Nursery Management of Horticultural Crops
Nursery Management of Horticultural Crops
Nursery Management of Horticultural Crops
Nursery is a place where plants are cultivated and grown to usable size.
The nursery management gained a status of commercial venture where
retailer nurseries sell planting materials to the general public, wholesale
nurseries which sell only to other nurseries and to commercial landscape
gardeners, and private nurseries which supply the needs of institutions or
Since most of the horticultural crops are propagated by the nurseries,
the document covers all the related aspects to nursery for production of
quality planting materials.
Tool and equipments:
Conventional nursery :
Spade, khurpi, watering cane, fork, hoe, garden line,
roller, basket, sirki, polythyne sheet, sprayer, alkathene sheet,
nose-cane, duster, sticks, tags etc.
Plug trays, perforated plastic trays, strip peat pots, nurs-
ery stand, sprinklers, protected structures, water pumping
motor, media mixture, rakers, temperature control devices,
humidity control devices, exhausters, media pressure, seed
Necessity of Nursery:
Seedlings not only reduces the crop span but also in-
creases the uniformity of the crop and thus, harvesting as com-
tected structures.
easily accessible.
pathogenic inoculums.
After sowing the seed in nursery, cover the seeds
Besides, pests like snails, cutworms and termite and mites are
mm thickness during the hot and dry periods. For this soil
days and after that it should be remained open for next 7-10
days for facilitation of formalin emission. Besides, the nursery
costs. Yet seed stocks can affect the yield potential of a crop
Water Management:
to cover a large area, and these systems are the least expensive
Nutrient Management:
free strip at the base of the plants 0.5 to 1.0 metre wide can be
trol with container stock is more difficult than in the field be-
Disease Management:
In nursery beds usually fungal diseases like damping
off and foliar diseases like anthracnose, blight, leaf spot and
tion and plant health reduce pest and disease problems. The
lected information.
planting scout plants for pests in border area and use soaps,
of young and tender plants from heavy rainfall. So, the struc-
a. Technological information:
c. Programme Management:
Nursery production is a programme which requires
e. Transplanting operations:
Hi-tech interventions:
Hi-tech interventions like protected cultivation, micropropagation,
microirrigation, fertigation, use of growth regulators, canopy
management, organic farming, and automatic climatic controls measures
etc. These interventions are used for efficient utilization of inputs and
increasing production.The commercialization of nursery production is
possiblewith efficient and organized marketing structure. This can be
promoted by encouraging participation in Agri-trade fairs, conducting /
assisting market linkage activities etc.
ing the nursery into different blocks and various sections. But
sarily laying out of paths and roads. Each road/ path should
block will not only create confidence among the customers but
Irrigation system:
tion of shade are particularly very useful in arid regions where
the humidity is very low during summer months. The details
of shadenets use is given in the chapter of polyhouses.
These are raised beds or boxes made of brick and mortar, pro-
vided with drainage holes at the bottom. The dimensions of
the boxes are 60 cm high, 120 cm broad and length as required
preferably not exceeding 10 m. Roof structures for planting on
both sides and forming ridges at the centre are constructed on
the top of the nursery beds. These structures may be made
permanent with angle iron or may be made of wood. Move-
able bamboo mats, palm leaf mats are placed over these struc-
tures to protect the seedlin"g from hot sun and heavy rains.
Even shade roofing can be used for this purpose for raising
see dings.
Protected structures
C= Perennial Legume; X= Passion fruit; N=Neem
Fig.3: Proposed layout of commercial nursery for horticulture crops
(CARI, Port Blair)
(200 gauge) supported on bamboo with sutli and nails, the size
of which depends on the requirement and availability of space.
cums like chilly mosaic and leaf curl can also be controlled
prepared for getting the seedlings for one hectare area of main
type net coverings can also be prepared with 1-2 feet height