and
of the ball accurately, uni- perform the moves crucial
formity of lighting is particu- to the game.
larly important. This should
be no less than 0.7 (base-
ball: diamond) for all light-
ing classes.

A.22 A.14
Hockey Baseball
Class Horizontal Class Horizontal Horizontal
illuminance illuminance illuminance
(diamond/infield) (field/outfield)
Eh,av Eh,min/Eh,av Eh,av Eh,min/Eh,av Eh,av Eh,min/Eh,av
lx lx lx
l 500 0.7 l 750 0.7 500 0.5
ll 200 0.7 ll 500 0.7 300 0.5
lll 200 0.7 lll 300 0.5 200 0.3

For sports pitches with A.13

surrounding athletics Athletics Avoiding light pollution
facilities, the sports ground
lighting system needs to Class Horizontal Where local residents are disturbed by light from sports
be suitably dimensioned. illuminance grounds shining onto their properties, they have a right
As a general rule, a six- to complain. So the risk of “light pollution” should be
mast system will suffice Eh,av Eh,min/Eh,av eliminated at the design stage. This involves precisely
but more floodlights and lx calculating mounting heights and, if necessary, using
more powerful lamps are l 500 0.7 asymmetrical spotlights with a horizontal light exit open-
required. ll 200 0.5 ing for low-pollution beam control.
lll 100 0.5
Additional glare limitation In Germany, protection against disturbance by light
measures should be con- immissions is afforded by the Federal Ambient Pollution
sidered for each athletic Control Act. But neither the act nor its implementing
discipline. Care should regulations set out any actual ceilings or limits. However,
be taken, for example, to details of useful methods of monitoring and assessing
ensure that no floods are light pollution, together with maximum admissible levels
positioned in the main line based on them, can be found in publications by the
of vision at the pole-vault. Deutsche Lichttechnische Gesellschaft (LiTG) e.V. (see
Another special require- Page 38). The ambient pollution control committee of
ment: 1,000 lx illuminance Germany’s federal states (Länderausschuss für Immis-
is needed at the finish on sionsschutz – LAI) has incorporated these methods and
running tracks to enable ceilings in its guideline “Measurement and assessment
judges to reach reliable of light immissions” and recommends that they should
decisions and ensure that be applied by environmental protection agencies.
the photo-finish camera
provides clear pictures. 65

Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht
FGL Heft8_englisch 20.03.2002 11:18 Uhr Seite 26

Special outdoor sports facilities

Tennis • Golf • Equestrian Sports: Riding, Racing, Trotting


Class Horizontal

Eh,av Eh,min/Eh,av
l 500 0.7
ll 300 0.7
lll 200 0.6


Illuminated tennis courts Also important: the ball

have high recreational must always be uniformly
value. In summer, players illuminated as it flies over
can make use of cool the court. This is essential
evening hours; in spring to enable players to judge
and autumn, they can play speed and trajectory with
long after the sun has set. accuracy. Wide-angle
For tennis courts outdoors, floodlights are therefore
the same lighting require- recommended, mounted
ments apply as for indoor high enough to prevent
courts (see Page 8). players being dazzled.

Outdoors, however, special Added comfort and con-

care needs to be taken to venience is assured if the
ensure good contrast be- lighting system is designed
tween tennis ball (bright) to permit a two-stage re-
and background (dark). To duction in lighting level,
prevent players finding the from the 500 lx illumi-
contrast too marked, how- nance required for Lighting
ever, the background at Class I to 300 lx and 200
the ends of the court lx. Players thus have a
(screen) should not be choice of different lighting
too dark. levels to suit their require-
ments and pocket.

FGL Heft8_englisch 20.03.2002 11:18 Uhr Seite 27

Newcomers to golf start by eye on the ball, however,

practising their swing on is something every golfer
the driving range. Artificial needs to learn. To permit
lighting extends opportuni- this, floodlights should be
ties for practice after dark positioned so that ade-
and helps the – often quate vertical illuminance
numerous – players to – e.g. 10 lux – is ensured
keep track of their balls. To up to a distance of 150 m
comply with DIN EN 12193, from the tee.
horizontal illuminance at
the tee should be at least For nine or 18-hole golf
100 lx, vertical illuminance courses, full lighting is
at least 50 lx. rarely provided.

Where lighting is provided

only at the tee, it is impos-
sible to monitor the trajec-
tory of the ball. Keeping an
Golf Driving Range
Class Horizontal Vertical
illuminance illuminance

Eh,av Eh,min/Eh,av Ev,av

lx lx
l – – –
ll – – –
lll 100 0.8 50

Lighting for outdoor fied by judges, trainers

equestrian sports facilities and spectators. As in in-
is provided by spots and door riding arenas (see
luminaires mounted on Page 9), good uniformity of
one or several high masts, lighting is a prime require-
depending on the size of ment in outdoor facilities
the facility. The higher the for equestrian sports. The
luminaires are mounted, speed of horse-racing
the lower the risk of glare. makes high horizontal
For racecourses, well- illuminance up to 750 lx
shielded column lumi- necessary on the finishing
naires at low mounting straight. For other equestri-
heights are also suitable; an sports facilities (dres-
they are arranged parallel sage, show-jumping
to the course. arena), 500 lx (Lighting
Class I) is the maximum
In both cases, care must required.
be taken to ensure ade-
quate vertical illuminance
on riders and horses so
they can be clearly identi-
A.24 A.13
Horse-racing • Trotting Riding
Jumping • Dressage
Class Horizontal Vertical Vertical
illuminance illuminance illuminance Class Horizontal
finishing straight back straight and bends illuminance
Eh,av Eh,min/Eh,av Ev,av Ev,min/Ev,av Ev,av Ev,min/Ev,av
lx lx längs quer lx längs quer Eh,av Eh,min/Eh,av
l 200 0.6 750 0.6 0.4 500 0.6 0.4 lx
ll 100 0.4 300 0.6 0.4 200 0.6 0.4 l 500 0.7
lll 50 0.2 100 0.3 ll 200 0.5
lll 100 0.5

Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht
FGL Heft8_englisch 20.03.2002 11:18 Uhr Seite 28

Special recreational sports facilities

Boccia • Mini-Golf • Inline Skating

On a dark evening, boccia naires set at low mounting A.20 A.13

Boccia* Speed skating*
players can only get their heights and bollard lumi-
balls close to the boccino, naires. They need to be Class Horizontal Class Horizontal
or jack, if there is adequate well shielded, i.e. designed illuminance illuminance
lighting available. Aside to direct the light onto the
from 200 lx illuminance putting surface without Eh,av Eh,min/Eh,av Eh,av Eh,min/Eh,av
(Lighting Class I), lighting dazzling the players. Also, lx lx
uniformity is extremely im- especially on large cours- l 200 0.7 l 500 0.7
portant for this visual task. es, path luminaires can be ll 100 0.7 ll 200 0.5
installed to provide addi- lll 50 0.5 lll 100 0.5
The term mini-golf covers tional lighting for the areas
a variety of games, some between holes. * Also applicable to mini-golf * Also applicable to inline skating
more standardised than
others. Distinguished by DIN EN 12193 does not set
the size, shape and surfac- out specific lighting re-
ing of their six to twelve quirements for mini-golf.
metre long “greens”, they These can be taken to be
can be anything from a the same as for boccia,
relaxing bit of fun to an however, because the size
intensely competitive sport. of the ball and the nature
But however serious the of the visual task are simi-
players, mini-golf is often lar.
played after dark.

Apart from skill and luck,

players need good visual
conditions to get round a
mini-golf course in the
fewest shots possible.
Recommended lighting
solutions are column lumi-



Inline skating has almost oval tracks are spots and uniformity and minimum
entirely superseded roller- luminaires on one or more glare.
skating and is an activity masts, depending on the
frequently performed on a size of the facility. DIN EN In the case of half-pipes,
half-pipe. 12193 makes no specific the lighting designer must
stipulations regarding light- also take care to ensure
In Germany, most of the ing for such facilities. The that no shadows which
skating facilities for which lighting requirements are could interfere with the
lighting is provided are similar to those of speed visual task are created on
those used for competi- skating outdoors (Table the riding surface.
tions. Recommended A.13). Particularly important
solutions for their usually features are good lighting

FGL Heft8_englisch 20.03.2002 11:18 Uhr Seite 29

Outdoor swimming pools

The lighting requirements

defined in DIN EN 12193
for indoor swimming pools
(see Page 14) apply also to
pools outdoors. In Germany,
not many water sports are
played in the dark (because
of the weather, swimming
training is sometimes held
indoors even in the sum-
mer). So few outdoor
swimming pools are fur-
nished with standard-
compliant lighting – with
the exception of leisure
pools, thermal baths and
private pools. Underwater
floodlights, which make for
better visibility in the water,
are a must here.

In the immediate vicinity of

outdoor pools, bollard lumi-
naires or path luminaires on
short columns ensure that
the brightness of the under-
water lighting continues
over the edge of the pool
and that visual contact is
possible in every direction.
Access routes to the pool
can be marked and illumi-
nated by orientation lumi-

Outdoor swimming pools
Class Horizontal Higher requirement
illuminance for diving

Eh,av Eh,min/Eh,av Eh,min/Ev,av

l 500 0.7 0.8
ll 300 0.7 0.5
lll 200 0.5 0.5

Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht
FGL Heft8_englisch 20.03.2002 11:18 Uhr Seite 30

Winter sports
Skiing: Cross-country, Downhill, Ski Jumping • Snowboarding • Bobsleigh and Tobogganing • Curling

In winter, days are short. enable coaches and spec-

So for athletes, being able tators to reach the course
to train whatever the time safely.
of day is a big advantage.
Winter sports enthusiasts In the case of downhill ski-
profit, too, where facilities ing, athletes of all disci-
are able to stay open plines need light from the
longer. Illuminated facilities beginning to the end of
make a resort more attrac- the run. So the whole piste
tive and boost its long- should be uniformly lit. The
term tourist prospects. reference plane for hori-
zontal illuminance is the
Lighting is particularly surface of the snow.
useful for cross-country Snowboarding has exactly
skiers, who need long the same requirements.
training sessions to im- Lifts need to be separately
prove stamina. Experience lit at beginning and end;
shows that the swathe of on the way up, scattered
course lighting for com- light from piste lighting
petitions should be four gives users an adequate
metres wide. To enable sense of security.
spectators to follow the
action properly, illumi-
nance levels at the finish
need to be higher than
those required by DIN EN
12193. Lighting for access
routes is also important to

FGL Heft8_englisch 20.03.2002 11:18 Uhr Seite 31

Alpine/Freestyle Skiing • Ski-jumping
Class Illuminance Illuminance Illuminance
alpine/freestyle takeoff landing area
Eh,av Eh,min/Eh,av Eh,av Eh,min/Eh,av Eh,av Eh,min/Eh,av
lx lx lx
l 100 0.5 150 0.5 300 0.7
ll 30 0.3 150 0.3 200 0.6
lll 20 0.2 120 0.3 200 0.6

Two moments are crucial

for a successful ski jump:
the moment of take-off at
the bottom of the hill and
the landing. So the quality
of lighting at those two
points is especially impor-
tant. To be able to judge
touch-down points accu-
rately as early as possible,
jumpers need good unifor-
mity of lighting in the land-
ing area: for the highest
lighting class, a rating of
0.7 is required. Illuminance
at the take-off should be at
least 30 percent as high
as in the landing area.
Illuminance on jump hills
is measured on the sur-
face of the snow.

Negotiating the steep runs

used for bobsleigh racing
and tobogganing calls for
skill and a sensitive touch.
76 At high speed, the slightest
Cross-country of movements make the
skiing difference between victory
and defeat. So it is ex-
Class Horizontal tremely important for riders
illuminance to be able to gauge every
twist and turn of the run
Eh,av Eh,min/Eh,av accurately.
l 20 0.3 For this reason, relatively Speed skaters (see Page Curling has the same
ll 10 0.3 high horizontal illuminance 28, Table A.13) and ice lighting requirements out-
lll 3 0.1 levels are needed. Also, hockey players prefer doors as it has in an in-
care must be taken to en- indoor facilities (see Page door arena (see Page 10,
sure good uniformity of 10, Table A.1) because the Table A.12): 200 lx horizon-
lighting. Dangerous dark structure of the ice is not tal illuminance on the play-
zones that could interfere dependent on the weather ing surface, 300 lx at the
with the rider’s visual task and is easier to regulate. In target, good uniformity. For
on the descent are thus winter sports resorts, out- facilities specifically de-
avoided. The luminaires door ice rinks are primarily signed for curling, the best
should be positioned an attraction for recreation- lighting solution is a cate-
along the run in such a al ice skaters. Lighting is nary-wire system. The
way that there is no reflect- usually provided by sys- masts are positioned along
ed glare from the surface tems based on four, six or the sides of the relatively
of the ice. more masts. narrow playing area and
the luminaires, for high-
pressure discharge lamps,
are installed on the wires.

Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht
FGL Heft8_englisch 20.03.2002 12:12 Uhr Seite 32


3 16 16

4 17




8 8 8 14 15 12

ac mm

x m
ef 16

flu 16


ou , Ø


ou , Ø

in mp


in p



m m

lu d la

lu la





gh n


hi e-ba

















1 2 3 4 5 86 9 7 10
Lamp type Metal halide lamps Compact fluores- High-pres
Tubular fluorescent lamps
Features cent lamps sodium la
Power rating classes from 70 70 35 70 18 14 24 5 18 50
(Watt) to 2.000 1.000 150 2.000 58 35 80 57 552) 1.000
Luminous flux from 5.200 5.200 3.400 6.100 1.350 1.350 2.000 250 1.200 4.400
(Lumen) to 200.000 95.000 12.700 220.000 5.200 3.650 7.000 4.300 4.800 130.000 4
Luminous efficacy from 74 74 87 86 751) 96 83 50 67 88
(Lumen/Watt) to 100 95 92 108 931) 104 93 76 88 130
Light colour ww, nw, dw ww, nw, dw ww, nw ww, nw, dw ww, nw, dw ww, nw, dw ww, nw, dw ww, nw ww, nw ww
Colour rendering index Ra 60–93 60–93 80–96 60–96 80–89 80–89 80–89 80–89 80–89 20–39 2
Base Rx7s G23/24
E27 E27 E27
G12 Fc2 G13 G5 G5 2G7 2G11
E40 E40 E40
cable Gx24

FGL Heft8_englisch 20.03.2002 12:13 Uhr Seite 33

These two pages show relation to its power

lamps which are suitable consumption and is ex-
for sports and leisure pressed in lumens per
amenity lighting. With the Watt (lm/W). The higher
exception of light colour, the ratio of lumens to
the technical specifications Watts, the more light a
20 21 presented in the table are lamp produces from the
expressed in ranges. Pre- energy it consumes.
cise values for individual
lamps and other specifica- Lamps have different light
tions, such as lamp service colours. These are
life, can be found in manu- classed as warm white
facturers’ lists. (ww), neutral white (nw)
or daylight white (dw),
Power rating class indi- depending on the colour
cates how much power in temperature of the lamps
Watts (W) is consumed by (see Pages 36/37).
the lamp. The operation of
discharge lamps (lamps The colour rendering
13 22 1– 5) requires ballasts, properties of a lamp are
which consume additional defined by its colour
electricity. This power loss rendering index Ra. The
in ballasts is not taken highest value possible is
into account in the table, 100. The lower a lamp’s
except in the case of in- Ra value, the poorer its
duction lamps and energy- colour rendering proper-
saving lamps (lamps 12 – ties.
15), where the power rat-
ings shown include ballast The base provides the
power consumption. mechanical connection
with the luminaire and
Luminous flux is the rate supplies power to the
at which light is emitted by lamp. Basically, there are
a lamp in all directions. It is two kinds of lamp base:
measured in lumens (lm). screw bases, e.g. all E
Luminous efficacy is the bases, and plug-in bases.
measure of a lamp’s ener- Base types are defined by
gy efficiency. It is the lumi- one or more letters and a
nous flux of a lamp in sequence of numerals.






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11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
-pressure Energy-saving Tungsten halogen lamps
Induction lamps Low-voltage tungsten halogen lamps
um lamps lamps 230 V 1) Where lamps are operated by
70 55 100 5 5 40 60 25 5 20 20 35 electronic ballasts (EBs), luminous
400 165 150 23 15 250 2.000 250 150 75 65 100 efficacy is increased to 81-100 lm/W.
Power consumption decreases from
6.800 3.500 8.000 240 200 460 840 230 60 – – – 18 W to 16 W, from 36 W to 32 W
0 48.000 12.000 12.000 1.500 900 4.200 44.000 4.200 3.200 – – – and from 58 W to 50 W.
97 65 48 40 12 14 9 12 – – – 40 W and 55 W only with EB
120 73 65 60 17 22 17 21 – – –
ww = warm white
ww ww, nw ww, nw ww ww ww ww ww ww ww ww ww colour temperature below 3,300 K
9 20–39 80–89 80–89 80–89 80–89 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 nw = neutral white
colour temerature 3,300 to 5,000 K
Fc2 dw =daylight white
special special E27 E27 E27 R7s B15d GY6,35 GU5,3 GU5,3 G35 colour temperature over 5,000 K

Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht
FGL Heft8_englisch 20.03.2002 12:18 Uhr Seite 34


Impact-resistant recessed Impact-resistant surface- Recessed specular louver Pendant luminaire with
sports hall luminaire with mounted ceiling luminaire luminaire with three-band specular louver unit for
grid enclosure, for three- with plastic diffuser panel, fluorescent lamps for three-band fluorescent
band fluorescent lamps. for three-band fluorescent general lighting, with inte- lamps.
lamps. grated emergency light.

Louvered recessed ceiling Surface-mounted ceiling High-bay reflector lumi- Square downlighter for
luminaire with specular luminaire for damp interi- naire for high-pressure high-pressure discharge
louver unit for compact ors, designed for high discharge lamps for lamps.
fluorescent lamps. degree of protection and general lighting in high
with specular reflector for industrial bays.
three-band fluorescent

Impact resistance

Luminaires for sports halls need to be impact-resistant

as defined by DIN VDE 0710-13. This means that if they Degree of protection
are struck by a ball, they must resist damage which
could cause luminaire parts to fall to the ground. In tests The degree of protection to which a luminaire is de-
for compliance with the standard, luminaires need to signed guarantees its operational reliability. Degrees of
withstand 36 shots from three directions with a maxi- protection are indicated by IP codes (Ingress Protection)
mum impact speed of 60 kilometres an hour. The ball ending in two numerals. The first numeral (1 to 6) de-
used is the size of a handball. scribes the degree of protection against solid foreign
bodies, the second (1 to 8) indicates protection against
When selecting luminaires, care must be taken to ensure moisture. The higher degrees of protection also indicate
that the grid spacing of the enclosure is right for the conformity to the degrees lower down the scale. Where
sport in question: always significantly smaller than the a capital “X” appears in place of one of the two numer-
balls used, never large enough to enable balls to be- als, it means “no special requirements” for that form of
come lodged in the grid. protection.

FGL Heft8_englisch 20.03.2002 12:18 Uhr Seite 35

Recessed ceiling down- Recessed ceiling down- Recessed ceiling down- Recessed ceiling down-
light for tungsten halogen light for compact fluores- light with radial specular light for metal halide
lamps. cent lamps for general louver unit for compact lamps.
lighting. fluorescent lamps.

Floodlight for high-power Floodlight with asymmetri- Round floodlight for Underwater floodlight
high-pressure sodium cal beam for high- mounting on masts.
vapour lamps and small pressure discharge lamps.
flood or spot for lower-
power lamps of the same

Wall luminaire for vertical Decorative pendant Luminaire for illuminated Bollard luminaires for low-
or horizontal mounting at luminaire for low-voltage emergency, warning or level lighting (1 – 1.5 m).
mirrors. halogen lamps. other signs with compact Optical control systems
fluorescent lamps and ensure glare-free lighting
single battery. for outdoor steps and

Post-top luminaire for

high-pressure or compact
fluorescent lamps.

Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht
FGL Heft8_englisch 20.03.2002 11:18 Uhr Seite 36

Lighting technology

The language of lighting technology

The basics of lighting technology – including technical

issues not addressed here – are discussed in detail in
Booklet No. 1 “Lighting with Artificial Light” of the series
of publications “Information on Lighting Applications”
(for order forms, see Pages 39/40). Technical terms are
also explained under the “Briefly explained” button on
the website “”.

Illuminance Glare limitation Colour temperature Light colour Emergency lighting

Illuminance (E) is meas- Glare can be caused di- < 3,300 K warm white For sports facilities where
ured in lux (lx) and indi- rectly by luminaires or 3,300 K – 5,000 K neutral white large numbers of people
cates the amount of other surfaces with exces- > 5,000 K daylight white assemble, mains-inde-
luminous flux from a light sively high luminance pendent emergency light-
source falling on a hori- (direct glare); it can also Colour rendering ing is a standard require-
zontal or vertical surface. be caused indirectly by Lamps which radiate the ment. Its purpose is to
The minimum values set light reflecting from glossy same colour light may permit people to leave the
out for mean horizontal surfaces (reflected glare). render the colours of illu- building or complex safely
(Eh) and vertical (Ev) Glare impairs visual per- minated objects differently. in the event of a line
illuminance in DIN EN formance (physiological This is because the power failure. An essential
12193 are service values, glare) and causes visual appearance of colours part of any emergency
which must be maintained discomfort (psychological depends on the spectral lighting system is security
at all times despite lamp glare). composition of the light lighting for escape routes
and luminaire ageing. shining on them. Colour and escape route signs.
To appraise direct glare in rendering is expressed by For large sports stadiums,
Service factor indoor facilities, DIN EN the general colour render- DIN EN 1838 also requires
Illuminance decreases as 12193 recommends using ing index Ra. The best anti-panic lighting. Provid-
lamps, luminaires and the UGR (Unified Glare colour rendering is where ing 0.5 lx horizontal illumi-
room surfaces age. This is Rating) method. For out- Ra = 100. For competitions, nance, this is intended to
something that needs to door facilities, the GR Ra should be at least 65, ensure that people can
be taken into account right (Glare Rating) method for TV broadcasts at least reach escape routes with-
at the planning stage. The should be used. Here, 80. out an outbreak of panic.
service factor used to cal- glare is measured on a
culate new illuminance scale from 10 (practically Uniform coding of Lighting aspects of the in-
requirements on the basis no glare) to 90 (intense fluorescent lamps stallation, operation and
of service value should be glare). For sports and Light colour and colour maintenance of emergency
agreed and recorded by leisure amenities, the rating rendering properties are lighting systems are regu-
designer and operator. should not exceed 50. uniformly coded by all lated in DIN EN 1838 and
Where this is not possible, manufacturers for three- other standards; electrical
DIN EN 12193 recom- Selecting matt surfaces band fluorescent lamps, requirements are set out in
mends a service factor of wherever possible guards “de Luxe” fluorescent DIN VDE 0108. Detailed
0.8. The design value for against reflected glare. lamps and compact fluo- information on this subject
the new system is calculat- rescent lamps: the first of is contained in Booklet
ed by dividing service val- three numerals stands for No. 10 of the series of
ues by 0.8 or multiplying Colour temperature colour rendering property publications “Information
them by 1.25. (light colour) – e.g. “8” for Ra ≥ 80. The on Lighting Applications”
The light colour of a lamp second and third digits in- (available in German only,
Uniformity of lighting is defined by its colour dicate colour temperature: see Page 41).
To enable us to see well, temperature in units Kelvin 27 stands for incandes-
an adequate level of light- (K). For leisure and training cent-grade (2,700 K), 30
ing is essential. But it is facilities, lamps with a for warm white (3,000 K),
also important to ensure colour temperature of 40 for neutral white (4,000
that the light is evenly dis- 3,000 K (warm white) are K), 50 and 65 for daylight
tributed. Uniformity of illu- appropriate. For competi- white (5,000 or 6,500 K). A
minance is expressed as tion venues, 4,000 K lamps neutral white three-band
the ratio of minimum (Emin) (neutral white) are needed. lamp with good colour ren-
to mean (Eav) or minimum And for television broad- dering is thus coded
(Emin) to maximum (Emax) casts, lamps with an even “840”.
illuminance. higher colour temperature
are required.

FGL Heft8_englisch 20.03.2002 11:18 Uhr Seite 37

Lighting and insects Lighting for television cialist lighting designer. For simultaneously boosts the
Artificial lighting attracts In terms of both quantity video recordings of train- quality of the lighting.
insects, so there is a risk and quality, lighting needs ing sessions, adequate
it could interfere with the to meet higher require- picture quality is normally For sports halls, it is re-
natural habits of nocturnal ments for television than achieved with standard- commended that daylight
animals. for athletes and spectators. compliant general lighting. should be systematically
For TV cameras, the action incorporated into the light-
Light with a predominantly on the field needs to be Energy efficiency and ing concept by using day-
yellow/orange spectral illuminated from the side. quality of lighting light-dependent lighting
content is not as attractive The key quality criterion is Experts recommend that management systems.
to insects, nor are lumi- vertical illuminance in the ageing lighting systems – Further information on this
naires which cast most of direction in which the around 15 years old or subject is contained in
their light downwards. In- camera is trained. For a more – should be refur- Booklet No. 12 of the se-
sects’ eyes have a different camera that pans over the bished or, if the overall ries of publications “Infor-
spectral sensitivity from the entire playing area, uni- condition of the system mation on Lighting Appli-
human eye. They respond formity of illuminance in is too poor, completely cations” (see Page 41).
more sensitively to light the direction of the camera replaced. This is because
with a greater blue content, is also important. This state-of-the-art lighting
e.g. the light produced by should be Ev,min/Ev,max = 0.4. systems are more energy-
high-pressure mercury efficient. They also provide
vapour lamps and metal Lamps should have a a better quality of lighting,
halide lamps. Pale moon- colour temperature of at making for e.g. less glare
light, which insects are least 4,000 K (light colour: and less light pollution.
thought to use for orienta- neutral white). For outdoor The refurbishment and up-
tion, also appears much facilities, 5,000 to 6,000 K grading of old systems for
brighter to the insect eye (daylight white) is prefer- greater energy efficiency
than to humans. The light able because this avoids also raises quality of light-
produced by a high-pres- colour shifts in recordings ing. Greater energy eco-
sure sodium vapour lamp, of events which start in nomy can be achieved
however, appears darker. daylight but end after dark. by using lamps with a high
Orange and red spectral luminous efficacy rating,
components produce As for colour rendering, electronic ballasts and
virtually no response. DIN EN 12193 stipulates luminaires with higher light
Ra = 65 as a minimum output ratios. Each of these
A summary of what requirement for lamps energy-saving components
science knows about used for lighting televised
this subject has been events. In practice, how-
published by the German ever, a better grade of Power losses of ballasts
lighting technology society colour rendering is desir- for 58 W fluorescent lamps
Deutsche Lichttechnische able, which is why the in-
Gesellschaft (LiTG) e.V. dex of most lamps used
(see Page 38). for this purpose is Ra ≥ 85.
DIN EN 12193 assigns –38 %
sports to three different – 62 %
groups – A, B and C – on
the basis of speed of
movement and size of ball.
The task of designing
lighting systems for televi- CB LLB EB
sion broadcasts needs to 13 W 8W 5W
be performed by a spe-

Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht
FGL Heft8_englisch 20.03.2002 11:18 Uhr Seite 38

Standards, guidelines, literature

DIN EN 12193 Light and Booklets in the FGL series

lighting – Sports lighting of publications:
(replaced DIN 67526 Parts Booklet 1: Lighting with
Die Beleuchtung
1, 2 and 4 in November Artificial Light mit künstlichem Licht 1
1999) Booklet 10: Notbeleuch-
tung, Sicherheitsbeleuch-
DIN EN 1838 Lighting tung (available in German
applications – Emer- only)
gency lighting Booklet 12: Economical Sich N
Lighting Comfort with Light- erhe otbeleu
itsbe c
DIN 5035 Artificial ing Electronics tung
Part 1: Terminology and Publications by the
general requirements Deutsche Lichttechnische
Part 2: Recommended Gesellschaft (LiTG) e.V.,
values for lighting para- Berlin:
meters for indoor and out- Messung und Beurteilung
door workspaces von Lichtimmissionen
Part 6: Measurement and künstlicher Lichtquellen Wirtschaftlicher Lichtkomfort
evaluation, (Measurement and as- mit Beleuchtungselektronik 12
sessment of light immis-
DIN EN 60598 sions from artificial light
Luminaires sources), Berlin, 1996
Part 1: General require- (LiTG publication 12.2:1996)
ments and tests
Zur Einwirkung von
DIN 18032 Sports halls; Außenbeleuchtungs-
halls for gymnastics, anlagen auf nachtaktive
games and various other Insekten (Impact of
purposes exterior lighting systems
Part 1: Principles for plan- on nocturnal insects)
ning and construction (LiTG publication 15:1997)
Part 3: Testing of safety
against ball throwing These publications by the
Deutsche Lichttechnische
DIN 18036 Ice-sport Gesellschaft (LiTG) e.V.
facilities; ice-sport facilities can be obtained from FGL.
with artificial ice; rules for Please quote “LiTG” when
planning and construction ordering.

DIN 67528 Lighting of Länderausschuss für Im-

parking areas and indoor missionsschutz (LAI):
car parks Hinweise zur Messung,
Beurteilung von Licht-
DIN 67526-3 Sports imissionen, Licht-Leitlinie
lighting (Guidelines for the
Requirements of measurement and assess-
daylighting ment of light immissions),
published as Vol. 4 of the
DIN VDE 0108 LAI series of publications,
Power installations and Erich Schmidt Verlag,
safety power supply in Berlin, 2nd edition 2001.
communal facilities
Fachverband Elektrische
Lampen im Zentralverband
der Elektronik- und Elektro-
industrie (ZVEI) e.V.:
Lebensdauerverhalten von
Entladungslampen für
Beleuchtung (Service life
of discharge lamps for

ZVEI, Stresemannallee 19,

60596 Frankfurt am Main




Back page:
FGL Heft8_englisch

Andreas Kelm: 72

Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht

Klafs Saunabau: 46

Premium Bildverlag: 23, 63

mauritius Bildverlag: 29, 64

Grosser, Erding Therme: 73


Title page: Jörg Hagemann, Lemgo

47, 50, 52–55, 58–60, 61, 65–71, 74–78, 80
13:23 Uhr

Grote+Laleicke: 35, 44–45, 48, 49, 51, 56–57

Lipperlandhalle, Lemgo: 9–11, Michael Arendt

12–13, 15, 18, 21–22, 24–26, 28, 30–34, 36–43,
Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht (FGL): Nr.: 1–8, 9,

Bongarts Sportfotografie: 14, 16, 19–20, 27, 62, 79

Seite 39

Order form
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01 Lighting with Artificial Light (4/93) R 9,–
02 Good Lighting for Schools and Educational Establishments (1/94) R 9,–
03 Good Lighting for Safety on Roads, Paths and Squares (5/00) R 9,– Name, Company, Office
04 Good Lighting for Offices and Office Buildings (3/92) R 9,–
05 Good Lighting for Trade and Industry (4/99) R 9,–
06 Good Lighting for Sales and Presentation (3/02) R 9,–
07 Good Lighting for Health Care Premises (7/94) R 9,– Department
08 Good Lighting for Sports and Leisure Facilities (3/02) R 9,–
09 Prestige Lighting (8/97) R 9,– c/o
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01 Lighting with Artificial Light (4/93) R 9,–
02 Good Lighting for Schools and Educational Establishments (1/94) R 9,–
03 Good Lighting for Safety on Roads, Paths and Squares (5/00) R 9,– Name, Company, Office
04 Good Lighting for Offices and Office Buildings (3/92) R 9,–
13:23 Uhr

05 Good Lighting for Trade and Industry (4/99) R 9,–

06 Good Lighting for Sales and Presentation (3/02) R 9,–
07 Good Lighting for Health Care Premises (7/94) R 9,– Department
08 Good Lighting for Sports and Leisure Facilities (3/02) R 9,–

09 Prestige Lighting (8/97) R 9,– c/o

10 Notbeleuchtung, Sicherheitsbeleuchtung (4/00) G R 9,–
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12 Economical Lighting Comfort with Lighting Electronics (8/96) R 9,– Fördergemeinschaft
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City, Postal Code Postfach 70 12 61
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FGL Heft8_englisch 21.03.2002 13:23 Uhr Seite 41

Information from Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht

Fördergemeinschaft Gutes
Licht (FGL) provides infor-
mation on the advantages
Die Beleuchtung Gutes Licht für Schulen Gutes Licht für Sicherheit Gutes Licht für Büros
of good lighting and offers mit künstlichem Licht 1 und Bildungsstätten 2 auf Straßen, Wegen, Plätzen 3 und Verwaltungsgebäude 4
extensive material dealing
with every aspect of artifi-
cial lighting and its correct
usage. FGL information is
impartial and based on
current DIN standards and
VDE stipulations.

Information on Lighting
The booklets 1 to 15 in this
series of publications are
Gutes Licht für Gutes Licht für Verkauf Gutes Licht Gutes Licht
designed to help anyone Handwerk und Industrie 5 und Präsentation 6 im Gesundheitswesen 7 für Sportstätten 8
who becomes involved
with lighting – planners,
decision-makers, investors
– to acquire a basic knowl-
edge of the subject. This
facilitates cooperation with
lighting and electrical
specialists. The lighting
information contained in
all these booklets is of a
general nature.
Repräsentative Notbeleuchtung Gutes Licht für Hotellerie Wirtschaftlicher Lichtkomfort
Lichtforum Lichtgestaltung 9 Sicherheitsbeleuchtung 10 und Gastronomie 11 mit Beleuchtungselektronik 12
Lichtforum is a specialist
periodical devoted to
topical lighting issues
and trends. It is published
at irregular intervals.
FGL is also on the Internet.
Its website

Gutes Licht für kommunale Ideen für Gutes Licht Gutes Licht
offers tips on correct light- Bauten und Anlagen 13 zum Wohnen 14 am Haus und im Garten 15
ing for a variety of domes-
tic and commercial “light-
ing situations”. These are
linked to a “product/manu-
facturer” matrix which not
only lists products but also
contains the addresses of
more than 140 FGL mem-
bers. Under “FGL publica-
tions”, visitors can view
specimen pages of all
FGL print publications.
Other site features include
hotlinks and a discussion

Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht
FGL Heft8_englisch 20.03.2002 11:17 Uhr Seite 2

Information on
Lighting Applications
Booklet 8

Good Lighting for Sports and Leisure Facilities

Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht

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