ISC Class 12 Biology Syllabus: Material Downloaded From - 1 / 18
ISC Class 12 Biology Syllabus: Material Downloaded From - 1 / 18
ISC Class 12 Biology Syllabus: Material Downloaded From - 1 / 18
Class 12
1. Reproduction 16 Marks
TOTAL 70 Marks
i. Reproduction in Organisms
Reproduction, a characteristic feature of all organisms for continuation of species; modes
of reproduction - asexual and sexual reproduction; asexual reproduction - binary fission,
sporulation, budding, gemmule formation, fragmentation; vegetative propagation in
Definition of life span; life span of a few organisms (banana, rice, rose, banyan, butterfly,
fruit fly, tortoise, crocodile, parrot, crow, elephant, dog, horse, and cow).
Asexual reproduction – definition, types (binary fission in Amoeba and Paramoecium,
budding in yeast and Hydra, conidia in Penicillium, zoospores in
Chlamydomonas, gemmules in sponges), definition of clone.
Vegetative propagation – definition, vegetative propagules (tuber of potato, rhizome of
ginger, bulbil of Agave, leaf buds of Bryophyllum, offset of water hyacinth, runner of
grass, sucker of pineapple, bulb of onion).
Sexual reproduction: Plants – definition, phases of life cycle (juvenile/vegetative,
reproductive and senescence), unusual flowering phenomenon (bamboo and
Strobilanthes kunthiana). Animals – seasonal breeders (definition and examples).
Events in sexual reproduction – pre-fertilisation (gametogenesis and gamete transfer in
plants and animals), chromosome number in the cells of house fly, fruit fly, butterfly,
human beings, rat, dog, maize, apple, onion; fertilization (definition, types - external and
internal), post-fertilisation (embryogenesis), definition and example of parthenogenesis,
differences between asexual and sexual reproduction.
ii. Sexual reproduction in flowering plants
Flower structure; development of male and female gametophytes; pollination -
types, agencies and examples; outbreeding devices; pollen-pistil interaction;
NOTE: In the examination, candidates will be tested on any one of the above families.
iii. To study the effect of enzyme (amylase) action at three different temperatures and pH on
starch solution.
Effect of enzyme (amylase/ diastase) action at three different temperatures (low-
below 10oC, optimum - 37oC and high – above 70oC) and pH (acidic, neutral and basic)
on starch solution.
iv. To isolate DNA from available plant material.
Isolation of DNA from spinach leaves, green pea seeds, pulp of banana and papaya. Take
half a ripe and peeled banana into a beaker and add 50 ml of extraction fluid (1.5gm table
salt +10 ml liquid detergent +90 ml distilled water). Place the beaker in a water bath set at
60 °C for 15 minutes. Stir gently with a glass rod. Filter 5ml of cooled content into a clean
test tube and add 5ml of cold 90% ethanol. DNA molecules separate out and appear as
white fibres.
3) Slide preparation
4) Spotting: (three minutes to be given for each spot which includes identification,
drawing a labelled diagram and writing at least two identifying characteristics).
NOTE: Spotting must be done on a separate answer sheet during examination, which should
be handed over to the Examiner immediately after spotting.
The project work is to be assessed by a Visiting Examiner appointed locally and approved by
the Council.
The candidate is to creatively execute one project/assignment on an aspect of biology.
Preference is to be given to investigatory projects. Teachers may assign or students may
i. Genetic disorders
ii. Gene therapy
iii. Human Genome Project
iv. DNA fingerprinting
v. Bio-piracy
vi. Cancer.
vii. AIDS/Hepatitis.
viii. Drug addiction and community.
ix. Role of micro-organisms in industry.
x. Human population.
xi. Mendelian Inheritance
xii. Environmental resistance.
xiii. Traditional and modern methods: Study of a few traditional methods of pest
deterrence vis-a-vis modern methods of pest control - viability of traditional methods in
today's scenario and limitations and dangers of modern methods.
xiv. Role of agrochemicals in increasing food production.